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1951年 △阿尔农(Arnon)确认叶绿体可以产生氧气,合成ATP,固定CO2等。△英国桑格(FrederickSanger)确定胰岛素的分子结构及氨基酸排列顺序。1952年△布里吉斯(Blecgis)研究细胞分化中核与细胞质的关系。△派拉德(Pardee)发现线粒体的构造是梳子状的。△法国外科医生和生物学家亨利拉博里(Henry.Larbely)首次使用氯丙嗪,从此揭开了精神病药理学的新纪元。△美国的盖茨(Gates)合成吗啡。△美国的赫尔希(A.D.Hershy)和蔡斯(M.Chase)实验证明脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)是遗… 相似文献
高尚荫 《Virologica Sinica》1986,(1)
在人们的心目中‘发现’是科学的象征,新发现往往容易受到重视。因此新闻界以新的发展衡量科学。当诺贝尔提出“诺贝尔奖金”条件时是以新的发现为标准,特别是对人类有益的发现。但是如果认为科学仅是事实的累积就会使人发生误解。不论在生命科学或可能同样地,在其他科学,大部分的主要进展是由于引出了新的概念,或改进了已有的概念。认 相似文献
我国著名古生物学家、敬爱的杨钟健教授离开我们已经五年了。记得五年以前,在杨老逝世时,古脊椎所低等四足类研究室的同志们曾噙着热泪立志要继承杨老开创的事业,把这方面的研究搞上去。经过同志们齐心协力,在各个课题上都取得了一定成绩。 相似文献
20世纪生命科学发展速度惊人 ,在众多领域都有新的发现和重大突破 ,2 0世纪取得的这些重大成果 ,使生命科学得到空前的发展和完善 ,为 2 1世纪生命科学的腾飞奠定了坚实的基础。现将 2 0世纪生命科学的重大成果介绍给广大读者。190 0年△俄国生理学家巴甫洛夫 ( I.Pavlov)发表他关于狗的消化生理学的重要著作 ,190 4年获诺贝尔奖。190 1年△奥地利病理学家卡尔·兰德斯坦纳 ( KarlLandsteiner)发现了人的 ABO血型系统。△奥地利的休斯 ( E.Suess)出版巨著《地球的面貌》,书中首次提出“生物圈”这一重要术语。△德国细菌学家贝林 ( Emil… 相似文献
1~3月△新疆生物土壤所科技人员,经过4年努力,引种成功麻黄等23种荒漠珍稀植物,对减少新疆野生植物资源的破坏和沙漠化有重要意义。△北京农大育成良种蛋鸡“农大褐”,每只鸡年产蛋平均278.2枚(重16.65公斤),创我国蛋鸡产蛋的最高纪录。 相似文献
一月△在视觉信息加工和神经网络研究方面,中国科技大学寿天德副教授首先对视皮层方位敏感性细胞进行了迄今为止最详尽的研究,取得一系列成果,修正了美国科学家休伯和威塞的一项获诺贝尔奖的研究成果,改变了三十年来关于方位敏感性只是视皮层细胞的独有功能的传统看法。△上海植物生理所和华南植物所的研究人员,在国际上首先利用酶的固相方法,成功地将高等植物的二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶的亚单位进行了解离和重组,并揭示了这种酶的一些新的结构特征,为未来的蛋白质工程提供了一种重要手段。△上海医科大学通过实验证明,肝癌中存在乙肝病毒的X蛋白。这种蛋白可能通过对细胞基因的转录 相似文献
1~3月△美国华裔科学家胡小乐博士领导的研究小组,已在短尾猴身上试验成功预防艾滋病的疫苗。所有受试猴子在接受疫苗接种后免疫力都大大增加。接受疫苗的受试猴不仅自身不会感染艾滋病毒,并且也不会成为病毒的载体。△英国剑桥农业遗传公司和杜拉姆大学的科学家在雪花莲属(Galanthus)植物中发现一种能杀死蚜虫、粉虱、稻褐飞虱等吮吸植物汁液的害虫的天然蛋白质,并且还找到了制造这种蛋白质的基因。并成功地将这种基因导入烟草和莴苣。 相似文献
1月△美国新墨西哥大学的研究人员,用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)进行基因定序的研究。此法比目前可行的定序方法节省材料,并且快得多。△意大利科学家发现一种能控制神经细胞分化的神经肽——存在于嗅神经中的一种与降钙素相关的肽(CGRP)。△美国科学家发现一种新型蛋白质,通过影响细胞里微管的活动,促进细胞分裂和神经细胞的生长。这种蛋白质取名为“Dynamin”。 2月△加拿大科学家经过10年努力,开发出一种鉴别7日龄牲畜胚胎性别的技术。 相似文献
1月△瑞士苏黎世IBM实验室,研制成功钨针头电子源全息电子显微境。可观察到毫微秒级生命化学过程,为生物学家提供了新的研究手段。△德国拜耳公司花费5亿马克,研制成新药Nimo-top,这种药有良好的抗衰老作用,对治疗早老性痴呆也有显著效果,已正式投放市场。△1月29日,美国国立癌症研究所研究人员对患恶性黑色素瘤的一名妇女和一名男子实施了基因治疗。专家们从患者组织中取出一些“浸润性肿瘤淋巴细胞”,并向这些细胞注入可产生“肿瘤坏死因子”的基因,再将这种经过遗传改造的细胞注入患者体内,使这些细胞自动地转移到癌组织,并在那里产生大量的“肿瘤坏死因子”以杀灭癌细胞。 相似文献
Brett Bannor 《Zoo biology》2003,22(5):489-496
Two important legal milestones concerning liability for keeping animals in captivity occurred in the years 1879–1881. These were the publication of The Common Law by Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the United States Supreme Court's decision in The Congress and Empire Spring Company v. Ann P. Edgar. Holmes declared that the liability one incurs for maintaining potentially dangerous animals is absolute. The Court's decision noted that wild animals not normally considered ferocious, such as deer, can be considered “domestic” under the law if they are tame, with a corresponding reduction in liability. A brief examination is presented of how the doctrine of captive animal liability was modified in the 20th century to reflect the difference between wild animals kept by a private individual and those maintained by a reputable zoological park. Zoo Biol 22:489–496, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
BENGT JONSELL 《Botanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1992,109(4):515-528
JONSELL, B., 1992. Linnaeus in 20th century Sweden. An account is presented of Linnaeus as a national monument in present-day Sweden, the current popular romantic view, scholarly studies on Linnaeus, the natural history tradition in Sweden, the role of Linnaeus in trade and tourism, and the literary tradition. 相似文献
Max Stadler 《New genetics and society》2013,32(3):340-342
Killeen PR 《Behavioural processes》2001,54(1-3):33-52
A scientific framework is described in which scientists are cast as problem-solvers, and problems as solved when data are mapped to models. This endeavor is limited by finite attentional capacity which keeps depth of understanding complementary to breadth of vision; and which distinguishes the process of science from its products, scientists from scholars. All four aspects of explanation described by Aristotle trigger, function, substrate, and model are required for comprehension. Various modeling languages are described, ranging from set theory to calculus of variations, along with exemplary applications in behavior analysis. 相似文献
Tim M. Berra 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1997,50(1):1-12
Of the approximately 1.5 million species described to date, about 48 170 (3.2%) are vertebrates. Of these 24 618 (51%) are
fishes. Amazingly, 41% of fishes are found in fresh water which makes up a negligible percentage of the water on earth. The
sea accounts for 97% of all water on the planet and contains 58% of the fish species, mostly from shallow, warm-coastal areas.
The families Cichlidae, Cyprinidae, Characidae, Loricariidae, and Cyprinodontidae constitute about half of all the recently
described new freshwater fish species named in the period 1978–1993. The Gobiidae and Serranidae are the marine families with
the largest number of recently described new species. The most new freshwater teleost names came from South America (39%),
Africa (32%) and Asia (17%). New fish species continue to be described at the rate of roughly 130–160 each year. An estimated
13 775 new fish names have been proposed in this century, representing about 56% of all currently known fish species. Three
species are discussed in detail to represent remarkable examples of 20th century fish discoveries: the coelacanth Latimeria
chalumnae, the salamanderfish Lepidogalaxias salamandroides of Western Australia, and the megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Abastado P 《Médecine sciences : M/S》2006,22(5):544-547
The discovery of streptomycin is attributed to a microbiologist, Selman Waksman, Nobel Prize 1952, a paternity that was disputed by his collaborator Albert Schatz, who was the first author of the princeps article. Two pioneering clinical studies involved streptomycin, both of which have been widely used as reference works. The first one was English, under the name of Austin Bradford Hill. It inaugurated a randomization in medicine. The second trial was American, and carried out by the Veteran Administration. It made use for the first time of the "control group". The present article analyses the genesis of clinical trials and illustrates the recurrent difficulties encountered in their implementation. 相似文献
Summary This lecture consists of a short appraisal of some of the main features that have characterized the growth of biochemistry during the course of the 20th century. It dwells on the early impacts of vitalism, the emergence and elucidation of the vitamins, the discovery of coenzymes, the concept of active centres of enzymes, the development of experimental techniques (including the use of isotopes), the genetic code, and on the development of molecular biology and closely allied fields of investigation. It concludes with a consideration of the influence of the study of membranes and of neurochemistry on current biochemical thought.Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous examinons brièvement certains des principaux aspects qui ont caractérisé la croissance de la biochimie au cours du 20e siècle. Nous insistons sur les premiers impacts du vitalisme, l'émer-gence et la mise en lumière des vitamines, la découverte des coenzymes, le concept des centres actifs dans les enzymes, le développement des techniques expérimentales (y compris l'emploi des isotopes), le code genetique et le développement de la biologie moléculaire et des domaines étroitement apparentés de la recherche. En conclusion, nous considérons l'influence de l'étude des membranes et de la neurochimie sur la pensée biochimique actuelle.The substance of this paper was presented in the Rossiter Research Conference Structure and Function of Biological Membranes held October 1–4, 1983, at the Geneva Park Conference Centre, Lake Couchiching, Ont.Professor Emeritus (Neurochemistry) at University of British Columbia. 相似文献
The plastic surgeon of the 20th century 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hallock GG 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,107(4):1014-1024