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In eukaryotes, archaea, and in some eubacteria, removal of 3' precursor sequences during maturation of tRNA is catalyzed by an endoribonuclease, termed RNase Z. In contrast, in Escherichia coli, a variety of exoribonucleases carry out final 3' maturation. Yet, E. coli retains an RNase Z homologue, ElaC, whose function is under active study. We have overexpressed and purified to homogeneity His-tagged ElaC and show here that it is, in fact, the previously described enzyme, RNase BN. Thus, purified ElaC displays structural and catalytic properties identical to those ascribed to RNase BN. In addition, an elaC mutant strain behaves identically to a known RNase BN- strain, CAN. Finally, we show that wild type elaC can complement the mutation in strain CAN and that the elaC gene in strain CAN carries a nonsense mutation that results in loss of RNase BN activity. These data correct a previous misassignment for the gene encoding RNase BN. Based on the fact that the original RNase BN mutation has now been identified, we propose that the elaC gene be renamed rbn.  相似文献   

Aloria K  Schilke B  Andrew A  Craig EA 《EMBO reports》2004,5(11):1096-1101
The neurodegenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia is caused by reduced levels of frataxin, a mitochondrial matrix protein. The in vivo role of frataxin is under debate. Frataxin, as well as its yeast homologue Yfh1, binds multiple iron atoms as an oligomer and has been proposed to function as a crucial iron-storage protein. We identified a mutant Yfh1 defective in iron-induced oligomerization. This mutant protein was able to replace functionally wild-type Yfh1, even when expressed at low levels, when mitochondrial iron levels were high and in mutant strains having deletions of genes that had synthetic growth defects with a YFH1 deletion. The ability of an oligomerization-deficient Yfh1 to function in vivo suggests that oligomerization, and thus oligomerization-induced iron storage, is not a critical function of Yfh1. Rather, the capacity of this oligomerization-deficient mutant to interact with the Isu protein suggests a more direct role of Yfh1 in iron-sulphur cluster biogenesis.  相似文献   

A search for pilin genes in a Bordetella pertussis (Bp) genomic library has led to the identification of several clones which hybridize to synthetic oligonucleotides with sequences derived from amino acid sequences of Bp fimbrial subunits. One of these clones (corresponding to a gene we have named fimX) contains an open reading frame encoding a protein with a molecular weight of about 20 kD and a sequence similar but not identical to the fimbrial subunit fim2 and to other fimbrial protein sequences. In this communication we present the cloning and nucleotide sequence of the fimX gene and its homology to the fim2 gene. A genomic analysis on the positional relationship between the two genes is also presented.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis contains two genes encoding the serospecific fimbrial subunit proteins 2 and 3 which are assembled into completed fimbriae, which elicit the formation of agglutinating antibodies. Expression of these agglutinogens can vary independently of each other. A gene library from a B. pertussis strain (fimbrial serotype 0.3) was probed with an oligonucleotide probe specific for fimbrial subunit genes. Three homologous genetic loci were identified; an active fim 3 gene, an inactive fim 2 gene and an unknown fim-homologous region. The fim 3 gene carried on a cosmid produced agglutinating fimbrial structures in B. parapertussis and in variants of B. pertussis which had lost the capacity to produce the agglutinogen. This indicated that cis-acting factors are associated with serotype variation in B. pertussis rather than the production of trans-acting repressor molecules.  相似文献   

The histone H5 gene is flanked by S1 hypersensitive structures.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The potential of the cloned histone H5 gene to form altered DNA structures has been examined by S1 nuclease digestion of supercoiled recombinant plasmids containing up to 8.8 kbp of chicken DNa. The three main nicking sites map at the upstream and downstream sequences flanking the structural gene. The cleavage sites share sequence homology, strand specificity, and do not seem to be single-stranded. The sequence of the S1-sensitive sites does not suggest that the fragments can adopt any of the known DNA secondary structures.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of the central regulatory locus vir of Bordetella pertussis predicts that three gene products, BvgA, BvgB, and BvgC, are encoded. Features of the predicted primary structures of these proteins and their homology to other two-component systems suggest that BvgA is located in the cytoplasm, BvgB is located in the periplasm, and BvgC spans the inner membrane. We have used gene fusions to the phoA and lacZ genes of Escherichia coli to investigate the subcellular localization and membrane topology of these proteins. PhoA fusion proteins were also purified and used to raise antibodies that allowed visualization of the vir-encoded polypeptides by Western immunoblotting. Our results have largely confirmed the predictions of the DNA sequence, with the exception that BvgB and BvgC were found to constitute one larger protein that was homologous to the sensor class of two-component systems. We propose that this protein be named BvgS (for sensor) and that its gene be named bvgS.  相似文献   

The chicken H5 gene is unlinked to core and H1 histone genes   总被引:22,自引:10,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
An H5 cDNA clone was used to select H5 genomal recombinants from a chicken Charon 4A library. DNA sequence analysis shows that the H5 gene contains no introns. Putative 5′ promoter elements and a 3′ polyadenylation site are present within the 1.8 kb of DNA examined. Analysis of 41 kb of DNA surrounding the H5 gene shows that it is not closely linked to either H1 or core histone genes.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a cellular enzyme in the eicosanoid synthetic pathway that mediates the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. The eicosanoids function as critical regulators of a number of cellular processes, including the acute and chronic inflammatory response, hemostasis, and the innate immune response. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), which does not encode a viral COX-2 isoform, has been shown to induce cellular COX-2 expression. Importantly, although the precise role of COX-2 in CMV replication is unknown, COX-2 induction was shown to be critical for normal HCMV replication. In an earlier study, we identified an open reading frame (Rh10) within the rhesus cytomegalovirus (RhCMV) genome that encoded a putative protein (designated vCOX-2) with high homology to cellular COX-2. In the current study, we show that vCOX-2 is expressed with early-gene kinetics during RhCMV infection, resulting in production of a 70-kDa protein. Consistent with the expression of a viral COX-2 isoform, cellular COX-2 expression was not induced during RhCMV infection. Finally, analysis of growth of recombinant RhCMV with vCOX-2 deleted identified vCOX-2 as a critical determinant for replication in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of fimbriae is a complex process requiring multiple genes which are generally found clustered on the chromosome. In Bordetella pertussis, only major fimbrial subunit genes have been identified, and no evidence has yet been found that they are located in a fimbrial gene cluster. To locate additional genes involved in the biosynthesis of B. pertussis fimbriae, we used TnphoA mutagenesis. A PhoA+ mutant (designated B176) was isolated which was affected in the production of both serotype 2 and 3 fimbriae. Cloning and sequencing of the DNA region harbouring the transposon insertion revealed the presence of at least three additional fimbrial genes, designated fimB, fimC and fimD. The transposon was found to be located in fimD. Analysis of PhoA activity indicated that the fimbrial gene cluster was positively regulated by the bvg locus. A potential binding site for BvgA was observed upstream of fimB. FimB showed homology with the so-called chaperone-like fimbrial proteins, while FimC was homologous with a class of fimbrial proteins located in the outer membrane and presumed to be involved in transport and anchorage of fimbrial subunits. An insertion mutation in fimB abolished the expression of fimbrial subunits, implicating this gene in the biosynthesis of both serotype 2 and 3 fimbriae. Upstream of fimB a pseudogene (fimA) was observed which showed homology with the three major fimbrial subunit genes, fim2, fim3 and fimX. The construction of a phylogenetic tree suggested that fimA may be the primordial major fimbrial subunit gene from which the other three were derived by gene duplication. Interestingly, the fimbrial gene cluster was found to be located directly downstream from the gene coding for the filamentous haemagglutinin, an important B. pertussis adhesin, possibly suggesting co-operation between the two loci in the pathogenesis of pertussis.  相似文献   

S Goldman  E Hanski    F Fish 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(6):1353-1356
Pathogenic strains of Bordetella pertussis undergo spontaneous phase variation and become non-pathogenic upon culturing in vitro. Spontaneous variants of the Tohama and #165 pathogenic strains of B. pertussis were selected by their ability to grow on synthetic and semi-synthetic solid media. The frequency of these variants was between 10(-6) and 10(-7). About 250 variant strains were screened for the presence of virulence-associated traits, such as production of hemolysin, pertussis toxin and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA). Only four different combinations of the traits were found: 7-11% of the variants displayed all traits, 17% of the variants carried the toxin and FHA, 5-11% carried FHA only and 66% were devoid of all virulence traits. The strains which had at least one virulence trait also demonstrated some adenylate cyclase activity. The disappearance of hemolysin quantitatively affected the other traits. These results suggest that phase variation in B. pertussis is a non-random process, involving multistep disappearance of virulence factors in the following order: hemolysin, pertussis toxin and FHA. In contrast, all 300 variants of strain #18323 of B. pertussis, which were able to grow on the selective solid media, carried all the virulence traits. This is in accordance with the strain's unique intracerebral growth capability.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Liu Z  Medrzycki M  Cao K  Fan Y 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38829
The evolutionarily conserved homeotic (Hox) genes are organized in clusters and expressed collinearly to specify body patterning during embryonic development. Chromatin reorganization and decompaction are intimately connected with Hox gene activation. Linker histone H1 plays a key role in facilitating folding of higher order chromatin structure. Previous studies have shown that deletion of three somatic H1 subtypes together leads to embryonic lethality and that H1c/H1d/H1e triple knockout (TKO) embryonic stem cells (ESCs) display bulk chromatin decompaction. To investigate the potential role of H1 and higher order chromatin folding in the regulation of Hox gene expression, we systematically analyzed the expression of all 39 Hox genes in triple H1 null mouse embryos and ESCs by quantitative RT-PCR. Surprisingly, we find that H1 depletion causes significant reduction in the expression of a broad range of Hox genes in embryos and ESCs. To examine if any of the three H1 subtypes (H1c, H1d and H1e) is responsible for decreased expression of Hox gene in triple-H1 null ESCs, we derived and characterized H1c(-/-), H1d(-/-), and H1e(-/-) single-H1 null ESCs. We show that deletion of individual H1 subtypes results in down-regulation of specific Hox genes in ESCs. Finally we demonstrate that, in triple-H1- and single-H1-null ESCs, the levels of H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) and H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) were affected at specific Hox genes with decreased expression. Our data demonstrate that marked reduction in total H1 levels causes significant reduction in both expression and the level of active histone mark H3K4me3 at many Hox genes and that individual H1 subtypes may also contribute to the regulation of specific Hox gene expression. We suggest possible mechanisms for such an unexpected role of histone H1 in Hox gene regulation.  相似文献   

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