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Recent biochemical studies have shown that the fibroblasts from a patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VIIB produce nearly equal amounts of normal and shortened pro-alpha 2(I) collagen chains (Wirtz, M.K., Glanville, R. W., Steinmann, B., Rao, V. H., and Hollister, D. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16376-16385). Compositional and sequencing studies of the abnormal pro-alpha 2(I) chain identified an interstitial deletion of 18 residues corresponding to the N-telopeptide of the collagen molecule. Since this region is encoded by a 54-base pair exon, number 6, the protein defect could have been caused by gene deletion, abnormal pre-mRNA splicing, or both. Here, in order to elucidate the molecular nature of this mutation we have analyzed the sequences of pro-alpha 2(I) collagen cDNA and genomic clones obtained from RNA and DNA of the patient's fibroblasts. Using oligomer-specific cloning we identified a cDNA that contains a 54-base pair deletion corresponding precisely to the sequence of exon 6. Identification of the normal gene was based on the finding of an identical sequence polymorphism in a normal cDNA and in the genomic clone derived from one of the two collagen alleles. The other gene, instead, displayed a base substitution (T to C) in the obligatory GT dinucleotide of the 5' splice-site sequence of intron 6. Analysis of nearly 100 base pairs immediately 5' to exons 5, 6, and 7, and 3' to exons 5 and 7 did not reveal any additional change. Therefore, the data strongly suggest that the observed GT-to-GC transition at the splice donor site of intron 6 generates an abnormally spliced mRNA in which the sequence of exon 5 is joined to the sequence of exon 7. Since skipping of exon 6 does not interfere with the coding frame of the mRNA, the resulting shortened polypeptide, albeit utilized in the assembly of a procollagen trimer, ultimately causes the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VII phenotype.  相似文献   

A new form of the widely expressed, volume-regulated chloride channel, ClC-2, has been cloned from a pig ileal cDNA library. This ClC-2 homologue, called ClC-2i, has interesting variability within its cDNA sequence, including the deletion of bases that correspond to positions 1326 through 1401 in rat ClC-2 cDNA sequence. This 75 bp deletion corresponds to the complete loss of exon 13 plus the first four bases of exon 14, and involves an atypical intron-exon splice site. Tissue-specific mRNA expression patterns in the pig show variable degrees of exon 13 skipping in ClC-2i. Exon 13 skipping was also observed in rat ClC-2i, albeit at a higher frequency than in the pig in tissues that were examined. A relatively purine-rich 76 bp insertion in the pig genomic sequence of ClC-2i, close to the 3' end of intron 12, may be responsible for the relatively high frequency of exon 13 skipping during the processing of this mRNA.  相似文献   

A rapid and easy method to screen for aberrant cDNA would be a very useful diagnostic tool in genetics since a fraction of the DNA variants found affect RNA splicing. The currently used RT-PCR methods require new primer combinations to study each variant that might affect splicing. Since MLPA is routinely used to detect large genomic deletions and successfully detected exon skipping events in Duchenne muscular dystrophy in cDNA, we performed a pilot study to evaluate its value for BRCA1 cDNA. The effect of puromycin, DNase I and two different DNA cleaning protocols were tested in the RNA analysis of lymphocyte cultures. We used two samples from unrelated families with two different BRCA1 exon deletion events, two healthy unrelated controls and six samples from hereditary breast/ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) patients without BRCA1/2 mutations. Using RNA treated with DNase I and cleaned in a column system from puromycin-treated fractions, we were able to identify the two BRCA1 deletions. Additional HBOC patients did not show additional splice events. However, we were not able to get reproducible results. Therefore, the cDNA-MLPA technique using kit BRCA1 P002 is in our hands currently not reliable enough for routine RNA analysis and needs further optimization.  相似文献   

SMN1 and SMN2 represent the two nearly identical copies of the survival of motor neuron gene in humans. The most frequent cause of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is loss of SMN1 accompanied by the inability of SMN2 to compensate due to an inhibitory mutation at position 6 in exon 7 (C6U) that causes exon 7 exclusion. How this single exonic nucleotide regulates exon 7 recognition has been of major interest. Based on score matrices and in vitro assays, abrogation of an exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) associated with SF2/ASF has been considered as the cause of exon 7 exclusion. However, a recent report supports the creation of an exonic splicing silencer (ESS) associated with hnRNP A1 as the determining factor for exon 7 exclusion. Here we show that C6U strengthens an inhibitory context that covers a larger sequence than the hnRNP A1 binding site. The inhibitory context can also be strengthened by the addition of a G residue at the first position of exon 7 in SMN1, promoting exon 7 skipping despite the presence of SF2/ASF binding site. Through in vivo selection and a series of mutations we demonstrate that the strengthening of the extended inhibitory context at the 5' end of exon 7 is exercised through overlapping sequence motifs that collaborate to regulate exon usage.  相似文献   

Short/branched-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SBCADD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of l-isoleucine catabolism. Little is known about the clinical presentation associated with this enzyme defect, as it has been reported in only a limited number of patients. Because the presence of C5-carnitine in blood may indicate SBCADD, the disorder may be detected by MS/MS-based routine newborn screening. It is, therefore, important to gain more knowledge about the clinical presentation and the mutational spectrum of SBCADD. In the present study, we have studied two unrelated families with SBCADD, both with seizures and psychomotor delay as the main clinical features. One family illustrates the fact that affected individuals may also remain asymptomatic. In addition, the normal level of newborn blood spot C5-acylcarnitine in one patient underscores the fact that newborn screening by MS/MS currently lacks sensitivity in detecting SBCADD. Until now, seven mutations in the SBCAD gene have been reported, but only three have been tested experimentally. Here, we identify and characterize an IVS3+3A>G mutation (c.303+3A>G) in the SBCAD gene, and provide evidence that this mutation is disease-causing in both families. Using a minigene approach, we show that the IVS3+3A>G mutation causes exon 3 skipping, despite the fact that it does not appear to disrupt the consensus sequence of the 5′ splice site. Based on these results and numerous literature examples, we suggest that this type of mutation (IVS+3A>G) induces missplicing only when in the context of non-consensus (weak) 5′ splice sites. Statistical analysis of the sequences shows that the wild-type versions of 5′ splice sites in which +3A>G mutations cause exon skipping and disease are weaker on average than a random set of 5′ splice sites. This finding is relevant to the interpretation of the functional consequences of this type of mutation in other disease genes.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disease in which the SMN1 gene is deleted. The SMN2 gene exists in all of the patients. Alternative splicing of these two genes are different. More than 90% of exon 7 included form is produced from SMN1 pre-mRNA, whereas only ~20% of exon 7 included form is produced from SMN2 pre-mRNA. Only exon 7 inclusion form produces functional protein. Exon 7 skipped SMN isoform is unstable. Here we constructed a GFP reporter system that recapitulates the alternative splicing of SMN1 and SMN2 pre-mRNA. We designed a system in which GFP protein is expressed only when exon 7 of is included in alternative splicing. The stable cell that expresses SMN1-GFP produces ~4 times more GFP protein than the stable cell line that expresses SMN2-GFP; as demonstrated by microscopy, FACS analysis and immunoblotting. In addition the ratio of exon 7 inclusion and skipping of SMN1-GFP and SMN2-GFP pre-mRNA was similar to endogenous SMN1 and SMN2 pre-mRNA as shown in RT-PCR. Furthermore the knockdown with hnRNP A1 shRNA, a known protein which promotes exon 7 skipping of SMN2, induces exon 7 inclusion of exon 7 in SMN2-GFP pre-mRNA in SMN2-GFP cell line. We conclude that we have established the stable cell lines that recapitulate alternative splicing of the SMN1 and SMN2 genes. The stable cell line can be used to identify the trans-acting elements with siRNA.  相似文献   

Classical Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive human genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). We isolated several mutant PAH cDNA clones from a PKU carrier individual and showed that they contained an internal 116 base pair deletion, corresponding precisely to exon 12 of the human chromosomal PAH gene. The deletion causes the synthesis of a truncated protein lacking the C-terminal 52 amino acids. Gene transfer and expression studies using the mutant PAH cDNA indicated that the deletion abolishes PAH activity in the cell as a result of protein instability. To determine the molecular basis of the deletion, the mutant chromosomal PAH gene was isolated from this individual and shown to contain a GT-- greater than AT substitution at the 5' splice donor site of intron 12. Thus, the consequence of the splice donor site mutation in the human liver is the skipping of the preceding exon during RNA splicing.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from a patient with acute intermittent porphyria were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-direct sequencing method. The patient was heterozygote for a point mutation G to C at the last position of exon 12 of the porphobilinogen deaminase (PBG-D) gene. Analysis of the cDNA fragments amplified by PCR revealed that the patient has the abnormal PBG-D mRNA, which does not have exon 12 and exists in an approximately equal amount to the normal mRNA.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing plays an important role in gene expression by producing different proteins from a gene. Caspase-2 pre-mRNA produces anti-apoptotic Casp-2S and pro-apoptotic Casp-2L proteins through exon 9 inclusion or skipping. However, the molecular mechanisms of exon 9 splicing are not well understood. Here we show that knockdown of SRSF3 (also known as SRp20) with siRNA induced significant increase of endogenous exon 9 inclusion. In addition, overexpression of SRSF3 promoted exon 9 skipping. Thus we conclude that SRSF3 promotes exon 9 skipping. In order to understand the functional target of SRSF3 on caspase-2 pre-mRNA, we performed substitution and deletion mutagenesis on the potential SRSF3 binding sites that were predicted from previous reports. We demonstrate that substitution mutagenesis of the potential SRSF3 binding site on exon 8 severely disrupted the effects of SRSF3 on exon 9 skipping. Furthermore, with the approach of RNA pulldown and immunoblotting analysis we show that SRSF3 interacts with the potential SRSF3 binding RNA sequence on exon 8 but not with the mutant RNA sequence. In addition, we show that a deletion of 26 nt RNA from 5′ end of exon 8, a 33 nt RNA from 3′ end of exon 10 and a 2225 nt RNA from intron 9 did not compromise the function of SRSF3 on exon 9 splicing. Therefore we conclude that SRSF3 promotes exon 9 skipping of caspase-2 pre-mRNA by interacting with exon 8. Our results reveal a novel mechanism of caspase-2 pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

The murine beige mutant phenotype and the human Chediak-Higashi syndrome are caused by mutations in the murine Lyst (lysosomal trafficking regulator) gene and the human CHS gene, respectively. In this report we have analyzed a novel murine mutant Lyst allele, called Lyst(bg-grey), that had been found in an ENU mutation screen and named grey because of the grey coat color of affected mice. The phenotype caused by the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation was inherited in a recessive fashion. Melanosomes of melanocytes associated with hair follicles and the choroid layer of the eye, as well as melanosomes in the neural tube-derived pigment epithelium of the retina, were larger and irregularly shaped in homozygous mutants compared with those of wild-type controls. Secretory vesicles in dermal mast cells of the mutant skin were enlarged as well. Test crosses with beige homozygous mutant mice (Lyst(bg)) showed that double heterozygotes (Lyst(bg)/Lyst(bg-grey)) were phenotypically indistinguishable from either homozygous parent, demonstrating that the ENU mutation was an allele of the murine Lyst gene. RT-PCR analyses revealed the skipping of exon 25 in Lyst(bg-grey) mutants, which is predicted to cause a missense D2399E mutation and the loss of the following 77 amino acids encoded by exon 25 but leave the C-terminal end of the protein intact. Analysis of the genomic Lyst locus around exon 25 showed that the splice donor at the end of exon 25 showed a T-to-C transition point mutation. Western blot analysis suggests that the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation causes instability of the LYST protein. Because the phenotype of Lyst(bg) and Lyst(bg-grey) mutants is indistinguishable, at least with respect to melanosomes and secretory granules in mast cells, the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation defines a critical region for the stability of the murine LYST protein.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) can achieve sequence-selective inactivation of gene expression in a wide variety of eukaryotes by introducing double-stranded RNA corresponding to the target gene. Here we explore the potential of RNAi as a therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) caused by mutations in the Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene. Although the mutant SOD1 is toxic, the wild-type SOD1 performs important functions. Therefore, the ideal therapeutic strategy should be to selectively inhibit the mutant, but not the wild-type SOD1 expression. Because most SOD1 mutations are single nucleotide changes, to selectively silence the mutant requires single-nucleotide specificity. By coupling rational design of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) with their validation in RNAi reactions in vitro and in vivo, we have identified siRNA sequences with this specificity. A similarly designed sequence, when expressed as small hairpin RNA (shRNA) under the control of an RNA polymerase III (pol III) promoter, retains the single-nucleotide specificity. Thus, RNAi is a promising therapy for ALS and other disorders caused by dominant, gain-of-function gene mutations.  相似文献   

Antisense-mediated modulation of splicing is one of the few fields where antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) have been able to live up to their expectations. In this approach, AONs are implemented to restore cryptic splicing, to change levels of alternatively spliced genes, or, in case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), to skip an exon in order to restore a disrupted reading frame. The latter allows the generation of internally deleted, but largely functional, dystrophin proteins and would convert a severe DMD into a milder Becker muscular dystrophy phenotype. In fact, exon skipping is currently one of the most promising therapeutic tools for DMD, and a successful first-in-man trial has recently been completed. In this review the applicability of exon skipping for DMD and other diseases is described. For DMD AONs have been designed for numerous exons, which has given us insight into their mode of action, splicing in general, and splicing of the DMD gene in particular. In addition, retrospective analysis resulted in guidelines for AON design for DMD and most likely other genes as well. This knowledge allows us to optimize therapeutic exon skipping, but also opens up a range of other applications for the exon skipping approach.  相似文献   

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