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Qin JQ  Shen XY 《生理科学进展》2011,42(3):229-233
蛋白磷酸酶2A(protein phosphatase 2A,PP2A)是一种由催化亚基C、结构亚基A和多种功能特异的调节亚基B组成的全酶复合物,其在基因表达、细胞增殖分化和信号转导等方面有重要调控作用.各种不同亚基组成功能各异的PP2A全酶,调控不同的细胞功能.各亚基在PP2A功能调控中均起关键作用.本文重点介绍PP2A各个亚基在PP2A生物学功能实现中的作用.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for a fifth polypeptide of rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were isolated and sequenced. The cDNA sequence encoded a polypeptide, designated delta, consisting of 533 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 60,080. Comparison of amino acid sequences of this and alpha, beta, beta', and gamma polypeptides of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II reveals marked homology among them. The mRNAs for delta were expressed in rat brain tissues with different regional specificities. The distribution of alpha, beta/beta', gamma, and delta mRNAs in cerebrum, skeletal muscle, diaphragm, heart, small intestine, uterus, aorta, liver, kidney, lung, and testis were examined by RNA blot hybridization analysis with probes specific for the respective mRNAs. A 3.9-kilobase (kb) RNA species hybridizable with a probe for gamma was found in all the tissues examined, and 4.0-4.2-kb RNA species hybridizable with a probe for delta were found in all the tissues examined except for liver, while a 4.8-kb RNA species hybridizable with a probe for alpha and a 4.2-kb RNA species hybridizable with a probe for beta were present in brain but not in the other tissues. With the alpha probe, however, a 4.1- and 2.6-kb RNA species were both detected in skeletal muscle and diaphragm. With the beta probe, a 4.3-kb RNA in skeletal muscle and diaphragm, 2.9-kb RNA in small intestine, and 4.0-kb RNA in testis were detected. With the delta probe, a 3.5-kb RNA in heart and 1.8-kb RNA in testis were detected. Thus, gamma and delta mRNAs were expressed in various tissues, while alpha and beta/beta' mRNAs were primarily, if not exclusively, expressed in brain.  相似文献   

Diverse functions of protein Ser/Thr phosphatases depend on the distribution of the catalytic subunits among multiple regulatory subunits. In cells protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) mostly binds to a scaffold subunit (A subunit or PR65); however, PP2Ac alternatively binds to alpha-4, a subunit related to yeast Tap42 protein, which also associates with phosphatases PP4 or PP6. We mapped alpha-4 binding to PP2Ac to the helical domain, residues 19-165. We mutated selected residues and transiently expressed epitope-tagged PP2Ac to assay for association with A and alpha-4 subunits by co-precipitation. The disabling H118N mutation at the active site or the presence of the active site inhibitor microcystin-LR did not interfere with binding of PP2Ac to either the A subunit or alpha-4, showing that these are allosteric regulators. Positively charged side chains Lys(41), Arg(49), and Lys(74) on the back surface of PP2Ac are unique to PP2Ac, compared with phosphatases PP4, PP6, and PP1. Substitution of one, two, or three of these residues with Ala produced a progressive loss of binding to the A subunit, with a corresponding increase in binding to alpha-4. Conversely, mutation of Glu(42) in PP2Ac essentially eliminated PP2Ac binding to alpha-4, with an increase in binding to the A subunit. Reciprocal changes in binding because of mutations indicate competitive distribution of PP2Ac between these regulatory subunits and demonstrate that the mutated catalytic subunits retained a native conformation. Furthermore, neither the Lys(41)-Arg(49)-Lys(74) nor Glu(42) mutations affected the phosphatase-specific activity or binding to microcystin-agarose. Binding of PP2Ac to microcystin and to alpha-4 increased with temperature, consistent with an activation energy barrier for these interactions. Our results reveal that the A subunit and alpha-4 (mTap42) require charged residues in separate but overlapping surface regions to associate with the back side of PP2Ac and modulate phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) contains a 36-kDa catalytic subunit (PP2Ac), a 65-kDa structural subunit (PR65/A), and a regulatory B subunit. The core enzyme consists of the structural and catalytic subunits. The catalytic subunit exists as two closely related isoforms, alpha and beta. Several natural toxins, including okadaic acid (OA) and microcystins, specifically inhibit PP2A. To obtain biologically active recombinant PP2A and to compare the properties of the PP2A catalytic subunit alpha and beta isoforms, we expressed human PP2Acalpha and cbeta in High Five insect cells. The recombinant PP2Acalpha and cbeta possess similar phosphatase activities using p-NPP and phosphopeptide as substrates and are strongly inhibited by OA and microcystin-LR to similar degrees. In addition, PP2Acalpha or cbeta was co-expressed with PR65/A and co-purified as a core dimer, PP2AD (Aalpha/calpha and Aalpha/cbeta) with PR65alpha/Aalpha. The recombinant PP2AD bound to the B subunit in vitro. These results show that the recombinant PP2Acalpha and cbeta are identical in their ability to associate with the A and B subunits, in their phosphatase activities, and in carboxyl-methylation. Furthermore, our results show that High Five insect cells can produce biologically active recombinant PP2A, which should be a valuable tool for detecting natural toxins and investigating the mechanism of PP2A catalysis and other protein interactions.  相似文献   

Price NE  Mumby MC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11312-11318
Both the scaffold (A) and the regulatory (R) subunits of protein phosphatase 2A regulate enzyme activity and specificity. Heterotrimeric enzymes containing different R-subunits differ in their specific activities for substrates. Kinetic parameters for the dephosphorylation of a phosphopeptide by different oligomeric forms of PP2A were determined to begin to elucidate the molecular basis of regulatory subunit effects on phosphatase activity. Using steady state kinetics and the pH dependence of kinetic parameters, we have explored the effect of the A- and R-subunits on the kinetic and chemical mechanism of PP2A. The regulatory subunits affected a broad range of kinetic parameters. The C-subunit and AC dimer were qualitatively similar with respect to the product inhibition patterns and the pH dependence of kinetic parameters. However, a 22-fold decrease in rate and a 4.7-fold decrease in K(m) can be attributed to the presence of the A-subunit. The presence of the R2alpha (Balpha or PR55alpha) subunit caused an additional decrease in K(m) and changed the kinetic mechanism of peptide dephosphorylation. The R2alpha-subunit also caused significant changes in the pH dependence of kinetic parameters as compared to the free C subunit or AC heterodimer. The data support an important role for the regulatory subunits in determining both the affinity of PP2A heterotrimers for peptide substrates and the mechanism by which they are dephosphorylated.  相似文献   

Jiang W  Hallberg RL 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1025-1038
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is one of the major serine/threonine phosphatases found in eukaryotic cells. We cloned two genes, par1(+) and par2(+), encoding distinct B' subunits of PP2A in fission yeast. They share 52% identity at the amino acid sequence level. Neither gene is essential but together they are required for normal septum positioning and cytokinesis, for growth at both high and low temperature, and for growth under a number of stressful conditions. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Par2p has a cell-cycle-related localization pattern, being localized at cell ends during interphase and forming a medial ring in cells that are undergoing septation and cytokinesis. Our analyses also indicate that Par1p is more abundant than Par2p in the cell. Cross-organism studies showed that both par1(+) and par2(+) could complement the rts1Delta allele in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, albeit to different extents, in spite of the fact that neither contains a serine/threonine-rich N-terminal domain like that found in the S. cerevisiae homolog Rts1p. Thus, while Schizosaccharomyces pombe is more similar to higher eukaryotes with respect to its complement of B'-encoding genes, the function of those proteins is conserved relative to that of Rts1p.  相似文献   

Three forms of protein phosphatase-1 were isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle that had Mr values of 37 000, 34 000 and 33 000 determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) gel electrophoresis. Each species dephosphorylated the beta-subunit of phosphorylase kinase very much faster than the alpha-subunit, was inhibited by inhibitors 1 and 2 with equal potency, and was converted to a form dependent on glycogen synthase kinase-3 and Mg-ATP for activity by incubation with inhibitor-2. Digestion with cyanogen bromide or Staphylococcus aureus proteinase followed by SDS gel electrophoresis showed a very similar pattern of cleavage products for all three forms. The Mr-37 000 and Mr-34 000 species were converted to the Mr-33 000 form by incubation with chymotrypsin. It is concluded that the Mr-33 000 and Mr-34 000 forms are derived from the Mr-37 000 component by limited proteolysis. Conversion of the Mr-37 000 to the Mr-33 000 form was accompanied by a two-fold increase in activity, indicating that an Mr-4000 fragment at one end of the polypeptide is an inhibitory domain that decreases enzyme activity. The catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A from rabbit skeletal muscle had an Mr of 36 000 determined by SDS gel electrophoresis and its specific activity (3 kU/mg) was much lower than that of the Mr-37 000 (15-20 kU/mg) or Mr-33/34 000 (40-50 kU/mg) forms of protein phosphatase-1. It dephosphorylated the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase 4-5-fold faster than the beta-subunit, was unaffected by inhibitor-1 or inhibitor-2, and preincubation with the latter protein did not result in the production of a glycogen synthase kinase-3 and Mg-ATP-dependent form of the enzyme. Digestion with chymotrypsin did not alter the electrophoretic mobility of protein phosphatase 2A under conditions that caused quantitative conversion of the Mr-37 000 form of protein phosphatase-1 to the Mr-33 000 species. Digestion with cyanogen bromide or S. aureus proteinase, followed by SDS gel electrophoresis, showed a quite different pattern of cleavage products to those observed with protein phosphatase 1. Antibody to protein phosphatase-2A raised in sheep did not cross-react with any of the forms of protein phosphatase-1, as judged by immunoelectrophoretic and immunotitration experiments. It is concluded that protein phosphatase-1 and protein phosphatase-2A are distinct gene products.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine protein phosphatase (PP2A) is a trimeric holoenzyme that plays an integral role in the regulation of a number of major signaling pathways whose deregulation can contribute to cancer. The specificity and activity of PP2A are highly regulated through the interaction of a family of regulatory B subunits with the substrates. Accumulating evidence indicates that PP2A acts as a tumor suppressor. In this review we summarize the known effects of specific PP2A holoenzymes and their roles in cancer relevant pathways. In particular we highlight PP2A function in the regulation of MAPK and Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulates a broad spectrum of cellular processes. This enzyme is a collection of varied heterotrimeric complexes, each composed of a catalytic (C) and regulatory (B) subunit bound together by a structural (A) subunit. To understand the cell cycle dynamics of this enzyme population, we carried out quantitative and qualitative analyses of the PP2A subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found the following: the level of each subunit remained constant throughout the cell cycle; there is at least 10 times more of one of the regulatory subunits (Rts1p) than the other (Cdc55p); Tpd3p, the structural subunit, is limiting for both catalytic and regulatory subunit binding. Using green fluorescent protein-tagged forms of each subunit, we monitored the sites of significant accumulation of each protein throughout the cell cycle. The two regulatory subunits displayed distinctly different dynamic localization patterns that overlap with the A and C subunits at the bud tip, kinetochore, bud neck, and nucleus. Using strains null for single subunit genes, we confirmed the hypothesis that regulatory subunits determine sites of PP2A accumulation. Although Rts1p and Tpd3p required heterotrimer formation to achieve normal localization, Cdc55p achieved its normal localization in the absence of either an A or C subunit.  相似文献   

The pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein family consists of organellar proteins predicted to bind to specific RNA sequences. Plants have hundreds of distinct PPR proteins, whereas other eukaryotes generally have many fewer. The genome of the parasitic protozoon Trypanosoma brucei is predicted to encode more than 30 different PPR proteins, which is an extraordinarily high number for a nonplant organism. Here we report the characterization T. brucei PPR9 (TbPPR9). Epitope tagging shows that the protein is exclusively mitochondrially localized. Interestingly, while in induced RNA interference cell lines TbPPR9 is efficiently downregulated, the level of its mRNA is not affected. Ablation of TbPPR9 selectively abolishes oxidative but not mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation. The molecular basis of this phenotype is the fact that TbPPR9 is required for the stability of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COX1) and COX2 mRNAs. This is supported by the observation that ablation of TbPPR9 destabilizes the COX complex but not the cytochrome bc1 or the ATP synthase complex. Moreover, it was shown by blue native gel electrophoresis that TbPPR9 is present in a large complex of unknown composition.  相似文献   

Nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) from plants are characterized by their ability to stimulate phospholipid transfer between membranes in vitro. However, because these proteins are generally located outside of the plasma membrane, it is unlikely that they have a similar role in vivo. As a step toward identifying the function of these proteins, one of several LTP genes from Arabidoposis has been cloned and the expression pattern of the gene has been examined by analysis of the tissue specificity of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in transgenic plants containing LTP promoter-GUS fusions and by in situ mRNA localization. The LTP1 promoter was active early in development in protoderm cells of embryos, vascular tissues, lignified tips of cotyledons, shoot meristem, and stipules. In adult plants, the gene was expressed in epidermal cells of young leaves and the stem. In flowers, expression was observed in the epidermis of all developing influorescence and flower organ primordia, the epidermis of the siliques and the outer ovule wall, the stigma, petal tips, and floral nectaries of mature flowers, and the petal/sepal abscission zone of mature siliques. The presence of GUS activity in guard cells, lateral roots, pollen grains, leaf vascular tissue, and internal cells of stipules and nectaries was not confirmed by in situ hybridizations, supporting previous observations that suggest that the reporter gene is subject to artifactual expression. These results are consistent with a role for the LTP1 gene product in some aspect of secretion or deposition of lipophilic substances in the cell walls of expanding epidermal cells and certain secretory tissues. The LTP1 promoter region contained sequences homologous to putative regulatory elements of genes in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway, suggesting that the expression of the LTP1 gene may be regulated by the same or similar mechanisms as genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway.  相似文献   

Two previously reported insulin receptor cDNA sequences differ by 36 base pairs (bp) in the distal alpha-subunit, suggesting that alternative mRNA splicing within the coding region may occur (two insulin receptor isoforms). We developed a quantitative modification of the polymerase chain reaction technique in order to detect and characterize differential mRNA splicing at this site within the distal alpha-subunit. Using RNA derived from a variety of human cell types, we detected two polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNA species reflecting the presence or absence of the above 36 nucleotides. Identity of the two cDNA species was confirmed by Southern blots, the use of a BANI restriction site present only in the 36 base pair segment and dideoxy sequencing. The relative expression of the two mRNA forms varied markedly in a tissue-specific manner. Buffy coat leukocytes and Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphocytes express only the shorter mRNA. Placenta expresses both species equally; muscle, isolated adipocytes and cultured fibroblasts express somewhat more of the longer mRNA (relative ratios of mRNA abundance of 1.51, 3.18, and 2.77, respectively); liver expresses mostly the longer mRNA (relative ratio of 9.8). In RNA derived from cultured and fresh cells from patients with several states of insulin resistance, the relative expression of the two mRNA species was similar to results obtained with comparable normal tissues. Although the functional significance of alternative splicing of the insulin receptor mRNA is unknown, differential expression of these two receptor mRNAs may provide a structural basis for previously observed tissue-specific differences in insulin binding and action.  相似文献   

We have expressed in yeast the different subunits of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and, by using the two-hybrid system, we have found a glucose-regulated interaction between alpha 2 catalytic and gamma 1 regulatory subunits. This regulation was not affected by known regulators of the corresponding yeast orthologue, the SNF1 complex, such as Reg1 or Hxk2, but it was affected by deletion of regulatory subunits of yeast type 2A protein phosphatase (PP2A) complex. We have also found that Tpd3 and PR65 alpha, the corresponding yeast and mammalian A subunits of PP2A, interacted with AMPK alpha 2 both in yeast and mammals, respectively. This interaction occurred only through the regulatory domain of this subunit. These results suggested a direct involvement of PP2A complex in regulating the interaction between AMPK alpha 2 and gamma 1 in a glucose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

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