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The efficiency of ionizing photon radiation for inducing mutations, chromosome aberrations, neoplastic cell transformation, and cell killing depends on the photon energy. We investigated the induction and rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) as possible contributors for the varying efficiencies of different photon energies. A specialized pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay based on Southern hybridization of single Mbp genomic restriction fragments was employed to assess DSB induction and rejoining by quantifying the restriction fragment band. Unrejoined and misrejoined DSBs were determined in dose fractionation protocols using doses per fraction of 2.2 and 4.4 Gy for CK characteristic X rays, 4 and 8 Gy for 29 kVp X rays, and 5, 10 and 20 Gy for 60Co gamma rays. DSB induction by CK characteristic X rays was about twofold higher than for 60Co gamma rays, whereas 29 kVp X rays showed only marginally elevated levels of induced DSBs compared with 60Co gamma rays (a factor of 1.15). Compared with these modest variations in DSB induction, the variations in the levels of unrejoined and misrejoined DSBs were more significant. Our results suggest that differences in the fidelity of DSB rejoining together with the different efficiencies for induction of DSBs can explain the varying biological effectiveness of different photon energies.  相似文献   

Detailed-history Monte Carlo computer codes were used to simulate the formation, diffusion, and chemical reaction of free-radical species within deoxygenated aqueous solutions of glycylglycine irradiated by 250-kVp X rays and by 60Co gamma rays. In one reaction, hydrated electrons react with the glycylglycine solute to produce unbound, or free, ammonia. This reaction is complete by 10(-6) s within individual electron tracks for glycylglycine concentrations greater than or equal to 0.025 M. For solute concentrations from 0.025 to 1.2 M, calculated G values of free ammonia are in excellent agreement with measured values. In addition, the computer model predicts a statistically significant difference between the G value of free ammonia produced under X irradiation and that produced under 60Co gamma irradiation.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40 wild type (SV40)-transformed Chinese hamster embryo cells (Co631) contain about five viral copies integrated per cell genome. These SV40 sequences were used as endogenous indicator genes to study the response of mammalian cells to radiation at the gene level. An increase in copy number was detected by dispersed cell blotting and Southern analysis in combination with specific DNA hybridization. All types of radiation tested induce a 15- to 25-fold amplification of SV40 sequences without producing intact virus. The amplification is dose dependent and increases with time after irradiation: a maximum effect is observed at Day 3 after alpha particle or uv exposure and at Day 6 after gamma-ray exposure. A RBE of 6 can be calculated for alpha particles if amplification rates at Day 3 are compared. However, when the maximum effect is considered independent of time, no difference between different types of radiation is observed. Southern blots of genomic DNA show that not all integrated SV40 sequences are amplified upon radiation. Amplified sequences are found either in restriction fragments of relatively high molecular weight or in unit size fragments. SV40 amplification is selective in that the amplification of other genes, e.g., of alpha-actin, dhfr (dihydrofolate reductase), and of two oncogenes of the ras family (Kirsten ras and Harvey ras), was below detection level.  相似文献   

Cells of three asynchronously growing human tumor cell lines, PC3 (human prostate carcinoma), T98G and A7 (human glioblastomas), which have been shown previously to demonstrate low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity to low acute single doses, were irradiated with (60)Co gamma rays at low dose rates (2 cGy-1 Gy h(-1)). Instead of a dose-rate sparing response, these cell lines demonstrated an inverse dose-rate effect on cell survival at dose rates below 1 Gy h(-1), whereby a decrease in dose rate resulted in an increase in cell killing per unit dose. A hyper-radiosensitivity-negative cell line, U373MG, did not demonstrate an inverse dose-rate effect. Analysis of the cell cycle indicated that this inverse dose-rate effect was not due to accumulation of cells in G(2)/M phase or to other cell cycle perturbations. T98G cells in reversible G(1)-phase arrest also showed an inverse dose-rate effect at dose rates below 30 cGy h(-1) but a sparing effect as the dose rate was reduced from 60 to 30 cGy h(-1). We conclude that this inverse dose-rate effect in continuous exposures reflects the hyper-radiosensitivity seen in the same cell lines in response to very small acute single doses.  相似文献   

Experiments using the alkaline comet assay, which measures all single-strand breaks regardless of their origin, were performed to evaluate the biological effectiveness of photons with different energies in causing these breaks. The aim was to measure human lymphocytes directly for DNA damage and subsequent repair kinetics induced by mammography 29 kV X rays relative to 220 kV X rays, 137Cs gamma rays and 60Co gamma rays. The level of DNA damage, predominantly due to single-strand breaks, was computed as the Olive tail moment or percentage DNA in the tail for different air kerma doses (0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 Gy). Fifty cells were analyzed per slide with a semiautomatic imaging system. Data from five independent experiments were transformed to natural logarithms and fitted using a multiple linear regression analysis. Irradiations with the different photon energies were performed simultaneously for each experiment to minimize interexperimental variation. Blood from only one male and one female was used. The interexperimental variation and the influence of donor gender were negligible. In addition, repair kinetics and residual DNA damage after exposure to a dose of 3 Gy were evaluated in three independent experiments for different repair times (10, 20, 30 and 60 min). Data for the fraction of remaining damage were fitted to the simple function F(d) = A/(t + A), where F(d) is the fraction of remaining damage, t is the time allowed for repair, and A (the only fit parameter) is the repair half-time. It was found that the comet assay data did not indicate any difference in the initial radiation damage produced by 29 kV X rays relative to the reference radiation types, 220 kV X rays and the gamma rays of 137Cs and 60Co, either for the total dose range or in the low-dose range. These results are, with some restrictions, consistent with physical examinations and predictions concerning, for example, the assessment of the possible difference in effectiveness in causing strand breaks between mammography X rays and conventional (150-250 kV) X rays, indicating that differences in biological effects must arise through downstream processing of the damage.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the sequential structural changes in the hearts of C3H male mice 1 to 12 months after brain irradiation. A single brain dose of 8 or 20 60Co gamma Gy was given to the animals at 4 months of age. Degenerative changes in the heart occurred, firstly at 6 months after irradiation, and became progressively more severe at 12 months. The cardiac muscle showed areas of focal myofibrillolysis, myofibrillar degeneration with loss of entire myofibrils, the presence of lysosomal-like bodies, and interstitial fibrosis. Coronary artery degeneration was also found at 12 months after irradiation; the major changes included smooth muscle degeneration with fibrosis, and the accumulation of debris and extracellular matrix. Quantitative analysis indicated that the degeneration of the arterial smooth muscle after 20 Gy irradiation (18.9%) was significantly higher than that of the unirradiated control (13.2%), and shammed control (13.3%) groups, p less than 0.05.  相似文献   

The induction of neoplastic transformation in vitro after exposure of HeLa x skin fibroblast hybrid cells to low doses of mammography-energy (28 kVp) X rays has been studied. The data indicate no evidence of an increase in transformation frequency over the range 0.05 to 22 cGy, and doses in the range 0.05 to 1.1 cGy may result in suppression of transformation frequencies to levels below that seen spontaneously. This finding is not consistent with a linear, no-threshold dose- response curve. The dose range at which possible suppression is evident includes doses typically experienced in mammographic examination of the human breast. Experiments are described that attempt to elucidate any possible role of bystander effects in modulating this low-dose radiation response. Not unexpectedly, inhibition of gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) with the inhibitor lindane did not result in any significant alteration of transformation frequencies seen at doses of 0.27 or 5.4 cGy in these subconfluent cultures. Furthermore, no evidence of a bystander effect associated with factors secreted into the extracellular medium was seen in medium transfer experiments. Thus, in this system and under the experimental conditions used, bystander effects would not appear to be playing a major role in modulating the shape of the dose-response curve.  相似文献   

The gamma-rays of 60Co cause a diminution in the incorporation of palmitic acid in the phosphatidic acids and the neutral fats of rat-liver microsomes. This diminution occurs without morphological change in the microsomal membranes, where the enzymes responsible for this incorporation are situated. Some evidence is offered that lipid peroxides may be involved in this inhibition.  相似文献   

The induction of DNA strand breaks by fission neutrons was studied in aqueous plasmid (pBR322) DNA under aerobic conditions for a wide range of hydroxyl radical (*OH) scavenger concentrations and was compared to the induction of strand breaks by 6OCo gamma rays. Strand breaks were measured using agarose gel electrophoresis coupled with sensitive 32P-based phosphor imaging. Yields are reported for DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) and double-strand breaks formed linearly with dose (alphaDSBs). The fraction of alphaDSBs that were dependent on the multiply damaged site (MDS) or clustered damage mechanism was also calculated using a model. G values for SSBs and alphaDSBs declined with increasing *OH scavenging capacity. However, with increasing *OH scavenging capacities, the decrease in yields of strand breaks for fission neutrons was not as pronounced as for gamma rays. The percentage of alphaDSBs for gamma rays was dependent on *OH scavenging capacity, appearing negligible at low scavenging capacities but increasing at higher scavenging capacities. In contrast, fission neutrons induced high percentages of alphaDSBs that were approximately independent of *OH scavenging capacity. The levels of alphaDSBs formed by the MDS mechanism after exposure to fission neutrons are consistent with the expected distinctive features of high-LET energy deposition events and track structure. The results also confirm observations made by others that even for low-LET radiation, the MDS mechanism contributes significantly to DNA damage at cell-like scavenging conditions.  相似文献   

Relative content of salt-soluble chromatin fragments in rat thymus increased after the effect of neutrons, as compared to gamma-radiation, while cell depletion of the organ was similar with both types of radiation. This was not associated with the rate and extent of chromatin degradation in thymocytes and was an indication of death of a larger number of thymocytes after the effect of neutrons.  相似文献   

Summary Human fibroblasts (KMST-6) immortalized by treatment with60Co gamma rays were further neoplastically transformed by transfection of the c-Ha-ras oncogene from human lung cancer. The ras-transfected cells formed undifferentiated fibrosarcoma in nude mice. One of the tumors was recultured and a neoplastic human fibroblast line, KMST-6/RAS, was established. To analyze multistep carcinogenesis of human cells, the cellular characteristics of these genetically matched immortalized (KMST-6) and neoplastic (KMST-6/RAS) cell lines were studied in detail. KMST-6/RAS cells showed an increased saturation density, colony formation on confluent monolayers of normal human fibroblasts, proliferation in neomycin-containing medium, anchorage-independent growth, and enhanced expression of the transfected c-Ha-ras oncogene, whereas the immortalized cells did not demonstate these characteristics. Unexpectedly, growth of KMST-6/RAS cells was serum-dependent, although they were neoplastic. Interestingly, the neoplastic cells did not show the criss-crossing or piling up growth pattern characteristic of transformed rodent fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The RBE for tritium was estimated in reference to 200-kVp X rays, using acceleration of breast tumor appearance in the female Sprague-Dawley rat as the end-point. Chronic X-ray doses of 0.3-2.0 Gy were delivered over 10 days. Intraperitoneal injections of tritiated water ranging in concentrations from 45 to 370 MBq/100 g body wt were administered, followed by four additional injections at 2-day intervals and half of the initial concentrations. Seventy-five percent of the total tritium dose was delivered to the mammary gland within the first 10 days and 95% within the first 20 days after the start of the tritium exposure. RBE estimations were based on various criteria including the tumor incidence per Gy at 450 days postirradiation and the time required to induce tumors in 50% of the animals at risk. The results suggest that tritium beta rays are about 1.1-1.3 times more effective than chronic 200-kVp X rays for acceleration of the appearance of rat mammary tumors. However, the uncertainties involved in these calculations are such that the effects of tritium beta rays could not be reliably distinguished from those of chronic 200-kVp X rays. Measured differences in RBE values were slightly larger for the comparison between acute and chronic X rays than for the comparison between chronic tritium beta rays and chronic X rays.  相似文献   

An increase of resistance to radiation damage of human lymphocytes previously exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation from incorporated tritiated thymidine was observed by G. Olivieri et al. in 1984. The phenomenon was named adaptive response and its occurrence was reported by others for many animal and plant cells. In this research we studied the adaptive response of spleen colony formation at different time after previous irradiation of mice with low doses of 60Co gamma rays. Our results suggest that the pretreatments protect spleen colony-formatting units (CFU-S) from the second damaging radiation dose of 1.5 Gy during long time (as many as one month).  相似文献   

A method was developed to determine in the same extract juvenile hormone and various types of ecdysteroids in precisely staged eggs and larvae of Trichoplusia ni. Ecdysteroids were tentatively identified on the basis of their retention time in ion suppression reversed-phase HPLC and their cross-reactivity with two relatively non-specific, complimentary antibodies, whereas juvenile hormone was identified using reversed-phase HPLC combined with Galleria bioassay. Freshly laid eggs contained low levels of immunoreactive ecdysteroids. Mid-polar ecdysteroids increased in the phase of segmentation (14-18 h) and 1st larval cuticle formation (36-44 h), when 20-hydroxyecdysone and 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone were found to be predominant. Only traces of ecdysone and 26-hydroxyecdysone were seen. Toward hatching ecdysteroids decreased and represented mainly compounds more polar than 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone. In larval development ecdysteroids were low at the beginning of the feeding phases, increased toward cessation of feeding, and reached highest levels 12-15 h before ecdysis. In feeding stages ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone were predominant, whereas in molting stages they were seen together with 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid. The juvenile hormone titer was very low in freshly laid eggs and was high (approximately 25 ng/g) in embryos at the stage of 1st larval cuticle formation and eye pigmentation. In eggs we tentatively identified juvenile hormones I and II, whereas in larval stages juvenile hormone II appeared to be the predominant or exclusive juvenile hormone. Its titer fluctuated rapidly and was high in early 1st-instar larvae and again before the molts into the 3rd, 4th, and 5th instar. Highest titers were reached concomitant with the peak in 20-hydroxyecdysone 12-15 h before ecdysis.  相似文献   

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