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The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is one of the most radioresistant organisms known. It is able to reconstruct a functional genome from hundreds of radiation-induced chromosomal fragments. Our work aims to highlight the genes involved in recombination between 438 bp direct repeats separated by intervening sequences of various lengths ranging from 1,479 bp to 10,500 bp to restore a functional tetA gene in the presence or absence of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks. The frequency of spontaneous deletion events between the chromosomal direct repeats were the same in recA+ and in ΔrecA, ΔrecF, and ΔrecO bacteria, whereas recombination between chromosomal and plasmid DNA was shown to be strictly dependent on the RecA and RecF proteins. The presence of mutations in one of the repeated sequence reduced, in a MutS-dependent manner, the frequency of the deletion events. The distance between the repeats did not influence the frequencies of deletion events in recA + as well in ΔrecA bacteria. The absence of the UvrD protein stimulated the recombination between the direct repeats whereas the absence of the DdrB protein, previously shown to be involved in DNA double strand break repair through a single strand annealing (SSA) pathway, strongly reduces the frequency of RecA- (and RecO-) independent deletions events. The absence of the DdrB protein also increased the lethal sectoring of cells devoid of RecA or RecO protein. γ-irradiation of recA + cells increased about 10-fold the frequencies of the deletion events, but at a lesser extend in cells devoid of the DdrB protein. Altogether, our results suggest a major role of single strand annealing in DNA repeat deletion events in bacteria devoid of the RecA protein, and also in recA + bacteria exposed to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Loss or inactivation of BLM, a helicase of the RecQ family, causes Bloom syndrome, a genetic disorder with a strong predisposition to cancer. Although the precise function of BLM remains unknown, genetic data has implicated BLM in the process of genetic recombination and DNA repair. Previously, we demonstrated that BLM can disrupt the RAD51-single-stranded DNA filament that promotes the initial steps of homologous recombination. However, this disruption occurs only if RAD51 is present in an inactive ADP-bound form. Here, we investigate interactions of BLM with the active ATP-bound form of the RAD51-single-stranded DNA filament. Surprisingly, we found that BLM stimulates DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. In contrast to the helicase activity of BLM, this stimulation does not require ATP hydrolysis. These data suggest a novel BLM function that is stimulation of the RAD51 DNA pairing. Our results demonstrate the important role of the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament conformation in stimulation of DNA pairing by BLM.Mutations of BLM helicase cause Bloom syndrome (BS),2 a rare autosomal disorder, which is associated with stunted growth, facial sun sensitivity, immunodeficiency, fertility defects, and a greatly elevated incidence of many types of cancer occurring at an early age (1). BLM belongs to the highly conserved family of RecQ helicases that are required for the maintenance of genome integrity in all organisms (2, 3). There are five RecQ helicases in humans; mutations in three of them, WRN, RECQ4, and BLM, have been associated with the genetic abnormalities known as Werner, Rothmund-Thomson, and Bloom syndrome, respectively (4, 5). The cells from BS patients display genomic instability; the hallmark of BS is an increase in the frequency of sister chromatid and interhomolog exchanges (1, 6). Because homologous recombination (HR) is responsible for chromosomal exchanges, it is thought that BLM helicase functions in regulating HR (79). Also, BLM helicase is required for faithful chromosome segregation (10) and repair of stalled replication forks (11, 12), the processes that are linked to HR (1315). BLM was found to interact physically with RAD51, a key protein of HR (16) that catalyzes the central steps in HR including the search for homology and the exchange of strands between homologous ssDNA and dsDNA sequences (17). In cells, BLM forms nuclear foci, a subset of which co-localize with RAD51. Interestingly, the extent of RAD51 and BLM co-localization increases in response to ionizing radiation, indicating a possible role of BLM in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (16).Biochemical studies suggest that BLM may perform several different functions in HR. BLM was shown to promote the dissociation of HR intermediates (D-loops) (1820), branch migration of Holliday junctions (21), and dissolution of double Holliday junctions acting in a complex with TopoIIIα and BLAP75 (2224). BLM may also facilitate DNA synthesis during the repair process by unwinding the DNA template in front of the replication fork (25). In addition, BLM and its yeast homolog Sgs1 may play a role at the initial steps of DNA double-strand break repair by participating in exonucleolitic resection of the DNA ends to generate DNA molecules with the 3′-ssDNA tails, a substrate for RAD51 binding (2629).In vivo, the process of HR is tightly regulated by various mechanisms (30). Whereas some proteins promote HR (14, 31), others inhibit this process, thereby preventing its untimely initiation (32, 33). Disruption of the Rad51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament appears to be an especially important mechanism of controlling HR. This filament disruption activity was demonstrated for the yeast Srs2 helicase (34, 35) and human RECQ5 helicase (36). Recently, we found that BLM can also catalyze disruption of the RAD51-ssDNA filament (25). This disruption only occurs if the filament is present in an inactive ADP-bound form, e.g. in the presence of Mg2+. Conversion of RAD51 into an active ATP-bound form, e.g. in the presence of Ca2+ (37), renders the filament resistant to BLM disruption (25). In this study, we analyze the interactions of BLM with an active ATP-bound RAD51-ssDNA filament. Surprisingly, we found that BLM stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. Thus, depending on the conformational state of the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament, BLM may either inhibit or stimulate the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51. Our analysis demonstrated that, in contrast to several known stimulatory proteins that act by promoting formation of the RAD51-ssDNA filament, BLM stimulates the DNA strand exchange activity of RAD51 at a later stage, during synapsis. Stimulation appears to be independent of the ATPase activity of BLM. We suggest that this stimulation of RAD51 may represent a novel function of BLM in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Flp site-specific recombination between two target sites (FRTs) harboring non-homology within the strand exchange region does not yield stable recombinant products. In negatively supercoiled plasmids containing head-to-tail sites, the reaction produces a series of knots with odd-numbered crossings. When the sites are in head-to-head orientation, the knot products contain even-numbered crossings. Both types of knots retain parental DNA configuration. By carrying out Flp recombination after first assembling the topologically well defined Tn3 resolvase synapse, it is possible to determine whether these knots arise by a processive or a dissociative mechanism. The nearly exclusive products from head-to-head and head-to-tail oriented “non-homologous” FRT partners are a 4-noded knot and a 5-noded knot, respectively. The corresponding products from a pair of native (homologous) FRT sites are a 3-noded knot and a 4-noded catenane, respectively. These results are consistent with non-homology-induced two rounds of dissociative recombination by Flp, the first to generate reciprocal recombinants containing non-complementary base pairs and the second to produce parental molecules with restored base pairing. Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) analysis of geometrically restricted FRTs, together with single molecule tethered particle motion (smTPM) assays of unconstrained FRTs, suggests that the sites are preferentially synapsed in an anti-parallel fashion. This selectivity in synapse geometry occurs prior to the chemical steps of recombination, signifying early commitment to a productive reaction path. The cumulative topological, smFRET and smTPM results have implications for the relative orientation of DNA partners and the directionality of strand exchange during recombination mediated by tyrosine site-specific recombinases.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a multifunctional protein, ICP8, which serves both as a single-strand binding protein and as a recombinase, catalyzing reactions involved in replication and recombination of the viral genome. In the presence of divalent ions and at low temperature, previous electron microscopic studies showed that ICP8 will form long left-handed helical filaments. Here, electron microscopic image reconstruction reveals that the filaments are bipolar, with an asymmetric unit containing two subunits of ICP8 that constitute a symmetrical dimer. This organization of the filament has been confirmed using scanning transmission electron microscopy. The pitch of the filaments is ∼ 250 Å, with ∼ 6.2 dimers per turn. Docking of a crystal structure of ICP8 into the reconstructed filament shows that the C-terminal domain of ICP8, attached to the body of the subunit by a flexible linker containing ∼ 10 residues, is packed into a pocket in the body of a neighboring subunit in the crystal in a similar manner as in the filament. However, the interactions between the large N-terminal domains are quite different in the filament from that observed in the crystal. A previously proposed model for ICP8 binding single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), based upon the crystal structure, leads to a model for a continuous strand of ssDNA near the filament axis. The bipolar nature of the ICP8 filaments means that a second strand of ssDNA would be running through this filament in the opposite orientation, and this provides a potential mechanism for how ICP8 anneals complementary ssDNA into double-stranded DNA, where each strand runs in opposite directions.  相似文献   

宋迪  杨乔  汪铭书  程安春 《病毒学报》2022,38(2):448-455
门蛋白在单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)的衣壳装配和基因组包装过程中扮演重要角色,对病毒的复制有重要作用。本文就HSV-1 UL6基因编码的门蛋白进行阐述,具体介绍形成门蛋白多聚体的影响因素,门蛋白及其周边蛋白的结构及功能,以及其靶点药物的研究现状等,以期为研究门蛋白在疱疹病毒感染和复制过程中的作用提供一定参考。  相似文献   

UL25 and UL17 are two essential minor capsid proteins of HSV-1, implicated in DNA packaging and capsid maturation. We used cryo-electron microscopy to examine their binding to capsids, whose architecture observes T = 16 icosahedral geometry. C-capsids (mature DNA-filled capsids) have an elongated two-domain molecule present at a unique, vertex-adjacent site that is not seen at other quasiequivalent sites or on unfilled capsids. Using SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry to analyze wild-type capsids, UL25 null capsids, and denaturant-extracted capsids, we conclude that (1) the C-capsid-specific component is a heterodimer of UL25 and UL17, and (2) capsids have additional populations of UL25 and UL17 that are invisible in reconstructions because of sparsity and/or disorder. We infer that binding of the ordered population reflects structural changes induced on the outer surface as pressure builds up inside the capsid during DNA packaging. Its binding may signal that the C-capsid is ready to exit the nucleus.  相似文献   

Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) and type-2 (HSV-2) establish life-long infections and cause significant orofacial and genital infections in humans. HSV-1 is the leading cause of infectious blindness in the western world. Currently, there are no available vaccines to protect against herpes simplex infections. Recently, we showed that a single intramuscular immunization with an HSV-1(F) mutant virus lacking expression of the viral glycoprotein K (gK), which prevents the virus from entering into distal axons of ganglionic neurons, conferred significant protection against either virulent HSV-1(McKrae) or HSV-2(G) intravaginal challenge in mice. Specifically, 90% of the mice were protected against HSV-1(McKrae) challenge, while 70% of the mice were protected against HSV-2(G) challenge. We constructed the recombinant virus VC2 that contains specific mutations in gK and the membrane protein UL20 preventing virus entry into axonal compartments of neurons, while allowing efficient replication in cell culture, unlike the gK-null virus, which has a major defect in virus replication and spread. Intramuscular injection of mice with 107 VC2 plaque forming units did not cause any significant clinical disease in mice. A single intramuscular immunization with the VC2 virus protected 100% of mice against lethal intravaginal challenge with either HSV-1(McKrae) or HSV-2(G) viruses. Importantly, vaccination with VC2 produced robust cross protective humoral and cellular immunity that fully protected vaccinated mice against lethal disease. Quantitative PCR did not detect any viral DNA in ganglionic tissues of vaccinated mice, while unvaccinated mice contained high levels of viral DNA. The VC2 virus may serve as an efficient vaccine against both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections, as well as a safe vector for the production of vaccines against other viral and bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

The effects of different fragments of cholecystokinin (CCK) on dopamine synthesis were studied in synaptosomal preparations from the striatum, substantia nigra, and frontal cortex. In striatal synaptosomes, dopamine synthesis rate measured by dopamine accumulation was 12.5% lower than that measured by 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) accumulation; however, K+-accelerated synthesis was the same for both methods. Synthesis rate was independent of exogenous tyrosine levels. In the three regions studied, the combined stimulatory effects of 8-Br-cyclic AMP and high K+ were additive. CCK-5, CCK-3, CCK-27-33, and CCK-8 (sulphated) enhanced synthesis, CCK-5 being the most potent fragment. The nonsulphated octapeptide had no effect. In all three regions, CCK-5 and high K+ had an additive effect on dopamine synthesis; CCK-5 and 8-Br-cyclic AMP together produced the same enhancement of synthesis as CCK-5 alone. CCK-5 produced similar dose-dependent increases in dopamine synthesis and cyclic AMP accumulation in striatal synaptosomes, and both effects were blocked by the CCK antagonist proglumide.  相似文献   

The replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is associated with a high degree of homologous recombination, which is likely to be mediated, in part, by HSV-1-encoded proteins. We have previously shown that the HSV-1 encoded ICP8 protein and alkaline nuclease UL12 are capable of catalyzing an in vitro strand-exchange reaction. Here, we show, by electron microscopy, that the products of the strand exchange reaction between linear double-stranded DNA and circular single-stranded DNA consist of the expected joint molecule forms: sigma, alpha, and gapped circles. Other exonucleases, such as lambda Red alpha, which, like UL12, digests 5'-3', as well as Escherichia coli exonuclease III (ExoIII), which digests 3'-5', could substitute for UL12 in the strand exchange reaction by providing a resected DNA end. ICP8 generated the same intermediates and strand exchange products when the double-stranded DNA substrate was preresected by any of the nucleases. Using substrates with large regions of non-homology we found that pairing by ICP8 could be initiated from the middle of a DNA molecule and did not require a homologous end. In this reaction, the resection of a DNA end by the nuclease is required to reveal homologous sequences capable of being paired by ICP8. This study further illustrates the complexity of the multi-functional ICP8 protein.  相似文献   

Wills E  Scholtes L  Baines JD 《Journal of virology》2006,80(21):10894-10899
Studies to localize the herpes simplex virus 1 portal protein encoded by UL6, the putative terminase components encoded by UL15, UL 28, and UL33, the minor capsid proteins encoded by UL17, and the major scaffold protein ICP35 were conducted. ICP35 in B capsids was more resistant to trypsin digestion of intact capsids than pUL6, pUL15, pUL17, pUL28, or pUL33. ICP35 required sectioning of otherwise intact embedded capsids for immunoreactivity, whereas embedding and/or sectioning decreased the immunoreactivities of pUL6, pUL17, pUL28, and pUL33. Epitopes of pUL15 were recognized roughly equally well in both sectioned and unsectioned capsids. These data indicate that pUL6, pUL17, pUL28, pUL33, and at least some portion of pUL15 are located at the external surface of the capsid.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains protein 1 (UHRF1) is essential for maintenance DNA methylation by DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1). UHRF1 has been shown to recruit DNMT1 to replicated DNA by the ability of its SET and RING-associated (SRA) domain to bind to hemimethylated DNA. Here, we demonstrate that UHRF1 also increases the activity of DNMT1 by almost 5-fold. This stimulation is mediated by a direct interaction of both proteins through the SRA domain of UHRF1 and the replication focus targeting sequence domain of DNMT1, and it does not require DNA binding by the SRA domain. Disruption of the interaction between DNMT1 and UHRF1 by replacement of key residues in the replication focus targeting sequence domain led to a strong reduction of DNMT1 stimulation. Additionally, the interaction with UHRF1 increased the specificity of DNMT1 for methylation of hemimethylated CpG sites. These findings show that apart from the targeting of DNMT1 to the replicated DNA UHRF1 increases the activity and specificity of DNMT1, thus exerting a multifaceted influence on the maintenance of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Copy number expansions such as amplifications and duplications contribute to human phenotypic variation, promote molecular diversification during evolution, and drive the initiation and/or progression of various cancers. The mechanisms underlying these copy number changes are still incompletely understood, however. We recently demonstrated that transient, limited re-replication from a single origin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae efficiently induces segmental amplification of the re-replicated region. Structural analyses of such re-replication induced gene amplifications (RRIGA) suggested that RRIGA could provide a new mechanism for generating copy number variation by non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Here we elucidate this new mechanism and provide insight into why it is so efficient. We establish that sequence homology is both necessary and sufficient for repetitive elements to participate in RRIGA and show that their recombination occurs by a single-strand annealing (SSA) mechanism. We also find that re-replication forks are prone to breakage, accounting for the widespread DNA damage associated with deregulation of replication proteins. These breaks appear to stimulate NAHR between re-replicated repeat sequences flanking a re-initiating replication origin. Our results support a RRIGA model where the expansion of a re-replication bubble beyond flanking homologous sequences followed by breakage at both forks in trans provides an ideal structural context for SSA–mediated NAHR to form a head-to-tail duplication. Given the remarkable efficiency of RRIGA, we suggest it may be an unappreciated contributor to copy number expansions in both disease and evolution.  相似文献   

By means of insertion and deletion mutagenesis, we have constructed four herpes simplex virus 1 recombinants, each lacking most sequences encoding a different open reading frame. The deleted genes are located in the unique sequences of the long component and include those designated UL3, UL4, UL10, and UL16. The recombinant virus R7211 lacks 579 of the 696 bp of UL3. The recombinant virus R7217 lacks 307 of the 597 bp of the UL4 open reading frame. R7216 contains a 972-bp deletion within the 1,419-bp open reading frame of UL10, whereas R7210 lacks 988 bp of the 1,119-bp UL16 open reading frame. Growth curves indicated that the yields of these viruses in Vero and BHK cell cultures were only slightly reduced from or in some instances equivalent to that of the parent virus. The function of the gene products is not known. It is of interest to note that (i) the UL16 open reading frame maps entirely within the single intron of UL15 and (ii) on the basis of the extent and size of hydrophobic domains, the UL3 and UL10 gene products were predicted to be membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA replication intermediates exist in a complex nonlinear structure that does not migrate into a pulsed-field gel. Genetic evidence suggests that the product of the UL12 gene, termed alkaline nuclease, plays a role in processing replication intermediates (R. Martinez, R. T. Sarisky, P. C. Weber, and S. K. Weller, J. Virol. 70:2075–2085, 1996). In this study we have tested the hypothesis that alkaline nuclease acts as a structure-specific resolvase. Cruciform structures generated with oligonucleotides were treated with purified alkaline nuclease; however, instead of being resolved into linear duplexes as would be expected of a resolvase activity, the artificial cruciforms were degraded. DNA replication intermediates were isolated from the well of a pulsed-field gel (“well DNA”) and treated with purified HSV-1 alkaline nuclease. Although alkaline nuclease can degrade virion DNA to completion, digestion of well DNA results in a smaller-than-unit-length product that migrates as a heterogeneous smear; this product is resistant to further digestion by alkaline nuclease. The smaller-than-unit-length products are representative of the entire HSV genome, indicating that alkaline nuclease is not inhibited at specific sequences. To further probe the structure of replicating DNA, well DNA was treated with various known nucleases; our results indicate that replicating DNA apparently contains no accessible double-stranded ends but does contain nicks and gaps. Our data suggest that UL12 functions at nicks and gaps in replicating DNA to correctly repair or process the replicating genome into a form suitable for encapsidation.  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapy is a new therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment that targets tumors by improving or restoring immune system function. Therapies targeting immune checkpoint molecules have exerted potent anti-tumor effects and prolonged the overall survival rate of patients. However, only a small number of patients benefit from the treatment. Oncolytic viruses exert anti-tumor effects by regulating the tumor microenvironment and affecting multiple steps of tumor immune circulation. In this study, we engineered two oncolytic viruses that express mouse anti-PD-1 antibody (VT1093M) or mouse IL-12 (VT1092M). We found that both oncolytic viruses showed significant anti-tumor effects in a murine CT26 colon adenocarcinoma model. Importantly, the intratumoral combined injection with VT1092M and VT1093M inhibited growth of the primary tumor, prevented growth of the contralateral untreated tumor, produced a vaccine-like response, activated antigen-specific T cell responses and prolonged the overall survival rate of mice. These results indicate that combination therapy with the engineered oncolytic virus may represent a potent immunotherapy strategy for cancer patients, especially those resistant to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade therapy.  相似文献   

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