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桉树幼林白蚁的危害、种类及区系分布特点的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对白蚁危害桉树幼林进行系统观察,得知白蚁危害桉树幼林的根部,而导致植株枯死类型分为三类,另尚有少部分植株是由于白蚁啃食树干 处树皮而在旱季枯死。蚁害多发生在桉树定植至山场的头4-6个月内,定植1年以后的桉树则很少因白蚁危害而死亡。同时,对桉树幼林的白蚁种类进行全面的普查,结果发现在三明危害桉树的白蚁种类有5种,它们是家白蚁、黑翅土白蚁、黄胸散白蚁、闽华歪白蚁、海南大白蚁,其中后三种为国内首次报道危害桉树,黑翅土白蚁为桉树白蚁的优势种。  相似文献   

黄翅大白蚁的分群孔图象与主巢方位的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
前言 我国南方诸省危害土质堤坝的主要白蚁危害种,一般多为黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki),其次是黄翅大白蚁Macrotemes barneyi Light。然而也有些水库则以黄翅大白蚁为主,如广东湛江志满水库1982年据分群孔普查出黄翅大白蚁21巢,其中分群孔图象标记清楚的有12巢例;黑翅土白蚁只有一巢例;海南土白蚁7巢例;黄翅大白蚁占该坝白蚁危害种数的72.41%。 为提供堤坝白蚁找巢技术,从1978—1982年对黄翅大白蚁的分群孔分布图象与主巢方位的关系进行了研究。  相似文献   

白蚁是世界性公害之一。本文首次提出报道自70年代以来对合肥市白蚁分布,危害状况进行了长期采样,鉴定并着手防治研究,换回了消失,取得显著成效,查明合肥地区白蚁有2科3属9种;摸清白蚁在该地区分布规律及传播途径,其主要危害种为普见家白蚁,圆唇散白蚁和黑胸散白蚁三种。  相似文献   

罗汉果害虫名录初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎天山  丘风波   《广西植物》1985,(3):307-310
<正> 我们曾报道罗汉果害虫名录7目15科52种,现再报道6目26科51种。 一.等翅目ISOPTERA (一)白蚁科Termltidae 1.黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosaus(Shiralki) 为害部位及时间:薯块和根。全年均可为害。 广西分布:全州、桂林雁山。 2.镇江土白蚁O.fontonelles kemmer 为害部位及时间同黑翅土白蚁。 广西分布:桂林雁山。 3.黄翅大白蚁Macrotesmes barneyi Light 为害部位及时间同黑翅土白蚁。 广西分布:全州。 4.长头大白蚁Macrotesmes longiceps  相似文献   

【目的】本文旨在明确镇江市白蚁种类分布、危害状况和防治策略。【方法】本文按照镇江市人口密度和园林绿化分布特点,将全市划分为商住区、工业区、园林区三个主要不同的生态区域。通过2012—2013年两年时间的调查与数据收集,在各生态区域共采集185份白蚁标本。运用传统白蚁形态学分类和现代分子生物学技术相结合的方法,对镇江市白蚁主要危害种类进行了鉴别确认。根据白蚁危害严重程度的不同,将镇江市不同生态区域分为蚁害严重区、较重区、一般区,以此确定镇江市白蚁分布危害的特点。【结果】本研究鉴别确认了镇江市主要白蚁种类为2科4属共7种白蚁,分别为黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki、黄翅大白蚁Macrotermes barneyi Light、台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki、黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder、尖唇散白蚁Reticulitermes aculabialis Tasi et Hwang、圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes Labralis Hsia et Fan和黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps Oshima。根据镇江市主要白蚁种类危害发生空间生态分布情况,镇江市的白蚁危害面广,各区域都有不同程度发生,其中城中区域白蚁分布最为密集。黑胸散白蚁在各个生态区域均有危害分布,且分布范围最广。三个不同生态区域中,蚁害严重区都集中在商住区,且散白蚁危害较大。园林区多为蚁害较重区,且土白蚁危害比较突出。工业区多为白蚁危害一般区,其散白蚁和土白蚁危害程度基本相同。根据镇江市近5年主要白蚁种群及蚁害发生时间,镇江地区的白蚁危害在全年各个月份都有发生,其危害的高峰期主要集中在4—6月,在5月达到高峰值。【结论】通过系统研究与调查,我们掌握了镇江市的白蚁种类以及主要白蚁种群的生态分布区域,明确了镇江地区白蚁发生的时间规律、区域分布特征及其危害严重程度。以此为基础,本文提出了有针对性的镇江地区食木白蚁综合防治策略,为今后更有效地开展白蚁防治工作,保护珍贵园林树种及古典建筑,进一步提高我国白蚁防治和管理水平提供了有效的科学依据及其防治策略。  相似文献   

土栖白蚁是农、林、水利、水电的一大害虫。我国南自海南岛,北抵河南,东至江苏,西达西藏东南部均广泛分布。据1971—76年观察,永修县有黄翅大白蚁、黑翅土白蚁、海南土白蚁三种,主巢筑于地下1—3米深处,巢腔可达一立方米以上,四周还有较多的卫星巢,一个大型巢可容纳2—3百万个体。危害范围可超过一百米。认识白蚁的分飞活动,对于消灭蚁害有深远的意义。  相似文献   

(五)黄翅大白蚁Macrotermes barneyi Light 分布于杭州市郊的山区(如:灵隐、九溪、六和塔、屏风山、玉泉等处),是一种筑巢于土下,危害树木根部及树干的害虫,苗圃中苗木如法国冬青等受害颇重、山区房屋也常被蛀蚀。黄翅大白蚁在杭州地区所有的白蚁种类中是种型分化最多的一种,卽兵蚁有大小二型。它在許多方面与黑翅大白蚁有相同之处,例如:其蚁巢均筑于土下,巢内亦有菌圃,干旱季节亦有作泥质蚁路的习性,受害的寄主亦多相同。  相似文献   

杭州的白蚁(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关杭州地区白蚁的调查研究工作,解放前仅A.W.March氏(1933)曾请S.F.Light氏鉴定了他在杭州采集的5种白蚁(家白蚁,黑胸白蚁,黄胸白蚁,黑翅大白蚁,黄翅大白蚁),并在杭州作过一些白蚁生活习性的观察,但报告内容均甚简单。解放之后,第一作者(1951—1952)曾一度对于市区内的家白蚁,黄胸白蚁及黑翅大白蚁的分群时期进行过零星观察和饲养工作。1954年之后,作者又继续了此项研究工作。有关白蚁的种类方面,1956年6月首次发现曲颚白蚁(老  相似文献   

2010年7月~2012年10月对南宁市隆安县板栗园的白蚁种类及危害情况进行调查,结果表明:板栗园的白蚁种类隶属2科8属16种,以白蚁科的种类占的比例较大,共有6属14种,种类数占875%;鼻白蚁科有2属2种,种类数占125%。危害板栗树的白蚁种类有7种,其中小头钩白蚁Ancistrotermes dimorphus、黄翅大白蚁Macrotermes barneyi、土垄大白蚁Macrotermes annandalei和黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus是危害板栗树的主要种类;平形土白蚁Odontotermes parallelus、细齿大白蚁Macrotermes denticulatus、平头大白蚁Macrotermes planicapitatus、梅多大白蚁Macrotermes meidoensis、方头亮白蚁 Euhamitermes quadratceps、扬子江近扭白蚁Pericapritermes jangtsekiangensis、五指山近扭白蚁Pericapritermes Wuzhishanensis、合浦近扭白蚁Pericapritermes hepuensis和中华钩扭白蚁Pseudocapritermes sinensis等9种白蚁在板栗园中有分布,但不危害板栗树,其中梅多大白蚁及五指山近扭白蚁2个种属广西新记录种。板栗树受白蚁为害较严重的阶段主要在老龄时期,老龄板栗树的受害株率达到9265%,严重受害株率达到7918%。  相似文献   

家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Skiraki和黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Skiraki)在我国是分布广,为害大的二种重要害虫。家白蚁危害建筑材料、房屋、橡胶、塑料、地下电缆、尼龙等有机合成材料,部分金属和农林作物,危害涉及到国民经济各个部门;而黑翅土白蚁严重地为害堤坝,我国南方各省水库堤坝为害率达53—92%,严重地区发生漏水的占20%,为害农林作物亦很严重。对它们的生物学和生态学特性及防治方法,国内外已有不少研究报道,但对它的生殖行为、孵化、脱皮习性,目前尚少有较系统的资料。因此,本试验试图通过家白蚁和黑翅土白蚁初期群体的形成,进行较详细的观察,为深入探讨白蚁的生物学和生态学特性提供真实依据。  相似文献   

合肥环城公园林木白蚁的危害及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍方印  蒋明  王松 《昆虫知识》2003,40(3):270-272
调查了合肥环城公园内 2 7种树木 ,其中 1 1种树木受到白蚁的侵害 ,占调查树种的 40 75 % ;树木侵害数为 82株 ,占总调查株数的 4 0 2 %。台湾乳白蚁CoptotermesformosanusShirak是危害林木的主要种类 ,在受害的 82株树木中 ,有 80株 (占受害株数的 97 5 6% )是受到台湾乳白蚁的危害 ,占调查株数的3 92 %。刺槐、榆树和构树受其危害最为严重。通过针对性防治 ,白蚁的发生情况明显减少  相似文献   

The subterranean termite Odontotermes obesus is an important pest of the Indian subcontinent, causing extensive damage to major agricultural crops and forest plantation trees. Control of termites by strategies employing their parasites has limitations because they have evolved a complex social structure, immune responses, and adaptive behavior toward pathogen-infected individuals. Nonparasitic rhizobacteria that produce harmful metabolites might facilitate the biocontrol of termites. In the present investigation, three different species of hydrogen cyanide-producing rhizobacteria were tested for their potential to kill O. obesus. The three bacterial species were found to be effective in killing the termites under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

Most forests are exposed to anthropogenic management activities that affect tree species composition and natural ecosystem processes. Changes in ecosystem processes such as herbivory depend on management intensity, and on regional environmental conditions and species pools. Whereas influences of specific forest management measures have already been addressed for different herbivore taxa on a local scale, studies considering effects of different aspects of forest management across different regions are rare. We assessed the influence of tree species composition and intensity of harvesting activities on arthropod herbivores and herbivore-related damage to beech trees, Fagus sylvatica, in 48 forest plots in three regions of Germany. We found that herbivore abundance and damage to beech trees differed between regions and that – despite the regional differences - density of tree-associated arthropod taxa and herbivore damage were consistently affected by tree species composition and harvest intensity. Specifically, overall herbivore damage to beech trees increased with increasing dominance of beech trees – suggesting the action of associational resistance processes – and decreased with harvest intensity. The density of leaf chewers and mines was positively related to leaf damage, and several arthropod groups responded to beech dominance and harvest intensity. The distribution of damage patterns was consistent with a vertical shift of herbivores to higher crown layers during the season and with higher beech dominance. By linking quantitative data on arthropod herbivore abundance and herbivory with tree species composition and harvesting activity in a wide variety of beech forests, our study helps to better understand the influence of forest management on interactions between a naturally dominant deciduous forest tree and arthropod herbivores.  相似文献   

对厦门地区农林作物的白蚁为害情况进行调查,将采集的白蚁标本作了鉴定和整理,得出厦门地区农林作物白蚁名录;并通过林地防治试验,选定了3种效果较好的防治方法。  相似文献   

Termites are typical house pests that can also be harmful pests for living trees, although this topic has not received much attention. To clarify the damage to trees caused by dry-wood termites (Neotermes koshunensis), and the ecological characteristics of such damage, we conducted a study on Taiwan cherry trees (Cerasus campanulata) grown in parks, historical sites, and streets in the central-southern area of Okinawa Island, a subtropical region. Damage by N. koshunensis was confirmed in 21 of the 36 sites surveyed (58.3%) and in 76 of the 1076 trees surveyed (7.1%). However, damage by Formosan subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus), a house pest, was only observed at six sites (16.7%), and 10 trees (0.9%), indicating that most damage was caused by N. koshunensis. Furthermore, the probability of the presence of damaged trees close to other damaged trees was significantly higher than the probability of the presence of damaged trees close to undamaged trees, implying that destructive colonies spread from damaged trees to other trees nearby. Therefore, care for trees in the initial stages of termite invasion seems to be the best method for preventing the spread N. koshunensis damage to other trees in the same area. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report that dry-wood termite N. koshunensis are harmful pests for Taiwan cherry trees in Okinawa Island. Our results could be used to establish dry-wood termite countermeasures for garden tree species.  相似文献   

福建三明瓦坑的赤枝栲林   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论的赤枝栲1)(Castanopsis kawakamii)林,地处福建省三明市郊瓦坑地区,属我国中亚热带东南缘。据调查31块样地共3100m2群落种类组成中,含维管束植物52科、90属、139种;其中单种属占总数的75.6%。植物区系为热带、泛热带分布的成分、共占科与属总数的61.5%与67.8%。高位芽生活型植物占总数的87.9%。基于对群落外貌的植物生活型与叶特征等分析表明,该群落是从南亚热带雨林到中亚热带常绿阔叶林的过渡类型。对该森林乔木种的年龄结构分析,乔、灌木种多样性指数与均匀度的计算等,显示出赤枝栲林是相对稳定性较大的群落。  相似文献   

2009年311月对南宁市园林树木白蚁为害情况进行了调查。结果表明,台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki是危害园林树木的优势种;调查的57种树木中,45种树木受到了白蚁的侵害,占总数的78.95%,树木受害株率达13.11%,严重受害株率为1.66%。银桦、侧柏和樟树等树种受白蚁危害最为严重。  相似文献   

  1. Extensive boring damage into trunks of living poplar trees in the urban forest of Shanghai, eastern China, was investigated in 2017.
  2. In order to determine the taxonomic identity of the pest, we used morphological identification and sequenced mitochondrial COI gene. Based on both morphology and molecular data, it was concluded that the pest boring into the poplars was the ambrosia beetle Euwallacea interjectus (Blandford).
  3. Its occurrence and damage on poplar across Shanghai were also investigated. In the Pudong District, a total of 104.52 ha of urban forest were investigated thoroughly, and 16.22% of surveyed forests were found to be infested. This insect species is an important native pest capable of causing damage across the Shanghai area.
  4. Observations in the field suggested that the damage may be related to distance to water sources. Our statistical analysis confirmed this hypothesis, as the close distance to water bodies correlated with higher levels of damage. We conclude that E. interjectus prefers host trees stressed by an occasional excessive abundance of water, and acts as a parasite on living trees without killing them.

Termites are major decomposers in tropical regions and play an important role in soil processes. This study investigated the termite assemblage structure across a sequence of differing land-use systems. With a standardized method, data were collected on termites from the following habitats: semi-deciduous forest, teak plantation, cocoa plantation, Jatropha plantation, food crop field and 4-years old fallow. Termite species richness declined from the semi-deciduous forest to 4-years old fallow through teak plantation, food crop field, cocoa plantation and Jatropha plantation. The relative abundance of fungus-growers was the highest in all land-use types while that of soil-feeders steeply declined in all man-modified sites. The wood-feeding species showed clear responses to disturbance, with low abundances in monospecific- and modified sites without high trees. Comparisons with other studies suggest that changes in the termite assemblage structure result from forest conversion to agricultural systems. To help mitigate the loss of termites when forests are disturbed or cleared, we recommend to: (1) promote the association of cropping and silvicultural systems that reduces changes in microclimate and maintains the original termite assemblage with the associated ecosystem services; (2) leave dead wood on the ground after forest disturbance to accelerate the recovery of the termite assemblage; and (3) increase forest and silvicultural patch size and reduce length of forest edges to sustain the survival of forest-dependent species.  相似文献   

Savanna trees often display significant hollows due to the combined action of fire and termites (N’Dri et al., J Trop Ecol 27:269–278, 2011). Observations have shown that internal cavities caused by termites in tree stems often result in external hollows under annual fire regimes, and it is quite possible that such hollows/fire interaction may increase the probability of trunk or big branch breakage and/or tree mortality. A study of individual tree and branch mortality as a function of prior termite and fire damage was undertaken in a West African savanna (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire) where most of the trees naturally have hollows in their stems due to termite and fire interaction. Our goal was to examine the dynamics of hollowing and to determine whether hollowing significantly affected tree mortality. Branch and whole plant mortality were quantified for dominant tree species according to their initial hollow state and height. Four different responses were obtained depending on tree species: (1) mortality increased with cavity severity and tree size (Piliostigma thonningii), (2) mortality depended on tree size only (Bridelia ferruginea), (3) no mortality even after being hollowed by termites and externally damaged by fire (Crossopteryx febrifuga, the species with the highest proportion of individuals with hollows yet the greatest background survival time, 14 ± 2 years) and (4) high mortality, but few hollow trees suggesting a weak resistance to hollowing (Cussonia arborea which was insensitive to all the factors examined in this study). For species resistant to hollowing, tree mortality was rare; alternatively, for species prone to hollowing, whole trees died quickly and before the most severe hollow classes could be observed. Long-term demographic data yielded population-level mortality estimates of adult trees at least four times lower in fire-exclusion zones than that in fire-prone areas. Because hollow dynamics interact with fire in affecting adult mortality of some dominant tree species, fire management is important for a sustainable woody component of these savannas.  相似文献   

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