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Social isolation has dramatic consequences on the development of individuals of many vertebrate species, and it induces a set of behavioural disturbances rending them unable to process environmental as well as social stimuli appropriately. We hypothesized that isolation syndrome is a ubiquitous trait of social life that can be observed in a wide array of species, including invertebrates. Here we report that gregarious cockroaches (Blattella germanica) reared in isolation showed (i) stronger exploration-avoidance, (ii) reduced foraging activity, (iii) reduced willingness to interact socially, and (iv) reduced ability to assess mating partner quality than conspecifics reared in groups. We demonstrate the occurrence of a behavioural syndrome induced by social isolation, similar to syndromes described in vertebrates, revealing the importance of social interactions and group-living in this non-eusocial insect species. We suggest that investigating social isolation effects on individual development should provide interesting results to assess social cohesion of species and thus constitute an additional tool for comparative studies focusing on the evolution of social life.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has been done on the ontogeny of feeding behaviour in fish. One of the aims of this study was to compare the ontogeny of feeding behaviour in four species of centrarchid fish of diverse feeding guilds. A second aim was to test Mayr's hypothesis that the locomotory acts involved in the ontogeny of feeding behaviour would be stereotyped. All four species initially displayed five feeding acts, with three of the acts disappearing from the repertoire at various intervals. The disappearance of the acts appeared to be related to the size and not to the age of the fry. The acts decreased in frequency as the fry aged and differences among the species in frequencies were minimal. The data supported Mayr's hypothesis but a modifying corollary was added to account for changes due to maturation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Coral reef fishes almost universally disperse over relatively great distances during a pelagic larval phase. Barlow (1981) suggested that this dispersal is adaptive because adult fishes inhabit a patchy, uncertain environment. This reiterated an older idea that the random extinction of local populations necessarily favours dispersal, since ultimately all populations of non-dispersers will disappear. Whereas this view is based on adult survival, we emphasize a less frequent view that substantial larval dispersal may be adaptive when offspring experience patchy and unpredictable survival in the pelagic habitat. We do not address the question of why these animals ‘broadcast’ rather than ‘brood’, but suggest that species committed to pelagic offspring will be under selection to disperse siblings to spread the risk of failure among members of a cohort. Our arguments are supported by a heuristic computer simulation.  相似文献   

We studied parental behavior in six syntopically breeding species of centrarchid fishes to determine whether energetic costs could contribute to our understanding of the diversity of parental care. We used a combination of underwater videography, radio telemetry and direct observation to examine how the cost of parental care varied with both its duration and intensity. Duration of parental care, activity patterns, and energetic costs varied widely among species. Overall, the duration of care increased with parental size between species. When energetic costs were adjusted for species-specific differences in the duration of parental care, the cost of parental care also increased with mean size of the species. Species with extended parental care exhibited stage-specific patterns of activity and energy expenditure consistent with parental investment theory, whereas fish with short duration parental care tended to maintain high levels of activity throughout the entire period of parental care. The only apparent exception (a species with brief parental care but stage-specific behavior) was a species with multiple breeding bouts, and thus effectively having protracted parental care. These data suggest that some species with short duration parental care can afford not to adjust parental investment over stages of offspring development. Using our empirical data on parental care duration and costs, we reevaluated the relationship between egg size and quality of parental care. Variation in egg size explained almost all of the observed variation in total energetic cost of parental care, and to a lesser degree, duration—the larger the eggs, the more costly the parental care. This research highlights the value of incorporating energetic information into the study of parental care behavior and testing of ecological theory.  相似文献   

Synopsis Some aspects of the ecology of the freshwater catfishSynodontis (Pisces: Mochocidae) in Kpong Headpond (Ghana) were studied. Five species were encountered, namelySynodontis schall, S. gambiensis, S. ocellifer, S. velifer andS. eupterus. S. ocellifer andS. velifer were not recorded in the area before impoundment and might have entered the headpond as eggs or young from the main Volta Lake. Length: weight relationships for the two most important species can be described by the equations: Log W = - 1.76 + 3.12log L (maleS. schall), Log W = -1.33 + 2.89log L (femaleS. schall) and Log W = - 0.39 + 2.07log L (S. gambiensis, sexes combined).Synodontis is omnivorous and generally browses on benthic deposits. Adults feed mostly on chironomids, plant material and aquatic insects. The genus displays sexual dimorphism by having a short urino-genital papilla in most adult males. ForS. schall, one season of major spawning activity occurs per year from mid to late September with first time spawners between 20.0–30.0 cm SL. TheSynodontis species studied lay between 2000 to 209000 eggs per spawning season.  相似文献   

Hybrid viability decreases with divergence time, a pattern consistent with a so-called speciation clock. However, the actual rate at which this clock ticks is poorly known. Most speciation-clock studies have used genetic divergence as a proxy for time, adopting a molecular clock and often far-distant calibration points to convert genetic distances into age. Because molecular clock assumptions are violated for most genetic datasets and distant calibrations are of questionable utility, the actual rate at which reproductive isolation evolves may be substantially different than current estimates suggest. We provide a robust measure of the tempo at which hybrid viability declines with divergence time in a clade of freshwater fishes (Centrarchidae). This incompatibility clock is distinct from a speciation clock because speciation events in centrarchids appear to be driven largely by prezygotic isolation. Our analyses used divergence times estimated with penalized likelihood applied to a phylogeny derived from seven gene regions and calibrated with six centrarchid fossils. We found that hybrid embryo viability declined at mean rate of 3.13% per million years, slower than in most other taxa investigated to date. Despite measurement error in both molecular estimated ages and hatching success of hybrid crosses, divergence time explained between 73% and 90% of the variation in hybrid viability among nodes. This high correlation is consistent with the gradual accumulation of many genetic incompatibilities of small effect. Hybrid viability declined with the square of time, consistent with an increasing rate of accumulation of incompatibilities between divergent genomes (the snowball effect). However, the quadratic slope is due to a lag phase resulting from heterosis among young species pairs, a phenomenon rarely considered in predictions of hybrid fitness. Finally, we found that reciprocal crosses often show asymmetrical hybrid viabilities. We discuss several alternative explanations for this result including possible deleterious cytonuclear interactions. Speciation-clock studies have been a small cottage industry recently, but there are still novel insights to be gained from analyses of more taxonomic groups. However, between-group comparisons require more careful molecular-clock calibration than has been the norm.  相似文献   

Morphological diversity is routinely used to infer ecological variation among species because differences in form underlie variation in functional performance of ecological tasks like capturing prey, avoiding predators, or defending territories. However, many functions have complex morphological bases that can weaken associations between morphological and functional diversification. We investigate the link between these levels of diversity in a mechanically explicit model of fish suction-feeding performance, where the map of head morphology to feeding mechanics is many-to-one: multiple, alternative forms can produce the same mechanical property. We show that many-to-one mapping leads to discordance between morphological and mechanical diversity in the freshwater fish family, the Centrarchidae, despite close associations between morphological changes and their mechanical effects. We find that each of the model's five morphological variables underlies evolution of suction capacity. Yet, the major centrarchid clades exhibit an order of magnitude range in diversity of suction mechanics in the absence of any clear difference in diversity of the morphological variables. This cryptic pattern of mechanical diversity suggests an evolutionary history for suction performance that is unlike the one inferred from comparisons of morphological diversity. Because many-to-one mapping is likely to be common in functional systems, this property of design may lead to widespread discordance between functional and morphological diversity. Although we focus on the interaction between morphology and mechanics, many-to-one mapping can decouple diversity between levels of organization in any hierarchical system.  相似文献   

Synopsis The early development of the southern mouthbrooder,Pseudocrenilabrus philander, is documented from activation until the early stages of the juvenile period. The duration of the embryonic period is about 14 days at 25°C. Development is direct and there is accelerated exogenous feeding into the embryonic period. The pattern of development and the timing of ontogenetic events and structure formation are a reflection of both internal and external environmental conditions. During mouthbrooding, oxygen uptake is facilitated by embryonic respiratory plexuses and flapping of the pectoral fins. At the time of first release from the buccal cavity, the embryos are in an advanced state of development. The switch-over from the temporary embryonic respiratory system to the adult branchial system has occurred. The yolksac serves as a supplemental source of nutrition as the embryos develop their external food-gathering abilities. The skeletal and sensory systems are sufficiently developed to allow the young to return to the safety of the female's buccal cavity. Pigmentation may provide disruptive colouration. The rate and pattern of development of another mouthbrooding cichlid,Oreochromis mossambicus, is similar to that ofP. philander despite their phylogenetic differences, and may be a consequence of similar life-history styles.  相似文献   

Farrowing is one of the most critical phases in pig production, as it has an impact on neonatal pig survival. Assessing the ease of farrowing can improve the management of sows and thus increase litter survival. The aims of this study were: 1) to develop an ease of farrowing score (EFS) in sows based on the behaviour of the sows and their piglets, and 2) to determine the relationship between the EFS and productive, physiological, and subjective parameters. Eighty hybrid (Large White × Landrace) sows from first to seventh parity housed in individual crates were used. An EFS was constructed using the total duration of farrowing, the birth interval, the total time standing or sitting, the number of position changes during the day before and the day of farrowing, the sow posture at birth, the viability and the position of the piglets at birth (head or back born). Moreover, rectal temperature at 90 min after farrowing, a four categorical subjective visual assessment (VA) of farrowing and litter size (piglets born alive, stillborn and mummified foetus) were recorded. A common factor analysis model yielded five factors with an eigenvalue higher than 0.95 that accounted for 75.05% of the total variation between individuals. The three main factors were “farrowing duration”, “sow posture”, and “sow activity” of sows and explained 23.44%, 15.67%, and 14.23% of the variance, respectively. Primiparous sows had higher values for factor 3 (sow activity) than multiparous sows (P = 0.02). Sows without stillborn or mummification foetus showed higher values of EFS than sows with at least one stillborn or mummification foetus (P = 0.06 and 0.01, respectively). Sows that received a visual assessment of 3 and 4 showed higher values of EFS than sows that received a VA of 1 and 2 (P = 0.0017). The EFS appears to be a good behavioural scale to measure ease of farrowing in sows kept in individual farrowing crates. Duration of farrowing, sow position, and presence of stillborn piglets and mummified foetuses appear to be important ease of farrowing indicators.  相似文献   

The present work embodies epidermal structure, structure and ontogeny of stomata in five genera embracing sixteen species of the Capparidaceae namely Cleome (8 species) Capparis (5 species), Cadaba (1 species), Crataeva (1 species) and Maerua (1 species). The epidermal cells are polygonal, isodiametric or elongated arranged irregularly, with evenly or unevenly thickened, sinuous, straight or arched anticlinal walls. Two main types of trichomes: glandular (four types) and eglandular (five types) are noticed. The stomatal types include cyclocytic, triacytic, staurocytic, tetracytic, anomocytic, anisocytic, paracytic and with a single subsidiary cell. The ontogeny of stomata with a single subsidiary cell is perigenous or mesoperigenous, of paracytic mesoperigenous or mesogenous, of anisocytic is mesoperigenous or mesogenous, while that of the other types is perigenous. Abnormalities observed are: single guard cell; aborted guard cells; complete or incomplete division of guard cells; contiguous stomata; giant stomata and cytoplasmic connections. The present observations do not support the separation of Cleomaceae from the Capparidaceae.  相似文献   

Synopsis Certain components of dentition — teeth on the third basibranchial in the Centrarchidae and on the parasphenoid in the anabantoids (sensu lato) — are very rare elsewhere in higher teleostean fishes. Though these basibranchial and parasphenoid teeth in the two fish groups are on opposite sides of the oral cavity, it is hypothesized that they both developed as adaptations for gripping a particular category of food items, namely strong-clawed, hard-shelled, active animals that, once within the oral cavity, would try to crawl out again. A corollary to this hypothesis is that higher teleosts with extensive dentition in the central part of the oral cavity have a grasping jaw bite, which, unlike a piercing, shearing, or crushing jaw bite, does not necessarily kill the prey that is taken into the oral cavity.  相似文献   

1.  Tethered flies (Musca domestica) walking on an air-suspended ball show a spontaneous response to the e-vector of polarized light presented from above, i.e. a slowly rotating e-vector induces periodic changes in the flies' turning tendency. Suitable control experiments exclude the possibility that the response is elicited by intensity gradients in the stimulus (Figs. 1 and 2).
2.  Presence of the e-vector response in both white and UV light and its complete absence in yellow light equally support the concept that the specialized dorsal rim area of the compound eye with its highly polarization sensitive UV receptors R7marg and R8marg mediates polarization vision in flies (Fig. 3).
3.  E-vector orientations inducing no turning response additional to the fly's inherent turning tendency are either parallel (avoided e-vector) or perpendicular (preferred e-vector) to the animal's body axis (Figs. 1 and 4).
4.  Considering the fanlike arrangement of the microvillar orientations of R7marg and R8marg in the dorsal rim area of the eye of Calliphora and Musca, a stabilizing function of polarization vision in controlling the flight course is suggested and discussed in the context of results from other behavioural studies.

1. Life history theory generally predicts a trade-off between shortjuvenile development and large adult size, assuming invariant growth rates within species. This pivotal assumption has been explicitly tested in few organisms. 2. We studied ontogeny in 13 populations of Omocestus viridulus grasshoppers under common garden conditions. High-altitude populations, facing short growing seasons and thus seasonal time constraints, were found to grow at a similar rate to low altitude conspecifics. 3. Instead, high-altitude grasshoppers evolved faster development, and the correlated change in body size led to an altitudinal size cline mediating a trade-off with female fecundity. 4. An additional juvenile stage occurred in low- but not high-altitude females. This difference is probably due to the evolution of lowered critical size thresholds in high-altitude grasshoppers to accelerate development. 5. We found a strikingly lower growth rate in males than females that we interpret as the outcome of concurrent selection for protandry and small male size. 6. Within populations, large individuals developed faster than small individuals, suggesting within-population genetic variation in growth rates. 7. We provide evidence that different time constraints (seasonal, protandry selection) can lead to different evolutionary responses in intrinsic growth, and that correlations among ontogenetic traits within populations cannot generally be used to predict life history adaptation among populations. Moreover, our study illustrates that comparisons of ontogenetic patterns can shed light on the developmental basis underlying phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

An epipharyngeal taste sensillum in Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae was studied. Electron microscopy showed that the sensillum is innervated by five neurons. Electrophysiological experiments showed that one of these cells responds to water, a second to sucrose and a third to two feeding deterrents that were also effective in a behavioural test. Receptor cells sensitive to feeding deterrents were not previously reported for L.␣decemlineata larvae or adults. The response of the sucrose-sensitive cell was strongly inhibited by one of the two feeding deterrents and only slightly by the other feeding deterrent. The relationship between the behavioural and electrophysiological results is discussed in order to elucidate the neural code of feeding deterrents in L. decemlineata larvae. We conclude that probably both the response of the deterrent cell and peripheral interactions exerted by feeding deterrents on the sucrose-sensitive cell determine the potency of feeding deterrents. The present results provide a physiological basis for the hypothesis that the presence or absence of feeding deterrents in potential food plants is a decisive cue in food plant selection by L. decemlineata larvae. Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

The concept of home ranges is fundamental to ecology. Numerous studies have quantified how home ranges scale with body size across taxa. However, these relationships are not always applicable intraspecifically. Here, we describe how the home range of an important group of reef fish, the parrotfishes, scales with body mass. With masses spanning five orders of magnitude, from the early postsettlement stage through to adulthood, we find no evidence of a response to predation risk, dietary shifts or sex change on home range expansion rates. Instead, we document a distinct ontogenetic shift in home range expansion with sexual maturity. Juvenile parrotfishes displayed rapid home range growth until reaching approximately 100–150 mm length. Thereafter, the relationship between home range and mass broke down. This shift reflected changes in colour patterns, social status and reproductive behaviour associated with the transition to adult stages. While there is a clear relationship between body mass and home ranges among adult individuals of different species, it does not appear to be applicable to size changes within species. Ontogenetic changes in parrotfishes do not follow expected mass–area scaling relationships.  相似文献   

Necator americanus developed normally in distilled water and in solutions of up to 4% NaCl, hatching however, occurred only in the lower tonicities. Together with other observations, this led to the conclusion that, as with many other nematodes, osmotic changes were critical for emergence. Behavioural movements of the larva within the egg have been described, and it has been suggested that the larva ‘feeds’ within the egg, and this involves head waving and oesophageal pumping into the intestine. Enzymes are thus flushed into the egg, causing membrane changes, an influx of water, and a considerable distention of the egg. The pressure is finally released by the rotary movements of the stoma against the egg membranes, causing a break in the egg through which the larva immediately passes.  相似文献   

By expanding on issues raised by D’Eath (1998), I address in this article three aspects of vision that are difficult to reproduce in the video- and computer-generated images used in experiments, in which images of conspecifics or of predators are replayed to animals. The lack of depth cues derived from binocular stereopsis, from accommodation, and from motion parallax may be one of the reasons why animals do not respond to video displays in the same way as they do to real conspecifics or to predators. Part of the problem is the difficulty of reproducing the closed-loop nature of natural vision in video playback experiments. Every movement an animal makes has consequences for the pattern of stimulation on its retina and this ”optic flow” in turn carries information about both the animal’s own movement and about the three-dimensional structure of the environment. A further critical issue is the behavioural context that often determines what animals attend to but that may be difficult to induce or reproduce in an experimental setting. I illustrate this point by describing some visual behaviours in fiddler crabs, in which social and spatial context define which part of the visual field a crab attends to and which visual information is used to guide behaviour. I finally mention some aspects of natural illumination that may influence how animals perceive an object or a scene: shadows, specular reflections, and polarisation reflections. Received: 23 November 1999 / Received in revised form: 9 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 February 2000  相似文献   

Disturbance from boats has been documented for many species of marine mammals, especially cetaceans, but has never been quantified for dugongs. Dugongs depend on seagrass for food. This food mostly occurs in shallow coastal areas where boat traffic is high. Thus there is potential for boats to alienate dugongs from critical habitat areas. Using an overhead video observation system (‘blimp-cam’), we observed the behaviour of focal dugongs during controlled boat pass experiments and while no boats were present. The percentage of time focal dugongs spent feeding and travelling was unaffected by boat presence, the number of boat passes and whether a pass included a stop and restart (pass continuity). The duration, distance and direction of a focal dugong's subsurface behaviour were unaffected by number, continuity or distance of boat passes. However, focal dugongs were less likely to continue feeding if the boat passed within 50 m, than if the boat passed at a greater distance. Mass movements of dugong feeding herds in response to experimental and opportunistically observed boats were timed on 42 occasions but only lasted an average of 122 s. These movements occurred in response to boats passing at a range of speeds, and at distances of less than 50 m to over 500 m. The levels of boat traffic we observed may reduce dugongs' feeding time budget by a maximum of 0.8-6%. Thus at present boats appear unlikely to be having a substantive effect on the energy intake of dugong populations at our study site on the Moreton Banks near Brisbane, Australia. However, boat traffic is likely to increase in this fast growing region, raising concern about the future impact of boats on this and other dugong populations.  相似文献   

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