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不同类型水生植物群落对蓝绿藻类的抑制作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择2种常见水生植物荇菜(Nymphoides peltatum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata),构建了荇菜群落(浮叶植物群落)、黑藻群落(沉水植物群落)和荇菜-黑藻群落(复合群落)等3种不同类型水生植物群落,在模拟富营养化水体环境条件下与自然水体中藻类共培养,研究了不同类型水生植物群落对藻类的抑制作用.结果表明:1)3种群落对水体中藻类的抑制作用顺序为荇菜群落>复合群落>黑藻群落,实验结束时水体叶绿素a分别减少了63.1%、44.7%、3.3%.2)荇菜群落中蓝藻受到了较强抑制作用,其总藻细胞密度比初始减少了99.5%;而绿藻总藻细胞密度则比初始增加了31.6%;黑藻群落中蓝藻仍保持较高生物量,绿藻藻细胞密度一直处于较低水平;复合群落对蓝绿藻均有很好的抑制效果,蓝藻藻细胞密度比初始下降了95.9%,绿藻藻细胞密度始终保持在较低水平.3)3种群落中藻类组成变化不同:荇菜群落中初始以微囊藻、色球藻等蓝藻门植物为优势种,逐渐转变为以小球藻、栅藻、四角藻等绿藻门植物为优势种;黑藻群落中藻类一直以微囊藻为优势种,伴生有少量的小球藻属、栅藻属、隐藻属藻种;复合群落水体中藻类组成与荇菜群落中藻类变化相似,实验期间微囊藻数量逐渐减少,而栅藻数量逐渐升高.4)不同群落中植物生物量增加明显,荇菜和黑藻的鲜重在单种群落和复合群落中均具有较高的增长率,分别为129.8%、63.6%和108.8%、66.5%;植物生长对光照、温度、pH等环境因子具有明显的调节作用,荇菜群落中水下20 cm处光衰减率与水体叶绿素a显著相关,说明荇菜的遮光作用是其产生显著抑藻作用的重要原因.  相似文献   

By infecting multiple host species and acting as a food resource, parasites can affect food web topography and contribute to ecosystem energy transfer. Owing to the remarkable secondary production of some taxa, parasite biomass – although cryptic – can be comparable to other invertebrate and vertebrate groups. More resolved estimates of parasite biomass are therefore needed to understand parasite interactions, their consequences for host fitness, and potential influences on ecosystem energetics. We developed an approach to quantify the masses of helminth parasites and compared our results with those of biovolume‐based approaches. Specifically, we massed larval and adult parasites representing 13 species and five life stages of trematodes and cestodes from snail and amphibian hosts. We used a replicated regression approach to quantify dry mass and compared these values with indirect biovolume estimates to test the validity of density assumptions. Our technique provided precise estimates (R2 from 0.69 to 0.98) of biomass across a wide range of parasite morphotypes and sizes. Individual parasites ranged in mass from 0.368 ± 0.041 to 320 ± 98.1 μg. Among trematodes, adult parasites tended to be the largest followed by rediae, with nonclonal larval stages (metacercariae and cercariae) as the smallest. Among similar morphotypes, direct estimates of dry mass and the traditional biovolume technique provided generally comparable estimates (although important exceptions also emerged). Finally, we present generalized length‐mass regression equations to calculate trematode mass from length measurements, and discuss the most efficient use of limited numbers of parasites. By providing a novel method of directly estimating parasite biomass while also helping to validate more traditional methods involving length‐mass conversion, our findings aim to facilitate future investigations into the ecological significance of parasites, particularly with respect to ecosystem energetics. In addition, this novel technique can be applied to a wide range of difficult‐to‐mass organisms.  相似文献   

This article assesses changes in the macrophyte community of Loch Leven over a period of 100 years. Evidence is presented that shows that these changes are associated with eutrophication and with subsequent recovery from eutrophication when anthropogenic nutrient inputs to the loch were reduced. This study uses macrophyte survey data from 1905, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1986, 1993, 1999 and 2008. In each of the four most modern surveys, the loch was divided into 19 sectors, each with at least one transect ranging from the shallowest to the deepest occurrence of macrophytes. From these data, a range of indicators of recovery were derived at the whole lake scale: the relative abundance of taxa, taxon richness and evenness. All of these metrics showed an improvement since 1972. Species richness, measured at the scales of survey sector and individual samples, also appeared to have increased in recent years. All of these measures, coupled with ordination of the presence/absence composition data from all survey years, indicate that the macrophyte community in the loch is recovering towards the state that was recorded in 1905.  相似文献   

Habitat partitioning in riverine macrophyte communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Habitat partitioning has been extensively studied in terrestrial plant communities. By comparison, few studies have examined habitat partitioning in riverine macrophyte communities. Riverine environments are often highly heterogeneous with respect to current speed, depth, bottom sediment fertility and other biologically important properties. Thus, the potential for habitat partitioning in riverine macrophyte communities is great. 2. The objective of this study was to investigate how, or if, macrophyte species are differentially distributed with respect to abiotic gradients in a large river in central British Columbia, Canada. 3. A survey of macrophyte biomass and associated measures of current speed, depth and sediment texture showed that coexistence occurred both with and without habitat partitioning. 4. Coexistence in the absence of habitat partitioning was depicted by Potamogeton gramineus, Potamogeton berchtoldii, Myriophyllum exalbescens, Callitriche hermaphroditica and Potamogeton pectinatus such that they had a minimum and average niche overlap (NO) of 65% and 84%, respectively, for all measured abiotic variables. Similarly, the spatial niche of E. canadensis was close to that of Ceratophyllum demersum and M. exalbescens. 5. While several taxa seemed to occupy the same spatial niche, some taxa were distinguished from one another in terms of the types of microhabitats they utilized. Mosses, for example, were often the only occupants of sites having current speeds greater than 0.6 m s–1 and substrates of bare rock. Ranunculus aquatilis was most abundant at sites having current speeds between 0.4 and 0.6 m s–1 whereas most other taxa were restricted to slower waters. Habitat partitioning across depth contours, which occurred between several taxa, was most evident between P. pectinatus and C. demersum (NO = 17%), C. hermaphroditica and C. demersum (NO = 3%), C. demersum and P. richardsonii (NO = 19%) and C. hermaphroditica and E. canadensis (NO = 29%).  相似文献   

The European Union requires member states to monitor the conservation status of water bodies designated under the Habitats and Species Directive. In the UK, macrophytes were identified as useful indicators of conservation status but it was recognised that sampling methods required assessment before nationwide survey work began. At eight lakes, which varied in size (0.9–2797 ha) and trophic status (oligotrophic–eutrophic), we tested a method which uses a combination of three techniques (boat transects, wader transects and perimeter strandline searches) to characterise repeat sectors (six or fewer). The combination of techniques used at a particular lake depended on the accessibility of each sector, the safety of applying the method, expediency and target flora. Species richness and abundance were recorded. By applying indicator metrics/rules to data produced by the method it was possible to categorise the conservation and trophic status of the lakes. Power analysis revealed that the data were statistically robust and could potentially be used to track significant, lake-specific changes in macrophyte flora through time. This analysis also revealed a decreasing return in statistical certainty with increased sampling effort (number of sectors sampled). Little additional certainty was added when more than 4 sectors were sampled per lake. The wader transects proved the most practical means of collecting quantitative data while perimeter surveys were an efficient means of adding useful supplementary semi-quantitative data. Boat surveys, although useful in some situations, particularly in assessing deeper water vegetation, were more time consuming than wader surveys. The potential applications and limitations of these methods are discussed and further tests suggested.  相似文献   

Quantifying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Many aquatic studies have attempted to relate biological features, such as species diversity, abundance, brain size and behaviour, to measures of habitat complexity. Previous measures of habitat complexity have ranged from simple, habitat‐specific variables, such as the number of twigs in a stream, to quantitative parameters of surface topography, such as rugosity. 2. We present a new video‐based technique, called optical intensity, for assaying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems. Optical intensity is a visual, quantitative technique modifiable for any scale or for a nested analysis. We field‐tested the technique in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, on 38 quadrats (5 × 5 m) to determine if three freshwater habitats (sand, rock and intermediate) were quantitatively different. 3. A comparison of the values obtained from optical intensity with a previous measure of surface topography (rugosity) showed that the two corresponded well and revealed clear differences among habitats. Both the new measure and rugosity were positively correlated with species diversity, species richness and abundance. Finally, whether used alone or in combination, both measures had predictive value for fish community parameters. 4. This new measure should prove useful to researchers exploring habitat complexity in both marine and freshwater systems.  相似文献   

Eva Pip 《Aquatic Ecology》1987,21(2):159-165
Aquatic macrophyte species richness (SR) was examined at 430 sites in the central Canadian region in relation to water body type, bottom substrate and 8 water chemistry parameters. SR was highest in rivers and lakes, intermediate in creeks, and lowest in ponds. The highest values occurred where granitic bedrock, highly organic substrates or sand predominated. SR was significantly inversely correlated in the study area as a whole with 7 of the water chemistry parameters; of these, total alkalinity was the most important. However, the relative importance of the respective parameters differed for various water body types. The relationship between SR and phosphorus was positive in ponds, but negative for all other water body types. Stepwise sultiple regression analysis identified phosphorus, total alkalinity and dissolved organic matter as important factors in ponds; sulphate, total alkalinity and chloride in lakes, and sulphate and phosphorus in lotic habitats. Log transformations improved the correlations for some variables. However, the water chemistry parameters examined accounted for less than half of the total variability in SR. Apparently SR depends on many different factors, including surface areaand bottom type, whose relative contributions vary with situation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Transplant experiments tested the proposition that the intensity of competition within macrophyte communities varies with standing crop in a freshwater marsh in Ontario, Canada.
2. Transplants of three species ( Carex lasiocarpa, Juncus brachycephalus, Scripus validus ) were grown at sixty-six locations chosen to represent a range of standing crop values. At each location, transplants were grown in plots with all neighbours removed and in adjacent plots with all neighbours present.
3. The effect of neighbours on transplant growth did not vary with standing crop, soil, or water depth, with the exception of one species which was most suppressed by neighbours in shallow water. In contrast, the effect of neighbours on the survivorship of transplants was greatest on organic soils supporting high values of standing crop in shallow water, and least on mineral soils supporting low values of standing crop in deeper water.
4. The results indicated that establishment and survivorship of vegetative propagules was most likely to be affected by neighbours in shallow water, but that the growth of established plants was not influenced by neighbours anywhere. Growth results corroborate earlier findings that competition has little effect on aquatic macrophytes.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in aquatic macrophyte communities over 25 years in Utonai-ko (42°42′N, 141°42′E) in northern Japan and determined the major change-producing factors using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of 21 measured hydrochemical variables with potential to influence the occurrence of communities. We then examined the corresponding changes in the 25-year fluctuation trends in the communities and measured variables. The most prominent changes were a decline in the Hippuris community and an increase in the Vallisneria and Myriophyllum communities. CCA revealed that the leading variable was significant wave height (SWH), followed by water depth (WD), total nitrogen (T-N), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, chlorine ion (Cl?), transparency, mud thickness, and suspended solids (SS). The Hippuris community was positively correlated with T-N and Cl? and negatively with SWH, WD, DO, and pH. All of these variables were likewise correlated with the Vallisneria and Myriophyllum communities but in the reverse direction. SS and transparency exhibited no correlations. During the 25 years, WD and T-N increased, but annual maximum wind velocity and Cl? decreased. Fluctuation of DO was <2 mg ml?1 and pH was consistent. Considering the direction of correlations and 25-year trends, vital factors for the change in aquatic macrophyte communities were WD and Cl?. Because the concentration of C1? was low, the change in aquatic macrophyte communities likely resulted from the increase in WD.  相似文献   

Quantifying structural redundancy in ecological communities   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In multivariate analyses of the effects of both natural and anthropogenic environmental variability on community composition, many species are interchangeable in the way that they characterise the samples, giving rise to the concept of structural redundancy in community composition. Here, we develop a method of quantifying the extent of this redundancy by extracting a series of subsets of species, the multivariate response pattern of each of which closely matches that for the whole community. Structural redundancy is then reflected in the number of such subsets, which we term “response units”, that can be extracted without replacement. We have applied this technique to the effects of the Amoco-Cadiz oil-spill on marine macrobenthos in the Bay of Morlaix, France, and to the natural interannual variability of macrobenthos at two stations off the coast of Northumberland, England. Structural redundancy is shown to be remarkably high, with the number and sizes of subsets being comparable in all three examples. Taxonomic/functional groupings of species within the differing response units change in abundance in the same way over time. The response units are shown to possess a wide taxonomic spread and, using two different types of randomisation test, demonstrated to have a taxonomically and functionally coherent structure. The level of structural redundancy may therefore be an indirect measure of the resilience or compensation potential within an assemblage. Received: 23 January 1996 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Matrices of correlation coefficients between the abundances or intensities of all pairs of helminth species, across all individual hosts in a sample, are regularly used to detect possible cases of interspecific competition in parasite communities. In these matrices, however, the range of possible values that any correlation coefficient can take is not -1 to 1, contrary to what is generally assumed. The number and magnitude of other correlation coefficients in a matrix will constrain the values that any given correlation can achieve. This property of matrices, and of inter-related natural variables, is explained and illustrated with 2 examples from real helminth communities. As a rule, the presence of many negative correlations in a matrix raises the lower value that any of them can possibly achieve. This has important but previously overlooked implications for the interpretation of correlation coefficients, and the detection of competition in natural parasite communities.  相似文献   

Some effects of siltation upon aquatic macrophyte vegetation in rivers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Despite the high silt loads of its rivers through the recently accelerated erosion of soils in South Africa, there appears to have been no intensive and direct work upon the effects of this siltation upon the aquatic macrophyte vegetation. Available data indicate a general decline in the aquatic vegetation as a result of the changed aquatic environments. The need for research on the aquatic and fringing vegetation is emphasized, and the need for conservation of the fringing vegetation along natural drainage lines.
Zusammenfassung Trotz den großen Schlammengen der Südafrikanischen Flüsse durch die neulich beschleunigte Bodenerosion scheint es keine intensive und unmittelbare Arbeit über die Wirkung dieser Verschlammung auf die macrophytische Wasservegetation zu geben. Vorhandene Angaben zeigen einen allgemeinen Verfall der Wasserpflanzen infolge der veränderten Wasserumgebung. Der Bedarf an Nachforschung über in und neben Wasser stehende Vegetation und ihre Bewahrung natürlichen Entwässerungslinien entlang wird betont.

The emergent macrophyte species Sparganium erectum occurs commonly at the margins of low- to medium- energy river systems across the northern temperate zone. It is considered as an invasive species along low-energy water courses in many parts of the US and Australia. The life-cycle and biomechanical properties of this species make it very well adapted to such environments, allowing rapid growth and sediment trapping, such that encroachment into the channel occurs as the growing season progresses. The widespread growth of species such as S. erectum is therefore of particular concern, when considering the flood risk potential of many rivers. As such, the conditions required for survival or uprooting and scouring of this plant are of interest, as are the times of the year and processes by which these plants spread to increase the size of current stands, and to form new stands. It is known that S. erectum reproduces by several vegetative methods including rhizome growth, dispersal of detached rhizomes, and relocation of entire plants. However, the mechanisms and flow conditions necessary for uprooting or scouring of entire plants, and the separation of fragments of this species, at different times of the year, are largely unknown. The aim of this paper is to model the uprooting resistance of S. erectum plants as reported by Liffen et al. (in press), and to investigate the manner by which this species is adapted to proliferate in low-energy, low-gradient streams. The results presented here show that Monte Carlo simulations using the RipRoot root-reinforcement model can be used to accurately model plant pullout forces, rhizome interconnectivity and length changes for S. erectum plants throughout the growing season. Analysis presented here also suggests that plant uprooting forces are several orders of magnitude larger than potential drag forces that could act on the S. erectum plants at the River Blackwater site modeled, and even at sites with much higher channel slopes. This result suggests that the ability of these plants to thrive in low-energy rivers, but not in higher-energy river environments, is less related to driving forces causing drag on the plants, and more related to the energy conditions controlling erosion and deposition of the fine substrate materials these plants thrive in. The critical shear stress of the fine within-vegetation material was shown here to only be exceeded by the average boundary shear stress within the vegetation, during winter months when above-ground biomass and thus Manning's n values were at their lowest. For example, during March and April average boundary shear stress was predicted to exceed critical boundary shear stress for 6% of the time. Erodibility measurements from jet-tests conducted at the River Blackwater fieldsite suggested that this excess in boundary shear stress could result in potential vertical scour of up to 0.09 m in both March and April. During the majority of the growing season sediment trapping rather than erosion dominated, with enough deposition occurring over the summer to protect all but the shallowest, weakest and least interconnected rhizomes and plants from being scoured in the winter months. The balance between erosion and deposition within stands of S. erectum in these low-energy environments therefore allows for the maintenance of established stands of vegetation, whilst still allowing for scouring of weaker S. erectum plants that can establish previously un-colonized channel margins further downstream.  相似文献   

Temperature is a key factor in determining the structure and performance of fungal assemblages on decomposing plant litter in streams. However, little is known of how temperature affects interspecific relationships among fungi. We compared the growth of four aquatic hyphomycetes co-occurring in temperate streams, in monocultures and all species combinations when exposed to five temperatures from 11 to 27 °C. In monocultures, maximum growth rates of Heliscus submersus, Lunulospora curvula and Varicosporium elodeae occurred at 27 °C whereas Articulospora tetracladia had the lowest growth rate. At 27 °C, the increase in species diversity had no effect on the growth of V. elodeae, increased the growth of H. submersus and L. curvula, and decreased the growth of A. tetracladia. Results suggest that within a species' optimal temperature range the growth of that species increases with higher fungal diversity, while outside this range growth decreases with diversity.  相似文献   

湖泊底质与水生植物相互作用综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要阐述了湖泊生态系统中底质和水生植物的概念及重要性,综述了底质理化性质对水生植物生长的影响,以及水生植物对底质营养盐的释放和底质再悬浮的作用。通过大量的研究综述回顾论述了不同的湖泊底质类型在一定程度上决定了水生植物的生长状态,适合的底质营养盐范围能促进水生植物生长,不同水生植物对底质营养盐的耐受性有差异。水生植物能促进底质沉降并减少再悬浮,水生植物的存在对沉积物中磷的活性有显著的影响。污染底泥的修复能为水生植物的立地与生长提供了良好的底质条件,有利于富营养化湖泊水生植被的恢复与重建。  相似文献   

  • 1 Macroinvertebrates (>0.1 mg, fresh weight) were collected every 2 weeks for 18 weeks from weedbeds dominated by either the macroalga Chara or rooted plants (mostly Isoetes sp., Potamogeton filiformis, Nuphar variegatum and Myriophyllum exalbescens) in Narrow Lake, Alberta, Canada. Significant differences in total biomass, taxonomic composition, and size-structure of the macroinvertebrate community were found between the two weedbed types.
  • 2 Total biomass of macroinvertebrates in the Chara beds (seasonal mean 26.4 g m?2) was consistently higher than in the rooted-plant weedbeds (seasonal mean 7.6 g m?2).
  • 3 The macroinvertebrate community of the Chara beds was dominated by chironomids, anisopterans, gastropods and sphaerid clams whereas amphipods dominated the community in the rooted-plant weedbeds.
  • 4 On average, the proportion of total biomass in the various size-classes (biomass size-spectrum) of the macroinvertebrate community in Chara beds varied very little between 1 and 512 mg. In rooted plant weedbeds, the spectrum showed a strong peak in the 4–8 mg size-class, a weak peak in the 32–64 mg size-class, and proportionately low biomass in the 128–256 mg and 256–512 mg size-classes. The slope of the normalized size-spectrum for the macroinvertebrate community of the Chara beds (-0.89) was significantly different from that of the rooted plant community (-1.11). The biomass of large organisms (>64 mg) was 10 times greater in the Chara beds than in the rooted-plant weedbeds.
  • 5 The species composition of aquatic macrophyte beds can greatly influence the abundance, taxonomic composition, and size-structure of the littoral zone macroinvertebrate community. Therefore, any changes in plant species composition of weedbeds, through introduction of exotic plant species or introduction (or loss) of an efficient grazer (e.g. crayfish), have the potential to alter greatly the structure of the macroinvertebrate community in a lake, with unknown consequences to fish and waterfowl dependent upon these prey.

The fungal community composition, size and several physico-chemical properties were individually investigated in ten macrophyte rhizospheric substrates using nested PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and soil chemical methods. Results indicated that both Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes were dominant fungi in macrophyte rhizospheric substrates, and denitrifying fungi (Fusarium graminearum) was found in nine of ten macrophyte rhizospheres. Fungal Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) and richness (S) in Thalia dealbata, Typha latifolia, Iris hexagona and Hemerocallis aurantiaca rhizospheres were higher than those in other six rhizospheres. Fungal number and biomass were 1.91 × 103 CFUs g?1 dw and 1.53 μg ergosterol g?1 dw in Iris pseudacor rhizosphere, and were greater than in other nine rhizospheres. The correlation analysis showed that fungal number and biomass significantly and positively correlated to total soil phosphorus, while fungal H and S were significantly and negatively correlated to total organic carbon. The principal components analysis (PCA) showed that the fungal community significantly divided ten macrophyte rhizospheres into four groups, showing the significant difference of fungal communities among ten rhizospheric substrates. The current study revealed for the first time the importance of rhizospheric fungal community in distinguishing macrophyte rhizospheres, thus will undoubtedly widen our insight into fungal communities in aquatic rhizospheres.  相似文献   

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