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Herbicide residues may affect seedlings during early stages of their development. We studied this possibility by the use of light and electron microscopy after incubation of germinating seeds ofPisum sativum L. andZea mays L. with different concentrations of chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl. By in vitro experiments, we have shown that both herbicides caused growth reduction of the very young roots, and severe ultrastructural alterations and injuries of the root caps of both species. Chlorsulfuron caused increase of electron-dense material in the vacuoles, cytoplasmic degeneration even in the inner secretory cell layers of the cap, and disruption of the amyloplast envelopes with release of the statolithic starch grains. In the initial cell complex of the root cap, the herbicides caused the formation of large concentric aggregates of the rough ER and wall disformations in the cells adjacent to this complex. Scanning electron microscopic observations revealed a decrease of the slime layer ensheathing the root cap and the subapical root surface.We conclude that even in early stages of seed germination, both herbicides seriously affect the gravity perception centre (consisting of the statocytes), and the secretory tissue of the root caps, thus probably disturbing the processes of gravitropism and the protective slime secretion of the roots.  相似文献   

The design of clinical trials is typically based on marginal comparisons of a primary response under two or more treatments. The considerable gains in efficiency afforded by models conditional on one or more baseline responses has been extensively studied for Gaussian models. The purpose of this article is to present methods for the design and analysis of clinical trials in which the response is a count or a point process, and a corresponding baseline count is available prior to randomization. The methods are based on a conditional negative binomial model for the response given the baseline count and can be used to examine the effect of introducing selection criteria on power and sample size requirements. We show that designs based on this approach are more efficient than those proposed by McMahon et al. (1994).  相似文献   

To determine whether diverse populations and biotypes of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) can be mass-produced and stored under uniform conditions, we assessed reproduction in five North American populations, four from the carnea biotype and one from the mohave biotype. Non-diapause adults from the carnea biotype varied significantly in only one aspect of reproduction, viz., the preoviposition period, whereas the duration and rate of oviposition, as well as fecundity, did not vary significantly. Relative to the carnea populations, the mohave population typically had delayed oviposition and a lower rate of oviposition; however, its oviposition period was long, and thus its fecundity differed only from that of the most productive carnea populations.The shelf-life (= survival during storage, and subsequent survival and reproduction after storage) was evaluated for four populations of the carnea biotype. Survival of diapausing adults during the first 18 weeks of storage was high among all four populations; adults from three populations also showed high survival after 35 weeks of storage. A high incidence of females from all four populations laid some fertile eggs after being stored for up to 31 weeks or longer. After six or more weeks of storage, average fecundity was high and ranged from 400–900 eggs/female. Duration of storage (up to 39 weeks) was a significant determinant of fecundity in two of the four populations.In practice, diverse populations of C. carnea can be efficiently mass-produced (with or without storage) under uniform conditions in the insectary. Thus, the choice of which populations to mass-produce and use in augmentation can be based primarily on the characteristics (e.g., climate, habitat, crop) of the intended area of release, rather than on considerations concerning mass-rearing.  相似文献   

Proteomics research infrastructures and core facilities within the Core for Life alliance advocate for community policies for quality control to ensure high standards in proteomics services.

Core facilities and research infrastructures have become an essential part of the scientific ecosystem. In the field of proteomics, national and international networks and research platforms have been established during the past decade that are supposed to set standards for high‐quality services, promote an exchange of professional information, and enable access to cutting‐edge, specialized proteomics technologies. Either centralized or distributed, these national and international proteomics infrastructures and technology platforms are generating massive amounts of data for the research community, and support a broad range of translational, computational and multi‐omics initiatives and basic research projects.By delegating part of their work to these services, researchers expect that the core facility adjusts their analytical protocols appropriately for their project to acquire data conforming best research practice of the scientific community. The implementation of quality assessment measures and commonly accepted quality controls in data generation is therefore crucially important for proteomics research infrastructures and the scientists who rely on them.However, current quality control and quality assessment procedures in proteomics core facilities and research infrastructures are a motley collection of protocols, standards, reference compounds and software tools. Proteomics relies on a customized multi‐step workflow typically consisting of sample preparation, data acquisition and data processing, and the implementation of each step differs among facilities. For example, sample preparation involves enzymatic digestion of the proteins, which can be performed in‐solution, in‐gel, or on‐beads, with often different proteolytic enzymes, chemicals, and conditions among laboratories. Data acquisition protocols are often customized to the particular instrument set up, and the acquired spectra and chromatograms are processed by different software tools provided by equipment vendors, third parties or developed in‐house.
…current quality control and quality assessment procedures in proteomics core facilities and research infrastructures are a motley collection of protocols, standards, reference compounds and software tools.
Moreover, core facilities implement their own guidelines to monitor the performance and quality of the entire workflow, typically utilizing different commercially available standards such as pre‐digested cell lysates, recombinant proteins, protein mixtures, or isotopically labeled peptides. Currently, there is no clear consensus on if, when and how to perform quality control checks. There is even less quality control in walk‐in facilities, where the staff is only responsible for correct usage of the instruments and users select and execute the analytical workflow themselves. It is not surprising therefore that instrument stability and robustness of the applied analytical approach are often unclear, which compromises analytical rigor.  相似文献   

T cells mediate effector functions through a variety of mechanisms. Recently, multiparameter flow cytometry has allowed a simultaneous assessment of the phenotype and multiple effector functions of single T cells; the delineation of T cells into distinct functional populations defines the quality of the response. New evidence suggests that the quality of T-cell responses is crucial for determining the disease outcome to various infections. This Review highlights the importance of using multiparameter flow cytometry to better understand the functional capacity of effector and memory T-cell responses, thereby enabling the development of preventative and therapeutic vaccine strategies for infections.  相似文献   

We sampled periphyton communities in a highly productive stream to characterize how longitudinal changes in watershed geology and land use affect periphyton nutrient status and elemental composition. Nutrient status was evaluated from measures of periphyton nutrient composition (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus), stable isotope signatures (δ15N and δ13C), and the response of periphyton to experimental enrichment with nitrogen. Biomass and nutrient content increased dramatically from the headwaters to downstream, while tissue nutrient ratios (C:P and C:N) were more consistent and did not indicate strong N- or P-limitation. Nitrogen enrichment experiments did not exhibit a consistent response upstream or downstream, and periphyton C:N:P stoichiometry showed no significant response to N-enrichment. Absolute densities of periphyton N were 5- to 90-fold greater than the overlying N concentrations in stream water (159- to 353-fold greater for P), and the δ15N signal indicates downstream enrichment from likely watershed sources (urban and agriculture land-use). These results suggest that periphyton in Spring Creek are not N-limited and store large quantities of both N and P, which in turn can be transported downstream during high flow events. Handling editor: David Hamilton  相似文献   

Seed movements and fates are important for restoration as these determine spatial patterns of recruitment and ultimately shape plant communities. This article examines litter cover and microsite effects on seed availability at a saline site revegetated with Eucalyptus sargentii tree rows interplanted with 5?C6 rows of saltbush (Atriplex spp.). As litter accumulation decreases with increasing distance from tree rows, soil seed banks were compared between paired bare and litter-covered zones within three microsites; tree row, saltbush row closest to tree row and saltbush mid-row (middle row of saltbush between tree rows). Germinable seed banks of the four most abundant species with contrasting seed sizes and dispersal mechanisms were assessed to test the hypotheses that: (i) microsites with litter cover contain higher seed densities than bare areas, but that (ii) microsite and litter effects will vary depending on seed size and dispersal mechanisms. Overall, litter cover increased seed densities, however, litter effects varied with seed size, with no effect on small-seeded species and litter increasing densities of large-seeded species. Seed bank composition also differed between tree and shrub microsites due to differences in seed morphology and dispersal mechanisms. Water-dispersed species were unaffected by microsite but densities of wind-dispersed species, including Atriplex spp., were higher in saltbush microsites. Densities of wind-dispersed species also differed between the two saltbush microsites despite similar litter cover. Future plantings should consider row spacing and orientation, as well as the dimensions of seeding mounds and associated neighbouring depressions, to maximize litter and seed-trapping by microsites.  相似文献   

It is well known that any quantitative (energy and protein levels) and qualitative (nature of the diet, nutrient dynamic) changes in the feeding of animals affect metabolism. Energy expenditure and feed efficiency at the whole-body level, nutrient partitioning between and within tissues and organs and, ultimately, tissue and organ characteristics are the major regulated traits with consequences on the quality of the meat and milk produced. Recent progress in biology has brought to light important biological mechanisms which explain these observations: for instance, regulation by the nutrients of gene expression or of key metabolic enzyme activity, interaction and sometimes cross-regulation or competition between nutrients to provide free energy (ATP) to living cells, indirect action of nutrients through a complex hormonal action, and, particularly in herbivores, interactions between trans-fatty acids produced in the rumen and tissue metabolism. One of the main targets of this nutritional regulation is a modification of tissue insulin sensitivity and hence of insulin action. In addition, the nutritional control of mitochondrial activity (and hence of nutrient catabolism) is another major mechanism by which nutrients may affect body composition and tissue characteristics. These regulations are of great importance in the most metabolically active tissues (the digestive tract and the liver) and may have undesirable (i.e. diabetes and obesity in humans) or desirable consequences (such as the production of fatty liver by ducks and geese, and the production of fatty and hence tasty meat or milk with an adapted fatty acid profile).  相似文献   

Each year salmon and other fishes are caught and used for supportive breeding programs that attempt to augment natural populations that are threatened with extinction. These programs typically mate individuals randomly and as such they overlook the importance of genetic quality to offspring fitness and ultimately to ensuring population health. Here, we use Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and a fully crossed quantitative genetic breeding design to partition genetic variance in offspring performance (growth and survival) to additive and non-additive genetic effects as well as maternal effects. We show that these three effects contribute about equally to the variation in survival, but only non-additive genetic and maternal effects contribute to variation in growth. Some of the genetic effects could be assigned to variation at the class IIB locus of the major histocompatibility complex, but the maternal effects were not associated with egg size and we found no relationship between dam phenotypic measures and offspring survival or growth. We also found no relationship between sire sexually selected characters and offspring survival or growth, which is inconsistent with a “good genes” hypothesis. Finally, we show that incorporation of genetic quality into supportive breeding programs can increase offspring growth or survival by between 3% and 19% during the endogenous feeding stage alone, and projections to adulthood suggest that survivorship could be over four fold higher. Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Persons with cerebral palsy frequently walk with a crouched, internally rotated gait. Spastic medial hamstrings or adductors are presumed to contribute to excessive hip internal rotation in some patients; however, the capacity of these muscles to produce internal rotation has not been adequately investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine the hip rotation moment arms of the medial hamstrings and adductors in persons with femoral anteversion deformities who walk with a crouched, internally rotated gait. A musculoskeletal model with a "deformable" femur was developed. This model was used, in conjunction with kinematic data obtained from gait analysis, to calculate the muscle moment arms for combinations of joint angles and anteversion deformities exhibited by 21 subjects with cerebral palsy and excessive hip internal rotation. We found that the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and gracilis muscles in our model had negligible or external rotation moment arms when the hip was internally rotated or the knee was flexed -- the body positions assumed by the subjects during walking. When the femur was excessively anteverted, the rotational moment arms of the adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, and proximal compartments of the adductor magnus in our model shifted toward external rotation. These results suggest that neither the medial hamstrings nor the adductors are likely to contribute substantially to excessive internal rotation of the hip and that other causes of internal rotation should be considered when planning treatments for these patients.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several ecologically important plant families in Mediterranean biomes have seeds with morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) but have been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to understand the seed ecology of these species by focusing on the prominent, yet intractably dormant Australian genus Hibbertia. It was hypothesized that the slow germination in species of this genus is caused by a requirement for embryo growth inside the seed before germination, and that initiation of embryo growth is reliant upon a complex sequence of environmental cues including seasonal fluctuations in temperature and moisture, and an interplay with light and smoke. Using the results, the classification of the MPD level in species of Hibbertia is considered.


Four species of Hibbertia in winter rainfall south-western Australia were selected. These species, whilst differing in geographic distributions, are variously sympatric, and all are important understorey components of plant communities. The following aspects related to dormancy break, embryo growth and germination were investigated: temperature and moisture requirements; effects of karrikinolide, gibberellic acid and aerosol smoke; and phenology.

Key Results

Following exposure to wet/dry cycles at low or high temperatures, embryo growth and germination occurred, albeit slowly in all species at low temperatures when moisture was unlimited, corresponding to winter in south-west Australia. Photo regime influenced germination only in H. racemosa. Aerosol smoke triggered substantial germination during the 1st germination season in H. huegelii and H. hypericoides.


Although the study species are con-generic, sympatric and produce seeds of identical morphology, they possessed different dormancy-break and germination requirements. The physiological component of MPD was non-deep in H. racemosa but varied in the other three species where more deeply dormant seeds required >1 summer to overcome dormancy and, thus, germination was spread over time. Embryos grew during winter, but future studies need to resolve the role of cold versus warm stratification by using constant temperature regimes. To include Mediterranean species with MPD, some modifications to the current seed-dormancy classification system may need consideration: (a) wet/dry conditions for warm stratification and (b) a relatively long period for warm stratification. These outcomes have important implications for improving experimental approaches to resolve the effective use of broadcast seed for ecological restoration.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Insufficient pollination is a function of quantity and quality of pollen receipt, and the relative contribution of each to pollen limitation may vary with intrinsic plant traits and extrinsic ecological properties. Community-level studies are essential to evaluate variation across species in quality limitation under common ecological conditions. This study examined whether endemic species are more limited by pollen quantity or quality than non-endemic co-flowering species in three endemic-rich plant communities located in biodiversity hotspots of different continents (Andalusia, California and Yucatan).


Natural variations in pollen receipt and pollen tube formation were analysed for 20 insect-pollinated plants. Endemic and non-endemic species that co-flowered were paired in order to estimate and compare the quantity and quality components of pre-zygotic pollination success, obtained through piecewise regression analysis of the relationship between pollen grains and pollen tubes of naturally pollinated wilted flowers.

Key Results

Pollen tubes did not frequently exceed the number of ovules per flower. Only the combination of abundant and good quality pollen and a low number of ovules per flower conferred relief from pre-zygotic pollen limitation in the three stochastic pollination environments studied. Quality of pollen receipt was found to be as variable as quantity among study species. The relative pollination success of endemic and non-endemic species, and its quantity and quality components, was community dependent.


Assessing both quality and quantity of pollen receipt is key to determining the ovule fertilization potential of both endemic and widespread plants in biodiverse hotspot regions. Large natural variation among flowers of the same species in the two components and pollen tube formation deserves further analysis in order to estimate the environmental, phenotypic and intraindividual sources of variation that may affect how plants evolve to overcome this limitation in different communities worldwide.  相似文献   

Inbreeding effects and incompatibility relationships were examined in strains of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma nr brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) from southeastern Australia. Crosses between strains provided weak evidence of incompatibility in a few cases. However sex ratio in crosses within strains tended to be more female-biased than in crosses between strains. Inbreeding was imposed for four generations (F>0.59) of sib mating. The fitness of inbred strains was compared to that of outbred strains generated by crossing the inbred strains. No effects of inbreeding were found for any of the four female traits examined (fecundity, body length, head width and hind tibia length), indicating that T. nr. brassicae is not subjected to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding effects were also not found for male mating success as expected for the haploid sex. There were differences among strains for all traits apart from fecundity, indicating heritable variation. Strain differences for fitness measures were uncorrelated with wasp size. The potential use of inbreeding in the quality control of Trichogramma for mass-release is discussed. Inbreeding may be a useful tool in minimising the effects of laboratory adaptation, thereby extending the useful life of a strain.  相似文献   

The one activity that is common to all botanic gardens is the cultivation of plants. Many also have education, science, conservation, events and exhibitions programmes but cultivating plants is at the core of every botanic garden and plants are used to support all these activities. With existing and potential threats to plants and habitats it is essential that botanic gardens contribute to both the science and practice of plant conservation. This is because they have the staff skills and some of the resources required to make a significant contribution. However, if the live plant collections are to play a part in this work, and they must, then they must be guided by a Collection Policy and achieve the highest standards of sampling, record keeping and cultivation to make sure that the plants in question are fit for purpose. After describing the Collection Policy for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) in Part 1, the paper covers the importance of wild origin material, targets, review and audits in driving up standards in Part 2. In Part 3, the inadequacy of some conservation collections are described. The approach taken by three different conservation programmes at RBGE which have embraced the need for rigorous standards in conservation collections are then described. These are the International Conifer Conservation Programme, the Scottish Plants Programme and RBGE’s Target 8 (of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation) Project. Examples from RBGE’s Living Collection and Collection Policy are used throughout to illustrate the points being made.  相似文献   

In fish, in vitro fertilization is an important reproductive tool used as first step for application of others biotechniques as chromosome and embryo manipulation. In this study, we aimed to optimize gamete quality and their short-term storage from the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae, for future application in laboratory studies. Working with sperm, we evaluated the effects of spawning inducers (carp pituitary gland and Ovopel® [(D-Ala6, Pro9-NEt) – mGnRH+metoclopramide]) and the presence of female on sperm motility. Additionally, we developed new procedures for short-term storage of sperm and oocytes. Briefly, sperm motility was higher when male fish were treated with carp pituitary gland (73.1±4.0%) or Ovopel® (79.5±5.5%) when compared with the control group treated with 0.9% NaCl (55.6±27.2%; P=0.1598). Maintenance of male fish with an ovulating female fish also improved sperm motility (74.4±7.4%) when compared with untreated male fish (42.1±26.1%; P=0.0018). Storage of sperm was optimized in modified Ringer solution, in which the sperm was kept motile for 18 days at 2.5°C. The addition of antibiotics or oxygen decreased sperm motility, but partial change of supernatant and the combination of those conditions improve storage ability of sperm. Fertilization ability of oocytes decreased significantly after storage for 30, 60 90 and 120 min at 5, 10, 15 and 20°C when compared with fresh oocytes (P=0.0471), but considering only the stored samples, the optimum temperature was 15°C. Those data describe new approaches to improve semen quality and gametes short-term storage in yellowtail tetra A. altiparanae and open new possibilities in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are components of the photosynthetic machinery, intermediates in the biosynthesis of abscisic acid and other apocarotenoids and act as coloured pigments particularly in floral and fruit tissue. Humans benefit in a number of ways from dietary carotenoids present in green leaf tissue and many fruits, seeds, roots and tubers. Carotenoids with a β-ring end group are required for the synthesis of vitamin A, and deficiency for this vitamin remains a major health problem in some parts of the world. Epidemiological studies suggest that carotenoids also have important roles in a range of diseases including age-related macular degradation and some cancers. The isoprenoid pathway is described, which leads to the carotenoids via the condensation of five-carbon isoprenoid units to form a 40-carbon chain in phytoene. The early part of the biosynthetic pathway involves crosstalk between plastidic and cytosolic components. Desaturation, isomerization, cyclization, hydroxylation and epoxidation of the 40-carbon phytoene gives the range of carotenoids found in plants. The nuclear-encoded enzymes for these stages are targeted to plastids, and in some cases, different members of a gene family are active in plastids in different tissue types. Studies on the transgenic manipulation of the pathway, natural and induced mutants, gene silencing and gene and quantitative trait locus mapping are increasingly unravelling the pathway and its control, giving opportunities for directed manipulation of the types and quantities of these nutritionally important compounds in crop tissues used in human and animal diets.  相似文献   

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