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The two described subspecies of the emperor tamarin,Saguinus imperator imperator Goeldi andSaguinus imperator subgrisescens Lönnberg are defined and compared, the geographic range of each plotted.  相似文献   

The renal lesions are of special importance in the captive primates. The most commonly pathologies are: pyelonephritis, nephrocalcinosis, glomerulonephritis, congenital malformations, hydronephrosis and functional diseases. We report the histopathological study of renal lesions of five cases of deaths in Cebus apella (Primates) of the Argentinean Primate Center. The ages of the monkeys were from 4 months to 15 years old. Microscopically, we have observed principally acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, hilar mesangio proliferative glomerulonephritis, extracapilar glomerulonephritis with crescents, chronic interstitial nephritis and chronic pyelophritis.  相似文献   

Oestrone, oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay in daily urine samples after pairing and during subsequent pregnancy in a pied bare-face tamarin. On the basis of excretion profiles an ovarian cycle length of about 3 weeks and a gestation length of about 160 days are suggested. Oestrone was the predominant urinary oestrogen excreted by the non-pregnant and pregnant pied bare-face tamarin, the oestrone/oestradiol ratio being greater than 100:1. The results suggest that steroid monitoring can provide useful information about reproductive physiology in this species of tamarin.  相似文献   

In fetal mouse liver fragments maintained in organ culture, the activities of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and glucose 6-phosphatase are elevated in the presence of dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (Bt2-cAMP). Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine at 2.5 mM increased the two enzyme activities. The enzyme activities returned to the normal levels following removal of Bt2-cAMP from the culture medium. Glucagon at concentrations from 10(-11) M to 10(-6) M induced both enzyme activities. The developmental increases in the two gluconeogenic enzymes are supported by cyclic AMP elevated by glucagon. Only at unphysiologically high concentrations did prostaglandin-E1 show weak stimulatory effects. alpha-Adreno-agonists did not stimulate the enzyme activities. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide reduced the enzyme activities stimulated by Bt2-cAMP. Both inhibitors and removal of Bt2-cAMP prevented the incorporation of [3H]leucine into the bisphosphatase. The kinetic properties, subunit-size, and antigenic nature of the bisphosphate showed that the type of enzyme induced by Bt2-cAMP in vitro is identical to the adult liver type. The results are interpreted as indicating that cyclic AMP acts at certain sites in the syntheses of these two gluconeogenic enzymes in the fetal mouse liver.  相似文献   

The subspecies of saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) are known to be chromatically and morphologically diverse but little is known of the genetic basis for the observed morphological variation. The morphology of first generation subspecific hybrids can be compared to that of the parental subspecies to provide information on the extent and nature of genetic differences in morphology between subspecies. We compare two groups of saddle-back tamarin hybrids (S. f. illigeri × S. f. lagonotus and S. f. illigeri × S. f. leucogenys) to pure-bred members of their parental subspecies. These crosses were examined for heterosis, caused by allele frequency differences between the subspecies in combination with directional dominance. Thirty-nine craniofacial measurements were derived from three-dimensional coordinates of landmarks on 355 adult tamarin skulls. These measurements were corrected for sex differences and differences due to environment (wild-derived vs. laboratory-born) prior to analysis of hybridity. Sex differences were minimal for these traits. Environment had a more significant effect on craniofacial morphology. Laboratory environments produce larger faces but smaller orbits, anterior cranial vaults, and cranial bases. Significant heterosis was found for many individual traits and for the first principal component representing size and size-related shape measurements in the S. f. illigeri × S. f. lagonotus cross. The smaller samples involved in the S. f. illigeri× S. f. leucogenys cross led to a much lower number of statistically significant results, although most traits did display heterosis. Heterosis for craniofacial size was nearly statistically significant. These results suggest that there are large differences in allele frequencies among these subspecies of saddle-back tamarin for genes affecting craniofacial morphology. Based on these data we suggest that these subspecies are likely to be independent, largely isolated, evolutionary units. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A regional (North American) studbook of Saguinus geoffroyi, Geoffroy's tamarin, is presented. Supplemental information regarding range, habitat, status in the wild, taxonomy, husbandry, level of inbreeding, and international holdings is included. Living animals are cross-indexed by holding institution.  相似文献   

A seasonal variation in the urinary catecholamines output has been demonstrated in two simians kept under constant ambient conditions : the nocturnal Aotus and the diurnal Sa?miri sciureus. In Aotus, catecholamines output (NA + A), in spring, is higher than in other Primates including man and even more so in winter. Cold exposure increases the NA + A excretion in Aotus as it does in squirrel monkey and rat but the A output is particularly prominent in Sa?miri. Fasting does not alter significantly the catecholamines excretion. Associated fasting and cold exposure do not modify the adrenosympathetic response observed in Aotus in cold conditions alone, but depresses the sympathetic activity and greatly enhance the adrenomedullary excretion in squirrel monkey, as it is the case in rat. Associated fasting and cold represents a highly stressful situation for squirrel monkey but not for night monkey. Catecholamines metabolites (MN, NMN, DOPAC, HVA, VMA and MHPG) are found in urine of both species, DOPAC and VMA being predominant in Aotus but DOPAC and MHPG in Sa?miri. The proportions of conjugated forms vary according to the metabolite : DOPAC and VMA are mainly under free form but NMN, MN and MHPG are mostly conjugated in both species. The daily output of pooled adrenergic metabolites (expressed as ng/mg creatinine) is higher in Aotus than in Sa?miri and man. Both monkey species display a high adrenosympathetic activity which does not correlate with their resting metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Kaytydids and related insects are an important component in the diets of moustached ( Saguinus mystax mystax ) and saddle-back tamarins ( Saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons ). Based on preliminary data of captured prey, trends suggest that partitioning occurs regarding orthopterans as a limited food resource. Of species caputre as prey, only three were shared by both tamarin species. Saddle-back tamarins appeared to specialize more on understorey species (0-4 m), concentrating on pseudophylline katydids. Moustached tamarins incorporated a greater percentage of phaneropterine katydids from the lower to middle canopy into their diet of insects. Although most prey species were exposed to view during the diurnal feeding period of the tamarins, only the saddle-back tamarin fed on katydids that spend the day concealed from view within dead curled leaves. Differentiation of the prey spectrum may represent a critical pattern of niche differentiation in these two sympatric tamarin species, which show a high overlap in their plant food resources.  相似文献   

Two cases of myelolipoma in the cottontop tamarin (Saguinus o. oedipus) were found unequivocally within the adrenal gland, supporting an earlier suggestion that the adrenal gland was the possible origin of a juxtarenal myelolipoma in the same species. In the present study a 30-mm-diameter myelolipoma was present in the adrenal gland in case 1, whereas in case 2 the myelolipoma was only detected on histological examination. In case 1, changes in the adrenal gland were considered to be of minor clinical significance, whereas in case 2 the myelolipoma was an incidental finding.  相似文献   

From January 1987 to November 1990, 125 adult Saguinus mystax died at the CRCP. Enteritis/colitis (26%), hypoglycemia/cachexia (19%), and parasitic enteritis (13%) were the most common causes of death. Less common were purulent peritonitis (9%), lobular pneumonia (8%), and hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis (6%). These results confirm the high frequency of gastroenteric lesions reported in Callitrichidae in captivity.  相似文献   

Groups of individually marked cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), located in La Reserva Forestal Protectora Serranía de Coraza-Montes de María in Colosó Colombia, were studied over a period of 5 years. Data on group composition, stability, birthing seasons, and dispersal patterns are used to examine the reproductive strategies and tactics used by males and females. Both monogamous groups and groups containing two pregnant females have been observed. All groups contained at least one adult female and male, with several groups containing several adult males and females. Both males and females dispersed to neighboring groups, and there were no sex differences in rates of emigration. Males were more likely to immigrate into a new group following the death/emigration of a resident male. Females appeared to tolerate immigrating females but would actively defend their breeding position during fertile periods. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of two taxa of genus Leontopithecus(rosalia and chrysomelas) are studied. Their G-, C- and NOR-banding patterns are compared with those of representatives of the genus Saguinus to determine chromosomal similarities and differences between the two genera and thus contribute to explaining phylogenetic relations between the tamarins. Leontopithecus, like the Saguinus, presents 2n = 46, 14 autosomes plus the Y acrocentric and 30 autosomes plus the X biarmed. No chromosomal rearrangement distinguishes the karyotypes of the representatives of genus Leontopithecus or genus Saguinus. The two genera are distinguished from each other by a paracentric inversion and pericentric inversions on at least four pairs of acrocentric autosomes, displacing the NORs of the small short arms in Leontopithecus to the proximal region of the long arms in Saguinus or vice versa. The tamarins are also distinguished by the distribution of noncentromeric constitutive heterochromatin. The data obtained indicate that the two tamarin genera are closely related chromosomally, suggesting that they probably originated from the same ancestral branch. Am. J. Primatol. 43:265–276, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) have been differentiated into subspecies based on coat color and facial morphology. Morphology of first-generation genetic hybrids can provide an understanding of population differences and evolution that may otherwise be difficult to obtain. This study compares postcranial morphology in two hybrids of saddle-back tamarins (S. f. illigeri x S. f. lagonotus and S. f. illigeri x S. f. leucogenys) to the purebred subspecies. We examine whether postcranial morphology differs between the purebred subspecies and their hybrids, and whether hybrids exhibit heterosis indicative of genetic differences between the parental subspecies. Fifty postcranial dimensions, or traits, were measured on 287 S. fuscicollis skeletons. Measurements were corrected for sex differences and environmental differences (wild-derived or laboratory-born). Females were larger than males for most postcranial dimensions, especially in the pelvis. Significant environmental differences were found throughout the postcranial skeleton, with wild-derived animals generally larger than animals born in the laboratory. Significant heterosis was found for six postcranial traits in the S. f. illigeri x S. f. leucogenys cross, and heterosis was found for 15 postcranial traits in the S. f. illigeri x S. f. lagonotus cross. These results suggest that subspecies differences in skeletal morphology are generally due to genetic rather than environmental differences. The subspecies appear to represent geographic isolates that differ in gene frequencies and directional dominance for skeletal traits.  相似文献   

The genus Saguinus represents a successful radiation of over 20 species of small‐bodied New World monkeys. Studies of the tamarin diet indicate that insects and small vertebrates account for ~16–45% of total feeding and foraging time, and represent an important source of lipids, protein, and metabolizable energy. Although tamarins are reported to commonly consume large‐bodied insects such as grasshoppers and walking sticks (Orthoptera), little is known concerning the degree to which smaller or less easily identifiable arthropod prey comprises an important component of their diet. To better understand tamarin arthropod feeding behavior, fecal samples from 20 wild Bolivian saddleback tamarins (members of five groups) were collected over a 3 week period in June 2012, and analyzed for the presence of arthropod DNA. DNA was extracted using a Qiagen stool extraction kit, and universal insect primers were created and used to amplify a ~280 bp section of the COI mitochondrial gene. Amplicons were sequenced on the Roche 454 sequencing platform using high‐throughput sequencing techniques. An analysis of these samples indicated the presence of 43 taxa of arthropods including 10 orders, 15 families, and 12 identified genera. Many of these taxa had not been previously identified in the tamarin diet. These results highlight molecular analysis of fecal DNA as an important research tool for identifying anthropod feeding patterns in primates, and reveal broad diversity in the taxa, foraging microhabitats, and size of arthropods consumed by tamarin monkeys. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:474–481, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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