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We have studied the interaction of Na2SeO3 with microtubule proteins and tubulin. This selenium compound inhibits the polymerization of MTP (half-inhibition occurred for Na2SeO3 10 microM), and to a lesser that of tubulin. This effect of selenite is related to the formation of disulfide bridges between tubulin sulfhydryl groups, inducing a conformational change of the protein. This is corroborated by the modified binding of colchicine and vinblastine in presence of selenium. The selenite inhibitory concentrations are similar to the toxic blood levels of selenium (40 microM).  相似文献   

The distribution of actin and tubulin during the cell cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces was mapped by immunofluorescence using fixed cells from which the walls had been removed by digestion. The intranuclear mitotic spindle was shown clearly by staining with a monoclonal antitubulin; the presence of extensive bundles of cytoplasmic microtubules is reported. In cells containing short spindles still entirely within the mother cells, one of the bundles of cytoplasmic microtubules nearly always extended to (or into) the bud. Two independent reagents (anti-yeast actin and fluorescent phalloidin) revealed an unusual distribution of actin: it was present as a set of cortical dots or patches and also as distinct fibers that were presumably bundles of actin filaments. Double labeling showed that at no stage in the cell cycle do the distributions of actin and tubulin coincide for any significant length, and, in particular, that the mitotic spindle did not stain detectably for actin. However, both microtubule and actin staining patterns change in a characteristic way during the cell cycle. In particular, the actin dots clustered in rings about the bases of very small buds and at the sites on unbudded cells at which bud emergence was apparently imminent. Later in the budding cycle, the actin dots were present largely in the buds and, in many strains, primarily at the tips of these buds. At about the time of cytokinesis the actin dots clustered in the neck region between the separating cells. These aspects of actin distribution suggest that it may have a role in the localized deposition of new cell wall material.  相似文献   

Tubulin undergoes posttranslational modifications proposed to specify microtubule subpopulations for particular functions. Most of these modifications occur on the C-termini of tubulin and may directly affect the binding of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) or motors. Acetylation of Lys-40 on α-tubulin is unique in that it is located on the luminal surface of microtubules, away from the interaction sites of most MAPs and motors. We investigate whether acetylation alters the architecture of microtubules or the conformation of tubulin, using cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM). No significant changes are observed based on protofilament distributions or microtubule helical lattice parameters. Furthermore, no clear differences in tubulin structure are detected between cryo-EM reconstructions of maximally deacetylated or acetylated microtubules. Our results indicate that the effect of acetylation must be highly localized and affect interaction with proteins that bind directly to the lumen of the microtubule. We also investigate the interaction of the tubulin acetyltransferase, αTAT1, with microtubules and find that αTAT1 is able to interact with the outside of the microtubule, at least partly through the tubulin C-termini. Binding to the outside surface of the microtubule could facilitate access of αTAT1 to its luminal site of action if microtubules undergo lateral opening between protofilaments.  相似文献   

H J Hinz  S N Timasheff 《Biochemistry》1986,25(25):8285-8291
The enthalpy changes that occur in the self-assembly of tubulin into microtubules were examined by adiabatic differential heat capacity microcalorimetry and by isothermal batch microcalorimetry. Tubulin solutions at concentrations between 7 and 17 mg/mL were heated from 0 to 40 degrees C at heating rates of 1 or 2 deg/min in pH 6.8 or 7.0 assembly buffers containing 20 mM MES, 100 mM glutamic acid, 5 mM MgCl2, 3.4 M glycerol, and either 0.5 mM GMP-PCP or 1 mM GTP. The assembly reaction in the presence of GTP was characterized by a complex heat-uptake pattern consisting of a broad endotherm with a sharper exotherm superimposed on it, similar to assembly in a GTP phosphate buffer [Hinz, H.-J., Gorbunoff, M.J., Price, B., & Timasheff, S.N. (1979) Biochemistry 18,3084]. Replacement of GTP by the nonhydrolyzable analogue resulted in a pattern typical for an endothermic reaction only. These results have permitted the assignment of the endothermic process to microtubule assembly and of the exothermic process to the resultant GTP hydrolysis. In these studies equilibration was found to be slow, several hours of cooling being required for the system to return to its original state. Turbidity scans also revealed hysteresis between consecutive scans and a displacement of the depolymerization transition midpoint to a lower temperature than that of assembly. The disassembly of microtubules was examined in batch calorimetry experiments in pH 7.0 phosphate, 1 mM GTP, 16 mM MgCl2, and 3.4 M glycerol, in which tubulin assembled into microtubules was diluted to below the critical concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In cells, stable microtubules (MTs) are covalently modified by a carboxypeptidase, which removes the C-terminal Tyr residue of α-tubulin. The significance of this selective detyrosination of MTs is not understood. In this study, we report that tubulin detyrosination in fibroblasts inhibits MT disassembly. This inhibition is relieved by overexpression of the depolymerizing motor mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK). Conversely, suppression of MCAK expression prevents disassembly of normal tyrosinated MTs in fibroblasts. Detyrosination of MTs suppresses the activity of MCAK in vitro, apparently as the result of a decreased affinity of the adenosine diphosphate (ADP)–inorganic phosphate- and ADP-bound forms of MCAK for the MT lattice. Detyrosination also impairs MT disassembly in neurons and inhibits the activity of the neuronal depolymerizing motor KIF2A in vitro. These results indicate that MT depolymerizing motors are directly inhibited by the detyrosination of tubulin, resulting in the stabilization of cellular MTs. Detyrosination of transiently stabilized MTs may give rise to persistent subpopulations of disassembly-resistant polymers to sustain subcellular cytoskeletal differentiation.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of GTP is known to accompany microtubule assembly. Here we show that hydrolysis of GTP is also associated with the formation of linear oligomers of tubulin, which are precursors (prenuclei) in microtubule assembly. The hydrolysis of GTP on these linear oligomers inhibits the lateral association of GTP-tubulin that leads to the formation of a bidimensional lattice. Therefore GTP hydrolysis interferes with the nucleation of microtubules. Linear oligomers are also formed in mixtures of GTP-tubulin and GDP-tubulin. The hydrolysis of GTP associated with heterologous interactions between GTP-tubulin and GDP-tubulin in the cooligomer takes place at a threefold faster rate than upon homologous interactions between GTP-tubulins. The implication of these results in a model of vectorial GTP hydrolysis in microtubule assembly is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of tubulin-microtubule poison complexes with anti-tubulin antisera has been investigated using radioimmunoassay. The binding of the major antiserum used in this study to tubulin does not interfere with the binding of colchicine to the tubulin or affect the decay of the colchicine-binding activity of the tubulin. Conversely, if colchicine is incubated with the tubulin, forming tubulin-colchicine complexes, the tubulin-colchicine complexes are less efficient competitors for antibody-binding sites than tubulin alone. This is the result of the formation of specific colchicine-tubulin complexes, since tubulin, incubated with lumicolchicine or isocolchicine, behaves as if the tubulin were incubated alone in the radioimmunoassay. When tubulin is incubated with other microtubule poisons, podophyllotoxin or vinblastine, the tubulin-drug complexes have diminished ability to compete with tubulin as did the tubulin-colchicine complexes. These changes observed in the binding of tubulin-microtubule poison complexes to anti-tubulin antisera in a tubulin radioimmunoassay suggest that the binding of colchicine, podophyllotoxin, or vinblastine to tubulin induces subtle conformational changes on the surface of the tubulin dimer involving antigenic determinant sites.  相似文献   

The binding of lactoperoxidase to microtubules and tubulin was shown in both electron micrography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by tracing the enzymatic activity of lactoperoxidase. Lactoperoxidase bound to purified microtubules appeared to distribute evenly on the surface without forming special structures. Both alpha and beta-tubulin separated by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis bound lactoperoxidase, and could be detected by the use of lactoperoxidase reaction. Electrophoretic study revealed that the interaction between lactoperoxidase and tubulin were not strictly specific and a variety of proteins other than alpha- and beta-tubulin, including actin and neurofilament subunits, bound lactoperoxidase.  相似文献   

PACSINs are intracellular adapter proteins involved in vesicle transport, membrane dynamics and actin reorganisation. In this study, we report a novel role for PACSIN proteins as components of the centrosome involved in microtubule dynamics. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-tagged PACSIN proteins interacted with protein complexes containing α- and γ-tubulin in brain homogenate. Analysis of cell lysates showed that all three endogenous PACSINs co-immunoprecipitated dynamin, α-tubulin and γ-tubulin. Furthermore, PACSINs bound only to unpolymerised tubulin, not to microtubules purified from brain. In agreement, the cellular localisation of endogenous PACSIN 2 was not affected by the microtubule depolymerising reagent nocodazole. By light microscopy, endogenous PACSIN 2 localised next to γ-tubulin at purified centrosomes from NIH 3T3 cells. Finally, reduction of PACSIN 2 protein levels with small-interfering RNA (siRNA) resulted in impaired microtubule nucleation from centrosomes, whereas microtubule centrosome splitting was not affected, suggesting a role for PACSIN 2 in the regulation of tubulin polymerisation. These findings suggest a novel function for PACSIN proteins in dynamic microtubuli nucleation.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton is assembled from a finite pool of α,β-tubulin, the size of which is controlled by an autoregulation mechanism. Cells also tightly regulate the architecture and dynamic behavior of microtubule arrays. Here, we discuss progress in our understanding of how tubulin autoregulation is achieved and highlight work showing that tubulin, in its unassembled state, is relevant for regulating the formation and organization of microtubules. Emerging evidence suggests that tubulin regulates microtubule-associated proteins and kinesin motors that are critical for microtubule nucleation, dynamics, and function. These relationships create feedback loops that connect the tubulin assembly cycle to the organization and dynamics of microtubule networks. We term this concept the ‘tubulin economy’, which emphasizes the idea that tubulin is a resource that can be deployed for the immediate purpose of creating polymers, or alternatively as a signaling molecule that has more far-reaching consequences for the organization of microtubule arrays.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence both in vitro and in vivo implicates protein damage by peroxynitrite as a probable mechanism of cell death. Herein, we report that treatment of bovine brain microtubule protein, composed of tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins, with peroxynitrite led to a dose-dependent inhibition of microtubule polymerization. The extent of cysteine oxidation induced by peroxynitrite correlated well with inhibition of microtubule polymerization. Disulfide bonds between the subunits of the tubulin heterodimer were detected by Western blot as a result of peroxynitrite-induced cysteine oxidation. Addition of disulfide reducing agents including dithiothreitol and beta-mercaptoethanol restored a significant portion of the polymerization activity that was lost following peroxynitrite addition. Thus, peroxynitrite-induced disulfide bonds are at least partially responsible for the observed inhibition of polymerization. Sodium bicarbonate protected microtubule protein from the peroxynitrite-induced inhibition of polymerization. Tyrosine nitration of microtubule protein by 1 mM peroxynitrite increased approximately twofold when sodium bicarbonate was present whereas the extent of cysteine oxidation decreased from 7.5 to 6.3 mol cysteine/mol tubulin. These results indicate that cysteine oxidation of tubulin by peroxynitrite, rather than tyrosine nitration, is the primary mechanism of inhibition of microtubule polymerization.  相似文献   

Microtubules are major cytoskeletal components involved in numerous cellular functions such as mitosis, cell motility, or intracellular traffic. These cylindrical polymers of alphabeta-tubulin assemble in a closely regulated dynamic manner. We have shown that the stathmin family proteins sequester tubulin in a nonpolymerizable ternary complex, through their stathmin-like domains (SLD) and thus contribute to the regulation of microtubule dynamics. We demonstrate here that short peptides derived from the N-terminal part of SLDs impede tubulin polymerization with various efficiencies and that phosphorylation of the most potent of these peptides reduces its efficiency as in full-length stathmin. To understand the mechanism of action of these peptides, we undertook a NMR-based structural analysis of the peptide-tubulin interaction with the most efficient peptide (I19L). Our results show that, while disordered when free in solution, I19L folds into a beta-hairpin upon binding to tubulin. We further identified, by means of saturation transfer difference NMR, hydrophobic residues located on the beta2-strand of I19L that are involved in its tubulin binding. These structural data were used together with tubulin atomic coordinates from the tubulin/RB3-SLD crystal structure to model the I19L/tubulin interaction. The model agrees with I19L acting through an autonomous tubulin capping capability to impede tubulin polymerization and provides information to help understand the variation of efficiency against tubulin polymerization among the peptides tested. Altogether these results enlighten the mechanism of tubulin sequestration by SLDs, while they pave the way for the development of protein-based compounds aimed at interfering with tubulin polymerization.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence points to an association of prion protein (PrP) with microtubular cytoskeleton. Recently, direct binding of PrP to tubulin has also been found. In this work, using standard light scattering measurements, sedimentation experiments, and electron microscopy, we show for the first time the effect of a direct interaction between these proteins on tubulin polymerization. We demonstrate that full-length recombinant PrP induces a rapid increase in the turbidity of tubulin diluted below the critical concentration for microtubule assembly. This effect requires magnesium ions and is weakened by NaCl. Moreover, the PrP-induced light scattering structures of tubulin are cold-stable. In preparations of diluted tubulin incubated with PrP, electron microscopy revealed the presence of approximately 50 nm disc-shaped structures not reported so far. These unique tubulin oligomers may form large aggregates. The effect of PrP is more pronounced under the conditions promoting microtubule formation. In these tubulin samples, PrP induces formation of the above oligomers associated with short protofilaments and sheets of protofilaments into aggregates. Noticeably, this is accompanied by a significant reduction of the number and length of microtubules. Hence, we postulate that prion protein may act as an inhibitor of microtubule assembly by inducing formation of stable tubulin oligomers.  相似文献   

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, has potent antitumor activity against several tumor types. However, its molecular target and mechanism of antiproliferative activity are not clear. Here, we identified curcumin as a novel antimicrotubule agent. We have examined the effects of curcumin on cellular microtubules and on reconstituted microtubules in vitro. Curcumin inhibited HeLa and MCF-7 cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner with IC(50) of 13.8 +/- 0.7 microm and 12 +/- 0.6 microm, respectively. At higher inhibitory concentrations (> 10 microm), curcumin induced significant depolymerization of interphase microtubules and mitotic spindle microtubules of HeLa and MCF-7 cells. However, at low inhibitory concentrations there were minimal effects on cellular microtubules. It disrupted microtubule assembly in vitro, reduced GTPase activity, and induced tubulin aggregation. Curcumin bound to tubulin at a single site with a dissociation constant of 2.4 +/- 0.4 microm and the binding of curcumin to tubulin induced conformational changes in tubulin. Colchicine and podophyllotoxin partly inhibited the binding of curcumin to tubulin, while vinblastine had no effect on the curcumin-tubulin interactions. The data together suggested that curcumin may inhibit cancer cells proliferation by perturbing microtubule assembly dynamics and may be used to develop efficacious curcumin analogues for cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL) catalyzes the post-translational retyrosination of detyrosinated α-tubulin. Despite the indispensable role of TTL in cell and organism development, its molecular mechanism of action is poorly understood. By solving crystal structures of TTL in complex with tubulin, we here demonstrate that TTL binds to the α and β subunits of tubulin and recognizes the curved conformation of the dimer. Biochemical and cellular assays revealed that specific tubulin dimer recognition controls the activity of the enzyme, and as a consequence, neuronal development. The TTL–tubulin structure further illustrates how the enzyme binds the functionally crucial C-terminal tail sequence of α-tubulin and how this interaction catalyzes the tyrosination reaction. It also reveals how TTL discriminates between α- and β-tubulin, and between different post-translationally modified forms of α-tubulin. Together, our data suggest that TTL has specifically evolved to recognize and modify tubulin, thus highlighting a fundamental role of the evolutionary conserved tubulin tyrosination cycle in regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

End binding 1 (EB1) is a plus-end-tracking protein (+TIP) that localizes to microtubule plus ends where it modulates their dynamics and interactions with intracellular organelles. Although the regulating activity of EB1 on microtubule dynamics has been studied in cells and purified systems, the molecular mechanisms involved in its specific activity are still unclear. Here, we describe how EB1 regulates the dynamics and structure of microtubules assembled from pure tubulin. We found that EB1 stimulates spontaneous nucleation and growth of microtubules, and promotes both catastrophes (transitions from growth to shrinkage) and rescues (reverse events). Electron cryomicroscopy showed that EB1 induces the initial formation of tubulin sheets, which rapidly close into the common 13-protofilament-microtubule architecture. Our results suggest that EB1 favours the lateral association of free tubulin at microtubule-sheet edges, thereby stimulating nucleation, sheet growth and closure. The reduction of sheet length at microtubule growing-ends together with the elimination of stressed microtubule lattices may account for catastrophes. Conversely, occasional binding of EB1 to the microtubule lattice may induce rescues.  相似文献   

Two tubulin variants, isolated from chicken brain and erythrocytes and known to have different peptide maps and electrophoretic properties, are demonstrated to exhibit different assembly properties in vitro: 1) erythrocyte tubulin assembles with greater efficiency (lower critical concentration, greater elongation rate) but exhibits a lower nucleation rate than brain tubulin, and 2) erythrocyte tubulin readily forms oligomers whose presence significantly retards the rate of elongation, suggesting that tubulin oligomers may also be important for determining the rate of assembly and the length of microtubules in erythrocytes. Erythrocyte tubulin isolated by cycles of in vitro assembly-disassembly is also demonstrated to contain a 67-kDa tau factor that greatly enhances microtubule nucleation but has little effect on elongation rates or critical concentration. Immunofluorescence microscopy with tau antibody indicates that tau is specifically associated with marginal band microtubules, suggesting that it may be important for determining microtubule function in vivo.  相似文献   

Cells contain multiple tubulin isotypes that are the products of different genes and posttranslational modifications. It has been proposed that tubulin isotypes become segregated into different classes of microtubules each adapted to specific activities and functions. To determine if mixtures of tubulin isotypes segregate into different classes of polymers in vitro, we used immunoelectron microscopy to examine the composition of microtubule copolymers that assembled from mixtures of purified tubulin subunits from chicken brain and erythrocytes, each of which has been shown to exhibit distinct assembly properties in vitro. We observed that (a) the two isotypes coassemble rapidly and efficiently despite the fact that each isotype exhibits its own unique biochemical and assembly properties; (b) at low monomer concentrations the ratio of tubulin isotypes changes along the lengths of elongating copolymers resulting in gradients in immuno-gold labeling; (c) two distinct classes of copolymers each containing a distinct ratio of isotypes assemble simultaneously in the same subunit mixture; and (d) subunits and polymers of different isotypes associate nearly equally well with each other, there being only a slight bias favoring interactions among subunits and polymers of the same isotype. The observations agree with previous studies on the homogeneous distribution of multiple isotypes within cells and suggest that if segregation of isotypes does occur in vivo, it is most likely directed by cell-specific microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) or specialized intracellular conditions.  相似文献   

A combined morphometric and biochemical approach has been used to identify and quantitate microtubules and tubulin in isolated hepatocytes. The total soluble pool of microtubule protein was estimated by specific high affinity binding to radiolabeled colchicine. Scatchard analysis of the data identified two populations of binding sites: high affinity-low capacity sites resembling tubulin and low affinity-high capacity sites believed to represent nonspecific colchicine-binding sites. Data from these studies indicate that tubulin represents 1% of the soluble protein of the cell, that 9.0 X 10(-14) dimers of tubulin are present per microgram soluble hepatocyte protein, and that the average hepatocyte contains 3.1 X 10(7) tubulin dimers. Our calculations suggest that this amount of tubulin would form a microtubule 1.9 cm in length if totally assembled. However, stereological measurements indicate that the actual length of microtubules in the cytosolic compartment of the average hepatocyte is only 0.28 cm. Thus, these experiments suggest that only 15% of the available tubulin in hepatocytes of postabsorptive rats is assembled in the form of microtubules.  相似文献   

We studied the characteristics of cytoplasmic microtubule reassembly from endogenous tubulin pools in situ using a Brij 58-lysed 3T3 cell system. Cells that were pretreated in vivo with colcemid retain endogenous tubulin in the depolymerized state after lysis. When lysed cells were removed from colcemid block and incubated in GTP-PIPES reassembly buffer at pH 6.9, microtubules repolymerized randomly throughout the cytoplasm, appeared to be free-ended and were generally not associated with the centrosomes. However, tubulin could be induced to polymerize in an organized manner from the centrosomes by increasing the pH to 7.6 in the presence of ATP and cAMP. Microtubules polymerized in ATP had significantly longer lengths than those assembled in GTP or UTP. When cells not treated with colcemid were lysed, the integrity of the cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC) was maintained during subsequent incubation in reassembly buffer. However, in contrast to unlysed, living cells, microtubules of lysed cells were stable to colchicine. A significant fraction of the CMTC was stable to cold- induced disassembly whereas microtubules reassembled after lysis were extremely cold-sensitive. When cells not treated with colcemid were lysed and incubated in millimolar Ca++, microtubules depolymerized from their distal ends and a much reduced CMTC was observed. Ca++ reversal with EGTA rapidly resulted in a reformation of the CMTC apparently by elongation of Ca++ resistant microtubules.  相似文献   

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