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Aims Due to fast-growing and high drought stress tolerance, Leucaena leucocephala has been widely used for afforestation in degraded tropical forests worldwide, but it is also a global invasive exotic species. Studies have shown that fast-growing can help L. leucocephala successfully invade subtropical forests. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether fast-growing and high drought stress tolerance can help L. leucocephala invade tropical rain forests.Methods The pioneer community of tropical rain forest which had been invaded by L. leucocephala in the Baopoling Mountain, Sanya, China was the research object. Through the t-test, we compared the differences in key functional traits that were related to growth rate (photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate) and drought stress tolerance (leaf turgor loss point) in both wet and dry seasons between L. leucocephala and eight dominant native species of pioneer community of tropical rain forest. And the principal component analysis (PCA) was used to investigate whether these functional traits can best discriminate between Leucaena leucocephala and the eight dominant native species.Important findings Leucaena leucocephala could be invariably growing fast (photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate much higher than native species) from wet to dry seasons and had higher drought stress tolerance (leaf turgor loss point much lower than native species) in the dry season. The results of PCA showed that these functional traits could significantly discriminate between L. leucocephala and the eight dominant native species. Therefore, invariable fast-growing from wet to dry season and high drought stress tolerance in the dry season make L. leucocephala successfully invade pioneer communities of tropical rain forests. In the future, these functional traits can be used to select many native species to perform biological control of L. leucocephala in other tropical forests.  相似文献   

由于生长速率高, 耐旱性强, 银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala)被广泛应用于世界各地退化热带亚热带森林的修复, 但它也是一种全球性的外来入侵植物。已经有研究发现高生长速率可以帮助银合欢成功入侵亚热带森林, 但是目前还不清楚高生长速率和强耐旱性是否能帮助银合欢成功入侵热带森林。该研究以位于中国三亚抱坡岭被银合欢入侵的热带雨林先锋群落为研究对象, 通过t检验比较干季和湿季银合欢和8个热带雨林先锋群落的本地优势种与快速生长(光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率)和耐旱性(叶片膨压丧失点)紧密相关的功能性状的差异, 并利用主成分分析(PCA)研究这些功能性状是否能很好地区分银合欢和其他8个本地优势种。结果表明: 银合欢在干湿季均能快速地生长(比本地物种显著更高的光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率), 且在干季拥有更强的耐旱性(比本地物种显著更低的叶片膨压丧失点)。PCA结果表明这些功能性状能够显著区分银合欢和其他8个本地优势种。因此干湿季的稳定的快速生长和干季的强耐旱性使银合欢成功入侵热带雨林先锋群落。未来可利用这些功能性状筛选合适的本地物种对入侵其他热带森林的银合欢进行有效的生物防治。  相似文献   

滇南勐宋热带山地雨林的物种多样性与生态学特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了鲜为人知的滇南勐宋地区的原始山地雨林植被, 根据分布生境、群落结构和种类组成特征,可将该山地雨林区分为沟谷和山坡两个类型, 分别定义为八蕊单室茱萸(Mastixia euonymoides)-大萼楠(Phoebe megacalyx)林和云南拟单性木兰(Parachmeria yunnanensis)-云南裸花(Gymnanthes remota)林。该山地雨林的外貌仍以单叶、革质、全缘、中叶为主的常绿中、小高位芽植物组成为特征,层间木质藤本植物仍较丰富,草本高位芽植物和附生植物丰富,但板根和茎花现象少见,属于热带山地垂直带上低山雨林或山地雨林植被类型。与该地区的典型热带季节雨林和赤道热带雨林相比, 勐宋的山地雨林群落中的大、中高位芽植物和藤本高位芽植物比例相对减少, 小、矮高位芽植物和草本高位芽植物比例相对增加,单叶、革质、非全缘叶和小叶比例相对增加,板根现象少见。与中国热带北缘-南亚热带地区(季风)常绿阔叶林比较, 勐宋的山地雨林有较多的附生植物和草本高位芽植物,相对较少的小高位芽植物和矮高位芽植物,小叶比例亦较少,非全缘叶和革质叶比例相对较低。故勐宋山地雨林是滇南热带北缘山地的一种较湿润生境的植被类型, 与所谓的季风常绿阔叶林不同。在物种多样性上,勐宋热带山地雨林在单位面积植物种数上并不比该地区的热带季节雨林低, 物种多样性指数与低丘季节雨林相当,比沟谷季节雨林低, 明显高于季风常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族“龙山”片断热带雨林植物多样性的变化研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱华  许再富  王洪  李保贵   《广西植物》1997,17(3):213-219
本文选择了西双版纳地区6个傣族“龙山”片断热带雨林和一个同样植被类型的自然保护区原始林为研究样地,在各样地中均设置一个2500m2面积的样方,采用植物群落学与植物种类编目相结合的方法,比较研究了各“龙山”片断雨林的群落结构(层次和覆盖度),植物丰富度(单位面积上的植物个体数)和物种多样性指数的变化情况,得出结论:随着隔离(孤立)时间的增加和人为干扰的加剧,“龙山”片断热带雨林的群落结构和植物丰富度将越趋偏离原始热带雨林,亦即群落结构变得不完整,植物丰富度降低,以及物种多样性指数显著下降,片断热带雨林中的雨林成分也将在一定程度上被先锋成分等其它植被类型成分替换。本文也对导致这些变化的原因作了探讨。  相似文献   

The availability of fruits is critical for tropical forests, where the majority of plant species rely upon animal vectors for seed dispersal. However, we do not know how fruit production is temporally distributed over species and families. Two plant families are particularly important in floristic inventories of Atlantic rain forests: Arecaceae, a few species of which are highly abundant; and Myrtaceae, which is abundant and displays outstanding species diversity. In this context, we asked whether hyperdominance occurs in fruit production in the Atlantic rain forest, and whether it occurs in the abundant species of Arecaceae and Myrtaceae. We investigated whether the temporal fruit production patterns differ between Myrtaceae, Arecaceae, and the plant community as a whole. We also applied a functional dispersion index to assess the temporal fruit diversity over a 2‐yr period, with regard to morphological and phenological traits. We found that the phenomenon of hyperdominance occurs in fruit production: five species accounted for more than half of the pulp biomass. Arecaceae fruit biomass peaked at the end of wet season, overlapping with the community peak; whereas Myrtaceae species fruited throughout the year and were an important resource during periods of food scarcity. Myrtaceae filled more of the fruit morphospace over time because their fruits exhibit a large range of morphologies and phenological strategies. Our results demonstrated the importance of combining phenology and fruit morphology in the evaluation of resource availability, which revealed periods of high fruit diversity that could support a range of frugivore sizes and maintain overall ecosystem functionality.  相似文献   

李晓东  巢欣  刘惠秋  杨清  杨胜娴  巴桑 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7746-7760
为探究雅鲁藏布江中游浮游植物群落分布格局及其优势种时空生态位特征,于2021年7月、10月对该水域进行浮游植物样品的采集和水体理化因子的测定,鉴定浮游植物物种,计算浮游植物优势种生态位宽度、生态位重叠值、生态响应速率及相对资源占有率,运用共现网络模型分析群落的种间关联性,并对浮游植物优势种与环境因子进行Pearson相关性分析。结果表明:该水域共鉴定到浮游植物644种,隶属于8门12纲25目49科152属,其中,优势种22种,优势种中硅藻占90.9%,在群落中占绝对优势;丰水期的肘状针杆藻丰度最大(74.193×104细胞/L)且出现频率最高(0.867),是丰水期绝对优势种;整体上优势种生态位宽度时间(0.833)>空间(0.254),优势种时空生态位宽度主要受空间生态位宽度的影响,空间异质性是影响该水域浮游植物优势种分布的主要因素;优势种时空二维生态位无意义重叠的种对占40.69%,优势种时空二维的生态位重叠以中、低等级为主,优势种间对时空资源需求异质性高,种间潜在竞争关系较弱;该水域枯水期浮游植物群落的网络结构紧密,群落连通性、群落复杂度和物种间生态位...  相似文献   

To compare community assemblage patterns in tropical northeastern and subtropical central eastern Australia across selected gradients and scales, we tested the relationship of species traits with phylogenetic structure, and niche breadth. We considered phylogenetic relationships across current‐day species in assemblages in relation to rain forest species pool sizes, and trait values along gradients including elevation and latitude. Trait values were quantified across scales for seed size, leaf area, wood density and maximum height at maturity for 1137 species and 596 assemblages using trait gradient analysis (TGA). Local assemblages of subtropical species had narrower trait ranges, and higher niche breadth values than corresponding assemblages of tropical species. Leaf size and seed size increased at low latitudes, and community phylogenetic structure was most strongly correlated with seed traits in the subtropics, reflecting dispersal and re‐colonization processes. Elevation accounted for little of the variance in community phylogenetic structure or trait variation across local and regional scales. Stable moist forest areas retained many species from ancestral rain forest lineages across a range of temporally conserved habitats; species within assemblages were less related; and rain forest assemblages had higher functional diversity, but lower niche breadth. This suggests that on average, assemblages of species in stable areas had greater trait variation and narrower distributions. Historic and recent rain forest contraction and re‐expansion can result in recolonized areas that are dominated by species that are more related (phylogenetically) than by chance, have smaller, widely dispersed seeds, and greater niche breadth (broader distributions).  相似文献   

Tropical forests are mega-diverse ecosystems that display complex and non-equilibrium dynamics. However, theoretical approaches have largely focused on explaining steady-state behaviour and fitting snapshots of data. Here we show that local and niche interspecific competition can realistically and parsimoniously explain the observed non-equilibrium regime of permanent plots of nine tropical forests, in eight different countries. Our spatially-explicit model, besides predicting with accuracy the main biodiversity metrics for these plots, can also reproduce their dynamics. A central finding is that tropical tree species have a universal niche width of approximately 1/6 of the niche axis that echoes the observed widespread convergence in their functional traits enabling them to exploit similar resources and to coexist despite of having large niche overlap. This niche width yields an average ratio of 0.25 between interspecific and intraspecific competition that corresponds to an intermediate value between the extreme claims of the neutral model and the classical niche-based model of community assembly (where interspecific competition is dominant). In addition, our model can explain and yield observed spatial patterns that classical niche-based and neutral theories cannot.  相似文献   

戴云山黄山松群落主要树种更新生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨戴云山黄山松(Pinus taiwanensis)群落的分化与动态更新,采用改进的更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠公式研究黄山松群落主要树种的更新生态位。结果表明,不同物种对空间资源的利用存在差异,不同物种具有不同的更新生态位宽度,物种间的更新生态位重叠值也不同。在群落乔木层,黄山松的更新生态宽度最大,因此,黄山松在群落中占优势地位。黄山松与其它物种的更新生态位重叠值主要在0.1~0.39之间,表明黄山松与其它树种存在共用资源利用谱。黄山松与窄基红褐柃(Eurya rubiginosa)和短尾越桔(Vaccinium carlesii)的更新生态位重叠值较大,与这些物种的竞争和排斥作用明显,不利于黄山松幼苗和幼树更新,因此建议采用人工抚育措施并加强保护,提高黄山松幼苗和幼树的成活率,使群落处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

林窗对格氏栲天然林更新层物种生态位的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用改进更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠模型分析林窗干扰对福建三明市格氏栲天然林更新层物种生态位的影响。结果表明:林窗中格氏栲更新生态宽度值大于林下,林窗在促进格氏栲更新过程中具有重要作用。林窗和林下更新生态位宽度最大的为桂北木姜子,其与格氏栲更新生态位重叠值也较大。林窗中的格氏栲与其它物种更新生态位重叠值低于0.6,林窗微生境的异质性导致格氏栲与其它树种间对资源的利用存在明显的共享趋势,促进了物种间共存。林下的格氏栲与木荷、木荚红豆和短尾越桔的更新生态位重叠值均高于0.6,格氏栲与这些物种相互争夺资源与空间,种间竞争较强。格氏栲天然林未来树种组成中,主要由桂北木姜子、木荷、矩圆叶鼠刺与格氏栲等组成的混交群落,整个群落正向物种组成多样化的方向演变。  相似文献   

江西井冈山地区沟谷季雨林及其超地带性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景慧娟  凡强  王蕾  廖文波  陈春泉  彭少麟 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6265-6276
江西井冈山地区位于中国东部中亚热带地区南缘,属北半球湿润区。该地区地处罗霄山脉中段,地势高耸,沟谷深切,生境极富多样化,在其沟谷地区保存有典型亚热带季风常绿阔叶,常称季雨林。选择6个典型沟谷季雨林群落,开展群落生态学和生物地理学的研究,结果表明:(1)群落组成以典型的热带性科属为特征,如樟科Lauraceae、壳斗科Fagaceae、山茶科Theaceae、茜草科Rubiaceae、金缕梅科Hamamelidaceae等;种子植物属的地理成分以热带-亚热带成分占优势,占总属数的64.71%—77.94%,高于同纬度地区其他山体,接近甚至高于南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林中的热带性成分。(2)群落结构具有多优势种及明显的特征性标志种,与具单优势种或少数优势种的亚热带常绿阔叶林有明显差异。(3)Shannon-Wiener指数为4.44—5.46之间,物种多样性较丰富,表现出明显的南亚热带植被特征。(4)其它热带雨林性质的特征还包括:大型木质藤本,板根现象,绞杀现象,滴水叶尖,丰富的寄生、附生植物、兰科植物、树蕨等。整体上,井冈山地区亚热带沟谷季雨林群落具有热带雨林向亚热带常绿阔叶林过渡的明显特征,与南亚热带季雨林性质相似,在演替上常被称为侵入群落,或为历史时期长期演化形成的超地带性植物群落。  相似文献   

滇南热带雨林物种多样性的取样面积探讨   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过不同面积样方种数的比较、物种多样性指数等的计算和逐步扩大样地面积的调查, 本文研究了滇南热带雨林种数/面积关系、个体/种数关系、物种多样性及树种的频度分布规律, 认为滇南热带雨林群落学调查的最适取样(样方)面积是0.25 hm2, 这个面积接近该类型热带雨林理论上的群落最小表现面积。 为能体现一个具体森林(群落)类型的基本的植物区系组成, 需设置4~5个这样的样方(总面积累计1 hm2以上)。从与世界不同地区热带雨林的比较亦可见,云南热带雨林有类似的树种频度分布规律,单位面积上的物种多样性比典型的东南亚低地热带雨林稍低,但比非洲的热带雨林要高。  相似文献   

望天树林与相近类型植被结构的比较研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

西双版纳热带雨林与海南热带雨林的比较研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
西双版纳的热带雨林与海南低地热带雨林和热带季雨林有基本一致的植物区系组成,群落中优势科无论在种数百分比还是重要值排名上均较接近,显然属于同样性质的植物区系。在生态特征上,西双版纳热带雨林群落高大,分层不明显,B层为林冠层,散生巨树常见,在生活型谱上以高位芽植物占绝对优势,大、中高位芽植物相对较多,落叶树种比例小;以中叶、纸质,全缘和复叶比例较高为特征,具有最接近海南低地湿润雨林的群落垂直结构和生态外貌,其雨林特点虽不如湿润雨林浓厚,但明显强于海南的热带常绿季雨林和山地雨林,海南常绿季雨林群落高度明显较矮,小叶比例通常较高,革质叶比例亦较高,群落具遥明显的旱生特点,海南的山地雨林群落高度较矮,A层连续,成为林冠,无散生巨树,分层明显,在生活型谱上大高位芽植物比例减少,附生植物丰富,并具有相当比例的地面芽植物;叶级虽以中叶占优势,但通常革质,非全缘和单叶比例较高,明显由于热量不足的影响而带有亚热带森林特色,在物种多样性上,西双版纳热带雨林的乔木物种多样性指数似乎与海南的低地热带雨林相当,低于海南的山地雨林群落,海南的热带雨林群落种类丰富度不同人研究的结果差异较大,如果这些用于比较的数据可靠和具有可比性的话,西双版纳热带雨林的物种多样性要比海南的山地雨林低。  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) predicts local species diversity to be maximal at an intermediate level of disturbance. Developed to explain species maintenance and diversity patterns in species-rich ecosystems such as tropical forests, tests of IDH in tropical forest remain scarce, small-scale and contentious. We use an unprecedented large-scale dataset (2504 one-hectare plots and 331 567 trees) to examine whether IDH explains tree diversity variation within wet, moist and dry tropical forests, and we analyse the underlying mechanism by determining responses within functional species groups. We find that disturbance explains more variation in diversity of dry than wet tropical forests. Pioneer species numbers increase with disturbance, shade-tolerant species decrease and intermediate species are indifferent. While diversity indeed peaks at intermediate disturbance levels little variation is explained outside dry forests, and disturbance is less important for species richness patterns in wet tropical rain forests than previously thought.  相似文献   

Large forest areas of South-East Asia, are dominated by the Dipterocarpaceae tree family, which contains many important timber species. Unlike many other tropical trees, Dipterocarpaceae rely on ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root symbiosis for their mineral nutrition. This study aims to document the richness and community composition of ECM fungi in a dry deciduous forest in Thailand. Combining morphological and molecular identification methods revealed 69 species of ECM fungi that belong to 17 phylogenetic lineages. The /russula-lactarius, /tomentella-thelephora, /sordariales, /sebacina and /cantharellus lineages were the most species-rich. The fungal richness is comparable to other tropical rain forest sites, but the phylogenetic community structure has elements of both tropical and temperate ecosystems. Unlike tropical rain forests, the Cenococcum geophilum complex was one of the most frequent fungal taxa that had a relatively high ITS genetic diversity over the small sampling area. This study provides the first snapshot insight into the fungal community of dry dipterocarp forests. However, it is necessary to broaden the spatial and temporal scales of sampling to improve our understanding of the below-ground relations of dry and humid tropical forests.  相似文献   

Sonali Saha 《Ecography》2003,26(1):80-86
The regressive succession model hypothesizes tropical savanna-woodlands to be a degraded stage of primary deciduous forests. Species diversity, richness and evenness of woody species in savanna-woodlands, secondary deciduous forests and mature deciduous forests of central India were compared to test if the regressive succession explained pattern in species richness, diversity, functional diversity and basal area. At the plot scale (0.1 ha) secondary deciduous forests and savanna-woodlands had similar species diversity, a pattern not consistent with the regressive model of deciduous forest succession, and mature deciduous forests had greater species diversity and richness (p<0.05). When examined at a larger scale or community scale by pooling all plots within a community type, the trend in diversity persisted even with greater effort allocated to sampling of secondary deciduous forests. Species richness at the community scale was greatest in secondary deciduous forest as expected from species area relationship. The communities shared 28 woody species but the species composition was significantly different between the communities. I suggest that conservation of tropical deciduous forests based on regressive succession model is problematic.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of the ant community was assessed along standardized 100 m transects in annually flooded Varzea forest and in terra firme forests on sandy soil (Flanco forest) and on claytopped mesas (Planalto forest). Standardized samples were taken by unit-time hand collecting (day and night times), sweeping, beating, baiting and by Winkler sacks. A total of 156 species, representing 49 genera were found, of which 98, 88 and 55 were respectively found in the Planalto, Flanco and Varzea forests. Species lists are presented and the ant community composition and species richness are compared between the three forests. By considering the nesting and foraging habits of the various species, the differences in overall community composition are related to the forest type and susceptibility to inundation of the three forests which were surveyed.The data confirm the view that tropical rain forests support an extremely diverse ant fauna and comparisons with other forested areas suggest that ant species richness declines in subtropical and temperate rain forests. Although alpha diversity is high, species turnover between forests is lower than expected, suggesting that ant species richness in this forested region is not as great as is implied in some published estimates of global arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

Aim Dispersal assembly and niche assembly are two competing theories proposed to explain the maintenance of species diversity in tropical forests. Dispersal theory emphasizes the role of chance colonization events and distance‐limited seed dispersal in explaining species abundance and distribution, whereas niche theory emphasizes differences among species in requirements for potentially limiting resources. Species distribution patterns in tropical forests often correlate with geology and topography, but tests of the relative importance of dispersal and niche partitioning have been hampered by an inadequate characterization of resource availability. The aim of this study was to explore how soil chemical and physical properties, climate, and geographic distance affect understorey palm communities in lower montane forests. Location Fortuna Forest Reserve, Chiriqui Province, and Palo Seco Forest Reserve, Bocas del Toro Province, in western Panama. Methods Understorey palms and soil nutrient concentrations were surveyed within 10 sites on different soil types across a 13‐km transect. Variation in palm community composition was examined in relation to spatial and environmental variables. Results The 25 understorey palm species recorded in the study were non‐randomly distributed among forests differing in soil nutrient availability. In support of dispersal theory, floristic similarity decreased predictably with increasing geographic distance. However, environmental and soil variables were also correlated with geographic distance. Floristic similarity was also highly associated with a subset of environmental variables. Variation in palm community similarity was most strongly correlated with inorganic nitrogen availability and cation concentration. A subset of soil variables had a stronger relationship with floristic similarity when geographic distance was controlled for than did geographic distance when differences in soils were controlled for. Main conclusions Both dispersal and niche processes affect palm species distribution patterns. Although spatially limited dispersal may influence species distribution patterns, soil‐based habitat associations, particularly with respect to soil nitrogen, cation availability and aluminium concentrations, remain important factors influencing palm community composition at the mesoscale level in this tropical montane forest.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is the foundation of all ecosystems across the planet, and having a better understanding of its global distribution mechanism could be important for biodiversity conservation under global change. A niche width model, combined with metabolic theory, has successfully predicted the increase of α‐diversity and decrease of β‐diversity in the below‐ground microbial community along an altitudinal mountain gradient. In this study, we evaluated this niche width model of above‐ground plants (mainly trees and shrubs) and below‐ground bulk soil microbial communities (i.e., bacteria and archaea) along a latitudinal gradient of forests in China. The niche widths of both plants and microbes increased with increasing temperature and precipitation, and with proximity to circumneutral pH. However, the α‐ and β‐diversities (observed richness and Bray–Curtis dissimilarity, respectively) could not be accurately predicted by a single niche width model alone, either temperature, precipitation or pH. Considering the interactions among different niche width models, all three niche width models were combined to predict biodiversity at the community level using structural equation modelling. The results showed that the niche width model of circumneutral pH was most important in predicting diversity profiling (i.e., α‐ and β‐diversity) for both plants and microbes, while niche width of precipitation and temperature showed both direct and indirect importance for microbe and plant biodiversity, respectively. Because the current niche width model neglects several scenarios related to taxon and environmental attributes, it still needs to be treated with caution in predicting biodiversity trends.  相似文献   

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