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Nitrate disappearance in tomato ( (ycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Azes) leaf sections kept under a stream of gas (nitrogen or air) has been studied, using leaf sections from plants supplied with low (7.5 mM) or high (17.5 mM) nitrate levels in their nutrient solution. Cessation of nitrate loss occurred in leaf sections taken from plants irrigated with low (7.5 mM) nitrate-containing nutrient solution. Resumption of nitrate disappearance occurred upon addition of exogenous nitrate by vacuum infiltration to leaf sections, suggesting that cessation of nitrate loss was due to exhaustion of the metabolic pool. We estimated that 53% of the total nitrate in leaf sections from low nitrate plants was located in a storage pool, probably the vacuole. The remainder was located in a pool, readily available for reduction (the metabolic pool). This pool is composed of nitrate in the free space as well as in the cytoplasm which was estimated to contain about 20% of the total nitrate.
Either under air or nitrogen, less nitrite was accumulated than nitrate assimilated suggesting that nitrite accumulation was not an adequate parameter for the estimation of nitrate utilization. Anaerobic conditions inhibited nitrite reduction whereas nitrate assimilation was not blocked. Nitrate loss from endogenous pool in leaf sections placed under aerobic conditions is suggested as an adequate method for the estimation of the metabolic pool of nitrate.  相似文献   

The uptake of 3H-leucine by leaf fragments of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers and L. hirsutum Humb. & Bonpl., a wild tomato, was studied. Two altitudinal races of L. hirsutum were used which differed in chilling tolerance. The temperature dependence of uptake was initially similar for all plant varieties. However, at temperatures below about 11°C, uptake progressively decreased in the more chilling-sensitive varieties ( L. esculentum , Low-altitude L. hirsutum ), but not in the more chilling-tolerant (high-altitude L. hirsutum ) with increasing preincubation time. More than 60 min preincubation was required for this effect, and it was greatest at the lower temperatures. When leaf fragments, chilled for short periods of time (>22 h), were returned to 22°C, initial rates of uptake were recovered within 2 h. The relationship between membrane lipid changes and membrane protein activity under chill stress is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of photorespiration in the foliar assimilation of nitrate (NO3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) was investigated by measuring net CO2 assimilation, net oxygen (O2) evolution, and chlorophyll fluorescence in tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum). The plants were grown under ambient CO2 with ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) as the nitrogen source, and then exposed to a CO2 concentration of either 360 or 700 µmol mol?1, an O2 concentration of 21 or 2%, and either NO3 or NH4+ as the sole nitrogen source. The elevated CO2 concentration stimulated net CO2 assimilation under 21% O2 for both nitrogen treatments, but not under 2% O2. Under ambient CO2 and O2 conditions (i.e. 360 µmol mol?1 CO2, 21% O2), plants that received NO3 had 11–13% higher rates of net O2 evolution and electron transport rate (estimated from chlorophyll fluorescence) than plants that received NH4+. Differences in net O2 evolution and electron transport rate due to the nitrogen source were not observed at the elevated CO2 concentration for the 21% O2 treatment or at either CO2 level for the 2% O2 treatment. The assimilatory quotient (AQ) from gas exchange, the ratio of net CO2 assimilation to net O2 evolution, indicated more NO3 assimilation under ambient CO2 and O2 conditions than under the other treatments. When the AQ was derived from gross O2 evolution rates estimated from chlorophyll fluorescence, no differences could be detected between the nitrogen treatments. The results suggest that short‐term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 decreases NO3 assimilation in tomato, and that photorespiration may help to support NO3 assimilation.  相似文献   

The magnitude of sodium and potassium fluxes in Lycopersicon escutentum cuhivars Ace and Edkawi (Edkawi is considered more sait-tolerant I was evaluated in planls grown for 10 days in aerated Hoagland solution with the addition of 25 or 100 mM NaCl. Ion accumulatiun in different plant pans, ion concentration in xylem exudate. transpiration and membrane leakiness were measured. Both cultivars responded very similarly to these levels of salinity in terms of growth. No conspicuous differences in membrane leakiness were observed. Net uprake rates were calculated from ion contents data. Potassium uptake rates were lower in salinized planls than in controls, especially in cv. Aee. Potassium/sodium selectivity ratios were much higher in Edkawi than in Ace. and higher in shoot uptake rates than in xy lem exudate. This indicates that Edakw i has a higher capacity to retain potassium under salinity, a character which could contribute to its salt-tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary Five nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of tomato were isolated from an M2 population after ethyl-methanesulphonate (EMS) seed treatment by means of selection for chlorate resistance. All mutations were monogenic and recessive and complementation analysis revealed that they were non-allelic. Biochemical and molecular characterization of these mutants showed that four of them are cofactor mutants while one is an apoenzyme mutant.  相似文献   

Nitrate reducing activity of ten species of Chlorococcalean green algae, grown in three different nitrogen sources, is reported. Results showed that all the ten species exhibited nitrate reducing capacity but they differed very much in their activity. Induction of nitrate reductase was achieved by incubating in nitrate. Light stimulated the reduction of nitrate in all the ten species.  相似文献   

A fast-growing normal and a slow-growing gibberellin-deficient mutant of Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. Moneymaker were used to test the hypothesis that slow-growing plants reduce NO3? in the root to a greater extent than do fast-growing plants. Plants that reduce NO3? in the root may grow more slowly due to the higher energetic and carbon costs associated with root-based NO3? reduction compared to photosynthetically driven shoot NO3? reduction. The plants were grown hydroponically with a complete nutrient solution containing 10 mM NO3? and the biomass production, gas exchange characteristics, root respiratory O2 consumption, nitrate reductase activity and translocation of N in the xylem were measured. The gibberellin-deficient mutants accumulated more total N unit?1 dry weight than did the faster-growing normal plants. There were no significant differences between the genotypes in the rates of photosynthesis expressed on a leaf dry weight basis. The plants differed in the proportion of photosynthetic carbon available to growth due to a greater proportion of daily photo-synthate production being consumed by respiration in the slow-growing genotype. This difference in allocation of carbon was associated with differences in the specific leaf area and specific root length. In addition, a greater leaf weight ratio in the fast-growing than in the slow-growing plants indicates a greater investment of carbon into biomass supporting photosynthetic production in the former. We did not find differences in the activity or distribution of nitrate reductase or in the N composition of the xylem sap between the genotypes. We thus conclude that the growth rate was determined by the efficiency of carbon partitioning and that the site of NO3? reduction and assimilation was not related to the growth rate of these plants.  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake and reduction in higher and lower plants   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
The nitrogen compounds nitrate and ammonium are the minerals that plants need in large quantities and which limit their growth in temperate zones. The nitrate assimilation pathway starts with nitrate uptake followed by nitrate reduction resulting in ammonium which is fixed into the amino acids glutamine and glutamate in most plants. This review concentrates on nitrate uptake and nitrate reduction with respect to higher and lower plants. The physiology and the progress in molecular approaches of both processes are considered. For nitrate uptake the well‐established uptake systems are discussed and special attention is drawn to nitrate sensing and the nitrate carrier. Knowledge, particularly on nitrate sensing is rare, but it seems to be the first step in a signal transduction chain triggered by nitrate. Therefore further work should consider this topic more frequently. For nitrate reductase the focus is on the post‐translational modification as a regulatory tool for nitrate assimilation, on the intersections of carbon and nitrogen metabolism and on the molecular approaches. A few remarks on how environmental conditions affect nitrate assimilation are also included. Further progress is needed to understand the transduction of positive and negative signals from the environment affecting the expression of genes coding for the nitrate assimilating pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl on endogenous free levels of the poluamines putrescine, spermi dine and spermine, and the relationships between polyamines, K+ levels and Na+ accumulation were determined in leaves of the cultivated tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and its wild, salt-tolerant relative L. pennellii (Correll) D' Arcy at different exposure times during a 32-day period. Both stress treatments (100 and 200 m M NaCl) decreased the levels of putrescine and spermidine, although to a different degree for the cultivated and wild tomato species. The spermine levels did not decrease with salinity in L. pennellii over the salinization period, whereas they decreased in L. esculentum , except at the first application of the 100m M NaCl treatment. In both species, the changes induced by salinity in total polyamines and K+ were very similar, with the accumulation of Na+ in the leaf being concomitant with a decrease in both total polyamines and K+. This suggests that the main role of the polyamines in the leaf tissues. In this sense, a direct relationship between total polyamines and K+, and inverse relationship between polyamines and Na+ and between K+ and Na+ were found for both species. In the short term (up to 4 days) a peculiar physiological behavior was found in L. pennellii , as the total polyamine and K+ levels decreased at 100 m M but not at 200 m M NaCl, while after this time the latter plants had values lower than those of the 100 m M NaCl-treated plants at day 11.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC catalyzes an essential step in the pathway of glutamate biosynthesis. Exposing detached tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) leaves for 6 h to 12 g l−1 NaCl resulted in a significant two-fold increase in the activity of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase extracted from the leaves. Western blot studies demonstrated that salt treatment also increased the ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase content of the leaves. A similar effect of salt on the concentration of this enzyme was found in the leaves of hydroponically-grown tomato plants. The induction of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase under salt stress may provide the glutamate required for the proline synthesis which is a common response to salt stress.  相似文献   

The effect of salt stress on proline (Pro) accumulation and its relationship with the changes occurring at the level of polyamine (PA) metabolism and tyramine were investigated in leaf discs of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). The rate of accumulation of Pro, PA and tyramine was higher in the salt-sensitive than in the salt-tolerant cultivar. In the salt-sensitive cultivar, Pro started to accumulate 4 h after the onset of the NaCl treatment, its maximum level being reached 27 h later. The lag phase was associated with a rapid decrease in putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) and some increase in 1,3-diaminopropane (Dap), a product of Spd and/or spermine (Spm) oxidation. This was followed by an increase in agmatine (Agm), cadaverine (Cad), Spm and tyramine. α-DL-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), an inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase (ADC, EC, induced a decrease in the Put level in both control and stressed discs, while α-DL-difluoromethylomithine (DFMO), an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC, caused a decrease in Spd and Spm levels only in salinized discs. These data suggest that ADC is operating under both control and stress conditions, whereas ODC activity is promoted only in response to salt stress. DFMA also depressed the salt-induced Pro accumulation while DFMO did not inhibit this response. In salt-stressed leaf discs, the decrease in Spd level in response to methylglyoxal-bis-(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) or cyclohexylammonium (CHA) treatment suggests that salt stress did not block SAM decarboxylase or Spd synthase activities. However, the increased level of Dap reflected a salt stress-promoted oxidation of PA. CHA and MGBG had no effect on Pro accumulation. Putrescine, Dap and especially tyramine supplied at low concentrations stimulated the Pro response which was, however, suppressed by application of Spm. Treatment with aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of diamine oxidases, also strongly inhibited Pro accumulation. These data suggest that salt-induced Pro accumulation in tomato leaf discs is closely related to changes in their PA metabolism, either via substrate-product relationships or regulatory effects at target(s) which remain to be characterized.  相似文献   

The rDNA fragments of EcoRI digested tomato nuclear DNA were detected by cross-hybridization with cloned Aspergillus nidulans rDNA. Two fragments coding for 18S and 25S rRNA, respectively were cloned and characterized. They were used to study structural organization of rRNA genes of a tomato cell suspension culture by hybridization with specifically cleaved nuclear DNA. The repeating units found were variable in restriction sites and in size with a basic unit of 8.6 kbp. Additionally, the analysis clearly demonstrates that nuclear DNA isolated from tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Lukullus) and cultured cells derived therefrom bear significant differences in the structural organization of their ribosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Drought-stress-induced polypeptide accumulation in tomato leaves   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract. Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill ev. Ailsa Craig) leaf polypeptides, radiolabelled with L-[36S] methionine during drought stress, were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three sets of polypeptides were distinguished: those that decreased, increased or transiently increased in response to drought stress. Three sets of polypeptides also could be distinguished during recovery from drought stress: those that increased, decreased rapidly or decreased slowly and could still be detected after 6 h of recovery. The set of polypeptides that decreased during drought stress was the same set that increased during recovery and those that increased during stress, decreased during recovery. The leaf ABA concentration increased rapidly in response to drought stress and decreased rapidly during recovery from drought stress, returning to the nonstress level after 6 h of rehydration. There was a correlation between the accumulation of some of the drought-induced polypeptides and the pattern of ABA accumulation during stress and recovery from stress.  相似文献   

Moderate levels of N were toxic to the native Australian plant boronia (Boronia megastigma Nees). As NO-3 is the major N form available for plants under cultivated conditions, NO-3 reduction and accumulation patterns in boronia were examined following the supply of various levels of NO-3 to understand the physiological basis of this toxicity. At a low level of supplied NO-3 [15 mmol (plant)-1], NO-3 was reduced without any detectable accumulation and without nitrate reductase activity (NRA) reaching its maximum capacity. When higher NO-3 levels [≥25 mmol (plant)-1] were supplied, both NRA and NO-3 accumulation increased further. However, NRA increased to a maximum of ca 500 nmol NO-3 (g fresh weight)-1 h-1, both in the roots and leaves, irrespective of a 4-fold difference in the levels of supplied NO-3, whereas NO-3 continued to accumulate in proportion to the level of supplied NO-3. Chlorotic toxicity symptoms appeared on the leaves at an accumulation of ca 32 μmol NO-3 (g fresh weight)-1. High endogenous NO-3 concentrations inhibited NRA. The low level of NRA in boronia was not limited by NO-3 or electron donor availability. It is concluded that the low NR enzyme activity is a genetic adaptation to the low NO-3 availability in the native soils of boronia. Thus, when NO-3 supply is high, the plat cannot reduce it at high rates, leading to large and toxic accumulations of the ion in the leaf tissues.  相似文献   

The activity of nitrate reductase in tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in vivo and in vitro was similar throughout development. Enzyme activity was directly correlated with fruit size. As has been shown in vivo, nitrate reductase activity was also inducible in fruits grown in vitro.  相似文献   

Our previous work indicated that salinity caused a shift in the predominant site of nitrate reduction and assimilation from the shoot to the root in tomato plants. In the present work we tested whether an enhanced supply of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, CO2+ HCO3) to the root solution could increase anaplerotic provision of carbon compounds for the increased nitrogen assimilation in the root of salinity-stressed Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. F144. The seedlings were grown in hydroponic culture with 0 or 100mM NaCl and aeration of the root solution with either ambient or CO2-enriched air (5000 μmol mol?1). The salinity-treated plants accumulated more dry weight and higher total N when the roots were supplied with CO2-enriched aeration than when aerated with ambient air. Plants grown with salinity and enriched DIC also had higher rates of NO?3 uptake and translocated more NO?3 and reduced N in the xylem sap than did equivalent plants grown with ambient DIC. Incorporation of DIC was measured by supplying a 1 -h pulse of H14CO?3 to the roots followed by extraction with 80% ethanol. Enriched DIC increased root incorporation of DIC 10-fold in both salinized and non-salinized plants. In salinity-stressed plants, the products of dissolved inorganic 14C were preferentially diverted into amino acid synthesis to a greater extent than in non-salinized plants in which label was accumulated in organic acids. It was concluded that enriched DIC can increase the supply of N and anaplerotic carbon for amino acid synthesis in roots of salinized plants. Thus enriched DIC could relieve the limitation of carbon supply for ammonium assimilation and thus ameliorate the influence of salinity on NO?3 uptake and assimilation as well as on plant growth.  相似文献   

The responses of water relations, stomatal conductance (gs) and growth parameters of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Royesta) plants to nitrogen fertilisation and drought were studied. The plants were subjected to a long-term, moderate and progressive water stress by adding 80 % of the water evapotranspirated by the plant the preceding day. Well-watered plants received 100 % of the water evapotranspirated. Two weeks before starting the drought period, the plants were fertilised with Hoagland’s solution with 14, 60 and 110 mM NO3 (N14, N60 and N110, respectively). Plants of the N110 treatment had the highest leaf area. However, gs was higher for N60 plants and lower for N110 plants. At the end of the drought period, N60 plants showed the lowest values of water potential (Ψw) and osmotic potential (Ψs), and the highest values of pressure potential (Ψp). N60 plants showed the highest Ψs at maximum Ψp and the highest bulk modulus of elasticity.  相似文献   

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