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The Casparian strip is commonly observed in the endodermis of roots of vascular plants and, in some cases, also in the stems. Pea stems develop the Casparian strip, and its development has been reported to be regulated by blue light. In addition, for the purpose of photobiological studies, pea stems provide a unique experimental system for other physiological studies of the development of the Casparian strip. In this article, I have briefly summarized (1) the effects of environmental factors on the development of the Casparian strip, (2) the advantage of using pea stems for physiological studies of the development of the Casparian strip, and (3) cellular events indicated to be involved in the development of the Casparian strip, focusing on the studies using pea stems as well as other recent studies.  相似文献   

Karahara I  Ikeda A  Kondo T  Uetake Y 《Planta》2004,219(1):41-47
The Casparian strip in the endodermis of vascular plant roots appears to play an important role in preventing the influx of salts into the stele through the apoplast under salt stress. The effects of salinity on the development and morphology of the Casparian strip in primary roots of maize (Zea mays L.) were studied. Compared to the controls, the strip matured closer to the root tip with increase in the ambient concentration of NaCl. During growth in 200 mM NaCl, the number and the length of the endodermal cells in the region between the root tip and the lowest position of the endodermal strip decreased, as did the apparent rate of production of cells in single files of endodermal cells (the rate of cell formation being equal to the rate at which cells are lost from the meristem). The estimated time required for an individual cell to complete the formation of the strip after generation of the cell in the presence of 200 mM NaCl was not very different from that required in controls. Thus, salinity did not substantially affect the actual process of formation of the strip in individual cells. The radial width of the Casparian strip, a morphological parameter that should be related to the effectiveness of the strip as a barrier, increased in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. The mean width of the lignified region was 0.92 m in distilled water and 1.33 m in 200 mM NaCl at the lowest position of the strip. The mean width of the strip relative to that of the radial wall at this position was significantly greater after growth in the presence of 200 mM NaCl than in the controls, namely, 20.5% in distilled water and 33.9% in 200 mM NaCl. These observations suggest that the function of the strip is enhanced under salt stress.  相似文献   

The root system is particularly affected by unfavourable conditions because it is in direct contact with the soil environment. Casparian strips, a specialised structure deposited in anticlinal walls, are characterised by the impregnation of the primary wall pores with lignin and suberin. The Casparian strips in the endo- and exodermis of vascular plant roots appear to play an important role in preventing the non-selective apoplastic bypass of salts into the stele along the apoplast under salt stress. However, only a few investigations have examined the deposition and function of these apoplastic barriers in response to salt stress in higher plants.  相似文献   

The Casparian strip, which is specific to roots, was studied in the epicotyls of dark-grown seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L.) where it was found to have the same morphology and properties as the strip in roots. In dark-grown seedlings, the distance between the upper-most position of the Casparian strip and the bending point of the hook (about 37 mm) did not change during growth of the seedlings. In the uppermost 0.5-mm region of the region in which the Casparian strip could be detected by fluorescence microscopy, the plasma membrane was not firmly attached to the cell wall. The development of the Casparian strip continued for about 42 h after dark-grown seedlings were transferred to the light, indicating that (i) the cells that have been determined to form the Casparian strip in darkness form the strip in the light, and that (ii) it takes about 42 h for the cells to complete formation of the strip. Cells in the hook of dark-grown seedlings did not form a Casparian strip when such seedlings were transferred to the light. The Casparian strip was formed in rapidly elongating internodes of light-grown seedlings when the seedlings were transferred to darkness. Light did not control the formation of the Casparian strip in roots.Abbreviation PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Short term (10 min) influx of (86)Rb-labeled potassium into corn (Zea mays L. WF9 x M14) root segments was inhibited by La (NO(3))(3) or LaCl(3). Half maximal inhibition of K(+) influx from 0.25 mm KCl was obtained with 0.025 mm La(3+). Kinetic analysis indicated the inhibition to be of a competitive nature. With absorption periods exceeding one hour, La(3+) no longer inhibited, but rather stimulated K(+) influx rates. La(3+) was not an inhibitor of (36)Cl or (32)P absorption. Separated cortex and stele absorbed labeled potassium (and phosphate) at comparable rates, and La(3+) inhibited potassium influx in both tissues. The effects of La(3+) on ion absorption were similar to those of Ca(2+), suggesting that the two polyvalent cations act at the same site. Based on this and the observation that La(3+) does not seem to penetrate the plasma membrane, it was concluded that La(3+) and Ca(2+) affect changes in ion transport without entering cells.  相似文献   

Summary The Casparian strip, a structure that is present in roots, is also present in epicotyls of dark-grown pea seedlings. In a dark-grown epicotyl, the cells in each stage of the development of the Casparian strip have been suggested to be lined up basipetally in the region 3 to 37 mm below the bending point of the hook, in order of the developmental stage. Brefeldin A (BFA), a specific inhibitor of secretory transport, was administrated at 200 M. to dark-grown pea epicotyls for 2 h via a thread passed through the epicotyl 40 mm below the bending point. The basipetal sequence of development of the modification of the cell wall at the Casparian strip, as judged by fluorescence microscopy, stopped 5 h after the start of 2 h treatment with BFA and resumed after 30 h. This basipetal sequence of development did not stop in control seedlings. Electron micrographs of endodermal cells in epicotyls treated with BFA showed striking morphological changes in the Golgi stacks and the ER. Histological examination made 20 h after the start of the experiment revealed that the basipetal sequence of development of the cell wall modification stopped at a point which was present at 25.2 ± 1.6 mm (mean with SD, n=5) from the bending point of the hook at the start while the basipetal sequence of development of the tight adhesion of the plasma membrane to the cell wall at the Casparian strip stopped 0.9 ± 0.5 mm (mean with SD, n=5) below this point. These results indicate the involvement of secretory transport not only in the introduction of the modification of the cell wall but also in the completion of the tight adhesion of the plasma membrane.Abbreviations BFA brefeldin A - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

应用冰冻切片、酶解分离、荧光显微技术和傅里叶红外光谱分析(FTIR)等手段,对华山松初生根和针叶内皮层凯氏带进行了分离、显微结构特征和化学成分的比较。研究结果表明:针叶凯氏带的“网格”结构比较整齐,大小较一致,排列也较规则,同时在“网格”的纵向壁上具有明显的初生纹孔场。而初生根凯氏带网状结构的大小、排列均不规则,在其“网格”的纵向壁上的初生纹孔场不明显。根据FTIR的检测结果显示:初生根凯氏带中木栓质和木质素的含量均高于针叶,而纤维素的含量则明显低于针叶;两者细胞壁蛋白的含量基本相同。本文的研究结果为深入探讨植物地下部分和地上部分凯氏带的生理功能提供新的佐证。  相似文献   

To understand the regulatory mechanisms involved in tissue development by light, the kinetics of regulation of Casparian strip (CS) development in garden pea stems was studied. We found that short-term irradiation with white light delayed the development of the CS and used this delay to assess the quantitative effect of light on CS development. We examined the effect of the duration and fluence rates of white light treatment on CS development and observed a significant relationship between fluence and the delay in CS development indicating that the Bunsen–Roscoe law of reciprocity holds for this response. The effect of white light irradiation was not inhibited in the presence of a photosynthetic inhibitor, DCMU, or a carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor, Norflurazon, indicating that the delay in CS development by light is a photomorphogenetic response rather than a subsidiary effect mediated by photosynthetic activity. An action spectrum for the response displayed a major peak in the blue-light region, suggesting a dominant role for blue-light receptors. A minor peak in the red-light region also suggested the possible involvement of phytochromes. Although phytochromes are known to contribute to blue-light responses, phytochrome-deficient mutants showed a normal delay of CS development in response to blue light, indicating that the response is not mediated by phytochrome and suggesting a role for one or more specific blue-light receptors.  相似文献   

Yokoyama M  Karahara I 《Planta》2001,213(3):474-477
The Casparian strip, the barrier to apoplastic transport that is located at the endodermis in roots and stems, is formed by individual endodermal cells and is constructed as a highly organized mesh within the primary wall. Since little is known about the mechanism of formation of the strip, we tried to obtain morphological evidence for the existence, prior to suberization and lignification, of some regulatory system at the expected site of the strip. Endodermal cells in etiolated pea stems were induced to expand in the radial direction by piercing the stems through the cortex before formation of the strip. The radial width of the strip increased significantly with the expansion of the radial walls of these endodermal cells. The expansion of the cells occurred before the formation of the strip. However, strips that had already been formed when the stems were pierced did not increase in width despite an induced expansion of the radial walls. These observations suggest that some positional information exists in the radial wall of endodermal cells that defines the future site of formation of the strip and its width.  相似文献   

The use of lanthanum to delineate the apoplastic continuum in plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Drug development currently depends on animal models to provide an accurate prediction of human physiology and pathophysiology. However, as is clear from clinical trial failures during phases II and III, such in vivo models do not always predict the effects that a drug can elicit in humans. Tests with human tissues, which are obviously considered to be the closest model of human in vivo function, could fill the gap between animal-based tests and trials in patients. Despite clear advantages, logistical and ethical barriers prevent fresh human tissues from being widely used during drug development. Biopta is aiming to make human tissue testing a regular element of drug development, and works to lower the barriers surrounding the availability of tissue and practicalities of experimental work.  相似文献   

Fresh, functional human tissues have long been considered the closest possible model of human in vivo function and can be used to measure a wide range of pharmacological responses. Despite this, relatively little drug development is conducted using fresh human tissue because of the logistical and ethical difficulties surrounding the availability of tissue and practicalities of experimental work. Most tests of drug activity require a living test system comprising cells, tissues or whole organisms. In some instances, “living” (fresh) human tissues have the potential to reduce or replace animal tests through superior prediction of drug safety and efficacy. Before functional human tissue tests become a routine part of drug development, two factors must co-exist. Firstly, organisations such as Biopta must continue to create compelling evidence that human tissues are more predictive than alternative models; such evidence will drive demand from the pharmaceutical industry for human tissue-based tests. Secondly, the vast number of tissues and organs residual to surgery or unsuitable for transplant must be routinely consented for medical research and made available to all researchers in an equitable and timely manner. This requires a concerted effort throughout the NHS and consistent demand as well as financial support from researchers, particularly within industry. It is our view that the next 5–10 years will generate compelling evidence of the value of functional human tissue-based tests and recognition that more efficient use of residual or non-transplantable tissues and organs is an urgent priority for the development of new medicines.  相似文献   

The ability of intact primary roots of corn ( Zea mays L. Bear Hybrid WF 9 × 38) to adapt to growth-inhibitory concentrations of auxin was studied using a highly sensitive position sensor transducer to measure growth. The timing, concentration dependence and temperature dependence of adaptation were studied as well as the time course of loss of adaptation upon removal of auxin. The rate of root elongation is inhibited 80% within 40 min after application of 10−7 M IAA. Within 90 min growth rate begins to recover. For concentrations of IAA equal to or greater than 10−7 M , recovery of growth rate (adaptation) is incomplete. Corn roots show a similar pattern of adaptation to the synthetic auxins NAA and 2,4-D. The Q10 for adaptation is high (3.2) and comparable to that for root growth (3.3). Upon removal of exogenous IAA, loss of adaptation occurs with full sensitivity to the hormone regained within 20 min.
Based on the auxin specificity and the Q10 for adaptation it is concluded that adaptation occurs neither by a change in the auxin degradation capacity of the root nor by a diffusional redistribution of applied auxin. It is suggested that adaptation involves metabolic processes, perhaps a metabolically dependent alteration of the number or affinity of auxin binding sites.  相似文献   

Lewis J. Feldman 《Planta》1979,145(4):315-321
Removal of the quiescent center (QC) from the root apex of maize (Zea mays L., cv. Kelvedon 33) initiates a set of events which culiminate in the regeneration of an intact apex with a newly formed QC. Concomitant with the formation of a new QC is a marked reduction in extractable cytokinins in the tissue of the proximal meristem. Replacing the excised QC with a Dowex (acidic cation-exchange resin) bead affects both root growth and QC regeneration. Root growth is inhibited by plain Dowex beads and Dowex beads treated with zeatin; this inhibition is reversed if the beads have been treated with CaCl2 (±zeatin). Dowex beads treated with zeatin delay the formation of a new QC; this effect is the same whether or not the beads also contain CaCl2. The results of this investigation support the notions that cytokinin biosynthesis in roots is a result of activities of both the QC and the proximal meristem, and that cytokinins, at least if supplied exogenously, can play a role in root morphogenesis by delaying the regeneration of the QC.Abbreviations used throughout the text PM proximal meristem - QC quiescent center - RC root cap  相似文献   

Lips SH  Steer BT  Beevers H 《Plant physiology》1966,41(7):1135-1138
The rate of O(2) uptake by sub-apical corn roots is largely resistant to 0.1 m Na-malonate at pH 5.0. The resistance of this tissue, in which the tricarboxylic acid cycle is very active, is not due to the compensatory induction of another oxidative pathway as seems to be the case in fresh potato slices. In corn roots malonate inhibits succinate utilization as expected and the smallness of the effect on O(2) uptake is due to the utilization of endogenous (cytoplasmic) malate as acetyl acceptor and its conversion to succinate. Malonate uptake stops after 2 to 3 hours when only a fraction (roughly 20%) of the root volume has equilibrated with external malonate. After this time the accumulated succinate is apparently able to overcome the malonate block, the ability to oxidize acetate to CO(2) is largely regained and O(2) uptake is maintained at about 80% of the control level.Malonate sensitivity at high external concentrations of malonate and conditions appropriate for its uptake is therefore fully expressed only under conditions where the production or availability of extra-mitochondrial malate (or perhaps other precursors of oxaloacetate) is at a minimum.  相似文献   

A dual effect of external Ca2+ on creatine kinase (CPK) accumulation during myogenesis has recently been demonstrated (Morris and Cole, '79). Ca2+ inhibits muscle-specific CPK accumulation at intermediate (50–100 μ) concentrations compared with both lower (no added Ca2+) and higher (2–3 μ) concentrations. Myoblast fusion, however, requires high Ca2+ and is inhibited at both low and intermediate Ca2+ levels. These effects are now investigated further by studying the effects of lanthanum ion (La3+), which interferes with Ca2+-binding to membranes and Ca2+-transport, and cytochalasin B, which affects the cell membrane and prevents cell fusion without inhibiting CPK accumulation. The results show that low concentrations (10–100 μ) of La3+ inhibit the appearance of the muscle-specific (MM) CPK isoenzyme during myogenesis without significantly affecting cell fusion or intracellular cyclic AMP levels. Three further observations are consistent with the existence of myotube-specific membrane-binding sites for Ca2+, which are involved in the stimulation of CPK accumulation on increasing external Ca2+ from intermediate to high concentrations. (1) CPK levels are not affected by La3+ at 0–50 μ external Ca2+. (2) CPK levels in cytochalasin B treated myoblasts are hardly affected by La3+ at any Ca2+ concentration. (3) In cytochalasin B treated cultures, CPK levels are not increased by raising external Ca2+ from intermediate to high levels. In contrast, the stimulation of CPK accumulation on decreasing external Ca2+ from intermediate to very low concentrations is not affected by either La3+ or cytochalasin B. Some alternative interpretations of the data are also considered, including direct disruption of a membrane Ca2+-binding site by cytochalasin B.  相似文献   

Using an insoluble inorganic salt precipitation technique, the permeability of cell walls and especially of endodermal Casparian bands (CBs) for ions was tested in young roots of corn (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa). The test was based on suction of either 100 µm CuSO4 or 200 µm K4[Fe(CN)6] into the root from its medium using a pump (excised roots) or transpirational stream (intact seedlings), and subsequent perfusion of xylem of those root segments with the opposite salt component, which resulted in precipitation of insoluble brown crystals of copper ferrocyanide. Under suction, Cu2+ could cross the endodermis apoplastically in both plant species (although at low rates) developing brown salt precipitates in cell walls of early metaxylem and in the region between CBs and functioning metaxylem vessels. Hence, at least Cu2+ did cross the endodermis dragged along with the water. The results suggested that CBs were not perfect barriers to apoplastic ion fluxes. In contrast, ferrocyanide ions failed to cross the mature endodermis of both corn and rice at detectable amounts. The concentration limit of apoplastic copper was 0.8 µm at a perfusion with 200 µm K4[Fe(CN)6]. Asymmetric development of precipitates suggested that the cation, Cu2+, moved faster than the anion, [Fe(CN)6]4–, through cell walls including CBs. Using Chara cell wall preparations (‘ghosts’) as a model system, it was observed that, different from Cu2+, ferrocyanide ions remained inside wall-tubes suggesting a substantially lower permeability of the latter which agreed with the finding of an asymmetric development of precipitates. In both corn and rice roots, there was a significant apoplastic flux of ions in regions where laterals penetrated the endodermis. Overall, the results show that the permeability of CBs to ions is not zero. CBs do not represent a perfect barrier for ions, as is usually thought. The permeability of CBs may vary depending on growth conditions which are known to affect the intensity of formation of bands.  相似文献   

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