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L B Dugad  X Wang  C C Wang  G S Lukat  H M Goff 《Biochemistry》1992,31(6):1651-1655
Chloroperoxidase, a glycoprotein from the mold Caldariomyces fumago, has been investigated in its ferric low-spin cyanide-ligated form through use of nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy to provide information on the heme pocket electronic/molecular structure. Spin-lattice relaxation times for the hyperfine-shifted heme resonances were found to be three times less than those in horseradish peroxidase. This must reflect a slower electronic relaxation rate for chloroperoxidase than for horseradish peroxidase as a consequence of axial ligation of cysteine in the former versus histidine in the latter enzyme. Isoenzymes A1 and A2 of chloroperoxidase show the largest chemical shift differences near the heme propionate on the basis of NOE measurements. This suggests that the primary structure differences for the two isoenzymes are communicated to the heme group through the ring propionate substituents. A downfield peak has been detected in chloroperoxidase with chemical shift, T1, and line width characteristics similar to those of the C epsilon-H proton of the distal histidine residue. The NOE pattern and T1's of the peaks in the 0.0 to -5.0 ppm upfield region are consistent with the presence of an arginine amino acid residue in the heme pocket near either the 1-CH3 or 3-CH3 group. Existence of catalytically important distal histidine and arginine amino acid residues in chloroperoxidase shows it to be structurally similar to peroxidases rather than to the often compared monooxygenase, cytochrome P-450. This result supports the earlier conclusions of Sono et al. [Sono, M., Dawson, J.H., Hall, K., & Hager, L.P. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 347-356].  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of carp hemoglobin (Hb) in the unligated deoxy and ligated met-cyano and met-azido forms have been recorded as a function of pH and upon addition of inositol hexaphosphate. All protein derivatives yield spectra that are consistent with appreciable molecular heterogeneity in the heme cavity. The pattern of heme methyl hyperfine shifts in carp met-cyano Hb indicates that this heterogeneity arises from the presence of heme rotational disorder, as found in native myoglobin. In carp deoxy Hb, the T----R transition manifests itself in nuclear magnetic resonance spectral changes similar to those found in modified human Hb species; namely, a decrease in heme methyl and an increase in proximal histidyl imidazole ring NH hyperfine shifts indicative of a strengthening of the iron-histidine bond. The met-cyano complex exhibits heme methyl hyperfine shifts similar to the analogous R state complex of Hb A; addition of inositol hexaphosphate did not give evidence for a quaternary structural change. Carp met-azido Hb in the R state also closely resembles the electronic structure of the HbA complex. Addition of inositol hexaphosphate appeared to effect at least a partial conversion to a T state with larger high-spin content than that observed for T state human metHbN3.  相似文献   

High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and nuclear Overhauser effects for the low-field exchangeable proton resonances of human normal adult hemoglobin in aqueous solvents are being used to confirm and extend the assignments of these resonances to specific protons at the intersubunit interfaces of the molecule. Most of these exchangeable proton resonances of human normal adult hemoglobin have been found to be absent in the spectra of isolated alpha or beta subunits. This finding indicates that they are specific spectral markers for the quaternary structure of the hemoglobin tetramer. Based on the nuclear Overhauser effect results, we have assigned the exchangeable proton resonance at +7.4 ppm downfield from H2O to the hydrogen-bonded proton between alpha 103(G10)His and beta 108(G10)Asn at the alpha 1 beta 1 interface. The nuclear Overhauser effect results have also confirmed the assignments of the exchangeable proton resonances at +9.4 and +8.2 ppm downfield from H2O previously proposed by workers in this laboratory based on a comparison of human normal adult hemoglobin and appropriate mutant hemoglobins. This independent confirmation of previously proposed assignments is necessary in view of the possible long-range conformational effects of single amino-acid substitutions in mutant hemoglobin molecules.  相似文献   

We report the ligand dependence of the conformer distribution in the distal heme pocket of Ascaris suum hemoglobin (Hb) studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The heme-bound CO is used as a spectroscopic antenna to probe the original distribution of conformers in the dioxygen derivative of Ascaris Hb, by utilizing sol-gel encapsulation. The first step is to encapsulate the dioxygen derivative in the porous sol-gel and let the gel age, thus trapping the equilibrium conformational distribution of Ascaris dioxygen Hb. In the second step, the dioxygen ligand is replaced by CO. The sol-gel environment impedes any large scale movements, drastically slowing down the conformational relaxation triggered by the ligation change, essentially "locking in" the initial quaternary and even tertiary structure of the protein. Studying the Fe-CO frequencies of the latter sample allows evaluation of the distribution of the distal heme pocket conformers that was originally associated with the dioxygen derivative. Extending the study to the Ascaris mutants allows for examination of the effect of specific residues in the distal pocket on the conformational distribution. The choice of mutants was largely based on the anticipated variation in hydrogen bonding patterns. The results show that the sol-gel encapsulation can slow or prevent re-equilibration within the distal heme pocket of Ascaris Hb and that the distribution of distal heme pocket conformers for the CO derivative of Ascaris Hb in the sol-gel is highly dependent on the history of the sample. Additionally, we report a detailed study of the CO complex of the mutants in solution for assignment of the various heme pocket conformers, and we present a comparison of the sol-gel data with solution data. The results support a picture in which the dioxygen derivative biases the population strongly toward a tightly packed configuration that favors the network of strong hydrogen bonding interactions, and suggest that Ascaris Hb is uniquely designed for dioxygen capture.  相似文献   

Proton hyperfine resonance assignments for cytochromes c from several species are currently being successfully pursued by several laboratories. These efforts focus mostly on the ferrous forms. In contrast to that work, we have pursued assignments of the proton hyperfine shifted resonances for horse and tuna ferricytochromes c. Our results indicate that assignments are nearly identical in those two proteins. Using the pre-steady state nuclear Overhauser effect, several additional assignments have been made for the tuna protein, whereas for the horse protein, the following protons have been assigned: heme 7, alpha CH2; heme 7, beta CH2; histidine 18, beta CH2 and alpha CH; and the methionine 80, beta CH2.  相似文献   

The most recent refinement of the crystallographic structure of oxyhaemoglobin (oxyHb) was completed in 1983, and differences between this real-space refined model and later R state models have been interpreted as evidence of crystallisation artefacts, or numerous sub-states. We have refined models of deoxy, oxy and carbonmonoxy Hb to 1.25 A resolution each, and compare them with other Hb structures. It is shown that the older structures reflect the software used in refinement, and many differences with newer structures are unlikely to be physiologically relevant. The improved accuracy of our models clarifies the disagreement between NMR and X-ray studies of oxyHb, the NMR experiments suggesting a hydrogen bond to exist between the distal histidine and oxygen ligand of both the alpha and beta-subunits. The high-resolution crystal structure also reveals a hydrogen bond in both subunit types, but with subtly different geometry which may explain the very different behaviour when this residue is mutated to glycine in alpha or beta globin. We also propose a new set of relatively fixed residues to act as a frame of reference; this set contains a similar number of atoms to the well-known "BGH" frame yet shows a much smaller rmsd value between R and T state models of HbA.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectra of low-spin cyanide-ligated bacterial hemoglobin from Vitreoscilla (VtHb-CN) are reported. The assignments of the 1H NMR spectra of VtHb-CN have been made through MCOSY, NOESY, 1D TOE and SUPERWEFT experiments. Almost all resonance peaks of heme and ligated His85 are identified. The spin-lattice relaxation time T1's and the variation relationships of chemical shifts of these peaks with temperature have been acquired, from which the distances between the measured protons and Fe3 , and the diamagnetic chemical shifts have been acquired, respectively. The ionization constants of pKa's of ligated His85 are determined through pH titration of chemical shift, which is 4.95 for ligated His85 C2H proton. The lower pKa is attributed to the influence of the Fe3 of carrying positive charge and the coordination of His85 and Fe3 of heme.  相似文献   

The development of the proton nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) for hyperfine shifted resonances of cyanide-ligated cytochrome c peroxidase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been studied. In the pre-steady state regime, the major effects are due to primary NOEs to nearest neighbor protons. This has been used to advantage in making assignments of all of the remaining unassigned, resolved, downfield hyperfine shifted resonances. This work also determined the relative orientation of the heme pyrrole II substituents which is the cis configuration with the 4 alpha-vinyl proton pointing away from the 3CH3. In addition to heme protons, resonances of histidine 175, threonine 180, and histidine 52 have been assigned. These results indicate some structural rearrangement of the distal amino acids accompanying ligation.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectra of low-spin cyanide-ligated bacterial hemoglobin fromVitreoscilla (VtHb-CN) are reported. The assignments of the1H NMR spectra of VtHb-CN have been made through MCOSY, NOESY, 1D TOE and SUPERWEFT experiments. Almost all resonance peaks of heme and ligated His85 are identified. The spin-lattice relaxation timeT 1’s and the variation relationships of chemical shifts of these peaks with temperature have been acquired, from which the distances between the measured protons and Fe3+, and the diamagnetic chemical shifts have been acquired, respectively. The ionization constants of pK a’s of ligated His85 are determined through pH titration of chemical shift, which is 4.95 for ligated His85 C2H proton. The lower pK a is attributed to the influence of the Fe3+ of carrying positive charge and the coordination of His85 and Fe3+ of heme.  相似文献   

S K Soni  L A Kiesow 《Biochemistry》1977,16(6):1165-1170
The transition from deoxy to oxystructure of hemoglobin A (Hb) is accompanied by the breaking of the salt bridges formed by C-terminal residues in deoxy-Hb. This, in turn, changes the state of the heme. The switch between these different allosteric forms can be followed by changes in the optical absorbance spectra (Perutz, M. F., Ladner, J. E., Simon, S. R., and Ho, C. (1974), Biochemistry 13, 2163). Using difference spectroscopy in the soret region, pH-dependent spectral changes of Hb and its derivatives (carbamylated at both the alpha-NH2 groups, alpha2cbeta2c; N-ethylsuccinimide hemoglobin, NES-Hb) in their deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms were measured. From these measurements, the pK values of histidine-146beta and valine-1alpha in deoxy-Hb were determined to be 8.6 +/- 0.2 and 7.7 +/- 0.1, respectively. In carbonmonoxy-Hb a pK value of 6.3 +/- 0.1 was found.  相似文献   

J D Satterlee  J E Erman 《Biochemistry》1991,30(18):4398-4405
Proton NMR assignments of the heme pocket and catalytically relevant amino acid protons have been accomplished for cyanide-ligated yeast cytochrome c peroxidase. This form of the protein, while not enzymatically active itself, is the best model available (that displays a resolvable proton NMR spectrum) for the six-coordinate low-spin active intermediates, compounds I and II. The assignments were made with a combination of one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect methods and demonstrate the utility of NOESY experiments for paramagnetic proteins of relatively large size (Mr 34,000). Assignments of both isotope exchangeable and nonexchangeable proton resonances were obtained by using enzyme preparations in both 90% H2O/10% D2O and, separately, in 99.9% D2O solvent systems. Complete resonance assignments have been achieved for the proximal histidine, His-175, and His-52, which is a member of the catalytic triad on the distal side of the heme. In addition, partial assignments are reported for Trp-51 and Arg-48, catalytically important residues, both on the distal side. Aside from His-175, partial assignments for amino acids on the proximal side of the heme are proposed for the alanines at primary sequence positions 174 and 176 and for Thr-180 and Leu-232.  相似文献   

A nuclear Overhauser effect, NOE, study of solubilized native bovine ferricytochrome b5 has provided the complete assignment of the heme resonances as well as those of the majority of the amino acid side-chains making contact with the prosthetic group. The resonances which could not be identified are those from positions very close to the iron (less than 5 A) for which paramagnetic relaxation is sufficiently strong to significantly decrease the NOEs. The observed 1H-1H dipolar contacts generally confirm a solution structure unchanged from that described in single crystals, except for the detailed orientation of the heme side-chains. The 2-vinyl group is found in both the cis and trans in-plane orientation as opposed to exclusively cis in the crystal, and the 7-propionate group is rotated by 30 degrees in solution towards the 6-propionate group. Identification of resonances for the individual axial histidine residues indicates non-equivalent interaction with the heme iron, and the patterns of meso-H, pyrrole substituent and amino acid dipolar shifts allow the location of the principal magnetic axes in the protein coordinate system. This identifies His-39 as the dominant influence in determining the electronic ground state that orients the molecular orbital for facile electron transfer via the exposed heme edge. The complete two-dimensional NOESY map for ferricytochrome b5 is presented that yields all the cross peaks expected on the basis of the one-dimensional NOE studies, and indicates that such two-dimensional methods should have profitable extension to strongly hyperfine-shifted resonances in paramagnetic proteins.  相似文献   

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance characteristics of met-cyano and met-aquo hemoglobin from the sheep bile duct parasite Dicrocoelium dendriticum have been compared to those of other monomeric hemoglobins and myoglobins. By varying temperature and pH, it was found that the studied material is a mixture of several isozymes differing slightly in their structural features around the heme cavity. The heme in-plane rhombic asymmetry, as indicated by the spread of the heme methyl hyperfine shifts, is intermediate between that of sperm whale myoglobin and leghemoglobin. The proximal histidine is present and its dynamic properties, as probed by the exchange of the ring NH with bulk solvent protons, point towards a cavity more stable than those of sperm whale myoglobin and leghemoglobin. In the met-cyano form, an exchangeable proton was detected close to the iron center that was tentatively assigned to an arginine residue located three amino acid residues closer to the C terminus than the proximal histidine. The transition from the met-aquo form to the met-hydroxy form occurring at pH 8.1 and previously detected by optical methods was observed. Furthermore, consideration of the mean heme methyl hyperfine shift average indicates that the iron remains six-co-ordinate down to below pH 4.5 irrespective of an acid-transition (pK approximately 5) in the protein. However, the presence of a "pseudo" six-co-ordinate (i.e. high-spin, in-plane, five-co-ordinate) iron at pH values below the acid-transition pK cannot be excluded on the basis of the presently available data. The pH dependence of several resonances in both the met-cyano and met-aquo forms of the protein reflect a pK value compatible with the titration of a heme propionate.  相似文献   

The reaction between nitrite and the oxy forms of globins has complex autocatalytic kinetics with several branching steps and evolves through chain reactions mediated by reactive species (including radicals) such as hydrogen peroxide, ferryl and nitrogen dioxide, starting with a lag phase, after which it proceeds onto an autocatalytic phase. Reported here are UV–Vis spectra collected upon stopped-flow mixing of myoglobin with a supraphysiological excess of nitrite. The best fit to the experimental data follows an A → B → C reaction scheme involving the formation of a short-lived intermediate identified as ferryl. This is consistent with a mechanism where nitrite binds to oxy myoglobin to generate an undetectable ferrous-peroxynitrate intermediate, whose decay leads to nitrate and ferryl. The ferryl is then reduced to met by the excess nitrite. DFT calculations reveal an essentially barrierless reaction between nitrite and the oxy heme, with a notable outer-sphere component; the resulting metastable ferrous-peroxynitrate adduct is found to feature a very low barrier towards nitrate liberation, with ferryl as a final product—in good agreement with experiment.  相似文献   

T Jue  G N La Mar  K Han    Y Yamamoto 《Biophysical journal》1984,46(1):117-120
1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to measure the proximal histidyl labile ring proton (NH) rates of exchange with bulk solvent in the individual subunits of hemoglobin (Hb) A. These protons displayed a substantial decrease in their exchange rates in comparison with related monomeric proteins and exhibited sensitivity to the quarternary state. With the beta subunit NH, the exchange behaviour was similar to an allosterically responsive subset of protons, which have been identified using 1H-3H methods (Englander, J.J., R. Rogero, and S. W. Englander, 1983, J. Mol. Biol. 169:325-344). Assuming similar exchange mechanisms for the two subunits, the NMR data suggested a more flexible alpha than beta subunit in Hb A.  相似文献   

In this review the results of studies of oligonucleotides conformation in solution by 1D and 2D NOE over the last four years are presented. Theoretical basis of 2D NOE and other 2D techniques are briefly considered. The few attempts of determination of oligonucleotides structures in solution on the half-quantitative level and the perspectives of using 2D NOE for quantitative structure resolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of 1.2-, 1.3- and 1.4-linked disaccharides built up of aldohexapyranose residues was performed on the basis of interresidue nuclear Overhauser effects in 1H-NMR spectra and theoretical calculation using atom-atom potential functions. It was shown that the preferred conformation of the disaccharides is determined by the following factors: absolute configurations of monosaccharide residues, configuration and position of the glycosidic linkage, orientation of protons at the aglycon carbon atom involved in the glycosidic linkage and at the adjacent carbons atoms.  相似文献   

This study examines the structural and functional effects of amino acid substitutions in the distal side of both the alpha- and beta-chain heme pockets of human normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A). Using our Escherichia coli expression system, we have constructed four recombinant hemoglobins: rHb(alphaL29F), rHb(alphaL29W), rHb(betaL28F), and rHb(betaL28W). The alpha29 and beta28 residues are located in the B10 helix of the alpha- and beta-chains of Hb A, respectively. The B10 helix is significant because of its proximity to the ligand-binding site. Previous work showed the ability of the L29F mutation to inhibit oxidation. rHb(alphaL29W), rHb(betaL28F), and rHb(betaL28W) exhibit very low oxygen affinity and reduced cooperativity compared to those of Hb A, while the previously studied rHb(alphaL29F) exhibits high oxygen affinity. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy indicates that these mutations in the B10 helix do not significantly perturb the alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(1)beta(2) subunit interfaces, while as expected, the tertiary structures near the heme pockets are affected. Experiments in which visible spectrophotometry was utilized reveal that rHb(alphaL29F) has equivalent or slower rates of autoxidation and azide-induced oxidation than does Hb A, while rHb(alphaL29W), rHb(betaL28F), and rHb(betaL28W) have increased rates. Bimolecular rate constants for NO-induced oxidation have been determined using a stopped-flow apparatus. These findings indicate that amino acid residues in the B10 helix of the alpha- and beta-chains can play different roles in regulating the functional properties and stability of the hemoglobin molecule. These results may provide new insights for designing a new generation of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers.  相似文献   

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