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Microsensors, including a recently developed NO3(-) biosensor, were applied to measure O(2) and NO3(-) profiles in marine sediments from the upwelling area off central Chile and to investigate the influence of Thioploca spp. on the sedimentary nitrogen metabolism. The studies were performed in undisturbed sediment cores incubated in a small laboratory flume to simulate the environmental conditions of low O(2), high NO3(-), and bottom water current. On addition of NO3(-) and NO2(-), Thioploca spp. exhibited positive chemotaxis and stretched out of the sediment into the flume water. In a core densely populated with Thioploca, the penetration depth of NO3(-) was only 0.5 mm and a sharp maximum of NO3(-) uptake was observed 0.5 mm above the sediment surface. In sediments with only few Thioploca spp., NO3(-) was detectable down to a depth of 2 mm and the maximum consumption rates were observed within the sediment. No chemotaxis toward nitrous oxide (N2O) was observed, which is consistent with the observation that Thioploca does not denitrify but reduces intracellular NO3(-) to NH(4)(+). Measurements of the intracellular NO3(-) and S(0) pools in Thioploca filaments from various depths in the sediment gave insights into possible differences in the migration behavior between the different species. Living filaments containing significant amounts of intracellular NO3(-) were found to a depth of at least 13 cm, providing final proof for the vertical shuttling of Thioploca spp. and nitrate transport into the sediment.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the environmental requirements of the filamentous sulfur bacteria Thioploca spp., we tested the chemotactic responses of these sedimentary microorganisms to changes in oxygen, nitrate, and sulfide concentrations. A sediment core with a Thioploca mat, retrieved from the oxygen-minimum zone on the Chilean shelf, was incubated in a recirculating flume. The addition of 25 (mu)mol of nitrate per liter to the seawater flow induced the ascent of the Thioploca trichomes (length, up to 70 mm) in their mostly vertically oriented gelatinous sheaths. The upper ends of the filaments penetrated the sediment surface and protruded 1 to 3 mm into the flowing water before they bent downstream. By penetrating the diffusive boundary layer, Thioploca spp. facilitate efficient nitrate uptake in exposed trichome sections that are up to 30 mm long. The cumulative length of exposed filaments per square centimeter of sediment surface was up to 92 cm, with a total exposed trichome surface area of 1 cm(sup2). The positive reaction to nitrate overruled a negative response to oxygen, indicating that nitrate is the principal electron acceptor used by Thioploca spp. in the anoxic environment; 10-fold increases in nitrate fluxes after massive emergence of filaments strengthened this hypothesis. A positive chemotactic response to sulfide concentrations of less than 100 (mu)mol liter(sup-1) counteracted the attraction to nitrate and, along with phobic reactions to oxygen and higher sulfide concentrations, controlled the vertical movement of the trichomes. We suggest that the success of Thioploca spp. on the Chilean shelf is based on the ability of these organisms to shuttle between the nitrate-rich boundary layer and the sulfidic sediment strata.  相似文献   

The interactions between colorless sulfur bacteria and the chemical microgradients at the oxygen-sulfide interface were studied in Beggiatoa mats from marine sediments and in Thiovulum veils developing above the sediments. The gradients of O2, H2S, and pH were measured by microelectrodes at depth increments of 50 μm. An unstirred boundary layer in the water surrounding the mats and veils prevented microturbulent or convective mixing of O2 and H2S. The two substrates reached the bacteria only by molecular diffusion through the boundary layer. The bacteria lived as microaerophiles or anaerobes even under stirred, oxic water. Oxygen and sulfide zones overlapped by 50 μm in the bacterial layers. Both compounds had concentrations in the range of 0 to 10 μmol liter−1 and residence times of 0.1 to 0.6 s in the overlapping zone. The sulfide oxidation was purely biological. Diffusion calculations showed that formation of mats on solid substrates or of veils in the water represented optimal strategies for the bacteria to achieve a stable microenvironment, a high substrate supply, and an efficient competition with chemical sulfide oxidation. The continuous gliding movement of Beggiatoa cells in mats or the flickering motion of Thiovulum cells in veils were important for the availability of both O2 and H2S for the individual bacteria.  相似文献   

The interactions between colorless sulfur bacteria and the chemical microgradients at the oxygen-sulfide interface were studied in Beggiatoa mats from marine sediments and in Thiovulum veils developing above the sediments. The gradients of O(2), H(2)S, and pH were measured by microelectrodes at depth increments of 50 mum. An unstirred boundary layer in the water surrounding the mats and veils prevented microturbulent or convective mixing of O(2) and H(2)S. The two substrates reached the bacteria only by molecular diffusion through the boundary layer. The bacteria lived as microaerophiles or anaerobes even under stirred, oxic water. Oxygen and sulfide zones overlapped by 50 mum in the bacterial layers. Both compounds had concentrations in the range of 0 to 10 mumol liter and residence times of 0.1 to 0.6 s in the overlapping zone. The sulfide oxidation was purely biological. Diffusion calculations showed that formation of mats on solid substrates or of veils in the water represented optimal strategies for the bacteria to achieve a stable microenvironment, a high substrate supply, and an efficient competition with chemical sulfide oxidation. The continuous gliding movement of Beggiatoa cells in mats or the flickering motion of Thiovulum cells in veils were important for the availability of both O(2) and H(2)S for the individual bacteria.  相似文献   

A new component of the benthic Thioploca mat microbial ecosystem on the Chilean continental shelf was detected by epifluorescence microscopy: filamentous, bacterial endobionts of 4–5-μm filament diameter and length sometimes exceeding 1 mm. These filaments were identified as growing within Thioploca sheaths located between the sediment surface and c . 5 cm depth. Their location coincided with maximal biomass and biovolume of Thioploca filaments in surficial sediments, and with maximal abundance and activity of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations near the sediment/water interface. FISH and environmental characteristics support the working hypothesis that these endobiont populations are members of the filamentous, sulfate-reducing bacterial genus Desulfonema . Found at several sampling stations over a decade-long interval (1994–2006), these populations appear to be a stable component of the Chilean Thioploca mat ecosystem.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity was stimulated in roots and stems,but suppressed in leaves of potato plants grown in nutrientculture by 30 mg.liter–1 ethephon applied to the culturesolution. In stems, nitrate reductase activity was stimulatedafter 5 h and by 24 h it was more than two fold that of thecontrol. The magnitude of stimulation by ethephon was less inroots compared to stems. Ethephon treatment enhanced ethyleneproduction by roots, stems and leaves but the level of productionwas not significantly different in these organs. The stimulationof nitrate reductase activity was prevented by cycloheximideand cordycepin suggesting the involvement of new protein synthesis. Ethephon enhanced TCA precipitable protein levels in both rootsand stems while that in leaves was not significantly affected.Amino nitrogen content increased in parallel with protein contentin response to ethephon, with roots exhibiting substantial stimulation.Nitrate accumulation in stem tissues was not affected by ethephontreatment but was increased in roots at 24 and 48 h. Leaf NO3content declined with time in both ethephon-treated and controlplants and after 24 h significantly less NO3 accumulated intreated leaves. These results are explained in terms of ethephonstimulated protein synthesis and increase in cellular metabolismand permeability. (Received August 21, 1984; Accepted January 7, 1985)  相似文献   

Lawlor, D. W., Boyle, F. A., Keys, A. J., Kendall, A. C. andYoung, A. T. 1988. Nitrate nutrition and temperature effectson wheat: a synthesis of plant growth and nitrogen uptake inrelation to metabolic and physiological processes.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 329-343. Growth of spring wheat was measured in cool (13°C day/10°Cnight) or warm (23°C/18°C) temperatures, combined withlarge and small amounts of nitrate fertilizer. The rate of growthof dry matter was less at cool temperatures but total growthover the same period of development was slightly greater inthe cool than in the warm. Main-shoot and tiller leaves grewslower and, despite growing for a longer period, were shorterin the cool than in the warm. They had greater fresh and drymass and content of starch and fructosans per unit area. Coolconditions increased root dry mass, root to shoot ratio andnitrogen content in dry matter. Additional nitrate increasedleaf area of main shoots slightly but of tillers greatly; itincreased leaf and tiller dry matter and total plant dry mass.Additional nitrate decreased the proportion of dry matter inroots and in stems and the N content of dry matter in all plantparts. Regulation of growth by temperature, nitrate supply andthe rôle of photosynthesis and nitrogen uptake, is consideredin relation to the mechanisms of incorporation of carbon andnitrogen into biochemical constituents. It is concluded thattemperature regulates the rate of protein synthesis, which determinesplant growth rate. Nitrogen flux into the plant is not directlylinked to protein synthesis so that the content of NO3and of amino acids is related both to growth and to conditionsgoverning NO3 uptake and its reduction. When nitrogensupply is large, growth is limited by temperature, not NO3.Inadequate nitrate supply decreases protein synthesis (and thereforegrowth) more than it decreases carbon assimilation, so thatorgans such as roots and stems increase in dry matter relativeto shoots and all tissues have smaller proportions of nitrogenin dry matter. Cool conditions, although decreasing the rateof protein synthesis, increase its duration and decrease thesize of leaves, so that the content of protein per unit leafarea is greater in cool than in warm grown leaves. Consequencesof changes in the balance of N and C supply and growth ratefor dry matter distribution in plants are discussed. Key words: Wheat, nitrate nutrition, temperature  相似文献   

Ryan Lake, a 1.6-hectare basin lake near the periphery of the tree blowdown area in the blast zone 19 km north of Mount St. Helens, was studied from August to October 1980 to determine the microbial and chemical response of the lake to the eruption. Nutrient enrichment through the addition of fresh volcanic material and the organic debris from the surrounding conifer forest stimulated intense microbial activity. Concentrations of such nutrients as phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, iron, and dissolved organic carbon were markedly elevated. Nitrogen cycle activity was especially important to the lake ecosystem in regulating biogeochemical cycling owing to the limiting abundance of nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen fixation, both aerobic and anaerobic, was active from aerobic benthic and planktonic cyanobacteria with rates up to 210 nmol of N2 cm−1 h−1 and 667 nmol of N2 liter−1 h−1, respectively, and from anaerobic bacteria with rates reaching 220 nmol of N2 liter−1 h−1. Nitrification was limited to the aerobic epilimnion and littoral zones where rates were 43 and 261 nmol of NO2 liter−1 day−1, respectively. Potential denitrification rates were as high as 30 μmol of N2O liter−1 day−1 in the anaerobic hypolimnion. Total bacterial numbers ranged from 1 × 106 to 3 × 108 ml−1 with the number of viable sulfur-metal-oxidizing bacteria reaching 2 × 106 ml−1 in the hypolimnion. A general scenario for the microbial cycling of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and metals is presented for volcanically impacted lakes. The important role of nitrogen as these lakes recover from the cataclysmic eruption and proceed back towards their prior status as oligotrophic alpine lakes is emphasized.  相似文献   

Palmer  C. E. 《Plant & cell physiology》1985,26(6):1083-1091
Treatment of potato plants grown in nutrient solution with 3.8µM ABA resulted in reduced soluble protein in roots andin leaves at 24 h, but not in stems. This treatment reducedin vivo nitrate reductase activity in all organs for about 48h with the most pronounced reduction occurring in the roots.Excised root and leaf segments from plants treated with ABAfor 24, 48 and 72 h absorbed significantly more 14C leucine,compared to the control but the percent incorporation into proteinwas not altered in roots. In response to ABA total free amino nitrogen in leaves was lowerat 5 and 72 h and in stems at 72 h. Amino nitrogen content ofroots was enhanced by ABA at 5, 24 and 72 h due to generallyhigher levels of aspartate, serine, glutamate, proline and ammonia.There was no consistent relationship between ABA suppressionof nitrate reductase activity and ammonia or specific aminoacid (except proline) levels in leaves and stems. The increasedfree amino nitrogen levels in response to the hormone may bethe result of impaired NO3– reduction rather than thecause. The results of protein synthesis studies and solubleprotein content suggest that ABA inhibition of nitrate reductaseis not due to general inhibition of protein synthesis and mayinvolve specific inhibition of nitrate reductase protein synthesis. 1 Contribution No. 684, Department of Plant Science, Universityof Manitoba.  相似文献   

施氮对不同品种冬小麦植株硝态氮和硝酸还原酶活性的影响   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
以黄土高原南部半湿润区土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤进行盆栽试验,以NR 9405、9430、偃师9号、小偃6号、陕229号和西农2208冬小麦品种为供试材料,研究施氮对不同品种冬小麦植株硝态氮含量和硝酸还原酶活性(NRA)的影响.结果表明,施氮能明显增加叶片NRA.不施氮时除小偃6号和偃师9号外,其余品种NRA在全生育时期的动态变化均呈双峰曲线,2个高峰期分别在返青期和开花期,且开花期高峰值(36.17 NO2-μg.-g 1FW.h-1)明显比返青期峰值(15.407 NO2-μg.-g 1FW.h-1)大;施氮时不同品种叶片NRA在全生育期呈单峰曲线变化,最高峰在开花期,平均峰值为80.93 NO2-μg.-g 1FW.h-1),比同期不施氮处理增加1倍以上.施氮后地上部硝态氮含量在各时期均显著提高,在小麦生育前期(出苗到拔节)表现最为显著.氮肥对不同品种硝态氮含量的影响程度基本上与对NRA的影响程度相反,即施氮后硝态氮增加幅度小的品种,NRA却增加幅度大.  相似文献   

River systems around the world are subject to various perturbations, including the colonization and spread of non‐native species in riparian zones. Riparian resource managers are commonly engaged in efforts to control problematic non‐native species and restore native habitats. In western North America, small Eurasian trees or shrubs in the genus Tamarix occupy hundreds of thousands of hectares of riparian lands, and are the targets of substantial and costly control efforts and associated restoration activities. Still, significant information gaps exist regarding approaches used in control and restoration efforts and their effects on riparian ecosystems. In this special section of papers, eight articles address various aspects of control and restoration associated with Tamarix spp. These include articles focused on planning restoration and revegetation; a synthetic analysis of past restoration efforts; and several specific research endeavors examining plant responses, water use, and various wildlife responses (including birds, butterflies, and lizards). These articles represent important additions to the Tamarix spp. literature and contain many lessons and insights that should be transferable to other analogous situations in river systems globally.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that, when nitrogenase and nitrate reductase both contribute to the nitrogen nutrition of a nodulated legume, nitrogenase activity is inversely proportional to the rate of accumulation of organic nitrogen derived from the reduction of nitrate. Trifolium subterraneum L. plants, inoculated with Rhizobium trifolii and sown as small swards, were allowed to establish a closed canopy and steady rates of growth, dinitrogen fixation, and nitrogen accumulation. Swards were then supplied with nutrient solutions of 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.5 mm NO3 with a 29.69% enrichment of 15N and allowed to grow for a further 33 days. Harvests were made to measure dry weight, nitrogen accumulation, 15N accumulation, NO3 content and nitrogenase activity by acetylene reduction assay. Since the 15N of the plant organic matter could have been derived only from the NO3 of the nutrient solution, its rate of accumulation provided a measure of the rate of NO3 reduction. It was found that as this rate increased in response to external NO3 concentration the rate of nitrogenase activity decreased proportionately. It is concluded that the reduction of nitrate and the reduction of dinitrogen act in a complementary manner to supply a plant with organic nitrogen for growth.  相似文献   

Cultures of Lemna gibba L. G3 were maintained at a constant, N-limited growth rate by adding nitrate daily in amounts calculated to sustain a rate of culture N increment of 0.20 day−1. Nitrate added to the culture was consumed within 8 to 10 hours and the partitioning to reduction and accumulation during this phase corresponded to, on the average, 75 and 25% of net uptake, respectively. The calculated rate of nitrate reduction was stimulated by onset of net uptake without delay and decreased when net uptake ceased. NADH-nitrate reductase (NR) activity measured in vitro without inclusion of antiproteolytic agents more than doubled during the first hour after nitrate addition and then gradually fell to its original level over the rest of the 24 hour interval. In the presence of the proteinase inhibitor leupeptin during extraction, however, NR activity was in general much higher and without any apparent cycles. The relative stabilizing effect of leupeptin was greatest on NADH-NR and reduced flavin adenine mononucleotide-NR activities whereas the effect was less on NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity (diaphorase) and reduced methylviologen-NR activity. The constant nitrate reductase activity measured in the presence of proteinase inhibitors is assumed to reflect the physiological situation. It thus appeares that short-term changes in nitrate assimilation by N-limited Lemna is related to the flux of nitrate to the reducing site and not to changes in nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   

The genus Thelazia (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) includes a cosmopolitan group of eyeworm spirurids responsible for ocular infections in domestic and wild animals and transmitted by different species of muscids. Bovine thelaziosis is caused by Thelazia rhodesi Desmarest 1828, Thelazia gulosa Railliet & Henry 1910, and Thelazia skrjabini Erschow 1928, which occur in many countries; T. gulosa and T. skrjabini have been reported mainly in the New World, while T. rhodesi is particularly common in the Old World. In Italy, T. rhodesi was reported in southern regions a long time ago and, recently, T. gulosa and T. skrjabini have been identified in autochthonous cattle first in Apulia and then in Sardinia. Thirteen species of Musca are listed as intermediate hosts of eyeworms, but only Musca autumnalis and Musca larvipara have been demonstrated to act as vectors of Thelazia in the ex-URSS, North America, ex-Czechoslovakia and more recently in Sweden. In Italy, after the reports of T. gulosa and T. skrjabini in southern regions, the intermediate hosts of bovine eyeworms were initially only suspected as the predominant secretophagous Muscidae collected from the periocular region of cattle with thelaziosis were the face flies, M. autumnalis and M. larvipara, followed by Musca osiris, Musca tempestiva and Musca domestica. The well-known constraints in the identification of immature eyeworms to species by fly dissection and also the time-consuming techniques used constitute important obstacles to epidemiological field studies (i.e. vector identification and/or role, prevalence and pattern of infection in flies, etc.). Molecular studies have recently permitted to further investigations into this area. A PCR-RFLP analysis of the ribosomal ITS-1 sequence was developed to differentiate the 3 species of Thelazia (i.e. T. gulosa, T. rhodesi and T. skrjabini) found in Italy, then a molecular epidemiological survey has recently been carried out in field conditions throughout five seasons of fly activity and has identified the role of M. autumnalis, M. larvipara, M. osiris and M. domestica as vectors of T. gulosa and of M. autumnalis and M. larvipara of T. rhodesi. Moreover, M. osiris was described, for the first time, to act as a vector of T. gulosa and M. larvipara of T. gulosa and T. rhodesi. The mean prevalence in the fly population examined was found to be 2.86%. The molecular techniques have opened new perspectives for further research on the ecology and epidemiology not only of Thelazia in cattle but also of other autochthonous species of Thelazia which have been also recorded in Italy, such as Thelazia callipaeda, which is responsible for human and canid ocular infection and Thelazia lacrymalis, the horse eyeworm whose epidemiological molecular studies are in progress.  相似文献   

Patterns of transport and accumulation of manganese were studiedin Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifolius L. in a wide rangeof availability levels in the rooting medium. The recently described‘split seed’ disorder, involving discolouration,splitting, and deformity of seeds, was reproduced in sand cultureusing critically low levels of manganese. The disorder was preventedby maintaining adequate manganese in the medium and its incidencein field and glasshouse was quantitatively related to the managneselevel in seed and fruit phloem sap. The use of phloem sap analysisfor early diagnosis of the disorder is suggested. High levelsof manganese in parent seed is suggested to afford protectionagainst the disorder by improving early vegetative growth ina manganese deficient situation. Direct carry-over of manganesefrom one seed generation to the next was insignificant. Manganese proved to be fully mobile in xylem but only sparinglymobile in phloem from vegetative structures to seed. It wasaccumulated in massive amounts in leaves and fruits when availabilitywas high. Seed manganese content increased 80–100 foldas the level in the rooting medium was increased from 0•1to 500 mg Mn 1–1. L. albus was superior to L. angustifoliusin accumulating manganese in leaves and pods, and more efficientin translocating the element to its seeds. These differenceswere greatest at low or moderate manganese levels. Xylem intakeby a fruit was small relative to phloem intake when manganeseavailability was low, but became increasingly important as thesupply in the rooting medium was raised.  相似文献   

Up to 80% of the total nitrate reductase activity (NRA) determined in vivo in different parts of vegetative tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum) was located in the leaves. The NRA reached a peak when a leaf had expanded to 27% of its final weight and 33% of its final area. Thereafter, with advancing expansion and age of the leaf, the activity declined. This pattern of development of NRA during the ontogenesis of leaves was not influenced by raising the supply of NO3 from 3 to 6 milliequivalent per cubic decimeter in the substrate solution. The concentration of NO3 in leaves, stem and root was inversely related to NRA at both NO3 levels. Raising the supply of K+ from 1 to 6 milliequivalent per cubic decimeter at either concentration of NO3 slowed down the development of NRA in the initial stages of expansion, but promoted it subsequently. The peak of the activity which developed in a leaf of 62% of its final area was higher at the higher supply of K+. The higher activity was maintained thereafter in the expanding and in matured and older leaves. It was concluded that NRA and the pattern of its development in expanding leaves is related to the availability of metabolites and their incorporation into enzyme proteins. Both these processes are influenced by: (a) the vertical profile of concentration of K+ in the shoot and (b) the concentration of K+ in a leaf, which depend upon its supply.  相似文献   

The effects of sulfur and 6-Benzyladeine on the nitrate reductase activity in rice seedlings were studied by the water culture method. The activity of nitrate reductase was decreased, when plants were grown in sulfur deficient solution. Both sulfur deficient plant and the control were treated in nutrient solution with 6-Benzyladenine concentration of 0.01, 0.1 or 1ppm. It was found that the nitrate reductase activity of former plant was increased, while the activity of the latter one was decreased. When the plants were treated in untrient solution with 6-Benzyladenine concentration of 1 ppm, the transformation of inorganic sulfur to organic compounds was markedly increased in the sulfur deficient plant. However it was decreased in control plant.  相似文献   

Nitrate flux between sediment and water, nitrate concentration profile at the sediment-water interface, and in situ sediment denitrification activity were measured seasonally at the innermost part of Tokyo Bay, Japan. For the determination of sediment nitrate concentration, undisturbed sediment cores were sectioned into 5-mm depth intervals and each segment was stored frozen at −30°C. The nitrate concentration was determined for the supernatants after centrifuging the frozen and thawed sediments. Nitrate in the uppermost sediment showed a remarkable seasonal change, and its seasonal maximum of up to 400 μM was found in October. The directions of the diffusive nitrate fluxes predicted from the interfacial concentration gradients were out of the sediment throughout the year. In contrast, the directions of the total nitrate fluxes measured by the whole-core incubation were into the sediment at all seasons. This contradiction between directions indicates that a large part of the nitrate pool extracted from the frozen surface sediments is not a pore water constituent, and preliminary examinations demonstrated that the nitrate was contained in the intracellular vacuoles of filamentous sulfur bacteria dwelling on or in the surface sediment. Based on the comparison between in situ sediment denitrification activity and total nitrate flux, it is suggested that intracellular nitrate cannot be directly utilized by sediment denitrification, and the probable fate of the intracellular nitrate is hypothesized to be dissimilatory reduction to ammonium. The presence of nitrate-accumulating sulfur bacteria therefore may lower nature's self-purification capacity (denitrification) and exacerbate eutrophication in shallow coastal marine environments.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - The lack of knowledge regarding the ecology of Coccidioides spp. makes both modeling the potential for disease outbreaks and predicting the distribution of the organism in the...  相似文献   

BIEMOND  H.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(1):37-45
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were planted in pots in a temperature-controlledglasshouse The treatments consisted of three levels of nitrogensupply, ie 25, 8 and 16 g N per pot (treatments called N1, N2and N3) The accumulation rates of dry matter and nitrogen showedan upper limit of response to nitrogen supply, N3 plants continuedto accumulate dry matter and N at a constant rate for a longerperiod of time than N2 and N1 plants The uptake of nitrogenslowed earlier in time than the rate of dry matter accumulationin all treatments. The proportion of the dry matter in tubersof mature plants was not affected by nitrogen treatment, butthe start of tuber bulking was delayed in the N3 plants Thefinal proportion of total plant nitrogen in the tubers was similarfor all treatments The concentration of nitrogen in the drymatter of mature plants increased with the level of N supplyMaximum haulm weight increased with the level of N supply Apicallateral branches of the first and second order made up largerproportions of the total haulm dry weight and total leaf areaas more nitrogen was supplied. Yet, the distribution of drymatter over stems and leaves was not different between nitrogentreatments Stems were the most responsive to N treatment interms of N concentrations In each of the component organs (stems, leaves, tubers) theconcentration of nitrogen declined with time Fairly strong associationswere observed between the concentrations of N in component organs.The concentration of nitrate in leaves usually increased initiallywith leaf age, peaked and declined. A substantial part of thedifferences between treatments in the concentrations of N inleaf dry matter were attributable to differences in nitrateconcentration Nitrate in stems and tubers fell virtually belowthe limit of detection at total nitrogen concentrations of lessthan 1%, but increased in proportion to total N above that threshold,especially in stems Potato, Solanum tuberosum L, dry matter production, dry matter distribution, nitrogen nutrition, nitrogen distribution, nitrogen concentration  相似文献   

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