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A test is described which is simple, reliable and highly sensitive to the diarrhoea-inducing properties of orally administered prostaglandin analogues in mice. Comparison with human data shows similar orders of relative potency.  相似文献   

Antinociceptive mechanisms of orally administered decursinol in the mouse   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Choi SS  Han KJ  Lee JK  Lee HK  Han EJ  Kim DH  Suh HW 《Life sciences》2003,73(4):471-485
Antinociceptive profiles of decursinol were examined in ICR mice. Decursinol administered orally (from 5 to 200 mg/kg) showed an antinociceptive effect in a dose-dependent manner as measured by the tail-flick and hot-plate tests. In addition, decursinol attenuated dose-dependently the writhing numbers in the acetic acid-induced writhing test. Moreover, the cumulative response time of nociceptive behaviors induced by an intraplantar formalin injection was reduced by decursinol treatment during the both 1st and 2nd phases in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the cumulative nociceptive response time for intrathecal (i.t.) injection of TNF-alpha (100 pg), IL-1 beta (100 pg), IFN-gamma (100 pg), substance P (0.7 microg) or glutamate (20 microg) was dose-dependently diminished by decursinol. Intraperitoneal (i.p.) pretreatment with yohimbine, methysergide, cyproheptadine, ranitidine, or 3,7-dimethyl-1-propargylxanthine (DMPX) attenuated inhibition of the tail-flick response induced by decursinol. However, naloxone, thioperamide, or 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-amino-4-chloro-phenyl)-xanthine (PACPX) did not affect inhibition of the tail-flick response induced by decursinol. Our results suggests that decursinol shows an antinociceptive property in various pain models. Furthermore, antinociception of decursinol may be mediated by noradrenergic, serotonergic, adenosine A(2), histamine H(1) and H(2) receptors.  相似文献   

Four common Lactobacillus strains were screened for their effects on proliferation of mouse splenic lymphocytes. Mice received perorally 10(9) viable bacteria kg(-1) body weight for 7 days. Lactobacillus acidophilus treatment enhanced ex vivo basal proliferation (by 43%) and B-cell response at suboptimal and optimal concentrations of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (by 27-28%). Conversely, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus rhamnosus inhibited both basal proliferation (by 14-51%) and mitogen-stimulated lymphoproliferation, particularly at supra-optimal concentrations of concanavalin A (by 43-68%) and LPS (by 23-62%). Therefore, these Lactobacillus strains demonstrate strain-specific effects on B- and T-cells and may also alter the splenocyte sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of mitogens.  相似文献   

Five porcine-derived Lactobacillus or Pediococcus isolates administered to pigs (n = 4), either singly or as a combination at approximately 10(10) CFU per day varied with respect to intestinal survival and persistence. Two Lactobacillus murinus strains survived best and were excreted at approximately 10(7) to 10(8) CFU/g of feces. In contrast, Pediococcus pentosaceus DPC6006 had the lowest fecal count at approximately 10(5) CFU/g and was excreted at a significantly lower level than both L. murinus strains. Fecal L. murinus DPC6003 counts were also significantly higher than both Lactobacillus salivarius DPC6005 and Lactobacillus pentosus DPC6004 ( approximately 10(6) CFU/g). The L. murinus strains persisted for at least 9 days postadministration in both the feces and the cecum. Animals fed a combination of all five strains excreted approximately 10(7) CFU of the administered strains/g, with L. murinus predominating, as determined by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR. Postadministration, variation was observed between animals fed the strain combination, but in general, L. murinus DPC6002 and DPC6003 and L. pentosus DPC6004 predominated in the feces and the cecum while P. pentosaceus DPC6006 was detected only in the cecum. Fifteen days after the start of culture administration, mean fecal Enterobacteriaceae counts were significantly lower in some of the treatment groups. In addition, when mean preadministration counts were compared with those obtained after 21 days of culture administration, Enterobacteriaceae counts were reduced by approximately 87 to 98% in pigs fed L. salivarius DPC6005, P. pentosaceus DPC6006, L. pentosus DPC6004, and the culture mix. In conclusion, the porcine intestinal isolates have potential as probiotic feed additives for pigs, with differences in strain performance highlighting the advantages of using culture combinations.  相似文献   

1. The urinary excretion of folates after oral administration of [2-(14)C]pteroyl-l-glutamic acid was studied by assaying the radioactivity in the urine and in materials purified and characterized by t.l.c. 2. Radioactivity excreted was 6.8, 5.9 and 30.7% of the oral dose in the first 24h after doses of 3.1, 32 and 320mug/kg respectively. 3. Extensive decomposition of urinary folates to pteroyl-l-glutamic acid was prevented by antioxidants or collection of urine frozen. 4. At the three dosages, two major and one minor radioactive compounds were isolated. One of the major metabolites was 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid. The others were unidentified but were not pteroylglutamic acid, 7,8-dihydro-, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-, 5- or 10-formyl-tetrahydro-, 5,10-methylidyne-tetrahydro-, 5-formimidoyl-tetrahydro-, 5,10-methylene-tetrahydro-, 5-methyltetrahydro-pteroylglutamic acid, nor any decomposition products of these compounds formed during isolation. Labelled unconjugated pteridines were absent. 5. Labelled pteroyl-l-glutamic acid was displaced by oral administration of unlabelled pteroyl-l-glutamic acid (1.6mg/kg) when given 3.5h after, but not when given 24h after the labelled dose. 6. The results show that orally administered [2-(14)C]pteroyl-l-glutamic acid is absorbed without metabolism and is then metabolized into naturally occurring tetrahydro-folates. 7. These findings are discussed with reference to previous work.  相似文献   

Multiple internal and external sites of the healthy human body are colonized by a diversity of symbiotic microbes. The microbial assemblages found in the intestine represent some of the most dense and diverse of these human-associated ecosystems. Unsurprisingly, the enteric microbiome, that is the totality of microbes, their combined genomes, and their interactions with the human body, has a profound impact on physiological aspects of mammalian function, not least, host immune response. Lack of early-life exposure to certain microbes, or shifts in the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome have been linked to the development and progression of several intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases, including childhood asthma development and inflammatory bowel disease. Modulating microbial exposure through probiotic supplementation represents a long-held strategy towards ameliorating disease via intestinal microbial community restructuring. This field has experienced somewhat of a resurgence over the past few years, primarily due to the exponential increase in human microbiome studies and a growing appreciation of our dependence on resident microbiota to modulate human health. This review aims to review recent regulatory aspects related to probiotics in food. It also summarizes what is known to date with respect to human gastrointestinal microbiota - the niche which has been most extensively studied in the human system - and the evidence for probiotic supplementation as a viable therapeutic strategy for modulating this consortium.  相似文献   

The absorption rates of PGE2 released from tablets, gel and pessary bases inserted into the vagina for the induction of labour in a total of 27 patients have been measured by means of serial plasma 15-keto-PGE2 levels. The results are discussed with a view to obtaining both the optimum dose of PGE2 and vehicle of release.  相似文献   

The continuous 12-hr observation of a mouse placed in a respiratory chamber has made it possible to record the succession of behaviors of the animal, as well as the associated variations of CO2 concentrations in the chamber. Ten behaviors have been considered; these included rest, locomotion, sniffing, feeding, drinking, nest building and various types of grooming. These data have been used for the estimation, by means of Kalman filtering, of the energetic cost of each behavior. Thus, at 20 degrees C, these costs vary between 1.51 ml CO2/g/hr (rest) and 4.90 ml CO2/g/hr (locomotion). These costs seem independent of any underlying biological rhythm; they yield basal metabolic estimates and average daily metabolic rates similar to those found in the literature. The low energetic cost of each behavioral bout, as compared to the daily energy intake of the mouse, leads one to believe that the behavioral transitions of this animal are not to be ascribed to energetical reasons. These results have been validated with data obtained from two other mice under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes maintained on different matrix proteins such as collagen (Co IV) fibronectin (Fn), Laminin (Ln) or different tissue biomatrices were metabolically labelled with 35[S]-SO4 and the synthesis of sulphated proteoglycans was studied. The incorporation of the label into total glycosaminoglycan (GAG) was significantly higher in cells maintained on Co IV compared to those maintained on Fn or Ln. Similarly the incorporation of label was maximum in those cells maintained on the aortic biomatrix compared to liver or mammary gland biomatrix. About 80–95% of the GAG synthesised and secreted by cells maintained on individual matrix proteins and liver biomatrix was heparan sulphate (HS). But in the case of cells maintained on collagen IV aortic or mammary biomatrix in addition to HS, significant amount of chondroitin sulphate (CS) was also found. Nearly 50% of the total 35[S]-GAG was associated with the cell layer after 24 h in culture in the case of cells maintained on individual matrix protein while those maintained on tissue biomatrix, retained about 70% of the 35[S]-labelled proteoglycans (PG) with the cell layer. Analysis of the cell surface 35[S]-labelled proteoglycans isolated from cells maintained on different biomatrix showed that it is a hybrid proteoglycan consisting of CS and HS. While the PG isolated from cells maintained on liver biomatrix consists of HS and CS in the ratio of 3:2 that from cells maintained on aorta or mammary gland matrix was about 2:3 indicating an alteration in the nature of the cell surface PGs produced by cells maintained on different tissue biomatrix. These results indicate that depending on the nature of the matrix substratum with which the cells are in contact, the nature and quantity of sulphated proteoglycans produced by hepatocytes vary.  相似文献   

The characterization of calcium accumulation in the brain of rats administered orally calcium chloride solution was investigated. Rats received a single oral administration of calcium (15–50 mg/100 g body weight), and they were sacrificed by bleeding-between 15 and 120 min after the administration. The administration of calcium (50 mg/100 g) produced a significant increase in serum calcium concentration and a corresponding elevation of brain calcium content, indicating that the transport of calcium into the brain is associated with the elevation of serum calcium levels. The increase in brain calcium content by calcium administration was not appreciably altered by the pretreatment with Ca2+ channel blockers (verapamil or diltiazem with the doses of 1.5 and 3.0 mg/100 g). In thyroparathyroidectomized rats, the administration of calcium (50 mg/100 g) caused a significant increase in brain calcium content, indicating that calcium-regulating hormones do not participate in the brain calcium transport. Now, brain calcium content was clearly elevated by fasting (overnight), although serum calcium level was not significantly altered. Calcium administration to fasted rats induced a further elevation of brain calcium content as compared with that of control (fasted) rats. The fasting-induced increase in brain calcium content was appreciably restored by refeeding. This restoration was also seen by the oral administration of glucose (0.4 g/100 g) to fasted rats. The present study demonstrates that serum calcium is transported to brain, and that the increased brain calcium is released promptly. The release of calcium from brain may be involved in energy metabolism, and this release may be weakened by the reduction of glucose supply into brain. The finding suggests a physiological significance of energy-dependent mechanism in the regulation of brain calcium.  相似文献   

Many authors have assumed that the functions of behavioural elements may be deduced from the sequence in which they occur. This study explains from basic principles a simple procedure, based of the X2 test, for analysing behavioural sequences. The formation of groups of “similar” elements (cluster analysis) and their interpretation is discussed with reference to the agonistic behaviour of individually-housed male mice from four different strains. Associations between elements are found to be consistent with the functions assigned them by previous authors though strain differences in behavioural organisation are evident. Behav. Processes 11: 365–388.  相似文献   

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