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Fluorescent confocal laser scanning microscopy allows an improved imaging of microscopic objects in three dimensions. However, the resolution along the axial direction is three times worse than the resolution in lateral directions. A method to overcome this axial limitation is tilting the object under the microscope, in a way that the direction of the optical axis points into different directions relative to the sample. A new technique for a simultaneous reconstruction from a number of such axial tomographic confocal data sets was developed and used for high resolution reconstruction of 3D-data both from experimental and virtual microscopic data sets. The reconstructed images have a highly improved 3D resolution, which is comparable to the lateral resolution of a single deconvolved data set. Axial tomographic imaging in combination with simultaneous data reconstruction also opens the possibility for a more precise quantification of 3D data. The color images of this publication can be accessed from http://www.esacp.org/acp/2000/20-1/heintzmann.++ +htm. At this web address an interactive 3D viewer is additionally provided for browsing the 3D data. This java applet displays three orthogonal slices of the data set which are dynamically updated by user mouse clicks or keystrokes.  相似文献   

The yeast MSH2-MSH6 complex is required to repair both base-pair and single base insertion/deletion mismatches. MSH2-MSH6 binds to mismatch substrates and displays an ATPase activity that is modulated by mispairs that are repaired in vivo. To understand early steps in mismatch repair, we analyzed mismatch repair (MMR) defective MSH2-msh6-F337A and MSH2-msh6-340 complexes that contained amino acid substitutions in the MSH6 mismatch recognition domain. While both heterodimers were defective in forming stable complexes with mismatch substrates, only MSH2-msh6-340 bound to homoduplex DNA with an affinity that was similar to that observed for MSH2-MSH6. Additional analyses suggested that stable binding to a mispair is not sufficient to initiate recruitment of downstream repair factors. Previously, we observed that MSH2-MSH6 forms a stable complex with a palindromic insertion mismatch that escapes correction by MMR in vivo. Here we show that this binding is not accompanied by either a modulation in MSH2-MSH6 ATPase activity or an ATP-dependent recruitment of the MLH1-PMS1 complex. Together, these observations suggest that early stages in MMR can be divided into distinct recognition, stable binding, and downstream factor recruitment steps.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocytes in the continuous presence of [3H]asialo-orosomucoid quickly establish a steady state number of free and occupied surface receptors and rate of endocytosis. These values do not change even though many times more glycoprotein is internalized than there are surface receptors per cell. However, when cells endocytose only one round of surface bound [3H]asialo-orosomucoid at 37°C the internalization of glycoprotein is about 5 times faster than the increase of functional receptors on the cell surface. At 18°C new surface receptors appear at only 6% of the rate of internalization of pre-bound asialoglycoprotein. The results suggest that reutilization of asialoglycoprotein receptors is preferentially inhibited at low temperature and that receptor-ligand complexes enter the cell.  相似文献   

Weigel PH  Baggenstoss BA 《Glycobiology》2012,22(10):1302-1310
Streptococcus equisimilis hyaluronan (HA) synthase (SeHAS) contains four cysteines (C226, C262, C281 and C367) that are conserved in the mammalian HAS family. Previous studies of single Cys-to-Ser and all possible Cys-to-Ala mutants of SeHAS found that: the Cys-null mutant is active, Cys modification inhibits HAS activity and the conserved cysteines are clustered at the membrane-enzyme interface in substrate-binding sites (Kumari K, Weigel PH. 2005. Identification of a membrane-localized cysteine cluster near the substrate binding sites of the Streptococcus equisimilis hyaluronan synthase. Glycobiology. 15:529-539). We re-examined these Cys mutants using a single technique (size exclusion chromatography-multi-angle laser light scattering) that allows simultaneous assays on the same sample for both HA synthesis activity and HA product size. Among 18 mutants compared with wild type, 4 showed no change in either function and 3 showed changes in both (decreased activity and HA size). Only one of the two functions was altered in 11 other mutants, which showed either decreased polymerizing activity or product size. No mutants made larger HA, 8 made smaller HA and 10 showed no change in HA size. Nine mutants showed no change in activity and nine were less active. The mutants fell into four of nine possible groups in terms of changes in HA size or synthesis rate (i.e. none, increased or decreased). Specific Cys residues were associated with each mutant group and the pattern of effects on both functions. Thus, the four conserved Cys residues, individually and in specific combinations, influence the rate of sugar assembly by HAS and HA product size, but their participation in one function is independent of the other.  相似文献   

Implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive and associated national guidelines has emphasized the value of using biota, such as epilithic diatoms in streams, as indicators of water quality. However, guidelines for evaluating diatom samples have been established without explicitly evaluating their statistical robustness. We used epilithic diatom samples from 73 streams in northern Sweden and simulated the effects of variations in the counting sum size and taxonomic resolution of classifications for two indices indicating pollution (Indice de Polluo-sensibilité Spécifique, IPS) and acidity (acidity index for diatoms, ACID). Instead of the stipulated 400, we found that a count sum of 40 diatom valves for 50 streams, and 80 valves for 60 streams, would have been sufficient to obtain the same IPS index classification. The ACID index is more sensitive to count sum reductions, since the same classification would only have been obtained for 12 streams with 40 counted diatom valves or 24 streams with a count of 80 valves. Excluding rare taxa had negligible effects on the IPS and ACID indices. Excluding taxa occurring with less than 1.0% frequency affected the IPS classification of only one stream, and excluding taxa with less than 2.5% and 5.0% frequencies affected those of just one and no streams, respectively. The ACID index was affected for none, five, and 12 streams, respectively. At least in relatively unpolluted regions such as northern Sweden, our simulations suggest that a simplified methodological approach with site-specific counting sum sizes and reduced taxonomical resolution could be adopted, taking into account the way sites are classified in relation to established class boundaries. The simplified method is a step forward in improving the cost efficiency for stream monitoring, as costs of diatom analysis to obtain identical IPS and ACID classifications of our streams could be reduced considerably. Before the simplified method can be widely adopted, further simulations including regions with a higher proportion of polluted streams are required.  相似文献   



The extreme genetic diversity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) poses a daunting challenge to the generation of an effective AIDS vaccine. In Argentina, the epidemic is characterized by the high prevalence of infections caused by subtype B and BF variants. The aim of this study was to characterize in mice the immunogenic and antigenic properties of the Env protein from CRF12_BF in comparison with clade B, employing prime-boost schemes with the combination of recombinant DNA and vaccinia virus (VV) vectors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

As determined by ELISPOT from splenocytes of animals immunized with either EnvBF or EnvB antigens, the majority of the cellular responses to Env were found to be clade-specific. A detailed peptide mapping of the responses reveal that when there is cross-reactivity, there are no amino acid changes in the peptide sequence or were minimal and located at the peptide ends. In those cases, analysis of T cell polifunctionality and affinity indicated no differences with respect to the cellular responses found against the original homologous sequence.Significantly, application of a mixed immunization combining both clades (B and BF) induced a broader cellular response, in which the majority of the peptides targeted after the single clade vaccinations generated a positive response. In this group we could also find significant cellular and humoral responses against the whole gp120 protein from subtype B.


This work has characterized for the first time the immunogenic peptides of certain EnvBF regions, involved in T cell responses. It provides evidence that to improve immune responses to HIV there is a need to combine Env antigens from different clades, highlighting the convenience of the inclusion of BF antigens in future vaccines for geographic regions where these HIV variants circulate.  相似文献   

In amphibians, the cortical rotation, a translocation of the egg cortex relative to the cytoplasm, specifies the dorsoventral axis. The cortical rotation involves an array of subcortical microtubules whose alignment is mediated by Kinesin-related proteins (KRPs), and stops as M-phase promoting factor (MPF) activation propagates across the egg. To dissect the role of different motor proteins in the cortical rotation and to analyse their regulation, we have developed an open cell assay system involving reactivation of microtubule movement on isolated cortices. Microtubule movements were dependent on ATP and consisted mainly of wriggling and flailing without net displacement, consistent with a tethering of microtubules to the cortex. Reactivated movements were inhibited by anti-KRP and anti-dynein antibodies perfused together but not separately, the KRP antibody alone becoming fixed to the cortex. Neither antibody could inhibit movement in the presence of MPF, indicating that arrest of the cortical rotation is not due to MPF-dependent inhibition of motor molecules. In contrast, D(2)O treatment of live eggs to protect microtubules from progressive depolymerisation prolonged the cortical rotation. We conclude that the cortical rotation probably involves cytoplasmic dynein as well as cortical KRPs and terminates as a result of local MPF-dependent microtubule depolymerisation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of urokinase has been shown to slow tumor growth and metastasis. To utilize structure-based drug design, human urokinase was re-engineered to provide a more optimal crystal form. The redesigned protein consists of residues Ile(16)-Lys(243) (in the chymotrypsin numbering system; for the urokinase numbering system it is Ile(159)-Lys(404)) and two point mutations, C122A and N145Q (C279A and N302Q). The protein yields crystals that diffract to ultra-high resolution at a synchrotron source. The native structure has been refined to 1.5 A resolution. This new crystal form contains an accessible active site that facilitates compound soaking, which was used to determine the co-crystal structures of urokinase in complex with the small molecule inhibitors amiloride, 4-iodo-benzo(b)thiophene-2-carboxamidine and phenylguanidine at 2. 0-2.2 A resolution. All three inhibitors bind at the primary binding pocket of urokinase. The structures of amiloride and 4-iodo-benzo(b)thiophene-2-carboxamidine also reveal that each of their halogen atoms are bound at a novel structural subsite adjacent to the primary binding pocket. This site consists of residues Gly(218), Ser(146), and Cys(191)-Cys(220) and the side chain of Lys(143). This pocket could be utilized in future drug design efforts. Crystal structures of these three inhibitors in complex with urokinase reveal strategies for the design of more potent nonpeptidic urokinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary A method is presented to estimate, from a two-factor crossing design including self-fertilization, mean and variance of lines and hybrids that can be derived from a random mating population. The derivation is only valid in the absence of epistasis. From such an estimation, it is possible to derive the expected value of the best lines and of the best hybrids that can be derived from a population.  相似文献   

Pyochelin is a siderophore and virulence factor common to Burkholderia cepacia and several Pseudomonas strains. We describe at 2.0 A resolution the crystal structure of the pyochelin outer membrane receptor FptA bound to the iron-pyochelin isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. One pyochelin molecule bound to iron is found in the protein structure, providing the first three-dimensional structure at the atomic level of this siderophore. The pyochelin molecule provides a tetra-dentate coordination of iron, while the remaining bi-dentate coordination is ensured by another molecule not specifically recognized by the protein. The overall structure of the pyochelin receptor is typical of the TonB-dependent transporter superfamily, which uses the proton motive force from the cytoplasmic membrane through the TonB-ExbB-ExbD energy transducing complex to transport ferric ions across the bacterial outer membrane: a transmembrane 22 beta-stranded barrel occluded by a N-terminal domain that contains a mixed four-stranded beta-sheet. The N-terminal TonB box is disordered in two crystal forms, and loop L8 is found to point towards the iron-pyochelin complex, suggesting that the receptor is in a transport-competent conformation.  相似文献   

Here, we introduce a customized hanging insert fitting a six-well plate to culture Caco-2 cells on hydrogel membranes under flow conditions. The cells are cultured in the apical channel-like chamber, which provides about 1.3 dyn/cm2 shear, while the basolateral chamber is mixed when the device is rocked. The device was tested by investigating the functional impact of the initial seeding density in combination with flow applied at confluency. The low seeding density cultures grew in two dimensional (2D) irrespective of the flow. Flow and higher seeding density resulted in a mixture of three dimensional (3D) structures and 2D layers. Static culture and high cell seeding density resulted in 2D layers. The flow increased the height and ZO-1 expression of cells in 2D layers, which correlated with an improved barrier function. Cultures with 3D structures had higher ZO-1 expression than 2D cultures, but this did not correlate with an increased barrier function. 2D monolayers in static and dynamic cultures had similar morphology and heterogeneity in the expression of Mucin-2 and Villin, while the 3D structures had generally higher expression of these markers. The result shows that the cell density and flow determine 3D growth and that the highest barrier function was obtained with low-density cultures and flow.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation factor (DFF) is a complex of the DNase DFF40 (CAD) and its chaperone/inhibitor DFF45 (ICAD-L) that can be activated during apoptosis to induce DNA fragmentation. Here, we demonstrate that DFF directly binds to DNA in vitro without promoting DNA cleavage. DNA binding by DFF is mediated by the nuclease subunit, which can also form stable DNA complexes after release from DFF. Recombinant and reconstituted DFF is catalytically inactive yet proficient in DNA binding, demonstrating that the nuclease subunit in DFF is inhibited in DNA cleavage but not in DNA binding, revealing an unprecedented mode of nuclease inhibition. Activation of DFF in the presence of naked DNA or isolated nuclei stimulates DNA degradation by released DFF40 (CAD). In transfected HeLa cells transiently expressed DFF associates with chromatin, suggesting that DFF could be activated during apoptosis in a DNA-bound state.  相似文献   



Past studies on plant metabolomes have highlighted the influence of growing environments and varietal differences in variation of levels of metabolites yet there remains continued interest in evaluating the effect of genetic modification (GM).


Here we test the hypothesis that metabolomics differences in grain from maize hybrids derived from a series of GM (NK603, herbicide tolerance) inbreds and corresponding negative segregants can arise from residual genetic variation associated with backcrossing and that the effect of insertion of the GM trait is negligible.


Four NK603-positive and negative segregant inbred males were crossed with two different females (testers). The resultant hybrids, as well as conventional comparator hybrids, were then grown at three replicated field sites in Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska during the 2013 season. Metabolomics data acquisition using gas chromatography–time of flight-mass spectrometry (GC–TOF-MS) allowed the measurement of 367 unique metabolite features in harvested grain, of which 153 were identified with small molecule standards. Multivariate analyses of these data included multi-block principal component analysis and ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis. Univariate analyses of all 153 identified metabolites was conducted based on significance testing (α = 0.05), effect size evaluation (assessing magnitudes of differences), and variance component analysis.


Results demonstrated that the largest effects on metabolomic variation were associated with different growing locations and the female tester. They further demonstrated that differences observed between GM and non-GM comparators, even in stringent tests utilizing near-isogenic positive and negative segregants, can simply reflect minor genomic differences associated with conventional back-crossing practices.


The effect of GM on metabolomics variation was determined to be negligible and supports that there is no scientific rationale for prioritizing GM as a source of variation.

This article utilized “protein charge ladders”—chemical derivatives of proteins with similar structure, but systematically altered net charge—to quantify how missense mutations that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) affect the net negative charge (Z) of superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) as a function of subcellular pH and Zn2+ stoichiometry. Capillary electrophoresis revealed that the net charge of ALS-variant SOD1 can be different in sign and in magnitude—by up to 7.4 units per dimer at lysosomal pH—than values predicted from standard pKa values of amino acids and formal oxidation states of metal ions. At pH 7.4, the G85R, D90A, and G93R substitutions diminished the net negative charge of dimeric SOD1 by up to +2.29 units more than predicted; E100K lowered net charge by less than predicted. The binding of a single Zn2+ to mutant SOD1 lowered its net charge by an additional +2.33 ± 0.01 to +3.18 ± 0.02 units, however, each protein regulated net charge when binding a second, third, or fourth Zn2+Z < 0.44 ± 0.07 per additional Zn2+). Both metalated and apo-SOD1 regulated net charge across subcellular pH, without inverting from negative to positive at the theoretical pI. Differential scanning calorimetry, hydrogen-deuterium exchange, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry confirmed that the structure, stability, and metal content of mutant proteins were not significantly affected by lysine acetylation. Measured values of net charge should be used when correlating the biophysical properties of a specific ALS-variant SOD1 protein with its observed aggregation propensity or clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

Acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone), a very popular food spice is now used in many industries (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, paint, etc.). In this study, an acetoin high producing strain, numbered as JNA-310, was newly isolated and identified as Bacillus subtilis which is safe on food industry, based on its physiological, biological tests and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. When glucose was used as carbon source in fermentation, the fermentation characterizations of this strain were analyzed, and a new phenomenon of reverse transforming 2,3-butanediol which was synthesized from glucose in the fermentation broth to acetoin was detected. Before 96 h, glucose which was mainly transformed to 2,3-butanediol and acetoin was totally consumed, and the yield of the two products were 41.7 and 21.0 g/l respectively. Acetoin was only a by product in the fermentation broth at prophase of fermentation. At the end of fermentation, the yield of acetoin was greatly improved and the yield of 2,3-butanediol was declined and the yield of them were about 42.2 and 15.8 g/l, respectively. The results indicated that 2,3-butanediol was reversely transformed to acetoin.  相似文献   

Whether occurrence of life at the physicochemical extremes results from the entire adaptation of organisms to such settings or it originates from the action of a few genes has been debated for a long time. Recent evidence suggests that a limited number of functions suffice to change the predilection of microorganisms for radically different environmental scenarios. For instance, expression of a few genes from cold‐loving bacteria in mesophilic hosts allows them to grow at much lower temperatures and become heat‐sensitive. This has been exploited not only for constructing Escherichia coli strains able to grow at 5–10 °C (and thus optimised as hosts for heterologous gene expression) but also for designing vaccines based on temperature‐sensitive pathogens. Occurrence of genes/functions that reframe the windows of viability may also ask for a revision of some concepts in microbial ecology and may provide new tools for engineering bacteria with a superior biotechnological performance.  相似文献   

Granier C  Inzé D  Tardieu F 《Plant physiology》2000,124(3):1393-1402
We have investigated the spatial distributions of cell division rate, p34(cdc2) kinase activity, and amount of p34(cdc2a) in maize (Zea mays) leaves grown at contrasting temperatures and soil water conditions. An original method for calculating cell division rate in all leaf tissues is proposed. In all studied conditions, cell division rate was stable and maximum in the first 2 cm beyond the leaf insertion point, declined afterward, and reached zero at 7 cm from the insertion point. The spatial distribution of p34(cdc2) kinase activity, expressed on a per cell basis, followed the same pattern. In contrast, the amount of p34(cdc2a) was maximum in the first centimeter of the leaf, declined afterward, but remained at 20% of maximum in more distal zones with a near-zero cell division rate. A mild water deficit caused a reduction in cell division rate and p34(cdc2) kinase activity by approximately 45% in all leaf zones, but did not affect the amount of p34(cdc2a). Growth temperature affected to the same extent cell division rate and p34(cdc2) kinase activity, but only if p34(cdc2) kinase activity was assayed at growth temperature, and not if a standard temperature was used in all assays. A common linear relationship between cell division rate and p34(cdc2) kinase activity applied to all causes of changes in cell division rate, i.e. cell aging, water deficit, or changes in temperature. It is shown that temperature has two distinct and additive effects on p34(cdc2) kinase activity; first, an effect on the rate of the reaction, and second, an effect on the amount of p34(cdc2a).  相似文献   

Summary— In this study, using a modified electrophoretic technique, we have defined in the mouse the myosin heavy-chain composition of both newborn and adult skeletal and cardiac muscles. Using this high resolution technique it was possible to detect modifications in the myosin heavy-chain expression in both cardiac and skeletal muscles of desmin knock-out mice.  相似文献   

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