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J. Labate  W. F. Eanes 《Genetics》1992,132(3):783-787
Demonstrating that naturally occurring enzyme polymorphisms significantly impact metabolic pathway flux is a fundamental step in examining the possible adaptive significance of such polymorphisms. In earlier studies of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster, we used two different methods, exploiting both genotype-dependent interactions with the 6Pgd locus, and conventional steady-state kinetics to examine activity differences between the two common allozymes. In this report we use 1-14C- and 6-14C-labeled glucose to estimate directly genotype-dependent flux differences through the pentose shunt. Our results show that G6pdA genotype possesses statistically lower pentose shunt flux than G6pdB at 25 degrees. We estimate this to be about a 32% reduction, which is consistent with the two former studies. These results reflect a significant responsiveness of pentose shunt flux to activity variation at the G6PD-catalyzed step, and predict that the G6PD allozymes generate a polymorphism for pentose shunt flux.  相似文献   

The nucleotide diversity across 1705 bp of the G6pd gene is studied in 50 Drosophila melanogaster and 12 D. simulans lines. Our earlier report contrasted intraspecific polymorphism and interspecific differences at silent and replacement sites in these species. This report expands the number of European and African lines and examines the pattern of polymorphism with respect to the common A/B allozymes. In D. melanogaster the silent nucleotide diversity varies 2.8-fold across localities. The B allele sequences are two- to fourfold more variable than the derived A allele, and differences between allozymes are twice as among B alleles. There is strong linkage disequilibrium across the G6pd region. In both species the level of silent polymorphism increases from the 5' to 3' ends, while there is no comparable pattern in level of silent site divergence or fixation. The neutral model is not rejected in either species. Using D. yakuba as an outgroup, the D. melanogaster lineage shows a twofold greater rate of silent fixation, but less than half the rate of amino acid replacement. Lineage-specific differences in mutation fixation are inconsistent with neutral expectations and suggest the interaction of species-specific population size differences with both weakly advantageous and deleterious selection.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variants of G6PD and 6PGD isolated from the Bogota Drosophila melanogaster population were characterized developmentally and biochemically. Changes in in vitro enzyme activity during development were comparable to those found for other dehydrogenases: an increase in the larval and adult stage and a decrease in the pupal stage. During the whole life cycle the "S" enzyme of both loci showed a higher activity than the "F" enzyme. MgCl2 had a stimulating effect on the activity of both enzymes whereas their heat stability was decreased. The allozymes of 6PGD had different Vmax's but were comparable with respect to Km values, pH optimum, and stability at 45 C. the allozymes of G6PD showed different Vmax's and differed in stability at 35 C, but had similar Km values and pH optima. As the difference in stability was probably due to differences in molecular structure of the allozymes, the differences in activity found at high pH and high MgCl2 concentration were most probably due to this difference in stability.  相似文献   

Different homozygous lines of similar genotype with respect to G6pd and 6Pgd were shown to have different enzyme activities for G6PD and 6PGD. Crosses between high and low lines suggested that there were modifying genes present on the autosomes, while others were probably located on the X chromosome. Allelic variation within each electrophoretic class of G6pd and 6Pgd might, however, also have contributed to this variation. An experiment on adaptation to sodium octanoate demonstrated that in adapted flies selection for lower enzyme activity had occurred, which provided further evidence for the existence of genetic differences in activity. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between the activities of G6PD and 6PGD was found for each genotype. Since no correlation was found between MDH and the two enzymes G6PD and 6PGD, it could be concluded that this correlation was probably rather specific for G6PD and 6PGD. Interaction between genotypes with respect to activity was also found. It was shown that the variation at 6Pgd influenced the activity of G6PD within a genotype. The data are discussed in relation to fitness differences presented in foregoing articles.  相似文献   

Walter F. Eanes 《Genetics》1984,106(1):95-107
Several biochemical studies have suggested that in Drosophila melanogaster the two common allozymes of G6PD differ in their in vitro activities and thermal stabilities. Yet, it remains to be shown that these characterizations reflect actual in vivo differences and are not artifacts of the biochemical approach. In this study it is shown that in vivo activity differences must exist between these two variants. This conclusion arises from the observation that the viability of flies bearing a low activity allele of 6PGD is strongly dependent on the genotype at the G6PD (Zw) locus, whereas no measurable difference in viability can be detected between Zw genotypes in a normal activity 6PGD background. These viability interactions are in the direction predicted by the reported in vitro activities of the allozymes and the proposed deleterious effects of 6-phosphogluconate accumulation.—In addition, a genetic scheme is used that uncouples and quantifies the effects of viability modifiers in the region of the Zw locus, while homogenizing 98% of the X chromosome. The viability of different Zw genotypes is measured by examining whole chromosome viabilities relative to the FM6 balancer chromosome. The advantages of this particular scheme are discussed.  相似文献   

R. Bijlsma  J. W. M. Kerver 《Genetics》1983,103(3):447-464
For the degradation of DDT and other chlorohydrocarbon insecticides energy in the form of NADPH is needed which for the greater part is supplied by the pentose phosphate shunt. Therefore the influence of DDT on the polymorphism at the G6pd and Pgd loci in Drosophila melanogaster was investigated by studying its effect on egg to adult survival and adult survival. The results show the existence of significant differences in fitness between the different genotypes of the two loci for both components. It is found that the effect of DDT supplementation differs significantly from the effect of sodium octanoate addition. DDT treatment also increases the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt as measured by the activity of G6PD and 6PGD. In larvae a 50% increase in activity is found and in adults a 100% increase. As there is little doubt that the activities of G6PD and 6PGD are somehow correlated with the fitness of flies, the data are discussed in relation to the in vitro and in vivo differences in activity between the different allozymes of both G6PD and 6PGD.  相似文献   

C. Schlotterer  C. Vogl    D. Tautz 《Genetics》1997,146(1):309-320
We have studied the natural variation at microsatellite loci in two African and five non-African populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Ten dinucleotide simple sequence loci were cloned from chromosomally mapped P1 clones and typed for single individuals from isofemale lines of the respective populations. We find that the African populations harbor the largest degree of diversity, while the non-African populations show a lower diversity. This supports previous results that D. melanogaster originated in Africa and spread across the rest of the world in historic times. Using genetic distance measures, we find also a distinct population subdivision between the non-African populations. Most interestingly, we find for some loci in some populations a strongly reduced variability, which cannot be explained by bottleneck effects. Employing a conservative test based on the variance in repeat number, we find that at least one locus in one population deviates significantly from the expectations of mutation-drift equilibrium. We suggest that this may be due to a recent selective sweep in this chromosomal region that may have been caused by a linked locus that was involved in local adaptation of the population.  相似文献   

M. S. Jackson  D. M. Black    G. A. Dover 《Genetics》1988,120(4):1003-1013
Mobile P elements in Drosophila melanogaster cause hybrid dysgenesis if their mobility is not repressed. One type of repression, termed P cytotype, is a complex interaction between chromosomes carrying P elements and cytoplasm and is transmitted through the cytoplasm only of females. Another type of repression is found in worldwide M' strains that contain approximately 30 copies per individual of one particular P element deletion-derivative termed the KP element. This repression is transmitted equally through both sexes. In the present study we show that biparentally transmitted repression increases in magnitude together with a rapid increase in KP copy-number in genotypes starting with one or a few KP elements and no other deletion-derivatives. Such correlated increases in repression and KP number per genome occur only in the presence of complete P elements, supporting the interpretation that they are probably a consequence of the selective advantage enjoyed by flies carrying the highest numbers of KP elements. Analysis of Q strains also reveals the presence of qualitative differences in the way the repression of dysgenesis is transmitted. In general, Q strains not containing KP elements have the P cytotype mode of repression, whereas Q strains with KP elements transmit repression through both sexes. This difference among Q strains further supports the existence of at least two types of repression of P-induced hybrid dysgenesis in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Three elements, M(1), M(2) and M(3), found in a special X chromosome, supp-X(SD), modify the degree and direction of segregation distortion in the SD system of Drosophila melanogaster. The first element, M(1), is located between the y and the cv loci, probably close to the y locus. The second element, M(2), is located near the cv locus and the third element, M(3), is located between the y and the car loci. The M(1) element appears to cause a relatively small amount of reduction in the rate of recovery of the SD-72, but not the cn bw, chromosome from SD-72/ cn bw males, when raised at 27.5°. The M(2) and the M(3) elements cause considerable decrease in the recovery rate of the SD-72 chromosome, whereas they increase the recovery rate of the cn bw chromosome. The amount of decrease is nearly the same as the amount of increase for each element. Some type of ``switch' mechanism in the directions of distortion is suggested for each of these two elements and their effects appear to be approximately additive.  相似文献   

A 974-bp region immediately 5' of the esterase 6 gene was sequenced in 17 field derived third chromosome isoallelic lines. Twenty-three polymorphisms were identified, only two in the first 400 bp 5' but 16 in a 325-bp region from -494 to -819 bp. This distribution differs from previously published patterns in Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana, where the first 800 bp are highly conserved. Fourteen common polymorphisms in the 325-bp region above are all in strong linkage disequilibrium with each other. Moreover, most of the haplotypes defined by the total of 23 polymorphisms fall into two groups that differ as a block at all 14 of these latter sites. Sequence differences between the two groups include some restriction sites that were scored in an earlier study of RFLPs and EST6 enzyme phenotypes among 42 isoallelic lines from the same population. By collating the two studies, we show that one haplotype group yields ~15% lower EST6 enzyme activity in adult males than the other. The promoter haplotypes show only weak disequilibrium with the esterase 6 fast/slow allozyme polymorphism, so it seems unlikely that previously reported latitudinal clines in the allozyme frequencies are due to their hitchhiking along with selection on the promoter difference.  相似文献   

C. C. Laurie  L. F. Stam 《Genetics》1994,138(2):379-385
Several lines of evidence indicate that natural selection controls the frequencies of an allozyme polymorphism at the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) locus in Drosophila melanogaster. However, because of associations among sequence polymorphisms in the Adh region, it is not clear whether selection acts directly (or solely) on the allozymic site. This problem has been approached by using in vitro mutagenesis to distinguish among the effects on Adh expression of individual polymorphisms. This study shows that a polymorphism within the first Adh intron ( &1) has a significant effect on the level of ADH protein. Like the allozyme, & shows a geographic cline in frequency, indicating that it may also be a target of natural selection. These results suggest that multisite selection models may be required to understand the evolutionary dynamics of individual loci.  相似文献   

The objectives of present study were to investigate whether luteolin affects procoagulant proteinase activity and fibrin clot formation and influences thrombosis and coagulation in Sprague–Dawle rats. Luteolin significantly inhibited the enzymatic activity of thrombin and FXa activity by 29.1% and 16.2%. Luteolin also inhibited fibrin polymer formation in turbidity and microscopic analysis using fluorescent conjugate. Coagulation assay of luteolin was found to prolong activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time. Moreover, luteolin protected the development of oxidative stress induced thrombosis in the FeCl3‐induced carotid arterial thrombus model. This study demonstrated that luteolin may be useful by reducing or preventing thrombotic challenge and can help us better understand the antithrombotic action of luteolin.  相似文献   

A. Berry  M. Kreitman 《Genetics》1993,134(3):869-893
Clines may either be selectively maintained or be the by-product of nonadaptive processes related to population structure and history. Drosophila melanogaster populations on the east coast of North America show a latitudinal cline in the frequencies of two common electrophoretically distinguishable alleles at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh), designated Adh-S and Adh-F. This cline may either be adaptive or an artifact of a possible recent dual founding of North American D. melanogaster populations in which frequencies of Adh alleles differed between founder populations. By means of a high resolution restriction-mapping technique, we studied the distribution of 113 haplotypes derived from 44 polymorphic DNA markers within the Adh region in 1533 individuals from 25 populations throughout the cline. We found significant clinal differentiation at the polymorphisms determining the mobility-difference causing amino acid replacement between Adh-F and Adh-S alleles. Hitchhiking was limited, despite extensive linkage disequilibrium, and other sites did not vary clinally. Such a pattern of differentiation implies that selection is responsible for the cline. To investigate whether selection acts only on the Adh-F/S site, we performed a ``selective equivalence'''' test under the assumption that all variability within the specified allelic class is selectively neutral. This revealed selective equivalence among Adh-S-bearing haplotypes, whose frequencies showed no differentiation throughout the cline, implying high levels of frequency-homogenizing gene flow. Geographical heterogeneity among Adh-F-bearing haplotypes implied the action of selection on one or more additional variants in linkage disequilibrium with Adh-F. In a further study of a subset of the data (n = 1076 from 18 populations), we found a combined insertion/deletion polymorphism, designated &1, located in the 5'' adult intron and in linkage disequilibrium with Adh-F, to show more marked clinal variation than Adh-F/S. Although the unequivocal identification of the precise target(s) of selection requires further study, we suggest that clinal selection may be acting epistatically on the Adh-F/S and &1 polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Saunders MA  Hammer MF  Nachman MW 《Genetics》2002,162(4):1849-1861
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymopathy in humans. Deficiency alleles for this X-linked disorder are geographically correlated with historical patterns of malaria, and the most common deficiency allele in Africa (G6PD A-) has been shown to confer some resistance to malaria in both hemizygous males and heterozygous females. We studied DNA sequence variation in 5.1 kb of G6pd from 47 individuals representing a worldwide sample to examine the impact of selection on patterns of human nucleotide diversity and to infer the evolutionary history of the G6PD A- allele. We also sequenced 3.7 kb of a neighboring locus, L1cam, from the same set of individuals to study the effect of selection on patterns of linkage disequilibrium. Despite strong clinical evidence for malarial selection maintaining G6PD deficiency alleles in human populations, the overall level of nucleotide heterozygosity at G6pd is typical of other genes on the X chromosome. However, the signature of selection is evident in the absence of genetic variation among A- alleles from different parts of Africa and in the unusually high levels of linkage disequilibrium over a considerable distance of the X chromosome. In spite of a long-term association between Plasmodium falciparum and the ancestors of modern humans, patterns of nucleotide variability and linkage disequilibrium suggest that the A- allele arose in Africa only within the last 10,000 years and spread due to selection.  相似文献   

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