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Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) to ipsilateral and contralateral median nerve stimulations were recorded from subdural electrode grids over the perirolandic areas in 41 patients with medically refractory focal epilepsies who underwent evaluation for epilepsy surgery. All patients showed clearly defined, high-amplitude contralateral median SEPs. In addition, four patients showed ipsilateral SEPs. Compared with the contralateral SEPs, ipsilateral SEPs were very localized, had a different spatial distribution, were of considerably lower amplitude, had a longer latency (1.2–17.8 ms), did not show an initial negativity, and were markedly attenuated during sleep. Stimulation of the subdural electrodes overlying the sensory hand area was associated with contralateral hand paresthesias, but no ipsilateral hand paresthesias occurred. It was concluded that subdurally recorded cortical SEPs to ipsilateral stimulation of the median nerve (M) reflect unconscious sensory input from the hand possibly serving fast bimanual hand control. The anatomical pathway of these ipsilateral short-latency MSEPs is not yet known. Transcallosal transmission seems unlikely because of the short delay between the ipsilateral and contralateral responses in selected cases. The infrequent occurrence of ipsilateral subdurally recorded SEPs and their low amplitude and limited distribution suggest that they contribute very little to the short-latency ipsilateral median SEPs recorded on the scalp.  相似文献   

This study compared evoked potentials (EP) recorded from the neocortical vibrissae representation region of adult rats (the barrelfield) with those occurring in neocortical grafts 4–5 months after transplant. Epidural recording showed that displacing the vibrassae led to shaping of EP in the intact barrelfield beginning with a positive followed by a negative component. The EP recorded from the surface of the graft occurred with the same latency but consisted of a negative component only. In conclusion, coordinated "population" discharges of grafted neurons do generate local field poentials, but owing to the diffuse neuronal organization of the grafts, these potentials are difficult to distinguish from EP resulting from passive current from adjacent neocortical areas and subcortical structures of the host brain.Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Pushchino, Moscow Region. Institute of Neurobiology and Brain Research, Academy of Sciences of the GDR, Magdeburg. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 490–497, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   

To stimulation of the Substantia nigra the nucleus caudatoputamen of the rat responds with the release of a short-latent sum action potential that may serve to characterize the interaction between the two nuclear areas. The partly conflicting results reported in the literature about drug effects on this potential prompted us to examine the effectiveness of dopaminergic and cholinergic substances or their antagonists following systematic administration. Chloropromazine increases the amplitude of the potential, while apomorphine has a distinct antagonistic effect. Interesting appear to be the analogical effects of Tricuran, arecoline and apomorphine, and the furtherance of the chloropromazine effect by arecoline.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that field potentials generated in the lumbosacral spinal cord and usually recorded as a dorsal surface potential spread to the tissues of the back body surface. The component composition of these extraspinally recorded responses somewhat differs from that of the potential recorded from the spinal cord surface. The reasons for such a difference and possible approaches providing higher informative value of non-invasive studies of spinal cord potentials are discussed.  相似文献   

Respiratory-related evoked potentials (RREPs) were stimulated by brief (200-ms) oral pressure pulses (-10 cmH(2)O) applied at the onset of inspiration in 12 subjects. Scalp potentials were measured at 30 sites on a rectangular grid that encompassed the right side of the scalp overlying the somatosensory cortex (SSC). Concurrent and significant masseter EMG (mEMG) activity was evoked by the pressure pulse, and we found correlational evidence for contamination of the RREP by the mEMG. The global field power (GFP) was used to provide a robust, reference-independent measure of SSC activation that provided partial insulation from mEMG contamination. The mean GFP from all subjects, reflective of afferent information from respiratory mechanoreceptors, showed a latency to onset of significant afferent SSC activity of approximately 25 ms. Scalp GFP activity during control experiments (absence of applied pressure) was significant and may reflect ongoing afferent activity from inspiration.  相似文献   

Pattern evoked potentials to full- and partial-field stimulation were recorded simultaneously from scalp electrodes and from subdural electrodes located over the temporal and occipital cortex, including electrodes placed over or close to the lower lip of the calcarine fissure. High-amplitude pattern evoked potentials were recorded exclusively from electrodes localized in the vicinity of the calcarine fissure and showed a positive-negative deflection in phase with surface recordings, followed by a second negative peak phase reversed with respect to the major surface positive peak (“P100”). The findings suggest that the initial component is an expression of the afferent volley and that the second component (equivalent of the surface “P100”) is most probably generated as a dipole strictly localized to the visual cortex in close proximity of the calcarine fissure (area 17 and/or area 18).  相似文献   

Readiness potentials on voluntary hand movements were recorded from the scalp (C3, C4), premotor cortex, subcortical white matter and VL nucleus of the thalamus. Subjects were healthy right-handed men and patients with involuntary movement disorders. We obtained a slow negative shift of brain electrical potentials from the scalp and cortex preceding voluntary hand movements. The mean time interval between the onset of the readiness potential and the onset of motor activity (mean T) was 0.8 sec on right hand movements and 1.0 sec on left hand movements in healthy men. In cases with parkinsonism, the mean T value was 1.4 sec in patients with akinesia, 1.1 sec in those without akinesia. The amplitude of readiness potentials was higher in the scalp contralateral to the hand movement. The readiness potentials recorded from the VL nucleus and white matter were reversed in polarity from those of scalp and cortex. Simultaneous recordings from cortex and VL nucleus showed early onset of readiness potentials from the cortex by approximately 0.1 sec compared with the VL nucleus.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (ppSEPs) in response to stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist and the cauda equina at the epidural space (the L4 level) were recorded from the posterior wall of the pharynx in 15 patients who underwent spinal surgery under general anesthesia, using disc electrodes attached to the endotracheal tube, and compared with segmental spinal cord potentials (seg-SCPs) that were recorded simultaneously from the posterior epidural space (PES). ppSEPs consisted of the initially positive spike (P9) followed by slow positive (P13) and negative (N22) waves. The P13 and N22 of ppSEPs had phase reversal relationship with the P2 and N2 recorded from the PES, respectively. The peak latencies of P9 (9.40 ± 0.7 ms) (mean ± SD), P13 (13.1 ± 0.9 ms), and N22 (22.0 ± 2.1 ms) of ppSEPs coincided with those of P1, N1 and P2 of seg-SCPs, respectively. ppSEPs were recorded more clearly with a reference electrode on the dorsal surface of the neck than with the reference electrode at the earlobe or back of the hand. The threshold and maximal stimulus intensities were also similar between the ppSEPs and seg-SCPs. Thus, the P9, P13, and N22 components of ppSEPs were thought to have the same origin as the P1, N1 and P2 of seg-SCPs, respectively. Therefore, the P9, P13 and N22 of ppSEPs may reflect incoming volleys through the root, synchronized activities of the interneurons and primary afferent depolarizations (PAD), respectively. ppSEPs in response to cauda equina stimulation showed that the latencies of the two initial components (4.6 ± 0.4 and 6.4 ± 0.6 ms) corresponded to those of the SCPs recorded from the PES (4.6 ± 0.3 and 6.3 ± 0.5 ms), suggesting that these potentials reflect impulses conducting through the spinal cord, similar to epidurally recorded SCPs.  相似文献   

Previous work indicated that components of the auditory thalamocortical potential evoked by a brief binaural tone burst could be enhanced by certain stimulus combinations, e.g., a brief tone burst in the presence of a continuous tone. The principal questions of the present study were whether enhaced components could be obtained caudal to thalamocortex and whether monaural stimuli would be effective in producing enhancement. Eight cats received electrodes in cochlear nucleus and the nucleus of the inferior colliculus. Custom earmolds were made for each ear of each animal. The median attenuation produced by the earmolds was 35 dB and the use of a single earmold approximated monaural stimulation. Auditory evoked potentials were recorded from the electrodes while the animals were unanesthetized but comfortably restrained. Brief 6.25 kHz tone bursts were presented against a background of silence or of a 4.96 kHz continuous tone. In the presence of the continuous tone, enhanced components were obtained from a majority of the electrodes in inferior colliculus but from none of the electrodes in cochlear nucleus. The late negative component in the colliculus potential was increased in amplitude while other components were reduced in amplitude by the continuous tone. The latencies of all components from all electrodes were increased by the presence of the continuous tone. It was concluded that enhancement effects could be obtained at the level of inferior colliculus, and that binaural stimulation does not appear to be necessary to produce enhanced components.  相似文献   

The frontal eye field (FEF) participates in selecting the location of behaviorally relevant stimuli for guiding attention and eye movements. We simultaneously recorded local field potentials (LFPs) and spiking activity in the FEF of monkeys performing memory-guided saccade and covert visual search tasks. We compared visual latencies and the time course of spatially selective responses in LFPs and spiking activity. Consistent with the view that LFPs represent synaptic input, visual responses appeared first in the LFPs followed by visual responses in the spiking activity. However, spatially selective activity identifying the location of the target in the visual search array appeared in the spikes about 30 ms before it appeared in the LFPs. Because LFPs reflect dendritic input and spikes measure neuronal output in a local brain region, this temporal relationship suggests that spatial selection necessary for attention and eye movements is computed locally in FEF from spatially nonselective inputs.  相似文献   

BAEPs were recorded from the basal surface of the temporal lobe by subdural electrodes chronically implanted in 6 patients who were evaluated for surgical management of intractable partial seizures. Near-field recordings were obtained by recording between the subdural electrode closet and most distant to the brain-stem. Far-field recordings were obtained by recording between the subdural electrodes and an indifferent electrode over the spinal process of the seventh cervical vertebrae. The recordings were compared with standard ear-vertex recordings.After ipsilateral ear stimulation, the subdural electrode closet to the brain-stem recorded large amplitude waves I and II, followed by less well-defined waves of longer latencies. Recordings to contralateral stimulation showed no clearly defined waves I and II and a large amplitude wave Vn. Waves III, IV, V, Vn and VI were of opposite polarity after ipsi- and contralateral stimulation. These findings indicate that waves I and II are generated ipsilaterally to the stimulation side, whereas wave Vn has a contralateral origin. Wave Vn may be generated in the brachium of the inferior colliculus, as suggested from latency and from dipole configuration studies. This conclusion is consistent with the classical anatomical observations that the supracollicular auditory pathways are predominantly crossed.  相似文献   

There is a clear, positive correlation in amplitude between changes in potassium potentials (deltaEK) and focal potentials (deltaV) evoked by tetanic stimulation of afferent nerves in the cuneate nucleus and dorsal horn of cats under Dial anaesthesia or after decerebration. Data obtained with stimulations at various frequencies and intensities, or recording at different positions give a relatively constant slope of deltaV/deltaEK (varying between 0.2 and 0.6 in different experiments). These observations are fully consistent with the possibility that deltaV mainly reflects changes in extracellular potassium concentration caused by the release of K+ from active terminals. Differences in time course of deltaEK ANd deltaV evoked by single stimuli are a steep function of distance and therefore can be ascribed to the slowness of diffusion, without excluding the possibility of an early additional depolarizing effect by another mechanism.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded in humans from an electrode array which was implanted so that at least two electrodes were placed within the nucleus ventralis posterolateralis (VPL) of the thalamus and/or the medial lemniscus (ML) of the midbrain for therapeutic purposes. Several brief positive deflections (e.g., P11, P13, P14, P15, P16) followed by a slow negative component were recorded from the VPL. The sources of these components were differentiated on the basis of their latency, spatial gradient, and correlation with the sensory experience induced by the stimulation of each recording site. The results indicated that SEPs recorded from the VPL included activity volume-conducted from below the ML (P11), activity in ML fibers running through and terminating within the VPL (P13 and P14), activity in thalamocortical radiations originating in and running througn the VPL (P15, P16 and following positive components) and postsynaptic local activity (the negative component). The sources of the scalp-recorded SEPs were also analyzed on the basis of the timing and spatial gradients of these components. The results suggested that the scalp P11 was a potential volume-conducted from below the ML, the scalp P13 and P14 were potentials reflecting the activity of ML fibers, the small notches on the ascending slope on N16 may potentially reflect the activity of thalamocortical radiations, and N16 may reflect the sum of local postsynaptic activity occurring in broad areas of the brain-stem and thalamus.  相似文献   

Pattern electroretinograms (P-ERGs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to 4 Hz alternating square-wave gratings were simultaneously recorded in 23 subjects. Responses were Fourier analyzed and amplitude and phase of the 2nd and 4th temporal harmonics were measured.The spatial frequency-amplitude function of the P-ERG 2nd harmonic component displayed either a bandpass tuning behavior, or a low-pass behavior. The peak amplitude for subjects with bandpass tuning was at 1.5 c/deg. The phase of the P-ERG 2nd harmonic decreased monotonically as spatial frequency increased. The VEP 2nd harmonic had a bimodal spatial frequency function with a peak at 3 c/deg and a second increase at spatial frequencies below 1 c/deg, regardless of the P-ERG characteristics. The phase of VEP 2nd and 4th harmonic had an inverted U-shaped function with peak at 3 c/deg and 1.5 c/deg respectively.Comparison of simultaneously recorded P-ERG and VEP spatial frequency functions demonstrated different tuning behavior for cortical and retinal responses. It is concluded that the proposed technique permits the separate analysis of retinal and cortical processing of visual information. The 2nd and 4th harmonic components of VEP behave independently of each other suggesting they may be generated by different subsystems.  相似文献   

The original article to which this Erratum refers was published in Bioelectromagnetics 25:537–544 Bioelectromagnetics(2004) 25(7) 537–544  相似文献   

The influence of low repetition rate pulsed magnetic fields (LRMF) on the evoked potential (population spike) recorded from mouse hippocampal slices was investigated. LRMF were applied according to two protocols. In protocol A, LRMF applied with a constant strength (15 mT) and frequency ranging from 0.03 to 0.5 Hz resulted in an amplification of the potential. Although the frequency of 0.16 Hz was the most effective, enhancing the population spike by over 280%, it also caused an increase in spontaneous activity, seizures, and cessation of neuronal activity in 50% of the slices. In protocol B, LRMF were applied with a variable intensity (9-15 mT) and in cycles of different duration ranging from 5 to 20 min. While an increase in the amplitude of the population spike was observed in all slices exposed to LRMF applied according to protocol B, the longest exposure was the most effective. Neither seizures nor an increase in the spontaneous activity were observed in this group of the slices. These results support and extend our previous data and characterize further the relation between the pattern of applied magnetic fields and their influence on the nervous system.  相似文献   

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