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Administration of neuropeptide Y (NPY) into the IIIrd ventricle of the rat brain induces robust ingestive behavior with a latency to onset of feeding (LOF) ranging from 12 to 20 min. Since substantial amounts of NPY found in hypothalamic sites that mediate the control of feeding behavior originate from the brain stem, we studied the effects of NPY on LOF and food intake in male and female rats after bilateral severing of brain stem NPY input to the hypothalamus at the level of the mesencephalon. NPY in doses of 117 pmol significantly increased food intake and decreased LOF in both male and female transected rats. Higher doses of 470 pmol NPY decreased only the LOF in transected rats as compared to sham control rats. Additionally, 117 pmol NPY in transected rats elicited food consumption equivalent to that produced by 470 pmol NPY in control rats. These studies show that decreases in NPY levels found in the paraventricular nucleus and neighboring hypothalamic sites as a result of these neural transections may render rats hyperresponsive to NPY, presumably due to denervation-induced hypersensitivity in these sites.  相似文献   

To differentiate NPY receptor subtypes, Y1 and Y2, in terms of their impact on feeding behavior, the intact molecule NPY(1–36) and the 3 fragments, NPY(2–36), the Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY, and the Y2 agonist NPY(13–36), were injected (100 pmol/0.3 μl) into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of freely feeding rats. A computer-automated data acquisition system was employed in these experiments to permit a detailed analysis of feeding over the 12-h nocturnal cycle, in animals maintained on pure macronutrient diets. The results demonstrate that: 1) NPY(1–36) potentiates feeding behavior, primarily carbohydrate ingestion, by increasing the size and duration of the first meal after injection, rather than by affecting meal number or feeding rate, suggesting that NPY acts through mechanisms of satiety. The potentiation of carbohydrate intake occurs in association with a suppression of protein intake, which is strongest during the second meal after injection and which further increases the proportion of carbohydrate in the diet. No changes in fat ingestion are seen. 2) NPY(2–36), with the N-terminal tyrosine residue deleted, is equally potent to NPY(1–36) in potentiating carbohydrate intake and increasing meal size; however, it is less selective than NPY(1–36), producing an additional, smaller increase in consumption of protein. 3) The stimulatory effect of these peptides on carbohydrate intake and meal size is similarly observed, with somewhat reduced potency, after PVN injection of the selective Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY which, like NPY(1–36), also reduces protein intake. 4) The Y2 receptor agonist, NPY(13–36), causes a decrease in the ingestion of carbohydrate, a smaller decline in protein intake, and a reduction in meal size. It is proposed that hypothalamic Y1 receptors mediate the stimulatory effect of NPY on carbohydrate intake and meal size, while Y2 receptors have the opposite effect of suppressing carbohydrate intake, possibly by altering presynaptic release of monoamines known to influence nutrient ingestion.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) inhibits insulin secretion. Increased numbers of pancreatic islet cells expressing NPY have been observed in type 1 diabetic rats. To understand the functional significance of NPY expression in islet cells, we investigated the effects of high fat feeding and diabetic conditions on the expression and location of NPY expressing cells in normal and diabetic rats. Twenty rats were maintained on either normal chow (ND) or a high fat dietary regimen (HFD) for 4 weeks. In half of each group, type 1 or type 2 diabetes (groups T1DM and T2DM, respectively) was induced by injection of streptozotocin. At 8 weeks rats were euthanized and the pancreases were processed for immunofluorescence labeling (NPY/insulin, NPY/glucagon, NPY/somatostatin, and NPY/pancreatic polypeptide). Compared with the ND group, HFD rats had significantly fewer alpha cells, but beta cells were similar, while T1DM and T2DM rats showed significant increases in the proportions of alpha, delta, and PP cells. Robust increases in NPY-positive islet cells were found in the HFD, T1DM, and T2DM rats compared with ND controls. In ND rats, 99.7% of the NPY-positive cells were PP cells. However, high fat feeding and diabetes resulted in significant increases in NPY-positive delta cells, with concomitant decreases in NPY-positive PP cells. In summary, high-fat feeding and diabetes resulted in changes in the hormonal composition of pancreatic islet and increased number of NPY-expressing islet cells. Under diabetic conditions NPY expression switched from predominantly a characteristic of PP cells to predominantly that of delta cells. This may be a factor in reduced pancreatic hormone secretion during diabetes.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y is one of the most abundant neuropeptides in the central and peripheral nervous systems and its sequence is highly conserved among species. A number of key physiological roles for NPY are now emerging, especially in the control of feeding and energy homeostasis. Other physiological actions of NPY are also reviewed. The metabolism of NPY has been examined by employing certain purified ectopeptidases and by using different membrane preparations. These approaches reveal that NPY is processed at its N-terminus by two proline-preferring aminopeptidases: aminopeptidase P and dipeptidyl peptidase IV. The action of the latter enzyme generates NPY (3−36) which has previously been shown to be a selective agonist at the Y2 class of NPY receptor. Thus, post-secretory processing of NPY can modify receptor selectivity. NPY is found to be resistant to the action of two other membrane aminopeptidases (N and W), and to the action of angiotensin converting enzyme. However, it is a substrate for endopeptidase-24.11 (K m=15.4 μM) which can cleave the Tyr20−Tyr21 and Leu30−Ile31 bonds consistent with the known specificity of the enzyme. In striatal synaptic and renal brush border membranes, NEP is shown to be the major NPY hydrolysing activity but plays a lesser role in intestinal brush border membranes. Knowledge of the proteolytic processing of NPY should aid in the design of stable analogues of this neuropeptide. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Herman Bachelard.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is the most powerful peptide drug stimulating feeding in rats. Rats with paraventricular hypothalamic (PVH) cannulae were used to investigate the mechanisms involved in NPY-induced feeding. Consistent with previous reports, injection of 2 μg of NPY into the PVH significantly increased the cumulative food intake over 1-, 2- and 4-hr periods. Ad lib feeding decreased significantly two days after pertussis toxin (PT) administration, but recovered to nearly normal levels on the fourth day. PT had no immediate effect on NPY-induced feeding; however, four days after PT was injected NPY (2 μg) did not increase the food intake compared to control. In vitro investigations showed that isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in the hypothalamus of control rats was inhibited by NPY. In PT-treated rats, however, no inhibition of cAMP production was observed. These results suggest that cAMP may mediate NPY-induced feeding and that a PT-sensitive G protein may be involved in this signal transduction.  相似文献   

The structurally related peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are endogenous agonists of the NPY receptor (YR) family, which in humans comprises four functionally expressed subtypes, designated Y1R, Y2R, Y4R and Y5R. Nonpeptide antagonists with high affinity and selectivity have been described for the Y1R, Y2R and Y5R, but such compounds are still lacking for the Y4R. In this work, the structures of the high affinity selective (R)-argininamide-type Y1R antagonists BIBP3226 and BIBO3304 were linked via the guanidine or urea moieties to give homo-dimeric argininamides with linker lengths ranging from 31 to 41 atoms. Interestingly, the twin compounds proved to be by far less selective for the Y1R than the R-configured monovalent parent compounds. The decrease in selectivity ratio was most pronounced for Y1R versus Y4R subtype, resulting in comparable affinities of bivalent ligands for Y1R and Y4R (e.g. UR-MK177 ((R,R)-49): Ki = 230 nM (Y1R) and 290 nM (Y4R)). With a Ki value of 130 nM and a Kb value of 20 nM, UR-MK188 ((R,R)-51) was superior to all Y4R antagonists known to date. The S,S-configured optical antipodes of UR-MK177 and UR-MK188 (UR-MEK381 ((S,S)-49) and UR-MEK388 ((S,S)-51)) were synthesized to investigate the stereochemical discrimination by the different receptor subtypes. Whereas preference for R,R-configured argininamides was characteristic of the Y1R, stereochemical discrimination by the Y4R was not observed. This may pave the way to selective Y4R antagonists.  相似文献   

Four sets of centrally truncated analogues of neuropeptide Y have been synthesized. In each series the N-terminal part was constant, while the C-terminal segment was systematically varied in length. The C- and N-terminal parts were linked by 6-aminohexanoic acid. The affinity to the Y1 receptor was investigated on human neuroblastoma cells SK-N-MC. Significant differences were found between the series of peptides as well as within each set. Remarkably, the affinity did not solely depend on the length of the segment, and with increasing numbers of residues the IC50 values were not always decreased. With a given N-terminal segment, only one optimal length of the C-terminal segment was found, which suggests that it is not the amino acids themselves but their 3D arrangement and orientation that is important for high receptor affinity.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether the proangiogenic neuropeptides secretoneurin (SN), substance P (SP), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) contribute to the development of abnormal neovascularization in the oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model in mice. By exposing litters of C57Bl/6N mice to 75% oxygen from postnatal day 7 (P7) until postnatal day 11 (P11) and then returning them to normoxic conditions, retinal ischemia and subsequent neovascularization on the retinal surface were induced. Retinae were dissected on P9, P11, P12-P14, P16 and P20, and the concentrations of SN, SP, NPY and VEGF determined by radioimmunoassay or ELISA. The levels of SN and SP increased in controls from P9 until P16 and from P9 until P14, respectively, whereas the levels of NPY were high at P9 and decreased thereafter until P20, suggesting that NPY may participate in the development of the retina. However, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) and the NPY-Y2 receptor were not detectable in the immature retina indicating that NPY is not involved in the physiological vascularization in the retina. Compared to controls, OIR had no effect on the levels of SN, whereas levels of both SP and NPY slightly decreased during hyperoxia. Normalization of the levels of SP, and to a more pronounced extent of NPY, was significantly delayed during relative hypoxia. This clearly indicates that these three neuropeptides are not involved in the pathogenesis of neovascularization in OIR. Moreover, since there were no differences in the expression of two vessel markers in the retina of NPY knockout mice versus controls at P14, NPY is also not involved in the delayed development of the intermediate and deep vascular plexus in the retina in this animal model.  相似文献   

In order to study the physiological significance of the coexistence of pancreatic polypeptide and norepinephrine (NE) in peripheral noradrenergic nerves, the effects of pancreatic polypeptides of several species were tested on the isolated rat vas deferens. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) was also studied because of its sequence homology to the pancreatic polypeptides. The contractile responses, which were mediated predominantly by activation of noradrenergic nerves following electrical stimulation, were inhibited by bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP), human pancreatic polypeptide (HPP), avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP) and NPY in a dose-dependent manner using a constant flow bath. The decreasing order of the inhibitory responses was as follows: BPP = HPP greater than NPY greater than APP. The inhibitory responses produced by BPP and HPP lasted more than 1 hr and displayed a marked tachyphylaxis. In contrast, the inhibitory effects induced by NPY and APP usually returned to the control level after 20-30 min and had minimal tachyphylaxis. The inhibitory action of NPY was still present during alpha-adrenergic blockade. Contractions produced by a single submaximal dose of exogenous NE or serotonin (5-HT) in unstimulated preparations were not affected by pretreatment with NPY. The amplitude of contractions was partially reduced 1 min after pretreatment with BPP or HPP; recovery occurred about 15 min after peptide pretreatment in a constant flow bath. These results suggest that an NPY receptor exists presynaptically in the rat vas deferens and that stimulation of the receptor by NPY inhibits the release of NE from noradrenergic nerves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Agmatine and neuropeptide Y (NPY) are widely distributed in central nervous system and critically involved in modulation of depressive behavior in experimental animals. However their mutual interaction, if any, in regulation of depression remain largely unexplored. In the present study we explored the possible interaction between agmatine and neuropeptide Y in regulation of depression like behavior in forced swim test. We found that acute intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of agmatine (20–40 μg/rat), NPY (5 and 10 μg/rat) and NPY Y1 receptor agonist, [Leu31, Pro34]-NPY (0.4 and 0.8 ng/rat) dose dependently decreased immobility time in forced swim test indicating their antidepressant like effects. In combination studies, the antidepressant like effect of agmatine (10 μg/rat) was significantly potentiated by NPY (1 and 5 μg/rat, icv) or [Leu31, Pro34]-NPY (0.2 and 0.4 ng/rat, icv) pretreatment. Conversely, pretreatment of animals with NPY Y1 receptor antagonist, BIBP3226 (0.1 ng/rat, i.c.v.) completely blocked the antidepressant like effect of agmatine (20–40 μg/rat) and its synergistic effect with NPY (1 μg/rat, icv) or [Leu31, Pro34]-NPY (0.2 ng/rat, icv). The results of the present study showed that, agmatine exerts antidepressant like effects via NPYergic system possibly mediated by the NPY Y1 receptor subtypes and suggest that interaction between agmatine and neuropeptide Y may be relevant to generate the therapeutic strategies for the treatment of depression.  相似文献   

The development of a new enzyme immunoassay for neuropeptide Y (NPY) is reported. Two monoclonal antibodies directed against distinct epitopes of NPY are used, one as a capture antibody (NPY02) and the other one as an indicator antibody (NPY05), this latter antibody being labeled with alkaline phosphatase. The assay calibration curve was performed over concentrations of 1 to 250 pM in a NPY-free plasma. The intra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 0.025 to 11.9%, whereas the interassay CV was comprised between 5 and 12%. The limit of detection of this assay was 1 pM (100 amol/well). Neuropeptide Y levels are related to sampling conditions; basal concentrations of NPY with low SEM are found when less than 1.2 ml of blood is taken in EDTA tubes, the sample is centrifuged at 4°C, and immediately frozen. Unanesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats exhibited higher NPY plasma concentrations than normotensive Wistar-Kyoto controls (53 ± 7 pM and 25 ± 2 pM, respectively, mean ± SEM, p < 0.01). Plasma NPY levels are similar in 16- and 36-week-old animals. In conclusion, this technique makes it possible to assay a large number of samples within 24 h without requiring radioactivity.  相似文献   

Objectives:Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is involved in the coordination of bone mass and adiposity. However, multiple NPY sources exist and their individual contribution to the skeleton and adiposity not known. The objectives of our study were to evaluate the effects of peripheral mesenchymal derived NPY to the skeleton and adiposity and to compare them to the global NPYKO model.Methods:To study the role of mesenchymal-derived NPY, we crossed conditional NPY (NPYfl/fl) mice with Prx1cre to generate PrxNPYKO mice. The bone phenotype was assessed using micro-CT. The skeletal phenotype of PrxNPYKO mice was subsequently compared to global NPYKO model. We evaluated body weight, adiposity and functionally assessed the feeding response of NPY neurons to determine whether central NPY signaling was altered by Prx1cre.Results:We identified the increase in cortical parameters in PrxNPYKO mice with no changes to cancellous bone. This was the opposite phenotype to global NPYKO mice generated from the same conditional allele. Male NPYKO mice have increased adiposity, while PrxNPYKO mice showed no difference, demonstrating that local mesenchymal-derived NPY does not influence adiposity.Conclusion:NPY mediates both positive and negative effects on bone mass via separate regulatory pathways. Deletion of mesenchymal-derived NPY had a positive effect on bone mass.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a 41 amino acid neuropeptide which is involved in the stress response. CRF and neuropeptide Y (NPY) produce reciprocal effects on anxiety in the central nucleus of the amygdala. The molecular mechanisms of possible CRF-NPY interactions in regulating anxiety behavior is not known. In the central nervous system, the action of NPY leads to inhibition of cAMP production while CRF is known to stimulate levels of cAMP in the brain. Consequently, we hypothesized that NPY may antagonize anxiety-like behavior by counter-regulating CRF-stimulated cAMP accumulation and activation of the protein kinase A pathway. We have engineered an immortalized amygdalar cell line (AR-5 cells) which express via RT-PCR, the CRF2, Y1 and Y5 NPY receptor. In addition, in these cells CRF treatment results in significant concentration-dependent increases in cAMP production. Furthermore, incubation of 3 μM CRF with increasing concentrations of NPY was able to significantly inhibit the increases in cAMP compared to that observed with 3 μM CRF treatment alone. These findings suggest that CRF and NPY may counter-regulate each other in amygdalar neurons via reciprocal effects on the protein kinase A pathway.  相似文献   

While a dysregulation in neuropeptide Y (NPY) signaling has been described in rodent models of obesity, few studies have investigated the time-course of changes in NPY content and responsiveness during development of diet-induced obesity. Therefore we investigated the effect of differing lengths (2-17 weeks) of high-fat diet on hypothalamic NPY peptide content, release and NPY-induced hyperphagia. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (211 +/- 3 g) were fed either a high-fat diet (30% fat) or laboratory chow (5% fat). Animals were implanted with intracerebroventricular cannulae to investigate feeding responses to NPY (0.5 nmol, 1 nmol) after 4 or 12 weeks of diet. At the earlier stage of obesity, NPY-induced hyperphagia was not altered; however, animals maintained on the high-fat diet for the longer duration were hyper-responsive to NPY, compared to chow-fed control rats (p < 0.05). Overall, hypothalamic NPY peptide content tended to be decreased from 9 to 17 weeks of diet (p < 0.05). Total hypothalamic NPY content was negatively correlated with plasma leptin concentration (p < 0.05), suggesting the hypothalamic NPY system remains responsive to leptin's inhibitory signal. In addition, hypothalamic NPY overflow was significantly reduced in high-fat fed animals (p < 0.05). Together these results suggest a reduction in hypothalamic NPY activity in high-fat fed animals, perhaps in an attempt to restore energy balance.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is universally expressed in many different neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Human NPY gene has two in-frame kozak sequences and thus, has potentially two translation initiation sites producing two NPY peptides with different molecular weights. In the present study, the intracellular location of NPY was studied in endothelial cells endogenously expressing NPY, and in neuronal (SK-N-BE) and non-neuronal (CHO-K1) cells transfected with NPY-GFP-constructs. By mutating kozak sequences we discovered that kozak-1 directs the NPY peptide to secretory vesicles, and kozak-2 is a prerequisite for mitochondrial targeting. If both kozak sequences are present, non-neuronal cells seem to benefit leaky scanning to initiate translation at both initiation sites, in contrast to neuronal cells, which prefer the kozak-1. This finding suggests that both the kozak sequences of NPY mRNA can be used in the translation depending on the cell type. The size and the function of the novel NPY fragment routed to mitochondria remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Receptors for neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY (PYY) have been extensively characterized in the brain. Less is known about NPY receptor subtypes in the spleen, though it is well established that NPY produces vascular contraction in this tissue. In the present study, we found an unusually high density of Y1 receptors in the guinea pig spleen. These receptors are localized to the red pulp and exhibit a pharmacology that is consistent with the Y1 receptor. On the other hand, only very low densities for Y2 receptors were observed. Therefore, the guinea pig spleen may be a ideal tissue for further study of the role of Y1 receptors in cardiovascular and immune function.  相似文献   

Summary Avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP)-like, molluscan cardioexcitatory peptide (FMRF)-like and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivities were studied in a secondary visual pathway in rat brain. The cell bodies of this pathway are located in the lateral geniculate nucleus and its terminal plexus is found in the suprachiasmatic hypothalamic nucleus (SCN). The neurons and terminal plexus demonstrated by antiserum to each peptide are identical, and immunoreactivity is blocked by preabsorption of each antiserum with a low concentration of the antigen against which it was raised. Immunoreactivity is also blocked by preabsorption of each antiserum with either NPY or APP. In contrast, APP- and NPY-like immunoreactivities are blocked only partially when these antisera are preabsorbed with concentrations of FMRF as high as 100 M. Since NPY is the only one of these peptides that has been isolated from mammalian brain, we conclude that NPY is the endogenous CNS peptide produced by neurons of the lateral geniculate-SCN projection.  相似文献   

The development of an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) for the direct measurement of neuropeptide Y (NPY) concentrations in plasma is reported. The assay employs simultaneous addition of 125I-labelled affinity purified sheep anti-(NPY 31–36) immunoglobulin (IgG) and a rabbit anti-NPY serum to 0.25 ml volumes of standard or unknown. After 16 hr incubation at 4°C NPY-bound labelled IgG is precipitated using sheep anti-(rabbit IgG Fc region) IgG coupled to Dynospheres solid phase. Precipitated counts are proportional to the NPY concentration in samples. Using this methodology it is possible to measure basal levels in normal human subjects (range 1–5 fmol/ml). Technical difficulties encountered in raising “site-specific” antisera to NPY during the establishment of this assay are outlined.  相似文献   

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