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The advancements in our understanding of the inflammatory and immune mechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have fuelled the development of targeted therapies that block cytokine networks and pathogenic immune cells, leading to a considerable improvement in the management of RA patients. Nonetheless, no therapy is curative and clinical remission does not necessarily correspond to non-progression of joint damage. Hence, the biomedical community has redirected scientific efforts and resources towards the investigation of other biological aspects of the disease, including the mechanisms driving tissue remodelling and repair. In this regard, stem cell research has attracted extraordinary attention, with the ultimate goal to develop interventions for the biological repair of damaged tissues in joint disorders, including RA. The recent evidence that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with the ability to differentiate into cartilage are present in joint tissues raises an opportunity for therapeutic interventions via targeting intrinsic repair mechanisms. Under physiological conditions, MSCs in the joint are believed to contribute to the maintenance and repair of joint tissues. In RA, however, the repair function of MSCs appears to be repressed by the inflammatory milieu. In addition to being passive targets, MSCs could interact with the immune system and play an active role in the perpetuation of arthritis and progression of joint damage. Like MSCs, fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) are part of the stroma of the synovial membrane. During RA, FLSs undergo proliferation and contribute to the formation of the deleterious pannus, which mediates damage to articular cartilage and bone. Both FLSs and MSCs are contained within the mononuclear cell fraction in vitro, from which they can be culture expanded as plastic-adherent fibroblast-like cells. An important question to address relates to the relationship between MSCs and FLSs. MSCs and FLSs could be the same cell type with functional specialisation or represent different functional stages of the same stromal lineage. This review will discuss the roles of MSCs in RA and will address current knowledge of the relative identity between MSCs and FLSs. It will also examine the immunomodulatory properties of the MSCs and the potential to harness such properties for the treatment of RA.  相似文献   

S100β-protein-positive cells in the anterior pituitary gland appear to possess multifunctional properties. Because of their pleiotropic features, S100β-positive cells are assumed to be of a heterogeneous or even a non-pituitary origin. The observation of various markers has allowed these cells to be classified into populations such as stem/progenitor cells, epithelial cells, astrocytes and dendritic cells. The isolation and characterization of each heterogeneous population is a prerequisite for clarifying the functional character and origin of the cells. We attempt to isolate two of the subpopulations of S100β-positive cells from the anterior lobe. First, from transgenic rats that express green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the S100β protein promoter, we fractionate GFP-positive cells with a cell sorter and culture them so that they can interact with laminin, a component of the extracellular matrix. We observe that one morphological type of GFP-positive cells possesses extended cytoplasmic processes and shows high adhesiveness to laminin (process type), whereas the other is round in shape and exhibits low adherence to laminin (round type). We successfully isolate cells of the round type from the cultured GFP-positive cells by taking advantage of their low affinity to laminin and then measure mRNA levels of the two cell types by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The resultant data show that the process type expresses vimentin (mesenchymal cell marker) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (astrocyte marker). The round type expresses dendritic cell markers, CD11b and interleukin-6. Thus, we found a method for isolating dendritic-cell-like S100β-positive cells by means of their property of adhering to laminin.  相似文献   

Are somatic stem cells pluripotent or lineage-restricted?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Intervention with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represents a promising therapeutic tool in treatment-refractory autoimmune diseases. A new report by Schurgers and colleagues in a previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy sheds novel mechanistic insight into the pathways employed by MSCs to suppress T-cell proliferation in vitro, but, at the same time, indicates that MSCs do not influence T-cell reactivity and the disease course in an in vivo arthritis model. Such discrepancies between the in vitro and in vivo effects of potent cellular immune modulators should spark further research and should be interpreted as a sign of caution for the in vitro design of MSC-derived interventions in the setting of human autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   



The fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) interprets concentration gradients of FGF ligands and structural changes in the heparan sulfate (HS) co-receptor to generate different cellular responses. However, whether the FGFR generates different signals is not known.


We have previously shown in rat mammary fibroblasts that in cells deficient in sulfation, and so in HS co-receptor, FGF-2 can only stimulate a transient phosphorylation of p42/44MAPK and so cannot stimulate DNA synthesis. Here we demonstrate that this is because in the absence of HS, FGF-2 fails to stimulate the phosphorylation of the adaptor FGFR substrate 2 (FRS2). In cells possessing the HS co-receptor, FGF-2 elicits a bell-shaped dose response: optimal concentrations stimulate DNA synthesis, but supramaximal concentrations (≥ 100 ng/mL) have little effect. At optimal concentrations (300 pg/mL) FGF-2 stimulates a sustained dual phosphorylation of p42/44MAPK and tyrosine phosphorylation of FRS2. In contrast, 100 ng/mL FGF-2 only stimulates a transient early peak of p42/44MAPK phosphorylation and fails to stimulate appreciably the phosphorylation of FRS2 on tyrosine.


These results suggest that the nature of the FGFR signal produced is determined by a combination of the HS co-receptor and the concentration of FGF ligand. Both the phosphorylation of the adaptor FRS2, the kinetics (sustained or transient) of phosphorylation of p42/44(MAPK) are varied, and so differing cellular responses are produced.  相似文献   

The proposed functions of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are to 1) pace the slow waves and regulate their propagation, 2) mediate enteric neuronal signals to smooth muscle cells, and 3) act as mechanosensors. In addition, impairments of ICC have been implicated in diverse motility disorders. This review critically examines the available evidence for these roles and offers alternate explanations. This review suggests the following: 1) The ICC may not pace the slow waves or help in their propagation. Instead, they may help in maintaining the gradient of resting membrane potential (RMP) through the thickness of the circular muscle layer, which stabilizes the slow waves and enhances their propagation. The impairment of ICC destabilizes the slow waves, resulting in attenuation of their amplitude and impaired propagation. 2) The one-way communication between the enteric neuronal varicosities and the smooth muscle cells occurs by volume transmission, rather than by wired transmission via the ICC. 3) There are fundamental limitations for the ICC to act as mechanosensors. 4) The ICC impair in numerous motility disorders. However, a cause-and-effect relationship between ICC impairment and motility dysfunction is not established. The ICC impair readily and transform to other cell types in response to alterations in their microenvironment, which have limited effects on motility function. Concurrent investigations of the alterations in slow-wave characteristics, excitation-contraction and excitation-inhibition couplings in smooth muscle cells, neurotransmitter synthesis and release in enteric neurons, and the impairment of the ICC are required to understand the etiologies of clinical motility disorders.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of long-term treatment (52 weeks) with high doses of 17-estradiol (1.28 mg/kg/week intramuscularly) on gonadotrophs was studied in the pituitary gland of the beagle bitch. For immunochemical staining the immunoperoxidase technique and antisera to the specific beta () subunits of FSH and LH were employed. For control purposes antisera to the following hormones were also used: bovine TSH, canine GH, canine PRL and porcine ACTH1. In the pars distalis and pars tuberalis of control bitches, in addition to the cells which react solely with antisera to either LH or FSH, most cells were reactive to both antisera. The cells stained for FSH were less numerous than those shown to contain LH. TSH, PRL, GH and ACTH/MSH were localized in distinctly different cell types in the pars distalis of all control animals. In the treated bitches, almost complete regression of cells classically identified as gonadotrophs and stained for LH was observed. On the other hand, using the antiserum to FSH, selective immunochemical staining was localized in cells fitting the morphological characteristics of TSH cells. All these cells were also stained for TSH. However, a few cells were also shown to react solely with the antiserum to TSH. These cells, which seem to contain both TSH and FSH, were further clearly differentiated from PRL, GH and ACTH/MSH cells on the basis of their cytological features, intraglandular distribution and by immunochemical double staining. These observations support the concept that the one cell-one hormone theory may not necessarily apply to the glycoprotein hormones of the dog pituitary gland.Abbreviations of Hormones cited in this Paper ACTH Adrenocorticotropin - FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone - GH Growth Hormone - LH Luteinizing Hormone - MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone - PRL Prolactin - TSH Thyrotropin The authors are grateful to Mrs. K. Oertel for carrying out the experimental work on animals, to Mrs. B. Schilk and Miss U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance, and to Dr. P. Günzel for his advice and encouragement  相似文献   

A third melatropin fragment named γ-MSH has been described in the N-terminal portion of the common precursor of bovine ACTH and β-LPH by Nakanishi et al. (Nakanishi, S., Inoue, A., Kita, K., Nakamura, M., Chang, A.C.Y., Cohen, S.N. and Numa, S., Nature, 278 (1979) 423–427). In order to determine if immunoreactive γ-MSH was present in the rat pituitary gland and to accurately localize this peptide, an immunocytochemical localization of γ-MSH was conducted at both light and electron microscopic levels. Specific immunostaining was detected in stellate cells scattered throughout the pars distalis and in all the cells of the pars intermedia. At the ultrastructural level, immunoreactive γ-MSH was only observed in the lipocorticotrophs. Using serial ultrathin sections, it was shown that the secretory granules which contain ACTH were also labeled for γ-MSH. These results suggest that fragment(s) of the common precursor of ACTH and β-LPH and/or the whole common precursor is released with peptides of known biological activity.  相似文献   

Wang H  Wu M  Liu Y 《Cellular immunology》2012,272(2):112-116
Numerous reports have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are implicated in immuno-regulation. Several factors expressed from MSCs, especially indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), are of importance in immuno-regulation on immune cells. In current minireview, we provided evidences to support a novel notion that MSCs may be a major source of "safe signals" in the immune system to balance "dangerous signals" based on a well accepted theory of "danger model". Furthermore, MSCs are of lifecycle characterized by age-and diseased-related changes, such as decreased growth rate, increased senescence, and altered morphology. Thus, defected and abnormal MSCs are implicated in auto-immune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Clinically, it is important to determine clinical benefits and sides effects of cell therapies using autologous self-MSCs or healthy allogeneic MSCs in treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Barker N 《Cell Stem Cell》2012,11(3):284-286
In their recent Science publication, Doupé et?al. (2012) demonstrate that a single population of proliferating progenitor cells is solely responsible for homeostatic self-renewal and repair of injured esophageal epithelium. These findings argue against an obligate requirement for long-lived (reserve) stem cells in adult epithelia.  相似文献   

Are quinones producers or scavengers of superoxide ion in cells?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of quinones (benzoquinone, menadione, and doxorubicin) on the superoxide production in cell free systems (xanthine oxidase and rat liver microsomes) and of polycationic electrolyte- and latex-stimulated rat peritoneal macrophages have been studied. Contradictory results were obtained in cell free systems when two traditional assays for detection of superoxide ion, the cytochrome c reduction and the lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (CL), were used: all quinones inhibited the lucigenin-dependent CL at sufficiently large concentrations, but they did not inhibit at all the reduction of cytochrome c. It was proposed that the cytochrome c assay gave erroneous results due to the reversibility of the interaction of semiquinones with dioxygen. The effect of quinones on the superoxide production by peritoneal macrophages was biphasic: all quinones stimulated the O2-. formation at low concentrations and inhibited it at elevated concentrations. It was concluded that among the quinones studied, only menadione was capable of stimulating the superoxide production via a one-electron transfer mechanism in cell free systems, while the stimulatory effect of small concentrations of quinones on the O2-. production in macrophages was possibly due to their action on the activation of NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

The kidney is widely regarded as an organ without regenerative abilities. However, in recent years this dogma has been challenged on the basis of observations of kidney recovery following acute injury, and the identification of renal populations that demonstrate stem cell characteristics in various species. It is currently speculated that the human kidney can regenerate in some contexts, but the mechanisms of renal regeneration remain poorly understood. Numerous controversies surround the potency, behaviour and origins of the cell types that are proposed to perform kidney regeneration. The present review explores the current understanding of renal stem cells and kidney regeneration events, and examines the future challenges in using these insights to create new clinical treatments for kidney disease.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells proliferate extensively in cultures of unselected, total cell isolates from multiple fetal and adult organs. Perivascular cells, principally pericytes surrounding capillaries and microvessels, but also adventitial cells located around larger arteries and veins, have been recently identified as possible originators of mesenchymal stem cells, first by phenotypic analogies and eventually following stringent cell sorting. While it is clear that purified perivascular cells exhibit multiple mesodermal developmental potentials and become indistinguishable from conventionally derived mesenchymal stem cells after in vitro culture, the possible roles played by these blood vessel-bound cells in organogenesis and adult tissue repair remain elusive. Unsolved questions regarding the identity of mesenchymal stem cells have not compromised the consideration of these cells as outstanding candidates for cell therapies. Better knowledge of the lineage affiliation, tissue distribution and molecular identity of mesenchymal stem cells will contribute to the development of more efficient, safer therapeutic cells.  相似文献   

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