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Summary Length of stopover and rate of weight gain (fat deposition) were studied in several species of passerine birds that stopped in southwestern Louisiana along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico after a trans-Gulf flight. Fatdepleted birds were more common among the birds that arrived at our study site in southwest Louisiana, though variability characterized our samples. Migrants that landed after encountering opposing winds or rain over the northern Gulf of Mexico were, on average, fatter than migrants that landed when weather was favorable for continued migration. Some of the variation in the energetic condition of arrivals may be explained by the location where migrants initiated crossings. Our simulation of flight over the Gulf of Mexico showed that with following winds a warbler can cross the Gulf of Mexico from Yucatan with fat reserves to spare, and stronger tailwinds make flights from as far south as Honduras energetically permissible. The length of stay after a trans-Gulf flight was related to the extent of fat-depletion upon arrival: lean birds stayed longer than fat migrants. Migrants stopped over for 1–7 days and replenished energy reserves at rates that varied from 0.19 g/d for Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) to 0.87 g/d for Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus). Within each species, most individuals gained weight at a rapid rate, though a few individuals lost or maintained weight during their stay.  相似文献   

Barrier islands on the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico are an internationally important coastal resource. Each spring hundreds of thousands of Nearctic-Neotropical songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico during spring migration use these islands because they provide the first landfall for individuals following a trans-Gulf migratory route. The effects of climate change, particularly sea level rise, may negatively impact habitat availability for migrants on barrier islands. Our objectives were (1) to confirm the use of St. George Island, Florida by trans-Gulf migrants and (2) to determine whether forested stopover habitat will be available for migrants on St. George Island following sea level rise. We used avian transect data, geographic information systems, remote sensing, and simulation modelling to investigate the potential effects of three different sea level rise scenarios (0.28 m, 0.82 m, and 2 m) on habitat availability for trans-Gulf migrants. We found considerable use of the island by spring trans-Gulf migrants. Migrants were most abundant in areas with low elevation, high canopy height, and high coverage of forests and scrub/shrub. A substantial percentage of forest (44%) will be lost by 2100 assuming moderate sea level rise (0.82 m). Thus, as sea level rise progresses, less forests will be available for migrants during stopover. Many migratory bird species’ populations are declining, and degradation of barrier island stopover habitat may further increase the cost of migration for many individuals. To preserve this coastal resource, conservation and wise management of migratory stopover areas, especially near ecological barriers like the Gulf of Mexico, will be essential as sea levels rise.  相似文献   

Each spring, millions of songbirds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico on their way to breeding sites in North America. Data from radar and migration monitoring stations have revealed broad patterns in the spatial and temporal course of trans-Gulf migration. Unfortunately, we have limited information on where these birds have previously spent the winter and where they are migrating to breed. Here we measure stable-hydrogen isotopes in feathers (δDf) to infer the breeding latitude of five species of songbirds – hooded warblers Wilsonia citrina , American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla , black-and-white warblers Mniotilta varia , ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla , and northern waterthrushes S. noveboracensis – that were captured at a stopover site along the coast of southwestern Louisiana in spring 2004. Values of δDf across all species ranged from −163 to −35‰ (n=212), and within most species the range was consistent with the latitudinal extent of known breeding sites in central and eastern North America. Individuals that arrived first along the northern Gulf coast had δDf values indicative of southerly breeding sites in hooded warblers, American redstarts, black-and-white warblers, and ovenbirds, but no relationship was found between passage timing and δDf for northern waterthrushes. Our findings suggest that spring passage is often timed to coincide with the emergence of suitable conditions on breeding areas, with southern breeding birds migrating first.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico is a conspicuous feature of the Neotropical–Nearctic bird migration system. Traveling long distances across ecological barriers comes with considerable risks, and mortality associated with intercontinental migration may be substantial, including that caused by storms or other adverse weather events. However, little, if anything, is known about how migratory birds respond to disturbance‐induced changes in stopover habitat. Isolated, forested cheniere habitat along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico often concentrate migrants, during weather conditions unfavorable for northward movement or when birds are energetically stressed. We expected hurricane induced degradation of this habitat to negatively affect the abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of songbirds that stopover in coastal habitat. We used spring banding data collected in coastal Louisiana to compare migrant abundance and fueling trends before (1993–1996 and 1998–2005) and after hurricanes Rita (2006) and Ike (2009). We also characterized changes in vegetative structure before (1995) and after (2010) the hurricanes. The hurricanes caused dramatic changes to the vegetative structure, which likely decreased resources. Surprisingly, abundance, propensity to stopover, and fueling trends of most migrant species were not influenced by hurricane disturbance. Our results suggest that: 1) the function of chenieres as a refuge for migrants after completing a trans‐Gulf flight may not have changed despite significant changes to habitat and decreases in resource availability, and 2) that most migrants may be able to cope with habitat disturbance during stopover. The fact that migrants use disturbed habitat points to their conservation value along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Predicting how migratory animals respond to changing climatic conditions requires knowledge of how climatic events affect each phase of the annual cycle and how those effects carry-over to subsequent phases. We utilized a 17-year migration dataset to examine how El Niño-Southern Oscillation climatic events in geographically different regions of the Western hemisphere carry-over to impact the stopover biology of several intercontinental migratory bird species. We found that migratory birds that over-wintered in South America experienced significantly drier environments during El Niño years, as reflected by reduced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values, and arrived at stopover sites in reduced energetic condition during spring migration. During El Niño years migrants were also more likely to stopover immediately along the northern Gulf coast of the southeastern U.S. after crossing the Gulf of Mexico in small suboptimal forest patches where food resources are lower and migrant density often greater than larger more contiguous forests further inland. In contrast, NDVI values did not differ between El Niño and La Niña years in Caribbean-Central America, and we found no difference in energetic condition or use of coastal habitats for migrants en route from Caribbean-Central America wintering areas. Birds over-wintering in both regions had consistent median arrival dates along the northern Gulf coast, suggesting that there is a strong drive for birds to maintain their time program regardless of their overall condition. We provide strong evidence that not only is the stopover biology of migratory landbirds influenced by events during the previous phase of their life-cycle, but where migratory birds over-winter determines how vulnerable they are to global climatic cycles. Increased frequency and intensity of ENSO events over the coming decades, as predicted by climatic models, may disproportionately influence long-distance migrants over-wintering in South America.  相似文献   

Migrants are generally assumed to minimize their overall migration time by adjusting their departure fuel loads (DFL) in relation to anticipated and experienced fuel deposition rates (FDRs). We utilized a 21‐yr long migration banding station dataset to examine the relationship between FDR and DFL during spring migration in six Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory songbird species during stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) following trans‐gulf flight. Estimates of fuel stores, stopover durations, and FDRs from our long term migration data set were combined to determine DFL. We expected and found that migrants across all six species adjust their DFL to the rate at which they deposit fuel reserves. This robust finding suggests that songbird migrants are sensitive to time constraints during spring passage presumably to fine‐tune their stopover schedule in relation to experienced and anticipated habitat quality. Two of the species studied showed an effect of age on the FDR–DFL relationship: one was consistent with the expectation that older birds would be less sensitive to changes in FDR, while the second was contrary to our expectations and likely suggesting an age‐dependent response to habitat quality. We found sex‐dependent differences consistent with male DFL being more sensitive to FDR in only two of six species studied, and argue that both males and females are time constrained during spring passage in relation to arrival at breeding destinations. The positive relationship between FDR and DFL among all species and for age and sex groups in some species reflects a migration strategy sensitive to time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Millions of birds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico each year. However, most studies of migration in this region involve sampling onshore locations during the day, potentially underrepresenting the diversity and abundance of migrants passing the region. We evaluated a potential solution to this problem by recording the flight calls of passing migrants from an oil platform located southeast of the Alabama coast in the Gulf of Mexico. We detected 2762 calls during 30 nights from 9 September to 2 November 1999, and were able to identify 2329 calls to species. Flight calls by nine species of birds represented 23% of all identified calls. The greatest number of calls during one night (1017 calls) and during a 1-h period (257 calls) were recorded on 10 September. The greatest number of calls was recorded 8 h after sunset, with a secondary peak 2 h after sunset. The peak prior to sunrise may indicate the formation of flocks at dawn, and the peak after sunset may have been caused by the first wave of migrants reaching the platform. However, call counts varied extensively, with 98% of all calls recorded during 13 nights and 40% on a single night, possibly resulting from hourly and nightly differences in bird numbers aloft, atmospheric conditions, and artificial lighting conditions. Although recording on oil platforms can be difficult because of mechanical, wind, and wave noise, our results suggest great potential for describing the species composition of passing vocal migrants and the temporal patterns of flight-calling behavior if quiet recording locations can be found. Moreover, flight call monitoring could be a critically important tool for bird conservation in this region, given recent proposals to develop wind power and the potential bird mortality associated with such developments.  相似文献   

The phenologies of autumn and spring migrations by greater snow geese (Anser caerulescens atlantica) are shown to be statistically independent. Spring and fall migration phenologies are demonstrated to be significantly related to synoptic scale atmospheric circulation systems (extratropical storms) rather than a factor such as temperature. Interannual variation in the timing of migratory movements by snow geese reflect interannual variation in the climatology of extratropical storms. Early fall migration is significantly related to an increased frequency of cyclonic disturbances off the United States east and gulf coasts. Years in which autumn migration is delayed occur when the Atlantic coast storm track is displaced northward. Late spring migrations are related to extratropical storms being more frequent over the Great Plains, along the gulf coast, and over the northern Gulf of Mexico. Increased cyclone activity through the Ohio River valley and over the Great Lakes tends to advance the onset of spring migrations.  相似文献   

One consequence of climate change is an increasing mismatch between timing of food requirements and food availability. Such a mismatch is primarily expected in avian long-distance migrants because of their complex annual cycle, and in habitats with a seasonal food peak. Here we show that insectivorous long-distance migrant species in The Netherlands declined strongly (1984–2004) in forests, a habitat characterized by a short spring food peak, but that they did not decline in less seasonal marshes. Also, within generalist long-distance migrant species, populations declined more strongly in forests than in marshes. Forest-inhabiting migrant species arriving latest in spring declined most sharply, probably because their mismatch with the peak in food supply is greatest. Residents and short-distance migrants had non-declining populations in both habitats, suggesting that habitat quality did not deteriorate. Habitat-related differences in trends were most probably caused by climate change because at a European scale, long-distance migrants in forests declined more severely in western Europe, where springs have become considerably warmer, when compared with northern Europe, where temperatures during spring arrival and breeding have increased less. Our results suggest that trophic mismatches may have become a major cause for population declines in long-distance migrants in highly seasonal habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Previous studies using thermal imaging cameras (TI) have used target size as an indicator of target altitude when radar was not available, but this approach may lead to errors if birds that differ greatly in size are actually flying at the same altitude. To overcome this potential difficulty and obtain more accurate measures of the flight altitudes and numbers of individual migrants, we have developed a technique that combines a vertically pointed stationary radar beam and a vertically pointed thermal imaging camera (VERTRAD/TI). The TI provides accurate counts of the birds passing through a fixed, circular sampling area in the TI display, and the radar provides accurate data on their flight altitudes. We analyzed samples of VERTRAD/TI video data collected during nocturnal fall migration in 2000 and 2003 and during the arrival of spring trans-Gulf migration during the daytime in 2003. We used a video peak store (VPS) to make time exposures of target tracks in the video record of the TI and developed criteria to distinguish birds, foraging bats, and insects based on characteristics of the tracks in the VPS images and the altitude of the targets. The TI worked equally well during daytime and nighttime observations and best when skies were clear, because thermal radiance from cloud heat often obscured targets. The VERTRAD/TI system, though costly, is a valuable tool for measuring accurate bird migration traffic rates (the number of birds crossing 1609.34 m [1 statute mile] of front per hour) for different altitudinal strata above 25 m. The technique can be used to estimate the potential risk of migrating birds colliding with man-made obstacles of various heights (e.g., communication and broadcast towers and wind turbines)—a subject of increasing importance to conservation biologists.  相似文献   

Restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing was used to characterize neutral and adaptive genetic variation among geographic samples of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, an estuarine‐dependent fish found in coastal waters along the southeastern coast of the United States (Atlantic) and the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf). Analyses of neutral and outlier loci revealed three genetically distinct regional clusters: one in the Atlantic and two in the northern Gulf. Divergence in neutral loci indicated gradual genetic change and followed a linear pattern of isolation by distance. Divergence in outlier loci was at least an order of magnitude greater than divergence in neutral loci, and divergence between the regions in the Gulf was twice that of divergence between other regions. Discordance in patterns of genetic divergence between outlier and neutral loci is consistent with the hypothesis that the former reflects adaptive responses to environmental factors that vary on regional scales, while the latter largely reflects drift processes. Differences in basic habitat, initiated by glacial retreat and perpetuated by contemporary oceanic and atmospheric forces interacting with the geomorphology of the northern Gulf, followed by selection, appear to have led to reduced gene flow among red drum across the northern Gulf, reinforcing differences accrued during isolation and resulting in continued divergence across the genome. This same dynamic also may pertain to other coastal or nearshore fishes (18 species in 14 families) where genetically or morphologically defined sister taxa occur in the three regions.  相似文献   

Migrating birds require en route habitats to rest and refuel. Yet, habitat use has never been integrated with passage to understand the factors that determine where and when birds stopover during spring and autumn migration. Here, we introduce the stopover‐to‐passage ratio (SPR), the percentage of passage migrants that stop in an area, and use 8 years of data from 12 weather surveillance radars to estimate over 50% SPR during spring and autumn through the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the south‐eastern US, the most prominent corridor for North America’s migratory birds. During stopovers, birds concentrated close to the coast during spring and inland in forested landscapes during autumn, suggesting seasonal differences in habitat function and highlighting the vital role of stopover habitats in sustaining migratory communities. Beyond advancing understanding of migration ecology, SPR will facilitate conservation through identification of sites that are disproportionally selected for stopover by migrating birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Migration represents one of the most vulnerable stages of a migrant's life cycle, but the strategies and stopover sites used by Neotropical migrants in Central America are not well known. We carried out constant‐effort mist netting and conducted censuses along transects during one autumn (2007) and one spring (2008) migration in northeast Belize. We recorded more landbird migrant species in autumn (63) than in spring (54), and spring abundance was >25% lower for 88% of transient species. These differences in presence and abundance indicate that routes and stopover strategies vary between seasons and species. In autumn, fuel loads, calculated as any increase in mass above lean body mass (LBM), were generally small (mean = 5.9% LBM and 10.1% LBM for wintering and transient species, respectively) and fuel deposition rates and minimum stopover durations suggest that some individuals replenished energy reserves in our study area. Variation in autumn fuel loads meant that some individuals had reserves sufficient for flights >1000 km. Fuel loads were larger in spring for 16 of 17 species, and the mean spring fuel load for transient species (32.5% LBM) was sufficient for a flight from northeast Belize to North America without refueling. The similarity in spring passage times between northeast Belize and the Gulf Coast of the United States also suggests that energy reserves were not replenished in northeast Belize prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. We hypothesize that sufficient energy reserves are accumulated during spring stopovers in northern South America or elsewhere in Mesoamerica to allow migrants to fly directly to North America without refueling.  相似文献   

Each year, millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) migrate up to 3000 km from their overwintering grounds in central Mexico to breed in eastern North America. Malcolm et al. (1993) articulated two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain how Monarchs re-colonize North America each spring. The 'successive brood' hypothesis proposes that monarchs migrate from Mexico to the Gulf Coast, lay eggs and die, leaving northern re-colonization of the breeding range to subsequent generations. The 'single sweep' hypothesis proposes that overwintering monarchs continue to migrate northward after arriving on the Gulf coast and may reach the northern portion of the breeding range, laying eggs along the way. To examine these hypotheses, we sampled monarchs throughout the northern breeding range and combined stable-hydrogen isotopes (δD) to estimate natal origin with wing wear scores to differentiate between individuals born in the current vs. previous year. Similar to Malcolm et al. (1993), we found that the majority of the northern breeding range was re-colonized by the first generation of monarchs (90%). We also estimated that a small number of individuals (10%) originated directly from Mexico and, therefore adopted a sweep strategy. Contrary to Malcolm et al. (1993), we found that 62% of monarchs sampled in the Great Lakes originated from the Central U.S., suggesting that this region is important for sustaining production in the northern breeding areas. Our results provide new evidence of re-colonization patterns in monarchs and contribute important information towards identifying productive breeding regions of this unique migratory insect.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the dependence of the first spring arrival dates of short/medium- and long-distance migrant bird species on climate warming in eastern Europe. The timing of arrival of the selected species at the observation site correlates with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation and wind characteristics. A positive correlation of fluctuations in winter and spring air temperatures with variations in the NAO index has been established in eastern Europe. Positive winter NAO index values are related to earlier spring arrival of birds in the eastern Baltic region and vice versa—arrival is late when the NAO index is negative. The impact of climate warming on the bird’s life cycle depends on local or regional climate characteristics. We tested the hypothesis that differences in climate indices between North Africa and Europe can influence the timing of spring arrival. Our results support the hypothesis that differences in first spring arrival dates between European populations occur after individuals cross the Sahara. We assume that the endogenous programme of migration control in short/medium-distance migrants synchronises with the changing environment on their wintering grounds and along their migration routes, whereas in long-distance migrants it is rather with environmental changes in the second part of their migratory route in Europe. Our results strongly indicate that the mechanism of dynamic balance in the interaction between the endogenous regulatory programme and environmental factors determines the pattern of spring arrival, as well as migration timing.  相似文献   

Migrating birds are under selective pressure to complete long-distance flights quickly and efficiently. Wing morphology and body mass influence energy expenditure of flight, such that certain characteristics may confer a greater relative advantage when making long crossings over ecological barriers by modifying the flight range or speed. We explored the possibility, among light (mass <50 g) migrating passerines, that species with relatively poorer flight performance related to wing shape and/or body mass have a lower margin for error in dealing with the exigencies of a long water crossing across the Gulf of Mexico and consequently minimize their travel time or distance. We found that species-mean fat-free body mass and wing tip pointedness independently explained variability among species distributions within ~50 km from the northern coast. In both spring and autumn, lighter (i.e., slower flying) species and species with more rounded wings were concentrated nearest the coastline. Our results support the idea that morphology helps to shape broad-scale bird distributions along an ecological barrier and that migration exerts some selective force on passerine morphology. Furthermore, smaller species with less-efficient flight appear constrained to stopping over in close proximity to ecological barriers, illustrating the importance of coastal habitats for small passerine migrants.  相似文献   

长距离迁徙鸟类对应于能量积累状态的取食行为调整   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
迁徙鸟类能够预计到迁徙过程中对能量需求的增加和迁徙途中获得能量的不确定性。最佳迁徙理论指出:迁徙停留期的一系列决策受到体内能量状态、取食机会和迁徙时间的影响。利用刚完成春季跨越墨西哥湾迁徙的鸫类,我们研究了取食行为、体内能量状态和能量积累速度的相互关系。我们用雾网捕获了停留的鸫,然后给每只鸟进行了环志和称重,并估测了表皮下积累的脂肪。为了检测体内能量积累大小对取食行为的影响,我们把在野外观察到的鸟分成肥、瘦两组。当一天里被捕获鸟的平均体重低于相关种的瘦体重时,这一天被观察到的取食鸟被归到瘦组,反之就属于肥组。我们同时对一部分鸟用有色环进行了标记,以便能在野外观察到它们时能准确地知道每一只鸟的初始能量积累状态。在春天完成跨越墨西哥湾迁徙以后的鸫大约有50%在到达停留地时就已经消耗了所有的表皮下脂肪。与肥组鸟相比,瘦组的个体在停留期扩展了取食方法和取食基底,增加了取食速度。与此相关的是,瘦鸟表现出体重积累更多、速度更快。我们的数据表明迁徙鸟在到达迁徙中途停留地时的能量状态会影响到它们停留期间的取食行为和继续迁徙时的生理机能,从而影响停留期的长短和在迁徙途中停留与否的决定[动物学报51(1):12—23,2005]。  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands play an important but complex role in the global carbon cycle, contributing to the ecosystem service of greenhouse gas regulation through carbon sequestration. Although coastal wetlands occupy a small percent of the total US land area, their potential for carbon storage, especially in soils, often exceeds that of other terrestrial ecosystems. More than half of the coastal wetlands in the US are located in the northern Gulf of Mexico, yet these wetlands continue to be degraded at an alarming rate, resulting in a significant loss of stored carbon and reduction in capacity for carbon sequestration. We provide estimates of surface soil carbon densities for wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region, calculated from field measurements of bulk density and soil carbon content in the upper 10–15 cm of soil. We combined these estimates with soil accretion rates derived from the literature and wetland area estimates to calculate surface soil carbon pools and accumulation rates. Wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region potentially store 34–47 Mg C ha?1 and could potentially accumulate 11,517 Gg C year?1. These estimates provide important information that can be used to incorporate the value of wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region in future wetland management decisions related to global climate change. Estimates of carbon sequestration potential should be considered along with estimates of other ecosystem services provided by wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region to strengthen and enhance the conservation, sustainable management, and restoration of these important natural resources.  相似文献   

We compare different null models for species richness patterns in the Nepalese Himalayas, the largest altitudinal gradient in the world. Species richness is estimated by interpolation of presences between the extreme recorded altitudinal ranges. The number of species in 100-m altitudinal bands increases steeply with altitude until 1,500 m above sea level. Between 1,500 and 2,500 m, little change in the number of species is observed, but above this altitude, a decrease in species richness is evident. We simulate different null models to investigate the effect of hard boundaries and an assumed linear relationship between species richness and altitude. We also stimulate the effect of interpolation when incomplete sampling is assumed. Some modifications on earlier simulations are presented. We demonstrate that all three factors in combination may explain the observed pattern in species richness. Estimating species richness by interpolating species presence between maximum and minimum altitudes creates an artificially steep decrease in species richness toward the ends of the gradient. The addition of hard boundaries and an underlying linear trend in species richness is needed to simulate the observed broad pattern in species richness along altitude in the Nepalese Himalayas.  相似文献   

Harpacticoid copepod community structure was analyzed at 43 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico deep-sea to test regional and bathymetric patterns of diversity in relation to environmental variables and topographic complexity of the continental slope. Depth, longitude, and proximity to the Florida Escarpment significantly affect average phylogenetic diversity, but basins and canyons do not. Multivariate analysis reveals a significant inverse relationship between diversity and POM flux, which is confirmed by significant region-scale depth and longitude differences. Although species richness declines linearly with increasing depth, the expected number of species (rarefraction) is maximized at approximately 1200 m, and average taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity continue to increase with depth, suggesting greater morphological or functional harpacticoid diversity with increasing depth. Most stations have unique species compositions, suggesting high regional (2200 species) and global (105-106 species) diversity by extrapolation. Therefore, processes maintaining harpacticoid diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico deep-sea seem to rely on both small-scale dispersal and large-scale food supply mechanisms.  相似文献   

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