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In wave-type weakly electric fish, two distinct types of primary afferent fibers are specialized for separately encoding modulations in the amplitude and phase (timing) of electrosensory stimuli. Time-coding afferents phase lock to periodic stimuli and respond to changes in stimulus phase with shifts in spike timing. Amplitude-coding afferents fire sporadically to periodic stimuli. Their probability of firing in a given cycle, and therefore their firing rate, is proportional to stimulus amplitude. However, the spike times of time-coding afferents are also affected by changes in amplitude; similarly, the firing rates of amplitude-coding afferents are also affected by changes in phase. Because identical changes in the activity of an individual primary afferent can be caused by modulations in either the amplitude or phase of stimuli, there is ambiguity regarding the information content of primary afferent responses that can result in ‘phantom’ modulations not present in an actual stimulus. Central electrosensory neurons in the hindbrain and midbrain respond to these phantom modulations. Phantom modulations can also elicit behavioral responses, indicating that ambiguity in the encoding of amplitude and timing information ultimately distorts electrosensory perception. A lack of independence in the encoding of multiple stimulus attributes can therefore result in perceptual illusions. Similar effects may occur in other sensory systems as well. In particular, the vertebrate auditory system is thought to be phylogenetically related to the electrosensory system and it encodes information about amplitude and timing in similar ways. It has been well established that pitch perception and loudness perception are both affected by the frequency and intensity of sounds, raising the intriguing possibility that auditory perception may also be affected by ambiguity in the encoding of sound amplitude and timing.  相似文献   

The effects of periodic stimulation of spontaneously beating aggregates of chick atrial heart cells are considered. Provided the effects of a single stimulus do not change the properties of the oscillation, and that the oscillation is re-established rapidly following a stimulus, this system can be modeled by one-dimensional finite difference equations. These equations employ experimentally generated phase resetting data that describe the effects of a single isolated stimulus at different phases of the oscillation. A complete analysis of the predicted dynamics is given over a broad range of stimulation frequencies and amplitudes. Prominent features of the dynamics include phase locking, bistability, chaos, and disappearance of Arnold tongues at large stimulation amplitudes. The fine details of the bifurcations are sensitive to properties of the phase resetting curves, and consequently, the observed bifurcations are not expected to be "universal" for larger stimulation amplitudes. Experimental traces show many correspondences with theoretical computations.  相似文献   

Phase synchronization between the firing of the crayfish caudal photoreceptor (CPR) and an applied periodic hydrodynamic stimulus is investigated. It is shown that the CPR firing synchronizes with a periodic stimulus over a range of frequencies corresponding to the known sensitivity range of the crayfish to hydrodynamic stimuli. This synchronization is quantified using previously developed measures of synchronization such as the synchronization index; multiple stimulus-response locking ratios occur in this system that are consistent with theoretical predictions based on the theory of synchronization of noisy oscillators. The maximal synchronization for various locking ratios is shifted to higher frequencies in the presence of light.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials of the auditory cortex during the electrical stimulation of the cochlea were studied in acute experiments on cats. A series of electric pulses of short duration and different frequency delivered to the streptomycin-damaged cochlea were used as a stimulus. It has been shown that an amplitude and latency of electrical cortex responses depended on the number of pulses in series and on the interpulse intervals. Amplitudes of evoked responses increased with the growth of the number of stimuli. Latent periods changed in a narrower stimulation frequency band. Dependence of the induced potentials' amplitude growth on the increase in the number of electric pulses changed as a result of the two-fold enhancement of the stimulation amplitude.  相似文献   

During tethered flight in Drosophila melanogaster, spike activity of the second basalar flight-control muscle (M.b2) is correlated with an increase in both the ipsilateral wing beat amplitude and the ipsilateral flight force. The frequency of muscle spikes within a burst is about 100 Hz, or 1 spike for every two wing beat cycles. When M.b2 is active, its spikes tend to occur within a comparatively narrow phase band of the wing beat cycle. To understand the functional role of this phase-lock of firing in the control of flight forces, we stimulated M.b2 in selected phases of the wing beat cycle and recorded the effect on the ipsilateral wing beat amplitude. Varying the phase timing of the stimulus had a significant effect on the wing beat amplitude. A maximum increase of wing beat amplitude was obtained by stimulating M.b2 at the beginning of the upstroke or about 1 ms prior to the narrow phase band in which the muscle spikes typically occur during flight. Assuming a delay of 1 ms between the stimulation of the motor nerve and muscle activation, these results indicate that M.b2 is activated at an instant of the stroke cycle that produces the greatest effect on wing beat amplitude.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses in somatosensory cortical areas 3b and 1-2 (S1) were recorded during an attention task involving cue directed selection of one of three simultaneous stimuli: dual sinewave shaped vibrotactile stimuli applied to mirror sites on both hands or a similarly timed auditory tone. The cued stimulus occurred with one of two equally probable patterns: a constant amplitude vibration or the latter with a superimposed brief sinewave amplitude pulse midway during stimulation. Uncued stimuli always contained amplitude pulses. Two monkeys signaled the absence or presence of an amplitude pulse by appropriately moving a foot pedal up or down. Cues initiated trials by marking the location where the monkey had to discriminate the stimulus pattern. Cue location and stimulus pattern varied randomly per trial. Approximately 50% of cells (44/77 in 3b and 39/77 in 1-2) had significantly different firing rates to stimulation cued to the contralateral hand relative to spatially cuing the ipsilateral hand or cross-modally the auditory stimulus. Relatively suppressed firing rates during times prior to the epoch containing amplitude pulses improved signal-to-noise ratios for responses to amplitude pulses. Instances of significant enhanced activity during and after intervals with amplitude pulses were rare and relative to suppressed activity when cues directed attention to the ipsilateral hand or auditory stimulus. The present findings suggest that attention influences even the earliest stage somatosensory cortical processing. Findings were more modest in S1 than those previously seen in S2 (Burton et al., Somatosens Mot Res 14: 237-267, 1997), which supports the concept of multistage attention processes for touch.  相似文献   

交流外电场下映射神经元放电节律的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经元不同的放电节律承载着不同的刺激信息。文章基于神经元映射模型,研究低频交流电场对神经元放电节律的影响。在外部刺激下映射模型表现出丰富的放电模式,包括周期簇放电、周期峰放电、交替放电和混沌放电。神经元对刺激频率和振幅的变化极为敏感,随着频率的增大,放电节律表现出从簇放电到峰放电和混沌放电的反向加周期分岔序列;在周期节律转迁过程中存在一种新的交替节律,其放电序列为两种周期放电模式的交替,峰峰间期序列具有整数倍特征。外电场的频率影响细胞内、外离子振荡周期,导致神经元放电与刺激信号同步,对放电节律的影响更为明显。研究结果揭示了交流外电场对神经元放电节律的作用规律,有助于探寻外电场对生物神经系统兴奋性的影响和神经系统疾病的致病机理。  相似文献   

Meeting report     
Neuronal responses in somatosensory cortical areas 3b and 1- 2 (S1) were recorded during an attention task involving cue directed selection of one of three simultaneous stimuli: dual sinewave shaped vibrotactile stimuli applied to mirror sites on both hands or a similarly timed auditory tone. The cued stimulus occurred with one of two equally probable patterns: a constant amplitude vibration or the latter with a superimposed brief sinewave amplitude pulse midway during stimulation. Uncued stimuli always contained amplitude pulses. Two monkeys signaled the absence or presence of an amplitude pulse by appropriately moving a foot pedal up or down. Cues initiated trials by marking the location where the monkey had to discriminate the stimulus pattern. Cue location and stimulus pattern varied randomly per trial. Approximately 50% of cells (44/77 in 3b and 39/77 in 1- 2) had significantly different firing rates to stimulation cued to the contralateral hand relative to spatially cuing the ipsilateral hand or cross-modally the auditory stimulus. Relatively suppressed firing rates during times prior to the epoch containing amplitude pulses improved signal-to-noise ratios for responses to amplitude pulses. Instances of significant enhanced activity during and after intervals with amplitude pulses were rare and relative to suppressed activity when cues directed attention to the ipsilateral hand or auditory stimulus. The present findings suggest that attention influences even the earliest stage somatosensory cortical processing. Findings were more modest in S1 than those previously seen in S2 (Burton et al. , Somatosens Mot Res 14 : 237-267, 1997), which supports the concept of multistage attention processes for touch.  相似文献   

Abstract This study analyzed neuronal responses in the second somatosensory (SII) and 7b cortical areas during a selective attention task. Cues directed attention to one of three simultaneous stimuli: vibrotactile stimuli applied to mirror sites on both hands or to a similarly timed auditory tone. Two stimulus patterns appeared with equal probability for the cued stimulus: a constant amplitude sinewave or the latter with a superimposed brief amplitude pulse midway in the trial. Uncued stimuli always contained amplitude pulses. Monkeys demonstrated whether an amplitude pulse at the cued location was present or absent by making appropriately rewarded up and down foot pedal movements. Cue location and stimulus pattern varied trial-wise and pseudo-randomly. Average firing rates to vibrotactile stimuli in 82 of 181 SII cells and 13 of 22 area 7b cells differed significantly during at least one epoch for trials cued to the contralateral hand when compared to trials cued to the ipsilateral hand or auditory stimulus. Predominant were relatively suppressed firing rates during times prior to the epoch containing the amplitude pulses or enhanced activity during and after these pulses. Generally, different cells showed suppression early vs enhancement later in a trial. Analyses of the ratio between firing rates before and during the amplitude pulses suggested improved evoked signals to the amplitude pulses. The discussion considers attention as a mechanism for reducing distractions, early in the trial through suppressing these signals, or for selectively increasing response magnitudes in the cued channel, especially around times when amplitude pulses were present or absent.  相似文献   

The relationship between electrical activity and spike-induced Ca2+ increases in dendrites was investigated in the identified wind-sensitive giant interneurons in the cricket. We applied a high-speed Ca2+ imaging technique to the giant interneurons, and succeeded in recording the transient Ca2+ increases (Ca2+ transients) induced by a single action potential, which was evoked by presynaptic stimulus to the sensory neurons. The dendritic Ca2+ transients evoked by a pair of action potentials accumulated when spike intervals were shorter than 100 ms. The amplitude of the Ca2+ transients induced by a train of spikes depended on the number of action potentials. When stimulation pulses evoking the same numbers of action potentials were separately applied to the ipsi- or contra-lateral cercal sensory nerves, the dendritic Ca2+ transients induced by these presynaptic stimuli were different in their amplitude. Furthermore, the side of presynaptic stimulation that evoked larger Ca2+ transients depended on the location of the recorded dendritic regions. This result means that the spike-triggered Ca2+ transients in dendrites depend on postsynaptic activity. It is proposed that Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels activated by the action potentials will be enhanced by excitatory synaptic inputs at the dendrites in the cricket giant interneurons.  相似文献   

In adherent and motile neutrophils NAD(P)H concentration, flavoprotein redox potential, and production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, are all periodic and exhibit defined phase relationships to an underlying metabolic oscillation of approximately 20 s. Utilizing fluorescence microscopy, we have shown in real-time, on the single cell level, that the system is sensitive to externally applied periodically pulsed weak magnetic fields matched in frequency to the metabolic oscillation. Depending upon the phase relationship of the magnetic pulses to the metabolic oscillation, the magnetic pulses serve to either increase the amplitude of the NAD(P)H and flavoprotein oscillations, and the rate of production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide or, alternatively, collapse the metabolic oscillations and curtail production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide. Significantly, we demonstrate that the cells do not directly respond to the magnetic fields, but instead are sensitive to the electric fields which the pulsed magnetic fields induce. These weak electric fields likely tap into an endogenous signaling pathway involving calcium channels in the plasma membrane. We estimate that the threshold which induced electric fields must attain to influence cell metabolism is of the order of 10(-4) V/m.  相似文献   

The response of giant fibres in the ventral nerve cord to stimulation of cercal afferents with pulses of sound was studied in the domestic cricket, Acheta domesticus. Pulses at 450 Hz gave the highest frequency response in several classes of units, and were therefore used as stimuli in subsequent experiments. In intact animals the response of the giant fibres to bilateral cercal stimulation showed a characteristic high frequency ‘on’ response followed by steady firing of some units for the duration of the sound pulse. The end of each pulse was followed by a short period of inhibition of the tonic units.Cercal amputation and other experiments showed that input from cercal afferents excites both large and small ipsilateral giants, and excites small and inhibits large contralateral giants. Descending input from higher neural centres in intact animals tends to reduce the responses to the stimuli. It is suggested that a function of the contralateral excitatory and inhibitory effects is to sharpen the ‘on’ response of the giant fibres to sound stimuli in intact animals.  相似文献   

Yono O  Shimozawa T 《Bio Systems》2008,93(3):218-225
One prominent stimulus to evoke an escape response in crickets is the detection of air movement, such as would result from an attacking predator. Wind is detected by the cercal sensory system that consists of hundreds of sensory cells at the base of filiform hairs. These sensory cells relay information to about a dozen cercal giant and non-giant interneurons. The response of cercal sensory cells depends both, on the intensity and the direction of the wind. Spike trains of cercal giant interneurons then convey the information about wind direction and intensity to the central nervous system. Extracellular recording of multiple cercal giant interneurons shows that certain interneuron pairs fire synchronously if a wind comes from a particular direction. We demonstrate here that directional tuning curves of synchronously firing pairs of interneurons are sharper than those of single interneurons. Moreover, the sum total of all synchronously firing pairs eventually covers all wind directions. The sharpness of the tuning curves in synchronously firing pairs results from excitatory and inhibitory input from the cercal sensory neurons. Our results suggest, that synchronous firing of specific pairs of cercal giant interneurons encodes the wind direction. This was further supported by behavioral analyses.  相似文献   

The anterior and posterior exterolateral nuclei (ELa and ELp) of the mormyrid midbrain are thought to play a critical role in the temporal analysis of the electric discharge waveforms of other individuals. The peripheral electroreceptors receiving electric organ discharges (EODs) of other fish project through the brainstem to ELa via a rapid conducting pathway. EODs, composed of brief, but stereotyped waveforms are encoded as a temporal pattern of spikes. From previous work, we know that phase locking is precise in ELa. Here it is shown that evoked potentials recorded from ELp show a similar high degree of phase locking, although the evoked potentials last much longer. Single-unit recordings in ELp reveal two distinct populations of neurons in ELp: type I cells are responsive to voltage step functions, and not tuned for stimulus duration; type II cells are tuned to a specific range of stimulus durations. Type II cells are less responsive than type I cells, tend to respond with bursts of action potentials rather than with single spikes, have a longer latency, show weaker time locking to stimuli, and are more sensitive to stimulus polarity and amplitude. The stimulus selectivity of type II cells may arise from convergence of type I cell inputs. Despite the loss of rapid conduction between ELa and ELp, analysis of temporal features of waveforms evidently continues in ELp, perhaps through a system of labeled lines. Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

To elucidate how peripheral somatic afferents synchronize the respiratory rhythm to the exercise rhythm, the phrenic nerve activity in the vagotomized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethane was recorded during electrical stimulation of the superficial radial nerve afferents. At first, a single pulse train was given at various times of the respiratory cycle to obtain a phase-response curve (PRC). The stimulation given at mid to late expiration produced a phase advance, but the stimulation during inspiration produced no measurable phase shifts in most animals (8/10). The maximum phase advance changed depending on the stimulus intensity. The stronger the stimulus intensity, the greater became the maximum phase advance. Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced 1:1 entrainment of the respiratory frequency to the repetitive stimulation. Theoretical predictions on the stable entrainment phase and on the entrainment frequency range from the obtained PRC were close to the experimental results. The present study demonstrated the presence of a neuronal circuit synchronizing the respiratory rhythm to the periodic somatic afferents and the manner of how such entrainment occurs.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical model is presented for phase locking of a biological oscillator to a sinusoidal stimulus. Analytical, numerical and topological considerations are used to discuss the patterns of phase locking as a function of the amplitude of the sinusoidal stimulus and the relative frequencies of the oscillator and the sinusoidal stimulus. The sorts of experimental data which are needed to make comparisons between theory and experiment are discussed.  相似文献   

In cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethan, vagotomized, paralyzed, and artifically ventilated, superficial radial (cutaneous) and hamstring (muscle) nerve afferents were stimulated while phrenic nerve electrical activity was recorded. The results obtained with both types of nerves were similar. Stimulation in mid and late expiration advanced the onset of the next inspiration, shortening its duration. Stimulation in early inspiration advanced, while that in late inspiration delayed, the onset of the next expiration. These effects were often accompanied by changes in phrenic motoneuron firing patterns (earlier recruitment, increased discharge frequency, increased slope of integrated phrenic neurogram). Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced sustained increases in respiratory frequency in all cats and in half of them entrainment of respiratory frequency to the frequency of stimulation occurred at ratios such as 4:3, 4:5, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:7. The lowest stimulus intensity required for evoking these phase shifts was between 5 and 10T (threshold of most excitable fibers) for muscle afferents and between 1 and 2T for cutaneous afferents. These results demonstrate the existence of a reflex mechanism capable of locking respiratory frequency to that of a periodic somatic afferent input. They also provide an experimental basis for the hypothesis that reflexes are resposible for the observed locking between step or pedal frequency and respiratory rate during exercise in man.  相似文献   

The sensory cues for a less known form of frequency shifting behavior, gradual frequency falls, of electric organ discharges (EODs) in a pulse-type gymnotiform electric fish, Rhamphichthys rostratus, were identified. We found that the gradual frequency fall occurs independently of more commonly observed momentary phase shifting behavior, and is due to perturbation of sensory feedback of the fish's own EODs by EODs of neighboring fish. The following components were identified as essential features in the signal mixture of the fish's own and the neighbor's EOD pulses: (1) the neighbor's pulses must be placed within a few millisecond of the fish's own pulses, (2) the neighbor's pulses, presented singly at low frequencies (0.2–4 Hz), were sufficient, (3) the frequency of individual pulse presentation must be below 4 Hz, (4) amplitude modulation of the sensory feedback of the fish's own pulses induced by such insertions of the neighbor's pulses must contain a high frequency component: sinusoidal amplitude modulation of the fish's own EOD feedback at these low frequencies does not induce gradual frequency falls. Differential stimulation across body surfaces, which is required for the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of wave-type gymnotiform electric fish, was not necessary for this behavior. We propose a cascade of high-pass and low-pass frequency filters within the amplitude processing pathway in the central nervous system as the mechanism of the gradual frequency fall response.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f frequency of EOD or pacemaker command signal - JAR jamming avoidance response - S 1 stimulus mimicking fish's own EOD - f 1 frequency of S1 - S 2 stimulus mimicking neighbor's EOD - f 2 frequency of S2  相似文献   

Response patterns resulting from repetitive mechanical stimulation of the corpuscle depend on (1) the time course of recovery of the generator potential, on (2) the recovery of critical firing height, and on (3) the stimulus strength/generator potential function. By either augmenting stimulus frequency at constant strength, or by reducing strength at constant frequency, a sequence of propagated potentials is turned into a pattern of alternating regenerative and generator responses. In such a pattern an extra impulse can be set up whenever an extra stimulus produces a generator potential of enough amplitude to reach the firing height of the corresponding period. The new requirements of firing height introduced by the refractory trail of the extra impulse determine resetting of periodicity and appearance of a "compensatory pause." The decay time of the single generator potential is independent of stimulus duration. This is interpreted as a factor determining receptor adaptation. Upon repetitive stimulation at intervals above ½ decay time of the single generator potential, a compound generator potential is built up which shows no spontaneous decline. However, in spite of being considerably greater than the firing height for single impulses, the constant level of depolarization of the compound generator potential is unable to produce propagated potentials. A hypothesis is brought forward which considers the generator potential to arise from membrane units with fluctuating excitability scattered over the non-myelinated nerve ending.  相似文献   

通常采用恒定电脉冲间隔的高频刺激(high-frequency stimulation,HFS),进行深部脑刺激治疗帕金森氏症等运动障碍疾病.为了开发适用于不同脑疾病治疗的新刺激模式,近年来脉冲间隔(inter-pulse-interval,IPI)变化的变频刺激模式受到关注.已有研究表明,即使具有相同的平均电脉冲频率,变频刺激与恒频刺激的治疗效果也不同.我们推测,变频刺激的短小IPI变化就足以改变HFS对于神经元的作用.为了验证此推测,本文在大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元的输入轴突纤维上交替施加恒频刺激(100或133 Hz,即IPI=10 ms或7.5 ms)和随机变频刺激(100~200 Hz,即IPI=5~10 ms,平均频率为133 Hz),记录并分析刺激下游神经元群体的诱发电位,用于定量评价神经元对于恒频和变频刺激的响应.实验结果表明,持续的恒频刺激使得神经元的响应从最初的同步发放形成的群峰电位(population spike,PS)转变为非同步的动作电位发放(即单元锋电位).但是,当刺激切换为变频模式时,却又可以诱发神经元群体同步产生动作电位,重新形成PS波.并且,变频刺激诱发的PS幅值和神经元发放的同步程度可达基线的单脉冲刺激诱发波的水平.但是,PS的发生率只有脉冲刺激频率的7%左右,表明在持续的变频刺激时,多个脉冲累积的作用才能诱发这种同步的神经元发放.而且PS的出现与前导IPI的长度之间存在一定关系.神经元的轴突和突触等结构对于高频刺激的非线性响应可能是变频刺激诱发同步活动的原因.这些结果表明,变频刺激序列中短小的间隔变化可以产生与恒定间隔不同的调控作用.本文的结果对于揭示脑刺激的作用机制,促进新型刺激模式的开发及其在不同类型脑疾病治疗中的应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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