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Further Evidence in Support of an Interactive Model in Stomatal Control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interaction between CO2 IAA, ABA, and temperature in thecontrol of stomatal behaviour, was investigated in the chill-resistantPisum sativum and chill-hardened Phaseolus vulgaris. It wasfound that the ability of kBA to induce stomatai closure wasdependent upon the presence of CO2 in both species, at bothtemperatures (22 ?C, 5?C) Similarly, the ability of IAA to decreasestomatal resistance, was dependent upon the presence of CO2in both species, at both temperatures. Chilling at 5?C in thelight did not influence the response characteristics of stomatato CO2 ABA or IAA, in either species. These results are discussedin relation to a model of the interactions of these regulatorsof stomatal aperture. Key words: Stomata, modelling, chilling  相似文献   

A stomatal diffusion porometer is described which measures directlythe diffusion of radioactive krypton through amphistomatousleaves. The porometer is relatively small and portable and iseasily used under field conditions. It consists of a miniaturediffusion chamber above an acrylic plastic reservoir which contains1200 cm3 of air enriched with 85Kr. Geiger tubes in the diffusionchamber and in the reservoir monitor the relative concentrationsof 85Kr. Krypton is allowed to diffuse from the larger reservoirthrough the leaf into the diffusion chamber and the time forits concentration in relation to that in the reservoir to changebetween two fixed values is recorded. When this time lapse wascalibrated against known resistances a linear relationship,independent of temperature was found. Sources of error are analysedand some experiments are described in which the porometer wasused to measure diurnal changes in stomatal resistance. Resistancesof potted sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.) grown in agreenhouse were measured with both the krypton diffusion porometerand a condensation-type porometer and the results were usedto calculate both cuticular and stomatal resistances. Demonstrationof field measurements with the porometer include data from eucalyptustrees {Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn) and from an unirrigatedcotton crop {Gossypium hirsutum var. SJ 2) growing under semi-aridconditions. Stomatal conductance of the cotton crop during theopening phase was linearly related to solar radiation.  相似文献   

Stomatal Diffusion Resistance of Snap Beans. II. Effect of Light   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Kanemasu ET  Tanner CB 《Plant physiology》1969,44(11):1542-1546
The effect of light on the stomatal resistance of abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was studied in the growth chamber and in the field. The adaxial stomata required more light to open than the abaxial stomata; the abaxial stomatal apertures were still about 50% open at 1% full sunlight and light-induced closure was never observed under daytime field conditions. A given value of abaxial stomatal resistance was obtained at a given illumination of the abaxial guard cells whether illumination was adaxial or abaxial.  相似文献   

Studies have been mode of the growth curvatures induced in theroots of Lepidium sativum, the coleoptiles of Avena saliva andthe sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus by exposureto an intense magnetic gradient during continuous rotation ona slow klinostat (0.5 rpm). Attempts have been made to determinethe relationships of the curvature responses to the parametersof the magnetic field (H, dH/dx, and H. dH/dx). Analysis ofthe data was by a progressive regression analysis up to thethird order coupled with an analysis of variance to test theimprovement of fit at each stage. Response is characterizedby an initial lag (reaction time, T) followed by a constantrate of curvature down the magnetic gradient for the first 20or 30? of curvature. The reciprocal of T was the most satisfactorymeasure of response (i. e. a measure of the rate of inductionof the response while the organ was in a constant magnetic environment)and in Avena and Phycomyces was best fitted by linear regressionson logedH/dx and on logeH. dH/dx. For Lepidium, with much morevariable data, the best fit was with a linear regression onlogeH. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了以液氮现场固定叶样,扫描电镜直接观察(照相)记录气孔形态、分布、日变化等的方法。从给出的实例可以看到该法能成功地记录气孔在一天的动态变化情况。这种方法特别适合于研究叶表皮密被绒毛的植物。  相似文献   

Cynara rhabdovirus (CyRV) was isolated from symptomless artichoke plants in southern Italy using Nicotiana langsdorffii as susceptible host and immune serum to artichoke latent virus to eliminate this virus from inoculum. CyRV can infect several solanaceous species, has thermal inactivation point of 40-45°C, dilution end point between 10?2 and 10?5 and longevity in vitro at 4 and 20°C of 4-5 days and 6-24 h, respectively. It was purified and used for preparing antisera with homologous titre varying from 1: 16 to 1: 64. In decoration tests, the virus did not react against antisera to eggplant mottled dwarf virus (EMDV) and its antiserum did not decorate ivy vein clearing virus (IVCV). Ultrastructural aspects of CyRV infection in Datura stramonium and Nicotiana glutinosa were very like those described for the same virus in the past except for presence of longer virions which were often encountered in infected cells during this study.  相似文献   

Further Genetical Studies of APLOCHEILUS LATIPES   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aida T 《Genetics》1930,15(1):1-16

A non-lethal procedure for identifying pigs apt to develop malignant hyperthermia is described. Susceptible animals were exposed to a variety of anaesthetic and other agents and it was shown that thiopentone sodium and CT 1341 (Glaxo) afforded a measure of protection against the development of the syndrome. Pretreatment with procaine did not prevent the onset of the condition and the administration of procaine when muscle rigidity was present failed to prevent a fatal outcome. The syndrome was induced in susceptible animals by halothane, chloroform, and a combination of halothane with suxamethonium. The effects of cyclopropane in susceptible pigs could not be predicted, and other tests showed that suxamethonium alone would not induce muscle contracture. Pretreatment with lignocaine failed to prevent induction of the syndrome by halothane.We believe that the porcine syndrome may result from more than one defect and that in one particular type the most effective treatment is immediate cooling coupled with the administration of sodium bicarbonate.  相似文献   

Studies in Stomatal Behaviour: IV. THE WATER-RELATIONS OF THE EPIDERMIS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  1. It is shown that a dry external atmosphere exerts the followingeffects on stomatal movement:
  1. A striking accelaration ofclosure in darkness.
  2. A slight acceleration of opening in light.
  3. If the water-supply to the leaf is impaired, an inabilitytomaintain full opening in the light.
Conversely, a saturatedexternal atmosphere induces sluggishness of movement and a tendencyto incomplete closure in darkness.
  1. These results are consideredto support La Rue's contentionthat the epidermal water-supplyis drawn solely by lateral movementfrom the main veins, andnot from the underlying mesophyll.The stomatal phenomena themselvesdo not appear capable of anysimple explanation based on currentknowledge of guard-cellphysiology.
  2. The biological significanceof these results is discussed, withparticular reference tothe problem of xeromorphic structures,for which a new interpretationis suggested.

Stomatal biology     
7th New Phytologist Symposium: Stomata, Birmingham, UK, 26-28 July 2001.  相似文献   

Different behaviour of small groups of stomata on a single leaf blade (stomatal patchiness) is reviewed. The occurrence of stomatal patchiness depends on plant species, age, leaf position, environmental conditions,etc. The possibility of errors in conventional evaluation of stomatal and non-stomatal (biochemical) limitations of photosynthesis resulting from patchy stomatal closure is analysed. The consequences of stomatal patchiness for leaf and plant photosynthesis and water economy are discussed. A brief survey of the techniques currently used for detection and quantification of stomatal patchiness is presented.  相似文献   

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