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Despite the fact that genetic imprinting, i.e., differential expression of the same allele due to its different parental origins, plays a pivotal role in controlling complex traits or diseases, the origin, action and transmission mode of imprinted genes have still remained largely unexplored. We present a new strategy for studying these properties of genetic imprinting with a two-stage reciprocal F mating design, initiated with two contrasting inbred lines. This strategy maps quantitative trait loci that are imprinted (i.e., iQTLs) based on their segregation and transmission across different generations. By incorporating the allelic configuration of an iQTL genotype into a mixture model framework, this strategy provides a path to trace the parental origin of alleles from previous generations. The imprinting effects of iQTLs and their interactions with other traditionally defined genetic effects, expressed in different generations, are estimated and tested by implementing the EM algorithm. The strategy was used to map iQTLs responsible for survival time with four reciprocal F populations and test whether and how the detected iQTLs inherit their imprinting effects into the next generation. The new strategy will provide a tool for quantifying the role of imprinting effects in the creation and maintenance of phenotypic diversity and elucidating a comprehensive picture of the genetic architecture of complex traits and diseases.  相似文献   

Small RNAs (sRNAs) are important gene regulators in bacteria, but it is unclear how new sRNAs originate and become part of regulatory networks that coordinate bacterial response to environmental stimuli. Using a covariance modeling-based approach, we analyzed the presence of hundreds of sRNAs in more than a thousand genomes across Enterobacterales, a bacterial order with a confluence of factors that allows robust genome-scale sRNA analyses: several well-studied organisms with fairly conserved genome structures, an established phylogeny, and substantial nucleotide diversity within a narrow evolutionary space. We discovered that a majority of sRNAs arose recently, and uncovered protein-coding genes as a potential source from which new sRNAs arise. A detailed investigation of the emergence of OxyS, a peroxide-responding sRNA, revealed that it evolved from a fragment of a peroxidase messenger RNA. Importantly, although it replaced the ancestral peroxidase, OxyS continues to be part of the ancestral peroxide-response regulon, indicating that an sRNA that arises from a protein-coding gene would inherently be part of the parental protein’s regulatory network. This new insight provides a fresh framework for understanding sRNA origin and regulatory integration in bacteria.  相似文献   

A new aminoglycoside resistance gene (aphA1-IAB) confers high-level resistance to neomycin. The sequence of aphA1-IAB is closely related to aphA1 found in the transposons Tn4352, Tn903 and Tn602. For example, aphA1-IAB differs from aphA1-903 at five nucleotides that result in four amino acid replacements. The enzyme encoded by aphA1-IAB has a significantly higher turnover number with neomycin, kanamycin and G418 as substrates than does the aphA1-903 enzyme. A parsimonious phylogenetic tree suggests that aphA1-IAB evolved from an ancestral form that is closely related or identical to the aphA1 found in Tn903. The excess of replacement substitutions over silent substitutions in aphA1-IAB, as well as its convergence toward aphA3 from Staphylococcus aureus, is indicative of selective evolution. Our hypothesis to explain these results is that aphA1-IAB evolved under the selective pressure of neomycin use in relatively recent times.  相似文献   

Genomic Imprinting: A Chromatin Connection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Imprinting and deviation from Mendelian transmission ratios.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Deviations from a Mendelian 1:1 transmission ratio have been observed in human and mouse chromosomes. With few exceptions, the underlying mechanism of the transmission-ratio distortion remains obscure. We tested a hypothesis that grandparental-origin dependent transmission-ratio distortion is related to imprinting and possibly results from the loss of embryos which carry imprinted genes with imprinting marks that have been incorrectly reset. We analyzed transmission of alleles in four regions of the human genome that carry imprinted genes presumably critical for normal embryonic growth and development: 11p15.5 (H19, IGF2, HASH2, etc.), 11p13 (WT1), 7p11-12 (GRB10), and 6q25-q27 (IGF2R), among the offspring of 31 three-generation Centre d'Etude de polymorphism Humain (CEPH) families. Deviations from expected 1:1 ratios were found in the maternal chromosomes for regions 11p15.5, 11p13, and 6q25-27 and in the paternal chromosomes for regions 11p15 and 7p11-p12. The likelihood of the results was assessed empirically to be statistically significant (p = 0.0008), suggesting that the transmission ratios in the imprinted regions significantly deviated from 1:1. We did not find deviations from a 1:1 transmission ratio in imprinted regions that are not crucial for embryo viability (13q14 and 15q11-q13). The analysis of a larger set of 51 families for the 11p15.5 region suggests that there is heterogeneity among the families with regard to the transmission of 11p15.5 alleles. The results of this study are consistent with the hypothesis that grandparental-origin dependent transmission-ratio distortion is related to imprinting and embryo loss.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in early 1950s, electroencephalography (EEG) has been widely used in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) for assessment and monitoring of brain function in preterm and term babies. Most common indications are the diagnosis of epileptic seizures, assessment of brain maturity, and recovery from hypoxic-ischemic events. EEG recording techniques and the understanding of neonatal EEG signals have dramatically improved, but these advances have been slow to penetrate through the clinical traditions. The aim of this presentation is to bring theory and practice of advanced EEG recording available for neonatal units. In the theoretical part, we will present animations to illustrate how a preterm brain gives rise to spontaneous and evoked EEG activities, both of which are unique to this developmental phase, as well as crucial for a proper brain maturation. Recent animal work has shown that the structural brain development is clearly reflected in early EEG activity. Most important structures in this regard are the growing long range connections and the transient cortical structure, subplate. Sensory stimuli in a preterm baby will generate responses that are seen at a single trial level, and they have underpinnings in the subplate-cortex interaction. This brings neonatal EEG readily into a multimodal study, where EEG is not only recording cortical function, but it also tests subplate function via different sensory modalities. Finally, introduction of clinically suitable dense array EEG caps, as well as amplifiers capable of recording low frequencies, have disclosed multitude of brain activities that have as yet been overlooked.In the practical part of this video, we show how a multimodal, dense array EEG study is performed in neonatal intensive care unit from a preterm baby in the incubator. The video demonstrates preparation of the baby and incubator, application of the EEG cap, and performance of the sensory stimulations.  相似文献   

SAS-6 is required for centriole biogenesis in diverse eukaryotes. Here, we describe a novel family of SAS-6-like (SAS6L) proteins that share an N-terminal domain with SAS-6 but lack coiled-coil tails. SAS6L proteins are found in a subset of eukaryotes that contain SAS-6, including diverse protozoa and green algae. In the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, SAS-6 localizes to the centriole but SAS6L is found above the conoid, an enigmatic tubulin-containing structure found at the apex of a subset of alveolate organisms. Loss of SAS6L causes reduced fitness in Toxoplasma. The Trypanosoma brucei homolog of SAS6L localizes to the basal-plate region, the site in the axoneme where the central-pair microtubules are nucleated. When endogenous SAS6L is overexpressed in Toxoplasma tachyzoites or Trypanosoma trypomastigotes, it forms prominent filaments that extend through the cell cytoplasm, indicating that it retains a capacity to form higher-order structures despite lacking a coiled-coil domain. We conclude that although SAS6L proteins share a conserved domain with SAS-6, they are a functionally distinct family that predates the last common ancestor of eukaryotes. Moreover, the distinct localization of the SAS6L protein in Trypanosoma and Toxoplasma adds weight to the hypothesis that the conoid complex evolved from flagellar components.  相似文献   

Coevolution of viruses and their hosts represents a dynamic molecular battle between the immune system and viral factors that mediate immune evasion. After the abandonment of smallpox vaccination, cowpox virus infections are an emerging zoonotic health threat, especially for immunocompromised patients. Here we delineate the mechanistic basis of how cowpox viral CPXV012 interferes with MHC class I antigen processing. This type II membrane protein inhibits the coreTAP complex at the step after peptide binding and peptide-induced conformational change, in blocking ATP binding and hydrolysis. Distinct from other immune evasion mechanisms, TAP inhibition is mediated by a short ER-lumenal fragment of CPXV012, which results from a frameshift in the cowpox virus genome. Tethered to the ER membrane, this fragment mimics a high ER-lumenal peptide concentration, thus provoking a trans-inhibition of antigen translocation as supply for MHC I loading. These findings illuminate the evolution of viral immune modulators and the basis of a fine-balanced regulation of antigen processing.  相似文献   

According to contemporary notions, the functional states of the brain are stages of a single continuum, the lower limit of which is a state of coma and sleep, and the upper limit, a state of hyperexcitation and alertness [2, 6, 24, 28, 32, and others].  相似文献   

Use of fluorescent proteins to study in vivo processes in mammals requires near-infrared (NIR) biomarkers that exploit the ability of light in this range to penetrate tissue. Bacteriophytochromes (BphPs) are photoreceptors that couple absorbance of NIR light to photoisomerization, protein conformational changes, and signal transduction. BphPs have been engineered to form NIR fluorophores, including IFP1.4, Wi-Phy, and the iRFP series, initially by replacement of Asp-207 by His. This position was suggestive because its main chain carbonyl is within hydrogen-bonding distance to pyrrole ring nitrogens of the biliverdin chromophore, thus potentially functioning as a crucial transient proton sink during photoconversion. To explain the origin of fluorescence in these phytofluors, we solved the crystal structures of IFP1.4 and a comparison non-fluorescent monomeric phytochrome DrCBDmon. Met-186 and Val-288 in IFP1.4 are responsible for the formation of a tightly packed hydrophobic hub around the biliverdin D ring. Met-186 is also largely responsible for the blue-shifted IFP1.4 excitation maximum relative to the parent BphP. The structure of IFP1.4 revealed decreased structural heterogeneity and a contraction of two surface regions as direct consequences of side chain substitutions. Unexpectedly, IFP1.4 with Asp-207 reinstalled (IFPrev) has a higher fluorescence quantum yield (∼9%) than most NIR phytofluors published to date. In agreement, fluorescence lifetime measurements confirm the exceptionally long excited state lifetimes, up to 815 ps, in IFP1.4 and IFPrev. Our research helps delineate the origin of fluorescence in engineered BphPs and will facilitate the wide-spread adoption of phytofluors as biomarkers.  相似文献   

余升红 《生物技术》2005,15(3):83-85
虽然大多数哺乳动物基因都是双座位表达,但是有一少部分基因发生印迹,只有父母双方基因中的一个实际表达,这种表观遗传过程迁涉到发育不同阶段基因的表达调节,十分复杂,原则上印迹基因在生殖细胞中必须用表观遗传标记顺式标记,这些标记能够通过细胞分裂进行保存,在成熟生物分化细胞中能够指导多基因单座位表达,在生殖细胞形成早期两个座位上的表达差别必须消除,以便在成熟生殖细胞中重新设置印迹,在该文中,概述了目前所知介导这些过程的分子机制。  相似文献   

Evolutionary theorists have posited that contemporary men and women may differ in their specific psychological mechanisms having to do with mate selection because different strategies would have benefitted men versus women in our distant ancestral past. From these theorized gender differences in mating strategies, several hypotheses were generated and subsequently tested in the current study using a large sample of personal advertisements (N = 1111). The results were generally supportive of evolutionary predictions: men were more likely than women to offer financial resources and honesty/ sincerity, and to seek attractiveness, appealing body shape, and a photograph in selecting a potential mate; women were more likely than men to offer an appealing body shape and to seek financial resources, qualities likely to lead to resource acquisition, and honesty/sincerity in potential mates. Women were also more likely than men to seek male friendship and/or companionship and to offer greater involvement only after the establishment of such friendship, whereas men more frequently than women made explicit requests for a sexual relationship. In general, men sought potential mates who were younger than themselves, a trend which became more pronounced among older advertisers. Women generally sought mates who were older than themselves, a trend which decreased slightly with the age of the advertiser. Results are discussed with regard to implications for hypothesized gender differences in evolved psychological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Stars in the late stages of evolution are able to synthesize complex organic compounds with aromatic and aliphatic structures over very short time scales. These compounds are ejected into the interstellar medium and distributed throughout the Galaxy. The structures of these compounds are similar to the insoluble organic matter found in meteorites. In this paper, we discuss to what extent stellar organics has enriched the primordial Solar System and possibly the early Earth.  相似文献   

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