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The marine triclad Pentacoelum hispaniensis is known from a freshwater biotope near Valencia, Spain. Preliminary results suggest a diploid complement of 12 chromosomes for the species. A historical scenario is presented for the occurrence of P. fucoideum in the Caspian Sea and the Baltic Sea, and for the presence of P. hispaniensis in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of Dugesia species from Spain (Turbellaria,Tricladida)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Some species of Planarians, new to Spain, are recorded. Dugesia polychroa, D. sicula, D. iberica and D. gonocephala s. 1. have been investigated karyologically. The former possesses a diploid complement characteristic of the biotype A (2n = 8); the second is diploid with 2n = 18; diploidy and triploidy were found in sexual populations of D. iberica with n = 8. Triploidy occurred in all the asexual strains of the D. gonocephala group with a basic number of either 8 or 9. In this latter case B-chromosomes were occasionally found.  相似文献   

Wrona  Frederick J. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):287-293
The ontogenetic changes in the distribution, abundance, and size of rhabdoids were examined in an undisturbed laboratory population of Dugesia polychroa. Irrespective of triclad age, rhabdoids in the epidermis and parenchyma were more abundant on the dorsal than the ventral side of the body. No significant differences were found in the abundance of epidermal or parenchymal rhabdoids among the anterior, medial, and posterior regions of the body. Rhabdoid number and size changed significantly with triclad age, with a marked depression coinciding with the onset of cocoon production. Rhabdoid discharge was correlated with physical and/or physiological disturbance and occurred in the absence of any overt environmental disturbance. Simple allometric relationships were observed between rhabdoid size and number on one hand and body plan area on the other. Different allometric trends were observed from field-collected individuals compared to the undisturbed laboratory population. The potential function of rhabdoids in the Tricladida is discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Chromosomal evolution in marine triclads and polyclads (Turbellaria)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
From an analysis of chromosomal mutations in seven species among five genera of marine triclads and polyclads, three different types of mechanisms of such mutations are identified: 1) rearrangement involving the centromere such that its position is changed, 2) rearrangement of whole chromosome arms, and 3) Robertsonian mechanisms. These mechanisms are the same as those reported for freshwater turbellarians, but aneuploidy and polyploidy, which are common in freshwater species, were not detected in these marine turbellarians.  相似文献   

A new species of marine planarian, Obrimoposthia aparala sp. nov. , is described from the Crozet Islands and two other species are newly recorded for these islands, viz. 0. wandeli and Synsiphonium ernesti. The only known freshwater triclad from the Crozets, Dugesia seclusa , is redescribed from the type material. The morphology, ecology, and distribution of these four species is discussed.  相似文献   

Freshwater triclads (Turbellaria, Tricladida) from the oriental region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new freshwater triclad species of the genus Dugesia Girard, 1850 are described from the oriental region. The first is the only species of freshwater triclad described from Ceylon and the second, a cavernicolous form, is the only one known from Malaya. A synopsis, in tabular form, of the oriental Dugesia species is also given and some aspects of their distribution are discussed. It is intended that the tabular synopsis should provide diagnostic characters for the delimitation of the new and previously described species, and act as a basis for a future revision of the oriental representatives of the genus, many of which are poorly described or poorly known. Apreliminary dichotomous key to the valid species is also provided.  相似文献   

Two species belonging to the Dugesia gonocephala group are found in the area of Montpellier, France. The karyology of these two species, D. gonocephala s. str. and S. subtentaculata, and of fissiparous Dugesia races has been studied.Two populations belonging to D. gonocephala s. str. are diploids with a chromosome number of 16, whereas the specimens of a third population are sexual aneuploids; the majority of cells possess 24 chromosomes, but some cells contain 23 or 25. The specimens attributable to D. subtentaculata are triploids, the most notable karyological feature being the presence of a single unmatched acrocentric chromosome. The fissiparous Dugesia strains are all aneuploids, the most common chromosome number being 27 with up to three small B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement and the C-banded karyotypes of specimens of Geoplana marginata auct. and of Issoca rezendei (Schirch) were investigated. The diploid and fundamental numbers of the two species were identical (2n = 14; FN = 28). Their karyotypes were similar except for the morphology of chromosome pair 6. Their C-banding patterns differed in quantity and localization of the constitutive heterochromatin. The similarity in karyotypes of these species support the hypothesis, proposed earlier on morphological grounds, that the genera Geoplana Stimpson and Issoca Froehlich are closely related. G. marginata and I. rezendei are the first land planarian species of the Neotropical Region to have their karyotypes described.  相似文献   

Summary Urastoma cyprinae (Graff) is a microturbellarian which has been recorded both as a free-living organism by Westblad (1955) and Marcus (1951) and as a commensal in various lamellibranch molluscs (see Burt & Drinnan 1968). The material used in this study came from oysters, Crassostroea virginica, collected off the coast of Prince Edward Island, in which hosts it occurs in large numbers especially during the summer months when the oysters are spawning (Fleming et al. 1981). When U. cyprinae is exposed to light as happens, for example, when an oyster is opened, it shows a marked negative phototactic response.Preliminary work on the fine structure of the photoreceptors in U. cyprinae shows that the two eyes each consists of: (1) a single cup cell full of relatively large, electron-dense pigment granules; (2) a tripartite conical lens system; and (3) what appear to be two photosensitive rhabdomes. The pigment cup cell has a single, well defined nucleus situated basally and close to the membrane of the pigment cell furthest away from the rhabdomeres. The lens system consists of a cone made up of three, separate but equal, parts. Each part has two, flat inner surfaces which join at an angle of 120°, an outer rounded surface, and a rounded upper surface. When these three parts fit together, the cone-shaped lens is formed with the apex of the lens within the cup of the pigment cell and the rounded, convex, broad end of the cone lying more or less at the same level as the top of the pigment cup and below the epidermis layer. The rhabdomeres lie between the electron dense lenses and the inside of the pigment cup. They show connections to the visual cells which are bipolar: one extension joining the rhabdomeres; the other constituting the axon which extends into the centrally situated brain or into the longitudinal, lateral nerves. The axons that enter the brain, form connections with other axons from the other eye. The axons that extend posteriorly in a lateral position, presumably play a role in facilitating the avoidance reaction.The chemical nature of the unusual lens has not yet been determined. This is presently under investigation and will be reported later at which time our work will be discussed in relation to other types of rhabdomeric eyes in the Turbellaria.  相似文献   

Five specimens, presumably representing different developmental stages of the land planarian Kontikia mexicana (Hyman, 1939), were used to reconstruct the development of the copulatory apparatus in this species. The results support the notion that Kontikia differs from the closely related Caenoplana in its possession of a penis papilla. In the earliest stage available, a penis papilla was absent and other components were not differentiated. In a late-juvenile condition, the gonopore, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct were present. The short penis papilla appeared to arise in this stage by elongation of the terminal tissue around the ejaculatory duct and its separation from the antral wall. The female canal was guarded by an epithelial fold and the glandular duct was present. In the mature condition, the penis papilla was more elongate, and the secretory (prostatic) region of the ejaculatory duct was functional. The female canal, guarded by an epithelial fold, was well-developed with enlarged glandular duct but lacking the posterior diverticulum and the sperm storage system associated with the ovovitelline ducts known in Kontikia orana Froehlich, 1955.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of Dugesia japonica from the southern part of the Southwest Islands of Japan (the Nansei Shotô) include diploidy, triploidy, mixoploidy, and mixoaneuploidy. Animals having karyotypes based on n = 8 were found on Okinawa Island, Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, and Yonaguni Island, while animals having karyotypes based on n = 7 were found on Okinawa Island, Miyako Island, and Ishigaki Island. Toward the northern end of this island chain, at Tanegashima Island, Yakushima Island, and Amami-Ôshima Island, karyotypes based on n = 8 occurred; and on one of these, Tanegashima Island, n = 7 also occurred. Our data provide further support of the karyotypical distinction between the two subspecies of D. japonica: D. j. japonica has karyotypes based on n = 8 and D. j. ryukyuensis has karyotypes based on n = 7. Taking into consideration the geological history of the Southwest Islands and the ties of their faunas to those of adjacent areas, we can explain the current geographical distribution of the two subspecies in these islands as the result of two separate invasions by D. japonica, one in the Miocene and one after the early Quaternary.  相似文献   

L. Winsor 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):349-352
Traditionally used methods for collecting and preserving terrestrial flatworms have proved deficient in various respects. Comparison of methods for preparing these animals for taxonomic study has shown that preservation of morphological characters can best be achieved using formaldehyde-calcium-cobalt fixative and subsequent storage in an aqueous solution of propylene phenoxetol plus propylene glycol and that the best-lasting histological preparations make use of light-fast, oxidation-resistant dyes and synthetic mounting media with an anti-oxidant.  相似文献   

A review of previous studies on the taxonomy, karyology and chorology of a polymorphic species Dugesia japonica from the Far East is presented. Two subspecies are now known: D. j. japonica (n = 8, 2x = 16, 3x = 24) and D. j. ryukyuensis (n = 7, 2x = 14, 3x = 21). An attempt has also been made to determine the definition of the B-chromosome as LB and SB and the variation of the karyotypes of both subspecies is described. Every known karyotype of D. japonica is classified into six groups (see Table 2). D. japonica from many localities has a diploid karyotype (2x), a triploid karyotype (3x) and an orthoploidic mixoploid karyotype of 2x & 3x. The origin and the karyological significance of these karyotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of the isolation of repetitive DNA elements in the genome of Dugesia etrusca, a species of the Dugesia gonocephala group, are reported. These sequences, about 1.4 kb long, represent only a part of longer interspersed genomic units (De1 family) and appear to be limited to the genome of some planarians of this group, as indicated by a Southern blot analysis performed in different species and populations. The genomic relationships among different species and populations of the D. gonocephala group are discussed in relation to the results obtained in the present work. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Isao Hori 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):217-222
The earliest detectable change during regeneration of the gastrodermis in Dugesia japonica was an aggregation of regenerative cells underneath the gastrodermis remaining at the wound margin. The gastrodermal cells in experimental regenerates retained some of their original characters and presented no indication of cell dedifferentiation. The regenerative cells came into contact with the basal surface of gastrodermal cells, forming stratified cell layers. Differentiation of these cells into gastrodermal cells was initiated by the development of synthetic organelles within their cytoplasm. These differentiating cells gave rise to two different types of gastrodermal cells, namely phagocytic cells and sphere cells. In later stages, there was an apparent movement of differentiated gastrodermal cells towards the parenchyma.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and distributional statuses of the freshwater planarians of South America are imperfectly understood, and a comprehensive review is sorely needed. The species known from the vicinity of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was first described by Böhmig (1902) under the name Planaria dubia Borelli, 1895. Subsequent authors (Kenk, 1930, 1974; Cazzaniga & Curino, 1987) have cast doubt on this assignation. Some have assigned it to Dugesia anceps Kenk; Hyman (1959) was inclined to regard the Buenos Aires planarian as a geographical variant of Dugesia sanchezi Hyman. A comparison of D. sanchezi from the mountainous region of central Chile with specimens from Buenos Aires confirms that the Argentinian material is a distinct species.The differences between the two species are subtle. The Argentinian specimens are distinctive in their possession of infranucleate epithelia of the atria, penis, and bursal canal, as well as in their penial structure. In both species, the epithelia of the atria and bursal canal are glandular. Those of D. sanchezi are nucleate and their secretions are cyanophilous. In the Argentinian specimens, these same epithelia are infranucleate; but while the secretion of the bursal canal is indeed cyanophilous, that of the atrium is erythrophilous. The presence, in these same specimens, of cyanophilous glands opening into the penial vesicles, and of erythrophilous glands whose secretions contribute to a viscous plug in the ejaculatory duct, suggests a difference in the physiology of copulation.It is apparent that the Argentinian specimens are distinct from D. sanchezi Hyman, and probably they represent a new species, one to be described in detail elsewhere. In any case, Hyman's (1959) suggestion that D. sanchezi occurs near Buenos Aires is mistaken; so also is Cazzaniga's & Curino's (1987) identification of specimens from Buenos Aires as D. anceps.  相似文献   

Dugesia bengalensis was described by Kawakatsu (Kawakatsu et al., 1983) from specimens collected in West Bengal. We have been studying populations from many different localities in Santiniketan and adjoining areas of West Bengal and can provide additional biological information.The species is hermaphroditic, and its breeding season was found to occur usually between October and March when the winter temperature falls below 25 °C. Outside of the breeding season, D. bengalensis is capable of asexual reproduction by binary fission (Mahapatra et al., 1987).Development of the reproductive organs appeared to be from neoblasts and other mesenchymal cells and, therefore, to be like that typical of other triclads with the exception that some of the neoblasts used for the reproductive tissue appeared to be derived from the intestinal region (Ghosh, 1988; cf. Teshirogi, 1986).During copulation, the partners were oriented in the same direction and not in a head-to-tail position as has been reported (Hyman, 1945) for some planarians.The oval, stalked cocoons were laid in marshy places, and during the period of summer (usually from April to June) they lay dormant in the sandy soil until the onset of the monsoon rains. Then, typically three or four months after they were laid, the cocoons hatched to yield three or four young, a remarkably low number for freshwater triclads (cf Ball & Reynoldson, 1981).  相似文献   

The organization of the nervous system ofProcerodes littoralis (Tricladida, Maricola, Procerodidae) was studied by immunocytochemistry, using antibodies to authentic flatworm neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa). Compared to earlier investigations of the neuroanatomy of tricladid flatworms, the pattern of NPF immunoreactivity inProcerodes littoralis reveals differences in the following respects: 1. Shape and structure of the brain. 2. Number and composition of longitudinal nerve cords. 3. Shape of branches of, and transverse connections between, main ventral nerve cords. 4. Composition of the pharyngeal nervous system. The rich innervation by NPF immunoreactive (IR) fibres and cells of the subepithelial muscle layer, the pharynx musculature and the musculature of the male copulatory apparatus indicates a neurotransmitter or neuromodulatory influence on muscular activity.  相似文献   

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