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There are many well-known examples of proteins with low sequence similarity, adopting the same structural fold. This aspect of sequence-structure relationship has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically, however with limited success. Most of the studies consider remote homology or "sequence conservation" as the basis for their understanding. Recently "interaction energy" based network formalism (Protein Energy Networks (PENs)) was developed to understand the determinants of protein structures. In this paper we have used these PENs to investigate the common non-covalent interactions and their collective features which stabilize the TIM barrel fold. We have also developed a method of aligning PENs in order to understand the spatial conservation of interactions in the fold. We have identified key common interactions responsible for the conservation of the TIM fold, despite high sequence dissimilarity. For instance, the central beta barrel of the TIM fold is stabilized by long-range high energy electrostatic interactions and low-energy contiguous vdW interactions in certain families. The other interfaces like the helix-sheet or the helix-helix seem to be devoid of any high energy conserved interactions. Conserved interactions in the loop regions around the catalytic site of the TIM fold have also been identified, pointing out their significance in both structural and functional evolution. Based on these investigations, we have developed a novel network based phylogenetic analysis for remote homologues, which can perform better than sequence based phylogeny. Such an analysis is more meaningful from both structural and functional evolutionary perspective. We believe that the information obtained through the "interaction conservation" viewpoint and the subsequently developed method of structure network alignment, can shed new light in the fields of fold organization and de novo computational protein design.  相似文献   

It has recently been discovered that globular proteins are universally built from standard loop-n-lock units of about 30 amino acid residues. The hypothesis has been put forward on the loop stage in the protein evolution when the units were autonomous. Later they joined together making longer chains. One would expect that the early individual loop-n-lock elements might still be detected in modern protein sequences as remnants of the hypothetical 30-residue sequence prototypes. Among several strong sequence motifs, extracted from protein sequences of 23 complete bacterial proteomes, one 32-residue prototype was studied here in detail. Numerous sequence segments related to the prototype are identified in the crystal structures of proteins of a PDB_SELECT database. Analysis of the respective chain trajectories for the cases with different degrees of sequence conservation confirms that the majority of the segments correspond to the closed loops. In the evolutionary diversification of the prototypes the secondary structure yields first, while the sequence is still moderately conserved. The last feature to go is the chain return property. Apparently, the opening of the loops would severely destabilize the protein fold, which explains their conservation.  相似文献   


The closed loops within the proteins of the TIM-barrel fold family are analyzed and compared sequence- and structure-wise. The size distribution of the closed loops of the TIM-barrels confirms universal preference to the standard size of 25–30 residues. 3D structural RMSD comparisons of the closed loops and presentation of their sequences in binary form suggest that the TIM-barrel proteins are built from descendants of several types of basic closed loop prototypes. Comparison of these prototypes points to a likely common ancestor—the alpha helix containing closed loops of 28 amino acids. The presumed ancestor is characterized by specific binary consensus sequence.  相似文献   

The eightfold (betaalpha) barrel structure, first observed in triose-phosphate isomerase, occurs ubiquitously in nature. It is nearly always an enzyme and most often involved in molecular or energy metabolism within the cell. In this review we bring together data on the sequence, structure and function of the proteins known to adopt this fold. We highlight the sequence and functional diversity in the 21 homologous superfamilies, which include 76 different sequence families. In many structures, the barrels are "mixed and matched" with other domains generating additional variety. Global and local structure-based alignments are used to explore the distribution of the associated functional residues on this common structural scaffold. Many of the substrates/co-factors include a phosphate moiety, which is usually but not always bound towards the C-terminal end of the sequence. Some, but not all, of these structures, exhibit a structurally conserved "phosphate binding motif". In contrast metal-ligating residues and catalytic residues are distributed along the sequence. However, we also found striking structural superposition of some of these residues. Lastly we consider the possible evolutionary relationships between these proteins, whose sequences are so diverse that even the most powerful approaches find few relationships, yet whose active sites all cluster at one end of the barrel. This extreme example of the "one fold-many functions" paradigm illustrates the difficulty of assigning function through a structural genomics approach for some folds.  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠类型分类是蛋白质分类研究的重要内容。以SCOP数据库中的 PH domain-like barrel 折叠类型为研究对象,选择序列相似度小于25%的61个样本为检验集,通过结构特征分析,确定了该折叠类型的模板及其对应的特征参数,利用模板与待测蛋白的空间结构比对信息,提出了一个新的折叠类型打分函数Fscore,建立了基于Fscore的蛋白质折叠类型分类方法并用于该折叠类型的分类。用此方法对Astral1.75中序列相似度小于95%的16711个样本进行检验,分类结果的特异性为99.97%。结果表明:特征参数抓住了折叠类型的本质,打分函数Fscore及基于Fscore建立的分类方法可用于 PH domain-like barrel 蛋白质折叠类型自动分类。  相似文献   

The proposed kinetic folding mechanism of the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), a TIM barrel protein, displays multiple unfolded and intermediate forms which fold through four parallel pathways to reach the native state. To obtain insight into the secondary structure that stabilizes a set of late, highly populated kinetic intermediates, the refolding of urea-denatured alphaTS from Escherichia coli was monitored by pulse-quench hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry. Following dilution from 8 M urea, the protein was pulse-labeled with deuterium, quenched with acid and mass analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Hydrogen bonds that form prior to the pulse of deuterium offer protection against exchange and, therefore, retain protons at the relevant amide bonds. Consistent with the proposed refolding model, an intermediate builds up rapidly and decays slowly over the first 100 seconds of folding. ESI-MS analysis of the peptic fragments derived from alphaTS mass-labeled and quenched after two seconds of refolding indicates that the pattern of protection of the backbone amide hydrogens in this transient intermediate is very similar to that observed previously for the equilibrium intermediate of alphaTS highly populated at 3 M urea. The protection observed in a contiguous set of beta-strands and alpha-helices in the N terminus implies a significant role for this sub-domain in directing the folding of this TIM barrel protein.  相似文献   

An important step in understanding how a protein folds is to determine those regions of the sequence that are critical to both its stability and its folding pathway. We chose phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase from Escherichia coli, which is a monomeric representative of the (beta alpha)8 barrel family of proteins, to construct a variant that carries an internal tandem duplication of the fifth beta alpha module. This (beta alpha)9 variant was enzymically active and therefore must have a wild-type (beta alpha)8 core. It had a choice a priori to fold to three different folding frames, which are distinguished by carrying the duplicated segment as an insert into one out of three different loops. Steady-state kinetic constants, the fluorescence properties of a crucial tryptophan residue, and limited proteolysis showed that the stable (beta alpha)9 variant carries the insertion between beta-strand 5 and alpha-helix 5. This preference can be explained by the important role of loops between alpha helices and beta strands in stabilizing the structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

TIM proteins of alpha/beta barrel fold from alpha/beta class as given in SCOP database were taken for dipole moment analysis. In all, 32 structures were analyzed for their dipole moment contributions. Representative structures from 20 super families in the alpha/beta fold, with different enzyme functions and 12 protein domains of TIM family in TIM super family were considered. The active sites of these proteins are located on the C-terminal side of the beta-strands. The molecules of same alpha/beta fold, but differing in their functionality also showed a common electrostatic field pattern along the barrel axis and had the dipole moment along the barrel axis and towards C-terminal end of the beta-strands. However, it is observed from our calculations that the dipole moment direction is possibly a consequence of the structural fold, with distribution of charges playing a modulatory role, and does not contribute to the location of active site. We show here that apart from the commonly held view as proposed by Hol et al [Hol W G L, van Duijnen PT and Berendsen H J C (1978) Nature (London), 273, 443-446] of the role of the alpha helical dipole moment, the beta-sheets in the barrel can also have a considerable dipole moment contribution. Taken together with our dipole moment analysis on integral membrane proteins [Vasanthi G and Krishnaswamy S (2002) Indian J Biochem Biophys 39, 93-100], this suggests the need to examine the role of dipole moment in the case of especially beta sheets forming barrels.  相似文献   

Here, we report the identification of Ulip6, a novel unc-33 and dihydropyrimidinase related protein that belongs to the Ulip/CRMP protein family. Ulip6 was found in a yeast two-hybrid screen using the neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 as bait. The rat and human Ulip6 sequences are highly homologous and most closely related to the liver enzyme dihydropyrimidinase (Ulip5). Northern and Western analysis of rat tissues revealed that the distribution of the Ulip6 mRNA and protein resembles those of brain-type Ulip proteins. Like Ulip1–4, Ulip6 is highly expressed in embryonic and early postnatal brain and spinal cord. These findings are consistent with Ulip6 having a function in neuronal differentiation and/or axon growth.  相似文献   

The cis/trans isomerization of prolyl peptide bonds has been suggested to dominate the folding of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli (alphaTS). To test the role of the unique cis isomer between Asp27 and Pro28, the folding properties of P28A, P28G and G(3)P28G, a three-glycine insertion mutant between Asp27 and Gly28, were investigated using urea as a denaturant. Circular dichroism analysis demonstrated that none of the mutations perturb the secondary structure significantly, although the aromatic side-chain packing is altered for P28A and P28G. All three mutant proteins inherited the three-state thermodynamic behavior observed in wild-type alphaTS, ensuring that the fundamental features of the energy surface are intact. Kinetic studies showed that neither alanine nor glycine substitutions at Pro28 results in the elimination of any slow-refolding phases. By contrast, the G(3)P28G mutant eliminates the fastest of the slow-refolding phases and one of the two unfolding phases. Double-jump experiments on G(3)P28G confirm the assignment of the missing refolding phase to the isomerization of the Asp27-Pro28 peptide bond. These results imply that the local stability conveyed by the tight, overlapping turns containing the cis peptide bond is sufficient to favor the cis isomer for several non-prolyl residues. The free energy required to drive the isomerization reaction is provided by the formation of the stable intermediate, demonstrating that the acquisition of structure and stability is required to induce subsequent rate-limiting steps in the folding of alphaTS.  相似文献   

The ability to construct novel enzymes is a major aim in de novo protein design. A popular enzyme fold for design attempts is the TIM barrel. This fold is a common topology for enzymes and can harbor many diverse reactions. The recent de novo design of a four‐fold symmetric TIM barrel provides a well understood minimal scaffold for potential enzyme designs. Here we explore opportunities to extend and diversify this scaffold by adding a short de novo helix on top of the barrel. Due to the size of the protein, we developed a design pipeline based on computational ab initio folding that solves a less complex sub‐problem focused around the helix and its vicinity and adapt it to the entire protein. We provide biochemical characterization and a high‐resolution X‐ray structure for one variant and compare it to our design model. The successful extension of this robust TIM‐barrel scaffold opens opportunities to diversify it towards more pocket like arrangements and as such can be considered a building block for future design of binding or catalytic sites.  相似文献   

The role of native contact topology in the folding of a TIM barrel model based on the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Salmonella typhimurium (Protein Data Bank structure 1BKS) was studied using both equilibrium and kinetic simulations. Equilibrium simulations of alphaTS reveal the population of two intermediate ensembles, I1 and I2, during unfolding/refolding at the folding temperature, Tf = 335 K. Equilibrium intermediate I1 demonstrates discrete structure in regions alpha0-beta6 whereas intermediate I2 is a loose ensemble of states with N-terminal structure varying from at least beta1-beta3 (denoted I2A) to alpha0-beta4 at most (denoted I2B). The structures of I1 and I2 match well with the two intermediate states detected in equilibrium folding experiments of Escherichia coli alphaTS. Kinetic folding simulations of alphaTS reveal the sequential population of four intermediate ensembles, I120Q, I200Q, I300Q, and I360Q, during refolding. Kinetic intermediates I120Q, I200Q, and I300Q are highly similar to equilibrium alphaTS intermediates I2A, I2B, and I1, respectively, consistent with kinetic experiments on alphaTS from E. coli. A small population (approximately 10%) of kinetic trajectories are trapped in the I120Q intermediate ensemble and require a slow and complete unfolding step to properly refold. Both the on-pathway and off-pathway I120Q intermediates show structure in beta1-beta3, which is also strikingly consistent with kinetic folding experiments of alphaTS. In the off-pathway intermediate I(120Q), helix alpha2 is wrapped in a nonnative chiral arrangement around strand beta3, sterically preventing the subsequent folding step between beta3 and beta4. These results demonstrate the success of combining kinetic and equilibrium simulations of minimalist protein models to explore TIM barrel folding and the folding of other large proteins.  相似文献   

Fold recognition results allocate catalytic triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrels to seven previously unassigned glycoside hydrolase (GH) families, numbers 29, 44, 50, 71, 84, 85 and 89, enabling prediction of catalytic residues. Modelling of GH family 50 suggests that it may be the common evolutionary ancestor of families 42 and 14. TIM barrels now comprise the catalytic domains of more than half of the assigned GH families, and catalyse a much larger variety of GH reactions than any other catalytic domain architecture. Only 327 GH sequences still have no structurally identified catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Closed chromatin loops at the ends of chromosomes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The termini of eukaryotic chromosomes contain specialized protective structures, the telomeres, composed of TTAGGG repeats and associated proteins which, together with telomerase, control telomere length. Telomere shortening is associated with senescence and inappropriate telomerase activity may lead to cancer. Little is known about the chromatin context of telomeres, because, in most cells, telomere chromatin is tightly anchored within the nucleus. We now report the successful release of telomere chromatin from chicken erythrocyte and mouse lymphocyte nuclei, both of which have a reduced karyoskeleton. Electron microscopy reveals telomere chromatin fibers in the form of closed terminal loops, which correspond to the "t-loop" structures adopted by telomere DNA. The ability to recognize isolated telomeres in their native chromatin conformation opens the way for detailed structural and compositional studies.  相似文献   

A kinetic folding mechanism for the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli, involving four parallel channels with multiple native, intermediate and unfolded forms, has recently been proposed. The hypothesis that cis/trans isomerization of several Xaa-Pro peptide bonds is the source of the multiple folding channels was tested by measuring the sensitivity of the three rate-limiting phases (tau(1), tau(2), tau(3)) to catalysis by cyclophilin, a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase. Although the absence of catalysis for the tau(1) (fast) phase leaves its assignment ambiguous, our previous mutational analysis demonstrated its connection to the unique cis peptide bond preceding proline 28. The acceleration of the tau(2) (medium) and tau(3) (slow) refolding phases by cyclophilin demonstrated that cis/trans prolyl isomerization is also the source of these phases. A collection of proline mutants, which covered all of the remaining 18 trans proline residues of alphaTS, was constructed to obtain specific assignments for these phases. Almost all of the mutant proteins retained the complex equilibrium and kinetic folding properties of wild-type alphaTS; only the P217A, P217G and P261A mutations caused significant changes in the equilibrium free energy surface. Both the P78A and P96A mutations selectively eliminated the tau(1) folding phase, while the P217M and P261A mutations eliminated the tau(2) and tau(3) folding phases, respectively. The redundant assignment of the tau(1) phase to Pro28, Pro78 and Pro96 may reflect their mutual interactions in non-random structure in the unfolded state. The non-native cis isomers for Pro217 and Pro261 may destabilize an autonomous C-terminal folding unit, thereby giving rise to kinetically distinct unfolded forms. The nature of the preceding amino acid, the solvent exposure, or the participation in specific elements of secondary structure in the native state, in general, are not determinative of the proline residues whose isomerization reactions can limit folding.  相似文献   

This study describes three novel homozygous missense mutations (S75R, S201Y, and D204N) in the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) lyase gene, which caused 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria in patients from Germany, England, and Argentina. Expression studies in Escherichia coli show that S75R and S201Y substitutions completely abolished the HMG-CoA lyase activity, whereas D204N reduced catalytic efficiency to 6.6% of the wild type. We also propose a three-dimensional model for human HMG-CoA lyase containing a (betaalpha)8 (TIM) barrel structure. The model is supported by the similarity with analogous TIM barrel structures of functionally related proteins, by the localization of catalytic amino acids at the active site, and by the coincidence between the shape of the substrate (HMG-CoA) and the predicted inner cavity. The three novel mutations explain the lack of HMG-CoA lyase activity on the basis of the proposed structure: in S75R and S201Y because the new amino acid residues occlude the substrate cavity, and in D204N because the mutation alters the electrochemical environment of the active site. We also report the localization of all missense mutations reported to date and show that these mutations are located in the beta-sheets around the substrate cavity.  相似文献   

Beta-galactosidase (lacZ) from Escherichia coli is a 464 kDa homotetramer. Each subunit consists of five domains, the third being an alpha/beta barrel that contains most of the active site residues. A comparison is made between each of the domains and a large set of proteins representative of all structures from the protein data bank. Many structures include an alpha/beta barrel. Those that are most similar to the alpha/beta barrel of E. coli beta-galactosidase have similar catalytic residues and belong to the so-called "4/7 superfamily" of glycosyl hydrolases. The structure comparison suggests that beta-amylase should also be included in this family. Of three structure comparison methods tested, the "ProSup" procedure of Zu-Kang and Sippl and the "Superimpose" procedure of Diederichs were slightly superior in discriminating the members of this superfamily, although all procedures were very powerful in identifying related protein structures. Domains 1, 2, and 4 of E. coli beta-galactosidase have topologies related to "jelly-roll barrels" and "immunoglobulin constant" domains. This fold also occurs in the cellulose binding domains (CBDs) of a number of glycosyl hydrolases. The fold of domain 1 of E. coli beta-galactosidase is closely related to some CBDs, and the domain contributes to substrate binding, but in a manner unrelated to cellulose binding by the CBDs. This is typical of domains 1, 2, 4, and 5, which appear to have been recruited to play roles in beta-galactosidase that are unrelated to the functions that such domains provide in other contexts. It is proposed that beta-galactosidase arose from a prototypical single domain alpha/beta barrel with an extended active site cleft. The subsequent incorporation of elements from other domains could then have reduced the size of the active site from a cleft to a pocket to better hydrolyze the disaccharide lactose and, at the same time, to facilitate the production of inducer, allolactose.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from S. typhimurium belongs to the triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) or the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel fold, one of the most common structures in biology. To test the conservation of the global fold in the isolated Escherichia coli homolog, we have obtained a majority of the backbone assignments for the 29-kD alphaTS by using standard heteronuclear multidimensional NMR methods on uniformly (15)N- and (15)N/(13)C-labeled protein and on protein selectively (15)N-labeled at key hydrophobic residues. The secondary structure mapped by chemical shift index, nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs), and hydrogen-deuterium (H-D) exchange, and several abnormal chemical shifts are consistent with the conservation of the global TIM barrel fold of the isolated E. coli alphaTS. Because most of the amide protons that are slow to exchange with solvent correspond to the beta-sheet residues, the beta-barrel is likely to play an important role in stabilizing the previously detected folding intermediates for E. coli alphaTS. A similar combination of uniform and selective labeling can be extended to other TIM barrel proteins to obtain insight into the role of the motif in stabilizing what appear to be common partially folded forms.  相似文献   

Competing views of the products of sub-millisecond folding reactions observed in many globular proteins have been ascribed either to the formation of discrete, partially folded states or to the random collapse of the unfolded chain under native-favoring conditions. To test the validity of these alternative interpretations for the stopped-flow burst-phase reaction in the (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel motif, a series of alanine replacements were made at five different leucine or isoleucine residues in the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli. This protein has been proposed to fold, in the sub-millisecond time range, to an off-pathway intermediate with significant stability and approximately 50% of the far-UV circular dichroism (CD) signal of the native conformation. Individual alanine replacements at any of three isoleucine or leucine residues in either alpha1, beta2 or beta3 completely eliminate the off-pathway species. These variants, within 5 ms, access an intermediate whose properties closely resemble those of an on-pathway equilibrium intermediate that is highly populated at moderate urea concentrations in wild-type alphaTS. By contrast, alanine replacements for leucine residues in either beta4 or beta6 destabilize but preserve the off-pathway, burst-phase species. When considered with complementary thermodynamic and kinetic data, this mutational analysis demonstrates that the sub-millisecond appearance of CD signal for alphaTS reflects the acquisition of secondary structure in a distinct thermodynamic state, not the random collapse of an unfolded chain. The contrasting results for replacements in the contiguous alpha1/beta2/beta3 domain and the C-terminal beta4 and beta6 strands imply a heterogeneous structure for the burst-phase species. The alpha1/beta2/beta3 domain appears to be tightly packed, and the C terminus appears to behave as a molten-globule-like structure whose folding is tightly coupled to that of the alpha1/beta2/beta3 domain.  相似文献   

Three catabolic enzymes, UlaD, UlaE, and UlaF, are involved in a pathway leading to fermentation of l-ascorbate under anaerobic conditions. UlaD catalyzes a beta-keto acid decarboxylation reaction to produce L-xylulose-5-phosphate, which undergoes successive epimerization reactions with UlaE (L-xylulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase) and UlaF (L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase), yielding D-xylulose-5-phosphate, an intermediate in the pentose phosphate pathway. We describe here crystallographic studies of UlaE from Escherichia coli O157:H7 that complete the structural characterization of this pathway. UlaE has a triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel fold and forms dimers. The active site is located at the C-terminal ends of the parallel beta-strands. The enzyme binds Zn(2+), which is coordinated by Glu155, Asp185, His211, and Glu251. We identified a phosphate-binding site formed by residues from the beta1/alpha1 loop and alpha3' helix in the N-terminal region. This site differs from the well-characterized phosphate-binding motif found in several TIM barrel superfamilies that is located at strands beta7 and beta8. The intrinsic flexibility of the active site region is reflected by two different conformations of loops forming part of the substrate-binding site. Based on computational docking of the L-xylulose 5-phosphate substrate to UlaE and structural similarities of the active site of this enzyme to the active sites of other epimerases, a metal-dependent epimerization mechanism for UlaE is proposed, and Glu155 and Glu251 are implicated as catalytic residues. Mutation and activity measurements for structurally equivalent residues in related epimerases supported this mechanistic proposal.  相似文献   

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