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Tan JH  Zhou Q  Xu LB  Zhang QM  Qin PC 《Theriogenology》1994,42(1):173-181
Parameters of electrofusion of 2-cell mouse embryos were optimized for application as a model for nuclear transplantation. There was considerable lysis of embryos with M(2) as the medium for fusion; however, 100% fusion (n = 58) was obtained with a single 0.31-kv / cm, 1280-musec pulse. With mannitol and sucrose solutions as the medium, a wide range of field strengths (0.31-1.41 kv / cm for 0.26 M sucrose solution and 0.31 to 2.04 kv / cm for 0.3 M mannitol solution) and durations of the electrical pulse (10-1280 musec) resulted in high rates of fusion (often 100%). Likewise, osmolarity of sucrose and mannitol solutions did not affect the rate of fusion using a 0.47-kv / cm pulse. With a field strength of 2.04 kv / cm, the proportion of embryos that fused in mannitol solution increased (P<0.05) and the proportion that were lysed decreased (P<0.05) as osmolarity increased. Both fused (162 642 , 25%) and control embryos (32 72 , 44%) continued to develop in culture for 48 h, after which they began to compact. Fused embryos were only at the 4-cell stage by this time, while control embryos were at the 8-cell stage. Optimal pulse durations are plotted for field strengths between 0.31 and 1.41 kv / cm with 0.26 M sucrose as fusion medium.  相似文献   

Isolation of endo A cDNA from mouse 8-cell stage embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To analyse the species of genes expressed in a cleavage stage mouse embryo, we have constructed a cDNA library containing 3.0 x 10(5) independent clones from about 2 x 10(3) embryos at the 8-cell stage of development. Endo A cDNA prepared from parietal yolk sac endoderm like PYS-2 cells was used to screen the library. Southern blot analyses using the endo A sequence as a probe and restriction mapping analyses revealed that four independent recombinants had been inserted endo A sequence. Sequencing data of these clones showed that endo A mRNA present in the 8-cell stage embryo is identical to that of parietal yolk sac endoderm cells.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos of the ddY strain fertilized in vitro undergo the first cleavage to the 2-cell stage but not the second cleavage even 45 hr after insemination (2-cell block). We examined the phosphorylation state of p34cdc2 and histone H1 kinase activity in mouse 2-cell embryos to investigate the relationship of p34cdc2 with 2-cell block. In the first mitotic cell cycle, the amount of phosphorylated forms of p34cdc2, which were detected as the bands of retarded mobility on SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting with anti-p34cdc2 antibody, increased during interphase and abruptly decreased at M phase. Concomitant with this dephosphorylation, histone H1 kinase activity was increased. After the embryos cleaved to the 2-cell stage, the amounts of phosphorylated forms of p34cdc2 increased up to 33 hr after insemination. However, the activation of histone H1 kinase did not occur and the states of phosphorylation of p34cdc2 did not show any significant changes until 45 hr. In contrast, 2-cell embryos of B6C3F1 mice, which do not show a 2-cell block and develop normally to blastocysts in vitro, exhibit the dephosphorylation of p34cdc2 and an increase in histone H1 kinase activity between 31 and 45 hr after insemination. When the ddY mouse embryos arrested at the 2-cell stage were treated with okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A, the dephosphorylation of p34cdc2 occurred and histone H1 kinase activity increased. The chromosomes of these embryos stained with 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole revealed the initiation of condensation. These results suggest that 2-cell-blocked embryos contain enough p34cdc2 to induce mitotic events but the protein remains in a latent form.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine causes a 2-cell block in random-bred mouse embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ham's F-10, a chemically defined, complex culture medium, commonly used for in vitro fertilization of human as well as animal oocytes, blocked development at the 2-cell stage of greater than 92% of embryos from random-bred Swiss mice (CD-1), but did not block development of embryos from hybrid-inbred mice (BDF1). In contrast, BWW, a simple, modified Kreb's-Ringer bicarbonate medium, supported development to blastocysts of 85% and 100% of 2-cell embryos from CD1 and BDF1 females, respectively. As little as 15% (v/v) Ham's F-10 added to the BWW blocked the development of the random-bred embryos. Supplementing the BWW with Ham's F-10 components revealed that hypoxanthine (6-30 microM) was responsible for the developmental block to the random-bred embryos. The hypoxanthine block was partially (40%) reversed by adding the chelating agent, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Breeding experiments showed that the hypoxanthine sensitivity of embryos from CD-1 mothers was not affected by the paternal genome.  相似文献   

Delay of ZGA initiation occurred in 2-cell blocked mouse embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qiu JJ  Zhang WW  Wu ZL  Wang YH  Qian M  Li YP 《Cell research》2003,13(3):179-185
One-cell mouse embryos from KM strain and B6C3F1 strain were cultured in M16 medium, in which2-cell block generally occurs. Embryos of KM strain exhibited 2-cell block, whereas B6C3F1 embryos,which are regarded as a nonblocking strain, proceeded to the 4-cell stage in our culture condition. It is oftenassumed that the block of early development is due to the failure of zygotic gene activation (ZGA) in culturedembryos. In this study we examined protein synthesis patterns by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of[35^S] methionine radiolabeled 2-cell embryos. Embryos from the blocking strain and the nonblocking strainwere compared in their development both in vitro and in vivo. The detection of TRC expression, a markerof ZGA, at 42 h post hCG in KM embryos developed in vitro suggested that ZGA was also initiated even inthe 2-cell arrested embryos. Nevertheless, a significant delay of ZGA was observed in KM strain as comparedwith normally developed B6C3F1 embryos. At the very beginning of major ZGA as early as 36 h post hCG,TRC has already been expressed in B6C3F1 embryos developed in vitro and KM embryos developed in vivo.But for 2-cell blocked KM embryos, TRC was still not detectable even at 38 h post hCG. These evidences suggest that 2-cell-blocked embryos do initiate ZGA, and that 2-cell block phenomenon is due not to the disability in initiating ZGA, but to a delay of ZGA.  相似文献   

This paper reports studies on the effects of re-vitrification by the CPS (Closed Pulled Straw) method on the development of 4-cell stage mouse embryos. The procedure involved culturing 2-cell mouse embryos in G-1 medium until the 4-cell stage followed by the division of the normal 4-cell stage embryos into a control group (non-vitrified) and two experimental subgroups (vitrified and re-vitrified). Embryos in the vitrified subgroup were cryopreserved by the CPS vitrification method. In the second experimental subgroup (re-vitrified), embryos that were already vitrified were warmed and cryopreserved again by the same method. There was no significant reduction in the rate of blastocyst formation after vitrification and re-vitrification. However, re-vitrification reduced the total cell number, ICM (inner cell mass) percent and blastocyst diameter (P<0.05). These results showed that vitrification and re-vitrification by the CPS method did not negatively affect the development of vitrified-warmed 4-cell mouse embryos, whereas re-vitrification significantly reduced both the cell number and diameter of blastocysts.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the developmental arrest at the 2-cell stage of 1-cell embryos from some mouse strains during in vitro culture is known as the 2-cell block. We investigated the specific factors involved in the 2-cell block of AKR embryos by means of a modified culture system, the production of reconstructed embryos by pronuclear exchange and a cross experiment. In a culture medium with phosphate, 94.6% of 1-cell embryos from the C57BL mouse strain developed to the blastocyst stage, but 95.7% of embryos from the AKR mouse strain showed 2-cell block. Phosphate-free culture medium rescued the 2-cell block of AKR embryos and accelerated the first cell cycle of the embryos. Co-culture with BRL cells and a BRL-conditioned medium fractionated below 30 kDa also rescued the 2-cell block of AKR embryos. Examinations of in vitro development of reconstructed embryos and of embryos from F1 females between AKR and C57BL strains clearly demonstrated that the AKR cytoplast caused the 2-cell block. In the backcrossed female progeny between (AKR x C57BL) F1 males and AKR females, about three-quarters of the embryos were of the 2-cell blocking phenotype and about one-quarter were of the non-blocking phenotype. These results suggest that two genes are responsible for the 2-cell block of AKR embryos.  相似文献   

作为胚胎冷冻保存的基础性研究,冷冻保护剂的渗透性和毒性研究非常重要.本试验选用1,2-丙二醇、甘油、乙二醇和二甲基亚砜4种常用冷冻保护剂,对小鼠2-细胞胚胎进行渗透性和毒性研究.结果显示:1.5 mol/L的1,2-丙二醇、乙二醇和二甲基亚砜冷冻保护剂对2-细胞胚胎的渗透性显著高于甘油保护剂;4种冷冻保护剂对细胞膜的完整性没有影响;1.5 mol/L的乙二醇、1,2-丙二醇和甘油保护剂处理后的2-细胞胚胎的囊胚发育率和孵化率与对照组胚胎比较差异不显著(P>0.05),但显著高于二甲基亚砜处理后的2-细胞囊胚发育率和孵化率(P<0.01).结果表明:在4种冷冻保护剂中,乙二醇和1,2-丙二醇适合于小鼠2-细胞胚胎冷冻保存  相似文献   

Preimplantation mouse embryos of many strains become arrested at the 2-cell stage if the osmolarity of culture medium that normally supports development to blastocysts is raised to approximately that of their normal physiological environment in the oviduct. Arrest can be prevented if molecules that serve as "organic osmolytes" are present in the medium, because organic osmolytes, principally glycine, are accumulated by embryos to provide intracellular osmotic support and regulate cell volume. Medium with an osmolarity of 310 mOsM induced arrest of approximately 80% of CF1 mouse embryos at the 2-cell stage, in contrast to the approximately 100% that progressed beyond the 2-cell stage at 250 or 301 mOsM with glycine. The nature of this arrest induced by physiological levels of osmolarity is unknown. Arrest was reversible by transfer to lower-osmolarity medium at any point during the 2-cell stage, but not after embryos would normally have progressed to the 4-cell stage. Cessation of development likely was not due to apoptosis, as shown by lack of external annexin V binding, detectable cytochrome c release from mitochondria, or nuclear DNA fragmentation. Two-cell embryos cultured at 310 mOsM progressed through the S phase, and zygotic genome activation markers were expressed. However, most embryos failed to initiate the M phase, as evidenced by intact nuclei with decondensed chromosomes, low M-phase promoting factor activity, and an inactive form of CDK1, although a few blastomeres were arrested in metaphase. Thus, embryos become arrested late in the G(2) stage of the second embryonic cell cycle when stressed by physiological osmolarity in the absence of organic osmolytes.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a key role in embryo development by providing energy. However, vitrification often causes mitochondrion damage of embryo, which further impairs embryo development. Therefore, the efficiency of embryo development after vitrification could be improved by protecting mitochondrial function from vitrification injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resveratrol on mitochondrial damage after vitrification. The results showed that vitrification induced the abnormal mitochondrial distribution and damage mitochondrial function of mouse 2-cell embryos. However, co-culturing with resveratrol for 2 h could repair the abnormal mitochondrial distribution and mitochondrial dysfunction of embryos after vitrification. More than anything, the subsequent development ability of vitrified-thawed 2-cell embryos was significantly higher than that with no resveratrol treatment. In conclusion, resveratrol could protect the mitochondrial from injury caused by vitrification.  相似文献   

Mouse spermatozoa were exposed in vitro to various X-ray doses and added to a medium containing superovulated oocytes. The percentage of fertilized oocytes was determined 24 h after sperm addition and 2-cell embryos were investigated for micronucleus formation. The fertilization rate was drastically decreased after exposure to 470 cGy whereas smaller doses had no effect. The dose-response relationship for micronucleus formation per embryo was linear-quadratic and the number of embryos with micronuclei increased linearly with dose. The distribution of micronuclei among 2-cell embryos showed a significant overdispersion relative to the Poisson distribution after sperm irradiation for doses above 188 cGy.  相似文献   

Detection of H-2K mRNA in mouse 8-cell embryo by cDNA cloning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse MHC class I gene expression in 8-cell embryo was examined by cDNA cloning. We constructed a cDNA library from 8-cell embryos of ICR mice and isolated a class I cDNA from 3.0 x 10(5) phage clones of the library. Sequencing analysis of this clone revealed it to include the cDNA fragment extending from the exon 6 of the cytoplasmic portion to 3' untranslated region 1 of H-2K gene. Qa, Tla or other embryonic class I cDNA have not been isolated in the library.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of vitrification and post-thaw survival and chromosomal aberrations caused by vitrification of vitrified 8-cell mouse embryos in comparison with a control group. To this purpose the survival rate and the frequency of chromosomal aberrations were assessed in frozen-thawed 8-cell mouse embryos after various storage durations in the presence of ethylene glycol as cryoprotectant. eight-cell mouse embryos were obtained from NMRI mice 3 days after mating. Retrieved embryos were transferred to vitrification solution containing ethylene glycol as cryoprotectant, then transferred into a vitrification straw using standard technique, and vitrified in liquid nitrogen. Six groups of embryos according to storage duration (24 hours, 1 and 2 weeks, 1-6 months) were frozen. After appropriate storage periods embryos were thawed and studied for their viability 4-6 hours after thawing and intact embryos were transferred to fresh medium containing colcemid. After 48 hours, the embryos were fixed and studied for their chromosome abnormalities using Tarkowsky's drying technique. Results indicate that freezing affects the viability and chromosome structure of embryos when compared with the control group. Furthermore increasing the storage duration reduces the viability and increases the chromosome aberrations of embryos (such as aneuploidy and polyploidy). This result might indicate that the effects of vitrification on the cytoskeleton or other cellular organelle might produce chromosomal alterations leading to cell death.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the effect of vitrification on gene functions after warming. The goals of our study were to compare the gene expression patterns, and identify those most affected. For this, 8-cell stage embryos were collected from ICR mice and vitrified with solid surface vitrification technique, while maintaining equal numbers of embryos as control. Total RNAs were extracted and two rounds of amplification were employed. Finally three micrograms of contrasting RNA samples were hybridized on the Agilent Mouse 22 K oligonucleotide slides and the results were analyzed with subsequent verification by independent real-time PCR analyses. The two rounds of amplification with 5 ng tRNA input have yielded 15-16 microg of cRNA. The analyses of repeated hybridizations showed 20,183 genes/ESTs as common signatures, and unsupervised analysis identified 628 differentially expressed (P < 0.01) genes. However, with at least 1.5-fold change considerations, 183 genes were differentially expressed (P < 0.01) out of which 107 were upregulated. The independent analysis with real-time PCR and unamplified samples fully confirmed the results of microarray, indicating the linearity of amplification. Furthermore, this novel gene expression study for vitrified embryos identified many new candidate genes with overrepresentation in some important biological processes. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the expression pattern reflected a broad spectrum of consequences of vitrification on embryos, with most effects on metabolism, regulatory role and stress response genes and allowed the identification of new candidate marker genes for cryosurvival.  相似文献   

Regulated expression of TAF1 in 1-cell mouse embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Glucose inhibits development of hamster 8-cell embryos in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Relative preferences of energy substrates (glucose, pyruvate, and lactate) for in vitro development of hamster 8-cell embryos were investigated. Using protein-free modified Tyrode's medium (TLP-PVA) containing 10 mM lactate (L), 0.1 mM pyruvate (P), and amino acids (Phe, Ile, Met and Gln), we found that development of hamster 8-cell embryos to blastocysts was supported better in the absence of glucose than in medium containing (standard) 5 mM glucose (88.1% and 50%, respectively). Addition of even 0.25 mM glucose to the medium significantly inhibited blastocyst formation (54.1%). Medium T-PVA, containing 5 mM glucose as sole energy substrate (without pyruvate, lactate, and amino acids), very poorly supported embryo development (less than or equal to 7.9% blastocysts), but addition of 0.1 mM pyruvate enhanced blastocyst formation (52%). Elimination of pyruvate in TL-PVA medium containing 5 mM glucose and amino acids markedly reduced blastocyst formation by 4-fold (13.5%); the optimal pyruvate concentration was 0.2 mM. However, if the same medium was devoid of glucose, blastocyst formation was high both in the absence (71.1%) and presence (83.3%) of 0.1 mM pyruvate. Similarly, in glucose-free T-PVA medium, addition of either 10 mM lactate or amino acids supported 8-cell embryo development to blastocysts (61.7% and 60.5%, respectively) as opposed to 18.8% and 30.6%, respectively, in the presence of 5 mM glucose. This augmented development in the absence of glucose is suggested to the due to the efficient conversion of lactate to pyruvate and of amino acids to amphibolic intermediates and hence their utilization via the Krebs cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study investigated the in vitro developmental potential of reconstituted mouse embryos produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos or oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos by electrofusion. The cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and oocytes were obtained by manual bisection with a fine glass needle under a dissecting microscope. The fusion rates of the reconstituted embryos produced from the cytoplast of oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (O-SB2: 38.1 and 41.5%) were significantly lower than those produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (P-SB2: 91.2 and 97.6%; P<0.001). Reconstituted embryos were encapsulated in alginate gel and were cultured for 96 hours. Similarly, the cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage of O-SB2 (56.3, 61.2 and 2.0, 3.1%, respectively) were significantly lower than those of the P-SB2 (91.0, 91.2 and 18.6, 20.7%; respectively, P<0.05). The cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage (61.2 and 2.0%) of reconstituted embryos produced from single blastomeres of late 2-cell stage embryos and oocyte cytoplast improved after activation by ethanol treatment (76.1 and 21.7%). However, the use of single blastomeres of early 2-cell stage embryos as nuclear donors did not enhance the cleavage and development rates of the reconstituted embryos to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

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