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In vitro culture of VFNT Cherry tomato sepals (calyx) at 16–21 °C results in developmental changes that are similar to those that occur in fruit tissue [10]. Sepals become swollen, red, and succulent, produce ethylene, and have increased levels of polygalacturonase RNA. They also produce many flavor volatiles characteristic of ripe tomato fruit and undergo similar changes in sugar content [11]. We examined the expression of the tomato AGAMOUS gene, TAG1, in ripening, in vitro sepal cultures and other tissues from the plant and found that TAG1 RNA accumulates to higher levels than expected from data from other plants. Contrary to reports on the absence of AGAMOUS in sepals, TAG1 RNA levels in green sepals from greenhouse-grown plants is detectable, its concentration increasing with in vitro ripening to levels that were even higher than in red, ripe fruit. Sepals of fruit on transgenic tomato plants that expressed TAG1 ectopically were induced by low temperature to ripen in vivo, producing lycopene and undergoing cell wall softening as is characteristic of pericarpic tissue. We therefore propose that the induction of elevated TAG1 gene expression plays a key role in developmental changes that result in sepal ripening.  相似文献   

The architecture of a flower is tightly linked to the way a plant pollinates, making it one of the most physiologically and ecologically important traits of angiosperms. Floral organ development is proposed to be governed by the activity of three different classes of organ identity genes (the ABC model), and the expression of those genes are regulated by a number of meristem identity genes. Here we use a transgenetic strategy to elucidate the role of one floral meristem identify gene,LEAFY (LFY), in the evolution of floral organogenesis of a self pollinatorIdahoa scapigera and a obligatory out-crosserLeavenworthia crassa in the mustard family, Brassicaceae. By introducing theLFY genes from these two types of pollination habit into the genetic model speciesArabidopsis thaliana, we provide evidence that changes inLFY influenced flower architecture probably by controlling the downstream organ identity genes.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis AtCTR1 is a Raf-like protein kinase that interacts with ETR1 and ERS and negatively regulates ethylene responses. In tomato, several CTR1-like proteins could perform this role. We have characterized LeCTR2, which has similarity to AtCTR1 and also to EDR1, a CTR1-like Arabidopsis protein involved in defence and stress responses. Protein–protein interactions between LeCTR2 and six tomato ethylene receptors indicated that LeCTR2 interacts preferentially with the subfamily I ETR1-type ethylene receptors LeETR1 and LeETR2, but not the NR receptor or the subfamily II receptors LeETR4, LeETR5 and LeETR6. The C-terminus of LeCTR2 possesses serine/threonine kinase activity and is capable of auto-phosphorylation and phosphorylation of myelin basic protein in vitro . Overexpression of the LeCTR2 N-terminus in tomato resulted in altered growth habit, including reduced stature, loss of apical dominance, highly branched inflorescences and fruit trusses, indeterminate shoots in place of determinate flowers, and prolific adventitious shoot development from the rachis or rachillae of the leaves. Expression of the ethylene-responsive genes E4 and chitinase B was upregulated in transgenic plants, but ethylene production and the level of mRNA for the ethylene biosynthetic gene ACO1 was unaffected. The leaves and fruit of transgenic plants also displayed enhanced susceptibility to infection by the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea , which was associated with much stronger induction of pathogenesis-related genes such as PR1b1 and chitinase B compared with the wild-type. The results suggest that LeCTR2 plays a role in ethylene signalling, development and defence, probably through its interactions with the ETR1-type ethylene receptors of subfamily I.  相似文献   

Polyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous, polycationic biogenic amines that are implicated in many biological processes, including plant growth and development, but their precise roles remain to be determined. Most of the previous studies have involved three biogenic amines: putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm), and their derivatives. We have expressed a yeast spermidine synthase (ySpdSyn) gene under constitutive (CaMV35S) and fruit‐ripening specific (E8) promoters in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), and determined alterations in tomato vegetative and fruit physiology in transformed lines compared with the control. Constitutive expression of ySpdSyn enhanced intracellular levels of Spd in the leaf, and transiently during fruit development, whereas E8ySpdSyn expression led to Spd accumulation early and transiently during fruit ripening. The ySpdSyn transgenic fruits had a longer shelf life, reduced shriveling and delayed decay symptom development in comparison with the wild‐type (WT) fruits. An increase in shelf life of ySpdSyn transgenic fruits was not facilitated by changes in the rate of water loss or ethylene evolution. Additionally, the expression of several cell wall and membrane degradation‐related genes in ySpdSyn transgenic fruits was not correlated with an extension of shelf life, indicating that the Spd‐mediated increase in fruit shelf life is independent of the above factors. Crop maturity, indicated by the percentage of ripening fruits on the vine, was delayed in a CaMV35SySpdSyn genotype, with fruits accumulating higher levels of the antioxidant lycopene. Notably, whole‐plant senescence in the transgenic plants was also delayed compared with WT plants. Together, these results provide evidence for a role of PAs, particularly Spd, in increasing fruit shelf life, probably by reducing post‐harvest senescence and decay.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in plant development is mostly inferred from its exogenous application. The usage of mutants affecting ethylene biosynthesis proffers a better alternative to decipher its role. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid synthase2 (ACS2) is a key enzyme regulating ripening-specific ethylene biosynthesis. We characterised two contrasting acs2 mutants; acs2-1 overproduces ethylene, has higher ACS activity, and has increased protein levels, while acs2-2 is an ethylene underproducer, displays lower ACS activity, and has lower protein levels than wild type. Consistent with high/low ethylene emission, the mutants show opposite phenotypes, physiological responses, and metabolomic profiles compared with the wild type. The acs2-1 mutant shows early seed germination, faster leaf senescence, and accelerated fruit ripening. Conversely, acs2-2 has delayed seed germination, slower leaf senescence, and prolonged fruit ripening. The phytohormone profiles of mutants were mostly opposite in the leaves and fruits. The faster/slower senescence of acs2-1/acs2-2 leaves correlated with the endogenous ethylene/zeatin ratio. The genetic analysis showed that the metabolite profiles of respective mutants co-segregated with the homozygous mutant progeny. Our results uncover that besides ripening, ACS2 participates in the vegetative and reproductive development of tomato. The distinct influence of ethylene on phytohormone profiles indicates the intertwining of ethylene action with other phytohormones in regulating plant development.  相似文献   

Ethylene is instrumental to climacteric fruit ripening and EIN3 BINDING F‐BOX (EBF) proteins have been assigned a central role in mediating ethylene responses by regulating EIN3/EIL degradation in Arabidopsis. However, the role and mode of action of tomato EBFs in ethylene‐dependent processes like fruit ripening remains unclear. Two novel EBF genes, SlEBF3 and SlEBF4, were identified in the tomato genome, and SlEBF3 displayed a ripening‐associated expression pattern suggesting its potential involvement in controlling ethylene response during fruit ripening. SlEBF3 downregulated tomato lines failed to show obvious ripening‐related phenotypes likely due to functional redundancy among SlEBF family members. By contrast, SlEBF3 overexpression lines exhibited pleiotropic ethylene‐related alterations, including inhibition of fruit ripening, attenuated triple‐response and delayed petal abscission. Yeast‐two‐hybrid system and bimolecular fluorescence complementation approaches indicated that SlEBF3 interacts with all known tomato SlEIL proteins and, consistently, total SlEIL protein levels were decreased in SlEBF3 overexpression fruits, supporting the idea that the reduced ethylene sensitivity and defects in fruit ripening are due to the SlEBF3‐mediated degradation of EIL proteins. Moreover, SlEBF3 expression is regulated by EIL1 via a feedback loop, which supposes its role in tuning ethylene signaling and responses. Overall, the study reveals the role of a novel EBF tomato gene in climacteric ripening, thus providing a new target for modulating fleshy fruit ripening.  相似文献   

Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, and their consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers. These important plant products can, however, be expensive to purchase, may be of disappointing quality and often have a short shelf life. A major challenge for crop improvement in fleshy fruit species is the enhancement of their health‐promoting attributes while improving quality and reducing postharvest waste. To achieve these aims, a sound mechanistic understanding of the processes involved in fruit development and ripening is needed. In recent years, substantial insights have been made into the mechanistic basis of ethylene biosynthesis, perception and signalling and the identity of master regulators of ripening that operate upstream of, or in concert with a regulatory pathway mediated by this plant hormone. The role of other plant hormones in the ripening process has, however, remained elusive, and the links between regulators and downstream processes are still poorly understood. In this review, we focus on tomato as a model for fleshy fruit and provide an overview of the molecular circuits known to be involved in ripening, especially those controlling pigment accumulation and texture changes. We then discuss how this information can be used to understand ripening in other fleshy fruit‐bearing species. Recent developments in comparative genomics and systems biology approaches are discussed. The potential role of epigenetic changes in generating useful variation is highlighted along with opportunities for enhancing the level of metabolites that have a beneficial effect on human health.  相似文献   

Biggs, M. S., Woodson, W. R. and Handa, A. K. 1988. Biochemical basis of high-temperature inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis in ripening tomato fruits. Physiol. Plant. 72: 572578
Incubation of fruits of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers) at 34°C or above resulted in a marked decrease in ripening-associated ethylene production. High temperature inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis was not associated with permanent tissue damage, since ethylene production recovered following transfer of fruits to a permissive temperature. Determination of pericarp enzyme activities involved in ethylene biosynthesis following transfer of fruits from 25°C to 35 or 40°C revealed that 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (EC activity declined rapidly while ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) activity declined slowly. Removal of high temperature stress resulted in more rapid recovery of ACC synthase activity relative to EFE activity. Levels of ACC in pericarp tissue reflected the activity of ACC synthase before, during, and after heat stress. Recovery of ethylene production following transfer of pericarp discs from high to permissive temperature was inhibited in the presence of cycloheximide, indicating the necessity for protein synthesis. Ethylene production by wounded tomato pericarp tissue was not as inhibited by high temperature as ripening-associated ethylene production by whole fruits.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the developmental program of calyces of a tomato cultivar ( Lycopersicon esculentum , cv. VFNT Cherry) changed in many aspects to that of fruit when cultured in vitro. The calyces turned red, produced ethylene, had increased tissue content of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, had increased levels of the mRNA of polygalacturonase and developed ultrastructural changes in their cell walls that were indistinguishable from those of ripe tomato fruit tissue. We report in the present study the synthesis of volatile flavor compounds, changes in sugar concentrations and color development in cultured calyces that are characteristic of ripening tomato fruit. These ripening parameters of in vitro-cultured tomato fruit were also compared to those of fruit grown in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Thin layer explants taken from the pedicels and peduncles of flowering tomato plants yielded calli with great organogenetic potential. Of the 15 cultivars tested, 7 regenerated roots, shoots and eventually entire fruit-bearing plants. Calli grown on modified Murashige-Skoog medium responded to varied auxins and cytokinins with different morphogenetic patterns. Thus, naphthaleneacetic acid yielded root-producing calli, while the auxin precursor isatin (indole 2,3-dione) caused the production of calli with vegetative and floral shoots, rarely yielding roots. This may be related to isatin's slow, steady conversion to an active auxin (Plant Physiol 41:1485–1488, 1966) in contrast with naphthaleneacetic acid's immediate presentation of a high level of active auxin. The highest incidence of vegetative shoot (100%) and flower (50%) formation was obtained with 10 M isatin and 3 M zeatin. A few of the flowers developed into ripe fruits. The high frequency of induction of vegetative shoots and flowers before roots with isatin suggests its utility in micropropagation from plant tissue cultures.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - 2, 4-D 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IPA isopentyladenosine - KN kinetin - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants were transformed with an antisense construct of a cDNA encoding tomato telomere-binding protein (LeTBP1) to describe the role of a telomere-binding protein at the whole plant level. Fruit size decreased corresponding to the degree of suppression of LeTBP1 expression. This inhibition of fruit development was likely due to a decrease in the number of seeds in the LeTBP1 antisense plants. Pollen fertility and pollen germination rate decreased in accordance with the degree of suppression of LeTBP1 expression. Ovule viability was also reduced in the LeTBP1 antisense plants. Although plant height was somewhat reduced in the antisense plants compared to the control plants, the number and weight of leaves were unaffected by LeTBP1 suppression. The number and morphology of flowers were also normal in the antisense plants. These indicate that reduced fertility in the antisense plants is not an indirect effect of altered vegetative growth. LeTBP1 expression was sensitive to temperature stress in wild-type plants. We conclude that LeTBP1 plays a critical role in seed and fruit development rather than vegetative growth and flower formation.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide and ethylene concentrations in tomato fruit ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castelmart) and their stage of ripeness (characteristic external color changes) were periodically measured in fruit attached to and detached from the plant. An external collection apparatus was attached to the surface of individual tomato fruit to permit non-destructive sampling of internal gases. The concentration of carbon dioxide and ethylene in the collection apparatus reached 95% of the concentration in the fruit after 8 h. Gas samples were collected every 24 h. A characteristic climacteric surge in carbon dioxide (2-fold) and ethylene (10-fold) concentration occurred coincident with ripening of detached tomato fruit. Fruit attached to the plant exhibited a climacteric rise in ethylene (20-fold) concentration during ripening, but only a linear increase in carbon dioxide concentration. The carbon dioxide concentration increases in attached fruit during ripening, but the increase is a continuation of the linear increase seen in both attached and detached fruit before ripening and does not exhibit the characteristic pattern normally associated with ripening climacteric fruit. In tomato fruit, it appears that a respiratory climacteric per se, which has been considered intrinsic to the ripening of certain fruit, may not be necessary for the ripening of "climacteric" fruit at all, but instead may be an artifact of using harvested fruit.  相似文献   

Recent in vitro studies have suggested that autophagy may play a role in both HIV-1 replication and disease progression. In this study we investigated whether autophagy protects the small proportion of HIV-1 infected individuals who remain clinically stable for years in the absence of antiretroviral therapy, these named long-term nonprogressors (LTNP) and elite controllers (EC). We found that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of the HIV-1 controllers present a significantly higher amount of autophagic vesicles associated with an increased expression of autophagic markers with respect to normal progressors. Of note, ex vivo treatment of PBMC from the HIV-1 controllers with the MTOR inhibitor rapamycin results in a more efficient autophagic response, leading to a reduced viral production. These data lead us to propose that autophagy contributes to limiting viral pathogenesis in HIV-1 controllers by targeting viral components for degradation.  相似文献   

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