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Yeast phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p) is essential for Golgi secretory function. It is widely accepted, though unproven, that phosphatidylinositol transfer between membranes represents the physiological activity of phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs). We report that Sec14pK66,239A is inactivated for phosphatidylinositol, but not phosphatidylcholine (PC), transfer activity. As expected, Sec14pK66,239A fails to meet established criteria for a PITP in vitro and fails to stimulate phosphoinositide production in vivo. However, its expression efficiently rescues the lethality and Golgi secretory defects associated with sec14-1ts and sec14 null mutations. This complementation requires neither phospholipase D activation nor the involvement of a novel class of minor yeast PITPs. These findings indicate that PI binding/transfer is remarkably dispensable for Sec14p function in vivo.  相似文献   

Sec14p is an essential phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylinositol transfer protein with a well-described role in the regulation of Golgi apparatus-derived vesicular transport in yeast. Inactivation of the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine synthesis allows cells to survive in the absence of Sec14p function through restoration of Golgi vesicular transport capability. In this study, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells containing a SEC14 temperature-sensitive allele along with an inactivated CDP-choline pathway were transformed with a high-copy-number yeast genomic library. Genes whose increased expression inhibited cell growth in the absence of Sec14p function were identified. Increasing levels of the Rho GTPase Cdc42p and its direct effector kinases Cla4p and Ste20p prevented the growth of cells lacking Sec14p and CDP-choline pathway function. Growth suppression was accompanied by an increase in large and multiply budded cells. This effect on polarized cell growth did not appear to be due to an inability to establish cell polarity, since both the actin cytoskeleton and localization of the septin Cdc12p were unaffected by increased expression of Cdc42p, Cla4p, or Ste20p. Nuclei were present in both the mother cell and the emerging bud, consistent with Sec14p regulation of the cell cycle subsequent to anaphase but prior to cytokinesis/septum breakdown. Increased expression of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase prevented growth arrest by CDC42, CLA4, or STE20 upon inactivation of Sec14p function. Sec14p regulation of phosphoinositide levels affects cytokinesis at the level of the Cdc42p/Cla4p/Ste20p signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Hho1p is assumed to serve as a linker histone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and, notably, it possesses two putative globular domains, designated HD1 (residues 41–118) and HD2 (residues 171–252), that are homologous to histone H5 from chicken erythrocytes. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of globular domain HD1 with high precision by heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure had a winged helix–turn–helix motif composed of an αβααββ fold and closely resembled the structure of the globular domain of histone H5. Interestingly, the second globular domain, HD2, in Hho1p was unstructured under physiological conditions. Gel mobility assay demonstrated that Hho1p preferentially binds to supercoiled DNA over linearized DNA. Furthermore, NMR analysis of the complex of a deletion mutant protein (residues 1–118) of Hho1p with a linear DNA duplex revealed that four regions within the globular domain HD1 are involved in the DNA binding. The above results suggested that Hho1p possesses properties similar to those of linker histones in higher eukaryotes in terms of the structure and binding preference towards supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) transfer proteins (PITPs) regulate signaling interfaces between lipid metabolism and membrane trafficking. Herein, we demonstrate that AtSfh1p, a member of a large and uncharacterized Arabidopsis thaliana Sec14p-nodulin domain family, is a PITP that regulates a specific stage in root hair development. AtSfh1p localizes along the root hair plasma membrane and is enriched in discrete plasma membrane domains and in the root hair tip cytoplasm. This localization pattern recapitulates that visualized for PtdIns(4,5)P2 in developing root hairs. Gene ablation experiments show AtSfh1p nullizygosity compromises polarized root hair expansion in a manner that coincides with loss of tip-directed PtdIns(4,5)P2, dispersal of secretory vesicles from the tip cytoplasm, loss of the tip f-actin network, and manifest disorganization of the root hair microtubule cytoskeleton. Derangement of tip-directed Ca2+ gradients is also apparent and results from isotropic influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular milieu. We propose AtSfh1p regulates intracellular and plasma membrane phosphoinositide polarity landmarks that focus membrane trafficking, Ca2+ signaling, and cytoskeleton functions to the growing root hair apex. We further suggest that Sec14p-nodulin domain proteins represent a family of regulators of polarized membrane growth in plants.  相似文献   

A proteomics approach was used to search for novel phospholipid binding proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Phospholipids were immobilized on a solid support and the lipids were probed with soluble yeast protein extracts. From this, the phosphatidic acid binding proteins were eluted and identified by mass spectrometry. Thirteen proteins were identified and 11 of these were previously unknown lipid binding proteins. The protein-lipid interactions identified would not have been predicted using bioinformatics approaches as none possessed a known lipid binding motif. A subset of the identified proteins was purified to homogeneity and determined to directly bind phospholipids immobilized on a solid support or organized into liposomes. This simple approach could be systematically applied to perform an exhaustive screen for soluble lipid binding proteins in S. cerevisiae or other organisms.  相似文献   

A phospholipid transfer protein from yeast (Daum, G. and Paltauf, F. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 794, 385-391) was 2800-fold enriched by an improved procedure. The specificity of this transfer protein and the influence of membrane properties of acceptor vesicles (lipid composition, charge, fluidity) on the transfer activity were determined in vitro using pyrene-labeled phospholipids. The yeast transfer protein forms a complex with phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine, respectively, and transfers these two phospholipids between biological and/or artificial membranes. The transfer rate for phosphatidylinositol is 19-fold higher than for phosphatidylcholine as determined with 1:8 mixtures of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine in donor and acceptor membrane vesicles. If acceptor membranes consist only of non-transferable phospholipids, e.g., phosphatidylethanolamine, a moderate but significant net transfer of phosphatidylcholine occurs. Phosphatidylcholine transfer is inhibited to a variable extent by negatively charged phospholipids and by fatty acids. Differences in the accessibility of the charged groups of lipids to the transfer protein might account for the different inhibitory effects, which occur in the order phosphatidylserine which is greater than phosphatidylglycerol which is greater than phosphatidylinositol which is greater than cardiolipin which is greater than phosphatidic acid which is greater than fatty acids. Although mitochondrial membranes contain high amounts of negatively charged phospholipids, they serve effectively as acceptor membranes, whereas transfer to vesicles prepared from total mitochondrial lipids is essentially zero. Ergosterol reduces the transfer rate, probably by decreasing membrane fluidity. This notion is supported by data obtained with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine as acceptor vesicle component; in this case the transfer rate is significantly reduced below the phase transition temperature of the phospholipid.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations coupled with functional analyses of the major yeast phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein Sec14p identify structural elements involved in regulating the ability of Sec14p to execute phospholipid exchange. The molecular dynamics simulations suggest large rigid body motions within the Sec14p molecule accompany closing and opening of an A(10)/T(4)/A(11) helical gate, and that "state-of-closure" of this helical gate determines access to the Sec14p phospholipid binding cavity. The data also project that conformational dynamics of the helical gate are controlled by a hinge unit (residues F(212), Y(213), K(239), I(240), and I(242)) that links to the N- and C-terminal ends of the helical gate, and by a novel gating module (composed of the B(1)LB(2) and A(12)LT(5) substructures) through which conformational information is transduced to the hinge. The (114)TDKDGR(119) motif of B(1)LB(2) plays an important role in that transduction process. These simulations offer new mechanistic possibilities for an important half-reaction of the Sec14p phospholipid exchange cycle that occurs on membrane surfaces after Sec14p has ejected bound ligand, and is reloading with another phospholipid molecule. These conformational transitions further suggest structural rationales for known disease missense mutations that functionally compromise mammalian members of the Sec14-protein superfamily.  相似文献   

The gene product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame YDR229w (named IVY1 for: Interacting with Vps33p and Ypt7p) was found to interact with both the GTPase Ypt7p and the Sec1-related Vps33 protein. While deletion of IVY1 does not lead to any recognized change in phenotype, overexpression of Ivy1p leads to fragmentation of the vacuole, missorting of the vacuolar enzyme carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) to the exterior of the cell, and an accumulation of multivesicular bodies inside the cell. All effects caused by the overexpression of Ivy1p can be reset by simultaneously raising the amount of Vps33p. This suppression activity of Vps33p suggests that Ivy1p and Vps33p at least partially counteract the action of each other in the cell. The intracellular level of Ivy1p increases in cells approaching stationary growth phase at which part of the protein is located at the rim of the vacuole. In addition to its specific interactions with members of two regulatory protein families, Ivy1p in vitro shows a marked propensity for binding phospholipids with high affinity.  相似文献   

The Sec1/Munc18 (SM) family of proteins is thought to impart compartmental specificity to vesicle fusion reactions. Here we report characterization of Vps33p, an SM family member previously thought to act exclusively at the vacuolar membrane with the vacuolar syntaxin Vam3p. Vacuolar morphology of vps33Delta cells resembles that of cells lacking both Vam3p and the endosomal syntaxin Pep12p, suggesting that Vps33p may function with these syntaxins at the vacuole and the endosome. Consistent with this, vps33 mutants secrete the Golgi precursor form of the vacuolar hydrolase CPY into the medium. We also demonstrate that Vps33p acts at other steps, for vps33 mutants show severe defects in endocytosis at the late endosome. At the endosome, Vps33p and other class C members exist as a complex with Vps8p, a protein previously known to act in transport between the late Golgi and the endosome. Vps33p also interacts with Pep12p, a known interactor of the SM protein Vps45p. High copy PEP7/VAC1 suppresses vacuolar morphology defects of vps33 mutants. These findings demonstrate that Vps33p functions at multiple trafficking steps and is not limited to action at the vacuolar membrane. This is the first report demonstrating the involvement of a single syntaxin with two SM proteins at the same organelle.  相似文献   

Protein-lipid interactions are important for protein targeting, signal transduction, lipid transport, and the maintenance of cellular compartments and membranes. Specific lipid-binding protein domains, such as PH, FYVE, PX, PHD, C2 and SEC14 homology domains, mediate interactions between proteins and specific phospholipids. We recently cloned a 45-kDa protein from rat olfactory epithelium, which is homologous to the yeast Sec14p phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) transfer protein and we report here that this protein binds to PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and far weaker to less phosphorylated derivatives of PtdIns. Expression of the p45 protein in COS-1 cells resulted in accumulation of the protein in secretory vesicles and in the extracellular space. The secreted material contained PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. Our findings are the first report of a Sec14p-like protein involved in transport out of a cell and, to the best of our knowledge, inositol-containing phospholipids have not previously been detected in the extracellular space. Our findings suggest that p45 and phosphoinositides may participate in the formation of the protective mucus on nasal epithelium.  相似文献   

Prinz A  Hartmann E  Kalies KU 《Biological chemistry》2000,381(9-10):1025-1029
A characteristic feature of the co-translational protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the tight association of the translating ribosomes with the translocation sites in the membrane. Biochemical analyses identified the Sec61 complex as the main ribosome receptor in the ER of mammalian cells. Similar experiments using purified homologues from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Sec61p complex and the Ssh1p complex, respectively, demonstrated that they bind ribosomes with an affinity similar to that of the mammalian Sec61 complex. However, these studies did not exclude the presence of other proteins that may form abundant ribosome binding sites in the yeast ER. We now show here that similar to the situation found in mammals in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the two Sec61-homologues Sec61p and Ssh1p are essential for the formation of high-affinity ribosome binding sites in the ER membrane. The number of binding sites formed by Ssh1p under standard growth conditions is at least 4 times less than those formed by Sec61p.  相似文献   

Rudge SA  Zhou C  Engebrecht J 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1353-1361
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spo14, a phosphatidylcholine-specific, phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate-activated phospholipase D (PLD), is essential for meiosis and spore formation. Spo14 is also required for secretion in the absence of the phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein Sec14 (i.e., Sec14-independent secretion). In sporulating cells Spo14 is phosphorylated and relocalized within the cell. In contrast, Spo14 does not relocalize and is not phosphorylated in Sec14-independent secretion. Analysis of a partially phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate-activated Spo14 mutant, spo14(R894G), revealed that Spo14 function in Sec14-independent secretion, unlike the situation in meiosis, requires fully stimulated PLD activity. Consistent with the differential regulation of Spo14 function during sporulation and secretion, we isolated a mutant allele, spo14-S251P, the product of which is improperly phosphorylated and fails to relocalize and rescue the sporulation phenotype of homozygous spo14 diploids, but supports Sec14-independent secretion. Furthermore, we show that the N-terminal domain of Spo14 is both phosphorylated and sufficient for prospore membrane localization during sporulation. These data indicate that Spo14 phosphorylation and relocalization are essential for the process of sporulation, but dispensable for Sec14-independent secretion. Finally, we demonstrate that Spo14 phosphorylation and relocalization are initiated by nitrogen and glucose limitation and occur independently of the process of meiosis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two similar phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complexes (complexes I and II) function in distinct biological processes, complex I in autophagy and complex II in the vacuolar protein sorting via endosomes. Atg14p is only integrated into complex I, likely facilitating the function of complex I in autophagy. Deletion analysis of Atg14p revealed that N-terminal region containing the coiled-coil structures was essential and sufficient for autophagy. Atg14p localized to pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS) and vacuolar membranes, whereas Vps38p, a component specific to complex II, localized to endosomes and vacuolar membranes. Vps34p and Vps30p, components shared by the two complexes, localized to the PAS, vacuolar membranes, and several punctate structures that included endosomes. The localization of these components to the PAS was Atg14p dependent but not dependent on Vps38p. Conversely, localization of these proteins to endosomes required Vps38p but not Atg14p. Vps15p, regulatory subunit of the Vps34p complexes, localized to the PAS, vacuolar membranes, and punctate structures independent of both Atg14p and Vps38p. Together, these results indicate that complexes I and II function in distinct biological processes by localizing to specific compartments in a manner mediated by specific components of each complex, Atg14p and Vps38p, respectively.  相似文献   

The addition of cyclic AMP (cAMP) to Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyr1 mutant cells resulted in an increase in the rate of phosphatidylinositol synthesis at the expense of phosphatidylserine synthesis. The decrease in phosphatidylserine synthesis correlated with the down regulation of phosphatidylserine synthase activity by cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation. The increase in phosphatidylinositol synthesis was not due to the regulation of phosphatidylinositol synthase by cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteins destined for secretion utilize the post-translational translocon machinery to gain entry into the endoplasmic reticulum. These proteins then mature by undergoing a number of post-translational modifications in different compartments of the secretory pathway. While these modifications have been well established for many proteins, to date only a few studies have been conducted regarding the conditions and factors affecting maturation of these proteins before entering into the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, using immunoblotting, microscopy, and spot test assays, we show that excess copper inhibits the Sec61 translocon function and causes accumulation of two well-known post-translationally translocated proteins, Gas1 (glycophospholipid-anchored surface protein) and CPY (carboxypeptidase Y), in the cytosol. We further show that the copper-sensitive phenotype of sec61-deficient yeast cells is ameliorated by restoring the levels of SEC61 through plasmid transformation. Furthermore, screening of translocation-defective Sec61 mutants revealed that sec61-22, bearing L80M, V134I, M248V, and L342S mutations, is resistant to copper, suggesting that copper might be inflicting toxicity through one of these residues. In conclusion, these findings imply that copper-mediated accumulation of post-translationally translocated proteins is due to the inhibition of Sec61.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(5):1163-1171
To clarify the roles of Kar2p (BiP) and Sec63p in translocation across the ER membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have utilized mutant alleles of the essential genes that encode these proteins: kar2-203 and sec63-1. Sanders et al. (Sanders, S. L., K. M. Whitfield, J. P. Vogel, M. D. Rose, and R. W. Schekman. 1992. Cell. 69:353-365) showed that the translocation defect of the kar2-203 mutant lies in the inability of the precursor protein to complete its transit across the membrane, suggesting that the lumenal hsp70 homologue Kar2p (BiP) binds the transiting polypeptide in order to facilitate its passage through the pore. We now show that mutation of a conserved residue (A181-->T) (Nelson, M. K., T. Kurihara, and P. Silver. 1993. Genetics. 134:159- 173) in the lumenal DnaJ box of Sec63p (sec63-1) results in an in vitro phenotype that mimics the precursor stalling defect of kar2-203. We demonstrate by several criteria that this phenotype results specifically from a defect in the lumenal interaction between Sec63p and BiP: Neither a sec62-1 mutant nor a mutation in the cytosolically exposed domain of Sec63p causes precursor stalling, and interaction of the sec63-1 mutant with the membranebound components of the translocation apparatus is unimpaired. Additionally, dominant KAR2 suppressors of sec63-1 partially relieve the stalling defect. Thus, proper interaction between BiP and Sec63p is necessary to allow the precursor polypeptide to complete its transit across the membrane.  相似文献   

Pex14p is a peroxisomal membrane-associated protein involved in docking of both Pex5p and Pex7p to the peroxisomal membrane. Previous studies have shown that, in humans, the N-terminal region of Pex14p interacts with WxxxF/Y motifs in Pex5p. Here, we report that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex14p contains two independent Pex5p binding sites, one in the N- and one in the C-terminus. Using deletion analysis we show that, in vivo, both of these interactions are needed for PTS1 import. Furthermore, we show that the characterized WxxxF/Y motifs of Pex5p are not essential for binding to the N-terminus of Pex14p but do play a role in the interaction with the Pex14 C-terminus. Thus, the data suggest that the mechanism of the Pex14p-Pex5p interaction in yeast is different from that previously reported for humans.  相似文献   

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