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A population genetic study of the polymorphism in the first hypervariable segment (HVSI) of mitochondrial DNA control region was carried out for three ethnic populations of the Volga–Ural region, Bashkirs, Russians, and Komi-Permyaks. This analysis showed that most of the mtDNA HVSI haplotypes detected in the populations of Bashkirs, Russians and Komi-Permyaks contained the combinations of nucleotide substitutions detected earlier in European, and, to a lesser extent, Asian. These findings are consistent with historical, anthropological, and ethnographical data suggesting the presence of European and Mongoloid components of different geographical descent in the gene pool of the contemporary population of the Volga–Ural region. The data on the genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationships between populations of the Volga– Ural region based on modern molecular genetic methods of mitochondrial genome investigation would be a substantial addition to the already existing information for some other regions of Europe and Asia. These data would provide more complete examination of the development of interethnic diversity of mitochondrial gene pools of contemporary ethnic populations with the purpose of reconstructing the genetic demographic processes that accompanied peopling of the Middle Ural and Volga region.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of the Volga–Ural region were analyzed with respect to three intragenic polymorphisms of the Huntington disease gene (IT15), including highly polymorphic (CAG)n and moderately polymorphic (CCG)n of exon 1 and neutral del2642 of exon 58. In the case of (CAG)n, 101 genotypes were observed, with genotype number varying from 15 in Southeastern Bashkirs to 34 in Mari. Allele diversity RS ranged from 9.70 in Southeastern Bashkirs to 18.00 in Chuvash, averaging 13.79 ± 2.12. The (CAG)n allele frequency distribution was unimodal and had a maximum at (CAG)17. In the case of (CCG)n, six alleles with 6–12 repeats were observed. RS was 4.13 ± 0.44, ranging from 3.73 in Udmurts to 4.99 in Tatars. In the case of del2642, allele del– was detected at a frequency 0.830 in Mari to 0.932 in Udmurts. Of all Volga–Ural ethnic populations, Finno-Ugric ones proved to be most heterogeneous with respect to the three polymorphisms, whereas Turkic populations and, in particular, Bashkirs were homogeneous. Microdifferentiation of the Volga–Ural populations corresponded to the European type.  相似文献   

Three diallelic polymorphisms of human Y chromosome (DYS287(Y Alupolymorphism, YAP), T/C transition at the RBF5locus (Tat), and G/A transition at the LLY22locus) were studied in eight ethnic populations of the Volga–Ural region, representing Turkic branch of the Altai (Bashkirs, Tatars, and Chuvashes) and Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic linguistic family (Maris, Mordovians, Udmurts, Komi-Zyryans, and Komi-Permyaks), and in the group of Slavic migrants, belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family (Russians). The Volga–Ural populations were characterized by a low frequency of the Y chromosome Aluinsertion. Examination of an association between the Alupolymorphism and Tatmutation revealed absolute YAP–/C linkage. Analysis of the haplotype frequency distribution patterns constructed from the data on the DYS287and RBF5polymorphisms revealed substantial differences between Udmurts and other populations. The differences were also observed between Komi-Zyryans and the populations of Bashkirs, Mordovians, Komi-Permyaks, and Russians. Analysis of the degree of genetic differentiation pointed to high level of genetic differentiation of the male lineages of the Finno–Ugric ethnic groups. The data on the linkage between the RBF5locus and the LLY22locus mutations indicated the common origin of the Tatmutationin Bashkirs, Mordovians, Udmurts, and Komi-Zyryans, and of a number of ancestralCallele-bearing Y chromosomes in Tatars, Maris, and Chuvashes.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at the apolipoprotein E gene (apoE) in populations of the Volga–Ural region was studied by means of polymerase chain reaction. In the region examined the population-specific patterns of the apoE alleles and genotypes frequency distribution were established. The results obtained were compared with the literature data on the apoE polymorphism in other world populations. Substantial heterogeneity of different ethnic populations in respect to the apoE genotypes distribution and frequency was revealed.  相似文献   

The frequency of the GstM1 gene deletion homozygotes in eight populations of the Volga–Ural region belonging according to linguistic classification to Turkic (Bashkirs, Tatars, and Chuvashs), Finno–Ugric (Maris, Komis, Mordovians, and Udmurts), and Eastern–Slavic (Russians) ethnic groups, was examined by means of PCR technique. The frequency of the deletion homozygotes varied from 41.4% in Bashkirs to 61.3% in Mordovians. The mean deletion frequency comprised 50.1%, which was consistent with the data for European populations (2= 0.009).  相似文献   

The DXS52polymorphic locus mapping to the 5"-region of the blood-clotting factor VIII gene on the X chromosome was genotyped in seven Volga–Ural ethnic groups (Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes, Maris, Mordovians, Udmurts, and Komis). A total of 47 different genotypes and 15 allelic variants of this locus were described. Substantial intra- and interpopulation heterogeneity of the ethnic groups studied in respect to frequency and distribution of the DXS52alleles and genotypes was demonstrated. The unimodal DXS52allele frequency distribution pattern with the peak at 1690 bp was typical to Mordovians and Komis. Chuvashes and Maris, as well as Udmurts, were characterized by bimodal frequency distribution patterns, with the peaks at 1690 and 670 bp, and 1690 and 1390 bp, respectively. Moreover, Bashkirs and Tatars displayed trimodal DXS52allele frequency distribution patterns with the peaks at 1690, 1390, and 670 bp. The DXS52allele frequency distribution patterns described in populations of the Volga– Ural region were found to be remarkably different from those established for the mixed Moscow population and the population of Western Europe. These data indicate that the DXS52locus is highly informative, and this polymorphic system can serve as a molecular marker for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Restriction polymorphism at the monoamine oxidase A (MAO A) gene was typed in eight male populations of the Volga– Ural region (Bashkirs, Chuvashes, Tatars, Udmurts, Maris, Mordovians, Komis, and Russians inhabiting the Republic of Bashkortostan). Analysis of the MAO A alleles frequency distribution patterns did not reveal statistically significant differences between the Volga–Ural populations examined. The results obtained suggest genetic homogeneity of the populations described in respect of the polymorphic locus examined.  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze T174M polymorphism at the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene in a number of populations of the Volga–Ural region, belonging to Finno–Ugric (Komi-Permyaks, Maris, Mordovians, and Udmurts), Turkic (Chuvashes, Tatars, and Bashkirs), and Eastern-Slavic (Russians) ethnic groups. Population-specific patterns of the polymorphic alleles and genotypes frequency distribution were established. Comparison of the results with the literature data on the AGT gene polymorphism in different world populations provided identification of specific trends in the changes of genotype frequency of the AGT gene depending on the ethnicity of the populations.  相似文献   

The insertion–deletion polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) was studied using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in eight populations from the Volga–Ural region (the Bashkir, Chuvash, Tatar, Udmurt, Mari, Mordovian, and Komi populations and the population of Russians living in the Arkhangel'skii raion of Bashkortostan). For this polymorphic system, the pattern of distribution of main population parameters was established in the region studied. Depending on population ethnicity, specific trends were revealed in the pattern of frequencies of alleles and genotypes of geneSLC6A4.  相似文献   

Insertion–deletion polymorphism at the angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) gene in populations of the Volga–Ural region was examined by means of polymerase chain reaction. The populations studied belong to the Finno-Ugric (Komis, Maris, Mordovians, and Udmurts), Turkic (Chuvashes, Tatars, and Bashkirs), and Eastern-Slavic (Russians) ethnic groups. Distribution patterns of allele and genotype frequencies of this polymorphic system in the examined region were characterized. Comparison of the obtained results with the literature data on the ACE gene polymorphism in other Caucasoid and Mongoloid populations revealed some trends in the ACE genotype frequency dynamics depending on the ethnicity of the populations.  相似文献   

The data on sequence variation in the first hypervariable segment (HVSI) of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) representing Caucasoid mtDNA lineages in the gene pools of Altaians and Khakassians are presented. Identification of the subgroups of Caucasoid mtDNA lineages found in the gene pools of the ethnic groups of the Altai–Sayan region and the adjacent territories, Altaians, Khakassians, Tuvinians, Buryats, and Yakuts was carried out. All Caucasoid mtDNA lineages belonged to groups H, HV1, J*, J1, J1b1, T1, T4, U1a, U2, U3, U4, U5a1, I, X and N1a. Taking into consideration possible contribution of southern Caucasoid and eastern European components to the formation of the anthropological type of Altai–Sayan ethnic groups, distribution of the revealed Caucasoid mtDNA lineages among the ethnic groups of the Central Asia, Western Asia, Caucasus, and Eastern Europe was examined. The applied approach permitted identification of 60% of mtDNA types the majority of which had southern Caucasoid origin. Less than 10% of mtDNA types were of eastern European origin. The gene pools of Altaians and Khakassians displayed the presence of autochthonous components represented by mtDNA types from subgroups U2 and U4.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment-length polymorphism of the gene coding for N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) was typed in populations of the Volga–Ural region (Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes, Udmurts, and Russians) as well as in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in healthy individuals. Rapid and slow acetylator phenotypes were determined based on the presence or absence of the KpnI, TaqI, and BamHI restriction endonuclease recognition sites. The proportion of slow acetylators in the populations examined varied from 40.00% in Bashkirs to 64.15% in Chuvashes with statistically significant difference between these two ethnic groups (2 = 5.7; P = 0.02). Overall, in the Volga–Ural populations slow acetylators represented 56.25% of the subjects examined. This value was similar to those presented in other studies of Caucasoid populations. In the COPD patients a statistically significant decrease of the slow acetylator frequency to 48.28% compared to healthy individuals (62.18%) was observed (2 = 4.60; P = 0.036). The data obtained suggest a possible association between the drug resistance in the COPD patients with the rapid acetylator phenotype, which can lead to the development of the chronic form of the disease.  相似文献   

Using the data on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism, genetic structures of the four Turkic-speaking ethnic groups of Altai–Sayan highlands, Southern Altaians (Altai- Kizhi), Khakassians, Shorians, and Sojots, were described. Mitochondrial gene pools of the populations examined were characterized by different ratios between Mongoloid (M*, C, D, E, G, A, B, and F) and Caucasoid (H, U, T, J, and K) mtDNA lineages. All the populations studied had a strongly pronounced Mongoloid component, the frequency of which was 88.2% in Sojots, 75.9% in Khakassians, 67.4% in Altaians, and 64.3% in Shorians. Maximum frequency of the Caucasoid component (35.7%) was observed in Shorians. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses of the mtDNA group frequency distribution patterns in the gene pools of the ethnic populations of Altai–Sayan highlands and the adjacent territories showed that the populations of the region fell into three groups. The first group included Khakassians, Tuvinians and Altaians, the second group consisted of Sojots, Buryats, and Mongols, while the third group was composed of Uigurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyzes. The isolated position of Shorians among the populations examined can be explained by their different anthropological composition and their presumptive relatedness to Finno-Ugric populations of Siberia.  相似文献   

Insertion–deletion polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region V was examined in three Kazakh populations inhabiting different regions of Kazakhstan. The 9-bp deletion was revealed in all three populations examined. In Altai population the 4-bp insertion was also found. The presence of these polymorphic variants was confirmed by DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

Using the data on five diallellic Y-chromosome loci (DYS199,92R7, SRY1532, RBF5, and DYS287) polymorphism, genetic structures of the five Turkic-speaking ethnic groups of the Altai–Sayan upland (Tuvinians, Sojots, Shorians, Khakassians, and Southern Altaians (Altai-Kizhi), were described. The gene pools of the populations examined were characterized by the presence of pronounced paleo-Caucasoid component (92R7-T-lineages). The frequency of this component increased westward, reaching more than 70% in Shorians and Southern Altaians. Haplotype TAT-C (RBF5 locus) was observed in all populations, except Shorians, with the frequencies varying from 5.4% in Altai-Kizhi to 18.8% in Khakassians. The Alu-insertion in the DYS287 locus was revealed only in the Altaian sample with the frequency of 3.3%. It was established that the Altai–Sayan populations studied split into two statistically significantly different groups. One of the groups was represented by Tuvinians, Sojots, and Khakassians, while another one was comprised of Shorians and Altaians.  相似文献   

The modern situation of the vertebrate population in the clay semidesert of the interfluve of the Volga and Ural rivers differs significantly from that observed 50–60 years ago. This is due to the fact that reduction of ravine forests and steppe shrubs (which began in the 18th century) has extremely affected the forest and dendrophilous animals. The artificial afforestation, especially intense since the middle of the 20th century, provided surrogate “forest” sites in the region by the end of the 1970s. This helped to restore the missing species and raise the abundance and dispersal of forest and dendrophilous animals. By the beginning of the 21st century, afforestation had stopped in the region and the plantation areas had begun to shrink. Some trends in the populations of mammals and birds can be already noticed.  相似文献   

Variation of Mongoloid-specific restriction sites of mitochondrial genome was analyzed in three territorial groups of Tuvinians. Distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups A, B, C, and D on the territory of the Tuva Republic was estimated. The populations studied did not display distinct differentiation in respect to the mtDNA polymorphism. The specific feature of Tuvinian mitochondrial gene pool was the prevalence of only one haplogroup C (over 40%), mainly represented by two mitotypes. The high frequency of this haplogroup makes Tuvinians similar to more northern Siberian populations. On the other hand, the presence of haplogroup B indicates that Tuvinians have affinity to ethnic groups of Central Asia.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of the Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malmaWalbaum was studied in five populations from the western part of the Northern Pacific. Using restriction analysis (RFLP), we examined polymorphism of three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments amplified in polymerase chain reaction (PCR). MtDNA haplotypes were shown to fall into two phylogenetic groups, which probably reflect the existence of two previously described subspecies of Asian Dolly Varden,S. malma malma and S. malma krascheninnikovi. The divergence of mtDNA nucleotide sequences in the Dolly Varden subspecies (about 4%) corresponds to the differences between the valid char species from the genus Salvelinus.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The distribution features of foraminiferal assemblages in the Upper Viséan deposits of the reference wells 1 Melekess and 1 Buzuluk are investigated. According to the...  相似文献   

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