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New data on the species composition and distribution of reef-building corals on some reefs of the Seychelles Islands are presented. The study revealed 236 species belonging to 68 genera, which exceeds the well-known values of scleractinian species composition in this region by almost two times. Representatives of the families Acroporidae, Poritidae, and Faviidae dominated. Settlements of the blue coral Heliopora coerulea and the hydroid Millepora dichotoma were fairly numerous and in aggregate covered up to 40% of the substratum. In its species composition, the coral fauna of the Seychelles reefs makes a single unit with the Indo-Pacific tropical fauna.  相似文献   

Artificial lighting has been used to illuminate the nocturnal environment for centuries and continues to expand with urbanization and economic development. Yet, the potential ecological impact of the resultant light pollution has only recently emerged as a major cause for concern. While investigations have demonstrated that artificial lighting can influence organism behaviour, reproductive success and survivorship, none have addressed whether it is altering the composition of communities. We show, for the first time, that invertebrate community composition is affected by proximity to street lighting independently of the time of day. Five major invertebrate groups contributed to compositional differences, resulting in an increase in the number of predatory and scavenging individuals in brightly lit communities. Our results indicate that street lighting changes the environment at higher levels of biological organization than previously recognized, raising the potential that it can alter the structure and function of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforest canopies are renowned for their high invertebrate diversity and abundance. The canopy comprises a range of microhabitats representing very different food resources (including photosynthetic, reproductive, and structural tissues). As these resources vary considerably in temporal and spatial availability, nutritional quality, chemical protection and other attributes, we hypothesized that microhabitats support structurally different invertebrate communities. To test this we used the Australian Canopy Crane to sample invertebrates from mature leaves, flush leaves, flowers, fruit and suspended dead wood from 23 plant species. Invertebrate faunas on different microhabitats varied in taxonomic composition and feeding guild structure in support of the microhabitat differentiation hypothesis. Herbivores were found predominantly on new leaves (Hemiptera, Lepidoptera) and especially flowers (Coleoptera, Thysanoptera), but were relatively uncommon on mature leaves. Instead, the mature foliage community was dominated by predators, especially spiders and ants, and supported high abundances of saprophages. Ripe fruit and dead wood were scarce canopy resources that were utilized by a relatively small number of invertebrates, mostly saprophages and fungivores. Flowers supported a more heterogeneous fauna than the leaves in terms of proportional abundances of taxonomic groups and feeding guilds, both within tree species (evenness) and between tree species (non‐uniformity). These results demonstrate microhabitat differentiation in a rainforest canopy and are the first to quantify differences in taxonomic composition, guild structure and abundance patterns between such diverse invertebrate assemblages within host trees. We conclude that studies based only on sampling one microhabitat, and leaves in particular, may provide a distorted picture of invertebrate community structure.  相似文献   

Mean annual growth rates (skeletal linear extension) in the hermatypic coralsPorites astreoides Lamarck andDiploria labyrinthiformis (L.) were investigated mainly by X-radiography from a variety of localities at various depths on the high-latitude coral reefs of Bermuda. Growth rates of both species show an inverse curvilinear relationship with depth, with highest growth rates in the shallow inshore waters of Castle Harbour and lowest at the edge of the Bermuda platform and on the adjacent fore-reef slope. Annual density bands form seasonal couplets, with narrow, high density bands appearing to form in the spring-summer months and wider, low density bands over the rest of the year in both species. Comparison of the growth rates ofP. astreoides from Bermuda with those from lower latitude West Indian localities, particularly Jamaica, indicates an inverse relationship with latitude and a similar inverse curvilinear relationship with depth at both geographic locations. Growth rate-locality differences in Bermuda for both species are suggested to be controlled mainly by local differences in wave energy and food supply and possibly seasonal water temperature fluctuations; growth rate-depth differences by decreasing illumination with depth; and growth rate-latitudinal differences by reduction in winter water temperatures and light levels with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

Free-floating plants are important components of aquatic ecosystems in tropical climates, playing a key role in the structure and spatial distribution of fish communities. This study aims at elucidating the potential effects of free-floating vegetation on fish community structure in a tropical floodplain lake, using an experimental approach based on natural and artificial devices (Eichhornia crassipes), in high and low (LT) turbidity waters. A total of 32 fish species were found, richness, abundance, biomass, mean fresh body weight, and standard length were all significantly higher in the LT regions. Although no significant differences of community traits were found between artificial and natural substrates, regardless of water turbidity, fish composition differences between devices were observed in clear waters. Benthivorous fishes were the most widespread trophic group, with higher abundance and biomass in LT, while no differences were found among plant types. The results confirmed the structural role played by free-floating plants in the fish community by offering a refuge to smaller bodied fish species and younger specimens of larger species, independently of turbidity conditions. However, the effect was stronger in clear waters. The evidence also supported the hypothesis that the fish community forages within the plant beds. Turbidity spatial gradients or turbid regimes in tropical shallow lakes, as well as important floating macrophyte coverage could have strong impacts on the fish community structure.  相似文献   


Thermophilous deciduous forest is widespread in northern mainland Greece and extends in patches further south to Peloponnisos and the bigger islands. In this paper, we provide a phytosociological survey of the plant communities of deciduous oak and mixed forest throughout Greece, based on about 370 relevés from the literature and more than 300 personal unpublished ones. Assocation names of the thermophilous deciduous forest are re-evaluated, and syntaxonomic conclusions added. The relevés are classified, and 13 associations and several additional subtypes described and presented in synoptic constancy tables. The following associations were recognized, and characterized by species composition, ecology and distribution: 1. Phillyreo–Carpinetum orientalis, 2. Dryopterido pallidae–Ostryetum carpinifoliae, 3. Tilio tomentosae–Castanetum; 4. Genisto carinalis–Quercetum petraeae, 5. Querco frainetto–Castanetum, 6. Cytiso villosi–Castanetum; 7. Lathyro laxiflori–Castanetum; 8. Symphyto ottomani–Quercetum frainetto, 9. Verbasco glabrati–Quercetum frainetto; 10. Huetio cynapioidis–Quercetum frainetto; 11. Digitali viridiflorae–Quercetum frainetto; 12. Geranio asphodeloidis–Quercetum frainetto; 13. Oenantho pimpinelloidis–Quercetum frainetto. Associations 12 are assigned to the alliance Fraxino orni–Ostryion, 46 and 813 to the Quercion frainetto (both Quercetalia pubescentis), 3 interim to the Tilio–Acerion, and 7 to the Quercetalia ilicis. The two Quercetalia pubescentis alliances co-occur in northern Greece; their habitats differ chiefly in terms of soil conditions, bedrock and topography, rather than in overall climatic character.  相似文献   

Michaela Bernecker 《Facies》2005,51(1-4):442-453
The paleolatitudinal distribution patterns during Ladinian and Carnian time are characterized by an increasing expansion of reefs from the northern to the southern hemisphere. The optimum of reef diversity and frequency in the Norian is associated with the development of extended attached or isolated carbonate platforms. Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Northern Calcareous Alps developed (1) as reef belt composed of patch reefs in platform-edge positions facing the open-marine northwestern Tethys basins and (2) as patch reefs in intraplatform basins as well as in ramp positions.Carnian and Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Arabian Peninsula are formed (1) as reef complexes at the margins of carbonate platforms on the tops of volcanic seamounts in the southern Tethyan ocean, as small biostromes on these isolated platforms, and (2) as transgressive reef complexes on the attached platform of the Gondwana margin. The Norian Gosaukamm reefal breccia of the NW Tethys is a counterpart of Jabal Wasa reefal limestone of the Gondwana margin with similarities in geological setting and biotic composition. Rhaetian coral biostromes of low diversity known from the Austrian Koessen basin resemble to the time equivalent Ala biostromes of the isolated Kawr platform in the southern Neo-Tethys by forming a discontinuous layer in shallow intraplatform basin setting.  相似文献   

为研究人工鱼礁对产卵鱼类的诱集效果和庇护效应,2014—2015年对青岛崂山青山湾海域人工鱼礁区及附近海域鱼卵和仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布进行了水平和垂直拖网调查. 2014年春、夏、秋3个季节的7个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵7306粒、仔稚鱼52尾,隶属于4目9科11属12种;2015年同期进行的13个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵10373粒、仔稚鱼159尾,隶属于6目11科14属15种.2年间鱼卵和仔稚鱼样品均以鲈形目数量最多,鲽形目次之,其中鱼卵样品中仅有少鳞鱚和短吻红舌鳎构成优势种;仔稚鱼样品以少鳞鱚优势度最高,但不存在仔稚鱼优势种.鱼卵和稚鱼的高优势度物种的季节间演替明显.春、夏、秋季鱼类浮游生物群落Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数平均值均较低,说明该海域鱼类浮游生物群落结构稳定性较低.2年间所采集物种对应的成鱼平均营养级分别为3.71和3.78,均属第三营养级中的低级肉食性鱼类,绝大多数为暖温种,无冷温性种类,表现出明显的暖温带特点.综合分析认为,人工鱼礁区鱼类浮游生物群落的多样性相对较高,这与鱼礁区流速和流场特征及复杂的空间异质性有关.  相似文献   

The species composition and vertical distribution of gelatinousinvertebrate zooplankton were investigated from April 1993 toJune 1994 in the 0–1000 m water column at a deep-sea stationin the northern part of the South Adriatic Pit. Fifty-sevenspecies were identified: 11 hydromedusae, 13 calycophores, 3ctenophores, 3 heteropods, 10 pteropods, 8 polychaetes and 9chaetognaths. The pteropod Desmopterus papilio and the heteropodProtatlanta mediterranea were recorded for the first time inthe Adriatic Sea. Data from this study differed from those ofprevious investigations in the South Adriatic as regards thenumerically dominant polychaete and pteropod species. All investigatedgroups generally were more abundant in the upper 100 m and decreasedwith depth. Different vertical distributions of life stageswere observed for those species that occupy a wide depth range:Persa incolorata, Solmissus albescens, Limacina inflata, Cymbuliaperoni, Pelagobia longicirrata, Sagitta lyra and Sagitta decipiens.  相似文献   

The distribution of invertebrate communities in a small South African river   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Monthly samples of macroinvertebrates were collected from the stony-bed and marginal-vegetation habitats of a small river in the south western Cape Province, South Africa. Cluster analyses of the samples revealed assemblages of invertebrates (here referred to as communities) with clear spatial and temporal distribution patterns in the muer. The species composition of the communities, and their distribution, are described. The relation of the macroinvertebrate distribution to changes in the physico-chemical environment was investigated using stepwise multiple discriminant analysis. The results indicated a strong correlation between the two.  相似文献   

X-radiography was used to study annual linear skeletal extension rates of the reef-building scleractinian corals Diploria strigosa and Diploria labyrinthiformis from the high-latitude reefs of Bermuda. Coral samples for X-radiography were collected from seven localities of varying biotopes and depths around the Bermuda platform and band couplets were measured. Mean extension rates of both species were highest on inshore and nearshore reefs, gradually decreasing towards the edge of the Bermuda platform and onto the fore-reef slope. Extension rates of D. labyrinthiformis were statistically higher than those of D. strigosa at three localities, while at the other four, the rates of both species were not statistically separable. extension rates of d. labyrinthiformis were statistically higher than D. strigosa within depths of 20 m and 32 m but not statistically separable at 3 m and 6 m depths. Extension rates of both species decreased significantly with increasing depth (r 2=0.92, P<0.03 for D. labyrinthiformis and r 2=0.95, P<0.02 for D. strigosa). Each species showed an inverse curvilinear relationship between extension rate and depth, the rate of change (i.e. slope) being the same for each species. Comparison of extension rates of each species from Berumuda with published rates of these species from lower latitudes showed an inverse relationship between extension rate and latitude.  相似文献   

桂西不同灌丛植物群落物种组成及其多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过野外设定样方、每木检尺的方法,调查了桂西9个市县的10种不同灌丛类型群落,分析了灌丛群落优势种重要值、物种组成、生长指标和物种多样性指数等生物学特征。结果表明:桂西灌丛资源丰富、分布广泛、类型多样,在调查的10个群落类型中,共有灌木树种87种,隶属于47科78属,以大戟科、蔷薇科和马鞭草科的树种较多;草本56种,隶属于31科48属,以禾本科、菊科和蔷薇科为主。灌丛群落主要分为灌木层和草本层,灌木层盖度为30%~70%,灌木的平均高度介于0.75~3.25 m之间,一般不超过5 m;草本层盖度为3%~90%,草本的平均高度在0.4~1.3 m之间,一般在1 m以下。不同灌丛群落的优势种重要值、物种多样性均不同,单优势种群落的优势种重要值普遍较高;而多优势种群落的物种多样性指数较高,即多优势种群落的物种数量多、分布均匀、结构更加复杂和稳定。物种丰富度S、多样性指数H′、优势度指数D和均匀度指数E之间存在显著的正相关性。综合分析,群落9(白栎+马桑+火棘灌丛)和群落10(黄荆+灰毛浆果楝灌丛)的组成丰富、多样性水平较高。  相似文献   

Understanding the action of filters on the biological trait composition of communities is constrained by the multitude of filter types (e.g. abiotic vs biotic, actual vs historical) that may cause changes of a multitude of traits (e.g. small vs large body size, short vs long life cycle) at a multitude of spatial scales (e.g. continent vs landscape vs local site). Using published data on the as natural as possible abundances and 11 biological traits (described through 63 categories) of 254 European stream invertebrate genera, we assessed how already available knowledge can serve to identify the importance of the action of different types of trait filters at two spatial scales. Therefore, we analysed observed and simulated abundance‐weighted trait compositions at the local scale of 384 running water sites (RWS) and at the landscape scale of 14 large biogeographical regions (LER). Actual abiotic filters acted significantly and independently of the taxonomic richness on the invertebrate traits at the RWS‐ and LER‐scale, whereas biotic filters had no significant effect. Evidence for the action of historical trait filters across Europe was only weak at both scales. Size, reproductive cycle, respiration and locomotion technique, feeding habits and vulnerability to disturbance responded to altitude and stream width of the RWS according to existing views about the effects of riparian, physiological, interstitial or disturbance controls of these traits. These controls acted independently on trait categories that did not co‐occur within the genera, because correlations of size categories with other trait categories were higher in the abundance‐weighted trait array (across communities) than in the original trait array (across genera). Overall, many of the 63 trait categories were scarcely affected by the trait filters considered in this study. Therefore, we briefly discuss potential effects of continental filters and of stream system‐specific, local physical filters, as the latter should produce similar trait patterns on a global scale. Our study suggests that analyses of the currently available knowledge can simplify the complicated hypothetical framework on trait filter actions, which sharpens the focus on future research needs.  相似文献   

This study considered a model for species abundance dynamics in two local community (or islands) connected to a regional metacommunity. The model was analyzed using continuous probabilistic technique that employs Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck forward equation to derive the probability density of the species abundance in the two local communities. Using this technique, we proposed a classification for the species abundance dynamics in the local communities. This classification was made based on such characteristics as immigration intensity, species representation in the metacommunity and the size of local communities. We further distinguished several different scenarios for species abundance dynamics using different ecological characteristics such as species persistence, extinction and monodominance in one or both local communities. The similarity of the species abundance distributions between the two local communities was studied using the correlation coefficient between species abundances in two local communities. The correlation is a function of migration rates between local communities and between local and metacommunity. Immigration between local communities drives the homogenization of the local communities, while immigration from the metacommunity will differentiate them. This community subdivision model provides useful insights for studying the effect of landscape fragmentation on species diversity.  相似文献   

At the end of the first half of the 20th century, 61 species and subspecies of fish, including one invader (bleak Alburnus alburnus) and 17 species—endemics of Baikal—were reported for Siberia (Berg, 1933, 1949). At the present time, in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs of Siberia, 96 fish species and subspecies are described, of which 80 are aboriginal and 16 are invaders; 33 species are endemics of Baikal. Each landscapegeographic zone of Siberia has its specific ichthyofauna: in rivers and lakes of the south of Siberia, species of boreal piedmont complex dominate; in water bodies of the steppe, forest-steppe, taiga, and southern parts of the forest-steppe zone boreal plain dominates; in the zone of tundra, arctic freshwater dominates; and in Baikal, the most part (35) of species belongs to the Baikal autochtonous complex. Most researchers, as before, distinguish in Siberia two ichthyogeographic sites—West Siberian and East Siberian—that enter the Arctic Province of the Circumpolar subregion of the Holarctic region. Baikal is considered in the rank of the suboblast of the Holarctic.  相似文献   

Invertebrates at 20 sites on 19 Campbell Island streams were sampled over the Austral summer of 1996/97. Twelve of the 16 benthic invertebrate taxa known from the island were collected. The most abundant group was the Crustacea, which included an isopod (Notidotea lacustris) and two amphipods, one belonging to the family Eusiridae and one to the suborder Gammaridea. Five species of Diptera were found (three chironomids; Orthocladiinae sp., Chironominae sp. and Maoridiamesa insularis, as well as an empidid and a simuliid Austrosimulium campbellense). One trichopteran, the hydroptilid caddis Oxyethira albiceps and two plecopteran species Rungaperla campbelli and R. longicauda and unidentified Oligochaetes were also collected. In general, Campbell Island streams are stable, deeply incised, have unusually high salinity from wind-blown sea spray and a unique benthic invertebrate fauna. With the exception of high altitude streams with large boulders which had invertebrate communities dominated by Crustacea and the endemic stonefly of the genus Rungaperla, none of the measured environmental variables or geographic location could explain the distinctive communities found. The species-poor stream fauna and the absence of many invertebrate families commonly found on mainland New Zealand appears to be related to the extreme isolation and geological history of the island.  相似文献   

The composition and spatial distribution of the coral communities of the barrier reefs of Jiang Bo and of Re Island were described in detail for the first time for Vietnamese waters. Their comparability to the ribbon reefs of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and to the barrier reefs of the Philippines and Indian Ocean was revealed by morphological parameters, species diversity and zonal distribution. Their geomorphological status, the presence of fore reef, epi-reef and back reef complexes with their specific composition of flora and fauna, and an obligatory lagoon separating the reef from fringing inshore reefs, enabled the attribution of the surveyed reefs to the barrier type of reef.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the sensitivity, in a field situation, of the hyporheic fauna to pollution by heavy metals and also to test the use of oxidative stress enzymes produced by this fauna as a sensitive indicator of oxidative stress generated by chemical contamination. This was done by surveying the patterns of distribution, structure, and composition of hyporheic invertebrate communities in one of the most polluted rivers in Romania. Twelve permanent sampling stations with differing water qualities were established along a 180 km transect of the Arie? River. Data on hyporheic invertebrate abundance and richness, chemistry of the surface and hyporheic water and interstitial suspended particles were analyzed via multifactorial analyses. In the downstream, more polluted stations, epigean species were less abundant and hyporheic communities, especially macrocrustaceans and oligochetes, became dominant. The higher levels of hyporheic invertebrate biodiversity in the moderately polluted stations compared to highly polluted, and the increase of the number of some hyporheos (especially macrocrustaceans) in the moderately polluted stations, suggested that the hyporheic fauna was more tolerant of heavy metal pollution than the surface water fauna of the area. However, the different richness and abundance of hyporheic fauna in sites of similar water chemistry suggested that additional factors, such as sediment structure are shaping the spatial distribution of hyporheic fauna. Strong correlations between superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in pooled tissues extracts and some chemical parameters suggest that oxidative stress enzymes may prove to be sensitive indicators of chemical pollution in hyporheic zones.  相似文献   

黄土高原森林群落物种多度的分布格局   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
任萍  王孝安  郭华 《生态学杂志》2009,28(8):1449-1455
选用物种多度统计模型(对数级数分布模型、对数正态分布模型)和物种多度生态位模型(分割线段模型、生态位重叠模型、随机分配模型)研究了黄土高原子午岭马栏林区不同演替阶段3种森林群落物种多度分布格局的变化。结果表明:(1)物种分布统计模型拟合显示,演替初期的白桦(Betula platyphylla)林,物种丰富,但分布不均匀;演替中期的天然油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林,油松优势地位明显,林下灌木和草本植物数量少但分布集中;演替顶极的辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林,物种分布均匀且集中,枯立木形成的林隙较多。(2)在物种多度生态位模型拟合中,3种群落均能被较好地拟合。说明在演替过程中,影响物种分布的自然和人为因素较多,不能简单地选择一个生态位模型来解释。因此,研究森林群落物种分布时,最好采用多个模型进行拟合。  相似文献   

兰州五泉山的藻类及其分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以兰州五泉山为该地藻种资源库,对其中水生、陆生生境中藻类的种类多样性、群落结构、分布特点进行了研究。结果发现该地藻类植物65种(含4变种),包括蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和红藻,其中硅藻种类最多(29种),其它依次为蓝藻(24种)、绿藻(11种)和红藻(1种)。水体中共42种,硅藻最多,有26种,其次蓝藻8种,绿藻7种,红藻1种,不同水体中优势种和亚优势种不同。土壤生境中发现20种,蓝藻13种,绿藻4种,硅藻3种,且非洲席藻和小球藻分为优势种和亚优势种。7个种类在水、陆两大生境都有分布,而且它们主要是丝状蓝藻。  相似文献   

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