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Abstract Over 200 strains of marine purple photosynthetic bacteria were isolated. Two strains showed antibiotic activity towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae and were tentatively identified as Chromatium purpuratum . Crude antibiotic, prepared by solvent extraction, showed a broad antimicrobial spectrum. The highest activity was found in the chromatophore fraction. Chromatographic separation of purified light harvesting complex from one strain, NKPB 031704, showed the presence of two separate pigmented compounds which were responsible for antimicrobial activity. Our findings reveal the unexpected ability of photosynthetic bacteria to produce broad spectrum antibiotics. In addition, this is the first example of intracellular localization of antibiotic activity in a marine bacterium.  相似文献   

A 991 bp DNA fragment, consisting of a 225 amino acid reading frame homologous to outer membrane protein coding ompA gene, was cloned from a purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum. The homology analysis revealed up to 51% similarity to other bacterial species. The absence of branching within diazotrophs or other taxonomically related groups shows the structural importance of the protein regardless of the metabolism and evolution of the species.  相似文献   

Abstract Small inverse isotope effects of 1–3‰ were consistently observed for the oxidation of sulfide to elemental sulfur during anaerobic photometabolism by Chromatium vinosum . The inverse fractionation can be accounted for by an equilibrium isotope effect between H2S and HS, and may indicate that C. vinosum (and other photosynthetic bacteria) utilizes H2S rather than HS as the substrate during sulfide oxidation.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic sulfur bacterium, Chromatium vinosum, was cultured in inorganic photographic processing solutions containing silver thiosulfate complex salt (AgNa3(S2O3)2) under light. It was found that Chromatium was resistant to Ag and accumulated granular silver in the membrane during growth. The amount of Ag accumulated in the cells depended on the initial concentrations of the Ag salt in the culture solution. When the concentration of Ag was 300 mg/l, the bacteria accumulated Ag as high as 30% of the dry cell weight. The size of the granules was 0.1 to 0.3 m. Results from X-ray microanalysis indicated that these granules consisted mostly of Ago with small fractions of Ag2S and AgCl.  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum DSM 185 was grown in continuous culture at a constant dilution rate of 0.071 h-1 with sulfide as the only electron donor. The organism was subjected to conditions ranging from phosphate limitation (S R-phosphate=2.7 M and S R-sulfide=1.8 mM) to sulfide limitation (S R-phosphate=86 M and S R-sulfide=1.8 mM). At values of S R-phosphate below 7.5 M the culture was washed out, whereas S R-phosphate above this value resulted in steady states. The saturation constant (K ) for growth on phosphate was estimated to be between 2.6 and 4.1 M. The specific phosphorus content of the cells increased from 0.30 to 0.85 mol P mg-1 protein with increasing S R-phosphate. The specific rate of phosphate uptake increased with increasing S R-phosphate, and displayed a non-hyperbolic saturation relationship with respect to the concentration of phosphate in the inflowing medium. Approximation of a hyperbolic saturation function yielded a maximum uptake rate (V max) of 85 nmol P mg-1 protein h-1, and a saturation constant for uptake (K t) of 0.7 M. When phosphate was supplied in excess 8.5% of the phosphate taken up by the cells was excreted as organic phosphorus at a specific rate of 8 nmol P mg-1 protein h-1.Non-standard abbreviations BChla bacteriochlorophyll a - D dilution rate; max, maximum specific growth rate - maximum specific growth rate if the substrate were not inhibitory - K saturation constant for growth on phosphate - V max maximum rate of phosphate uptake - K i saturation constant for phosphate uptake - K i inhibition constant for growth in the presence of sulfide - S R concentration of substrate in the inflowing medium  相似文献   

Abstract The purple photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium vinosum , strain D, catalyzes several oxidations of reduced sulfur compounds under anaerobic conditions in the light: e.g., sulfide → sulfur → sulfate, sulfite → sulfate, and thiosulfate → sulfur + sulfate. Here it is shown that no sulfur isotope effect is associated with the last of these processes; isotopic compositions of the sulfur and sulfate produced can differ, however, if the sulfane and sulfonate positions within the thiosulfate have different isotopic compositions. In the second process, an observed change from an inverse to a normal isotope effect during oxidation of sulfite may indicate the operation of 2 enzymatic pathways. In contrast to heterotrophic anaerobic reduction of oxidized sulfur compounds, anaerobic oxidations of inorganic sulfur compounds by photosynthetic bacteria are characterized by relatively small isotope effects.  相似文献   

Sequencing of a 3.4 kb DNA fragment isolated from the photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium vinosum and of PCR products has resulted in identification of the Chr. vinosum pufL, pufM, and pufC genes, reading from the 5 to the 3 direction, and coding, respectively, for the L, M and cytochrome c subunits of the reaction center of this bacterium. Other PCR products have been used to obtain complete sequences for the pufB and pufA genes, located immediately upstream from pufL and encoding the apoproteins of two Chr. vinosum light- harvesting proteins. The 3-portion of the bchZ gene, a gene that codes for a protein involved in the biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll, has been located immediately upstream from pufB. A second pufB gene, pufB2, has been located downstream from pufC, as has the 5-portion of a second pufA gene, pufA2. The location of a second set of pufB and pufA genes, encoding light- harvesting proteins, downstream from pufC has not previously been reported for any photosynthetic bacterium. Translation of the gene sequences encoding these Chr. vinosum light-harvesting proteins reveals both similarities to and differences from the amino acid sequences, obtained from direct sequencing of the apoproteins, previously reported for Chr. vinosum light-harvesting proteins. Translation of these gene sequences, and of those for pufL, pufM and pufC, revealed significant homology, at the amino acid level, to the corresponding peptides of photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum, an anaerobic photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium, resembles aerobic bacterial cells in that it has an NADP-thioredoxin system composed of a single thioredoxin which is reduced by NADPH via NADP-thioredoxin reductase. Both protein components were purified to homogeneity, and some of their properties were determined. Chromatium vinosum thioredoxin was slightly larger than other bacterial thioredoxins (13 versus 12 kilodaltons) but was similar in its specificity (ability to activate chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase more effectively than chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase) and immunological properties. As in other bacteria, Chromatium vinosum NADP-thioredoxin reductase was an arsenite-sensitive flavoprotein composed of two 33.5-kilodalton subunits, that required thioredoxin for the NADPH-linked reduction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Chromatium vinosum NADP-thioredoxin reductase very effectively reduced several different bacterial-type thioredoxins (Escherichia coli, Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum (this name has not been approved by the International Committee of Systematic Bacteriology), Rhizobium meliloti) but not others (Clostridium pasteurianum, spinach chloroplast thioredoxin m). The results show that Chromatium vinosum contains an NADP-thioredoxin system typical of evolutionarily more advanced microorganisms.  相似文献   

Sulfide oxidation in the phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium vinosum D (DSMZ 180T) was studied by insertional inactivation of the fccAB genes, which encode flavocytochrome c, a protein that exhibits sulfide dehydrogenase activity in vitro. Flavocytochrome c is located in the periplasmic space as shown by a PhoA fusion to the signal peptide of the hemoprotein subunit. The genotype of the flavocytochrome-c-deficient Chr. vinosum strain FD1 was verified by Southern hybridization and PCR, and the absence of flavocytochrome c in the mutant was proven at the protein level. The oxidation of thiosulfate and intracellular sulfur by the flavocytochrome-c-deficient mutant was comparable to that of the wild-type. Disruption of the fccAB genes did not have any significant effect on the sulfide-oxidizing ability of the cells, showing that flavocytochrome c is not essential for oxidation of sulfide to intracellular sulfur and indicating the presence of a distinct sulfide-oxidizing system. In accordance with these results, Chr. vinosum extracts catalyzed electron transfer from sulfide to externally added duroquinone, indicating the presence of the enzyme sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (EC 1.8.5.-). Further investigations showed that the sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase activity was sensitive to heat and to quinone analogue inhibitors. The enzyme is strictly membrane-bound and is constitutively expressed. The presence of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase points to a connection of sulfide oxidation to the membrane electron transport system at the level of the quinone pool in Chr. vinosum. Received: 5 November 1997 / Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

The effects of light quality (color) on the 14CO2 fixation rates of natural population of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria were tested. The phototrophic bacteria were collected from the sulfide containing waters of 3 stratified lakes. The populations sampled survive in environments where light intensities are very low. Not only are the light intensities low but, due to the light filtering characteristics of the lake water, the light is of specific color. It was determined that the spectral properties of the three lakes differed, hence the quality of light reaching the phototrophic bacteria in each lake differed. It was also observed that only green sulfur bacteria were present in the study lake which transmits mainly red light and both purple and green sulfur bacteria were present in the two study lakes which transmit predominantly green light. Enrichment cultures were set up with phototrophic bacteria from two of the lakes serving as the inocula. Enrichment culture studies and photosynthetic responses of the natural populations indicate that light quality is a major factor in determining the composition of phototrophic bacterial population in some lakes.Non-Common Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - DPM Disintegrations per minute  相似文献   

Nitrogenase in Chromatium vinosum was rapidly, but reversibly inhibited by NH 4 + . Activity of the Fe protin component of nitrogenase required both Mn2+ and activating enzyme. Activating enzyme from Rhodospirillum rubrum could replace Chromatium chromatophores in activating the Chromatium Fe protein, and conversely, a protein fraction prepared from Chromatium chromatophores was effective in activating R. rubrum Fe protein. Inactive Chromatium Fe protein contained a peptide covalently modified by a phosphate-containing molecule, which migrated the same in SDS-polyacrylamide gels as the modified subunit of R. rubrum Fe protein. In sum, these observations suggest that Chromatium nitrogenase activity is regulated by a covalent modification of the Fe protein in a manner similar to that of R. rubrum.Abbreviation HEPES N-2-hydroxyethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Abstract Numerous bacteria present in soil during its passage through the alimentary canal of earthworms resist digestive action and the antimicrobial defenses of the worms. Thus, several kinds of non-sulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodospirillaceae) can be enriched from 'purees' of washed earthworms (or from intestinal contents of the worms) using a procedure that exploits the capacity to fix N2 during anaerobic phototrophic growth with organic acid carbon sources. It appears that earthworm enrichments can be designed to provide highly selective methods for isolation of Rhodomicrobium vannielli and Rhodopseudomonas palustris , and perhaps of other purple bacteria. The extensive burrowing activities of earthworms undoubtedly contributes to the widespread dissemination of Rhodospirillaceae in soils.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound cytochrome of the b-type (cytochrome b-560) was success-fully purified from chromatophores of the photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium vinosum by treatment with sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, sodium thiocyanate, and bacterial alkaline protease (EC 3·4·21·14) followed by gel filtration.The purified cytochrome b-560 showed the absorption maxima at 279, 412.5 and 533 nm in the oxidized form, and 427, 530 and 560 nm in the reduced form. Reduced-minus-oxidized difference millimolar absorption coefficient was 14.0 for a wavelength pair, 560 minus 540 nm.Isolated cytochrome b-560 was electrophoretically homogeneous, and its minimal molecular weight was estimated to the 13,000 by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The midpoint potential at pH 8.0 was –110mV, and was not dependent on the ambient pH in the pH range of 6.8 to 8.8.  相似文献   

Cultures of Chromatium vinosum, devoid of sulfur globules, were supplemented with sulfide and incubated under anoxic conditions in the light. The concentrations of sulfide, polysulfides, thiosulfate, polythionates and elemental sulfur (sulfur rings) were monitored for 3 days by ion-chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC. While sulfide disappeared rapidly, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur (S6, S7 S8 rings) were formed. After sulfide depletion, the concentration of thiosulfate decreased fairly rapidly, but elemental sulfur was oxidized very slowly to sulfate. Neither polysulfides (S x 2– ), polythionates (SnO 6 2– , n=4–6), nor other polysulfur compounds could be detected, which is in accordance with the fact that sulfide-grown cells were able to oxidize polysulfide without lag. The nature of the intracellular sulfur globules is discussed.  相似文献   

Average specific density of individual cells of pure cultures of Chromatium warmingii and Chromatium vinosum were measured by isopicnic gradient centrifugation with Percoll during growth at constant illumination as a function of the increasing content of intracellular sulfur. Cell number and volume, bacteriochlorophyll a, sulfide, and sulfur were followed in the cultures along with cellular buoyant density. Poly--hydroxybutyrate was monitored at several points during growth of the cultures. The density of C. warmingii changed from 1.071 to 1.108 g cm-3 (sulfur content per cell varied from 0 to 1.71pg). C. vinosum changed its density from 1.096 to 1.160 g cm-3 (sulfur content per cell varied from 0 to 0.43 pg). Maximum sulfur content in pg of sulfur per m3 of cell volume were 0.178 for C. warmingii and 0.294 for C. vinosum. Measurement of the differences in buoyant density, volume and sulfur content before and after ethanol extraction of cells with and without intracellular sulfur, allowed tentatively to estimate the density of sulfur inside the cells as 1.219 g cm-3. Isolation of sulfur globules and centrifugation in density gradients gave a density higher than 1.143 g cm-3 for these intracellular inclusions.Non-common abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - DMB Density Marker Beads - PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cells,MFCs)降解污染物的同时产生电能,受到广泛关注。光合细菌在MFCs领域的应用实现了污水处理、CO2捕捉、光电转换等多重功能,并显示出了良好的产电特性。本文根据光合细菌在MFCs中所起作用的不同对其产电机理进行评述,并在此基础上分析了光照对光合细菌型MFCs产电性能的影响;针对当前研究的不足与面临的问题,提出了今后光合细菌在MFCs领域的应用前景与发展方向。  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum hydrogenases I and II were purified to specific activities of 9.6 and 28.0 units/mg protein, respectively. They have the same isoelectric point (pI = 4.1), and their visible spectra are typical of iron-sulfur proteins. Hydrogenase II in general was more stable than hydrogenase I. Both enzymes lost their activities slowly during storage in air, and this inactivation was more apparent in preparations of hydrogenase I. Bovine serum albumin helped to stabilize hydrogenase I against thermal and storage inactivation. The pH optima of H2-evolution activity of hydrogenases I and II were 7.4 and 5.4, respectively. Neither enzyme was able to evolve H2 from reduced ferredoxins as the sole electron carrier, but ferredoxins had an effect on the activity with methyl viologen as carrier to hydrogenase I. None of the natural compounds tested was able to serve as a physiological donor for H2 production. Hydrogenase I was more susceptible than hydrogenase II to inhibition by heavy metal ions and other enzyme inhibitors. Both enzymes were reversibly inhibited by CO with Ki values of 12 and 6 Torr for hydrogenase I and II, respectively. Hydrogenase I was more sensitive to denaturation by urea and guanidinium chloride while hydrogenase II was more susceptible to sodium dodecyl sulfate. Both enzymes were rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by dimethyl sulfoxide. Hydrogenase I evolved H2 from methyl viologen and ferredoxin photoreduced by chloroplasts. The enzymes differed in their iron and acid-labile sulfur contents.  相似文献   

Purple sulfur bacteria store sulfur as intracellular globules enclosed by a protein envelope. We cloned the genes sgpA, sgpB, and sgpC, which encode the three different proteins that constitute the sulfur globule envelope of Chromatium vinosum D (DSMZ 180T). Southern hybridization analyses and nucleotide sequencing showed that these three genes are not clustered in the same operon. All three genes are preceded by sequences resembling σ70-dependent promoters, and hairpin structures typical for rho-independent terminators are found immediately downstream of the translational stop codons of sgpA, sgpB, and sgpC. Insertional inactivation of sgpA in Chr. vinosum showed that the presence of only one of the homologous proteins SgpA and SgpB suffices for formation of intact sulfur globules. All three sgp genes encode translation products which – when compared to the isolated proteins – carry amino-terminal extensions. These extensions meet all requirements for typical signal peptides indicating an extracytoplasmic localization of the sulfur globule proteins. A fusion of the phoA gene to the sequence encoding the proposed signal peptide of sgpA led to high specific alkaline phosphatase activities in Escherichia coli, further supporting the envisaged targeting process. Together with electron microscopic evidence these results provide strong indication for an extracytoplasmic localization of the sulfur globules in Chr. vinosum and probably in other Chromatiaceae. Extracytoplasmic formation of stored sulfur could contribute to the transmembranous Δp that drives ATP synthesis and reverse electron flow in Chr. vinosum. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 17 December 1997  相似文献   

Lu H  Zhang G  Wan T  Lu Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9503-9508
Direct degradation of macromolecules by photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) is important for the industrial application of PSB wastewater treatment. Light and oxygen are the most important parameters in PSB growth. This paper studied the PSB macromolecule degradation process under three different light and oxygen conditions: light-anaerobic, natural light-microaerobic and dark-aerobic. The results showed that under three different light-oxygen conditions, PSB degradation of macromolecules was higher than 90%; the removal ratios of COD, TN, TP, total sugar and protein were also high; and the biomass yield reached nearly 0.5 mg-biomass/mg-COD-removal. Light and oxygen significantly influenced the efficiency. Macromolecules and pollutants removals were higher under oxygen condition than those under light-anaerobic condition. Theoretical analysis showed that under aerobic condition, PSB carried out oxidative phosphorylation, in which pollutants were sufficiently utilized with high mineralization degree. Under light-anaerobic condition, PSB carried out photophosphorylation and fermentation, which led to low pollutants removal efficiency.  相似文献   

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