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Mating yeast cells remove their cell walls and fuse their plasma membranes in a spatially restricted cell contact region. Cell wall removal is dependent on Fus2p, an amphiphysin-associated Rho-GEF homolog. As mating cells polarize, Fus2p-GFP localizes to the tip of the mating projection, where cell fusion will occur, and to cytoplasmic puncta, which show rapid movement toward the tip. Movement requires polymerized actin, whereas tip localization is dependent on both actin and a membrane protein, Fus1p. Here, we show that Fus2p-GFP movement is specifically dependent on Myo2p, a type V myosin, and not on Myo4p, another type V myosin, or Myo3p and Myo5p, type I myosins. Fus2p-GFP tip localization and actin polarization in shmoos are also dependent on Myo2p. A temperature-sensitive tropomyosin mutation and Myo2p alleles that specifically disrupt vesicle binding caused rapid loss of actin patch organization, indicating that transport is required to maintain actin polarity. Mutant shmoos lost actin polarity more rapidly than mitotic cells, suggesting that the maintenance of cell polarity in shmoos is more sensitive to perturbation. The different velocities, differential sensitivity to mutation and lack of colocalization suggest that Fus2p and Sec4p, another Myo2p cargo associated with exocytotic vesicles, reside predominantly on different cellular organelles.  相似文献   

Chitin is an essential structural component of the yeast cell wall whose deposition is regulated throughout the yeast life cycle. The temporal and spatial regulation of chitin synthesis was investigated during vegetative growth and mating of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by localization of the putative catalytic subunit of chitin synthase III, Chs3p, and its regulator, Chs5p. Immunolocalization of epitope-tagged Chs3p revealed a novel localization pattern that is cell cycledependent. Chs3p is polarized as a diffuse ring at the incipient bud site and at the neck between the mother and bud in small-budded cells; it is not found at the neck in large-budded cells containing a single nucleus. In large-budded cells undergoing cytokinesis, it reappears as a ring at the neck. In cells responding to mating pheromone, Chs3p is found throughout the projection. The appearance of Chs3p at cortical sites correlates with times that chitin synthesis is expected to occur. In addition to its localization at the incipient bud site and neck, Chs3p is also found in cytoplasmic patches in cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Epitope-tagged Chs5p also localizes to cytoplasmic patches; these patches contain Kex2p, a late Golgi-associated enzyme. Unlike Chs3p, Chs5p does not accumulate at the incipient bud site or neck. Nearly all Chs3p patches contain Chs5p, whereas some Chs5p patches lack detectable Chs3p. In the absence of Chs5p, Chs3p localizes in cytoplasmic patches, but it is no longer found at the neck or the incipient bud site, indicating that Chs5p is required for the polarization of Chs3p. Furthermore, Chs5p localization is not affected either by temperature shift or by the myo2-66 mutation, however, Chs3p polarization is affected by temperature shift and myo2-66. We suggest a model in which Chs3p polarization to cortical sites in yeast is dependent on both Chs5p and the actin cytoskeleton/Myo2p.  相似文献   

SH2D5 is a mammalian-specific, uncharacterized adaptor-like protein that contains an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding domain and a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. We show that SH2D5 is highly enriched in adult mouse brain, particularly in Purkinjie cells in the cerebellum and the cornu ammonis of the hippocampus. Despite harboring two potential phosphotyrosine (Tyr(P)) recognition domains, SH2D5 binds minimally to Tyr(P) ligands, consistent with the absence of a conserved Tyr(P)-binding arginine residue in the SH2 domain. Immunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry (IP-MS) from cultured cells revealed a prominent association of SH2D5 with breakpoint cluster region protein, a RacGAP that is also highly expressed in brain. This interaction occurred between the phosphotyrosine-binding domain of SH2D5 and an NxxF motif located within the N-terminal region of the breakpoint cluster region. siRNA-mediated depletion of SH2D5 in a neuroblastoma cell line, B35, induced a cell rounding phenotype correlated with low levels of activated Rac1-GTP, suggesting that SH2D5 affects Rac1-GTP levels. Taken together, our data provide the first characterization of the SH2D5 signaling protein.  相似文献   

Myo2 truncations fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) defined a C-terminal domain essential for the localization of Myo2 to the cytokinetic actin ring (CAR). The localization domain contained two predicted phosphorylation sites. Mutation of serine 1518 to alanine (S(1518)A) abolished Myo2 localization, whereas Myo2 with a glutamic acid at this position (S(1518)E) localized to the CAR. GFP-Myo2 formed rings in the septation initiation kinase (SIN) mutant cdc7-24 at 25 degrees C but not at 36 degrees C. GFP-Myo2S(1518)E rings persisted at 36 degrees C in cdc7-24 but not in another SIN kinase mutant, sid2-250. To further examine the relationship between Myo2 and the SIN pathway, the chromosomal copy of myo2(+) was fused to GFP (strain myo2-gc). Myo2 ring formation was abolished in the double mutants myo2-gc cdc7.24 and myo2-gc sid2-250 at the restrictive temperature. In contrast, activation of the SIN pathway in the double mutant myo2-gc cdc16-116 resulted in the formation of Myo2 rings which subsequently collapsed at 36 degrees C. We conclude that the SIN pathway that controls septation in fission yeast also regulates Myo2 ring formation and contraction. Cdc7 and Sid2 are involved in ring formation, in the case of Cdc7 by phosphorylation of a single serine residue in the Myo2 tail. Other kinases and/or phosphatases may control ring contraction.  相似文献   

Class I myosins, which link F-actin to membrane, are largely undefined in lymphocytes. Mass spectrometric analysis of lymphocytes identified two short tail forms: (Myo1G and Myo1C) and one long tail (Myo1F). We investigated Myo1G, the most abundant in T-lymphocytes, and compared key findings with Myo1C and Myo1F. Myo1G localizes to the plasma membrane and associates in an ATP-releasable manner to the actin-containing insoluble pellet. The IQ+tail region of Myo1G (Myo1C and Myo1F) is sufficient for membrane localization, but membrane localization is augmented by the motor domain. The minimal region lacks IQ motifs but includes: 1) a PH-like domain; 2) a “Pre-PH” region; and 3) a “Post-PH” region. The Pre-PH predicted α helices may contribute electrostatically, because two conserved basic residues on one face are required for optimal membrane localization. Our sequence analysis characterizes the divergent PH domain family, Myo1PH, present also in long tail myosins, in eukaryotic proteins unrelated to myosins, and in a probable ancestral protein in prokaryotes. The Myo1G Myo1PH domain utilizes the classic lipid binding site for membrane association, because mutating either of two basic residues in the “signature motif” destroys membrane localization. Mutation of each basic residue of the Myo1G Myo1PH domain reveals another critical basic residue in the β3 strand, which is shared only by Myo1D. Myo1G differs from Myo1C in its phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate dependence for membrane association, because membrane localization of phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase releases Myo1C from the membrane but not Myo1G. Thus Myo1PH domains likely play universal roles in myosin I membrane association, but different isoforms have diverged in their binding specificity.  相似文献   

Src homology 2 (SH2) domains are modular protein structures that bind phosphotyrosine (pY)-containing polypeptides and regulate cellular functions through protein-protein interactions. Proteomics analysis showed that the SH2 domains of Src family kinases are themselves tyrosine phosphorylated in blood system cancers, including acute myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Using the Src family kinase Lyn SH2 domain as a model, we found that phosphorylation at the conserved SH2 domain residue Y194 impacts the affinity and specificity of SH2 domain binding to pY-containing peptides and proteins. Analysis of the Lyn SH2 domain crystal structure supports a model wherein phosphorylation of Y194 on the EF loop modulates the binding pocket that engages amino acid side chains at the pY+2/+3 position. These data indicate another level of regulation wherein SH2-mediated protein-protein interactions are modulated by SH2 kinases and phosphatases.Src homology 2 (SH2) domains are modular protein structures that are important for signal transduction due to their ability to bind phosphotyrosine (pY)-containing polypeptides within defined amino acid sequence motifs (1). SH2 domains are found in various signaling enzymes and adaptor proteins. Given the reversibility of protein tyrosine phosphorylation and the affinity of SH2-pY binding, the interactions of SH2 domains are inherently dynamic and diverse. Indeed, selective, transient binding to pY motifs is a key mechanism through which intracellular signaling networks are dynamically assembled, localized, and regulated. In addition to mediating protein interactions in trans, SH2 domains bind intramolecularly (2). For example, in Src family kinases (SFKs), the SH2 domain binds in cis to the phosphorylated C-terminal tail as a mechanism to constrain and thereby auto-inhibit the intervening tyrosine kinase domain (3, 4). As well, SH2 domains of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases have been shown to affect the kinase activity of adjacent kinase domains through allosteric interactions (5). The SFKs are therefore highly regulated as a function of their SH2 domains, which exist in dynamic equilibrium between intra- and intermolecular interactions (6). Hence, as discussed by Pawson (7), the transient and diverse interactions of an SH2 domain can regulate signaling enzymes and constitutes a major mechanism of signal transduction in response to extracellular signals.The structure of the SH2 domain has been extensively characterized. At its core is a conserved antiparallel β-sheet sandwiched between two α-helices (8). SH2 domains bind phosphotyrosine-containing peptides in an extended conformation across the central β-sheet, with the pY residue inserted in a deep recognition pocket formed by conserved residues from strands βB, βC, and βD, helix αA, and the phosphate binding loop. Peptide binding specificity is determined by more variable binding surfaces on the SH2 domain, which recognize residues C-terminal to the pY residue. For the SFK SH2 domains, the three residues C-terminal to the pY residue (pY+1,+2,+3) are dominant determinants of specificity (9, 10), with the domain binding most tightly to sequences containing the motif pYEEI (11, 12). The hydrophobic pY+3 residue inserts in a deep hydrophobic specificity pocket defined by residues of the EF and BG loops (8, 13, 14). Indeed, structural analysis of the SH2 domain revealed that the configuration of the EF and BG loops is critical in dictating SH2 domain specificity by shaping the ligand-binding surface and controlling accessibility of the pY+3 binding pocket (15). Mutation of a single residue of the EF loop can drastically impact peptide binding specificity by altering the pY+3 pocket (1517), indicating the importance of the pY+3 pocket in substrate selectivity for the SFK SH2 domains.In addition to binding pY-containing polypeptides, SH2 domains themselves may be modulated by phosphorylation. For example, phosphorylation of the Src SH2 domain at conserved Y213 resulted in activation of the cognate kinase domain, possibly by impairing SH2 binding to the phosphorylated C-terminal tail (18). Similarly, phosphorylation of Lck at the equivalent SH2 residue (Y192) generally reduced binding to pY-peptides and proteins (19). Phosphorylation at S690 in the SH2 domain of the p85α subunit of PI 3-kinase decreased its affinity for pY-containing proteins and promoted feedback inhibition of PI 3-kinase and Akt in response to cellular starvation (20). Conversely, tyrosine phosphorylation of the tensin-3 SH2 domain stimulated substrate binding and biological activity (21). Therefore, phosphorylation of SH2 domains appears to be a general mechanism for modulating their binding properties.Here, we report that Y194 in the SH2 domain of the SFK Lyn, a residue conserved in SFK SH2 domains, is frequently phosphorylated in hematopoietic and other cancers. In vitro protein and peptide interactions with the Lyn SH2 domain were affected by this phosphorylation. Our results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of the SFK SH2 domain modulates both its binding affinity and specificity and may constitute another layer of regulation in signaling networks.  相似文献   

Many human diseases are associated with aberrant regulation of phosphoprotein signaling networks. Src homology 2 (SH2) domains represent the major class of protein domains in metazoans that interact with proteins phosphorylated on the amino acid residue tyrosine. Although current SH2 domain prediction algorithms perform well at predicting the sequences of phosphorylated peptides that are likely to result in the highest possible interaction affinity in the context of random peptide library screens, these algorithms do poorly at predicting the interaction potential of SH2 domains with physiologically derived protein sequences. We employed a high throughput interaction assay system to empirically determine the affinity between 93 human SH2 domains and phosphopeptides abstracted from several receptor tyrosine kinases and signaling proteins. The resulting interaction experiments revealed over 1000 novel peptide-protein interactions and provided a glimpse into the common and specific interaction potentials of c-Met, c-Kit, GAB1, and the human androgen receptor. We used these data to build a permutation-based logistic regression classifier that performed considerably better than existing algorithms for predicting the interaction potential of several SH2 domains.Src homology 2 protein domains (SH2)1 are modular self-folding entities of about 100 amino acids that bind to tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide sequences contained within target proteins. The SH2 domain (13) was originally described nearly 20 years ago as an N-terminal region of the FES protein kinase that was not required for kinase activity but was important for its regulation. More recent studies have demonstrated that SH2 domains exist in many signaling molecules, including PLCγ1, Ras GAP, c-Src, and PI3KR. SH2 domains have been shown to enable the interaction of these signaling proteins with growth factor receptors such as FGFR1, EGFR, c-Met, and PDGFR in a phosphospecific manner (49). Subsequently, random peptide library screening approaches were used to define sequence motifs that resulted in the highest affinity interactions within particular SH2 domain classes (10, 11). For example, peptide sequences containing the pYEEI, pYXN, and pYMXM motifs were described to result in the highest affinity interactions with the SH2 domains from c-Src, Grb2, and the PI3KR SH2 domains, respectively. Data from such experiments have been used to generate predictions regarding the likelihood that any particular peptide sequence will interact with any particular SH2 domain (1214).Unfortunately, the predictive performance of these algorithms has not been thoroughly empirically tested or optimized for biologically derived peptide sequences. We and others reported the first comprehensive cloning, expression, and functional analysis of human genome-encoded SH2 domains using a protein microarray-based interaction analysis approach (1517). Similarly, peptide arrays have been used to query the interaction potential of SH2 domains with biologically derived peptide sequences in a semi-quantitative manner (18). These studies demonstrated that most biologically derived peptide sequences contained within RTKs and signaling proteins do not represent best fit sequence motifs and interact at a much lower affinity than with the optimal sequence motifs identified previously from random peptide libraries. Studies with biologically derived peptides indicated that context nonpermissive amino acids often contribute as much predictive information regarding interaction selectivity as positively contributing amino acids (19). Taken together, these results suggest that the collection of large quantitative protein interaction datasets between SH2 domains and biologically derived peptide sequences might be informative for building better algorithms that predict bona fide SH2 domain interaction sites within human protein sequences.Although protein microarrays enabled the first systems-level glimpse at SH2 domain selectivity (15, 17), they had several limitations that resulted in reduced ability to identify low affinity interactions in comparison with solution phase methods (20). We therefore designed a high throughput fluorescence polarization approach that allowed for lower affinity interactions to be defined between SH2 domains and phosphopeptides of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) than was possible with protein microarrays (20).RTKs are vital mediators of signal transduction in multicellular organisms. RTKs typically function as transmembrane receptors that contain a tyrosine kinase and other motifs that enable interaction with other intracellular proteins. Human cells often express many different RTK proteins from the set of 57 RTK genes encoded by the human genome (21). These RTKs may be activated in different combinations to transduce common and specific downstream signals (22). For a recent review of the complexity of RTK signaling networks, see Ref. 23. Following activation, RTKs are phosphorylated on several intracellular tyrosine residues that serve as recruitment sites for SH2 domains (1518, 20). Activation of RTK signaling networks may cause changes in cellular motility, proliferation, survival, and cytoskeletal arrangement. Definition of their signaling capacity represents an important and unsolved problem in cell biology. Although most studies to date have focused on the role of singular RTKs in cancer progression, co-activation of RTKs derived from several unique RTK genes has recently emerged as an important driver of cancer progression (2427). Co-activation of modules of RTKs may provide robustness against therapies designed to inhibit a single RTK (25).Herein, we profiled the interaction potential of two RTKs and two signaling proteins and compared them with the recruitment potential of the ErbB family that we have previously profiled (28). The ErbB family, c-Met, and c-Kit RTKs have been shown to drive the progression of many cancer types, including breast, head and neck, lung (29), gastrointestinal, and stomach cancers (30). Downstream adaptor proteins often augment the signaling potential of RTKs by acting as scaffolds for recruitment of many additional proteins (3133). Therefore, we also included peptides in our study derived from the Gab1 adaptor protein, which is critical for mediating signaling networks downstream of c-Met and potentially other RTKs (34).Finally, alternative oncogenic signaling networks may have points of cross-talk with tyrosine kinase signaling networks. Steroid hormone receptors such as the androgen receptor (AR) have been shown to associate with RTKs such as EGFR (35), to be substrates of tyrosine kinases (36, 37), and to drive the progression of prostate cancer (36). We therefore queried the interaction potential of phosphopeptides derived from AR with a set of 93 of the 120 SH2 domains encoded in the human genome. We subsequently used this interaction dataset to develop a permutation-based logistic regression classifier (PEBL) for predicting the interaction potential of SH2 domains and biologically derived phosphotyrosine-containing peptides.  相似文献   

The late events of the budding yeast cell division cycle, cytokinesis and cell separation, require the assembly of a contractile actomyosin ring (CAR), primary and secondary septum formation followed by enzymatic degradation of the primary septum. Here we present evidence that demonstrates a role for the budding yeast amphiphysin complex, a heterodimer comprising Rvs167 and Rvs161, in CAR assembly and cell separation. The iqg1-1 allele is synthetically lethal with both rvs167 and rvs161 null mutations. We show that both Iqg1 and the amphiphysin complex are required for CAR assembly in early anaphase but cells are able to complete assembly in late anaphase when these activities are, respectively, either compromised or absent. Amphiphysin dependent CAR assembly is dependent upon the Rvs167 SH3 domain, but this function is insufficient to explain the observed synthetic lethality. Dosage suppression of the iqg1-1 allele demonstrates that endocytosis is required for the default cell separation pathway in the absence of CAR contraction but is unlikely to be required to maintain viability. The amphiphysin complex is required for normal, post-mitotic, localization of Chs3 and the Rho1 GEF, Rom2, which are responsible for secondary septum deposition and the accumulation of GTP bound Rho1 at the bud neck. It is concluded that a failure of polarity establishment in the absence of CAR contraction and amphiphysin function leads to loss of viability as a result of the consequent cell separation defect.  相似文献   

Yeast protein, Bee1, exhibits sequence homology to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), a human protein that may link signaling pathways to the actin cytoskeleton. Mutations in WASP are the primary cause of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, characterized by immuno-deficiencies and defects in blood cell morphogenesis. This report describes the characterization of Bee1 protein function in budding yeast. Disruption of BEE1 causes a striking change in the organization of actin filaments, resulting in defects in budding and cytokinesis. Rather than assemble into cortically associated patches, actin filaments in the buds of Δbee1 cells form aberrant bundles that do not contain most of the cortical cytoskeletal components. It is significant that Δbee1 is the only mutation reported so far that abolishes cortical actin patches in the bud. Bee1 protein is localized to actin patches and interacts with Sla1p, a Src homology 3 domain–containing protein previously implicated in actin assembly and function. Thus, Bee1 protein may be a crucial component of a cytoskeletal complex that controls the assembly and organization of actin filaments at the cell cortex.  相似文献   

Metastatic cancer cells have the ability to both degrade and migrate through the extracellular matrix (ECM). Invasiveness can be correlated with the presence of dynamic actin-rich membrane structures called podosomes or invadopodia. We showed previously that the adaptor protein tyrosine kinase substrate with five Src homology 3 domains (Tks5)/Fish is required for podosome/invadopodia formation, degradation of ECM, and cancer cell invasion in vivo and in vitro. Here, we describe Tks4, a novel protein that is closely related to Tks5. This protein contains an amino-terminal Phox homology domain, four SH3 domains, and several proline-rich motifs. In Src-transformed fibroblasts, Tks4 is tyrosine phosphorylated and predominantly localized to rosettes of podosomes. We used both short hairpin RNA knockdown and mouse embryo fibroblasts lacking Tks4 to investigate its role in podosome formation. We found that lack of Tks4 resulted in incomplete podosome formation and inhibited ECM degradation. Both phenotypes were rescued by reintroduction of Tks4, whereas only podosome formation, but not ECM degradation, was rescued by overexpression of Tks5. The tyrosine phosphorylation sites of Tks4 were required for efficient rescue. Furthermore, in the absence of Tks4, membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) was not recruited to the incomplete podosomes. These findings suggest that Tks4 and Tks5 have overlapping, but not identical, functions, and implicate Tks4 in MT1-MMP recruitment and ECM degradation.  相似文献   

Src homology and collagen A (ShcA) is an adaptor protein that binds to tyrosine kinase receptors. Its germ line deletion is embryonic lethal with abnormal cardiovascular system formation, and its role in cardiovascular development is unknown. To investigate its functional role in cardiovascular development in mice, ShcA was deleted in cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells by crossing ShcA flox mice with SM22a-Cre transgenic mice. Conditional mutant mice developed signs of severe dilated cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarctions, and premature death. No evidence of a vascular contribution to the phenotype was observed. Histological analysis of the heart revealed aberrant sarcomeric Z-disk and M-band structures, and misalignments of T-tubules with Z-disks. We find that not only the ErbB3/Neuregulin signaling pathway but also the baroreceptor reflex response, which have been functionally associated, are altered in the mutant mice. We further demonstrate that ShcA interacts with Caveolin-1 and the costameric protein plasma membrane Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent ATPase (PMCA), and that its deletion leads to abnormal dystrophin signaling. Collectively, these results demonstrate that ShcA interacts with crucial proteins and pathways that link Z-disk and costamere.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Pr55Gag molecule with the plasma membrane of an infected cell is an essential step of the viral life cycle. Myristic acid and positively charged residues within the N-terminal portion of MA constitute the membrane-binding domain of Pr55Gag. A separate assembly domain, termed the interaction (I) domain, is located nearer the C-terminal end of the molecule. The I domain is required for production of dense retroviral particles, but has not previously been described to influence the efficiency of membrane binding or the subcellular distribution of Gag. This study used a series of Gag-green fluorescent protein fusion constructs to define a region outside of MA which determines efficient plasma membrane interaction. This function was mapped to the nucleocapsid (NC) region of Gag. The minimal region in a series of C-terminally truncated Gag proteins conferring plasma membrane fluorescence was identified as the N-terminal 14 amino acids of NC. This same region was sufficient to create a density shift in released retrovirus-like particles from 1.13 to 1.17 g/ml. The functional assembly domain previously termed the I domain is thus required for the efficient plasma membrane binding of Gag, in addition to its role in determining the density of released particles. We propose a model in which the I domain facilitates the interaction of the N-terminal membrane-binding domain of Pr55Gag with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The focal adhesion adapter protein p130(cas) regulates adhesion and growth factor-related signaling, in part through Src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of p130(cas). AND-34/BCAR3, one of three NSP family members, binds the p130(cas) carboxyl terminus, adjacent to a bipartite p130(cas) Src-binding domain (SBD) and induces anti-estrogen resistance in breast cancer cell lines as well as phosphorylation of p130(cas). Only a subset of the signaling properties of BCAR3, specifically augmented motility, are dependent upon formation of the BCAR3-p130(cas) complex. Using GST pull-down and immunoprecipitation studies, we show that among NSP family members, only BCAR3 augments the ability of p130(cas) to bind the Src SH3 domain through an RPLPSPP motif in the p130(cas) SBD. Although our prior work identified phosphorylation of the serine within the p130(cas) RPLPSPP motif, mutation of this residue to alanine or glutamic acid did not alter BCAR3-induced Src SH3 domain binding to p130(cas). The ability of BCAR3 to augment Src SH3 binding requires formation of a BCAR3-p130(cas) complex because mutations that reduce association between these two proteins block augmentation of Src SH3 domain binding. Similarly, in MCF-7 cells, BCAR3-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the p130(cas) substrate domain, previously shown to be Src-dependent, was reduced by an R743A mutation that blocks BCAR3 association with p130(cas). Immunofluorescence studies demonstrate that BCAR3 expression alters the intracellular location of both p130(cas) and Src and that all three proteins co-localize. Our work suggests that BCAR3 expression may regulate Src signaling in a BCAR3-p130(cas) complex-dependent fashion by altering the ability of the Src SH3 domain to bind the p130(cas) SBD.  相似文献   

Subcellular retrograde transport of cargo receptors from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network is critically involved in a broad range of physiological and pathological processes and highly regulated by a genetically conserved heteropentameric complex, termed retromer. Among the retromer components identified in mammals, sorting nexin 5 and 1 (SNX5; SNX1) have recently been found to interact, possibly controlling the membrane binding specificity of the complex. To elucidate how the unique sequence features of the SNX5 phox domain (SNX5-PX) influence retrograde transport, we have determined the SNX5-PX structure by NMR and x-ray crystallography at 1.5 Å resolution. Although the core fold of SNX5-PX resembles that of other known PX domains, we found novel structural features exclusive to SNX5-PX. It is most noteworthy that in SNX5-PX, a long helical hairpin is added to the core formed by a new α2′-helix and a much longer α3-helix. This results in a significantly altered overall shape of the protein. In addition, the unique double PXXP motif is tightly packed against the rest of the protein, rendering this part of the structure compact, occluding parts of the putative phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) binding pocket. The PtdIns binding and specificity of SNX5-PX was evaluated by NMR titrations with eight different PtdIns and revealed that SNX5-PX preferentially and specifically binds to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). The distinct structural and PtdIns binding characteristics of SNX5-PX impart specific properties on SNX5, influencing retromer-mediated regulation of retrograde trafficking of transmembrane cargo receptors.The early work on retromer revealed its role in the trafficking of cargo proteins between endosomes and the trans-Golgi network (TGN),2 although recently, retromer involvement in many other physiological and developmental processes has been uncovered (1, 2). The best studied proteins associated with retromer activity are intracellular sorting receptors such as the yeast vacuolar protein-10 (Vps10) and mammalian mannose 6-phosphate receptors (3, 4). These receptors sort acid hydrolases, enzymes essential for protein degradation, out of the TGN into the yeast vacuole or the mammalian lysosome. Upon releasing their substrates, these cargos traffic back to the TGN to mediate further rounds of cargo-hydrolase transportation. Similar retrograde trafficking of cargo proteins involving signaling molecules such as Wnt and amyloid precursor protein (APP) are thought to be critical for their secretion and function (5, 6). Retrograde transportation is highly regulated by the heteropentameric retromer complex that consists of a sorting nexin (SNX) dimer (e.g. Vps5 and Vps17 in yeast) and a Vps26/29/35 trimer (7). In mammals, the binding of the SNX dimer to specific phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) determines its subcellular membrane association and governs the recruitment of the Vps trimer to endosomal compartments. Mammalian orthologs of the trimer have been biochemically characterized, and their interaction and function in cargo protein trafficking is well established (8). More recently, crystal structures of three Vps proteins in the trimer suggested how this trimer interacts with the SNX dimer and cargo proteins as well as with curved membranes (912). In the SNX dimer, SNX1 and SNX2 are thought to be interchangeable Vps5 orthologs (13, 14). The NMR structure of SNX1 revealed details of PI(3)P specific binding, thereby explaining its role in endosomal trafficking (15). The identity for SNX5 as a potential functional mammalian ortholog of Vps17, however, was not revealed until recently.Although initially identified as a Fanconi anemia complementation group A (FANCA)-binding protein (16), SNX5 was later shown to play an important role in membrane trafficking (1719). SNX5 contains a PX domain (SNX5-PX) that is the signature feature in defining the SNX family, composed of 30 members at present (20) (Fig. 1B). In addition, SNX5 possesses a C-terminal BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domain that has been reported to interact with a number of other proteins involved in endosomal trafficking (17, 2127). It functions as a dimerization module that senses and/or induces membrane curvature (28, 29). Our previous biochemical study suggested a specific interaction between SNX5 and SNX1 through which the two SNXs mutually influence each other''s effect in endosomal trafficking of epidermal growth factor receptor upon epidermal growth factor stimulation (17). In support of this observation are several recent reports that indicate a critical role of SNX5 and the closely related SNX6, beyond that of SNX1 and SNX2, on retrograde sorting of mannose 6-phosphate receptor (24, 27). Therefore, SNX5 and SNX6 may be functionally interchangeable orthologs of Vps17 in mammalian cells (7, 24). Furthermore, in contrast to some reports (18, 30), SNX5 partially localizes to late endosomes and the TGN, exhibiting very low binding affinity for PtdIns(3)P (17), the substrate for phox domain proteins associating with early endosome association. Therefore, the subcellular localization and function of the SNX dimer in SNX5 function may depend on its unique structure that is different from other known PX domains.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Amino Acid sequence alignment of phox domains and domain architecture of the mammalian sorting nexin family. A, comparative sequence alignment of PX domains for residues equivalent to Gly49–Leu119 of the p40-PX domain (adapted from Worby and Dixon (21)). Prolines in the Pro-X-X-Pro motif are highlighted in yellow, and residues involved in phospholipid binding in the p40-PX domain are boxed in magenta. Arg58 and Arg105 are marked with magenta triangles, and Tyr59 and Lys92 are marked with black stars at the bottom of the sequences. The two conserved Arg residues and Lys92 of p40-PX in other PX domains are highlighted in dark blue boxes; those corresponding to Tyr59 are boxed in green. The secondary structure elements of p40-PX are indicated by yellow arrows (β-sheets) and red ovals (α-helices). The three sequence stretches that are unique in SNX5-PX (or SNX6-PX) are enclosed in a bright blue box. B, domain architecture of SNX family members. The four classes within the SNX family are designated as PX SNXs, PX-BAR SNXs, SH3-PX-BAR, and PX-other domain SNXs. Each individual domain is depicted in a different color and/or shape. The following domains are depicted: PX (phox), BAR (Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs), SH3 (Src homology 3), TM (transmembrane), PXA (PX domain-associated), RGS (regulator of G-protein signaling), MIT (microtubule interacting and trafficking), B41 (band 4.1 homology), TPR (tetratricopeptide repeat), PDZ (postsynaptic protein PSD-95/SAP90, the Drosophila melanogaster septate junction protein Discs-large, and the tight junction protein ZO-1), and RA (Ras association).Most PX domains of SNX family proteins preferentially bind PtdIns(3)P (3034), with few exceptions that interact with other PtdIns (30, 32, 35). There are about a dozen structurally characterized PX domains from the SNX family or other PX domain-containing proteins currently deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) data base. Their structures all share common core features, a three-stranded β-sheet that is abutted by three α-helices and an irregular strand containing the PXXP region. Analyses of the representative p47-PX and SNX3-PX domain structures suggested that PtdIns(3)P binding involves two conserved Arg residues at positions equivalent to Arg58 and Arg105 in p40-PX (36). Because equivalent Arg residues are found in the PX domains of most SNX family members, it is generally assumed that all SNX proteins interact with the PtdIns(3)P-enriched elements of the early endocytic compartments. The amino acid sequences of the PX domains of both SNX5 and SNX6, however, lack the two conserved Arg residues that are involved in PtdIns(3)P binding as well as comprising a ∼30-residue insertion immediately after the PXXP motif (Fig. 1A). In addition, the PXXP motif is extended into a double PXXP motif with the sequence PXXPXXP. These unique sequence features set SNX5/6 apart from the other SNX family members. In the p40-PX domain and yeast SNX3, the two conserved Arg residues, the loop between the PXXP motif, and the α3-helix are involved in forming the binding pocket for the phosphate groups of PtdIns(3)P (36, 37). Therefore, changes in length and sequence in this region in SNX5/6-PX are expected to have profound impact on the specific structure and conformation required for PtdIns recognition.To elucidate how its unique sequence features influence the function of SNX5 in retromer-mediated retrograde membrane trafficking, we structurally investigated the SNX5-PX domain by NMR spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography. Using direct NMR titrations, we established the PtdIns binding specificity of SNX5-PX. The high resolution (1.5 Å) crystal structure of the domain revealed its distinct features when compared with previously known family members. Our results demonstrate that the SNX5-PX domain is indeed unique, both with respect to its structure as well as with respect to ligand binding. These findings have important implications for the function of SNX5 in the subcellular membrane trafficking and retrograde sorting.  相似文献   

Albumin is an abundant blood protein that acts as a transporter of a plethora of small molecules like fatty acids, hormones, toxins, and drugs. In addition, it has an unusual long serum half-life in humans of nearly 3 weeks, which is attributed to its interaction with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). FcRn protects albumin from intracellular degradation via a pH-dependent cellular recycling mechanism. To understand how FcRn impacts the role of albumin as a distributor, it is of importance to unravel the structural mechanism that determines pH-dependent binding. Here, we show that although the C-terminal domain III (DIII) of human serum albumin (HSA) contains the principal binding site, the N-terminal domain I (DI) is important for optimal FcRn binding. Specifically, structural inspection of human FcRn (hFcRn) in complex with HSA revealed that two exposed loops of DI were in proximity with the receptor. To investigate to what extent these contacts affected hFcRn binding, we targeted selected amino acid residues of the loops by mutagenesis. Screening by in vitro interaction assays revealed that several of the engineered HSA variants showed decreased binding to hFcRn, which was also the case for two missense variants with mutations within these loops. In addition, four of the variants showed improved binding. Our findings demonstrate that both DI and DIII are required for optimal binding to FcRn, which has implications for our understanding of the FcRn-albumin relationship and how albumin acts as a distributor. Such knowledge may inspire development of novel HSA-based diagnostics and therapeutics.  相似文献   

Almost nothing is known of the earliest stages of plant virus infections. To address this, we microinjected Cy3 (UTP)‐labelled tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) into living tobacco trichome cells. The Cy3‐virions were infectious, and the viral genome trafficked from cell to cell. However, neither the fluorescent vRNA pool nor the co‐injected green fluorescent protein (GFP) left the injected trichome, indicating that the synthesis of (unlabelled) progeny viral (v)RNA is required to initiate cell‐to‐cell movement, and that virus movement is not accompanied by passive plasmodesmatal gating. Cy3‐vRNA formed granules that became anchored to the motile cortical actin/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network within minutes of injection. Granule movement on actin/ER was arrested by actin inhibitors indicating actin‐dependent RNA movement. The 5′ methylguanosine cap was shown to be required for vRNA anchoring to the actin/ER. TMV vRNA lacking the 5′ cap failed to form granules and was degraded in the cytoplasm. Removal of the 3′ untranslated region or replicase both inhibited replication but did not prevent granule formation and movement. Dual‐labelled TMV virions in which the vRNA and the coat protein were highlighted with different fluorophores showed that both fluorescent signals were initially located on the same ER‐bound granules, indicating that TMV virions may become attached to the ER prior to uncoating of the viral genome.  相似文献   

CD2AP is an adaptor protein involved in membrane trafficking, with essential roles in maintaining podocyte function within the kidney glomerulus. CD2AP contains three Src homology 3 (SH3) domains that mediate multiple protein-protein interactions. However, a detailed comparison of the molecular binding preferences of each SH3 remained unexplored, as well as the discovery of novel interactors. Thus, we studied the binding properties of each SH3 domain to the known interactor Casitas B-lineage lymphoma protein (c-CBL), conducted a peptide array screen based on the recognition motif PxPxPR and identified 40 known or novel candidate binding proteins, such as RIN3, a RAB5-activating guanine nucleotide exchange factor. CD2AP SH3 domains 1 and 2 generally bound with similar characteristics and specificities, whereas the SH3-3 domain bound more weakly to most peptide ligands tested yet recognized an unusually extended sequence in ALG-2-interacting protein X (ALIX). RIN3 peptide scanning arrays revealed two CD2AP binding sites, recognized by all three SH3 domains, but SH3-3 appeared non-functional in precipitation experiments. RIN3 recruited CD2AP to RAB5a-positive early endosomes via these interaction sites. Permutation arrays and isothermal titration calorimetry data showed that the preferred binding motif is Px(P/A)xPR. Two high-resolution crystal structures (1.65 and 1.11 Å) of CD2AP SH3-1 and SH3-2 solved in complex with RIN3 epitopes 1 and 2, respectively, indicated that another extended motif is relevant in epitope 2. In conclusion, we have discovered novel interaction candidates for CD2AP and characterized subtle yet significant differences in the recognition preferences of its three SH3 domains for c-CBL, ALIX, and RIN3.  相似文献   

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