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Ribosome-protected regions have been isolated and analyzed from the bacteriophage T7 gene 0.3 mRNA labeled in vivo. Two discrete sites which are nearly equally protected by ribosomes are obtained from what was previously assumed to be a monocistronic message. Use of appropriate T7 deletion mutant RNAs has allowed mapping of both ribosome-recognized regions. Site a is positioned very close to the 5′ terminus of the mRNA and is apparently the initiator region for the major gene 0.3 protein, which acts to overcome the host DNA restriction system. Site b is located within several hundred nucleotides of the 3′ end of the RNA and probably initiates synthesis of a small polypeptide of unknown function. Both ribosome binding sites exhibit features common to other initiator regions from Escherichia coli and bacteriophage mRNAs. The proximity of site a to the RNase III cleavage site at the left end of gene 0.3 may explain why processing by RNase III is required for efficient translation of the major gene 0.3 protein.  相似文献   

Summary Most recombination following infection with T7 was found to coincide with the time of most rapid DNA synthesis, at about 20 min after infection at 30° in minimal medium. Recombining DNA was investigated electron microscopically. Multiply branched DNA structures were observed after infection with T7 wild type, gene 3 , gene 6 and genes 3 , 6 phage, but not after infection with T7 gene 5 phage. Evidence is presented indicating that these structures are T7 DNA molecules in the process of recombining. The detailed structures of these recombinational intermediates suggest mechanisms by which T7 DNA initiates recombination.  相似文献   

The product of gene 0.3 of bacteriophage T7, ocr, is a potent inhibitor of type I DNA restriction and modification enzymes. We have used biophysical methods to examine the mass, stability, shape and surface charge distribution of ocr. Ocr is a dimeric protein with hydrodynamic behaviour equivalent to a prolate ellipsoid of axial ratio 4.3 ± 0.7:1 and mass of 27 kDa. The protein is resistant to denaturation but removal of the C-terminal region reduces stability substantially. Six amino acids, N4, D25, N43, D62, S68 and W94, are all located on the surface of the protein and N4 and S68 are also located at the interface between the two 116 amino acid monomers. Negatively charged amino acid side chains surround W94 but these side chains are not part of the highly acidic C-terminus after W94. Ocr is able to displace a short DNA duplex from the binding site of a type I enzyme with a dissociation constant of the order of 100 pM or better. These results suggest that ocr is of a suitable size and shape to effectively block the DNA binding site of a type I enzyme and has a large negatively charged patch on its surface. This charge distribution may be complementary to the charge distribution within the DNA binding site of type I DNA restriction and modification enzymes.  相似文献   

The ocr protein, the product of gene 0.3 of bacteriophage T7, is a structural mimic of the phosphate backbone of B-form DNA. In total it mimics 22 phosphate groups over ~24 bp of DNA. This mimicry allows it to block DNA binding by type I DNA restriction enzymes and to inhibit these enzymes. We have determined that multiple ocr dimers can bind stoichiometrically to the archetypal type I enzyme, EcoKI. One dimer binds to the core methyltransferase and two to the complete bifunctional restriction and modification enzyme. Ocr can also bind to the component subunits of EcoKI. Binding affinity to the methyltransferase core is extremely strong with a large favourable enthalpy change and an unfavourable entropy change. This strong interaction prevents the dissociation of the methyltransferase which occurs upon dilution of the enzyme. This stabilisation arises because the interaction appears to involve virtually the entire surface area of ocr and leads to the enzyme completely wrapping around ocr.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of purified gene 0.3 protein of T7, the protein responsible for overcoming host restriction, has been determined. The nucleotide sequence of the 0.3 RNA, the messenger RNA that codes for both the 0.3 protein and the gene 0.4 protein, a T7 protein of unknown function, has also been determined. The 0.3 RNA is 578 nucleotides long, 509 of which are used to code for the 2 proteins. The coding sequences do not overlap, but the termination codon for the 0.3 protein and the presumed initiation codon for the 0.4 protein do overlap in the sequence UAAUG. The 0.3 protein is very acidic: 34 of its 116 amino acids are aspartic or glutamic acid and only 6 are arginine or lysine. The 0.3 protein contains no cysteine. The nucleotide sequence predicts that the 0.4 protein consists of 50 amino acids and contains no histidine or proline. The effects of different mutations indicate that a protein which contains only the first 87 amino acids of the 0.3 protein is unable to prevent host restriction in vivo; one that contains te first 93 amino acids has weak function; and one that has the first 94 amino acids (plus 2 that are not in the wild type sequence) is fully able to prevent host restriction. The apparently critical 94th amino acid is tryptophan. The mutant 0.3 proteins that contain 87 or more amino acids appear to be reasonably stable in vivo, but those that contain 78 or fewer are apparently too unstable to have been observed by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The ocr protein of bacteriophage T7 is a structural and electrostatic mimic of approximately 24 base pairs of double-stranded B-form DNA. As such, it inhibits all Type I restriction and modification (R/M) enzymes by blocking their DNA binding grooves and inactivates them. This allows the infection of the bacterial cell by T7 to proceed unhindered by the action of the R/M defence system. We have mutated aspartate and glutamate residues on the surface of ocr to investigate their contribution to the tight binding between the EcoKI Type I R/M enzyme and ocr. Contrary to expectations, all of the single and double site mutations of ocr constructed were active as anti-R/M proteins in vivo and in vitro indicating that the mimicry of DNA by ocr is very resistant to change.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of DNA replication, in E. coli B cells infected by methyl methanesulfonate-treated bacteriophage T7, showed that production of phage DNA was delayed and decreased. The cause of the delay appeared to be a delay in host-DNA breakdown, the process which provides nucleotides for phage-DNA synthesis. In addition, reutilisation of host-derived nucleotides was impaired. These observations can be accounted for by a model in which methyl groups on phage DNA slow down DNA injection and also reduce the replicational template activity of the DNA once it has entered the cell. Repair of alkylated phage DNA may be required not only for replication but also for normal injection of DNA.  相似文献   

The gene 0.3 protein of bacteriophage T7 is a potent inhibitor of the restriction-modification enzymes EcoB and EcoK, both in vivo and in vitro. We have analyzed the ability of purified 0.3 protein to inhibit different steps in the reactions of EcoB and EcoK with DNA. Most of our experiments were done with EcoK, but selected tests with EcoB indicate that the two enzymes are affected by 0.3 protein in the same way. Purified 0.3 protein binds tightly to free enzyme, apparently to one of the small subunits, and prevents it from binding to DNA. If EcoK is allowed to form specific recognition complexes with unmodified DNA before 0.3 protein is added, relatively low levels of 0.3 protein prevent the nuclease activity that would otherwise appear upon addition of ATP, but considerably higher levels are needed to prevent formation of filter-binding complexes or ATPase activity. This, together with other results, suggests that the binding site for 0.3 protein is protected in recognition complexes and in the early stages of the ATP-stimulated reactions, but that it becomes accessible again before cleavage of the DNA, perhaps after the translocation step. If added after the nuclease reaction is substantially over, 0.3 protein has little effect on ATPase activity, and indeed, the subunit having the binding site for 0.3 protein apparently dissociates from the enzyme-DNA complex. The methylase activity of EcoK on hemi-methylated recognition sites is strongly inhibited by 0.3 protein added at any stage of the reaction.  相似文献   

Ocr, the first protein expressed by bacteriophage T7, inhibits type Iota DNA restriction enzymes by preventing them from binding to DNA. This inhibition allows the phage to successfully infect the host. The shape of ocr is modeled on the basis of static and dynamic light scattering measurements. The static light scattering data confirm previous observations that ocr exists in solution as a dimer. The diffusion constant determined by dynamic light scattering indicates a nonspherical shape of the ocr dimer. Hydrodynamic models of ellipsoids are presented, and it is argued that ocr is best described by a prolate ellipsoid with dimensions of 10.4 nm by 2.6 nm. The size and shape predicted by this model are consistent with ocr acting as a mimic of the DNA structure bound by type Iota restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Mutations that affect the single-stranded DNA-binding protein of bacteriophage T7 (gene 2.5) and four T7 proteins of unknown function (the gene 4.3, 4.5, 4.7 and 5.5 proteins) are described and mapped by three-factor crosses. An extensive search for mutants defective in the DNA-binding protein (Mr = 25,562) produced several strains in which this protein has an altered electrophoretic mobility but no strains that appear to lack it completely. The gene 2.5 mutation that was mapped produces a slightly short DNA-binding protein that appears functional by tests in vitro. It seems likely that a functional DNA-binding protein is needed for T7 growth but that conditional-lethal amber mutations in it are rare; the nucleotide sequence known to code for the gene 2.5 protein contains only 1 to 3 sites that would be expected to be readily mutable to conditional-lethal amber codons by N-methyl-N?nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The gene 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7 proteins (Mr ~ 8000 to 15,000) are eliminated by a deletion mutant that removes most of the DNA between genes 4 and 5. The gene 5.5 protein (Mr ~ 11,700) is made in relatively large amounts and is affected by two different mutations that were mapped between genes 5 and 6. One of these mutations appears to be an amber mutation that eliminates the protein entirely; the other decreases the electrophoretic mobility of the protein (an apparent increase in size). A larger protein (Mr ~ 18,000), found in small amounts and difficult to observe, is also affected by these two mutations; the relationship of this minor protein to the major gene 5.5 protein is not yet known. The genes 2 and 18 proteins have also been identified in patterns of protein synthesis during infection. The proteins specified by at least 34 different T7 genes have now been identified.  相似文献   

Role of gene 2 in bacteriophage T7 DNA synthesis.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Studies have been carried out to elucidate the in vivo function of gene 2 in T7 DNA synthesis. In gene 2-infected cells the rate of incorporation of (3-H)thymidine into acid-insoluble material is about 60% that of cells infected with T7 wild type. Gene 2 mutants do not however produce viable phage after infection of the nonpermissive host. In T7 wild type-infected cells, a major portion of the newly alkaline sucrose gradients. The concatemers serve as precursors for the formation of mature T7 DNA as demonstrated in pulse-chase experiments. In similar studies carried out with gene 2-infected cells, concatemers are not detected when the intracellular DNA is analyzed at several different times during the infection process. The DNA made during a gene 2 infection is present as duplex structures with a sedimentation rate close to mature T7 DNA.  相似文献   

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