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A low molecular mass arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) composed of galactose and arabinose with a low protein content, isolated from the instant coffee powder of Coffea arabica beans, has been tested on antitussive (in vivo) and immunomodulating (ex vivo) activities. The results of antitussive tests revealed a significant dose dependant cough-suppressive effect of coffee AGP. It was observed 30 or 60 min after AGP administration and its efficacy lasted during the entire experiment course. Immunological tests showed that AGP affected some mediators of immunocompetent cells of immune system as TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-2 cytokines. It seems that coffee AGP is a good inductor of both pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IFN-γ, however, less potent in TNF-α induction in comparison with that of β-d-glucan. Evident induction of TNF-α, IL-2 and IFN-γ cytokines, pro-TH1 polarization supports our conclusion about bio-immunological efficacy of AGP with an emphasis on the cellular immunity.  相似文献   

Summary The important advances in coffee biotechnological techniques which have been made particularly during the last 10yr could benefit the coffee breeder in practice and open new perspectives for the development of new varieties. The molecular phylogeny of Coffea species has been established using DNA sequence data. The molecular markers have revealed an extremely reduced genetic diversity in Coffea arabica L. in comparison to C. canephora. However, wild accessions collected in the Ethiopian highlands appeared to constitute a valuable gene reservoir. A complete genetic linkage map of C. canephora was reported and additional ones are being constructed, particularly on C. arabica. The integration of Molecular Assisted Selection in coffee breeding promises to drastically increase the efficiency of breeding programs. Economically important genes of the caffeine biosynthetic pathway or genes encoding for seed storage proteins have been isolated. The high performance already achieved in the in vitro propagation process by somatic embryogenesis offers the possibility to mass propagate superior hybrids in different countries of both C. arabica (selected F1 hybrids) and C. canephora (rootstock variety). Pilot productions by somatic embryogenesis currently permit preparation for commercial application. Somaclonal variation was observed. The percentage of the off-types can vary between 3 and 10% depending on the genotype. Seed cryopreservation enables a routine use for long-term conservation of coffee genetic resources. Transgenic plants have been obtained for the C. arabica and C. canephora cultivated species through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation which constitutes the technique now currently used to transfer directly genes in coffee plants.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide obtained by ethanol precipitation from an aqueous solution of gum tragacanth contained arabinogalactan and tragacanthic acid, as well as starch ( approximately 0.6%). GC-MS, NMR, and ESI-MS analyses showed the structure of the arabinogalactan to be even more complex than previously determined, with core structures containing Arap, beta-Araf, and alpha-Galp units, as well as known terminal, and 2-O- and 3-O-substituted alpha-Araf units. Analysis was aided by examination of free, reducing oligosaccharides present in the gum. In addition to maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, and maltopentaose, the following were characterized: mixed alpha-Araf (1-->2)-alpha-Araf-(1-->4)-Ara and alpha-Araf-(1-->2)-alpha-Araf-(1-->5)-Ara, which correspond to the side chains of the arabinogalactan, beta-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-Galp-(1-->4)-Gal; and a mixture of beta-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-Galp-(1-->4)-Gal and beta-Glcp-(1-->4)-beta-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-Galp-(1-->4)-Gal, which did not resemble side-chain structures of the arabinogalactan. The latter are suggested to be related to tragacanthic acid, which has been previously found to contain beta-Galp nonreducing end-units.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: When green coffee is stored for a prolonged time the coffee quality decreases distinctively. Apart from well-known 'off-notes' that arise from undesired oxidations of lipids, a typical 'flattening' of the cup quality is detectable. In order to elucidate the biological causes for this phenomenon, differentially processed coffees (wet, dry, semi-dry processing), were stored under standard conditions for 2 years and analysed comprehensively. METHODS: Wet-processed coffee was stored either as parchment coffee, where the endocarp remained around the beans or as hulled beans. Viability of coffee seeds was estimated using the tetrazolium-test of seed viability. Changes in concentration of free amino acids and soluble carbohydrates were analysed by HPLC. KEY RESULTS: Whereas all other coffees lost viability within the first 6 months of storage, coffee beans stored within the parchment remained viable for >1 year. Glucose and fructose decreased slightly in the course of storage and glutamine content declined significantly. However, the changes observed in sugar and amino acid content were not correlated with the viability of the coffee beans. Consequently, neither typical metabolic reactions occurring within living cells nor characteristic post-mortem reactions could be responsible for the observed changes. As a result of post-mortem reactions in re-imbibed seeds, a characteristic bluish-green colour developed, putatively due to the oxidation of chlorogenic acids and subsequent reactions with primary amino compounds. This coloration might be an appropriate marker to substantiate if coffee seeds had been stored for an expanded time and putative quality losses were not relevant so far. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that loss of viability is relevant for the aroma flattening. As neither metabolic nor post-mortem reactions were responsible for the observed changes, it is concluded that Maillard reactions that occur during storage might be the cause of the decrease in potential aroma precursors.  相似文献   

In vitro antagonistic effects of rhizobacteria associated with Coffea arabica L. against some fungal coffee pathogens were studied. The aims were to screen indigenous coffee‐associated isolates for their inherent antagonistic potential against major coffee wilt diseases induced by Fusarium spp. Antagonistic effects, siderophore, HCN and lytic enzyme production were determined on standard solid media. Chemical methods were employed to categorize the major types of siderophores. From a total of 212 rhizobacterial isolates tested, over 10 % (all Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp.) exhibited remarkable inhibition against Fusarium spp. One isolate AUPB24 (P. chlororaphis) showed maximum inhibition of mycelial growth against all fungal pathogens tested, whereas other isolates were mostly inhibitory to F. stilboides and F. oxysporum. The isolate AUBB20 (B. subtilis) was most antagonistic to F. xylarioides. Of the rhizobacterial isolates tested, 67 % produced siderophores and 35 % produced HCN. Many strains (all Pseudomonas spp.) produced siderophores of the hydroxamate type and only a small proportion produced those of the catecholate type. Few antagonists showed chitinase activity. The production of siderophores and HCN by Pseudomonas spp., lipase and protease by all antagonists and β‐1,3‐glucanase by several Bacillus spp. could be considered the major mechanisms involved in the inhibition of fungal growth. The in vitro results provide the first evidence of an antagonistic effect of coffee‐associated rhizobacteria against the emerging fungal coffee pathogens F. stilboides and F. xylarioides and indicate the potential of both bacterial groups for biological control of coffee wilt diseases.  相似文献   

Aga E  Bekele E  Bryngelsson T 《Genetica》2005,124(2-3):213-221
Genetic variation of forest coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) from four regions of Ethiopia was investigated using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 160 individuals representing 16 populations were sampled. Eleven ISSR primers amplified a total of 123 fragments of which 31 fragments (25%) were polymorphic. Estimate of total gene diversity (H T), and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (G ST) were 0.37 and 0.81, respectively. This indicates that most of the variability is between populations than within populations. The partitioning of genetic variation into within and between populations based on Shannon’s information index also revealed more differentiation between populations (0.80) than within populations (0.20). In the phenogram most of the coffee tree samples were clustered on the basis of their regions of origin but failed to cluster according to their respective populations, which could be attributed to the presence of substantial gene flow between adjacent populations in each region assisted by man in the process of transplantation or by wild animals such as monkeys, which eat the berries and defecate the seeds elsewhere. On the other hand, the inter-regional clustering of some coffee tree samples from Bale and Jimma regions could be due to the transport of coffee seeds across regions and their subsequent planting. Although ISSR markers detected lower polymorphic loci than previously reported results with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers on the same materials, it can be used as an alternative method for molecular characterization of C. arabica populations. The results may provide information to select sites for in situ conservation.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Teucrium oliverianum yielded two neo-clerodane diterpenoids, teucrolin F and G, together with the known teucrolin E. The previously proposed structure for teucrolin E was revised so that it contains a tetrahydrofuran ring instead of an oxetane ring. This was based on analysis of the NMR spectroscopic data of its diacetate, including its NOE spectra. In addition, the structural assignments of the new diterpenoids were based on 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic studies, mainly 2D NMR experiments, including homonuclear and heteronuclear correlations.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome sequence of Coffea arabica L., the first sequenced member of the fourth largest family of angiosperms, Rubiaceae, is reported. The genome is 155 189 bp in length, including a pair of inverted repeats of 25 943 bp. Of the 130 genes present, 112 are distinct and 18 are duplicated in the inverted repeat. The coding region comprises 79 protein genes, 29 transfer RNA genes, four ribosomal RNA genes and 18 genes containing introns (three with three exons). Repeat analysis revealed five direct and three inverted repeats of 30 bp or longer with a sequence identity of 90% or more. Comparisons of the coffee chloroplast genome with sequenced genomes of the closely related family Solanaceae indicated that coffee has a portion of rps19 duplicated in the inverted repeat and an intact copy of infA . Furthermore, whole-genome comparisons identified large indels (> 500 bp) in several intergenic spacer regions and introns in the Solanaceae, including trnE (UUC)– trnT (GGU) spacer, ycf4 – cemA spacer, trnI (GAU) intron and rrn5 – trnR (ACG) spacer. Phylogenetic analyses based on the DNA sequences of 61 protein-coding genes for 35 taxa, performed using both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods, strongly supported the monophyly of several major clades of angiosperms, including monocots, eudicots, rosids, asterids, eurosids II, and euasterids I and II. Coffea (Rubiaceae, Gentianales) is only the second order sampled from the euasterid I clade. The availability of the complete chloroplast genome of coffee provides regulatory and intergenic spacer sequences for utilization in chloroplast genetic engineering to improve this important crop.  相似文献   

Coffee plants were regenerated from protoplasts isolated from embryogenic cell suspension cultures derived from somatic embryos of Coffea arabica L. cv. caturra. Yields of viable protoplasts ranged from 1×105 to 6×105 protoplast/g fresh weight. Protoplast preparations usually contained no contaminating cells, and when present, the number of cells never exceeded 0.1% of the total. Plating efficiencies of protoplast ranged from 1 to 10%. Embryogenic protocolonies obtained after several subcultures in a medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l each of benzylaminopurine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and naphtaleneacetic acid, were transferred to a medium lacking plant growth regulators. Well differentiated embryos were formed in selected protocolonies that contained many embryos-like structures. Approximately 70% of the somatic embryos developed into green rooted plantlets which were succesfully transferred to vessels containing sterilized scoria. Plants grown for two months in scoria were finally transferred to greenhouse.Abbreviations B5 medium according to Gamborg et. al.(1968) - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphtaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

 In a pot experiment, the growth and the nutrient status of in vitro propagated coffee (Coffea arabica L.) microcuttings were investigated for 5 months following vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculation with either Acaulospora melleae or Glomus clarum at four soil P availabilities. Control plants remained P-deficient even at the highest soil P availability while mycorrhizal plants were P-sufficient at all soil P availabilities. Growth of control plants was only improved at the highest soil P availability. In P-deficient soil, neither of the two VAM species improved plant growth. Plant growth increased by 50% following inoculation with either A. melleae or G. clarum when P availability went from deficient to low. No further plant growth improvement was induced by either VAM species at intermediate and high soil P levels. Nevertheless, growth of plants inoculated with G. clarum was still significantly greater than that of non-mycorrhizal plants at the highest soil P availability. Root colonization by G. clarum increased with increasing soil P availability while root colonization by A. mellea decreased with soil P level increasing above low P availability. Soil P availability also affected Zn nutrition through its influence on VAM symbiosis. With increasing soil P availability, foliar Zn status increased with G. clarum or decreased with A. mellea in parallel to root colonization by VAM. This study demonstrates the beneficial effects of VAM inoculation on in vitro propagated Arabica coffee microcuttings, as shown previously for seedlings. This study also demonstrates differences in tolerance to soil P availability between VAM species, most likely resulting from their differing abilities to enhance coffee foliar P status. Accepted: 14 November 1996  相似文献   

Aims: To synthesize two heterologous endochitinases in Escherichia coli and demonstrate their potential for applied use in generating antibacterial chitin-derived oligosaccharides (OGS). Methods and Results: Heterologous endochitinase genes, chiA Nima and chiA74, were expressed in E. coli. Endochitinases were secreted by the E. coli export machinery and by ∼20 h maximal chitinolytic activity was observed. The highest chitinolytic activity was observed with ChiA Nima, which produced antibacterial OGS with activities against Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and S. xylosus. Conclusions: It was shown that the export machinery of E. coli is well suited for the secretion of bioactive ChiA74 and ChiA Nima endochitinases, and that the latter can generate antibacterial OGS. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our study suggests that it is feasible to synthesize endochitinases ChiA Nima and ChiA74 codified by E. coli and mass-produce these enzymes in culture supernatants. As signal peptides in native ChiA Nima and ChiA74 were recognized by the protein export molecular apparatus in E. coli, these short peptides could be included as signal sequences for transport in E. coli of other proteins with applied value. This is the first report suggesting that ChiA Nima can be used to produce OGS to control food-borne pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the physical state of the nutrient medium on the induction of somatic embryogenesis on cell cultures derived from coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Non-embryogenic callus tissues were pulsed initially with 50 μM 6-benzyladenine (BA) for 6, 24 or 48 h in half-strength liquid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. After pretreatment, calli were transferred to agar-solidified half-strength MS medium supplemented with 50 μM BA (‘standard induction medium’). Control callus tissues were incubated directly on the solid standard induction medium. Callus growth was promoted by longer pretreatment periods. Formation of globular somatic embryos was observed on callus tissues pretreated with BA for 24 or 48 h, which developed fully to cotyledonary-stage within only 2 weeks after transfer to agar-solidified medium supplemented with BA. No embryo formation occurred in control cultures. Pretreatment with BA in liquid medium was associated with changes in the redox status of cultured cells, such as alterations of the ascorbate–glutathione redox systems and the accumulation of free radicals and oxidized lipids, as well as the possible reduction of cytochrome c-mediated apoptotic pathways. In particular, the induction of somatic embryogenesis was highly positively correlated (r 2 = 0.822) with the accumulation of protein carbonyls. The physiological role of BA as an inducer of both embryonic differentiation and cellular death is discussed.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was achieved in protoplast cultures of coffee. Protoplasts were isolated from cell suspension-derived somatic embryos of Coffea canephora. After repeated subculture in a medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l of each of kinetin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), microcalli developed. Transfer of these microcalli to a medium lacking growth regulators resulted in the formation of globular embryos. Upon subculture without growth regulators they grew to well-differentiated embryos, Eventually some of them developed to plantlets which were transferred to the greenhouse for further observation.  相似文献   

A minor oligosaccharide fraction was isolated after complete de-acylation of the lipooligosaccharide extracted from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1. The full structure of this oligosaccharide was obtained by chemical degradation, NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF MS spectrometry. These experiments showed the presence of two novel oligosaccharides (OS1 and OS2): [structure: see text] where R=(S)-Pyr(-->4,6) in OS1 and alpha-Rha-(1-->3) in OS2. All sugars are D-pyranoses, except Rha, which is L-pyranose. Hep is L-glycero-D-manno-heptose, Kdo is 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid, Pyr is pyruvic acid, P is phosphate.  相似文献   

After extraction from whole cells, and purification by gel filtration, the chemical composition and molecular mass estimation of the cell-wall phosphopeptidomannan (PPM) showed no significant difference respectively between flocculent, weakly, very weakly and non-flocculent Kluyveromyces lactis yeast strains. However, when PPMs were tested as ligands of a lectin, extracted from the flocculent strain, the PPM isolated from the flocculent and weakly flocculent strain were recognized to a higher degree than those isolated from the non and very weakly flocculent strains. Acetolysis of PPM extracted from the four strains produced five oligosaccharide fractions corresponding to mono-, di-, tri-, penta-and hexa-saccharides. The flocculent strain was characterised by a high content of di-and penta-saccharides. The 1H NMR analysis of the oligosaccharides demonstrated that the flocculent strain contained equivalent levels of the two mannobioses: Man( 1 → 2)Man and Man( 1 → 3)Man and of the two mannotrioses Man( 1 → 2)Man( 1 → 2)Man and Man( 1 → 3)Man( 1 → 2)Man. In contrast, the non-flocculent and the very weakly flocculent strains contained a single type of mannobiose Man( 1 → 2)Man and one type of mannotriose Man( 1 → 2)Man( 1 → 2)Man.  相似文献   

Yang J  Cisar JO  Bush CA 《Carbohydrate research》2011,346(11):1236-1346
The presence of a novel coaggregation receptor polysaccharide (RPS) on the dental plaque isolate Streptococcus cristatus LS4 was suggested by this strain’s antigenic and coaggregation properties. Examination of RPS isolated from strain LS4 by a combination of 2-dimensional and pseudo 3-dimensional single quantum heteronuclear NMR methods that included detection of 13C chemical shifts at high resolution revealed the following repeat unit structure:→6)-β-d-Galf-(1→6)-β-d-GalpNAc-(1→3)-α-d-Galp-(1→P→6)-α-d-Galp-(1→3)-β-L-Rhap-(1→4)-β-d-Glcp-(1→.The identification of this polysaccharide as RPS3Gn, a new structural type, was established by the α-d-Galp-containing epitope of RPS serotype 3 and Gn recognition motif (i.e., β-d-GalpNAc (1→3)-α-d-Galp) for coaggregation with other bacteria.  相似文献   

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