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A preservation technique was tested on 162 strains of culturally fastidious fungi sensitive to lyophilization, representing five classes. The results indicated that liquid nitrogen storage of frozen specimens may be used as an alternative to lyophilization for long-term preservation of stock cultures of fungi. The fungus was frozen in 10% (v/v) glycerol-water menstruum in heat-sealed ampoules. The cooling from ambient temperatures to -35 C was controlled at a rate of approximately 1 C per minute. Further cooling to the storage temperature of -165 to -196 C was uncontrolled and took place at an accelerated rate. Frozen ampoules were thawed in a water bath at 38 to 40 C. Viable and unmutated cultures were developed from reactivated specimens after storage for as long as 5 years.  相似文献   

High levels of plantlet regeneration can be achieved from shoot-tipcultures of the Andean potato Solanum goniocalyx thawed fromliquid nitrogen. A rapid rate of cooling and the presence ofdimethyl sulphoxide as a cryoprotectant appear to be necessary.Microscopical examination of surviving shoot-tip cultures showsthem to contain considerable numbers of damaged cells afterthawing. Structural aspects of this damage have been detailedusing transmission electron microscopy. The presence of a numberof such damaged cells in a surviving, thawed shoot-tip neednot prevent its subsequent organised growth directly into acultured plantlet. Solanum goniocalyx, potato, shoot-tip cultures, cryopreservation, plantlet regeneration  相似文献   

We have shown previously that ethylene, which accumulates in the air spaces of submerged stem sections of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv “Habiganj Aman II”), is involved in regulating the growth response caused by submergence. The role of gibberellins in the submergence response was studied using tetcyclacis (TCY), a new plant growth retardant, which inhibits gibberellin biosynthesis. Stem sections excised from plants that had been watered with a solution of 1 micromolar TCY for 7 to 10 days did not elongate when submerged in the same solution or when exposed to 1 microliter per liter ethylene in air. Gibberellic acid (GA3) at 0.3 micromolar overcame the effect of TCY and restored the rapid internodal elongation in submerged and ethylene-treated sections to the levels observed in control sections that had not been treated with TCY. The effect of 0.01 to 0.2 micromolar GA3 on internodal elongation was enhanced two- to eight-fold when 1 microliter per liter ethylene was added to the air passing through the chamber in which the sections were incubated. GA3 and ethylene caused a similar increase in cell division and cell elongation in rice internodes. Thus, ethylene may cause internodal elongation in rice by increasing the activity of endogenous GAs. In internodes from which the leaf sheath had been peeled off, growth in response to submergence, ethylene and GA3 was severely inhibited by light.  相似文献   

The multiplex PCR developed from a suspension of the yeast fungi correctly identified fifty-one clinical of H. capsulatum var. capsulatum strains isolated from clinical samples and soil specimens. The multiplex PCR was developed by combining two pairs of primers, one of them was specific to the H. capsulatum and the other one, universal for fungi, turned out to be specific to H. capsulatum, regardless of the fungus isolate studied. Primers designed to amplify a region of about 390-bp (Hc I–Hc II) and a region of approximately 600-bp (ITS1–ITS4) were used to identify a yeast isolated as H. capsulatum when both regions could be amplified. Absolute agreement (100?% sensitivity) could be shown between this assay and the cultures of H. capsulatum according to their morphological characteristics. Failure to amplify the target DNA sequence by PCR with primers Hc I–Hc II in the presence of the ITS1–ITS4 amplicon in isolates of P. brasiliensis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Trichosporon spp, Candida glabrata, C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, or Penicillium marneffei was an unequivocal sign of the high specificity of this assay. The assay specificity was also found to be 100?%. Incipient yeast forms obtained from clinical samples were identified as H. capsulatum by the PCR assay described before the morphological characteristics were registered shortening the time of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Intact vegetative buds of mulberry (Morus bombycis) attachedto shoot segments were prefrozen, stored in liquid nitrogen,thawed, and the meristems excised for culture on Murashige andSkoog's medium supplemented with 1 mg 1–1 BA to regenerateplants. Either prefreezing at –10 °C or –20°C along with rapid thawing at 37 °C or prefreezingat –20 °C or –30 °C along with slow thawingat 0 °C was a suitable condition for high percentages ofsurvival and shoot regeneration. Potted mulberry plants couldbe finally obtained from the cryopreserved material. The systemusing intact buds as the material for cryopreservation is quitesimple when compared to conventional systems using isolatedmeristems together with cryoprotectants. Morus bombycis Koidz., mulberry, cryopreservation, meristem culture, plant regeneration  相似文献   

The major heat-labile organic ingredient of the nutrient previously developed in this laboratory for spruce cells is glutamine. This cannot be fully replaced by any single stable organic substance or group of substances tested. Its replacement by inorganic ammonium salts results in no significant reduction in growth rate in terms of wet weights but produces qualitative defects which make such sutistitutions undesirable. Of special interest is the production of reticulated xylem cells when cultures are grown in the light on NH4 supplements.  相似文献   

A simple, readily assembled shaker-culture system for the cultivation of mammalian cells is described. No specialized glassware and equipment were used in this system, which consists of an Erlenmeyer flask fitted with a breather-sampling assembly. This unit was employed to quantitate the effects of several variables, including medium ingredients, serial transfers, and freezing and storage on two variants of the L-cell line. This system is reproducible and precise and allows for growth of cells in suspension for extended periods of time. Large numbers of cells can be mass-produced. Many replicates can be run simultaneously to yield data for statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Recent clinical trials have shown the potential of oncolytic adenoviruses as a cancer immunotherapy. A successful transition of oncolytic adenovirus to clinical applications requires efficient and good manufacturing practice compatible production and purification bioprocesses. Suspension cultures are preferable for virus production as they can reduce process costs and increase product quality and consistency. This work describes the adaptation of the A549 cell line to suspension culture in serum‐reduced medium validated by oncolytic adenovirus production in stirred tank bioreactor. Cell concentrations up to 3 × 106 cells mL?1 are obtained during the production process. At harvest 1.4 × 1010 infectious particles mL?1 and 6.9 ± 1.1 × 1010 viral genome mL?1 are obtained corresponding to a viral genome: infectious particles ratio of 5.2 (± 1.9): 1 confirming the virus quality. Overall, the suspension characteristics of these A549 cells support an easily scalable, less time‐consuming, and more cost‐effective process for expanded success in the use of oncolytic viruses for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The effects on cell division and cell size of indole-3-aceticacid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA), and kinetin were studiedin liquid suspension cultures of cambial cells derived fromAcer pseudoplatanus. It was shown that all three hormones promotecell division and that the effects of both GA and kinetin areadditive to those of IAA, but the effects of GA and kinetintogether are not additive. Treatment with IAA resulted in anincrease of mean cell size (indicating that cell expansion ispromoted), but after GA or kinetin treatment the mean cell sizewas smaller, indicating that little cell expansion had takenplace after each division. The results are discussed in relationto previous work on the effects of hormones in the intact cambiumand to current theories on the interactions of growth hormones.  相似文献   

Ten strains of non-sulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria were isolated from soil and water samples gathered in Bangkok and its surrounding area. The isolated strains from Thailand were divided into two groups, Al to A4 and BI to B6. They were identified as Rhodopseudomonas gelatinosa and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, respectively. All strains grew well either at 30°C or 40°C, but failed to grow at 45°C. Strains belonging to group A had weak activities of nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) and hydrogen production, while strains of group B showed much higher activities than group A. The activities of nitrogenase and hydrogen production of isolates in Thailand were compared with those of isolates in Japan. The activities of isolated strains in Thailand at 40°C were almost equal to those at 30°C or even higher. On the other hand, both hydrogen production and the nitrogenase activity of isolates in Japan decreased significantly at 40°C as compared to the activities at 30°C. These results suggest an intrinsic thermostability in hydrogen production by the non-sulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria of Thailand. Among isolated strains in Thailand, strain B5 was the most active in nitrogenase and hydrogen production, and its activity was significantly higher than strain TN3 at 40°C. TN3 had been selected as the most active strain among isolates in the Sendai area.  相似文献   

This study reports a novel method for embryo separation by cold treatment of heterogeneous suspension cultures which contain embryogenic single cells, cell clusters and embryos at various stages of development. The method was applied to embryo suspension cultures of pepper (Capsicum annuum) and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). In both plants, single cells lost their viability dramatically over a few days while the viability of embryos remained above 95% for 25-30 days when kept at 5 °C. The effect of duration of cold treatment on embryo germination was also tested. The optimal duration of cold treatment was found to be 10 days for sugarcane and 21 days for pepper. After the cold treatment, the germination percentages were 90% and 96% for sugarcane and pepper, respectively.  相似文献   

Homoserine dehydrogenase from cell suspension cultures of carrot (Daucus carota L.) has been purified to apparent homogeneity by a combination of selective heat denaturation, ion exchange and gel filtration chromatographies, and preparative gel electrophoresis. Carrot homoserine dehydrogenase is composed of subunits of equal molecular weight (85,000 ± 5,000). During purification, the enzyme exists predominantly in two molecular weight forms, 180,000 and 240,000. The enzyme can be reversibly converted from one form to the other, and each has different regulatory properties. When the enzyme is dialyzed in the presence of 5 millimolar threonine, the purified enzyme is converted into its trimeric form (240,000), which is completely inhibited by 5 millimolar threonine and is stimulated 2.6-fold by K+. When the enzyme is dialyzed in the presence of K+ and absence of threonine, the purified enzyme is converted into a dimer (180,000), which is not inhibited by threonine and is only stimulated 1.5-fold by K+. The enzyme also can polymerize under certain conditions to form higher molecular weight aggregates ranging in size up to 720,000, which also are catalytically active. This interconversion of homoserine dehydrogenase conformations may reflect the daily stream of events occurring in vivo. When light stimulates protein synthesis, the threonine pool decreases in the chloroplast, while K+ concentrations increase. The change in threonine and K+ concentrations shift the homoserine dehydrogenase from the threonine-sensitive to the threonine-insensitive conformation resulting in increased production of threonine, which would meet the demands of protein synthesis. The reverse process would occur in the dark.  相似文献   

A total of 89 trees of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) were destructively sampled from the plantations in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. China. The sample trees were measured and calculated for the biomass and carbon stocks of tree components (i.e., stem, branch, foliage and root). Both compatible biomass and carbon stock models were developed with the total biomass and total carbon stocks as the constraints, respectively. Four methods were used to evaluate the carbon stocks of tree components. The first method predicted carbon stocks directly by the compatible carbon stocks models (Method 1). The other three methods indirectly predicted the carbon stocks in two steps: (1) estimating the biomass by the compatible biomass models, and (2) multiplying the estimated biomass by three different carbon conversion factors (i.e., carbon conversion factor 0.5 (Method 2), average carbon concentration of the sample trees (Method 3), and average carbon concentration of each tree component (Method 4)). The prediction errors of estimating the carbon stocks were compared and tested for the differences between the four methods. The results showed that the compatible biomass and carbon models with tree diameter (D) as the sole independent variable performed well so that Method 1 was the best method for predicting the carbon stocks of tree components and total. There were significant differences among the four methods for the carbon stock of stem. Method 2 produced the largest error, especially for stem and total. Methods 3 and Method 4 were slightly worse than Method 1, but the differences were not statistically significant. In practice, the indirect method using the mean carbon concentration of individual trees was sufficient to obtain accurate carbon stocks estimation if carbon stocks models are not available.  相似文献   

Tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum) are capable of growth on ammonia as a sole nitrogen source only when succinate, malate, fumarate, citrate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, or pyruvate is added to the growth medium. A ratio between the molar concentrations of ammonia to succinate (as a complementary organic acid) in the growth medium of 1.5 was optimal. Succinate had no effect on the rate of uptake of ammonia from the medium into the cells although it did affect the intracellular concentration of ammonia. However, the changes were not sufficient to explain inhibition of growth as being due to ammonia toxicity. The radioactivity from 14C-succinate was incorporated into malate, glutamate, and aspartate within 2 minutes.  相似文献   

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