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磁力治疗胆石症的特征和意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中国医学的经络理论和现代生物磁学的原理,发明了磁力治疗胆石症,已经有20年了.它把磁穴疗法和来源于传统的中国医学的运动疗法、食物疗法结合起来.它是以磁场为主导,5个环节紧紧相扣的疗法,5个环节是磁场主导、揉耳反射、高脂餐、排石体操和淘洗大便.疗法中有些环节可以在医生的指导下病人在家中进行.本疗法预防和治疗胆石症有很好的疗效,于1987年参加了加拿大蒙特利尔市国际发明展览会.文中讨论了磁力治疗胆石症冲刷和排出胆结石的机理.  相似文献   

医学物理学是两个古老学科———医学和物理学交叉形成的。它把物理学的理论、方法、技术用于医学,是以人体为研究对象的应用学科。本文介绍磁医学———祖国医学中的瑰宝:磁场疗法、生物磁学、磁场疗法治疗胆石症和磁热治疗妇科炎症及子宫肌瘤等。磁场疗法古今谈磁场疗法是我国的经络学说、磁石治病和现代医学、现代物理学相结合而发展起来的一种疗法,它是针对不同疾病,将不同类型的磁场作用在患病处或一定的穴位,并针对病情及时给予调整的一种理疗方法。《史记》中记载,“齐王侍医遂病,自炼五石服之。”〔1〕五石是指青色的曾青〔…  相似文献   

二十年前一个自发性的科研项目———《磁力治疗胆石症》在我医院孕育成长,以磁场为主导治疗胆石症,以改善症状快速排石率高的医疗方法取得了十分可喜的效果。开始,信息由患者传播开来,不胫而走,由于它无痛苦,无副作用,操作简费用低,赢得了广大胆石症患者的欢迎,门诊患者日益增多,从本地扩展到外地,从国内扩展到国外,最高峰门诊每天达到360人次,12台机子24个磁头不停地工作。与此同时典型病例不断出现:有长期以来服用中西药物不见好转者;有不到一个疗程就康复者;有一次排出结石1cm左右11个者;有作了五次手术复发来治疗消除了第六次手术之苦…  相似文献   

“三流”假说对磁力排石碎石的机理初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自1985年秋季开始,我们把《磁力治疗胆石症》项目应用于临床后,除实现其排石高和改善症状体征快速外,还在B超发现有的患体内有巨大结石,经治疗后,从大便中淘出许多较小结石颗粒而B超复查原巨大结石的声影逐渐缩小甚至消失。这一情况也从外地引进了我们这种疗法的医院的临床报告中获得了印证。并在1987年11月20日在珠海举行的全国第二届《磁力治疗胆石症》推广及学术交流会上取得了共识:磁力确有排石、碎石的作用。  相似文献   

磁场综合治疗胆石症3866例观察   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
黄鹤  史亦飞 《生物磁学》2002,2(2):28-29
对3866例胆石症利用现代生物磁学原理和传统的中华医学运用磁场配合高脂食,中药金钱排石汤等综合治疗,是非手术治疗胆石症的较好方法,发病的男女性别之比为1:3.75,其中胆囊结石占胆石症395%,残余结石或再生结石占17.5%,发病以农民为多见,磁场综合治疗对胆石症的临床症状减轻明显,排石显,无副作用,安全,故被基层医疗单位和群众所接受。  相似文献   

古代中国开展磁场疗法我们的祖国具有悠久而光荣的历史 ,高度发展的黄河流域的古文化是举世瞩目的。据自然科学大事年表的统计 ,从公元前 6世纪到公元 15 0 0年 ,我国的世界重大科技成就中所占的比例达一半以上。罗伯特·坦普尔在英国科学家李约瑟博士指导下 ,1986年写成并出版了《中国———发现和发明的国度》一书 ,简明和通俗地介绍中国的一百个“世界第一”。其实我国古代的发现和发明远远不止这些 ,不仅最早发明指南针 (磁针 ) ,用于测量和航海 ,而且最早炼磁石治病 ,开展磁场疗法 ,具有 4个“世界第一”。《史记》中记载 ,“齐王侍医…  相似文献   

对3866例胆石症利用现代生物磁学原理和传统的中华医学运用磁场配合高脂食,中药金钱排石汤等综合治疗,是非手术治疗胆石症的较好方法,发病的男女性别之比为1∶3.75,其中胆囊结石占胆石症39.95%,残余结石或再生结石占17.5%,发病以农民为多见,磁场综合治疗对胆石症的临床症状减轻明显,排石显著,无副作用,安全、故被基层医疗单位和群众所接受。  相似文献   

"三流"假说对磁力排石碎石的机理初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自 1 985年秋季开始 ,我们把《磁力治疗胆石症》[1 ] 项目应用于临床后 ,除实现其排石高和改善症状体征快速外 ,还在B超发现有的患者体内有巨大结石 ,经治疗后 ,从大便中淘出许多较小结石颗粒而B超复查原巨大结石的声影逐渐缩小甚至消失。这一情况也从外地引进了我们这种疗法的  相似文献   

《生物磁学》杂志是国内唯一反映生物磁学的理论和实践的刊物。它的公开发行标志着我国生物磁学在世界科技之林中能够独树一帜的先进水平。生物磁学是涉及多种学科和新技术的边缘科学,不仅与医学有密切关系,而且与人类、动物、植物、地球、星际空间乃至整个自然界,无处不受到磁力的作用。在我们生活的地球上,不论在地面、高空和地下都存在地球的磁场,人类就是生活在磁的世界里。而《生物磁学》杂志就是研究及应用磁性物质和磁场与生物和生命活动的相互关系的边缘科学。反映有关生物磁学、生物电磁学、生物物理学、生物化学、磁医学、传…  相似文献   

《生物磁学》杂志是国内唯一反映生物磁学的理论和实践的刊物。它的公开发行标志着我国生物磁学在世界科技之林中能够独树一帜的先进水平。生物磁学是涉及多种学科和新技术的边缘科学,不仅与医学有密切关系,而且与人类、动物、植物、地球、星际空间乃至整个自然界,无处不受到磁力的作用。在我们生活的地球上,不论在地面、高空和地下都存在地球的磁场,人类就是生活在磁的世界里。而《生物磁学》杂志就是研究及应用磁性物质和磁场与生物和生命活动的相互关系的边缘科学。  相似文献   

In traditional Chinese medicine, hot- and cold-attribute of food ingredients are a major part of dietary therapy. The aim of this study was to establish a suitable scientific methodology to define the attributes of food ingredients by investigating the relationship between food attributes and the physiological signals produced in healthy young subjects with different constitutions. Thirty subjects were grouped into hot and cold constitutions by Chinese medical doctors. Every subject took water, aged ginger tea and coconut water, which are well recognized as having neutral-, hot- and cold-attribute, respectively, on different visits. The different physiological signals induced by the samples were observed using skin and axillary temperature sensors, a heart rate variability analyzer and a laser Doppler anemometer. We found that the capillary red blood cell (RBC) velocity in nail fold microcirculation (NFM) of the subjects with hot constitution accelerated significantly after taking the hot-attribute aged ginger tea, which might be the result of elevated vagal activity leading to arteriole dilation in these subjects. In contrast, in subjects with cold constitution, capillary RBC velocity decelerated significantly and skin temperature decreased markedly after taking the cold-attribute coconut water, which might have been induced by sympathetic nerve activation causing the arteriole to be constricted. Accordingly, the use of capillary RBC velocity of NFM measured by laser Doppler anemometer may be a promising way to classify attributes of food ingredients commonly used in Chinese medicine dietary therapy in accordance with different personal constitutions.  相似文献   

中药现代化的理论和方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
中药现代化的任务是对当代药物学家的挑战.中药现代化的目标、方法尚无统一的认识.吴凤锷在1989年就提出了中药现代化的方法.随着时间的推移,这一设想已被一些药物学家所认可,并开始了这方面的研究工作.通过多年的思索,对中药现代化的理论依据进行了研究,认为:(1)中药疗效是针对生药而言,即针对多种成分的结合疗效.(2)中药的多种成分特别适合于老年性多种慢性并发症的治疗.(3)中药的安全性是由于多成分、所含各成分相对剂量低的原因.(4)中药的个体针对性强,同病异治,或异病同治.(5)中药服用后进入人体的代谢过程不同于西药,对消化道中菌群产生影响,从而影响人体的生理功能.(6)中药既含有蛋白质、微量元素等功能性营养成分,又含有生物碱、黄酮等药物成分,本质上处于西药与食品之间.由于传统中药有以上特点,故中药的现代化必须保持这些特点.最好的方法就是作者所提出的用单方成药代替生药的方法.从现状看,这一方法既有理论依据,在技术上又是可行的.符合中医的传统理论及中草药的特点.  相似文献   

中药注射剂澄明度影响因素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了中药注射剂在生产过程中影响澄明度的因素。在分析过程中以生产流程为主线,介绍了各个生产环节对澄明度的影响,重点分析了原料药材、pH值、安瓿、灌装、封口的影响因素及提高澄明度的有效措施。  相似文献   

The present paper was based on both qualitative observations and quantitative survey data. Major findings are as follows: (1) The sacred or magical-religious tradition of Chinese medicine is accepted by a relatively small portion (roughly one-fifth) of the ordinary Chinese people in urban Hong Kong, and is relatively more popular among women or less educated people. (2) Both the classical-professional and the local-empirical traditions of secular medicine are resorted to by many Chinese people (over one half) either for treating diseases or for strengthening their constitution. The acceptance of secular Chinese medicine does not vary significantly among different sex, age, education, or income groups. It should be noted that secular Chinese medicine is often used in addition to or in combination with modern Western medicine. (3) It appears that most people are more confident in the Chinese medical tradition than in Chinese-style practitioners in Hong Kong, and that people's confidence in secular Chinese medicine has been increasing in recent years. (4) There are reasons for the confidence in secular Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is generally perceived to be better than or as good as Western, scientific medicine in some ways, such as for tonic care, for fewer side effects, for curing the cause (not symptoms) of diseases, and for treating certain diseases. Therefore, to ordinary Chinese people, Chinese and Western medicine may perform either equivalent or complementary functions. (5) As regards the process of seeking medical care, most people seem to follow the pattern of moving from self-medication, using Chinese and/or Western home remedies, to Western-style doctors, to Chinese-style practitioners, and finally to a Western medical hospital. Policy and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhai  Xiaona  Zhang  Weida  Pei  Haisheng  Chen  Guogang 《Glycoconjugate journal》2022,39(4):475-486
Glycoconjugate Journal - Poria cocos, a famous traditional Chinese medicine and a well-known food or food supplement, has shown therapeutic potential against cancer and the uneasiness of the mind....  相似文献   

Dysmenorrhea is directly related to elevated PGF(2alpha) levels. It is treated with nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in Western medicine. Since NSAIDs produce many side effects, Chinese medicinal therapy is considered as a feasible alternative medicine. Adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf.) has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for treating dysmenorrhea. However, the relationship between smooth muscle contraction and adlay extracts remains veiled. Therefore, we investigated this relationship in the rat uterus by measuring uterine contraction activity and recording the intrauterine pressure. We studied the in vivo and in vitro effects of the methanolic extracts of adlay hull (AHM) on uterine smooth muscle contraction. The extracts were fractionated using four different solvents: water, 1-butanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane; the four respective fractions were AHM-Wa, AHM-Bu, AHM-EA, and AHM-Hex. AHM-EA and its subfractions (175 microg/ml) inhibited uterine contractions induced by PGF(2alpha), the Ca(2+) channel activator Bay K 8644, and high K(+) in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro. AHM-EA also inhibited PGF(2alpha)-induced uterine contractions in vivo; furthermore, 375 microg/ml of AHM-EA inhibited the Ca(2+)-dependent uterine contractions. Thus 375 microg/ml of AHM-EA consistently suppressed the increases in intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations induced by PGF(2alpha) and high K(+). We also demonstrated that naringenin and quercetin are the major pure chemical components of AHM-EA that inhibit PGF(2alpha)-induced uterine contractions. Thus AHM-EA probably inhibited uterine contraction by blocking external Ca(2+) influx, leading to a decrease in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Thus adlay hull may be considered as a feasible alternative therapeutic agent for dysmenorrhea.  相似文献   

Smilax glabra Roxb. (SGR) is the root of a traditional Chinese herb, referred to as tu fu ling in Chinese medicine. It is an inexpensive traditional Chinese medicine commonly used for the treatment of liver diseases, and a few studies have indicated that SGR has anti-hepatocarcinogenic and anti-cancer growth activities. In the current study, raw SGR plant was extracted with Accelerate Solvent Extractor, and the molecular mechanism by which S. glabra Roxb. extract (SGRE) has an anti-proliferative effect on the human hepatoma cell lines, HepG2 and Hep3B, was determined. We showed that SGRE inhibited HepG2 and Hep3B cell growth by causing cell-cycle arrest at either S phase or S/G2 transition and induced apoptosis, as evidenced by a DNA fragmentation assay. SGRE-induced apoptosis by alternation of mitochondrial transmembrane depolarization, release of mitochondrial cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3, and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. The SGRE-mediated mitochondria-caspase dependent apoptotic pathway also involved activation of p38, JNK, and ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. Isometric compounds of astilbin (flavonoids) and smilagenin (saponin) have been identified as the main chemical constituents in SGRE by HPLC-MS/MS. These results have identified, for the first time, the biological activity of SGRE in HepG2 and Hep3B cells and should lead to further development of SGR for liver disease therapy.  相似文献   

Akihiko Mougi  Kinya Nishimura 《Oikos》2008,117(11):1732-1740
Destabilization of one predator–one prey systems with an increase in nutrient input has been viewed as a paradox. We report that enrichment can damp population cycles by a food‐web structure that balances inflexible and flexible interaction links (i.e. specialist and generalist predators). We modeled six predator–prey systems involving three or four species in which the predators practice optimal foraging based on prey profitability determined by handling time. In all models, the balance of interaction links simultaneously decreased the amplitude of population oscillations and increased the minimum density with increasing enrichment, leading to a potential theoretical resolution of the paradox of enrichment in non‐equilibrium dynamics. The stabilization mechanism was common to all of the models. Important previous studies on the stability of food webs have also demonstrated that a balance of interaction strengths stabilizes systems, suggesting a general rule of ecosystem stability.  相似文献   

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