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The chi-chi of Ginkgo biloba L. are cylindrical woody structures that grow downwards from the branches and trunks of old trees, eventually entering the soil where they give rise to adventitious shoots and roots. Examination of segments of young chi-chi taken from a mature ginkgo tree revealed an internal woody portion with irregular growth rings of tracheid-containing secondary xylem covered by a vascular cambium and bark. The cambium was composed of both fusiform cells and parenchymatous ray cells. Near the tip of the chi-chi, these two types of cambial cells had orientations ranging between axial, radial and circumferential with respect to the cylindrical form of the chi-chi. The xylem rays and tracheids that derived from the cambium showed correspondingly variable orientations. Towards the base of the chi-chi, the fusiform cells and young tracheids were aligned parallel to the axis, indicating that the orientation of the cambial cells in basal regions of the chi-chi gradually became normalised as the tip of the chi-chi extended forwards. Nevertheless, in such basal sites, tracheids near the centre of the chi-chi showed variable orientations in accordance with their mode of formation during the early stages of chi-chi development. The initiation of a chi-chi is proposed to derive from a localised hyperactivity of vascular cambial-cell production in the supporting stem. The chi-chi elongates by tip growth, but it does so in a manner different from organ growth driven by an apical meristem. It is suggested that the chi-chi of Ginkgo is an “evolutionary experiment” that makes use of the vascular cambium, not only for its widening growth but also for its elongation.  相似文献   

A low auxin concentration (0.1% naphthalene acetic acid) induced tracheids with longitudinal polarity parallel to the hypocotyl axis in young Pinus pinea seedlings. Application of 0.1% ethrel laterally and 0.1% naphthalene acetic acid apically disturbed axial tracheid polarity and promoted the differentiation of tracheids with a lateral orientation. Ethrel by itself, with no auxin background, did not affect tracheid differentiation. Apical application of 1% gibberellic acid with the low auxin, reversed the polarity disorder induced by ethrel. Disturbance of axial tracheid polarity was observed under a high auxin concentration (0.5% naphthalene acetic acid) which was similar to the combined effect of ethrel and auxin. The high auxin concentration increased tracheid number significantly. This effect was curtailed following treatment with inhibitors of ethylene formation (Co2+; 1-aminoethoxy- vinylglycine) and action (Ag2+). The role of ethylene in controlling the differentiation of radial tracheids, which characterize the vascular rays of pines, is discussed.  相似文献   

BARNETT  J. R. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(2):367-373
The fine structure of Pinus radiata D. Don callus before andafter differentiation into stem-like tissues has been examinedwith the electron microscope. In callus prior to differentiation(here called parenchymatous callus) the cells accumulate tanninsas they age and are quite distinct from the cells of differentiatedcallus. In the latter, cambium, phloem and xylem cells may beidentified by their general morphology and by their ultrastructuralfeatures. Differentiation into a true stem-like structure is,however, incomplete in that the tissues are not uniformly oriented,and parenchyma cells of the rays and phloem contain chloroplasts.The tracheids also show unusual differentiation in that borderedpits form over their entire surface and may be of two types.The reasons for these variations are discussed.  相似文献   

Silicified stems with typical cycadalean anatomy are described from specimens collected from the Fremouw Formation (Triassic) in the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. Axes are slender with a large parenchymatous pith and cortex separated by a narrow ring of vascular tissue. Mucilage canals are present in both pith and cortex. Vascular tissue consists of endarch primary xylem, a narrow band of secondary xylem tracheids, cambial zone, and region of secondary phloem. Vascular bundles contain uni- to triseriate rays with larger rays up to 2 mm wide separating the individual bundles. Pitting on primary xylem elements ranges from helical to scalariform; secondary xylem tracheids exhibit alternate circular bordered pits. Traces, often accompanied by a mucilage canal, extend out through the large rays into the cortex where some assume a girdling configuration. A zone of periderm is present at the periphery of the stem. Large and small roots are attached to the stem and are conspicuous in the surrounding matrix. The anatomy of the Antarctic cycad is compared with that of other fossil and extant cycadalean stems.  相似文献   

The Indian dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium minutissimum Hook f.is the most diminutive dicotyledonous stem parasite on Pinusexcelsa. The endophytic system is well developed, having a largenumber of anastomosing strands in the cortex and sinkers penetratingthe medullary rays in wood. The cortical strand is protostelicwith the central tracheary elements, the vessels, surroundedby paren-chymatous cells. An earlier report of absence of vesselsseems to be erroneous. The growth of the cortical strands iseffected by an apical cell. The sinkers typically associatedwith the rays of host, are composed of parenchymatous cellsand tracheary elements including vessels. They make contactswith the cells of the ray through pits present in the trachearyelements. The sinkers cause hypertrophy and even fusion of twoor more rays to form a composite medullary ray. The tracheidsof the host tissue also become stunted and contorted in shape.These observations are in agreement with those of other investigatorson American host species for Arceuthobium.  相似文献   

Anomalous secondary thickening occurs in the main axis of Bougainvillea spectabilis as a result of a primary thickening meristem which differentiates in pericycle. The primary thickening meristem first appears in the base of the primary root about 6 days after germination and differentiates acropetally as the root elongates. It begins differentiating from the base of the hypocotyl toward the shoot apex about 33 days after germination. The primary thickening meristem is first observable at the base of the first internode about 60 days after germination. It then becomes a cylinder in the main axis of the seedling. No stelar cambial cylinder forms in the primary root, hypocotyl, or stem because vascular cambium differentiation occurs neither in the pericycle opposite xylem points in the primary root nor in interfascicular parenchyma in the hypocotyl or stem. The primary vascular system of the stem appears anomalous because an inner and an outer ring of vascular bundles differentiate in the stele. Bundles of the inner ring anastomose in internodes, whereas those of the outer ring do not. Desmogen strands each of which is composed of phloem, xylem with both tracheids and vessels, and a desmogic cambium, differentiate from prodesmogen strands in conjunctive tissue. The parenchymatous cells surrounding desmogen strands then differentiate into elongated simple-pitted fibers and thick-walled fusiform cells that are about the same length as the primary thickening meristem initials.  相似文献   

The basal and sub-basal regions in cuttings of Agathis australisundergo a complex series of anatomical changes. Many of theseare categorized as wound responses and include cell divisionsassociated with the cut base and the proliferation of tracheidsand phloem which arise in the interfascicular region about 4mm above the cut base. The vascular tissue arcs outwards anddownwards through the cortex. It may develop as isolated strandsonly a few cells wide or as sheets involving a number of cells.The precise pattern of vascular development appears to be determinedby its extent at the point of origin and by the presence ofobstacles such as primary and secondary resin canals which arelocated to the outside of the vascular bundles in the stem.Secondary resin canals are produced only in the rooting zonein cuttings that show extensive cell division. They arise schizogenouslyand do not form an interlinking network. Root primordia arise in the cortex at the end of isolated strandsof newly developed vascular tissue. Primordia never form inassociation with sheets of tracheids or after the convergenceof strands. In some cases virtually the entire sub-base is filledwith vascular tissue as a result of cell division and the differentiationof parenchymatous tissue. Root primordia never appear in thissituation. Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl, kauri, cuttings, wound responses, vascular development, resin canals, root primordia, cellular differentiation  相似文献   

When lettuce pith explants were cultured for 14 d on a xylogenicmedium, tracheary elements differentiated in greatest numbersbetween 25 and 30 °C. Numbers were depressed at lower temperaturesby slower development and at higher temperatures by adverseprocesses. The data did not support previous suggestions ofa great stimulation of xylogenesis above 30 °C and of aspecial sensitivity to low temperatures. Tracheary elements differentiated in various spatial patterns:as clumps in the peripheral callus, as strands which extendedradially and longitudinally from some of these clumps, as individuallarge tracheids especially at the more extreme temperatures,and as short strands associated with nodules and roots thatformed at favourable temperatures. We suggest that indoleacetic acid (IAA) has various roles inthe positional control of these tracheary patterns: (1) IAAdestruction at the explant surface leads to concentration gradientsthat inhibit tracheary induction close to the surface; (2) IAAtransport from the source in the culture medium to sinks especiallyat the explant surface, coupled with autocatalytic flow facilitation,leads to canalization along pathways that become meristematicand then trachcary strands; (3) the IAA flux (and associatedproton flux) along these pathways tend to orient cortical microtubulesat right angles to the flow, by some mechanism as yet unknown,and hence to control the orientation of tracheary element elongationand secondary wall banding. These suggestions, supported bymorphometric studies of tracheary element dimensions and orientations,and by experiments with localized IAA application, lead to ageneral interpretation of the development of polarity in plants. IAA, Lactuca sativa, lettuce, pith explants, positional control, temperature effects, tracheary element differentiation  相似文献   


Key message

Pattern of tracheids found along the bundles extends understanding of their cross - sectional anatomy and sheds a new light on the issue of radial transport in monocotyledons with secondary growth.


Secondary growth of Dracaena draco L. stem is connected with the formation of amphivasal vascular bundles in which a centrally located phloem is surrounded by a ring of xylem cells (tracheids). However, as visible in a single transverse section, there is a tendency towards variation among the secondary bundles from such with a xylem ring to ones in which the tracheids do not completely surround the phloem, i.e., are separated by vascular parenchyma cells. We aimed to elucidate the cross-sectional anatomy of amphivasal secondary bundles using the method of serial sectioning (with sections 3 μm thick), which allowed us to follow very precisely the bundle structure along its length. The analysis revealed that the xylem arrangement in these bundles depends on the position of a section in the bundle path. Each amphivasal bundle is composed of sectors where tracheids form a ring, as well as of such where tracheids are separated by vascular parenchyma cells. We hypothesize that this structure of amphivasal vascular bundles facilitates radial transport of assimilates to the sink tissues. The result of the anatomical analysis is discussed in a physiological context.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the stem, root, and leaf of Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider was investigated, as well as the mode of tissue formation in the stem. Perivascular tissue is present as part of the primary body; outermost cell layers of this tissue mature as a fibrous sheath. The first short-lived extrafascicular cambium is generated within the remaining parenchymatous perivascular tissue. Successive independent extrafascicular cambia, organized as complete rings or large arcs, arise within peripheral conjunctive parenchyma produced by previous cambia. Extrafascicular cambia produce secondary xylem centripetally and conjunctive tissue bands and strands of secondary phloem centrifugally. Conjunctive tissue initials produce raylike structures of conjunctive tissue; true vascular rays are absent. The phellogen is actually a region of transition where the peripheral conjunctive parenchyma of previous extrafascicular cambia undergoes further cellular subdivision; a true phellogen is lacking. Xylem bands do not represent annual or seasonal growth increments, and secondary growth in Simmondsia is an unequivocal example of the “concentric” anomaly.  相似文献   

The stem specimens of Sigillaria cf. brardii were collected from the coal balls of Upper Permian in Shuicheng Coal Mines in Guizhou Province. The main anatomical characteristics of Sigillaria cf. brardii are described as follows: The stem is siphonostelic, with pith composed entirely of polygonal parenchyma cells, there are secondary walls in some pith cell cavities these secondary walls show the characters of cell division. Surrounding the pith is the continuous cylindrical primary xylem which consists entirely of tracheids. The outermost, and part are the protoxylem elements show spiral secondary thickenings. In cross section, the outer edge of exarch primary xylem appears regularly sinuous, with trace of mesarch leaf originating from the furrows. The centripetal metaxylem is characterized by scalariform wall thickenings on the tracheids, and delicated strands of secondary wall materials extending between abjacent bars, these structures are called fimbris, or williamson striations, and are characteristic in lepidodendrids. The secondary xylem consists of tracheids and vascular rays. The tracheids, too, have scalariform wall thickenings and fimbris. The rays are one-to twocell width and several to more than ten cells in height.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some morphological and histological changes observed during regular intervals inMatricaria inodora L. tissue cultures derived from leaf expiants. The expiants were cultivated on Murashige-Skoog’s culture medium supplemented with 1.0 mg 1−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The callus formation started about a week after isolation. During the second week the meristematic centers were differentiated from which root and shoot apices were later formed. During long term cultivation under the same culture conditions the inhibition of development of shoot apices took place. Only roots of unorganized growth have been regenerated. The influence of culture conditions on morphogenetic potential is discussed.  相似文献   



Basoapical polarity in epithelia is critical for proper tissue function, and control of proliferation and survival. Cell culture models that recapitulate epithelial tissue architecture are invaluable to unravel developmental and disease mechanisms. Although factors important for the establishment of basal polarity have been identified, requirements for the formation of apical polarity in three-dimensional tissue structures have not been thoroughly investigated.


We demonstrate that the human mammary epithelial cell line-3522 S1, provides a resilient model for studying the formation of basoapical polarity in glandular structures. Testing three-dimensional culture systems that differ in composition and origin of substrata reveals that apical polarity is more sensitive to culture conditions than basal polarity. Using a new high-throughput culture method that produces basoapical polarity in glandular structures without a gel coat, we show that basal polarity-mediated signaling and collagen IV are both necessary for the development of apical polarity.


These results provide new insights into the role of the basement membrane, and especially collagen IV, in the development of the apical pole, a critical element of the architecture of glandular epithelia. Also, the high-throughput culture method developed in this study should open new avenues for high-content screening of agents that act on mammary tissue homeostasis and thus, on architectural changes involved in cancer development.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Borasseae form a highly supported monophyletic clade in the Arecaceae–Coryphoideae. The fruits of Coryphoideae are small, drupaceous with specialized anatomical structure of the pericarp and berries. The large fruits of borassoid palms contain massive pyrenes, which develop from the middle zone of the mesocarp. The pericarp structure and mode of its development in Borasseae are similar to those of Eugeissona and Nypa. A developmental carpological study of borassoid palms will allow us to describe the process of pericarp development and reveal the diagnostic fruit features of borassoid palms, determine the morphogenetic fruit type in Borasseae genera, and describe similarities in fruit structure and pericarp development with other groups of palms.


The pericarp anatomy was studied during development with light microscopy based on the anatomical sections of fruits of all eight Borasseae genera.

Key Results

The following general features of pericarp structure in Borasseae were revealed: (1) differentiation of the pericarp starts at early developmental stages; (2) the exocarp is represented by a specialized epidermis; (3) the mesocarp is extremely multilayered and is differentiated into several topographical zones – a peripheral parenchymatous zone(s) with scattered sclerenchymatous elements and vascular bundles, a middle zone (the stony pyrene comprising networks of elongated sclereids and vascular bundles) and an inner parenchymatous zone(s); (4) differentiation and growth of the pyrene tissue starts at early developmental stages and ends long before maturation of the seed; (5) the inner parenchymatous zone(s) of the mesocarp is dramatically compressed by the mature seed; (6) the endocarp (unspecialized epidermis) is not involved in pyrene formation; and (7) the spermoderm is multilayered in Hyphaeninae and obliterated in Lataniinae.


The fruits of Borasseae are pyrenaria of Latania-type. This type of pericarp differentiation is also found only in Eugeissona and Nypa. The fruits of other Coryphoideae dramatically differ from Borasseae by the pericarp anatomical structure and the mode of its development.  相似文献   

The developmental anatomy of the vascular cambium and periderm ofBotrypus virginianus was studied, and its bearing on the systematic position of Ophioglossacease is discussed. The cambial zone including cambium is initiated in a procambial ring of the stem before primary vascular tissue is well differentiated. The presumed cambium is composed of fusiform and ray initials. The cambium is extremely unequally bifacial, producing secondary xylem centripetally, and quite a small number of parenchymatous cells but no secondary phloem centrifugally. The cambial activity persists long, although it is very low in the mature part of the stem. It seems that the circumferential increase of the cambium is accommodated by an increase in the number of cambial initials. Secondary xylem is nonstoried and composed of tracheids with circular-bordered pits with evenly thick pit membranes, and uniseriate or partly biseriate radial rays. It makes up the bulk of the stem xylem. Periderm is formed almost entirely around the stem, simultaneous with its increment due to the secondary xylem. The combination of these anatomical features of secondary tissue supports the idea that Ophioglossaceae are living progymnosperms.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental overgrowth was produced in chick embryo brains according to the method described earlier (1955, 1959). Pieces of overgrown mesencephalic tissue were cultured in vitro or studied with transplantations to the braincavity of host embryos.When cultured in vitro, cell strands developed in some cultures, showing differences in growth rate and capacity of fibrinolytic activity as compared with normal neural epithelium.After transplantation to the brain-cavity, one case out of six showed a well delimited tumorous formation of a very benign appearance. In the other five cases, the graft tissue had completely merged with the host tissue, showing invasion into the latter. Numerous mitoses were seen and lots of rosette formations. It is concluded that the overgrowth cells may show a strong tendency to invade brain tissue.The cost of this investigation was defrayed by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

A silicified wood, Palaeocupressinoxylon uniseriale n. gen. n. sp., is described from the upper Permian of the Central Taodonggou section, Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. Multidisciplinary data including U–Pb ID–TIMS zircon dating, vertebrate and invertebrate biostratigraphic, and cyclostratigraphic correlation from current and previous studies indicate that the fossil bearing interval is Wuchiapingian (late Permian) in age. The pycnoxylic wood consists of thick-walled tracheids and parenchymatous rays. It is characterized by separated uniseriate radial tracheidal pits, uniseriate ray cells, and cupressoid cross-field pitting. The absence of growth rings in the wood, together with the occurrence of Argillisols, Gleysols, and Histosols above and below the fossil interval, suggests that a stable landscape and a perennially humid climate prevailed in the Taodonggou area during the Wuchiapingian.  相似文献   

Abstract Cercidiphylloxylon spenceri (Brett) Pearson is described from the Lizigou Formation, Palaeocene in China. The growth rings are distinct; pores are diffuse, solitary, with somewhat angular outlines in cross section; vessel elements long with long scalariform perforation plates; intervessel pitting is opposite to scalariform; fiber‐tracheids are present; axial parenchyma is scarce; rays are mostly biseriate and heterogeneous. All wood characters of the fossil specimen fall into the range of those of extant Cercidiphyllum (Cercidiphyllaceae). The finding is one of the earliest fossil wood records of Cercidiphyllaceae.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which genes control organ shape are poorly understood. In principle, genes may control shape by modifying local rates and/or orientations of deformation. Distinguishing between these possibilities has been difficult because of interactions between patterns, orientations, and mechanical constraints during growth. Here we show how a combination of growth analysis, molecular genetics, and modelling can be used to dissect the factors contributing to shape. Using the Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) flower as an example, we show how shape development reflects local rates and orientations of tissue growth that vary spatially and temporally to form a dynamic growth field. This growth field is under the control of several dorsoventral genes that influence flower shape. The action of these genes can be modelled by assuming they modulate specified growth rates parallel or perpendicular to local orientations, established by a few key organisers of tissue polarity. Models in which dorsoventral genes only influence specified growth rates do not fully account for the observed growth fields and shapes. However, the data can be readily explained by a model in which dorsoventral genes also modify organisers of tissue polarity. In particular, genetic control of tissue polarity organisers at ventral petal junctions and distal boundaries allows both the shape and growth field of the flower to be accounted for in wild type and mutants. The results suggest that genetic control of tissue polarity organisers has played a key role in the development and evolution of shape.  相似文献   

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