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Knapp S  Kühn I 《Ecology letters》2012,15(7):696-703
Recently, ecologists debated whether distinguishing native from non-native species is sensible or not. One argument is that widespread and less widespread species are functionally different, whether or not they are native. An opposing statement points out ecologically relevant differences between native and non-native species. We studied the functional traits that drive native and non-native vascular plant species frequency in Germany by explaining species grid-cell frequency using traits and their interaction with status. Native and non-native species frequency was equally driven by life span, ploidy type and self-compatibility. Non-native species frequency rose with later flowering cessation date, whereas this relationship was absent for native species. Native and non-native species differed in storage organs and in the number of environmental conditions they tolerate. We infer that environmental filters drive trait convergence of native and non-native species, whereas competition drives trait divergence. Meanwhile, introduction pathways functionally bias the frequency of non-native species.  相似文献   

During the last decades lignin has been investigated as a promising natural alternative to petrochemicals in phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin production, due to their structural similarity. Physico-chemical characterization of three types of lignin, namely kraft pine lignin (L1), soda-anthraquinone flax lignin (L2), and ethanol-water wild tamarind lignin (L3) has been evaluated to determine which one is the most suitable chemical structure for above purpose. Characterization has been performed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry ((1)H NMR) to analyse the chemical structure, gel permeation chromatography (GPC) for determining molecular weight (MW) and molecular weight distribution (MWD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to measure the glass transition temperature and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to follow the thermal degradation. Both structural and thermal characteristics suggest that kraft pine lignin (L1) would be a better phenol (P) substitute in the synthesis of lignin-phenol-formaldehyde (LPF) resins, as it presents higher amounts of activated free ring positions, higher MW and higher thermal decomposition temperature.  相似文献   

Telomeric sequences constitute only a small fraction of the whole genome yet they are crucial for ensuring genomic stability. This function is in large part mediated by protein complexes recruited to telomeric sequences by specific telomere-binding proteins (TBPs). Although the principal tasks of nuclear telomeres are the same in all eukaryotes, TBPs in various taxa exhibit a surprising diversity indicating their distinct evolutionary origin. This diversity is especially pronounced in ascomycetous yeasts where they must have co-evolved with rapidly diversifying sequences of telomeric repeats. In this article we (i) provide a historical overview of the discoveries leading to the current list of TBPs binding to double-stranded (ds) regions of telomeres, (ii) describe examples of dsTBPs highlighting their diversity in even closely related species, and (iii) speculate about possible evolutionary trajectories leading to a long list of various dsTBPs fulfilling the same general role(s) in their own unique ways.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Evolution proceeds by the selection of characters that enhance survival rates so that the long-term outcome for a species is better adaptation to its environment. These new characters are "accidentally" acquired, mostly through mutations leading to modifications of developmental events. However, changes that lead to the ectopic expression of an organ are rare and, whereas their subsequent selection for a new role is even more rare, such a scenario has apparently occurred for denticles in some teleost fish. Small, conical denticles are present, mainly on the dermal bones of the head, in a few, unrelated lineages of living teleosts. Here, I show that the morphology and structure of the denticles in Atherion elymus , an atheriniform, is similar to those of teeth inside the oral cavity. These denticles are not derived evolutionarily from odontodes of early vertebrates, nor do they represent a re-expression as such (i.e., a long-lasting ability to make odontodes outside the oral cavity). Teeth and odontodes are homologous organs but the origin of the denticles is to be found in teeth, not in odontodes. The denticles are simply teeth that form outside the mouth, probably derived from a sub-population of odontogenically pre-specified neural crest cells. These "accidental" extra-oral teeth have arisen independently in these lineages and were selectively advantageous in a hydrodynamic context.  相似文献   

All of the -glucan phosphorylases so far purified from diverse origins have similar molecular and catalytic properties, whereas they differ in regulatory properties and glucan specificities. The activity of the rabbit muscle enzyme is regulated by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation and activated by AMP. On the other hand, the potato and Escherichia coli enzymes exist only in the active form, and are unaffected by the nucleotide. To elucidate the structural bases for these differences, we have determined the complete amino acid sequence of potato phosphorylase and compared it with those of the rabbit muscle and E. coli enzymes. The monomer of the potato enzyme contains 916 amino acids with a molecular weight of 103,916. About one-fourth of the amino-terminal threonine is blocked by an acetyl group. Sequence comparison among these enzymes reveals the presence of a characteristic 78-residue insertion in the middle of the polypeptide chain of the potato enzyme. Except for the large inserted portion, 51 and 40% of the amino acids in the potato enzyme are identical with the rabbit muscle and E. coli enzymes, respectively. The regions relevant to the regulation of the activity are completely different among the three enzymes, whereas those involved in the catalytic reaction are well conserved. The potato enzyme sequence is consistent with the tertiary structure of the rabbit muscle enzyme. The 78-residue insertion is located at the junction of the amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains on the molecular surface near the glycogen-storage site. This insertion could account for the substrate discrimination of the potato enzyme. The molecular evolution of phosphorylase is discussed based on the structural comparison among the three enzymes.  相似文献   

Longevity of clonal plants: why it matters and how to measure it   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Species'' life-history and population dynamics are strongly shaped by the longevity of individuals, but life span is one of the least accessible demographic traits, particularly in clonal plants. Continuous vegetative reproduction of genets enables persistence despite low or no sexual reproduction, affecting genet turnover rates and population stability. Therefore, the longevity of clonal plants is of considerable biological interest, but remains relatively poorly known.


Here, we critically review the present knowledge on the longevity of clonal plants and discuss its importance for population persistence. Direct life-span measurements such as growth-ring analysis in woody plants are relatively easy to take, although, for many clonal plants, these methods are not adequate due to the variable growth pattern of ramets and difficult genet identification. Recently, indirect methods have been introduced in which genet size and annual shoot increments are used to estimate genet age. These methods, often based on molecular techniques, allow the investigation of genet size and age structure of whole populations, a crucial issue for understanding their viability and persistence. However, indirect estimates of clonal longevity are impeded because the process of ageing in clonal plants is still poorly understood and because their size and age are not always well correlated. Alternative estimators for genet life span such as somatic mutations have recently been suggested.


Empirical knowledge on the longevity of clonal species has increased considerably in the last few years. Maximum age estimates are an indicator of population persistence, but are not sufficient to evaluate turnover rates and the ability of long-lived clonal plants to enhance community stability and ecosystem resilience. In order to understand the dynamics of populations it will be necessary to measure genet size and age structure, not only life spans of single individuals, and to use such data for modelling of genet dynamics.  相似文献   

Insects may be unique in having a cuticle with a species-specific chemical profile. In social insects, colony survival depends not only on species-specific but also on colony-specific cuticular compounds with hydrocarbons playing an important role in the communication systems of ants, termites, wasps and bees. We investigated inter- and intraspecific differences in the composition of compounds found on the body surface of seven paleotropical stingless bee species (Apidae: Meliponini) at two different sites in Borneo (Sabah, Malaysia). Besides hydrocarbons, the body surface of all seven stingless bee species comprised terpenoid compounds, a substance class that has not been reported for chemical profiles of any social insect so far. Moreover, the chemical profile of some species differed fundamentally in the composition of terpenoids with one group (e.g. sesquiterpenes) being present in one species, but missing in another. Chemical profiles of different colonies from the same species showed the same hydrocarbon- and terpenoid compounds over different regions, as tested for Tetragonilla collina and Tetragonula melanocephala. However, chemical profiles differed quantitatively between the different colonies especially in T. melanocephala. It is likely that the terpenoids are derived from plant resins because stingless bees are known to collect and use large amounts of resins for nest construction and defence, suggesting an environmental origin of the terpenoids in the chemical profile of paleotropical stingless bees.  相似文献   

Summary The extent to which honey bee foragers from an apiary are influenced by the presence of bees from other colonies in the same field was studied with the aid of colonies whose bees were made radioactive with P32. It was found that the concentration of tagged bees decreased more near large apiaries than near a small group of eight colonies. The population density of all bees was found to be slightly greater near the three larger apiaries than elsewhere on the experimental fields.The total population of both marked and unmarked foragers was more uniform in a field in which no colonies were located, although a heavier concentration of marked bees was still evident at sampling stations within 110 yards of the edge nearest the experimental apiary from which they had flown.The experimental fields included two varieties of alfalfa, Narragansett and Ranger. A higher bee population existed on the Narragansett field of alfalfa than on the adjacent field of Ranger. Its greater attractiveness may have been because of its thinner stand density or of varietal differences.
Zusammenfassung Inwiefern Trachtbienen aus einem Bienenstand durch die Anwesenheit von Bienen aus anderen Völkern in demselben Feld beeinflusst werden, wurde mit Hilfe von Völkern studiert, deren Bienen mit radio-aktivem P32 markiert worden waren. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Konzentration markierter Bienen nahe grossen Bienenständen stärker abfiel als nahe einer kleinen aus acht Völkern bestehenden Gruppe. Weiter wurde festgestellt, dass die Bevölkerungsdichte aller Bienen nahe den drei grösseren Bienenständen ein wenig höher war als anderswo auf den Versuchsfeldern.Die Gesamtbevölkerung sowohl der gezeichneten als auch der ungezeichneten Trachtbienen war gleichmässiger in einem Feld, in dem keine Völker aufgestellt waren, obgleich es an den Sammelstellen noch offensichtlich war, dass die gezeichneten Bienen innerhalb 100.6 Meter (110 Yards) des Feldrandes nächst dem Versuchsbienenstand, von dem sie anflogen, stärker konzentriert waren.Die Versuchsfelder umfassten zwei Abarten der Luzerne: Narragensett und Ranger. Eine stärkere Bienenbevölkerung existierte auf dem Feld mit Narragansett als auf dem angrenzenden Feld mit Ranger. Die grössere Anlockung ist möglicherweise durch die geringere Wachstumsdichte oder durch die Verschiedenheiten der Abarten verursacht worden.

Résumé Le degré auquel les Abeilles butineuses d'un rucher sont influencées par la présence d'Abeilles d'autres colonies dans le même champ a été étudié à l'aide de colonies dont on a marqué les Abeilles avec du P32 radio-actif. On a trouvé que la concentration des Abeilles marquées diminuait plus près des grands ruchers que près d'un petit groupe de 8 colonnies. On a trouvé que la densité de toutes les Abeilles était légèrement plus forte près des 3 plus grands ruchers que dans d'autres parties des champs expérimentales.La population totale et de butineuses marquées et de celles non marquées était plus uniforme dans un champ où aucune colonie n'était pas placée, bien qu'une plus forte concentration d'Abeilles était encore évidente aux lieux d'échantillonnage à 100,6 m (110 yards) du bord du champ le plus près du rucher expérimental d'où provenaient les Abeilles.Les champs expérimentaux renfermaient 2 variétés de luzerne: Narragansett et Ranger. Une plus forte population d'Abeilles existait sur le champ de Narragansett que sur le champ voisin de Ranger. La plus grande attractivité de la première était peut-être due à sa moindre densité de croissance ou à des différences de variété.

In cooperation with theUtah Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Aims:  To type the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) in coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) from animal sources.
Methods and Results:  A total of 92 CoNS isolates recovered from farm animals was analysed. The top three staphylococcal species were Staphylococcus lentus (34), S. sciuri (31), and S. xylosus (13). The presence of the cassette chromosome recombinase (ccr) genes ccrA1 , ccrB1 , ccrA2 , ccrB2 , ccrA3 , ccrB3 and ccrC , the mec regulatory genes mecI and mecR1 , and Tn 554 was used to differentiate the SCC. A total of 60 of the 92 isolates were methicillin resistant. Among the 60 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. isolates, SCC mec ( mecA -carrying SCC) types I, III, IV and V were identified in 24 isolates based on the combinations of the ccr genes and the mec regulatory genes, with type III being predominant. The single S. epidermidis carried SCC mec type IV. SCC type III was also identified in two of 32 methicillin-susceptible isolates. Identical SCC mec types were present in different species of CoNS. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) generated 64 patterns out of 81 PFGE typeable isolates. Indistinguishable clones were detected in animals from different farms.
Conclusions:  Heterogeneous SCC existed in CoNS of diverse genetic background. Both clonal transmission of methicillin-resistant CoNS and horizontal transfer of SCC mec occurred in the animal production environment.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study adds to our knowledge of SCC mec type and the diversity of SCC in CoNS.  相似文献   

Homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD) was partially purified from castor bean, pea and wheat seedlings. The enzyme from pea had a MW of 75 000 and no sensitivity to threonine when measured in the direction of homoserine formation (forward reaction). The enzyme purified from castor bean had a MW of 290 000–350 000 and exhibited an almost complete inhibition by 1 mM threonine. Furthermore, this enzyme exhibited a polymeric nature as shown by polyacrylamide electrophoresis of the desensitized preparation and by SDS electrophoresis of the native enzyme. In wheat two isoenzymes were separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G 200. The fast-moving fraction (HSD I) was completely inhibited by threonine and exhibited a MW of 280 000, while the slow-moving fraction (HSD II) was insensitive to threonine and had a MW of 75 000. The sensitive enzyme from wheat and castor bean showed an almost absolute requirement for K+. The enzyme from pea and the insensitive form from wheat did not show a requirement for K+. For the wheat enzyme the effect of several amino acids and the main kinetic constants were studied.  相似文献   

Alginate may be considered as a block co-polymer of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic acids, and consists of three types of blocks: homopolymeric blocks of mannuronic acid (MM) and of guluronic acid (GG), and blocks with an alternating sequence (MG). The block composition of alginates has been characterized by a simple chemical method involving partial hydrolysis with acid, followed by fractional precipitation of the acid-resistant part of the alginate. Alginates from eleven different species of brown algae have been examined and, for five species, alginates from different tissues have been compared. The results indicate that young tissue is rich in MM blocks, and that the difference between the alginates from different species is mainly due to the alginates from the older parts of the plants. Extracellular alginates from two types of bacteria have been examined.  相似文献   

395 representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from household and drinking water, from healthy and sick persons, were used as an example to demonstrate that their seroresistance was greatly connected with the type of the source from which these bacteria had been isolated. Experiments showed the phenotypic conversion of Escherichia coli towards an increase in their seroresistance on contact with human blood serum. The study revealed the pleiotropic effect produced by the action of serum on a number of other properties, responsible for survival in a macroorganism (anticomplement and antilysozyme activities, adhesive capacity and hydrophobic properties of the outer surface).  相似文献   

Balance experiments have demonstrated that growing pigs fed a ration consisting of wheat, barley, extracted soya meal, dicalciumphosphate, and iodine‐free feeding salt utilised 48.8% of the received iodine.

The tested supplementary iodine sources included potassium iodide (KI), ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI), iodine humate (HUI) prepared from iodine acid (HIO3), and the product P containing 0.004% iodine in an oil base (P). The amount of the supplemented iodine was in all cases 1 mg per 1 kg feed.

The utilisation of iodine from the supplements reached 93.6, 92.6, 90.7, and 67.9% for KI, EDDI, P, and HUI, respectively. The values were significantly higher compared with controls (P < 0.01). Compared with KI and EDDI, the utilisation of iodine from HUI was significantly lower (P < 0.01). The lower availability of iodine from HUI was probably due to the high binding capacity of humate.

The amount of urinary iodine excreted by control pigs receiving in the non‐supplemented ration 147.5 μg iodine per day, was 40.3 μg per day (27.3%). In the pigs receiving in the supplemented ration 1647.5 μg iodine per day, the amount of urinary iodine reached 734.9 to 805.0 μg per day (44.6 to 48.9%). The corresponding values of faecal excretion were 75.6 μg iodine per day (51.2%) for the control pigs and 106.2 to 121.1 μg iodine per day (6.45 to 7.35%) for the pigs fed the supplemented rations. A high amount of 528.6 μg iodine per day (32.1%) was excreted in the faeces by pigs of the group HUI.  相似文献   

A xyloglucan (XG) was extracted from the seeds of Hymenaea courbaril (Jatobá) harvested from trees growing at different locations in Brazil. They were from Foz do Chopin Forest Reserve, State of Paraná (HC-I), Cuiaba (HC-II) and Sinope/State of Mato Grosso (HC-III), Natal/State of Rio Grande do Norte (HC-IV), Fortaleza/State of Ceará (HC-V) and Tamarindus indica (TM) from Conceição de Almeida/State of Bahia, Brazil. It was submitted to SEC-MALLS analysis and its intrinsic viscosity determined. When a solution of XG was heated to 85 °C for 2 h, there was a reduction of aggregation and the XG from the seeds of H. courbaril had a higher value of C when compared with that of from T. indica, probably due to the presence of an unique oligossacharide series present in the H. courbaril samples (XXXXG). This gives rise to a more rigid molecule when compared with the XG from T. indica.  相似文献   

Two different homogenous reactions on bacterial cellulose (BC), kenaf fiber (KF) and microcrystalline cellulose (MC) were performed to monitor their chemical reactivity. The first reaction was selective oxidation of the primary hydroxyl group with sodium chlorite in the presence of catalytic amount of sodium chloride. While, the second was the formation of triester hypoiodous cellulose using potassium iodate and potassium iodide. The chemical structures of these derivatives were investigated using FT-IR and solid state 13C NMR spectroscopies. The BC fibrils required the shortest time among these cellulose samples for both reactions, whereas the viscosity values of BC after iodination and oxidation have the best values compared to KF and MC. FT-IR results show the absence of the hydroxy group of BC and a weak absorption band in both KF and MC. On the other hand, the crystallinity index (CI) of BC is higher than those of both KF and MC. FT-IR spectra of the oxidized different cellulose samples, confirmed the presence of a strong absorption band at around 1590 cm−1 that attributed to vibration band of carbonyl group of carboxylic moiety. Moreover, in the 13C NMR spectrum of oxidized cellulose, the lack of signal at 62 ppm and the appearance of signal at 171 ppm indicated that the primary alcohol group is completely oxidized to carboxylic acid. These results showed that BC had a higher reactivity than other samples due to its great purity and low degree of polymerization.  相似文献   

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