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内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼食性的季节性变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
2004年7月到2005年6月在达赉湖自然保护区收集狼(Canis lupus)的粪便,采用粪便分析法研究食性的季节性变化。由于野生有蹄类动物严重匮乏,家畜已成为该地区狼的主要食物:草青期的频率为74.7%,相对生物量达到94.4%;草枯期的频率为67.6%,相对生物量达到91.8%。该地区的家畜主要有绵羊、山羊、牛和马,狼食性的季节性变化主要与家畜的放牧方式有关。兔类和小型啮齿类动物是狼次要选择的食物。该地区鸟类资源丰富,是狼较稳定的食物(草青期6.2%,草枯期7.8%)。为降低该地区狼对家畜的捕食,建议管理部门合理控制狼的数量,引入牧羊犬及加强对牛、马的管理。  相似文献   

猞猁(Lynxlynx)是内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区内的顶级捕食者,在维持该地区生态平衡和调节猎物数量上具有重要地位。分析猞猁粪便样品残留物不仅能明确其猎物构成,了解与同域分布其他捕食者的关系,还能为制定物种保护措施和栖息地管理策略提供科学参考。本研究在2006至2008年间利用样线法在该区域收集到35份猞猁粪便样品。通过相对出现频率法对粪样进行食性分析,发现猞猁的主要食物组成以蒙古兔(Lepus tolai,30.85%)和植物(28.72%)较多;年度(χ~2=18.696,P <0.001)和季节性(χ~2=74.695,P <0.001)食物构成均存在显著差异。结果表明,蒙古兔在猞猁的食物组成中占最重要地位;猞猁的食物构成与季节有关,寒冷季节捕食大型猎物,而温暖季节捕食的小型猎物更常见。  相似文献   

2000、2001年4 -7月,我们对波兰东南部纵纹腹小( Athene noctua)繁殖期的食性进行了研究。通过对498个食丸的分析,检出了1 953类动物,其中昆虫占猎物总数量的60·5 % (生物量仅占2·7 %) ,且以鞘翅目(Coleoptera)昆虫居多。该地区纵纹腹小的主要食物是小哺乳动物(占总生物量的93·4 %和总数量的38·3 %) ,在4月出现了一个取食小哺乳动物的高峰。在所捕食的猎物中,个体最大的是欧鼹鼠(Talpa eu-ropaea) ( n=2)。研究还发现,纵纹腹小的猎物种类有季节性变化,以满足繁殖各阶段(如孵卵、育雏和饲喂离巢幼鸟)不同的能量需求。  相似文献   

作为中亚和青藏高原山地生态系统中的顶级捕食者, 雪豹(Panthera uncia)对于维持食物网结构和生态系统稳定性有重要作用。了解雪豹的食性组成和变化对于理解其生态系统功能和物种间相互作用有重要意义。以往的雪豹食性分析多基于对其粪便中食物残渣的形态学鉴定, 但准确度受人员经验和主观因素影响较大。邛崃山脉位于雪豹分布区东南缘, 该区域的雪豹种群规模小且相对孤立, 研究匮乏。本研究基于非损伤性取样, 在邛崃山脉的卧龙国家级保护区采集疑似雪豹粪便样品38份, 首先提取粪便DNA, 并扩增线粒体DNA 16S rRNA基因片段进行分子物种鉴定, 确定其中22份为雪豹粪便样品。随后, 利用脊椎动物通用引物和雪豹特异性阻抑引物扩增粪便DNA中的食物成分, 并进行高通量测序, 分析雪豹食性构成。食性分析结果显示岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)是卧龙地区雪豹最主要的食物, 在67%的样品中均有检出。家牦牛(Bos grunniens)在33%的样品中出现, 也在雪豹食性中占较高比例。此外, 鼠兔(Ochotona spp.)和鸟类也在少量样品中发现。可见, 野生猎物是卧龙地区雪豹的主要食物资源; 与大世界大多数其他地区的雪豹食性相同, 野生大型有蹄类是雪豹最重要的食物。然而家畜(牦牛)在卧龙雪豹食谱中有相当高的占比, 显示该区域内可能存在较为严重的由雪豹捕食散养家畜引起的人兽冲突问题。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区越冬期长耳鸮的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2011年间,利用食团分析法对乌鲁木齐市越冬长耳鸮(Asio otus)的食性进行分析。3年累计收集长耳鸮食团683份,辨认出1 132只猎物。分析结果表明,长耳鸮在冬季共捕食小型哺乳类6种,鸟类2种。小家鼠(Mus musculus)是最常见的食物,占总捕食量的53.45%。小型哺乳类是长耳鸮的主要食物,它在食物组成中出现的总频率为88.16%,以生物量计,小型哺乳类占食物构成的95.13%。长耳鸮的食物组成年度间差异显著,与当地猎物资源多样性和可获得性密切相关,表明长耳鸮可能采用机会主义者的捕食策略。  相似文献   

2016年4月至2017年4月,采用红外相机技术和粪便分析法(频率法和剩余物干重法)对四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区内黄喉貂不同季节的日活动节律及食物组成变化进行了研究。结果显示:(1)黄喉貂主要在白天活动(昼间独立照片数占总独立照片数的85. 64%),不同季节黄喉貂日活动节律无显著差异(χ~2=126. 950,df=132,P=0. 608),但在不同季节其日活动高峰出现时间不同,春季的活动高峰在16:00~19:00(31. 65%),夏季活动高峰在15:00~18:00 (26. 32%),秋季活动高峰在13:00~16:00 (34. 31%),冬季活动高峰在11:00~14:00 (25. 00%),并且冬季夜间活动与其他季节相比明显增多;(2)黄喉貂取食食物有兽类、鸟类、昆虫类和植物类等,但兽类是黄喉貂最主要的食物来源,在一年中以兽类的出现频率最高,为95. 28%,兽类剩余物的总相对干重百分比达80. 99%,其次是植物、鸟类和昆虫;(3)黄喉貂对食物类别的利用表现出明显的季节差异,春、夏、秋三个季节黄喉貂粪便中兽类所占比重最多,春季鸟类出现频率较高,冬季黄喉貂粪便中植物所占比重明显增多。本研究表明,黄喉貂在不同季节其日活动节律和食性均表现出一定的差异,这可能与其繁殖特性和生理代谢需求有关。本研究揭示了黄喉貂的日活动节律及食性的季节性变化,充实了黄喉貂的生物、生态学资料,也为该物种的保护管理提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

2004年7月至2007年1月在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区,通过跟踪调查搜集到狼(Canis lupus)捕食家畜的数据,共计95起捕食事件,425(头只)家畜遭到捕食,折合人民币186 575.00元.这些数据包括:捕食事件发生的时间,被捕食家畜的数量、类型、年龄,狼痕迹照片和捕食点的GPS数据.运用Mann.Whitney U检验对数据的差异性进行了检验;对捕食点的空间属性进行了量化,用多个生态因子对其进行了描述;运用主成分分析(PCA)分析了多因子中的主要成分.结果表明,在达赉湖狼主要捕食顺序是:羊(绵羊和山羊)、牛、马,骆驼和驴很少捕食,对羊存在偏好,被捕食个体年龄没有偏好.捕食的数目存在偏差,存在明显的机会性,捕食事件多发生在9月至次年2月的冰冻期.影响捕食地的生态变量重要性排序为:人为干扰距离、生境类型、猎物种类、卧息地距离、隐蔽度、水源距离、捕食季节、捕食数量、围栏距离9个生态指标.对这些生态因子的分析表明:前三个特征值的累计贡献率已达到81.544%,可以较好地反映捕食地的生境特征,影响狼捕食家畜的前三位主要因子是隐蔽度、人为干扰距离和水源距离,而与猎物种类相关不大.评价影响狼对家畜捕食的主要因素:人口的剧增使得野生动物的栖息地减少,过度放牧使得草场退化,是导致狼捕食家畜的重要原因;野外有蹄类的匮乏是导致狼捕食家畜的主要原因.建议改变目前的放牧方式,加强对家畜的看护,重新引入当地的一些原生物种,补充狼的自然食物,以缓解狼对家畜的捕食.  相似文献   

甘肃民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮食性的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵伟  宋森  邵明勤  刘迺发 《动物学报》2007,53(6):953-958
分析民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)食团405块,共鉴定猎物562只。以个体计,民勤小鸮主要取食昆虫,占64.23%;其次为小型哺乳类,占32.38%;也取食少量爬行类(1.96%)和雀形目鸟类(1.42%)。生物量贡献则以小型哺乳类为主,占93.34%。猎物种类组成存在显著的季节变异:取食小型哺乳类的频率存在显著季节差异,冬季最高94.59%,夏季最低17.75%,食物生物量贡献四季均在90%以上,季节变异不显著;昆虫成分出现在除冬季外的其他季节,且取食频率均在65%以上,季节差异显著;爬行类仅出现于夏季食谱中,仅秋季没有发现鸟类成分。分析秋、冬、春三季哺乳类猎物胫骨的量度发现,小鸮取食哺乳类的胫骨长度平均为16.22mm±4.72mm(n=112),主要取食Ⅰ(10.01mm-15.00mm)和Ⅱ(15.01mm-20.00mm)等级的猎物(分别58.04%和25.00%)。取食猎物的胫骨长度组成存在季节差异,平均长度以春季最大。民勤地区小鸮一年的食物生态位宽度为2.32,季节间存在变异,以冬季最高为2.99,夏季最低为1.64。一年的食物多样性为1.96,季节间存在变异,冬季最高为2.00。食物种类以夏季最多,秋季最少。  相似文献   

2007年8~10月、2008年3~7月在内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区共收集到130份貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides)的粪便,采用粪便分析法中的频率法和剩余物相对干重法对其进行分析.貉的食物主要是鸟类(出现率39.81%,剩余物相对干重百分比52.60%)和啮齿类(出现率22.69%,剩余物相对干重百分比25.85%),其次为昆虫(出现率26.39%,剩余物相对干重百分比13.32%)、植物(出现率7.41%,剩余物相对干重百分比1.39%)、鱼类(出现率2.31%,剩余物相对干重百分比5.79%)及虾类(出现率0.93%,剩余物相对于重百分比0.85%),软体动物(出项率0.46%,剩余物相对干重百分比0.20%)极少,未见到大型有蹄类动物出现.本文还对两种粪便分析法所得的结果进行了比较,发现这两种方法对貉食物种类的分析评述上无显著差异.  相似文献   

湖泊放流二龄河蟹的食性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在保安湖一围栏区(3.3hm^2)周年采样,共获得可供食性和的二龄河蟹362只(壳宽1.99-6.24cm)。胃含物分析表明,河蟹为杂食性,兼具肉食性倾向,以底层群落为食,食谱极为复杂,包括水生大型植物、藻类(47个属)、原生动物、轮虫、节肢动物、环节动物、动物、鱼类和颗粒碎屑,各大类食物的出现频率分别为87.3%、82%、0.3%、0.6%、48.2%、28.2%、0.3%、28.7%、88.7%。而不可分辨物在食物团中较为常见,出现频率达46.1%。植物性饵料(大型植物+藻类)出现频率为87.7%,动物性饵料出现频率89.8%;食物团完全由动物性饵料组成的占5.8%,完全由大型植物组成的占5.3%,完全由藻类组成的占0.3%。T-检验表明二龄雌、雄蟹在食性方面不存在显著差异。细胞计数表明,胃含物中大型植物在数量上比藻类多2个数量级。作者最后讨论了在河蟹食性分析中的一些难点问题。  相似文献   

Diet of wolvesCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 in Latvia was studied from 1997 to 2001 based on 302 scats and 107 stomachs. Wild ungulates (cervids and wild boarSus scrofa) and beaverCastor fiber were the dominant prey. Cervids were found in 50% of samples (62% biomass), wild boar in 25% (21% biomass), beavers in 14% (12% biomass). Wolves selected for wild boar, especially in winter when its ratio in the diet increased to 34% from 20% in summer. It was a more common prey species in the east of the country. The ratio of beavers, small rodents and plant food was higher in summer, which resulted in a broader food niche in summer than in winter (B = 2.53 versus 1.81, respectively). The role of domestic animals in the wolf diet was minimal except for winter when they were consumed as carrion (13%). More than 1/3of all stomachs investigated were empty. The average weight of stomach contents was 972.8 g. The importance of the beaver as an alternative prey is discussed. We conclude that wolves in Latvia prey mainly on wild animals and conflicts with livestock owners are only occasional and/or local.  相似文献   

The snow leopard Panthera uncia coexists with the wolf Canis lupus throughout most of its distribution range. We analysed the food habits of snow leopards and wolves in their sympatric range in the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan. A total of 131 genotyped scats (N?=?74, snow leopard; N?=?57, Tibetan wolf) were collected during the cold periods (i.e. winter and spring) of 2011 and 2012 in the Hushey valley. Large mammals, i.e. livestock and ibex, accounted for 84.8 and 83.1% of the diet (relative frequency) of the snow leopard and the wolf, respectively. Domestic prey was the staple of the diet of both snow leopards (66.6%) and wolves (75.1%). Ibex Capra ibex, the only wild ungulate in our study area, contributed 18.2 and 16.9% of relative frequencies in the diets of the snow leopard and the wolf, respectively. In winter, the snow leopard heavily relied on domestic sheep (43.3%) for food, whereas the wolf preyed mainly on domestic goats (43.4%). Differently from other study areas, both snow leopards and wolves showed no apparent prey preference (Jacobs index: snow leopard min. ??0.098, max. 0.102; Tibetan wolf min. ??0.120, max. 0.03). In human depauperate areas, with livestock and only a few wild prey, should competitive interactions arise, two main scenarios could be expected, with either predator as a winner. In both cases, the best solution could primarily impinge on habitat restoration, so that a balance could be found between these predators, who have already coexisted for thousands of years.  相似文献   

Predators play integral roles in shaping ecosystems through cascading effects to prey and vegetation. Such effects occur when prey species alter their behavior to avoid predators, a phenomenon called the risk effects of predators. Risk effects of wild predators such as wolves are well documented for wild prey, but not for free ranging domestic animals such as cattle despite their importance for ecosystem function and conservation. We compared risk effects of satellite‐collared wolves (n = 16) on habitat selection by global‐positioning‐system‐collared elk (n = 10) and cattle (n = 31). We calculated resource selection functions (RSFs) in periods before, during and after wolf visits in elk home ranges or cattle pastures. The habitat variables tested included: distance to roads and trails, terrain ruggedness, food‐quality and distance to forest. When wolves were present, elk stayed closer to forest cover and selected less for high‐quality‐food habitat. Thus, the risk effects of wolf presence on elk produced a change in the tradeoff between food and cover selection. Cattle responded by avoiding high‐quality‐food habitat and selecting areas closer to roads and trails (where people likely provided security), but these effects manifested only after wolves had left. Artificial selection in cattle may have attenuated natural anti‐predator behaviors. The effects of predators on ecosystems are likely different when mediated through risk effects on domestic compared to wild animals. Furthermore, predator control in response to livestock predation, an important conservation issue, may produce broad ecosystem effects triggered by decrease of an important predator species. Conservation planners should consider these effects where domestic herbivores are dominant species in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Although understanding of food habits of wolves in human-modified landscapes is critical to inform conservation and conflict management, no such studies have ever been conducted in the southern Apennines, Italy, where wolves long coexisted with humans. By means of scat analysis (n?=?1743) and log-linear modelling, we investigated diet composition in five wolf packs in the relatively simple prey system of the Pollino National Park (PNP), southern Italy (1999?2003). Overall, although wild boar was the most frequently consumed prey (mean frequency ± SD, 63.1?±?23%), both wild boar and cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (45.3?±?24 and 48.1?±?21%, respectively). We revealed, however, a zonal (i.e. area, pack) followed by annual and seasonal effects on the wolf diet. Cattle consumption by wolf packs in the northern portion of PNP (Pollino subrange) was highest, especially during summer when cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (68.3?±?20%). Instead, wild boar consumption was highest in the Orsomarso packs (biomass, 62.1?±?13%), with increasing trends throughout the study period but no relevant seasonal variation. Wild boar piglets and cattle calves were the most frequently consumed age classes, revealing their availability year-round and higher profitability compared to other prey. Cattle consumption by wolves reflected prevailing husbandry techniques (free-ranging herds with unattended births) and determined a permanent state of conflict, often spurring retaliatory killing of wolves. Compatible cattle husbandry practices, along with the restoration of multi-prey communities, are needed to reduce wolf-livestock conflicts and possibly enhance the ecological role of wolves in human-altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the feeding habits of large carnivores are the main contentious point when they start resettling regions they were absent from for several decades, the diet composition of the wolves in Germany was analysed from the beginning of this process. Wolves in Germany primarily feed on wild ungulates, which make up more than 96% of their diet. The dominating prey species is the roe deer (55.3%), followed by red deer (20.8%) and wild boar (17.7%). The second important food category are the leporids (2.9% of Biomass), whereas livestock makes up only 0.6% of all biomass consumed. Wolves clearly prefer hunting on juvenile to adult red deer; roe deer are not selected after their age. We found seasonal differences in the diet composition with a higher amount of wild boar in spring and winter, when a high amount of juveniles and weakened animals, respectively, are available. In the first years of the study the percentage of red deer was much higher, and the percentage of roe deer therefore was lower than the following years. The amount of wild boar in the wolf diet fluctuated most in the first three years. Diet composition remained constant during the last five years. Wolves needed less than two generations for adapting to the new conditions in the cultivated landscape of eastern Germany.  相似文献   

From 1998 to 2000, 184 animals (82 wolves, 29 red foxes, 55 mustelids, 5 raccoon dogs, and 13 domestic dogs), mainly shot by hunters in the Tvier and Smoliensk regions of northwest European Russia, were tested for Trichinella larvae; 98 animals (53.3%) were found to be positive. The highest prevalence was detected in wolf (97.5%). Trichinella nativa was the most common species detected (98%). The diet of wolves was investigated by examining the stomach contents of 62 animals (75.6% of the total number of wolves examined for Trichinella). It consisted mainly of dog (36.4% of the total number of occurrences of all food items, PFO) and moose (31.2 PFO); however, during the hunting seasons of 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, skinned wolf carcasses were left in the forest as bait (567 carcasses, about 18,000 kg). This very high prevalence of Trichinella infection, the highest ever detected in a natural population of carnivores, could be explained by carnivore-carnivore transmission, influenced by the hunting practices adopted in the study area.  相似文献   

We investigated wolf feeding habits in relation to the abundance of wild and domestic ungulates to test the hypothesis that large prey are preferred and that their abundance affects the use of other food categories and diet breadth. We determined diet composition by scat analysis from December 1987 to December 1992. The research was carried out in three study areas located in northern Italy and characterised by marked differences in wild and domestic ungulate abundance. In study area A (low wild and domestic ungulate availability) fruits, livestock, other vertebrates and wild ungulates made up the bulk of the diet (71% in volume). In area B (high availability of livestock) wolf diet was mainly based on sheep and wild boars (80% in volume). In study area C (high availability of wild ungulates) wild ungulates were the main food of wolves (90% in volume). Significant differences were found among study areas in the mean percentage volume of all food categories and in particular for wild ungulates, livestock, other vertebrates and fruits (p < 0.0001 in all cases). Diet breadth decreased in areas with high availability of large wild and domestic herbivores. The use of livestock species was lower where there was high abundance, richness and diversity of the wild ungulate guild. Selection for wild ungulate species was partially affected by their abundance: however other factors as prey social behaviour, adaptability to the habitat (for introduced species), and body size could have an important role in species selection by wolves. In particular in area C wild boars were selected for, roe and red deers avoided, and fallow deers and mouflons used as available. Livestock species were used in relation to their abundance and accessibility, in particular sheep were selected for and cattle avoided; but if calves bom in the pastures were considered as the only available cattle, they were selected for and sheep were used as available. Large and in particular wild herbivores were found to be of great importance for the wolf population maintenance in northern Italy, one of the most important recovery areas of Mediterranean wolves.  相似文献   

The occurrence of black-coated individuals in wolfCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 populations is not surprising itself, but their presence in populations recovering from a severe numerical decline has been considered a possible sign of crossbreeding with the domestic dog. In the northern Apennines (Italy), black wolves occur at a non-negligible frequency. In a 3300 km2 area, 22% of wolves observed and 23% of all dead wolves found were represented by animals with a completely black coat. One ‘black’ wolf belonging to the studied population was analysed by a set of microsatellite loci, and no trace of hybridization was found in its ancestry. This result induced us to consider the occurrence of a black phenotype in this area possibly derived from a natural combination of wolf alleles in coat colour determining genes, and not necessarily as the result of crossbreeding with the domestic form.  相似文献   

本文作者对周口店第一、第三及第十三地点的一种化石犬类——变异狼(Canis lupus uariadilis)进行了观察和测量。根据其头骨大小、形态特征以及与中国早期人类共生的情况来看,认为它有可能是从驯化的野生狼导致家畜狗出现的一种祖先类型。  相似文献   



Reestablishment of apex predators influences the availability and distribution of biomass for scavengers and can therefore be an important agent for structuring species communities. We studied how the re-colonization of the Scandinavian Peninsula by wolves (Canis lupus) affected the amount and temporal variation in use of moose (Alces alces) carcasses.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We compared the availability of biomass from remains at wolf kills with those killed by hunters, vehicle collisions and natural death. Movement-triggered cameras monitored patterns of use on wolf kills and remains from hunter harvest by scavengers (n = 15 276) in relation to time of year, available carcass biomass, time since the death of the moose and presence of wolves. Remains from hunter harvest were the largest food source for scavengers both within wolf territories (57%) and in areas without wolves (81%). The total annual biomass available were similar in areas with (25 648 kg) and without (24 289 kg) wolves. Presence of wolves lowered the peak biomass available from hunter harvest in October (20%) and increased biomass available during December to August (38–324% per month). The probability of scavengers being present decreased faster with time at remains from hunter harvest compared to wolf kills and both the probability of being present and the number of visits by scavengers to wolf kills increased as the amount of biomass available on the carcass increased.


Wolves reduced the seasonal variation of biomass from moose carcasses and most important increased it during spring. Scavengers also visited wolf kills most frequently during spring when most scavenging species have young, which may lead to an increase in survival and/or reproductive success of scavengers within wolf territories. This applies both for abundant scavenging species that were the most frequent visitors at wolf kills and threatened scavengers with lower visit frequency.  相似文献   

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