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Belding's ground squirrels are seasonally breeding rodents that have a single annual mating season (ca. 3 weeks long) which begins shortly after their vernal emergence from a 7-month period of hibernation. In this study, changes in vaginal estrus were assessed among unmated captive females. Following a 7-month period in a coldroom, vaginal lavages were taken daily to monitor changes in estrous condition. Females were in vaginal estrus within 24-48 hr of removal from the coldroom. Rather than exhibiting repeated cycles, adults (greater than or equal to 2 years old) remained in prolonged estrus (typically 3-4 weeks, but 8-10 weeks in some cases), whereas yearlings exhibited similar but shorter and possibly periodic changes in vaginal condition. The difference between the two age classes persisted in a second year of testing, indicating that the preadult status of yearlings (in the first year of testing) did not primarily account for the difference. In another experiment, removal from the coldroom was delayed for 24 days relative to adults removed at a time coincident with emergence from hibernation of free-living females. The "delayed" adults showed persistent vaginal estrus for a shorter total duration, such that both groups reached anestrus at approximately the same time. This implies that the latency to anestrus is not simply a fixed period from the time of removal from the coldroom.  相似文献   

We tested the responsiveness of plasma androgen in free-living male arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) to challenges from conspecific males by staging aggressive encounters between males and then comparing androgen concentrations in manipulated and unmanipulated animals. The effect of staged encounters on androgen depended on time of year. In spring, androgen levels significantly increased after staged encounters, except during the peak of mating activity when levels were maximal in all reproductive males. In late summer, staged encounters had no significant effect on androgen levels. In spring but not summer, androgen was positively correlated to the relative intensity of encounters. These results suggest that circulating levels of androgen in male arctic ground squirrels result from a combination of seasonal and social factors. Responsiveness of androgen to encounters during spring but not late summer support the challenge hypothesis for this polygynous mammal.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay was used to determine ecdysteroid titers in mated or unmated Drosophila melanogaster females. Whole-body ecdysteroid titers increase after mating and this response is more pronounced after 12-24 hours than it is immediately after mating. In one experiment, females were mated to transgenic males deficient in accessory gland proteins to test whether these peptides mediate the observed increase in female whole-body ecdysteroid titers. Females mated to such transgenic males do not show a pronounced increase in whole-body ecdysteroid titers. The effect of mating on female hemolymph ecdysteroid titers was also investigated. Hemolymph ecdysteroid titers decrease after mating. The ecdysteroid titer change in the hemolymph may result from yolk protein uptake of ecdysteroids into developing vitellogenic oocytes as a consequence of male accessory gland protein stimulation of female oocyte maturation and yolk protein synthesis following mating.  相似文献   

In mammals, the circadian master clock generates daily rhythms of body temperature (T(b)) that act to entrain rhythms in peripheral circadian oscillators. The persistence and function of circadian rhythms during mammalian hibernation is contentious, and the factors that contribute to the reestablishment of rhythms after hibernation are unclear. We collected regular measures of core T(b) (every 34 min) and ambient light conditions (every 30 s) before, during, and following hibernation in free-living male arctic ground squirrels. Free-running circadian T(b) rhythms at euthermic levels of T(b) persisted for up to 10 d in constant darkness after animals became sequestered in their hibernacula in fall. During steady state torpor, T(b) was constant and arrhythmic for up to 13 d (within the 0.19°C resolution of loggers). In spring, males ended heterothermy but remained in their burrows at euthermic levels of T(b) for 22-26 d; patterns of T(b) were arrhythmic for the first 10 d of euthermia. One of four squirrels exhibited a significant free-running T(b) rhythm (τ = 22.1 h) before emergence; this squirrel had been briefly exposed to low-amplitude light before emergence. In all animals, diurnal T(b) rhythms were immediately reestablished coincident with emergence to the surface and the resumption of surface activity. Our results support the hypothesis that clock function is inhibited during hibernation and reactivated by exposure to light, although resumption of extended surface activity does not appear to be necessary to reinitiate T(b) cycles.  相似文献   

ERWIN NEMETH 《Ibis》1996,138(2):172-176
Ewin described two singing styles, "rapid" and "slow", in the Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. My research has demonstrated that the prevalence of song styles is related to male mating status. Songs of mated and unmated males differed in the interval structure, number of syllables per song, number of frequency modulations per syllable and number of introductory syllables. Since both singing styles are uttered at the same intensity, it is not likely that they are parts of a continuous range and it is justified to treat them as two different song categories. After losing their mate, males sang like unpaired males and therefore a learning effect can be excluded. Both singing styles were directed to females, the slow one probably only to the mate. The use of these singing styles as a means of territory or mate defence cannot be excluded, but, if so used, it would seem to be of minor significance.  相似文献   

Many juvenile mammals play, and rates and patterns of play behavior often differ between young males and females. The sexual dimorphisms typical of mammalian play suggest that it might be influenced by gonadal hormones. Moreover, because play competes with growth, physical development, and acquisition of fat reserves for available energy, play behavior should theoretically be influenced by energetic variables. We examined patterns of social play behavior and endocrine and energetic mediation of social play in free-living juvenile Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Bouts of social play in young S. beldingi resembled adult copulation and fighting, and young males initiated sexual play but not play fighting at much higher rates than did young females. To elucidate the proximal causes of play, we altered early androgen exposure by treating females with testosterone (T) at birth and used females treated with oil vehicle as controls. We concurrently manipulated energy availability by provisioning with extra food and used unprovisioned squirrels as controls. Hourly rates of play behavior were highest near the time of weaning and declined thereafter among both experimental and control groups of juveniles. Thus, we observed no influence of either T treatment or food provisioning on the temporal patterning of play behavior. Perinatal T treatment had no effect on play fighting, but caused rates of sexual play behavior initiated by young females to increase to near those observed for young males, suggesting that T organizes a masculine tendency to initiate sexual play behavior but not play fighting. Food provisioning increased rates of play among males and females from both T-treated and control litters, suggesting that energy availability limits play behavior.  相似文献   

This field study was aimed at examining hypothalamic involvement in the behavioral changes of male European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) before, during, and after the mating season. The effects of exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) application on androgen secretion and behavioral patterns were investigated. Animals were captured, bled, and injected intramuscularly with 40 ng/100 g of GnRH. A second plasma sample was collected 40 min after the treatment to document changes in testosterone secretion. Behavioral parameters such as intra-sexual aggression, scent marking, and home range size were compared on the days before and after the stimulation. In the first two phases, before female emergence and during mating, GnRH-injection caused increases in plasma testosterone. In the post-mating phase, initial plasma testosterone levels had decreased and no elevation could be induced. Sham treatment of controls had no effect in any phase. Conditional parameters like emergence body mass and testicular size covaried with androgen increases only in the pre-mating period. Behavioral changes after GnRH administration occurred during the pre-mating period. Intra-sexual aggression, scent marking, and home range size increased significantly in experimental individuals. Later, during mating and post-mating, we found no behavioral changes associated with the GnRH treatment or the testosterone increase. The results demonstrate changes in the endocrine and behavioral sensitivity to GnRH application, according to the phases of the active season. An exogenous pulse of GnRH can apparently release behavior in male European ground squirrels, which is normally context dependent with the emergence of females.  相似文献   

During a long-term field study of a free-living population of California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi), blood samples were drawn at regular intervals from marked females via femoral venipuncture, and plasma progesterone (P) and prolactin (PRL) were measured by radioimmunoassay. Marked fluctuations with season and reproductive condition occurred in circulating levels of both hormones, with peak levels occurring during the spring breeding season. Two peaks in P concentrations were observed each spring, the first occurring during pregnancy, and the second during lactation. Peak PRL levels in females were also reached during the lactation interval, midway between the two P peaks. Analysis of repeated measures from individual females showed a marked decline in circulating P around the time of parturition. Juveniles had lower mean P levels than adults, and yearlings had lower peak levels during their initial reproductive episodes than older females did. The observed pattern of P secretion in S. beecheyi differs from that known for most mammals, but resembles those reported for other ground-dwelling sciurid rodents.  相似文献   

Reproductive effort, factors affecting reproductive output and costs of reproduction were studied in primiparous yearling compared to multiparous older female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus). Yearling females weaned smaller litters than older ones. Litter size increased with posthibernation body mass at the expense of slightly lighter young for yearling but not for older mothers. In older females, on the other hand, emergence body mass influenced offspring mass, whereas litter size was affected by oestrus date. High reproductive effort entailed reproductive costs in terms of reduced subsequent fecundity but not subsequent survival for both yearling and older females. The production of large litters and long duration of lactation delayed subsequent oestrus, which, in turn, correlated negatively with litter size. During the second half of lactation, oestradiol levels were significantly elevated, indicating the initiation of follicular maturation processes. Oestradiol levels during that time correlated negatively with current, but positively with subsequent litter size. We therefore assume that inhibitory effects of lactation on gonadal development may mediate the negative relationship between reproductive effort and subsequent reproductive timing in adults. This effect is absent in yearlings because they are reproducing for the first time. Reproductive output in yearlings was influenced by interactions between structural growth and puberty. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Fecal hormone assays provide a powerful tool for noninvasive monitoring of endocrine status in wild animals. In this study we validated a protocol for extracting and measuring glucocorticoids in free-living and captive Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). We first compared two commonly used extraction protocols to determine which performed better with commercially available antibodies. We next verified the preferred extraction method by correlating circulating and fecal glucocorticoid measures from a group of individuals over time. For this comparison, we used both a cortisol and a corticosterone antibody to determine which had greater affinity to the fecal metabolites. Cortisol was the primary circulating glucocorticoid, but both hormones were present in well above detectable concentrations in the blood, which does not occur in other sciurids. In addition, the cortisol antibody showed greater binding with the fecal extracts than did the corticosterone antibody. Finally, we used adrenocorticotropic hormone and dexamethasone challenges to demonstrate that changes in adrenal functioning are reflected in changing fecal corticoid levels. These results suggest that our extraction protocol provides a fast, reliable assay of stress hormones in free-living ground squirrels without the confounding influence of short-term rises in glucocorticoid concentrations caused by handling and restraint stress and that it can facilitate ecological and evolutionary studies of stress in wild species.  相似文献   

Free-living ground squirrel species are sexually dimorphic in hibernation phenology. The underlying causes of these differences are not yet known. Androgens, testosterone (T) in particular, inhibit hibernation. To determine the influence of endogenous androgens on annual timing of hibernation we first measured circulating levels of T and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an adrenal androgen implicated in non-mating season aggression in other species, in free-living male arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii, AGS). We also manipulated endogenous androgen levels by surgical castration, and consequently compared body temperature records from intact (n = 24) and castrated (n = 9) males to elucidate the influence of endogenous androgens on annual body temperature cycles. The highest T levels (0.53 ± 0.10 ng/mL) were in reproductively mature male AGS in spring; whereas, both immature males in spring and all males in late summer had T levels an order of magnitude lower (0.07 ± 0.01 and 0.06 ± 0.00 ng/mL, respectively). DHEA levels were higher in males during the late summer compared to reproductively mature males in spring (120.6 ± 18.9 and 35.9 ± 2.3 pg/mL, respectively). Eliminating gonadal androgens via castration resulted in males delaying euthermy by extending heterothermy significantly in spring (Apr 22 ± 2.9) than reproductive males (Mar 28 ± 3.9) but did not change the timing of hibernation onset (castrate: Oct 12 ± 1.0 vs. intact: Oct 3 ± 3.1). We conclude that while androgens play a significant role in spring hibernation phenology of males, their role in fall hibernation onset is unclear.  相似文献   

Explaining the seasonal decline in litter size in European ground squirrels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In European ground squirrels Spermophilus citellus as in many ground squirrel species. late born litters are composed of fewer young than early born litters. Two alternative though not mutually exclusive hypotheses may explain this seasonal pattern of change in litter size. On the one hand. the production of few large young late in the season may be an adaptation to time limitations on the offspring. that have to complete growth and fattening prior to hibernation. Then one would expect a trade-off between offspring number and size as the breeding season progresses. At its extreme. this hypothesis would predict that total maternal effort should be equal independent of litter size. Alternatively. litter size may be determined by physiological limitations on the mother. in that highly constrained mothers breed later and produce smaller litters. Then one would expect reduced overall maternal effort in highly constrained mothers of smaller litters. In this case. a trade-off between litter size and offspring size would not be expected. We found that total maternal effort in terms of gestation length and the duration of lactation increased with increasing litter size. thus supporting the second hypothesis. Lactation was not terminated at natal emergence. It extended a relatively long period of time beyond the time of first litter emergence depending on litter size. During prolonged lactation. individual young of large litters made up body mass to young of small litters. As a consequence. juvenile weaning body mass was unaffected by litter size although offspring body mass at natal emergence was inversely related to litter size. This additional weight gain in young of large litters compensated for initial survival disadvantages and presumably affected fecundity at yearling age.  相似文献   

Most hibernating animals are thought to be monoestrous because reproductive activity is subject to strong time constraints. In previous studies, female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) turned out to have elevated oestradiol levels during late lactation and after weaning, indicating ovarian activity during summer. Therefore, we monitored vaginal cytology, endocrine changes, and vulval development in semi-free-living female European ground squirrels throughout one active season. Vaginal oestrus, defined by the predominance of cornified cells in smear samples, was found during the mating period shortly after vernal emergence. This phase was followed by metoestrus, characterised by the appearance of leukocytes, and a subsequent anoestrous phase. During weaning or postlactation, a second vaginal oestrus was documented in all experimental females, again followed by a metoestrous and an anoestrous phase lasting until hibernation. In line with the second vaginal oestrus, plasma oestradiol concentrations peaked during postlactation. Progesterone levels were elevated from gestation to postlactation, and titres were marginally higher during vaginal oestrus in summer than in spring. Vulval swelling was more pronounced during the first than the second vaginal oestrus. The second oestrous cycle was non-reproductive, as males were sexually inactive with regressed testes during summer. We assume that the second oestrous cycle and the accompanying endocrine changes have beneficial effects on prehibernatory fattening and reproductive performance in the subsequent season. This might allow females to become oestrous immediately after emergence from hibernation in spring.  相似文献   

In the course of a long-term study on reproductive physiology and behaviour in female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) we investigated interactions among reproductive timing, maternal effort and hibernation. To gain information on the state of follicular development shortly before hibernation, histological investigations of ovaries were carried out. To collect the ovaries, unilateral ovariectomy was chosen as the least invasive method. The aim of this study was to monitor patterns of hormone secretion, behavioural parameters and reproductive output in females after unilateral ovariectomy, and compare them with intact individuals to assess potential effects of the treatment. Reproductive performance including duration of gestation and lactation, litter size, and offspring mass at natal emergence were similar in treated and untreated individuals. Before weaning, plasma estradiol levels were higher in the hemicastrated group than in intact females. Progesterone concentrations tended to be lower in unilaterally ovariectomized females during gestation and postlactation. In both groups we measured cortisol metabolites in fecal samples to estimate basal adrenal activity. Untreated individuals had significantly higher cortisol levels than hemicastrated females during lactation. In all other phases no significant differences in patterns of cortisol excretion were found between the two groups. Prehibernatory body-mass did not differ between treated and untreated females. These results indicate that unilateral ovariectomy had no significant negative effects on reproductive timing and output in female European ground squirrels. Compensatory activity of the remaining ovary does occur, concerning estradiol secretion even a kind of overcompensation was reported. These elevated estradiol levels in unilaterally ovariectomized females could play a role in limiting the degree of follicular compensation.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone (T), prolactin (PRL), and behavior were monitored concurrently in free-living male California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Male plasma T peaked in January, 2-3 months after males emerged from their annual period of estivation. PRL peaked 6 to 10 weeks after T. Temporal patterns of space use by males were directly correlated with plasma T levels, but seasonal maxima in rates of most monitored male behaviors occurred 4 weeks after the T peak. No monitored behavior rates were correlated with plasma PRL values. Yearling and adult males did not differ with respect to circulating levels of either T or PRL. Both groups of males mated in our study population, and did not differ significantly with respect to rates of most monitored behaviors. However, yearlings pursued fewer females, mated less frequently, and required more mounts to complete each copulation than did adults. We suggest that T serves an important priming function for various seasonally fluctuating behaviors, but also that mating experience might influence the efficiency of copulatory behavior in this species.  相似文献   

In many bird species the sex ratio of adults is male-biased, which is likely to have consequences for the ecology as well as for the conservation of a species. For example, when some males remain unpaired in a population, there should be strong selection on behavioural traits that enhance pairing success. A surplus of males is also likely to have important implications for the interpretation of breeding bird survey data. In our study population of Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos , about half of the males stayed unpaired, suggesting that the number of males encountered singing was greater than the number of breeding pairs. Furthermore, the detectability (the probability of encountering a male singing) of mated males was only two-thirds that of unmated males when censused in the morning or late in the breeding season. The relative detectability was more similar early in the season and during the twilight periods before sunrise and after sunset. Males that arrived earlier on the breeding grounds were more successful in attracting a mate than males arriving later. Some of the unmated males deserted their territories and prospected areas up to 4000 m distant, whereas others settled on the study site only late in the season and may actually have changed territories. We suggest that adult sex ratios and the time of the census should be taken into account when interpreting the results of breeding bird surveys.  相似文献   

Many studies have addressed the effects of climate change on species as a whole; however, few have examined the possibility of sex-specific differences. To understand better the impact that changing patterns of snow-cover have on an important resident Arctic mammal, we investigated the long-term (13 years) phenology of hibernating male arctic ground squirrels living at two nearby sites in northern Alaska that experience significantly different snow-cover regimes. Previously, we demonstrated that snow-cover influences the timing of phenological events in females. Our results here suggest that the end of heterothermy in males is influenced by soil temperature and an endogenous circannual clock, but timing of male emergence from hibernation is influenced by the timing of female emergence. Males at both sites, Atigun and Toolik, end heterothermy on the same date in spring, but remain in their burrows while undergoing reproductive maturation. However, at Atigun, where snowmelt and female emergence occur relatively early, males emerge 8 days earlier than those at Toolik, maintaining a 12-day period between male and female emergence found at each site, but reducing the pre-emergence euthermic period that is critical for reproductive maturation. This sensitivity in timing of male emergence to female emergence will need to be matched by phase shifts in the circannual clock and responsiveness to environmental factors that time the end of heterothermy, if synchrony in reproductive readiness between the sexes is to be preserved in a rapidly changing climate.  相似文献   

Effects of hibernation on memory were tested in European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus). The animals were trained in summer to successfully accomplish two tasks: a spatial memory task in a maze and an operant task on a feeding machine. One group hibernated normally, and the other was prevented from hibernation by maintaining ambient temperature at 22 degrees C. In spring, the same tasks were repeated for both groups and their individual performances compared to the initial training phase. The experimental groups differed significantly in both tasks. The nonhibernating animals had higher levels of retention and needed significantly fewer trials to relearn the tasks than the group that had hibernated. In addition to testing the retention of conditioned tasks, social memory was also studied. The ground squirrels were given a social recognition test in spring with one familiar and one unfamiliar conspecific. In contrast to the conditioned tasks, social memory did not seem to be affected by hibernation. The results indicate negative effects of hibernation on the retention of conditioned tasks, which could produce important constraints on animals. A potential explanation for this memory loss might be changes in neuronal activity, which occur during hibernation.  相似文献   

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