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朱屹然  张美玲  翟志超  赵云蛟  马馨 《遗传》2016,38(2):103-108
基因组印记是一种区别父母等位基因的表观遗传过程,可导致父源和母源基因特异性表达。印记是在配子发生过程中全基因组表观重编程时获得的,且在早期胚胎发育过程中得以维持。因此,在全基因组重编程过程中,对印记的识别和维持十分重要。本文概述了原始生殖细胞的印记清除、双亲原始生殖细胞的印记获得以及早期胚胎发育过程中印记维持的相关过程,并对在印记区域内保护印记基因免受全基因组DNA去甲基化的表观遗传因子的相关作用机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

印记遗传   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷呈祥 《生物学通报》1994,29(12):8-10,37
印迹遗传是一种的遗传方式,其主要特征是:在配子形成时期,亲本对基因组的某些部分作专一性修饰或其它标记。等位基因因是否被标记而在子代中有不同的表型。遗传鲩迹可能与DNA的甲基化有关,现在已发现很多人类遗传与遗传印迹有关。因此对遗传印的进一步有助于揭示人类遗传病的发生机制和对遗传病的治疗。  相似文献   

印记基因的印记机制及其表达调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
越来越多的研究资料表明 ,来自双亲的等位基因在功能上存在着差异 ,当同一个基因由不同性别的双亲传给子代时可引起不同的表型。这一点在马、驴正反交中表现得最为明显。其正反交后代在个体上所表现的显著差异是经典遗传理论所不能解释的。这种同源染色体基因表达活性不同的现象即为基因组“印记”(genomicimprinting) [1,2 ] 。在哺乳动物中所发现的印记基因大都具1 .1 印记的形成  印记形成于成熟配子 ,并持续到出生后。核移植实验表明 ,至少在卵母细胞内 ,基因印记的获得与否与DNA甲基化变化是高度一致的 ,而富含…  相似文献   

哺乳动物印记基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物印记基因是指只表达亲本一方的遗传信息,而另一方处于关闭状态的一类基因。约80%的印记基因呈串出现在染色体上;在哺乳动物品种之间,印记基因具有较高的保守性;印记基因的复制通常表现为不同时性;一些印记基因具有印记遗传的时空性;少数印记基因只转录为mRNA而不翻译成蛋白质;印记基因的反意链通常表达,表达产生具有调节印记基因的作用。哺乳动物印记基因的调控序列的DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰酸化和组蛋白甲基化等引起其印记表达,其中DNA分子的甲基化是关键,它在生命周期中可被清除,也可被标记。印记基因之间的调控表达通常是相互作用的。克隆动物作为印记基因研究的实验动物模型,已获得许多有意义的研究结果。  相似文献   

基因组印记是指后代仅表达亲本之一基因拷贝的现象。印记基因的发生是防止孤雌生殖发生的有效手段之一。拟南芥FIS(Fertilisation-independent seed)印记基因mea、fis2和fie在中央细胞分裂抑制和早期胚乳发育调节中发挥重要作用。fis突变体具有两种表型:当受精缺失时二倍体胚乳自主发育,而当受精发生时形成非细胞化的胚乳。FIS多梳蛋白复合体(Polycomb protein complex)包括上述3种FIS蛋白,在目标位点催化组蛋白H3第27位赖氨酸的tri-甲基化(H3K27 tri-methylation)。DME(DEMETER)和AtMET1(Methyltransferase1)参与了mea和fis2的印记表达控制。最近研究结果表明,开花植物中转座子的插入影响邻近基因的表达,是基因组印记进化的主要驱动力量。本文综述了10年来拟南芥中FIS印记基因和相关基因的发现及其调控机理,期望能为水稻、玉米等重要作物中印记基因的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

马馨  张胜  杨树宝  王晓晨  朱屹然  李子义  栾维民 《遗传》2014,36(10):959-964
基因组印记是指生殖细胞发生过程中双亲基因组发生差异表观修饰,使带有亲代印记的等位基因出现父源或母源单等位基因表达。在配子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中,基因组印记甲基化经历一个去除、重建和维持的复杂过程。这个过程中的任何环节被干扰都将导致印记紊乱,造成胚胎发生、胎盘形成及出生后发育异常。近来研究表明,早期胚胎发育过程中一些母源效应蛋白在印记基因表观调控中起重要作用。为了更好地理解这些母源因子对印记基因建立及维持的作用与机制,文章综述了DPPA3、ZFP57、TRIM28和DNMT1等母源效应因子近年来的相关研究进展,并探讨了这些因子对基因组印记的表观调控机制。  相似文献   

哺乳动物印记域DLK1-DI03的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DLK1-D103印记域定位于人14号染色体、小鼠12号染色体及绵羊18号染色体远端,在真哺乳亚纲动物中印记保守.该印记域包含3个编码蛋白的父系表达基因DIk1、Rt11和Di03以及若干大小不同的母系表达印记非编码RNA,如miRNAs、snoRNAs和大型非编码RNA Gtl2等.人和小鼠该印记域内印记基因剂量的改变将导致严重的表型异常甚至胚胎致死,暗示正常的发育需要域内印记基因的正常表达.文章重点论述了哺乳动物DLK1-DI03印记域的印记调控机制和域内印记基因及其功能的研究进展.  相似文献   

印记基因是仅表达等位基因中的亲本一方,而亲本另一方基因沉默的表观遗传学现象.印记基因中双亲等位基因携带特异性表观遗传标记,通过不同的机制(例如,lncRNA模型、绝缘子模型)使相应的等位基因沉默或表达.印记基因的正常表达使得个体正常发育,而印记基因的异常表达则与肿瘤发生有关.主要概述印记基因的结构、表达机制及IGF2/...  相似文献   

基因印记是一种表观遗传调控机制,在二倍体哺乳动物的发育过程中,基因印记可以调控来自亲代的等位基因差异表达。非编码RNA是不编码蛋白质的RNA,它在RNA水平调控基因表达。研究表明大多数印记基因中存在长非编码RNA(长度>200nt的非编码RNA)的转录,长非编码RNA主要通过顺式的转录干扰作用来实现基因印记。同时基因印记及其相关的长非编码RNA异常表达与许多先天疾病相关,迄今已发现数十种人类遗传疾病与基因印记有关,而lncRNA引起的基因印记在疾病的发生和治疗中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

长非编码RNA(lnc RNA)是长度大于200 bp的一类非编码蛋白的RNA,因其在基因组中含量巨大以及重要的生物学功能引起了学术界的广泛关注.基因组印记是一种表观遗传现象,lnc RNAs通过建立靶基因的印记而发挥重要的生物功能.基因组印记可以用来研究lnc RNAs在转录和转录后水平调控基因表达的分子机制.本文选取6个印记机制研究比较透彻的印记区域,包括Kcnq1/Cdkn1c、Igf2r/Airn、Prader-Willi(PWS)/Angelman(AS)、Snurf/Snrpn、Dlk1-Dio3和H19/Igf2.通过介绍包括基因间lnc RNAs(H19、Ipw和Meg3)、反义lnc RNAs(Kcnq1ot1、Airn、Ube3a-ATS)和增强子lnc RNAs(IG-DMR e RNAs)在内的3种类型lnc RNAs在印记调控中的作用,从而了解lnc RNAs通过顺式或(/和)反式作用多种机制调控亲本特异性靶基因的表达.了解印记基因簇中lnc RNAs的作用方式将有助于我们揭示lnc RNAs在整个基因组中的作用机制.  相似文献   

G. P. Pearce  H. G. Spencer 《Genetics》1992,130(4):899-907
The phenomenon of genomic imprinting has recently excited much interest among experimental biologists. The population genetic consequences of imprinting, however, have remained largely unexplored. Several population genetic models are presented and the following conclusions drawn: (i) systems with genomic imprinting need not behave similarly to otherwise identical systems without imprinting; (ii) nevertheless, many of the models investigated can be shown to be formally equivalent to models without imprinting; (iii) consequently, imprinting often cannot be discovered by following allele frequency changes or examining equilibrium values; (iv) the formal equivalences fail to preserve some well known properties. For example, for populations incorporating genomic imprinting, parameter values exist that cause these populations to behave like populations without imprinting, but with heterozygote advantage, even though no such advantage is present in these imprinting populations. We call this last phenomenon "pseudoheterosis." The imprinting systems that fail to be formally equivalent to nonimprinting systems are those in which males and females are not equivalent, i.e., two-sex viability systems and sex-chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

A. Mochizuki  Y. Takeda    Y. Iwasa 《Genetics》1996,144(3):1283-1295
In some mammalian genes, the paternally and maternally derived alleles are expressed differently: this phenomenon is called genomic imprinting. Here we study the evolution of imprinting using multivariate quantitative genetic models to examine the feasibility of the genetic conflict hypothesis. This hypothesis explains the observed imprinting patterns as an evolutionary outcome of the conflict between the paternal and maternal alleles. We consider the expression of a zygotic gene, which codes for an embryonic growth factor affecting the amount of maternal resources obtained through the placenta. We assume that the gene produces the growth factor in two different amounts depending on its parental origin. We show that genomic imprinting evolves easily if females have some probability of multiple partners. This is in conflict with the observation that not all genes controlling placental development are imprinted and that imprinting in some genes is not conserved between mice and humans. We show however that deleterious mutations in the coding region of the gene create selection against imprinting.  相似文献   

Although the current obesity epidemic is of environmental origin, there is substantial genetic variation in individual response to an obesogenic environment. In this study, we perform a genome‐wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting obesity per se, or an obese response to a high‐fat diet in mice from the LG/J by SM/J Advanced Intercross (AI) Line (Wustl:LG, SM‐G16). A total of 1,002 animals from 78 F16 full sibships were weaned at 3 weeks of age and half of each litter placed on high‐ and low‐fat diets. Animals remained on the diet until 20 weeks of age when they were necropsied and the weights of the reproductive, kidney, mesenteric, and inguinal fat depots were recorded. Effects on these phenotypes, along with total fat depot weight and carcass weight at necropsy, were mapped across the genome using 1,402 autosomal single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Haplotypes were reconstructed and additive, dominance, and imprinting genotype scores were derived every 1 cM along the F16 map. Analysis was performed using a mixed model with additive, dominance, and imprinting genotype scores, their interactions with sex, diet, and with sex‐by‐diet as fixed effects and with family and its interaction with sex, diet, and sex‐by‐diet as random effects. We discovered 95 trait‐specific QTLs mapping to 40 locations. Most QTLs had additive effects with dominance and imprinting effects occurring at two‐thirds of the loci. Nearly every locus interacted with sex and/or diet in important ways demonstrating that gene effects are primarily context dependent, changing depending on sex and/or diet.  相似文献   

DNA methylation in mammals has long been implicated in the epigenetic mechanism of parentalimprinting, in which selective expression of one allele of specific genes is based on parentalorigin. Methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) selectively binds to methylated DNA andmutations in the MECP2 cause the autism-spectrum neurodevelopmental disorder Rettsyndrome. This review outlines the emerging story of how MeCP2 has been implicated in theregulation of specific imprinted genes and loci, including UBE3A and DLX5. The story ofMeCP2 and parental imprinting has unfolded with some interesting but unexpected twists,revealing new insights on the function of MeCP2 in the process.  相似文献   

Imprinting and disease   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Deregulation of imprinted genes has been observed in a number of human diseases such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes and cancer. Imprinting diseases are characterised by complex patterns of mutations and associated phenotypes affecting pre- and postnatal growth and neurological functions. Regulation of imprinted gene expression is mediated by allele-specific epigenetic modifications of DNA and chromatin. These modifications preferentially affect central regulatory elements that control in cis over long distances allele-specific expression of several neighbouring genes. Investigations of imprinting diseases have a strong impact on biomedical research and provide interesting models for function and mechanisms of epigenetic gene control.  相似文献   

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