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从江苏省农业科学院粮食作物研究所保存的近万份稻种资源中,取出太湖流域地方品种1670份,测定它们的化感作用,从中发现对油菜(Brassicacampestris L,)生长有轻微影响的品种35份,对油菜生长有抑制作用的品种68份,对油菜生长有致死作用的品种49份。这种抑制作用是否可以作用于水田杂草,还需要进一步的实验证据,但已可以证明水稻种质资源中确实存在着具有化感作用潜质的品种。  相似文献   

太湖地区夜鹭配对年龄及繁殖效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解夜鹭同龄配对及其与窝卵数、窝雏数、雏鸟成活率的关系,2001年4-6月对无锡太湖地区夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)的年龄配对及其繁殖作了观察。在方便观察的206个样巢中,二龄(2Y)、三龄(3Y)鸟参与配对繁殖的达35.4%:亲鸟“2Y 4Y^ “的2对,“2Y 2Y“的39对,“3Y 3Y“的34对。“4Y^ 4Y^ 的131对(含6对弃巢鸟)。在200个成功育雏的巢中,不同年龄亲鸟所产卵的体积和窝卵数无差异,但卵重、窝雏数、孵化率及成活率有随亲鸟年龄增加的趋势。  相似文献   

Influence of the agricultural management practices on soil quality and the ecosystem functioning has been an increasing concern in soil science and ecology with sustainable agriculture. This study deals with the changes of soil earthworm communityfrom a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations. The soil earthworms were collected and counted from different fertilizer treated plots in the field after the rape harvest in May 2004, and their taxonomic groups were determined under a binocular stereoscope at the laboratory. The body of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) was crushed by a cell crusher to collect protein, and the protein molecules with different sizes were analyzed by electrophoresis. Furthermore, the Metaphire californica collected was hydrolyzed and the aliquots were subject to an amino acid auto-analyzer. The results showed that totally seven species of earthworms were recognized in the paddy field with the number varying with different fertilization treatments. The structure of earthworm communities was dramatically affected by the fertilization practice. Under chemical fertilization only, both the number of earthworm species and the quantity of individuals were significantly smaller than those under other treatments, or even than those under no fertilization. Furthermore, there was an obvious decrease in the total amino acid and the contents of most individual amino acids of Metaphire californica under chemical fertilization only, compared with those under the combined fertilization of chemical and organic fertilizers. Although chemical fertilizers in combination with rice straw return increased earthworm amino acid content, long-term pig manure application tended to increase earthworm protein content. As a molecular footprint, long-term chemical fertilization caused a reduction in the content of protein with MW less than 25 kd, but a significant increase in that of protein with molecule size around 33 kd. Our study demonstrated that different fertilizations affected not only earthworm population but also diversity and richness in the paddy soil after 16 years of treatment, and that long-term chemical fertilization may impact the soil animal community and, thus, influence the paddy ecosystem functioning for yield stability. This study implicated that not only the community structure but also the amino acid metabolism for life functioning of earthworms in cropland soils may pose significant responses to the agricultural management practices.  相似文献   

Xiang C G  Zhang P J  Pan G X  Qiu D S  Chu Q H 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1667-1673
Influence of the agricultural management practices on soil quality and the ecosystem functioning has been an increasing concern in soil science and ecology with sustainable agriculture. This study deals with the changes of soil earthworm communityfrom a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations. The soil earthworms were collected and counted from different fertilizer treated plots in the field after the rape harvest in May 2004, and their taxonomic groups were determined under a binocular stereoscope at the laboratory. The body of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) was crushed by a cell crusher to collect protein, and the protein molecules with different sizes were analyzed by electrophoresis. Furthermore, the Metaphire californica collected was hydrolyzed and the aliquots were subject to an amino acid auto-analyzer. The results showed that totally seven species of earthworms were recognized in the paddy field with the number varying with different fertilization treatments. The structure of earthworm communities was dramatically affected by the fertilization practice. Under chemical fertilization only, both the number of earthworm species and the quantity of individuals were significantly smaller than those under other treatments, or even than those under no fertilization. Furthermore, there was an obvious decrease in the total amino acid and the contents of most individual amino acids of Metaphire californica under chemical fertilization only, compared with those under the combined fertilization of chemical and organic fertilizers. Although chemical fertilizers in combination with rice straw return increased earthworm amino acid content, long-term pig manure application tended to increase earthworm protein content. As a molecular footprint, long-term chemical fertilization caused a reduction in the content of protein with MW less than 25 kd, but a significant increase in that of protein with molecule size around 33 kd. Our study demonstrated that different fertilizations affected not only earthworm population but also diversity and richness in the paddy soil after 16 years of treatment, and that long-term chemical fertilization may impact the soil animal community and, thus, influence the paddy ecosystem functioning for yield stability. This study implicated that not only the community structure but also the amino acid metabolism for life functioning of earthworms in cropland soils may pose significant responses to the agricultural management practices.  相似文献   

水稻土在不同施肥管理下的土壤质量及其生态系统功能的变化是当前土壤学和农业生态学的关注领域。对太湖地区一个15a的长期不同施肥处理下稻田进行了蚯蚓群落的调查采样,并测定了蚯蚓蛋白质含量和氨基酸组成。供试水稻土中共检出7种蚯蚓。长期不同施肥措施影响了蚯蚓的群落结构,单施化肥下农田蚯蚓的种类和数量明显减少,多样性指数和丰富度明显降低,且蚯蚓总氨基酸的含量和大部分种类氨基酸含量降低,同时蚯蚓中分子量小于25kd的蛋白质含量降低,而分子量33kd附近的蛋白质含量明显增加;相反,长期化肥配合秸杆还田和配施猪粪趋向于提高蚯蚓蛋白质含量或氨基酸含量。看来.农田中蚯蚓不但在种群变化上,而且在体内生命活性物质组成上均响应稻田不同施肥措施下的土壤环境变化。  相似文献   

Preventive and/or manipulative practices will be needed to maintain soil's biological, physiochemical, nutritional, and structural health in natural, managed, and disturbed ecosystems as a foundation for food security and global ecosystem sustainability. While there is a substantial body of interdisciplinary science on understanding function and structure of soil ecosystems, key gaps must be bridged in assessing integrated agro-biological, ecological, economical, and environmental efficiency of soil manipulation practices in time and space across ecosystems. This presentation discusses the application of a fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) model for assessing agronomic, economic, ecological, environmental, and nematode (pest) management efficiency of soil amendments. FUE is defined as increase in host productivity and/or decrease in plant-parasitic nematode population density in response to a given fertilizer treatment. Using the effects of nutrient amendment on Heterodera glycines population density and normalized difference vegetative index (indicator of physiological activities) of a soybean cultivar 'CX 252', how the FUE model recognizes variable responses and separates nutrient deficiency and toxicity from nematode parasitism as well as suitability of treatments designed to achieve desired biological and physiochemical soil health conditions is demonstrated. As part of bridging gaps between agricultural and ecological approaches to integrated understanding and management of soil health, modifications of the FUE model for analyzing the relationships amongst nematode community structure, soil parameters (eg. pH, nutrients, %OM), and plant response to soil amendment is discussed.  相似文献   

朱瑞良 《植物学报》2022,57(5):559-578
全球气候变暖是人类面临最严峻的环境挑战。有效控制碳排放, 充分发挥生态系统的固碳能力是实现碳中和目标的重要手段。作为碳封存能力最强的一种湿地类型, 泥炭地是加快实现碳中和目标的关键陆地生态系统。作为泥炭地“有效的生态系统工程师”, 泥炭藓(Sphagnum)在泥炭地的碳汇功能、过滤淡水及保护土地免受洪水侵袭等方面具有极其重要的作用。100多年来, 泥炭藓广泛应用于医药保健、污染监测和废水处理等领域, 尤其是作为一类最值得信赖的土壤介质和保湿材料一直被广泛用于园艺产业。在全球气候变暖和“双碳”目标的大背景下, 泥炭藓已经成为生命科学和生态学研究的热点。该文主要从泥炭藓的形态、物种多样性和起源、生境与分布、繁殖和保护、培养与种植、环境指示和监测、用途和应用, 以及碳封存、储水和酸化能力等方面进行综述, 旨在为泥炭藓研究、泥炭地的保护和恢复以及泥炭藓开发利用和产业发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Tai Lake (Chinese: Taihu), the third-largest freshwater lake in China, suffers from harmful cyanobacteria blooms that are caused by economic development and population growth near the lake. Several studies have focused on phytoplankton in Tai Lake after a drinking water crisis in 2007; however, these studies primarily focused on microcystin bioaccumulation and toxicity to individual species without examining the effects of microcystin on macrobenthic community diversity. In this study, we conducted a survey of the lake to examine the effects of microcystine and other pollutants on marcobenthic community diversity. A totally of forty-nine species of macroinvertebrates were found in Tai Lake. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Corbicula fluminea were the most abundant species. Cluster-analysis and one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) identified three significantly different macrobenthic communities among the sample sites. More specifically, sites in the eastern bays, where aquatic macrophytes were abundant, had the highest diversity of macrobenthic communities, which were dominated by Bellamya aeruginosa, Bellamya purificata, L. hoffmeisteri, and Alocinma longicornis. Sites in Zhushan Bay contained relatively diverse communities, mainly composed of L. hoffmeisteri, C. fluminea, L. claparederanus, R. sinicus, and Cythura sp. Sites in the western region, Meiliang Bay and Wuli Bay had the lowest diversity, mainly composed of L. hoffmeisteri, C. fluminea, Branchiura sowerbyi, and Rhyacodrilus sinicus. In addition, the relationships between macrobenthic metrics (Shannon–Wiener, Margalef, and Pielou) and environmental variables showed that community structure and spatial patterns of macrobenthos in Tai Lake were significantly influenced by chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), lead (Pb), and microcystin-LR (L for leucine and R for arginine). Our findings provide critical information that could help managers and policymakers assess and modify ecological restoration practices.  相似文献   

Jie Tang  Fei Zhang  Weihua Cui  Jiong Ma 《Planta》2014,239(6):1299-1307

Main conclusion

Presenting a basic framework for using MLST to characterize Spirodela, Landoltia and in particular Lemna strains at the species level, and to study population genetics and evolution history of natural duckweed populations.


Duckweed is widely used in environmental biotechnology and has recently emerged as a potential feedstock for biofuels due to its high growth rate and starch content. The genetic diversity and composition of a natural duckweed population in genera Spirodela, Landoltia and Lemna from Lake Tai, China, were investigated using probabilistic analysis of multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The 78 strains were categorized into five lineages, among which strains representing L. aequinoctialis and S. polyrhiza were predominant. Among the five lineages, interlineage transfers of markers were infrequent and no recombination was statistically detected. Tajima’s D tests determined that all loci are subject to population bottlenecks, which is likely one of the main reasons for the low genetic diversity observed within the lineages. Interestingly, strains of L. turionifera are found to contain small admixture from L. minor, providing rare evidence of transfer of genetic materials in duckweed. This was discussed with respect to the hypothesis that a cross of these two gave rise to L. japonica. Moreover, the conventional maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis clearly recognized all the species in the three genera with high bootstrap supports. In conclusion, this work offers a basic framework for using MLST to characterize Spirodela, Landoltia and in particular Lemna strains at the species level, and to study population genetics and evolution history of natural duckweed populations.  相似文献   

大多数鹿科动物表现出偏向雄性的扩散行为。麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)于20世纪初在中国灭绝,1985年被重引入中国。1998年长江流域特大洪水导致部分麋鹿个体从湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区围栏内外逸,最终在洞庭湖区形成自然野化种群。野化麋鹿是否也存在偏性扩散行为?1995—2012年,采用样带调查法、分区直数法、特殊个体识别法和访问调查法,按性别组成将扩散群分为雄性群、混合群和雌性群,对洞庭湖区自然野化麋鹿种群的扩散行为进行了研究,共记录到118次扩散。其中,有65次扩散可确认扩散群的类型;60次可确认扩散群准确的个体数。结果显示:(1)雄性麋鹿较雌性更倾向于扩散。雄性群的扩散频次高于雌性群和混合群;50%的雄性扩散群仅由单一成年雄体组成。(2)雄性麋鹿的扩散能力最强,雄性群、混合群和雌性群的平均扩散距离分别为(13.73±8.74)km、(11.05±4.16)km和(8.95±2.16)km,但三者之间的差异不显著(χ2=1.896,df=2,P=0.387)。雌性群和混合群的扩散距离均短于25km,而5.88%的雄性群扩散距离长于25 km。(3)雄性群的平均个体数与混合群的差异显著(F=5.324,df=24,P=0.000.05),与雌性群的差异不显著(F=9.830,df=35,P=0.813),而混合群与雌性群之间的差异显著(F=48.085,df=55,P=0.000.05)。(4)50.00%的雄性群和53.57%的混合群选择芦苇草地作为扩散目的地的生境。洞庭湖区自然野化麋鹿种群与其他野生鹿科动物一样,也存在"雄鹿较雌鹿更倾向于扩散"的现象,雄性的扩散能力比雌性强,雌性的扩散可能依赖于雄性。以上结果对麋鹿的野外放归和自然野化种群的管理与保护具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In China, great differences in economy, social characteristics and hygiene exist between developing and developed regions. A comparative study of infectious diarrhea between two regions was needed. Three groups of diarrheal patients were collected: children ≤5 year-olds from Beijing (developed region) and Henan Province (developing region), and adults over 18 year-olds from Beijing. A questionnaire was used to survey and feces samples were examined for 16 enteropathogens. We enrolled 1422 children and 1047 adults from developed region and 755 children from developing region. Virus positive rates were 32.98% for children and 23.67% for adults in developed region. The most prevalent pathogen for children was rotavirus whereas for adults was norovirus. Bacterial isolation rates were 13.92% for children from developed region, while 29.14% for children from the developing regions. For the greatest difference, Shigella accounted for 50.79% and was the dominant pathogen in the developing region, whereas in the developed region it was only 1.45%. There was no significant relationship between the local levels of development with diarrheogenic Escherichia coli (DEC) categories. But it was seen the notable differences between the population with different age: enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC) and enteroaggregative E.coli (EAggEC) were the primary classes of DEC in children from both regions, whereas it was enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) in adults. The symptoms of Shigella and Salmonella infection, such as bloody stools, white blood cells (WBC) and red blood cells (RBC) positivity and fever were similar in children, which may lead to the misidentification. Yersinia enterocolitica and shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) infections were firstly reported in Beijing. There was a large difference in etiology of bacterial diarrhea between children in developing and developed regions of China.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to spatially model the effect of demographic, reservoir hosts and environmental factors on human Schistosoma japonicum infection prevalence in the Dongting Lake area of Hunan Province, China and to determine the potential of each indicator in targeting schistosomiasis control.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Cross-sectional serological, coprological and demographic data were obtained from the 2004 nationwide periodic epidemiologic survey for Hunan Province. Environmental data were downloaded from the USGS EROS data centre. Bayesian geostatistical models were employed for spatial analysis of the infection prevalence among study participants. A total of 47,139 participants from 47 administrative villages were selected. Age, sex and occupation of residents and the presence of infected buffaloes and environmental factors, i.e. NDVI, distance to the lake and endemic type of setting, were significantly associated with S. japonicum infection prevalence. After taking into account spatial correlation, however, only demographic factors (age, sex and occupation) and the presence of infected buffaloes remained significant indicators.


Long established demographic factors, as well presence of host reservoirs rather than environmental factors are driving human transmission. Findings of this work can be used for epidemiologic surveillance and for the future planning of interventions in the Dongting Lake area of Hunan Province.  相似文献   

The Colombian Pacific region is second nationally in number of malaria cases reported. This zone presents great ecological heterogeneity and Anopheles species diversity. However, little is known about the current spatial and temporal distribution of vector species. This study, conducted in three ecologically different localities of the Pacific region, aimed to evaluate the composition and distribution of Anopheles species and characterize transmission intensity. A total of 4,016 Anopheles mosquitoes were collected representing seven species. The composition and dominant species differed in each locality. Three species were infected with malaria parasites: Anopheles darlingi and An. calderoni were infected with Plasmodium falciparum and An. nuneztovari with Plasmodium vivax VK210 and VK247. Annual EIRs varied from 3.5–7.2 infective bites per year. These results confirm the importance of the primary vector An. nuneztovari in areas disturbed by human interventions, of An. darlingi in deforested margins of humid tropical rainforest and An. albimanus and the suspected vector An. calderoni in areas impacted by urbanization and large-scale palm oil agriculture close to the coast. This constitutes the first report in the Colombia Pacific region of naturally infected An. darlingi, and in Colombia of naturally infected An. calderoni. Further studies should evaluate the epidemiological importance of An. calderoni in the Pacific region.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖地区生态系统服务权衡与协同关系的时空格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄱阳湖地区是中国最大淡水湖影响的区域,定量分析其生态系统服务权衡与协同关系对实现区域可持续发展具有重要意义.本研究首先基于遥感、土壤、气象、数字高程模型(DEM)等多源数据,定量测算2005—2015年鄱阳湖地区食物供给服务、土壤保持服务和产水服务,分析服务的时空格局及演变特征;然后运用相关分析、冷热点分析、空间制图方法探析1 km×1 km尺度上服务间权衡与协同关系的时空特征,并研究土地利用视角下生态系统服务及其相互关系的差异.结果表明: 研究期间,鄱阳湖地区食物供给服务增加,土壤保持服务减少,产水服务先增后减.空间分布上,食物供给服务在西北-东南方向上呈现“低-高-低-高”的分布格局,土壤保持服务呈现高低值集聚分布的空间格局,产水服务表现为南高北低的空间分布.鄱阳湖地区食物供给与土壤保持、食物供给与产水量是权衡关系,土壤保持与产水量是协同关系.食物供给与土壤保持呈现北部协同、南部权衡的空间格局,食物供给与产水量之间在空间上呈现出明显的权衡关系,土壤保持与产水量之间从北至南呈现协同-权衡-协同的“夹心式”分异规律.不同土地利用类型间,耕地与食物供给、园林地与土壤保持、水域与产水量之间均存在极显著协同关系,建设用地与3种服务皆是权衡关系.食物供给服务与土壤保持服务和产水服务之间在不同土地利用类型中皆以权衡为主,土壤保持与产水服务在耕地、园林地、草地及建设用地中以协同关系为主、在水域和未利用地中则以权衡关系为主.鄱阳湖地区多重生态系统服务热点区主要在东部和南部平原区,呈减少趋势.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湖泊细菌群落组成及结构——以松门山为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于2011年5月在鄱阳湖——松门山湖区采集底泥与表层水样,分别提取了表层水体浮游和底泥微生物基因组DNA,利用454高通量测序技术对细菌的16S rRNA基因进行了序列测定,分析了湖泊底泥细菌、水体浮游细菌群落结构特征。结果显示:底泥细菌OTUs(Operational Taxonomic Units)为1454,表层水体浮游细菌OTUs为269;底泥细菌群落比表层水体更加多样化,底泥细菌的物种数大大多于表层水体。同时,底泥细菌群落与表层浮游细菌群落结构存在显著差异。物种分类显示鄱阳湖底泥细菌种类隶属于20门,228属,其中优势种群为δ-变形菌纲(Deltaproteobacteria)、β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia);表层水体浮游细菌隶属于13门116属,优势种群为β-变形菌纲、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。结果进一步揭示,无论是浮游细菌群落还是沉积物细菌群落,优势细菌种群的基因型多样性更高。  相似文献   

This study assessed the mixture health risk for the residents of China's Lake Taihu region posed by a Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) mixture of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). Multiple-pathway exposure models were used for exposure assessment in order to estimate the DDT and HCH exposure dose. The DDT and HCH PBPK models were developed and used for consequence assessment in order to analyze the pollutant distribution and accumulation process in human tissues. The tissue dose hazard index (HI) was used to estimate the mixture health risk. The results showed that the total exposure doses for male residents and female residents were 4.01 × 10? 4~ 7.67 × 10? 3 mg/kg/day and 3.73 × 10? 4~ 6.75 × 10? 3 mg/kg/day for DDT, respectively, and 3.78 × 10? 4~ 5.14 × 10? 3 mg/kg/day and 3.53 × 10? 4~ 4.66 × 10? 3 mg/kg/day for HCH, respectively. The maximum tissue concentrations in fat for male and female residents reached 110.51 mg/l and 97.21 mg/l for DDT, respectively, and 189.66 mg/l and 171.72 mg/l for HCH, respectively. The tissue dose hazard indexes for male and female residents were 0.1472 ~ 2.4990 and 0.1377 ~ 2.2230, respectively, and the probabilities of the risk exceeding the acceptable risk (HI = 1) for male and female were 24.60% and 16.51%, respectively.  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (CMC, Eriocheir sinensis) is an economically valuable species in South-East Asia that has been widely farmed in China. Characterization of the intestinal bacterial diversity of CMC will provide insights into the aquaculturing of CMCs. Based on the analysis of cloned 16S rRNA genes from culture-independent CMC gut bacteria, 124 out of 128 different clones reveal >95% nucleotide similarity to the species belonging to the four phyla of Tenericutes, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria; one clone shows 91% sequence similarity to the member of TM7 (a candidate phylum without cultured representatives). Fluorescent in situ hybridization also reveals the abundance of Bacteroidetes in crab intestine. Electron micrographs show that spherical and filamentous bacteria are closely associated with the microvillus brush border of the midgut epithelium and are often inserted into the space between the microvilli using a stalk-like cell appendage. In contrast, the predominant rod-shaped bacteria in the hindgut are tightly attached to the epithelium surface by an unusual pili-like structure. Both 16S rRNA gene denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis and metagenome library indicate that the CMC Mollicutes group 2 appears to be present in both the midgut and hindgut with no significant difference in abundance. The CMC Mollicutes group 1, however, was found mostly in the midgut of CMCs. The CMC gut Mollicutes phylotypes appear to be most closely related to Mollicutes symbionts detected in the gut of isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda). Overall, the results suggest that CMCs harbor diverse, novel and specific gut bacteria, which are likely to live in close relationships with the CMC host.  相似文献   

洪湖湖区土地利用/土地覆盖时空格局研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
利用1987,1993和1998年的遥感影像资料,研究了江汉平原洪湖湖区土地利用/土地覆盖的时空变化,土地覆盖类型分为水体,湖滩植被,洪泛地,农田,裸地和居民地6类,运用GIS(Arc/Info)软件,将不同时期的土地利用/土地覆盖的格局进行了清晰的空间表达;通过叠加3个不同时段的影像分类图,计算出各种土地利用/土地覆盖类型转变成其他类型的比例,在1987-1993年期间,水体和洪泛地的面积分别增加了15.54%和9.62%,而1993-1998年期间这两种类型的变化较小,分别为0.58%和3.19%,农田面积从1987年的577.62km^2减少到1998年的188.58km^2,减少约2/3,在研究期间,裸地面积没有明显变化,湖潍植被的面积在1987-1993年期间降低18.60%,而在1993-1998年期间增加8.47%,土地利用/土地覆盖状况的变化与湖区退田还湖及降雨状况的年际变化有关。  相似文献   

Qiandao Lake was formed in 1959 when the Xin'anjiang Hydroelectric Plant was built. There are 1078 islands with areas larger than 2500 m2 and many smaller islands. The population structure of C. sclerophylla was investigated to reveal whether it can sustain on islands so as to provide suggestions for ecological restoration. C. sclerophylla can be found on islands with a water level higher than 105.4 m, whereas the highest water level of Qiandao Lake was 108.2 m. Number of individuals on islands, with a range from 4 to more than 4000, was significantly related to the areas or altitudes of the islands. Population structure indicated that, at genet level, C. sclerophylla on large and most medium-size islands could be self-sustainable, whereas on small and some medium-size islands C. sclerophylla could not be self-sustainable and would decline. However, at the ramet level, almost all the C. sclerophylla populations, no matter on large, medium or small islands, seem to be self-sustainable. Further analysis indicated that re-sprouting contributed to more than 81.6% of the genets and 94.8% of the shoots formed after the creation of the Lake. The results above indicated that although small size of populations exist on some islands, these populations might be sustained via vegetative reproduction, especially re-sprouting, for a long period under the present situation without human disturbance and dramatic environmental changes. Conditions of most islands meet the standards necessary for the survival and growth of C. sclerophylla. Therefore, lack of seed or seedling is the main limitation for the ecological restoration of evergreen broad-leaved forests on islands of Qiandao Lake. However, that no individual was reproduced from sexual reproduction on some medium and small islands indicates that environmental condition might be another limiting factor for restoration.  相似文献   

张平究  李恋卿  潘根兴  张俊伟 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2818-2824
农业管理措施影响下土壤微生物群落结构的变化是农业土壤质量研究的前沿问题。运用化学分析方法和 PCR- DGGE技术从土壤微生物碳氮量及基因多样性角度研究了长期不同施肥措施下太湖地区代表性水稻土 -黄泥土的表土微生物活性与分子多样性的变化。结果表明 ,施用化肥以及化肥和有机肥配施在提高土壤有机碳含量的同时 ,不仅提高了水稻土的微生物碳氮量 ,而且改变了微生物的群落结构 ;与长期单施化肥相比 ,长期化肥配施有机肥不仅显著提高了土壤微生物碳氮量 ,而且提高了土壤微生物的分子多样性 ;就土壤的微生物分子群落相似性来说 ,单施化肥下与未施肥下相近 ,而化肥配施秸秆下与化肥配施猪粪下接近 ,说明土壤的有机培肥对土壤微生物群落结构有重要影响。长期单施化肥下水稻产量的年际波动性显著大于化肥配施有机肥下 ,这进一步佐证了化肥配施有机肥显著促进了水稻土的生态系统初级生产力与较高的土壤生态系统稳定性。应用PCR- DGGE技术所揭示的微生物分子群落结构特点可以指示水稻土 10 a尺度的不同农业管理措施下的土壤质量变化  相似文献   

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