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Tropical dry forests are the most threatened forest type in the world yet a paucity of research about them stymies development of appropriate conservation actions. The Paranã River Basin has the most significant dry forest formations in the Cerrado biome of central Brazil and is threatened by intense land conversion to pastures and agriculture. We examined changes in Paranã River Basin deforestation rates and fragmentation across three time intervals that covered 31 yr using Landsat imagery. Our results indicated a 66.3 percent decrease in forest extent between 1977 and 2008, with an annual rate of forest cover change of 3.5 percent. Landscape metrics further indicated severe forest loss and fragmentation, resulting in an increase in the number of fragments and reduction in patch sizes. Forest fragments in flatlands have virtually disappeared and the only significant forest remnants are mostly found over limestone outcrops in the eastern part of the basin. If current patterns persist, we project that these forests will likely disappear within 25 yr. These patterns may be reversed with creation of protected areas and involvement of local people to preserve small fragments that can be managed for restoration.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of forest gaps and cattle grazing on survival and growth of seedlings of seven native tree species, planted in dry forest fragments with different intensities of past logging in Central Brazil. Seedling survival after 12 mo ranged from 35 to 77 percent among species. Survival of most species was similar in gaps and understory in minimally disturbed forest remnants, but was lower in the gaps of more heavily logged forests. In contrast, growth was much higher in gaps than in understory in minimally disturbed forests, but for most species was similar in gaps and understory in more heavily logged forests. We did not detect an effect of cattle on seedling survival. Seedlings of the most commonly logged species show a high potential to survive and grow when planted in logged forests.  相似文献   

Effects of fire protection on savanna structure in Central Brazil   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

In the last century, bottomland hardwood (BLH) forests throughout the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley in the United States declined >80% and have been degraded because of habitat loss, fragmentation, and altered hydrology. To better understand how current conditions in BLH forest systems influence wildlife and to better manage land use and vegetation, we characterized winter (Dec–Mar) multi-scale habitat selection of 75 radio-marked swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) based on 850 locations in southern Illinois, USA, during 2010–2016. We investigated habitat selection by fitting resource selection functions with generalized linear mixed models based on Euclidean distances (km) to 8 cover types that described hydrogeomorphic conditions. At the second-order scale of selection (home range selection), swamp rabbits were closer to deciduous forest and low-elevation BLH and farther from agriculture, permanent water, shallow BLH, and woody wetland. At the third-order scale of selection (habitat selection within the home range), swamp rabbits selected areas closer to deciduous forest, low BLH, and shallow BLH, and farther from woody wetlands. For the swamp rabbit in Illinois, a BLH specialist at the northern extent of their range, habitat selection is limited to available terrestrial habitat that provides vegetation for food and hiding cover within linear and flood-prone BLH corridors surrounded by agricultural cover types that are largely unsuitable as habitat. Because hydrologic conditions are spatially and temporally dynamic, wildlife managers should focus on providing diverse habitat conditions across elevations that ensure the continuous availability of terrestrial habitat regardless of water level and flooding extent across the BLH landscape. Further reforestation efforts in BLH ecosystems should target current agricultural land on higher elevations adjacent to characteristically flood-prone forest remnants that escaped agricultural clearing due to frequent flooding. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat fragmentation on the structure of orchid bee communities was analyzed by the investigation of the existence of a spatial structure in the richness and abundance of Euglossini species and by determining the relationship between these data and environmental factors. The surveys were carried out in four different forest fragments and one university campus. Richness, abundance, and diversity of species were analyzed in relation to abiotic (size of the area, extent of the perimeter, perimeter/area ratio, and shape index) and biotic characteristics (vegetation index of the fragment and of the matrix of each of the locations studied). We observed a highly significant positive correlation between the diversity index and the vegetation index of the fragment, landscape and shape index. Our analysis demonstrated that the observed variation could be explained mainly by the vegetation index and the size of the fragment. Variations in relative abundance showed a tendency toward an aggregated spatial distribution between the fragments studied, as well as between the sampling stations within the same habitat, demonstrating the existence of a spatial structure on a small scale in the populations of Euglossini. This distribution will determine the composition of species that coexist in the area after fragmentation. These data help in understanding the differences and similarities in the structure of communities of Euglossini resulting from forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion is causing deforestation in Minas Gerais, Brazil, converting savanna and tropical dry forest to farmland, and in 2012, Brazil’s Forest Code was revised with the government reducing deforestation restrictions. Understanding the effects of policy change on rates and locations of natural ecosystem loss is imperative. In this paper, deforestation in Minas Gerais was simulated annually until 2020 using Dinamica Environment for Geoprocessing Objects (Dinamica EGO). This system is a state-of-the-art land use and cover change (LUCC) model which incorporates government policy, landscape maps, and other biophysical and anthropogenic datasets. Three studied scenarios: (i) business as usual, (ii) increased deforestation, and (iii) decreased deforestation showed more transition to agriculture from shrubland compared to forests, and consistent locations for most deforestation. The probability of conversion to agriculture is strongly tied to areas with the smallest patches of original biome remaining. Increases in agricultural revenue are projected to continue with a loss of 25% of the remaining Cerrado land in the next decade if profit is maximized. The addition of biodiversity value as a tax on land sale prices, estimated at over $750,000,000 USD using the cost of extracting and maintaining current species ex-situ, can save more than 1 million hectares of shrubland with minimal effects on the economy of the State of Minas Gerais. With environmental policy determining rates of deforestation and economics driving the location of land clearing, site-specific protection or market accounting of externalities is needed to balance economic development and conservation.  相似文献   

Amazonian floodplain forests have remarkable variation in tree diversity and structure related to flood duration. We assessed how floodplain forests respond to the continuum flooding gradient and found that Fisher's α values vary up to seven times across the landscape.  相似文献   

Edge-mediated changes in species composition are known to result in modified species interactions. Because of the crucial trophic position of herbivores and their far-reaching impact on plant communities, it is important to understand how edge influences herbivory. In the present paper, we investigated whether and how leaf-cutting ant foraging is altered in the forest edge, as this habitat is characterized by an increased proportion of pioneer species. We assessed basic foraging data as well as the herbivory rate ( i.e. , the proportion of the leaf material harvested by a colony in relation to the available leaf area in the foraging area) of Atta cephalotes colonies at the edge versus interior sites of a large remnant of the Atlantic forest in Northeast Brazil. Our results indicated clear edge effects on leaf-cutting ants: equally sized A. cephalotes colonies located at the forest edge removed about twice as much leaf area from their foraging grounds than interior colonies (14.3 vs. 7.8%/col/yr). This greater colony-level impact within the forest edge zone was a consequence of markedly reduced foraging areas (0.9 vs. 2.3 ha/col/yr) and moderately lower leaf area index in this habitat, whereas harvest rates were the same. Our results suggest that forest edges induce increased leaf-cutting ant herbivory, probably via the release of resource limitation. Together with the increase of leaf-cutting ant populations along forest edges, this may amplify environmental changes induced by habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Primates - Humans have used non-human primates (hereafter referred to as primates) as food source, medicine, parts of rituals, pets, and models for various studies worldwide. Here we investigated...  相似文献   

Forest fires often result in a series of biogeochemical processes that increase soil nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations for several years; however, the dynamic nature of inorganic nitrogen (N) cycling in the plant–microbe–soil complex makes it challenging to determine the direct causes of increased soil NO3 ?. We measured gross inorganic N transformation rates in mineral soils 2 years after wildfires in three central Idaho coniferous forests to determine the causes of the elevated soil NO3 ?. We also measured key factors that could affect the soil N processes, including temperature during soil incubation in situ, soil water content, pH and carbon (C) availability. We found no significant differences (P = 0.461) in gross nitrification rates between burned and control soils. However, microbial NO3 ? uptake rates were significantly lower (P = 0.078) in burned than control soils. The reduced consumption of NO3 ? caused slightly elevated NO3 ? concentrations in the burned soils. C availability was positively correlated with microbial NO3 ? uptake rates. Despite reduced microbial NO3 ? uptake capacity in the burned soils, soil microbes were a strong enough N sink to maintain low soil NO3 ? concentrations 2 years post fire. Soil NH4 + concentrations between the treatments were not significantly different (P = 0.673). However, gross NH4 + production and microbial uptake rates in burned soils were significantly lower (P = 0.028 and 0.035, respectively) than in the controls, and these rates were positively correlated with C availability. Our results imply that C availability is an important factor regulating soil N cycling of coniferous forests in the region.  相似文献   

This study was carried out for the purpose of detecting the relationship between soil-inhabiting tardigrade communities and environmental factors of various forests. Nine forests in the southern part of Kanagawa Prefecture, Central Japan, were selected for this study. Four vegetation types were designated; broadleaved (evergreen/deciduous), coniferous and orchard. In these sites, dry weight of leaf litter, soil pH, soil hardness, soil moisture content and porosity ratio were measured. Wet soil faunal frequencies were also described. The Baermann funnel method was adopted for collecting tardigrades, and DIC microscopy was used for specific identification. To clarify the correlation between environmental variables and tardigrade faunae, multivariate analysis was applied. The tardigrade fauna occurred as two distinct groups. The first group primarily contained Macrobiotus species. The second group contained the genus Diphascon (e.g. D. nobilei, D. patanei, D. prorsirostre). An exception to this was D. pingue, included in the former. Most of the Diphascon species were concentrated in Nebu (coniferous forest site), while, Macrobiotus species were dominant in other sites. Distinct environmental factors could not be identified, but the nematodal frequency was recognized as the main factor in forming these groups. The uniqueness of Nebu, which does not correspond to large-scaled vegetational classification, was substantiated by statistical data. Nebu’s coniferous forest apparently has created a unique environment for sustaining rare species (Diphascon species). This study concluded that forests should be evaluated not only by the macroscopic factors, such as landscape, but also by the microscopic communities, such as those including the tardigrades.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of the water regime determined by peat-deposit structure and surface slope is characteristic of watershed forested peatlands and shallow-peat forests that belong to similar forest types The specific features of the water regime determine the tree-stand structure, the composition of the herb–shrub and moss tiers, and the reaction to climatic changes of the past. The history of forested peatlands formation is comparable in duration to that of large peatbog massifs formation. An increase in wood-macrofossils content in peat is characteristic of warm periods of the Holocene. Conversely, a decrease in wood-macrofossils content accompanied by an increase in sphagnum moss remains, intensive growth of the deposit, and paludification of the adjacent forests were timed to the cold periods. The climatic factor was shown to determine the general direction of forested peatlands development, whereas the hydrological features of the site determined the variety of scenarios and resistance to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Bryophyte species richness and composition of six different forest types and three different management rates was analysed in 36 Estonian forests. Analyses were done separately for six different bryophyte species groups: total species number, hepatic, hemerophobic, common, non-epigeic and epigeic species. The differences in species richness between unmanaged and moderately managed forests were significant for all species groups, while the differences between moderately and intensively managed forests were significant only for total species number, and numbers of common and non-epigeic species. Our results showed also that in comparison of unmanaged and moderately managed forests, management effect was significant for species richness of all species groups except non-epigeic species, while in comparison of moderately and intensely managed forests, management rate remained significant only for total species richness and richness of common species. Also the species composition was affected by forest management. Only the compositions of unmanaged forest types were found to be significantly different between each other. In conclusion, even moderate management eliminates a significant number of bryophyte species, and the species composition of different forest types become more similar.  相似文献   

The pools of nitrogen in different blocks of forest ecosystems and its cycle in the soil are considered. It is shown that the bulk of nitrogen concentrates in the soil and dead organic matter (necromass) of an ecosystem. The nitrogen pool of forest litters and soils consists by 83–93% of the inert compounds that cannot be involved in the biological cycle. Mineralization of organic nitrogen-containing substances in the litters and soils usually yields ammonium as an end product. The amount of nitrogen mineralized over the growing season is partially expended for annual plant increment (30–65%) and immobilization (12–17%), with its large proportion being found in the soil.  相似文献   

Pygmy populations occupy a vast territory extending west-to-east along the central African belt from the Congo Basin to Lake Victoria. However, their numbers and actual distribution is not known precisely. Here, we undertake this task by using locational data and population sizes for an unprecedented number of known Pygmy camps and settlements (n = 654) in five of the nine countries where currently distributed. With these data we develop spatial distribution models based on the favourability function, which distinguish areas with favourable environmental conditions from those less suitable for Pygmy presence. Highly favourable areas were significantly explained by presence of tropical forests, and by lower human pressure variables. For documented Pygmy settlements, we use the relationship between observed population sizes and predicted favourability values to estimate the total Pygmy population throughout Central Africa. We estimate that around 920,000 Pygmies (over 60% in DRC) is possible within favourable forest areas in Central Africa. We argue that fragmentation of the existing Pygmy populations, alongside pressure from extractive industries and sometimes conflict with conservation areas, endanger their future. There is an urgent need to inform policies that can mitigate against future external threats to these indigenous peoples’ culture and lifestyles.  相似文献   

Forest openings, also known as glades, arise through a variety of mechanisms including disturbance (fire and blow downs) and local variation in soil or bedrock geology. They are common in many forest types and are often dominated by locally rare herbaceous species. Prescribed burning is increasingly used as a management approach for maintaining glades although little is known about the effects of fire on these habitats. Of particular concern is the potential for nutrient loss during and after fire because glades are often characterized by nutrient‐poor soils. We quantitated nutrient losses through combustion and leaching for glade and adjacent forest habitats subjected to a prescribed burn. Our findings suggest that spring burns do not result in appreciable loss of nutrient capital from glades in comparison with those observed in the surrounding forest. Fire resulted in a substantial loss of litter mass (37%) in the forest but no measurable loss in the glade. Nitrogen losses through combustion were significant in the forest and were equivalent to 4.5 years of atmospheric inputs. Fire significantly increased soil nitrate pools in forest but not in glade plots. No detectable increases in nitrogen, phosphorus, or base cation leaching were observed in either forest or glade habitats within 4 months after the burn. These findings suggest that plant and microbial nutrient uptake rapidly reestablish control over leaching losses when burns are conducted at the start of the growing season. Biotic retention minimizes fire impacts on nutrient loss from the ecosystem.  相似文献   

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