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《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):355-364
Background: The alpine treeline ecotone is regarded as a sensor of the effects of global change on alpine plant communities. However, little is known about how treeline dynamics influence the diversity and composition of alpine plant communities. Such information is necessary to forecast how ascending montane forests may affect the composition of alpine flora.

Aims: We analysed the temporal variations in tree cover, plant diversity and composition, and the effect of tree cover dynamics on field layer vegetation over a period of 11 years, at two alpine treeline ecotones in the central Pyrenees, Spain.

Methods: Tree and field layer vegetation was sampled in permanent transects in 1998 and 2009, using the point-intercept method. Temporal changes in tree cover, plant species richness and abundance were characterised along the ecotone by using a randomisation approach, rarefaction curves, and a non-parametric multivariate test, respectively.

Results: Tree cover increased significantly at one of the sites, whereas plant species richness only increased at the other site where tree cover had not changed. Vegetation composition changed significantly at both sites, but it was not spatially coupled with changes in tree cover along the ecotone.

Conclusions: A change of tree cover does not necessarily trigger changes in the ground flora at the treeline over relatively short periods (decade scale). The results challenge our ability to infer short-term biodiversity impacts from upslope advance of forests. Integrated tree and field layer monitoring approaches are necessary to produce a better understanding of the impact of ongoing global change on treeline ecotones.  相似文献   

Aims: The upper elevation limit of forest vegetation in mountain ranges (the alpine treeline ecotone) is expected to be highly sensitive to global change. Treeline shifts and/or ecotone afforestation could cause fragmentation and loss of alpine habitat, and are expected to trigger considerable alterations in alpine vegetation. We performed an analysis of vegetation structure at the treeline ecotone to evaluate whether distribution of the tree population determines the spatial pattern of vegetation (species composition and diversity) across the transition from subalpine forest to alpine vegetation. Location: Iberian eastern range of the Pyrenees. Methods: We studied 12 alpine Pinus uncinata treeline ecotones. Rectangular plots ranging from 940 to 1900 m2 were placed along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition, from closed forest to the treeless alpine area. To determine community structure and species distribution in the treeline ecotone, species variation along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition was sampled using relevés of 0.5 m2 set every 2 m along the length of each plot. Fuzzy C‐means clustering was performed to assess the transitional status of the relevés in terms of species composition. The relation of P. uncinata canopy cover to spatial pattern of vegetation was evaluated using continuous wavelet transform analysis. Results: Vegetation analyses revealed a large degree of uniformity of the subalpine forest between all treeline ecotone areas studied. In contrast, the vegetation mosaic found upslope displayed great variation between sites and was characterized by abrupt changes in plant community across the treeline ecotone. Plant richness and diversity significantly increased across the ecotone, but tree cover and diversity boundaries were not spatially coincident. Conclusions: Our results revealed that no intermediate communities, in terms of species composition, are present in the treeline ecotone. Ecotone vegetation reflected both bedrock type and fine‐scale heterogeneity at ground level, thereby reinforcing the importance of microenvironmental conditions for alpine community composition. Tree cover did not appear to be the principal driver of alpine community changes across the treeline ecotone. Microenvironmental heterogeneity, together with effects of past climatic and land‐use changes on ecotone vegetation, may weaken the expected correlation between species distribution and vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Aim Impacts of global change, such as land‐use and climate changes, could produce significant alterations in the elevational patterns of alpine tree line ecotones and their adjacent vegetation zones. Because the responses of the tree line to environmental variations are directly related to successful tree regeneration, understanding recruitment dynamics is an indispensable step in tree line research. We aimed to compare potential ecological limitations on recent tree line regeneration in undisturbed and disturbed sites by analysing the demographic structure and spatiotemporal patterns of recruits and large trees. Location Alpine tree line ecotones comprising Pinus uncinata in the Catalan Pyrenees (north‐east Spain) and Andorra. Methods We assessed the demographic structure and spatial pattern of recent recruitment using techniques of point‐pattern and autocorrelation analyses. A total of 3639 P. uncinata individuals were mapped, measured and aged at 12 sites. To evaluate the effects of past disturbances on recent tree line response we compared tree lines that had either been recently affected by human‐induced disturbances or had remained undisturbed for many years. Results The age structure of the tree lines, together with the lack of an age gap between seedlings and saplings, did not indicate recent episodes of high seedling mortality and suggest that recruitment has been frequent under current climate conditions. Seedlings appeared highly aggregated at short distances (up to 3 m), irrespective of disturbance history, and were spatially segregated with respect to large trees. However, we found no evidence of patches of even‐aged seedlings, and our results suggest that dispersal events at intermediate distances (10–17 m) may be frequent. Autocorrelation analyses revealed different patterns of density and age of recruits between disturbed and undisturbed tree lines, but the strength and small‐scale clustering of seedlings and saplings were very similar between sites. Main conclusions We found no recruitment limitation on recent tree line dynamics in the Pyrenees. Furthermore, processes affecting tree recruitment seem to be similar among populations regardless of their past disturbance regime. Our results suggest that constraints on tree line dynamics causing differential responses between sites may operate on older life stages and not upon recruits, and that such constraints may be more contingent on local site conditions than on disturbance history.  相似文献   

Background: Treeline ecotones represent environmental boundaries that fluctuate in space and time and thus induce changes in plant taxonomic and functional diversity.

Aims: To study changes through time in taxonomic and functional plant diversity patterns along the treeline ecotone.

Methods: In 2002, vegetation was sampled along a gradient from upper montane forest to the treeline–alpine transition in the South Ural Mountains, Russia. In 2014, vegetation was resampled and plant functional traits were collected. We studied spatial and temporal changes in plant species composition, functional composition and functional diversity.

Results: Species composition and diversity changed along the elevational gradient. The functional composition in height, leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content decreased with elevation, whereas functional composition of leaf carbon content increased. We found a temporal shift towards shorter plants with smaller leaves in treeline sites. Functional richness varied in several traits along the elevational gradient, while functional dispersion showed a trend towards increased functional dispersion in height, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen in the treeline–tundra transition.

Conclusions: Tree encroachment across the treeline ecotone has resulted in a shift in plant species relative abundances and functional diversity, possibly affecting plant community assembly patterns.  相似文献   

Aim Species richness and endemic richness vary along elevation gradients, but not necessarily in the same way. This study tests if the maxima in gamma diversity for flowering plants and the endemic subset of these plants are coherent or not. Location The study was conducted in Nepal, between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Methods We used published data on distribution and elevational ranges of the Nepalese flora to interpolate presence between maximum and minimum elevations. Correlation, regression and graphical analyses were used to evaluate the diversity pattern between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Results The interval of maximum species endemic to Nepal or the Himalayas (3800–4200 m) is above the interval of maximum richness (1500–2500 m). The exact location of maximum species density is uncertain and its accuracy depends on ecologically sound estimates of area in the elevation zones. There is no positive statistically significant correlation between log‐area and richness (total or endemic). Total richness is positively correlated with log‐area‐adjusted, i.e. estimated area adjusted for the degree of topographic heterogeneity. The proportion of endemic species increases steadily from low to high elevations. The peak in endemism (c. 4000 m) corresponds to the start of a rapid decrease in species richness above 4000 m. This may relate to the last glacial maximum (equilibrium line at c. 4000 m) that penetrated down to 2500–3000 m. This dynamic hard boundary may have caused an increase in the extinction rate above 4000 m, and enhanced the probability of isolation and facilitated speciation of neoendemics, especially among genera with a high proportion of polyploids. Main conclusions The results reject the idea of corresponding maxima in endemic species and species richness in the lowlands tentatively deduced from Stevens’ elevational Rapoport effect. They confirm predictions based on hard boundary theory, but hard‐boundaries should be viewed as dynamic rather than static when broad‐scale biogeographical patterns with a historical component are being interpreted.  相似文献   

生物多样性的空间分布及其相关机制一直是生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学研究的热点问题。山地生态系统生境异质性和生物多样性高, 适合研究生物多样性空间分布及其相关机制。喜马拉雅山脉位于青藏高原南缘, 是全球生态热点区域。其地形复杂, 海拔落差大(100-8,844 m), 具有明显的垂直气候带。本研究通过整合野外调查和文献资料, 系统地分析了10目23科160属313种喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性的垂直分布格局, 发现该区域哺乳动物总体及其子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局都为左偏倚的中峰格局, 物种多样性在海拔900-1,400 m之间最高, 不同物种子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局的模式有所不同。UPGMA聚类分析表明, 喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物群落沿海拔梯度可以划分为5个聚类簇(海拔100-1,500 m、1,500-2,000 m、2,000-3,000 m、3,000-4,200 m以及4,200-6,000 m的地区), 大致与该地区植被的垂直带分布相吻合。喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性在中低海拔最为丰富, 可能跟东洋界与古北界生物群扩散后的交汇地带相关。喜马拉雅山区贯通南北的沟谷是生物扩散和迁移的通道, 沟谷内水热资源较好, 气候稳定性高, 为高山生态系统内各种生物创造了栖息条件。综上, 喜马拉雅山沟谷地区是生物多样性热点地区, 也是生物扩散和交流关键的“生态走廊”, 应加强对喜马拉雅山沟谷地区的保护, 以维系该区域较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

Aim To explore species richness patterns in liverworts and mosses along a central Himalayan altitudinal gradient in Nepal (100–5500 m a.s.l.) and to compare these patterns with patterns observed for ferns and flowering plants. We also evaluate the potential importance of Rapoport’s elevational rule in explaining the observed richness patterns for liverworts and mosses. Location Nepal, Central Himalaya. Methods We used published data on the altitudinal ranges of over 840 Nepalese mosses and liverworts to interpolate presence between maximum and minimum recorded elevations, thereby giving estimates of species richness for 100‐m altitudinal bands. These were compared with previously published patterns for ferns and flowering plants, derived in the same way. Rapoport’s elevational rule was assessed by correlation analyses and the statistical significance of the observed correlations was evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. Results There are strong correlations between richness of the four groups of plants. A humped, unimodal relationship between species richness and altitude was observed for both liverworts and mosses, with maximum richness at 2800 m and 2500 m, respectively. These peaks contrast with the richness peak of ferns at 1900 m and of vascular plants, which have a plateau in species richness between 1500 and 2500 m. Endemic liverworts have their maximum richness at 3300 m, whereas non‐endemic liverworts show their maximum richness at 2700 m. The proportion of endemic species is highest at about 4250 m. There is no support from Nepalese mosses for Rapoport’s elevational rule. Despite a high correlation between altitude and elevational range for Nepalese liverworts, results from null simulation models suggest that no clear conclusions can be made about whether liverworts support Rapoport’s elevational rule. Main conclusions Different demands for climatic variables such as available energy and water may be the main reason for the differences between the observed patterns for the four plant groups. The mid‐domain effect may explain part of the observed pattern in moss and liverwort richness but it probably only works as a modifier of the main underlying relationship between climate and species richness.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of species has long sparked interest among ecologists and biogeographers, increasingly so in studies of species responses to climate change. However, field studies on spatial patterns of distribution, useful to inform conservation actions at local scales, are still lacking for many regions, especially the tropics. We studied elevational trends and species‐area relationships among anurans in wetland habitats within Volcanoes National Park (VNP) in Rwanda, part of the biodiverse Albertine Rift region. In VNP, wetlands are key sites for anuran reproduction, and anurans are likely threatened by wetland desiccation which has occurred for the last few decades. Between 2012 and 2017, we sampled anuran communities in ten VNP wetlands located along an elevational gradient of c. 600 m (from 2,546 to 3,188 m a.s.l.) and found at least eight species, including at least two Albertine Rift Endemics. We show that species richness, diversity, and abundance likely decline with a decrease in wetland size and with an increase in elevation, though additional sampling (e.g., at night) might be needed to derive definite conclusions. Larger wetlands at lower elevations contained most species and individuals, which indicates the potential threat of wetland size reduction (through desiccation) for anuran conservation. However, we also found that wetlands differed in species composition and that some species (e.g., Sclerophrys kisoloensis) were likely restricted in distribution to only a few of the smaller wetlands—suggesting that the conservation of each individual wetland should be prioritized, regardless of size. We propose that all wetlands in VNP require additional conservation measures, which should be based on knowledge gathered through long‐term monitoring of anuran communities and research on drivers of wetland decline. Only such extended research will allow us to understand the response of anurans in VNP to threats such as climate change and wetland desiccation.  相似文献   

Aim Increasingly, ecologists are using evolutionary relationships to infer the mechanisms of community assembly. However, modern communities are being invaded by non‐indigenous species. Since natives have been associated with one another through evolutionary time, the forces promoting character and niche divergence should be high. On the other hand, exotics have evolved elsewhere, meaning that conserved traits may be more important in their new ranges. Thus, co‐occurrence over sufficient time‐scales for reciprocal evolution may alter how phylogenetic relationships influence assembly. Here, we examined the phylogenetic structure of native and exotic plant communities across a large‐scale gradient in species richness and asked whether local assemblages are composed of more or less closely related natives and exotics and whether phylogenetic turnover among plots and among sites across this gradient is driven by turnover in close or distant relatives differentially for natives and exotics. Location Central and northern California, USA. Methods We used data from 30 to 50 replicate plots at four sites and constructed a maximum likelihood molecular phylogeny using the genes: matK, rbcl, ITS1 and 5.8s. We compared community‐level measures of native and exotic phylogenetic diversity and among‐plot phylobetadiversity. Results There were few exotic clades, but they tended to be widespread. Exotic species were phylogenetically clustered within communities and showed low phylogenetic turnover among communities. In contrast, the more species‐rich native communities showed higher phylogenetic dispersion and turnover among sites. Main conclusions The assembly of native and exotic subcommunities appears to reflect the evolutionary histories of these species and suggests that shared traits drive exotic patterns while evolutionary differentiation drives native assembly. Current invasions appear to be causing phylogenetic homogenization at regional scales.  相似文献   

Aim A global meta‐analysis was used to elucidate a mechanistic understanding of elevational species richness patterns of bats by examining both regional and local climatic factors, spatial constraints, sampling and interpolation. Based on these results, I propose the first climatic model for elevational gradients in species richness, and test it using preliminary bat data for two previously unexamined mountains. Location Global data set of bat species richness along elevational gradients from Old and New World mountains spanning 12.5° S to 38° N latitude. Methods Bat elevational studies were found through an extensive literature search. Use was made only of studies sampling  70% of the elevational gradient without significant sampling biases or strong anthropogenic disturbance. Undersampling and interpolation were explicitly examined with three levels of error analyses. The influence of spatial constraints was tested with a Monte Carlo simulation program, Mid‐Domain Null. Preliminary bat species richness data sets for two test mountains were compiled from specimen records from 12 US museum collections. Results Equal support was found for decreasing species richness with elevation and mid‐elevation peaks. Patterns were robust to substantial amounts of error, and did not appear to be a consequence of spatial constraints. Bat elevational richness patterns were related to local climatic gradients. Species richness was highest where both temperature and water availability were high, and declined as temperature and water availability decreased. Mid‐elevational peaks occurred on mountains with dry, arid bases, and decreasing species richness occurred on mountains with wet, warm bases. A preliminary analysis of bat richness patterns on elevational gradients in western Peru (dry base) and the Olympic Mountains, WA (wet base), supported the predictions of the climate model. Main conclusions The relationship between species richness and combined temperature and water availability may be due to both direct (thermoregulatory constraints) and indirect (food resources) factors. Abundance was positively correlated with species richness, suggesting that bat species richness may also be related to productivity. The climatic model may be applicable to other taxonomic groups with similar ecological constraints, for instance certain bird, insect and amphibian clades.  相似文献   

Microbial biogeography is gaining increasing attention due to recent molecular methodological advance. However, the diversity patterns and their environmental determinants across taxonomic scales are still poorly studied. By sampling along an extensive elevational gradient in subarctic ponds of Finland and Norway, we examined the diversity patterns of aquatic bacteria and fungi from whole community to individual taxa across taxonomic coverage and taxonomic resolutions. We further quantified cross‐phylum congruence in multiple biodiversity metrics and evaluated the relative importance of climate, catchment and local pond variables as the hierarchical drivers of biodiversity across taxonomic scales. Bacterial community showed significantly decreasing elevational patterns in species richness and evenness, and U‐shaped patterns in local contribution to beta diversity (LCBD). Conversely, no significant species richness and evenness patterns were found for fungal community. Elevational patterns in species richness and LCBD, but not in evenness, were congruent across bacterial phyla. When narrowing down the taxonomic scope towards higher resolutions, bacterial diversity showed weaker and more complex elevational patterns. Taxonomic downscaling also indicated a notable change in the relative importance of biodiversity determinants with stronger local environmental filtering, but decreased importance of climatic variables. This suggested that niche conservatism of temperature preference was phylogenetically deeper than that of water chemistry variables. Our results provide novel perspectives for microbial biogeography and highlight the importance of taxonomic scale dependency and hierarchical drivers when modelling biodiversity and species distribution responses to future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, elevational gradients have become a powerful tool with which to understand the underlying cause(s) of biodiversity. The Mt. Wilhelm elevational transect is one such example, having been used to study the birds, insects, and plants of Papua New Guinea (PNG). However, a survey of mammals from this forest elevational transect was lacking. We thus aimed to investigate patterns in the community structure and species richness of bats (Chiroptera) along the transect, link the species to available regional data, and explain the observed patterns by including environmental characteristics. Bat assemblages were surveyed between 200 m and a timberline at 3700 m a.s.l. at eight study sites separated by 500 m in elevation. We conducted mist-netting and acoustic surveys to detect and identify species at each site. Regional data were compiled to compare local with regional diversity. Finally, biotic (i.e., food availability, habitat features) and abiotic (i.e., mean daily temperature) factors were included in our analyses to disentangle the ecological drivers underlying bat diversity. Results revealed that species richness decreases with ascending elevation and was best explained by a corresponding decrease in temperature. We observed both turnover and nestedness of the species composition at regional scale whereas turnover was dominant at local scale. Extensions and shifts of bat elevational ranges were also found in Mt. Wilhelm. Consequently, despite that the study was restricted to one mountain in PNG, it demonstrates how basic inventory surveys can be used to address ecological questions in other similar and undisturbed tropical mountains.  相似文献   

不同区域典型树木的空间分布格局及关联性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以温带长白山(CBS)、暖温带关帝山(GDS)、亚热带黑石顶(HSD)样地监测数据为基础,采用成对相关函数g(r)分析了3个样地共有的3科(松科、壳斗科、蔷薇科)树木的空间分布格局及其关联性.结果表明:不同样地3科树木分布数量及结构特征存在差异.松科在GDS分布数量较多,呈双峰型径级结构,在CBS和HSD分布数量少,径级结构近似正态分布;壳斗科在CBS和GDS分布数量少,分别呈双峰型和偏正态径级结构,在HSD分布数量多,呈倒"J"型径级分布;蔷薇科在GDS分布数量多,呈"L"型径级分布,在CBS和HSD分布相对较少,径级结构分别呈倒"J"型和"L"型分布.3科树木空间分布格局在不同样地表现也不同,松科的大径级个体在CBS和GDS小尺度上呈均匀分布,在HSD呈聚集分布,中、小径级在3个样地均呈聚集分布;壳斗科在CBS以大径级个体为主,呈近似随机分布,在GDS和HSD以中、小径级为主,呈聚集性分布格局;蔷薇科在3个样地均为聚集分布.3科树木的聚集程度均随尺度增加而降低.大径级的壳斗科个体在CBS和HSD与松科呈不相关或小尺度负相关关系,中、小径级的壳斗科在CBS和GDS与松科呈负相关关系,但在HSD与松科表现为正相关;松科与蔷薇科在3个样地均表现为负相关;中、小径级的壳斗科与蔷薇科在CBS和GDS呈正相关关系,但在HSD呈负相关关系.总之,3科树木空间分布格局及关联性随径级、尺度而变化且在不同样地内有不同表现.  相似文献   

Research on species richness patterns and the advanced elevational Rapoport rule (ERR) has been widespread in recent years; however, there is a lack of such research for the temperate mountainous regions in northeast Asia. Here, we collected plant species from the Seorak Mountain in northeast Asia through field surveys. The species were divided into 11 groups according to the life‐form types and phytogeography affinities of each species. The ERR was evaluated using Steven''s method and by examining the species richness patterns of each group. The species richness patterns revealed a positive multimodal pattern along the elevation gradient, but phytogeography affinities (increasing trend) and life‐form analysis (unimodal) exhibited different patterns. The elevation gradients (1,350 m for the mean elevation–range relationships), which are affected by the boundary effect and different life forms, did not consistently support the ERR. However, herbs as well as rare, endemic, and red list species showed consistent support for the ERR, which could be attributed to the influence by phytogeography affinities. Therefore, the results from Seorak Mountain showed that the ERR was not consistent for different plant life forms in the same area; however, phytogeography affinities could support and explain ERR.  相似文献   

Plant species richness of twenty old-growth forest reserves in the cool-temperate zone in the Kanto region, Japan were investigated to detect the effect of forest fragmentation. The species richness of trees and forest floor plants were analyzed by multiple regression models relating to nine variables on the characteristics of landscape, local habitat and forest stand. The total species diversity did not have a significant correlation with any variables of landscape patterns. In this study, single large reserve in the SLOSS discussion did not seem very effective to preserve more species. However, forest reserves in large patches tend to have relatively infrequent species. Large patches of natural forests were regarded as one of the important factors to preserve infrequent species.  相似文献   

Higher tree species richness generally increases the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, less attention is paid to the influence of varied tree species composition on SOC storage. Recently, the perspectives for the stronger persistence of SOC caused by the higher molecular diversity of organic compounds were proposed. Therefore, the influences of tree species richness and composition on the molecular diversity of SOC need to be explored. In this study, an index of the evenness of diverse SOC chemical components was proposed to represent the potential resistance of SOC to decomposition under disturbances. Six natural forest types were selected encompassing a diversity gradient, ranging from cold temperate to tropical forests. We examined the correlations of tree species richness, composition, and functional diversity, with the evenness of SOC chemical components at a molecular level by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. Across the range, tree species richness correlated to the evenness of SOC chemical components through tree species composition. The negative correlation of evenness of SOC chemical components with tree species composition, and the positive correlation of evenness of SOC chemical components with tree functional diversity were found. These indicate the larger difference in tree species composition and the lower community functional diversity resulted in the higher heterogeneity of SOC chemical components among the communities. The positive correlation of the evenness of SOC chemical components with the important value of indicator tree species, further revealed the specific tree species contributing to the higher evenness of SOC chemical components in each forest type. Soil fungal and bacterial α-diversity had effect on the evenness of SOC chemical components. These findings suggest that the indicator tree species conservation might be preferrable to simply increasing tree species richness, for enhancing the potential resistance of SOC to decomposition.  相似文献   

Sean O'Donnell 《Biotropica》2017,49(5):665-674
Mixed‐species assemblages can involve positive and negative interactions, but uncertainty about high‐value patchy resources can increase the value of information sharing among heterospecific co‐foragers. I sampled species composition of bird‐flocks attending army‐ant raids in three adjacent elevation zones in Costa Rica, across multiple years, to test for positive and negative associations among raid‐attending bird species. My goal was to test whether the most frequent and specialized raid‐attending species showed evidence of facilitating or excluding other bird species. I quantified elevational variation in avian community composition at raids, then asked whether species composition was associated with variation in flock characteristics (flock size and species richness). I identified the most frequent raid‐attending species (those that attended raids most frequently relative to their mist‐net capture rates), and bird species that performed specialized army ant‐following behavior (bivouac‐checking, which allows birds to memorize and track mobile army‐ant colonies). There was significant turnover of bird species among zones (including the frequent and specialized attendants); patterns of species overlap suggested a gradual transition from a Pacific‐slope to an Atlantic‐slope raid‐attending bird fauna. Raid‐attendance frequency was positively correlated with bivouac‐checking behavior. With few exceptions, the most frequent raid‐attending bird species, and the bivouac‐checking species, also participated in the most species‐rich flocks. High species‐gregariousness suggests many of the frequently attending and/or bivouac‐checking species functioned as core flock members. However, some bird species pairs were significantly negatively associated at raids. Despite species turnover, per‐flock numbers of birds at raids did not differ among geographic zones, but flocks on the Pacific‐slope were heavier because larger bodied bird species attended raids. Previous studies showed that the size (biomass) of bird‐flocks corresponds to the amount of food the birds kleptoparasitize from ant raids, and the heavier Pacific‐slope bird‐flocks could have greater negative kleptoparasitic impacts.  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局一直是生态学和生物地理学研究的一个热点问题。山地生态系统的生境异质性和物种多样性高, 适合研究物种多样性空间分布格局及其相关机制。2016年11月至2017年11月, 本研究选取秦岭南坡陕西洋县辖区作为研究区域, 采用样线法、红外相机法和笼捕/夹捕法, 系统分析了8目21科48种哺乳动物物种多样性的空间分布格局。研究结果发现秦岭南坡洋县辖区哺乳动物物种丰富度的空间分布格局大致是中南部低, 北部和东部高; 物种多样性指数大致是中南部和北部低, 东部高。啮齿类动物和非啮齿类动物的空间分布格局存在差异。哺乳动物物种丰富度和多样性指数的垂直分布格局都符合中峰模式, 但啮齿类动物和非啮齿类动物间存在差异。最优线性模型结果表明, 研究地区哺乳动物物种多样性的空间分布格局受到多种环境因素的共同影响。其中, 年均温与物种多样性的相关性最强, 在6个最优线性模型中贡献都是最大。综上, 秦岭南坡洋县辖区中高海拔区域的物种多样性较高, 应加强对中高海拔地区的保护, 以维系该区域较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

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