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表面等离子共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)技术旨在检测物体表面附近折射率的变化,其特点是无标记、实时、灵敏和快速,该技术多用于研究分子的相互作用,包括动力学、效率常数和大分子构象变化等。电化学(electrochemical,EC)技术是一项用于定性定量研究电子转移、物质氧化还原、界面吸附等过程的成熟技术,具有简单、低成本和设备小型化的优点。现有的DNA杂交技术,例如光学、电化学或压电转导技术,主要关注于提高DNA杂交检测系统的选择性和灵敏度。传统的SPR在DNA分析方面,由于无法测量折射率的极小变化而在超灵敏检测中的应用受到限制。因此,随着纳米材料的研发和联用技术的飞速发展,SPR与EC联用的生物传感器研究越来越成为人们关注的热点。近年来,关于SPR和EC联用在DNA检测方面的综述鲜有报道。对SPR和EC检测DNA的技术原理、联用方法、应用进展等方面作出了简要的介绍,以期为表面等离子共振和电化学联用的DNA传感器相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

表面等离子体共振技术在分子生物学中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
表面等离子体共振(SPR)技术可以实时、原位地测定生物分子间的相互作用而无需任何标记,可以连续监测吸附和解离过程,并可以进行多组分复合物的相互作用的研究。SPR技术在DNA的复制和转录、DNA的修复、核酸与药物的作用以及肽库和抗体库的筛选等分子生物学领域的应用研究取得了令人瞩目的进展,显示了常规技术无法比拟的优越性。  相似文献   

表面等离子体共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)技术作为一种新型的免标记、实时在线研究生物分子间相互作用的高灵敏传感技术,已经在生命科学领域中得到了大量应用。该文简要介绍了SPR生物传感器的基本原理,重点评述了其在新药筛选和药物作用机制方面的研究进展,并对其前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用表面等离子体共振仪检测黄瓜花叶病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究一种便捷、高效地检测黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)的方法。方法:利用表面等离子体共振(SPR)技术检测CMV。首先用11-MUA修饰SPR金片,再用EDC/NHS活化,之后通过NHS酯基与CMV抗体结合,用BSA封闭未结合的NHS酯基。将SPR金片装入SPR仪,通入待检样品,通过折射率变化实时监测实验过程。结果:该方法检测CMV的灵敏度能够达到10ng/mL,具有良好的特异性,与同属的花生矮化病毒、番茄不孕病毒无交叉反应。结论:建立的SPR方法操作简单、灵敏度高、特异性好,是一种新的高效检测CMV的方法。  相似文献   

表面等离子体激元共振与生物分子相互作用分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对表面等离子体激元共振(surface plasmon resonance, SPR)的原理和在生物学研究方面的应用进行了综述.这种技术可以直接原位、实时地跟踪生物学实验研究系统,而不需要附加参数如进行标记等手段,具有高敏感性,也可以连续监测吸附或解吸附过程,目前有关的应用涉及到生物学结合分析、动力学及亲和力测定、免疫识别研究、结构与活性研究和核酸研究等多个领域.  相似文献   

目的:筛选与禽流感病毒基质蛋白M1相互作用的蛋白。方法:表达禽流感病毒基质蛋白M1,经Ni^2+柱亲和层析纯化,用表面等离子体共振(SPR)技术捕获BHK-21细胞裂解液中与M1相互作用的细胞蛋白,并进行质谱分析。结果:获得了纯度在85%以上的基质蛋白M1,并利用此蛋白捕获到宿主细胞肌球蛋白重链6。结论:肌球蛋白重链6与禽流感病毒基质蛋白M1可能存在体外相互作用。  相似文献   

基于表面等离子共振的适配体传感器是利用适配体进行高特异性、高灵敏度、高通量检测的新型生物传感器。我们在简要阐述适配体的筛选方法、偶联技术及适配体传感器工作原理的基础上,结合最新的研究结果,对基于表面等离子共振的适配体传感器在生物活性小分子检测、传染病检测、肿瘤标志物检测、食品安全监测等方面的应用研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

生物分子的活性功能是通过分子之间的相互作用来体现的,了解这种相互作用的过程对于生命科学领域的研究及揭示生命发生发展的基本机制具有重要的意义。基于表面等离子共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)的新型生物传感技术——BIAcore(biomolecular interaction analysis)是研究生物分子相互作用的理想工具。它可以实时跟踪检测生物分子间结合、解离的整个过程,已被广泛应用于蛋白质组学、信号转导、新药开发、遗传学分析和食品检测等领域,并且显示出广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对一种新兴生物检测方法——表面等离子体波共振(SPR)技术,文中SPR传感系统采用偏振干涉和角度调制方案,使SPR传感灵敏度与光复反射系数的模和相位都相关,从而实现较大线形范围内的高灵敏测量。同时开展了该SPR传感系统在环保领域的应用研究,SPR共振信号可实时随甲烷含量线性改变,气体检测灵敏度达到1 070ppm,实验结果验证了这种SPR传感技术的检测性能并显示了其在环保监测领域的应用潜力。  相似文献   

五种SPR传感芯片的再生制备及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于表面等离子体共振技术(surface plasmon resonance, SPR)的生物传感器,能够实时监测生物分子间的相互作用,且无需标记,已被广泛应用于蛋白质组学、药物研发、临床诊断、食品安全和环境监测等领域,并且显示出广阔的应用前景。传感芯片是Biacore系列仪器的核心部件,目前芯片只能从Biacore公司购买,价格昂贵,导致很多仪器利用率低下,资源处于闲置状态。阐述了用于Biacore系列仪器的五种传感芯片(J1,C1,CM5,SA和NTA芯片)的再生制备方法,并列举了应用实例,制备方法操作简单,成本低廉。通过多年的改进与优化,制备的芯片能够达到Biacore芯片同等品质。此方法的推广,将有助于推动表面等离子共振技术在各个领域的广泛应用。  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the first polyindole-modified metal (Au) as a glucose sensor utilizing surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique. Polyindole (PIn) was deposited by spin coating to modify the surface of the gold disk. Sensor surface was prepared by immobilizing glucose oxidase on the polyindole-modified gold disk. Different concentrations of glucose were taken to analyze the sensor response. A change in refractive index of the film was observed due to the chemical reactions of glucose with glucose oxidase. The response of the sensor is fast and highly sensitive to low concentrations of glucose and the sensitivity increases in the range of 0.075–0.5 μM. The use of Au/polyindole (PIn/Au) substrates for SPR-based study of bio-molecular sensing has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rough silver core-shell nanoparticle with strong electric field enhancement in the vicinity of a bumpy structure on the silver core-shell surface is reported. A dipolar plasmonic mode of the silver nanoshell is investigated by using the quasi-static approach and plasmon hybridization theory, which analytical results identify the electric field enhancement spectra in which the enhancement is optimized. As the silver shell thickness is small, the hot spots play an important role in the plasmonic field enhancement. In addition, the deposition of a rough silver shell can generate a stronger near-field enhancement near the silver surface which is more desirable than that of a smooth silver shell for sensitive detection based on SPR and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The plasmonic field enhancement of a bumpy silver core-shell nanoparticle permits the detection and characterization of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein molecule and hemoglobin solution with a high sensitivity.  相似文献   

We propose a highly sensitive novel diamond ring fiber (DRF)-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor for refractive index sensing. Chemically active plasmonic material (gold) layer is coated inside the large cavity of DRF, and the analyte is infiltrated directly through the fiber instead of selective infiltration. The light guiding properties and sensing performances are numerically investigated using the finite element method (FEM). The proposed sensor shows a maximum wavelength and amplitude interrogation sensitivity of 6000 nm/RIU and 508 RIU?1, respectively, over the refractive index range of 1.33–1.39. Additionally, it also shows a sensor resolution of 1.67 × 10?5 and 1.97 × 10?5 RIU by following the wavelength and amplitude interrogation methods, respectively. The proposed diamond ring fiber has been fabricated following the standard stack-and-draw method to show the feasibility of the proposed sensor. Due to fabrication feasibility and promising results, the proposed DRF SPR sensor can be an effective tool in biochemical and biological analyte detection.  相似文献   

We describe a temperature-regulated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging biosensor in this article. The sample temperature can be regulated for specific requirements of the bioaffinity sensing, and stabilized to suppress the measurement noise caused by temperature fluctuations. The water thermo optic coefficient is measured to test the temperature regulation performance. The protein interaction is monitored to demonstrate the feasibility of this system for real-time biomolecular interaction analysis. This temperature-regulated SPR imaging biosensor can be readily implemented by adding the common water path and peristaltic pump to the conventional SPR imaging system, which may provide an economical and convenient scheme to improve the analysis accuracy and quality of bioaffinity sensing using SPR sensing platform.  相似文献   

This article presents a concise review of preparation methods for transparent nanostructured films, with an emphasis on their current applications in transmission-localized surface plasmon resonance (T-LSPR) sensing. One of the first methods used for the fabrication of transparent nanostructured metal films is a direct vacuum evaporation of thin gold films. Self-induced formations of small gold islands result in transparent nanostructured gold arrays. The most well-established method is a nanosphere lithography developed by Van Duyne. Nanotriangular island arrays with controlled size and optical properties can be fabricated by this protocol. A different nanolithography method known as focused ion beam milling is reported and used for the fabrication of nanohole arrays. Simple assembly of solution-phase synthesized nanoparticles has also been utilized for the preparation of nanoparticle arrays capable of T-LSPR sensing. Lastly, this article also describes a new preparation strategy, in which self-assembly/thermolysis of nanoparticle multilayers is employed to obtain transparent nanoisland architectures on glass substrates.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - This article explores the effect of sensing performances with subject to change in different types of material and this study is carried out by the support of plasmon-coated photonic...  相似文献   

Yuan  Liming  Liao  Jianming  Ren  Aobo  Huang  Cheng  Ji  Chen  Wu  Jiang  Luo  Xiangang 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2021,16(4):1165-1174

Due to the advantage of improving the sensing performance, narrow-band metamaterial perfect absorbers (MPAs) have attracted much attention in the sensor field. Here, we propose an ultra-narrow-band infrared absorber (UNBIRA) based on localized surface plasmon resonance. The peak absorption of the UNBIRA exceeds 99% with the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 1.94 nm and 6.32 nm for transverse electric (TE) wave and transverse magnetic (TM) wave in 1.5–1.8 μm. The corresponding Q-factors for TE wave and TM wave are 817 and 266, respectively. When used as an infrared refractive index sensor, the sensitivity of UNBIRA is as high as 1632.5 nm/RIU for TE wave and 1647.5 nm/RIU for TM wave. Accordingly, the figure of merits (FOMs) of 816.2/RIU for TE wave and 260.7/RIU for TM wave are achieved. This UNBIRA possesses a simple geometry structure and an excellent sensing performance, implying a great potential for application of ultra-narrow infrared sensing or detecting.


The simian virus 40 (SV40) genome is a model system frequently employed for investigating eukaryotic replication. Large T-antigen (T-ag) is a viral protein responsible for unwinding the SV40 genome and recruiting necessary host factors prior to replication. In addition to duplex unwinding T-ag possesses G-quadruplex DNA helicase activity, the physiological consequence of which is unclear. However, formation of G-quadruplex DNA structures may be involved in genome maintenance and function, and helicase activity to resolve these structures may be necessary for efficient replication. We report the first real-time investigation of SV40 T-ag helicase activity using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In the presence of ATP, T-ag was observed to bind to immobilized single-stranded DNA, forked duplex DNA, and the human telomeric foldover quadruplex DNA sequence. Inhibition of T-ag duplex helicase activity was observable in real-time and the intramolecular quadruplex was unwound.
Wendi M. DavidEmail:

SPR技术在免疫学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面等离子共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)技术是研究生物分子相互作用的强有力工具之一,该技术使生物分子之间相互作用的实时检测成为可能,并且灵敏度高、无需标记.通过分析传感图谱及分子相互作用的响应值获取分子相互作用的模式和动力学常数等方面的信息,并且获得的信息是能够定性和定量.SPR技术现在已广泛应用于生物、化学、免疫学研究及新药开发等领域.本文主要就SPR技术在免疫学研究中抗体活性检测、抗原表位预测等方面的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor is a promising technology for its various advantages including the real-time measurement of biomolecular interactions without labeling. A method of hybridizing RNAs on the surface of the streptavidin-coated (SA) sensor chip to study RNA-protein interactions was described in this paper. In our study, it has been shown that the nucleocapsid (N) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has a high binding affinity for the leader sequence of SARS-CoV genome. Effect of temperature on the RNA-DNA hybridization was also examined. This method can provide the affinity of interactions with high sensitivity. Therefore, it will be useful in screening binding candidates for a given RNA target motif with one chip.  相似文献   

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