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Based on the electron-transport properties on the reducing side of the reaction center, photosystem II (PS II) in green plants and algae occurs in two distinct forms. Centers with efficient electron-transport from QA to plastoquinone (QB-reducing) account for 75% of the total PS II in the thylakoid membrane. Centers that are photochemically competent but unable to transfer electrons from QA to QB (QB-nonreducing) account for the remaining 25% of total PS II and do not participate in plastoquinone reduction. In Dunaliella salina, the pool size of QB-nonreducing centers changes transiently when the light regime is perturbed during cell growth. In cells grown under moderate illumination intensity (500 E m-2s-1), dark incubation induces an increase (half-time 45 min) in the QB-nonreducing pool size from 25% to 35% of the total PS II. Subsequent illumination of these cells restores the steady-state concentration of QB-nonreducing centers to 25%. In cells grown under low illumination intensity (30 µE m–2s–1), dark incubation elicits no change in the relative concentration of QB-nonreducing centers. However, a transfer of low-light grown cells to moderate light induces a rapid (half-time 10 min) decrease in the QB-nonreducing pool size and a concomitant increase in the QB-reducing pool size. These and other results are explained in terms of a pool of QB-nonreducing centers existing in a steady-state relationship with QB-reducing centers and with a photochemically silent form of PS II in the thylakoid membrane of D. salina. It is proposed that QB-nonreducing centers are an intermediate stage in the process of damage and repair of PS II. It is further proposed that cells regulate the inflow and outflow of centers from the QB-nonreducing pool to maintain a constant pool size of QB-nonreducing centers in the thylakoid membrane.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - PS photosystem - QA primary quinone electron acceptor of PS II - QB secondary quinone electron acceptor of PS II - LHC light harvesting complex - Fo non-variable fluorescence yield - Fpl intermediate fluorescence yield plateau level - Fmax maximum fluorescence yield - Fi mitial fluorescence yield increase from Fo to Fpl(Fpl-Fo) - Fv total variable fluorescence yield (Fmax-Fo) - DCMU dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea  相似文献   

The abundance of photosystem II in chloroplast thylakoid membranes has been a contentious issue because different techniques give quite different estimates of photosystem II titer. This discrepancy led in turn to disagreements regarding the stoichiometry of photosystem II to photosystem I in these membranes. We believe that the discrepancy in photosystem II quantitation is resolved by evidence which shows that a large population of photosystem II centers with negligible turnover rates are present in isolated thylakoid membranes as well as in normally developed leaves of healthy plants.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the photosystem II (PS II) centers which are inactive in plastoquinone reduction, the initial variable fluorescence rise from the non-variable fluorescence level Fo to an intermediate plateau level Fi has been studied. We find that the initial fluorescence rise is a monophasic exponential function of time. Its rate constant is similar to the initial rate of the fastest phase (-phase) of the fluorescence induction curve from DCMU-poisoned chloroplasts. In addition, the initial fluorescence rise and the -phase have the following common properties: their rate constants vary linearly with excitation light intensity and their fluorescence yields are lowered by removal of Mg++ from the suspension medium. We suggest that the inactive PS II centers, which give rise to the fluorescence rise from Fo to Fi, belong to the -type PS II centers. However, since these inactive centers do not display sigmoidicity in fluorescence, they thus do not allow energy transfer between PS II units like PS II.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - DMQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - Fo initial non-variable fluorescence yield - Fm maximum fluorescence yield - Fi intermediate fluorescence yield - PS II photosystem II - QA primary quinone acceptor of PS II - QB secondary quinone acceptor of PS II  相似文献   

Light, controls the “blueprint” for chloroplast development, but at high intensities is toxic to the chloroplast. Excessive light intensities inhibit primarily photosystem II electron transport. This results in generation of toxic singlet oxygen due to impairment of electron transport on the acceptor side between pheophytin and QB -the secondary electron acceptor. High light stress also impairs electron transport on the donor side of photosystem II generating highly oxidizing species Z+ and P680+. A conformationsl change in the photosystem II reaction centre protein Dl affecting its QB-binding site is involved in turning the damaged protein into a substrate for proteolysis. The evidence indicates that the degradation of D1 is an enzymatic process and the protease that degrades D1 protein has been shown to be a serine protease Although there is evidence to indicate that the chlorophyll a-protein complex CP43 acts as a serine-type protease degrading Dl, the observed degradation of Dl protein in photosystem II reaction centre particlesin vitro argues against the involvement of CP43 in Dl degradation. Besides the degradation during high light stress of Dl, and to a lesser extent D2-the other reaction centre protein, CP43 and CP29 have also been shown to undergo degradation. In an oxygenic environment, Dl is cleaved from its N-and C-termini and the disassembly of the photosystem II complex involves simultaneous release of manganese and three extrinsic proteins involved in oxygen evolution. It is known that protein with PEST sequences are subject to degradation; D1 protein contains a PEST sequence adjacent to the site of cleavage on the outer side of thylakoid membrane between helices IV and V. The molecular processes of “triggering” of Dl for proteolytic degradation are not clearly understood. The changes in structural organization of photosystem II due to generation of oxy-radicals and other highly oxidizing species have also not been resolved. Whether CP43 or a component of the photosystem II reaction centre itself (Dl. D2 or cy1 b559 subunits), which may be responsible for degradation of Dl, is also subject to light modification to become an active protease, is also not known. The identity of proteases degrading Dl, LHCII and CP43 and C29 remains to be established  相似文献   

EPR measurements on inside-out thylakoids revealed that salt-washing, known to inhibit oxygen evolution and release a 23 and a 16 kDa protein, induced a Signal IIf and decreased the EPR signal from state S2. Readdition of the released 23 kDa protein restored the oxygen evolution and decreased the Signal IIf, but did not relieve the decrease in the state S2 signal. It is suggested that salt-washing inhibits the electron transfer from the oxygen-evolving site to Z, the physiological donor to P680. In inhibited photosystem II units lacking Signal IIf, Z+ is rapidly reduced, possibly by a modified S-cycle unable to evolve oxygen.  相似文献   

Spinach plants were treated with 0.35 ppm ozone and the photochemical activity of photosystem II determined after separation from the isolated chloroplasts using digitonin. Ozone impaired the activity of the system and also reduced the amount of β-carotene in the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The question of plastoquinone (PQ) concentration and its stoichiometry to photosystem I (PSI) and PSII in spinach chloroplasts is addressed here. The results from three different experimental approaches were compared. (a) Quantitation from the light-induced absorbance change at 263 nm (A263) yielded the following ratios (mol:mol); Chl:PQ=70:1, PQ:PSI=9:1 and PQ:PSII=7:1. The kinetics of PQ photoreduction were a monophasic but non-exponential function of time. The deviation of the semilogarithmic plots from linearity reflects the cooperativity of several electron transport chains at the PQ pool level. (b) Estimates from the area over the fluorescence induction curve (Afl) tend to exaggerate the PQ pool size because of electron transfer via PSI to molecular oxygen (Mehler reaction) resulting in the apparent increase of the pool of electron acceptors. The reliability of the Afl method is increased substantially upon plastocyanin inhibition by KCN. (c) Quantitation of the number of electrons removed from PQH2 by PSI, either under far-red excitation or after the addition of DCMU to preilluminated chloroplasts, is complicated due to the competitive loss of electrons from PQH2 to molecular oxygen. The latter is biphasic reaction occurring with half-times of about 2 s (30–40% of PQH2) and of about 60 s (60–70% of PQH2).Abbreviations Afl area over the fluorescence induction curve - Chl chlorophyll - Cyt cytochrome - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - PQ plastoquinone - PS photosystem - P700 reaction center of PSI - Q primary quinone acceptor of PSII - Tricine N-tris (hydroxymethyl) methyl glycine - Triton X-100 octyl phenoxy polyethoxyethanol  相似文献   

AtCYP38 is a thylakoid lumen protein comprising the immunophilin domain and the phosphatase inhibitor module. Here we show the association of AtCYP38 with the photosystem II (PSII) monomer complex and address its functional role using AtCYP38-deficient mutants. The dynamic greening process of etiolated leaves failed in the absence of AtCYP38, due to specific problems in the biogenesis of PSII complexes. Also the development of leaves under short-day conditions was severely disturbed. Detailed biophysical and biochemical analysis of mature AtCYP38-deficient plants from favorable growth conditions (long photoperiod) revealed: (i) intrinsic malfunction of PSII, which (ii) occurred on the donor side of PSII and (iii) was dependent on growing light intensity. AtCYP38 mutant plants also showed decreased accumulation of PSII, which was shown not to originate from impaired D1 synthesis or assembly of PSII monomers, dimers and supercomplexes as such but rather from the incorrect fine-tuning of the oxygen-evolving side of PSII. This, in turn, rendered PSII centers extremely susceptible to photoinhibition. AtCYP38 deficiency also drastically decreased the in vivo phosphorylation of PSII core proteins, probably related to the absence of the AtCYP38 phosphatase inhibitor domain. It is proposed that during PSII assembly AtCYP38 protein guides the proper folding of D1 (and CP43) into PSII, thereby enabling the correct assembly of the water-splitting Mn4–Ca cluster even with high turnover of PSII.  相似文献   

The precursor to the nuclear-coded 17 kDa early light-inducible protein (ELIP) of pea has been transported into isolated intact chloroplasts. The location of the mature protein in the thylakoid membranes was investigated after using cleavable crosslinkers such as DSP and SAND in conjunction with immuno-fractionation methods and by application of mild detergent fractionation. We show that ELIP is integrated into the membranes via the unstacked stroma thylakoids. After isolation of protein complexes by solubilization of membranes with Triton X-100 and sucrose density-gradient centrifugation the crosslinked ELIP comigrates with the PS II core complex. Using SAND we identified ELIP as a 41–51 kDa crosslinked product while with DSP four products of 80 kDa, 70 kDa, 50–42 kDa and 23–21 kDa were found. The immunoprecipitation data suggested that the D1-protein of the PS II complex is one of the ELIP partners in crosslinked products.Abbreviations chl chlorophyll - D1 herbicide-binding protein - DSP dithiobis-(succinimidylpropionate) - ELIP early light-inducible protein - LHC I and LHC II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex associated with photosystem I or II - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - poly(A)-rich RNA polyadenyd mRNA - PS I and PS II photosystems I and II - SAND sulfosuccinimidyl 2-(m-azido-o-nitro-benzamido)-ethyl-1,3-dithiopropionate - Triton X-100 octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation and turnover of the D1 protein in vivo were studied under low-temperature photoinhibition of pumpkin leaves and under subsequent recovery at low light at 4 °C or 23 °C. The inactivation of PS II and photodamage to D1 were not enhanced during low-temperature photoinhibition when compared to that at room temperature. The PS II repair cycle, however, was completely blocked at 4 °C at the level of D1 degradation. Both the recovery of the photochemical activity of PS II and the degradation of the damaged D1 protein at low light at 23 °C were delayed about 1 hour after low-temperature photoinhibition, suggesting that in addition to the decrease in catalytic turnover of the enzyme, the protease was specifically inactivated in vivo at low temperature. The effect of low temperature on the other regulatory enzymes of PS II repair, protein kinase and phosphatase [Rintamäki et al. (1996) J Biol Chem 271: 14870-14875] was variable. The D1 protein kinase was operational at low temperature while dephosphorylation of the D1 protein seemed to be completely inhibited during low temperature treatment. Under subsequent recovery conditions at low light and 23 °C, the high phosphorylation level of D1 was sustained in leaf discs photoinhibited at low temperature, despite the recovery of the phosphatase activity. This high phosphorylation level of D1 was due to the persistently active kinase. The D1 kinase, previously shown to get activated by reduction of plastoquinone, was, however, found to be maximally active already at relatively low redox state of the plastoquinone pool. We suggest that phosphorylation of PS II centers increases the stability of PS II complexes and concomitantly improves their survival under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine, phenothiazine and trifluoperazine, known as calmodulin antagonists, inhibit electron transport in Photosystem II of spinach chloroplasts in concentrations from 20–500 μM. The inhibition site is located on the diphenyl carbazide to indophenol pathway in Tris-treated chloroplasts, indicating that water oxidation is not affected by these drugs. Ca2+ ions, bound to chloroplast membranes before the addition of calmodulin antagonists, can protect against inhibition up to 25% of the electron transport rate. In presence of A23187, the Ca2+-specific ionophore, Ca2+ ions provide less protection against inhibition by the 3 calmodulin antagonists used. A possible role of a calmodulin-like protein in spinach chloroplasts is postulated.  相似文献   

The quenching of Photosystem II (PS II) chlorophyll fluorescence by oxidised plastoquinone has been used in an attempt to determine their relative distribution in the partition zone and stroma-exposed thylakoid membranes. Thus, the PS II-plastoquinone interaction was determined in stacked (2.5 mM MgCl2) and largely unstacked (0.25 mM MgCl2) membranes. A method to correct for spillover or other quenching changes at the different MgCl2 concentrations, which would compete with the plastoquinone-induced quenching, was devised utilising the quinone dibromothymoquinone. This compound is demonstrated to behave as an ideal (theoretically) PS II quencher at both high and low MgCl2 concentrations, which indicates that it distributes itself homogeneously between partition zone and stroma-exposed membrane regions. In passing from the stacked to the unstacked configuration, the PS II-plastoquinone interaction decreases less than the PS II-dibromothymoquinone interaction. This is interpreted to mean that plastoquinone is present in both the partition zone and stroma-exposed membranes, with somewhat higher concentrations in the stroma-exposed membranes. Thus, plastoquinone is well placed to transport reducing equivalents from the partition zones to the stroma-exposed membranes.  相似文献   

The PsbS protein is a critical component in the regulation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in higher plant photosynthesis. Electron microscopy and image analysis of grana membrane fragments from wild type and mutant Arabidopsis plants showed that the semi-crystalline domains of photosystem II supercomplexes were identical in the presence and absence of PsbS. However, the frequency of the domains containing crystalline arrays was increased in the absence of PsbS. Conversely, there was a complete absence of such arrays in the membranes of plants containing elevated amounts of this protein. It is proposed that PsbS controls the macro-organisation of the grana membrane, providing an explanation of its role in NPQ.  相似文献   

A fifteen minute incubation of spinach chloroplasts with the divalent Ca2+ chelator, EGTA, in concentrations 50–250 μM, inhibits electron transport through both photosystems. All photosystem II partial reactions, including indophenol, ferricyanide and the DCMU-insensitive silicomolybdate reduction are inhibited from 70–100%. The photosystem II donor reaction, diphenyl carbazide → indophenol, is also inhibited, indicating that the inhibition site comes after the Mn2+ site, and that the first Ca2+ effect noted (site II) is not on the water oxidation enzyme, as is commonly assumed, but between the Mn2+ site and plastoquinone A pool. The other photosystem II effect of EGTA (Ca2+ site I), occurs in the region between plastoquinone A and P700 in the electron transport chain of chloroplasts. About 50% inhibition of the reaction ascorbate + TMPD → methyl viologen is given by incubation with 200 μM EGTA for 15 min. Ca2+ site II activity can be restored with 20 mM CaCl2. Ca2+ site I responds to Ca2+ and plastocyanin added jointly. More than 90% activity in the ascorbate + TMPD → methylviologen reaction can be restored. Various ways in which Ca2+ ions could affect chloroplast structure and function are discussed. Since EGTA is more likely to penetrate chloroplast membranes than EDTA, which is known to remove CF1, the coupling factor, from chloroplast membranes, and since Mg2+ ions are ineffective in restoring activity, it is concluded that Ca2+ may function in the electron transport chain of chloroplasts in a hitherto unsuspected manner.  相似文献   

We have measured the flash-induced absorbance difference spectrum attributed to the formation of the secondary radical pair, P+Q, between 270 nm and 1000 nm at 77 K in photosystem II of the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium, Acaryochloris marina. Despite the high level of chlorophyll d present, the flash-induced absorption difference spectrum of an approximately 2 ms decay component shows a number of features which are typical of the difference spectrum seen in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms containing no chlorophyll d. The spectral shape in the near-UV indicates that a plastoquinone is the secondary acceptor molecule (QA). The strong C-550 change at 543 nm confirms previous reports that pheophytin a is the primary electron acceptor. The bleach at 435 nm and increase in absorption at 820 nm indicates that the positive charge is stabilized on a chlorophyll a molecule. In addition a strong electrochromic band shift, centred at 723 nm, has been observed. It is assigned to a shift of the Qy band of the neighbouring accessory chlorophyll d, ChlD1. It seems highly likely that it accepts excitation energy from the chlorophyll d containing antenna. We therefore propose that primary charge separation is initiated from this chlorophyll d molecule and functions as the primary electron donor. Despite its lower excited state energy (0.1 V less), as compared to chlorophyll a, this chlorophyll d molecule is capable of driving the plastoquinone oxidoreductase activity of photosystem II. However, chlorophyll a is used to stabilize the positive charge and ultimately to drive water oxidation.  相似文献   

The origination of the peak at 730 nm in the delayed fluorescence (DF) spectrum of chloroplasts was studied using various optical analysis methods. The DF spectrum showed that the main emission peak was at about 685 nm, with a small shoulder at 730 nm when the chloroplast concentration was < 7.8 microg/mL. The intensity of the peak at 685 nm decreased, while the intensity of the peak at 730 nm increased, when the chloroplast concentrations were increased from 7.8 to 31.2 microg/mL. With the concentration increasing, the peak at 730 nm became dominant while the peak at 685 nm finally disappeared. The DF decay kinetic curves showed that the intensity of the peak at 730 nm decayed as the same speed as the intensity of the peak at 685 nm during the entire relaxation process (0.5-30.5 s). With the excitation wavelength at 685 nm, the emission intensity was stronger in the excitation spectrum at 730 nm. The absorption spectrum demonstrated that the ratio A(685):A(730) remained almost constant when the chloroplast concentration increased. The results suggest that the peak at 730 nm appearing in DF is mainly contributed by the fluorescence of photosystem I (PSI), generated by the re-absorption of 685 nm band DF.  相似文献   

A wide range of values for the photosystem II to photosystem I stoichiometry have been reported. It is likely that some of this variation is due to measurement artifacts, which are discussed. Careful measurements of photosystem II reactions by absorption change at 325 nm, and flash yields of oxygen evolution, of protons from oxidation of water and of reduction of dichloroindophenol give equivalent results. Stoichiometries other than 1:1 are routinely found, and they vary with growth conditions as well as plant type. Two atrazine binding sites are found for every photosystem II reaction center that is active in oxygen evolution.  相似文献   

The possible functions of a light-induced electron transfer to oxygen in the photosynthetic electron transport chain of higher plant chloroplasts are considered. The thermodynamic preconditions, as well as the experimental data about the participations of ferredoxin, the components of photosystems I and II, and plastoquinone in oxygen reduction are examined. It is concluded that, even in the presence of ferredoxin and ferredoxin + NADP+, oxygen reduction is carried out mainly by the membrane-bound carriers of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. The hypothesis is put forward that most superoxides, which are produced by reduction of O2 molecules by the intramembrane components of the acceptor side of photosystem I, are reduced within the membrane by the plastohydroquinone molecules to the hydrogen peroxide. It is assumed that the H2O2 molecules that originate as the result of this process serve for signaling about the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2008, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 137–144.  相似文献   

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